
OHR Local News Issues, 7 Aug 1997


Sarajevo/Lukavica – The first part of the Presidency session was held in Lukavica today. The CoM session also took place in Lukavica as well as the separate meetings between US diplomats Holbrooke and Gelbard with the members of Presidency and CoM. As for the Presidency session, the main subjects were deadlines from Sintra and technical design of BiH currency. Because of disagreement on this matters, the Presidency session should continue later on this evening in Sarajevo. There was no information published about the Holbrooke and BiH authorities meeting. The CoM again discussed subjects of Law on Citizenship, and Law on Travelling Documents. the Arbitrage of the OHR is asked for regarding the Law on Citizenship, and concerning the Law on Travelling Documents, the discussion should carry on tomorrow. After the meeting of CoM and the US diplomats, the CoM chairman Silajdzic said that the international delegation made it clear that everyone expects the fulfilment of previously agreed, or otherwise the international aid will not be realised. Silajdzic also said that if nothing was agreed regarding the passports problem, the OHR arbitrage will be asked for this matter too.

Sarajevo – OHR acclaimed yesterday’s agreement of Izetbegovic and Tudjman. OHR spokesman Haselock said that the Office is encouraged with a fact that the agreement was signed without participation of the US Envoy Holbrooke. Haselock said that the refugee return is the key problem of the DPA, and that the signers of the agreement pointed out the necessity of common life, saying that such a thing is not possible without the refugee return.

Travnik – German Envoy for Refugees, Marschlee, visited Middle Bosnian canton in order to discuss the refugee return problem with the canton Mayor. The visit also resulted with a warning not to deny the right to return or otherwise the IC aid will not be realised. After the meeting, Marschlee went to Jajce in order to discuss the same problem with local authorities.

Mostar – All of six joint police precincts are functional in Her/Ner canton area. The beginning of the refugee return should be expected after today’s public presentation of a document created by UNHCR, regional OHR, and authorised canton ministries. The document concern the process of refugee return, and express the readiness of local authorities to do as much as they can in order to enable the refugee return. By this document, the UNHCR took the part of helping in reconstruction of damaged residential objects, while city authorities are obliged to provide permanent and safe residences for the returnees.

Tesanj – After a week, the Federal Prime Minister Bicakcic visited Tesanj again. The aim of his first visit was to establish the Law on New Municipalities creation, but at that occasion, dissatisfied locals made a road block. The analysis of the last week events was the only subject of today’s special Municipality Council session. At the meeting, the disagreement came out between local police authorities and Bicakcic. The disagreement was caused by the opinion of canton councillors and police authorities who made an impression that Bicakcic came to release them of their duties. The Federal delegation said that they did not come to replace anyone, but to determine the factual conditions, and to act in accordance to that. The final decisions were that the blocking the roads are not the good way to solve things, and that today’s coming of the Federal delegation did intend to create any conflicts.

Zepce – The special three days period for registration in Zepce begins today. The revival of the registration process was caused by manipulations of those present in regular registration term, and who caused the cancelling of 4300 Croats registrations. OSCE spokeswoman Drawson said that all potential voters who lived outside Zepce from the July 31 1996 do not have the right to vote in Zepce, and their appeals will not be accepted.

Pale – As reported by SRNA the RS President Plavsic announced the premature elections in this entity that are supposed to be held from 10 – 12 October, this year.

Summary SRT TV News

Banja Luka – President Plavsic met an EU delegation from Luxembourg and talked about the current situation in the RS. Plavsic said that she provided them with information so that the IC could adopt a fair approach towards the RS.

Plavsic also met the head of USAID, and discussed reconstruction of infrastructure and development of small businesses. Plavsic’s assistant for economic issues said that the RS hopes that the US will be more involved in reconstruction of RS and be more present in the country.

The 11th session of the Parliament which should be held on Aug. 8 is postponed for seven days, Klainic said, because of a funeral of the SRS (Serb Radical Party) MP Rakic.

Lukavica – SRT commented that US, dissatisfied with the implementation of the DPA in which they invested huge financial resources, does not mind doing anything in order to achieve their goals. HR Westendorp obviously did not meet the US high standards so he is marked as Carl Bildt’s weak successor. But while the State Department is accusing Westendorp, he is enjoying his vacation. Therefore, US had to react quickly so it sent the former US Special Envoy for Implementation of the DPA as well as the current one. Old-new Holbrooke should revive the DPA and inject a new dose of dynamism into the process.

Holbrooke and Gelbard met the joint Presidency, and then held separate meetings with each one of the three Presidents. They talked about Jajce and Vogosca incidents, adoption of various laws and the work of the joint institutions. The meeting with Krajisnik started at 18:00 and wasn’t over by the time SRT sent this report. Since there was no agreement on the above issues, the Presidency should meet at about 21:30 to continue its work. Holbrooke and Gelbard also met the CoM, and discussed adoption of the Citizenship Law and Law on Passports. The CoM could not reach an agreement either, and they will continue their discussion on Friday morning. HR Senior Deputy Wagner also attended the sessions.

RS Foreign Minister Buha gave an interview to Belgrade papers Blic, saying that Plavsic has become deeply involved with one part of the IC which threatens, blackmails, and intends to reintegrate the RS into a unitary BiH. He asked Plavsic if she realised that she had started a fight against crime in RS supported by high-ranking criminals whose main aim is the destruction of the RS. Plavsic’s accusation targeted against Krajisnik and Kijac (they are responsible for incidents that occurred after SFOR action in Prijedor) are yet another link in the chain of her irrational policy. Commenting on Holbrooke’s visit, Buha said that ‘Holbrooke is known as a robust or unscrupulous person, and he is not a player who could achieve anything anymore. The US Envoy is Gelbard, whereas Holbrooke will arrive, furiously visit everybody, and leave. We know that we cannot accept anything which is not in line with the DPA. The implementation must be carried out slowly because all three sides and the IC have experience in the implementation.’

Pale – The RS Government held its session and discussed a number of issues and laws such as the issue on establishment of a fund for financing RS municipalities, issue on electric energy, the education situation, reconstruction of facilities for refugees, etc.

President of the Constitutional Court, Mijanovic convened a public discussion with regard to Plavsic’s dissolution of the Parliament and scheduling pre-term elections, to be held in Pale on Aug. 12.

Brcko – Supervisor Farrand confirmed that none of the Muslim returnees has accepted the RS documents. The majority of returnees live in Brka and Omerbegovaca, and only 20% of them have really returned.

Austrian and German media reported that world powers are considering the establishment of a DPA 2 now more than ever, which would definitely divide BiH into three national states.