18.05.2004 Sarajevo, UNITIC

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

Tourists Interested In Low Cost Flights

High Representative and Deputy Foreign Minister Lidija Topic today completed a successful presentation in Berlin where they spoke to representatives of the German travel industry. Berlin is the third leg of the tour; the High Representative and the Foreign Minister held similar presentations in The Hague on Saturday and in Stockholm yesterday.

In each of these capitals the BiH delegation, which consists of three tourism experts as well as the High Representative and the Foreign Minister, has been asked about initiatives to begin low cost flights to BiH. Several tourism industry representatives have indicated that there is sufficient demand from markets in Europe to visit BiH, and the region, to justify more flights.

Industry representatives have also expressed an interest in developing BiH’s spa tourism sector.

Tomorrow the delegation is in Paris and is in London on Thursday.

The trip is focusing on changing still common, and very damaging, misperceptions about BiH. The High Representative is highlighting the progress that has been made in stabilizing the BiH economy, in making its institutions work more effectively and in fostering the country’s integration in Euro-Atlantic structures.

Maintaining international confidence in BiH is crucial in ensuring that the peace implementation process sustains momentum. In addition, translating BiH’s tourism potential into foreign exchange earnings and new jobs can play a key role in this country’s long-term economic development.

You can get updates of events and meeting each day from Kevin Sullivan who is accompanying the High Representative during these visits.