18.03.2005 OHR Sarajevo

Police Restructuring Webpage Launched

The Office of the High Representative today launched a new webpage that provides comprehensive information on the police restructuring process. The webpage brings together all the core documents related to the work of the Police Restructuring Commission, including the Commission’s conclusions and recommendations, and reviews the options open to BiH as it moves away from a fractured and fundamentally inefficient police system to one that meets European standards and begins to guarantee the personal security of every citizen.

The European Commission has made it clear that if BiH wants to begin negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement, police restructuring must ensure that

  • All legislative and budgetary competencies are vested at the state level.
  • Police services are based on geographical regions drawn up to ensure maximum efficiency; and
  • Political interference in policing in BiH is eliminated.

The new webpage is designed to contribute to and stimulate the public debate on police restructuring.

The webpage can be accessed at the OHR website: https://www.ohr.int.