Christian Schwarz-Schilling in Brussels
As we speak, Christian Schwarz-Schilling is addressing the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament in his capacity as EU Special Representative on the second day of his two-day visit to Brussels.
Yesterday, as you are all aware, he addressed a joint session of NATO’s North Atlantic Council and the European Union’s Political and Security Policy Committee at NATO Headquarters in the morning, together with NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana. In the afternoon, he also had talks with Doris Pack, chair of the European Parliament’s South East Europe Delegation, and Javier Solana.
In his address to the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, the EU Special Representative is addressing four issues: the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina following the 1 October elections; police reform; constitutional reform; and the transition from the Office of the High Representative to the Office of the EU Special Representative.
Mr Schwarz-Schilling is presenting his analysis of the elections, pointing out that it will take time for coalitions and governments to be formed and stressing that what is important is the reform agenda.
Concerning police reform, he expects the Police Directorate to finalise its report by the end of November on the basis of the three EC principles on police reform, namely no political interference with operational policing; all legislative and budgetary competencies for all police matters must be vested at the State level; and functional local police areas must be determined by technical policing criteria, where operational command is exercised at the local level.
Concerning constitutional reform, Mr Schwarz-Schilling is explaining to the Foreign Affairs Committee that those parties that supported the April reform package appeared to have the necessary two-thirds majority in parliament to adopt it.
Mr Schwarz-Schilling is expressing his desire to see the April reform package, whose development was facilitated by the United States, adopted as soon as possible and for it to be the first step towards a broader constitutional reform process.
He is also explaining how as EU Special Representative he intends to work together with the United States to facilitate this process in the future, since the best recipe for success is a joint approach European and American approach.
Concerning transition, Mr Schwarz-Schilling is telling the Foreign Affairs Committee that, despite risks, he continues to believe in the principle of ownership and is working towards the closure of the Office of the High Representative on 30 June next year.
There would be a review of the situation next year to determine which international instruments were still needed to help Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to achieve progress.
The EU Special Representative is explaining that the Western Balkans remains a strategic priority for the European Union and the European Security and Defence Policy and that a full analysis of the situation would have to be carried out before it is possible to discuss possible reductions to EUFOR.
Good morning on behalf of the Tribunal.
ICTY President, Judge Fausto Pocar, submitted yesterday to the UN General Assembly the 13th Annual report of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
In his remarks President Pocar stressed that the Tribunal has in the last year pushed forward a number of innovative reforms to increase the efficient disposal of trials and appeals, despite the challenges it has faced. He predicted that at the current rate, all trials of accused now in the custody of the Tribunal are scheduled would be completed by the end of 2009.
However, Pocar expressed deep concern over the fact that six accused are still at large, Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić in particular. He said the Tribunal must not close its doors before these accused are brought to justice.
Pocar stressed that the capacity of the Tribunal to complete its mandate in accordance with the set target dates hinges significantly upon the co-operation of all States now, specifically those in the region. He assessed that Republika Srpska had made no progress towards locating Radovan Karadžić. He also reminded that the authorities of Serbia unfortunately had not achieve any progress in locating, arresting and surrendering Ratko Mladić.
Pocar further informed the General Assembly that the ICTY had increased its involvement in the region through working visits and training programs to enhance the judicial and prosecutorial capacity of national jurisdictions, as it is the national courts that will continue the work of the Tribunal in trying perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
President Pocar concluded by emphasising that the Tribunal is absolutely committed to doing all within its power to meet its obligations under the Completion Strategy while upholding norms of due process.
The integral written report, which has 26 pages, is available in English and French on the ICTY website.
That is all from me today, thank you for your attention.
No statement.