Reconstruction & Return Task Force
Would like to inform you that…
In case you have returned to your pre war house and you have submitted the request for the reconnection of your phone within 3 months of the day of your return, you have to know that:
- If you had a phone before the war, the post office has to reconnect you and for this they are not allowed to charge you more then 50 DM.
- If you were at your house during the war period and your phone line was switched off or given to somebody else for use, the post office has to reconnect you for free.
- You also have to know that you do not have to pay the phone bills for the period of your absence from the house or apartment.
- If you still have not return, you should know/remember that you have to submit your request in time of 3 months from the day of return – otherwise you will pay the full price.
You have to keep in your mind that first you have to contact PTT with request for the reconnection of your phone line.
If you have any problems with reconnection of your phone line you can contact your closest Legal Aid Center.