Open competition for appointments to posts for judges and prosecutors in the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the FBiH Supreme Court, the FBiH Prosecutor’s Office, the RS Constitutional Court, the RS Supreme Court and the Office of the RS Prosecutor will close on October 4th, 2002.
These posts were opened for competition by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Federation BiH late August 2002. However, interest is not high as it was initially expected.
“I am disappointed that the number of applications received is still low. This is the start of a process that will create a fully independent judiciary, run by the legal profession itself,” said Judge Jan Erik Oja, President of the HJPCs. “It represents a historic opportunity for the judiciary of this country: to break free from political control. I hope, therefore, that there will be a significant increase in the number of applications during the next few days. The posts announced vacant are well paid and in the highest courts and prosecutor’s offices in the country and the posts should be attractive for competent jurists. Sitting judges, except those in the constitutional courts, and all prosecutors will also have to apply if they want to keep their posts, and all applicants will be treated equally.”
In order to qualify for appointment to a judicial or prosecutorial office, a person has to meet the basic criteria: to be a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina; to be a graduate from law school in BiH or the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), or from another law school provided that the diploma issued from that law school has been validated in accordance with the law; to have passed a bar examination administered in BiH or in SFRY; to have fulfilled the minimum number of years of practical experience required for each post.
For more information please contact the HJPCs Spokesperson, Sanela Tunovic, on ++387/ 061 131 785 or ++387/(0) 33 445 216 ext. 205.