The High Representative is in Brussels today where this evening he will meet with the European Unions High Representative, Javier Solana and the Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn. The High Representative will attend these meetings together with BiH Prime Minister Adnan Terzic.
The meetings will discuss the current situation in BiH following the RSNA’s vote on police restructuring which has stalled further negotiations with the EU on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement. EU Foreign Ministers meeting in Luxembourg yesterday again highlighted the necessity for an agreement on police reform in order for the opening of negotiations of an SAA to be considered.
Today’s meetings will examine the consequences of the RSNA’s decision, and the future implications that BiH’s isolation in the region will bring. They will note that the current position taken by the RS government is not risk free, and that it will bear consequences in terms of the EU’s policy and in its plans for economic assistance in BiH, and the RS in particular.
Debate will also focus on future policy in the case that the RS government is willing to resume talks on police restructuring in accordance with the EU’s three principles – that presuppose that policing regions cross the IEBL in order to meet the criteria.
The HR will underline that – despite the events of the past few weeks – the mood of the populous hasn’t changed. He will note that opinion polls consistently show that the vast majority of the population wish to see an increase in EU engagement in the country. In the case that the RS government moves ahead with police restructuring, today’s meetings will look at ways to unblock the current impasse.