
OHR BiH Weekend Round-up, 31/7-1/8/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Reactions to Blaskic

Accident near Zenica

Nobilo on Blaskic case

New audit reports

Powell in BiH

New audit reports

New audit reports

Tihic on his initiative

Fires inPortugal

RS on Tihic’s initiative

RS on Tihic’s initiative

Stojcic on Tihic

Gas explosion in Belgium

ICTY update

Terzic on ITA

ITA Steering Board mtg



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Powell in Sarajevo

Powell in Sarajevo

Powell in Sarajevo

Mile Pejcic arrested

Release of A. Furundzija

Mile Pejcic arrested

Mile Pejcic arrested

Powell in Sarajevo

HR in BiH till Nov 2005

Request of RS Trade Union

Nobilo on Blaskic case

Opening of chapel

New conflicts in Iraq

Social situation in FBiH

New audit reports

Problems of workers in RS



Ministry responsible for loss of 7.6 million KM?; Temporary release for all except Valentin Coric?

Dnevni Avaz

Ashdown: I will stay in by November 2005; Powell arrives in Sarajevo today

Dnevni List

Rebic and SIS were obstructing Blaskic’s defence

Vecernji List

Greece is concerned about terrorists from BiH

Slobodna Dalmacija

RS is building highway towards Split

Nezavisne novine

A truck ran over a mother and two children; SDA, SNSD and SDP would win the most of votes; Brigadier Sifet Podzic: BiH soldiers will do their jobs well in Iraq

Glas Srpske

Two [pension] checks in September; Report was sent to four addresses


They do not trust to the Court in Sarajevo



Powell: US army stays in BiH long-term

Dnevni Avaz

Powell: BiH’s place is in NATO and EU; Hadzipasic: No outstanding pensions by the end of year; Zigic: Unsuccessful attempts of resistance to LNM

Dnevni List

Jelic ordered explosions and robberies

Vecernji List

Powell with BiH Presidency

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headlines

Political developments

Colin Powell in BiH, meets BH Presidency, Terzic, Ivanic, Ashdown
























RHB Sat, Oslobodjenje Sun cover page, pg 3 ‘US army stays in BiH long term’, Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 2 ‘Satisfaction with NATO’s HQ’ – On Saturday US State Secretary Colin Powell arrived in Sarajevo, where he met with the members of the BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic, Borislav Paravac and Dragan Covic, Council of Ministers chairman Adnan Terzic and Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic. The BiH delegation informed the US secretary of state about the progress of reforms which have been underway, and emphasized the need for help in the apprehension of war crimes suspects. BiH officials expressed pleasure that the NATO HQ would remain in BiH. Powell said that the USA will remain firmly present in BiH also via the NATO HQ which is going to help with, among other things, defence reforms and the apprehension of war crimes suspects. “We intend to stay here as long as our presence is necessary,” Powell told. He also met with the HR Paddy Ashdown.

FTV Sat At the press conference held after all the meetings, Powell stated on reforms process: “Progress can be slow and frustrating, and although there are many challenges left, it is clear that all crucial reforms are being implemented in relevant areas such as defence, intelligence services, customs, taxes, and there is a commitment to fight corruption.” 

Dnevni Avaz Sun cover page, pg 2 ‘BiH’s place is in NATO and EU’ by S. Numanovic, Dnevni List Sunday pg 3 ‘USA remains in BiH as long as it is necessary’, mentioned on cover, not signed, Vecernji List Sunday front pg ‘Powell with BiH Presidency’ and pg 3 ‘USA will help BiH in capturing of war criminals and terrorists’ by D. Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija Sunday pg 7 ‘USA in BiH as long as it is necessary’ by E. Felic “The future of BiH is to be completely integrated in Euro-Atlantic integration such as the EU and NATO. If you want to achieve this goal it is necessary that you are completely dedicated to political, economic and defence reforms,“ stated Powell. The dailies say that Powell gave full credit to High Representative Paddy Ashdown on his determined steps taken in sanctioning of RS obstructionists who endanger the future of BiH. Powell also added that the US Government has full confidence in moves taken by Ashdown.

BHTV 1 Sat On issue of war crimes, Powell stated: “We want to arrest war criminals as soon as possible; I would liked if that had happened several years ago. I hope that those supporting such persons are aware of the risk for future of their country.” Powell stressed that the cooperation with ICTY is BiH’s precondition for accession to both NATO and PfP.

RTRS Sat – Powell welcomed the last decision of Paddy Ashdown to remove 59 officials in RS.

Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 3 ‘Lateness in implementing reforms must not be allowed’ by fena – During their meeting, both HR Paddy Ashdown and US State Secretary Colin Powell agreed that the “peace in BiH is becoming increasingly entrenched.” The HR briefed Secretary Powell on recent political developments, and the Secretary of State welcomed the start of the process to modernise BiH’s police forces through the Police Reform Commission. “Building up the recently reformed OSA, the SIPA and the Security and Justice Ministries must be our focus now,” Ashdown said. Both Ashdown and Powell noted the obligation of all BiH authorities, including the RS, to fully cooperate with the The Hague Tribunal.

RTRS Sat, BHTV 1 Sat, Oslobodjenje Sun pg 3 “Leave past behind you’’, Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 3 ‘Responsibility towards country and people’ by M. Drinjakovic  – During the meeting with BiH youth and students, US State Secretary Colin Powell welcomed the decision of the BiH authorities to send demining team to Iraq. “I thanked them on their willingness to establish a unit to be deployed to Iraq in order to help citizens of Iraq to establish democracy. It presents a symbol of BiH maturity and its readiness to take part in the international coalition” said Powell.

RHB Fri, Oslobodjenje Sat pg 3, Dnevni Avaz Sat cover, pg 2, Nezavisne Novine Sat pg 3 carry announcement of Powell’s visit to BiH.

RS Council of Peoples and RSNA fail to reach consensus on changing RS name


BHTV 1 Fri, FTV Fri, RTRS Fri, Oslobodjenje Sat pg 4 ‘RS Constitutional Court brings final opinion’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, pg. 4 ‘RS NA Declaration before the Constitutional Court’ by V. P., Glas srpske, Saturday, pg. 3 ‘As the Court says’ by G. Dakic – A joint Commission of RS Council of Peoples and RS NA on Friday failed to reach a consensus regarding the RS NA Declaration on initiatives on disputing of constitutionality and name of RS. Bosniak delegates in the RS Council of Peoples filed a request for the protection of vital national interest because of these laws and Declaration on the initiatives regarding the name of RS. In accordance with the legal procedure, the issue has been forwarded to the RS Constitutional Court .

Paravac: Tihic lost political compass


RTRS Fri, Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 4 ‘Paravac: Tihic lost political compass’ by Onasa“[Sulejman] Tihic’s announcement that he would file a request for a change of the name of the Republika Srpska indicates that he has lost his political compass and that he has been misusing his position as Presidency chairman with the aim of promoting his party’s programme,” reads a statement issued by Borislav Paravac, member of the Presidency. It goes on to say that a proposal would be made to the BiH Parliamentary Assembly that it launch the procedure of endorsing the bill on the BiH Constitutional Court as soon as possible which will include establishment of the council for the protection of national interests. “It is evident that Chairman Sulejman Tihic and his followers have been using the BiH Constitutional Court to change the constitution of BiH and the constitutions of its entities,” reads the statement, adding that the BiH Constitutional Court is the only BiH institution in which consensus is not envisaged.

Vecernji List Sunday pg 2 ‘Bosniaks will block national consensus in Constitutional Court’ by E. Medunjanin – After summer vacation Serb representatives in the state Parliament will launch the initiative for adoption of Law on the BiH Constitutional Court by which a new way of decision-making in this body would be regulated. VL says that the Serb representatives decided to take this step because of fear that the BiH Constitutional Court might positively respond to the announced demands of Sulejman Tihic.

RTRS int with Tihic on his initiative


RTRS Fri by Aida HalilovicSulejman Tihic, chairman of the BiH Presidency, has stated that he will make the final decision on initiating the procedure for the assessment of the constitutionality of the name of the Republika Srpska once he has considered the legal basis and potential political consequences of such a decision. He adds some of the representatives in the republican parliament were politicizing this issue in view of the election campaign, stressing that has been repeating the requests for the reexamination of the constitutionality of the Law on the Insignia of the RS] for several years now, and only now have these requests been condemned in the RS. “And it was precisely because of the lack of understanding and the campaign against it, as well as the creation of a negative atmosphere and attitude towards me that I have started thinking about this other initiative and the possible consequences,” said Tihic in an telephone interview to RTRS. If the Bosniaks and Croats are equal in the RS, as its constitution says, Tihic said that he did not understand why that equality should not be expressed through the insignia. He emphasized that the symbol of one people could not be the symbol of the other two peoples. Tihic reiterated that he had also requested that the insignia in the FBiH change: “I have never in my life done anything that would harm the Serb people nor will I do so in the future, you can be certain of that. I therefore completely reject the accusations that some of the RS politicians have made. My goal is to help the democratization of the RS, so that it becomes a multiethnic entity in which human rights and freedoms are observed and in which full ethnic equality is secured.” Tihic says that a bill on national insignia should be passed because he believes that the name of no town, canton, or entity should contain ethnic elements

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Name Republika Srpska is contrary to Europe convention on human rights’ by Aj.D. – Similar statements to the report given above were also made by Tihic in an interview to DA.

Stojicic on Tihic’s initiative


Glas Srpske – Glas Plus, Saturday, cover and pg. 2 ‘We are our own greatest enemies’ by Gojko Dakic and Vukan Dubocanin, also carried by Oslobodjenje Sun pg 5 ‘Serb people will never allowed being robbed of symbols’ – In a page-long interview, RS NA Chairman Dusan Stojicic stated: ‘Serb people in RS will never accept Sulejman Tihic or anyone else to deprive them of their insignia or anything else that has represented their national identity for centuries. Such a political engineering of SDA leader is very dangerous for the Dayton BiH and I believe the BiH Constitutional Court would reject Tihic’s initiative on changes to the coat of arms, flag and hymn of RS’. He also commented the removal of 59 officials in RS, possible removal of SDA Ministers, arresting of war criminals, Resolution on Cooperation with ICTY and future of SDS. The inset ‘Fear’ reads: ‘Ashdown’s removals have produced until now the greatest institutional and political crisis in RS and also, what cannot be seen, an additional level of fear and mistrust both within public officials and people. In shortest, a feeling of helplessness before such decisions has been created in public’.

RTRS Fri In the opinion of Dusan Stojcic Tihic’s initiative regarding the name of RS is unconstitutional. “I am talking about the fact that the name of RS is a constitutional category according to the BiH Constitution and I think that everyone who think that he could formalize such initiative… must face the fact that he will be proclaimed a person violating BiH Constitution”.

Ashdown says political turmoil in RS is pre-election game


Dnevni Avaz Sat cover page ‘Ashdown: I will stay till November 2005’, pg 5 ‘I’ll stay in BiH till November 2005’ by Sead Numanovic – In an interview to daily, the High Representative Paddy Ashdown was asked to comment current political turmoil in Republika Srpska: “I am afraid that these all are typical pre-election games. All three sides quite intentionally try, on the wings of nationalism, to take as much as they can. They simply compete how is bigger victim, which directly damages reforms process. Nationalist parties play they nationalists games, and reforms suffer. This endangers BiH’s road to Europe and NATO in long-term.”

Ashdown: I will stay in BiH till November 2005


Dnevni Avaz Sat cover page ‘Ashdown: I will stay till November 2005’, pg 5 ‘I’ll stay in BiH till November 2005’ by Sead Numanovic – In an interview to daily, the High Representative Paddy Ashdown announces that while his mandate ends in May 2005, he will stay in BiH till November 2005 upon the request by the international community. On the future of international presence in BiH, Ashdown says: Europe will be more and more present, EUFOR’s coming and EU gets bigger role… When this country makes two historic steps – negotiations on Stabilisation and Accession Agreement, and admission to Partnership for Peace – many things will drastically change. Than, this country will be on irreversible road to statehood and Europe… At the last session of the Peace Implementation Council it was concluded that if this speed is maintained and if the laws are implemented, we could start with SAA negotiations in the spring next year.” Ashdown was also asked to explain what is the focus of OHR’s work: “We are working to ensure that reforms are continued and that things adopted as the legislation on this way are implemented… I can say that this will be our priority in upcoming period… Laws have been adopted, some institutions established, and now we will make sure that they function. In that sense I will just mention establishment of functioning, in full meaning of the word, Council of Ministers with all its departments, BiH Statistics Agency, SIPA, ITA, BiH Court’s Council for war crimes…” 

RHB Sat, RTRS Sat, Vecernji List Sunday pg 15 ‘In BiH by end of 2005’ by H – Media carried the parts of the interview which say that Ashdown will stay in BiH by November 2005.

Update to change of names of 13 RS towns and municipalities

BHTV 1 Fri Bosniak delegates in the RS Council of Peoples will present their position on the law on territorial organisation of the RS, which has changed the names of 13 RS municipalities that contained the prefix “Serb” only after the receive the adopted law, RS Council of Peoples Chair Remzija Kadric said.  “Current names of disputable 13 [towns and] municipalities should be changed back into ones they had before the war,” said Kadric. But RS Government rejected this proposal. “We believe that RS Government, in formal and legal sense, violated a decision of the Constitutional Court” said Tarik Sadovic from SDA.

Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 4 ‘Bosniaks will seek protection of vital national interests’ by E. Huremovic – In a statement to Avaz, Chair of SDA caucus in RS Council of Peoples, Ramzija Salkic, said that Bosniaks will seek protection of their vital national rights.

Colak on HDZ politics: It is time to talk about changing BiH’s internal structure


Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 2 ‘Colak: It is time to talk about changing BiH’s internal structure’, mentioned on cover ‘It is time to talk about change of BiH structure’ by F.Vele – Article wonders whether HDZ returns to the policy of third entity, taking into account their recent demands for Croat channel and rejection of the Higher Education law. HDZ President Barisa Colak comments: “When it comes to third entity, I have to say that I don’t believe that entities have any future, especially those with the tendency to maintain the state within the state. True, when there would be a will of all three constituent peoples in BiH to have such three entities, than such solution could not be excluded. However, if that would be a will of only one or two peoples… there is nothing on that.” He also stresses that it is time to introduce changes in the BiH internal structure: “We need Constitution will be adopted by the BiH Parliament, and that also means for it to protect all people and citizens… My political counterparts are afraid to talk about that.”

IRI survey on elections: SDA, SNSD and SDP would win most votes


Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, cover ‘SDA, SNSD and SDP would win the most of votes’ and pg. 3 ‘SDA, SNSD and SDP would win the most of votes at the elections’ by M. Cubro – According to a survey conducted by IRI, US International Republican Institute, SDA would win the most of votes if the elections were held today. Reports reads that 23% of FBiH citizens would vote for SDA, 16% for SDP, 10% for HDZ, 8,9% for the Party for BiH, 5% for BOSS, and 1% for the People’s Party “Through Work to Prosperity”. Twenty seven % of voters stated they did not know for whom they would vote, 2% said they would vote for none of the parties and 1% of voters would not respond to the elections. Citizens of RS would have voted as follows: 24% for SNSD, 19% for SDS, 4% for PDP, 4% for SRS, 3% for SPRS, 3% for SDP, 2% for SDA and 2% for the Party for BiH. 31% of voters have said they did not know for whom they would vote, 4% would vote for none of the parties and 1% of voters would not respond to the elections.

VL: Opposite to OHR recommendations state Parliament has taken three weeks leave


Vecernji List Saturday pg 4 ‘Vacation more important than implementation of reforms’ by E. Medunjanin – VL says that although a half out of 40 reform laws are ‘waiting’ in the parliamentary procedure members of the state Parliament decided to take three weeks leave. VL also says that PDHR Donald Hays was proposing the members of the Parliament to take a collective leave in the second half of August and that id does not last longer than two weeks. According to VL, one of the crucial reasons for such stand of Ambassador Hays is the fact that the state Parliament has not adopted Law on Value Added Tax yet and this law is considered to be a crucial reform law in the area of the tax policy. 


Economic issues

On meeting of Terzic, entity Prime Ministers, PDHR Hays and leaders of ITA


















RHB Fri, FTV Fri, Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 3 ‘Structure of regional ITA offices agreed’ by F.Cardzic, Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, pg. 4 ‘Changes to tax rates in BiH will be stopped’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske, Saturday, pg. 2 ‘The Federation in its own way’ by N. Zelenovic, Dnevni List Saturday pg 3 ‘Obstacles for introduction of value added tax removed’, mentioned on cover, by D. P. Mandic – At the demand of the Indirect Taxation Administration (ITA) Steering Board, Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic will submit an appeal to the Constitutional Court demanding a ban on application of a changed Law on Sales Tax, which has been recently adopted by the FBiH Parliament and by which procedures prescribed by Law on Indirect Taxation were violated. The dailies say that, among the other things, this was agreed at the Saturday’s meeting of the Director and President of the ITA Steering Board with 3 Prime Ministers, entity Ministers of Finances and Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays.

Slobodna Dalmacija Saturday last pg ‘Terzic singled out Lozancic’ by B. Kristo – SD carries Terzic as saying: “It is not clear as to how the FBiH authorities and FBiH President (Niko Lozancic) signed publishing of law on changes to the Law on Sales Tax if they knew that they did not have an approval of the ITA.”  SD also says that deliberately or not, Terzic did not single out either the FBiH Government, which proposed these changes, or two Houses of the Parliament, which adopted the law.

BHTV 1 Fri – At the meeting, the chairman of the ITA Steering Board Joly Dixon asked an assistance from Terzic to finally reach an agreement on unification of the customs. Terzic said that Board has adopted the formula to divide money between entities, state and Brcko district. The budget for ITA in amount of 52 million KM has been adopted. “We agreed that as of 1 July, CoM and District will make payment to the account of the ITA needed for its functioning,” said Terzic.

Oslobodjenje Sat pg 3 ‘FBiH breached state law’ by A.O. – Hays reminded that financing ITA and the way to divide money has been a problem for a long time, which was also an obstacle to unifying customs. “If those decisions were not adopted, the promises of the Prime Minister that VAT would be introduced by the mid next year would stay unfulfilled,” said Hays.

RTRS Fri By reaching an agreement we could move further in reform in this field. Up to now everything was in stage of conversation and I thing that now a true reform comes”, stated Joly Dikson.

Auditors present new 15 reports on BiH institutions; BiH Finance Ministry accuses of 7.6 mil KM loss


RTRS Fri, FTV Sat, Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 9 ‘Succession means damaged for approx. 7 million KM’ by Aj. Delic, Dnevni List Saturday pg 7 ‘Standing Committee for Military Issues has poorest results when financial operations are in question’ by D. Polovina-Mandic, Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, pg. 5 ‘100 Books of Procedures should be adopted to prevent squandering of money’ by N. Krsman, Glas Srpske, Saturday, pg. 2 ‘Blind lease’ – On Friday, the Office for Audit of BiH institutions’ financial operations presented 15 new reports, and among them only Agency for European Integrations received a positive opinion. The Standing Committee for Military Issues received a negative one. The opinion with reserve was given to CIPS Agency, Civil Aviation Agency, Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees, SIPA etc.  Reports note numerous errors and inconsistencies in the implementation of procedures during the procurement of goods and services. Again, just like in the case of other institutions, the Auditor’s Office established errors in the functioning of internal controls, especially concerning costs of fixed and mobile phones, budget for presents, use of official vehicles and other spending.

Oslobodjenje Sat cover page story ‘Ministry responsible for loss of 7.6 million KM?, pgs 4-5 ‘ Treasury Ministry responsible for a loss of 7.6 million KM?, by Az. Kalamujic, BHTV 1 Fri One of the institutions audited was the BiH Finance and Treasury Ministry, for which auditors reported that Council of Ministers failed to define the purpose of the 36 million US dollars made available following the succession. In addition, the Ministry has not adequately protected that sum from the falling value of US dollars. Because of this, auditors noted that BiH has lost 7.6 million KM last year. “The state authorities has decided to keep these means always in dollars, which resulted in loss as the consequence of bad exchange rate for this currency in comparison with Euro and KM,” explained Senior Auditor Dragoljub Kovincic.

FTV Fri – “The only person responsible for things happening in the Finance Ministry is Minister herself, and that is regulated by law,” said Dragan Kulina, Deputy of BiH General Auditor.

Ljerka Maric answers accusations by auditors


RTRS Fri – Ljerka Maric, BiH Minister of Finances and Treasury, stated – contrary to claims of auditors – that IMF has banned all financial operations with the money of succession: “This ban also covers the adoption of the law on these means, including its exchange.” Maric reminds that the money from succession has been intended for the internal debt. 

Oslobodjenje Sat cover page story ‘Ministry responsible for loss of 7.6 million KM?, pgs 4-5 ‘ Treasury Ministry responsible for a loss of 7.6 million KM?, inset ‘IMF banned all operations with succession money’, by Az. Kalamujic – Commenting the statement by Maric, senior auditor Dragoljub Kovincic stated: “There is an instruction [by IMF], but no article which says that money has to be kept in dollars.”

RS Association of Trade Unions warn on general strike


RTRS Fri – Cedo Volas, president of RS Association of Trade Unions, sent a letter to the RS prime minister Dragan Mikerevic warning him that workers will organize a general strike if their difficult social and economic position is not improved.

RTRS Sat, BHTV 1 Sat – A great number of these workers has not been receiving their salaries, and Volas says this would be the main reason for the announced strike. “We will start with a kind of a social struggle, a collective action, such as general strake, protests or something similar” said Cedo Volas. “We have already started or we are about to start many capacities, and I hope that more of them will be started so there is no need for a strake.  But if they do not have anything better to do than they can go to strake” commented Dragan Mikerevic.  

Issue of outstanding pensions in RS


Glas Srpske, Saturday, cover ‘Two checks in September’ by B. T. J. – RS pensioners will in August or by the end of September receive a special check. Acting Director of RS Pension and Insurance Fund Slavko Basic has explained that this will be a payment of a part of debt from 2000. The President of RS Association of Pensioners, Rade Rakulj, has stated that some of pensioners were not satisfied with such a decision and he emphasized: ‘The amount of 12 million KM is only a drop in the sea of debts, which the RS Government either will not or does not want to pay to pensioners’.  

Hadzipasic on pensions, FBiH budget and internal debt


Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 5 ‘By the end of year we have to save 60 million KM’, mentioned on cover ‘There is no outstanding pension by the end of year’ by A. Basic – Commenting the decision of the FBiH Government on 10% cut of salaries of budgetary users, FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic explains this is a try to save 60 million KM by the end of this year. He stresses that all budgetary beneficiaries must cuts their costs. On the issues of outstanding pensions, Hadzipasic said that payments of two left are not to be expected this year. As for the internal debt, PM warns that if the law is not adopted the country would face bankruptcy.  

Ashdown on internal debt: Country faces bankruptcy


Dnevni Avaz Sat cover page ‘Ashdown: I will stay till November 2005’, pg 5 ‘I’ll stay in BiH till November 2005’, inset ‘Criticism on account of HDZ and SDP’, by Sead Numanovic – In an interview to daily, the High Representative Paddy Ashdown says of the FBiH Parliament’s failure to adopt the Law on Internal Debt: “In order to protect small number of rich Croats, HDZ and, shame on them, SDP blocked solution to the issue of internal debt in Federation. I want to clearly say that this is not about a choice between much and more, but about choice between nothing and all. According to our data, 82% of foreign currency savings holders will be compensated according to the proposal of the solution to the internal debt as prepared by the FBiH Government. If this doesn’t happen, the country will bankrupt… I repeat: the country is facing bankrupt because of some political structure that are trying to protect a handful of rich people.”

Contract btw LNM and BH Steel to be signed next week


Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 2 ‘Next week contract on sale of BiH Steel to be signed’ – FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic stated that next week he expects the contract of LNM’s purchase of BH Steel to be signed.

Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 8 ‘Only starting investments of LNM will be 215 million KM’, mentioned on cover ‘Unsuccessful attempts of resistance to LNM’ by A. Dzonlic – FBiH Industry Minister Izet Zigic explains that all technical issues were agreed with assistance of OHR and that the contract will be signed next year. He adds that in the beginning stage, LNM will invest 215 million KM in paying out debts, and raising the level of production. He also says that that were some tries to prevent the deal with LNM, however stresses those were over now.


War crimes

Follow: Tihomir Blaskic’s case


















RHB Fri, Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 9 ‘Investigation on hiding documents for Blaskic’s defence’, Slobodna Dalmacija Saturday pg 2 ‘Blaskic was sacrificed in order to cover up double commanding line’ by T. Klauski, Dnevni List Saturday pg 21 ‘There was wish to cover up second commanding line through hiding of documents’ not signed, Vecernji List Saturday pg 11 ‘Mesic: Blaskic was sacrificed’ not signed – Commenting on the case of General Tihomir Blaskic, Croatian President Stjepan Mesic stated: “General Blaskic was sacrificed in order to cover up the second commanding line and the intention was to protect some other people by sacrificing one person.”

FTV Fri, Slobodna Dalmacija Saturday pgs 12 and 13 “Tudjman sacrificed Blaskic’ – According to Blaskic’s lawyer Anto Nobilo former Head of Croatian Intelligence Service (SIS) Markica Rebic is among the most responsible ones for obstruction of the Blaskic’s defence before the ICTY.

Vecernji List Saturday pgs 10 and 11 ‘Nobilo: Rebic was hiding evidence’ mentioned on cover ‘Rebic and SIS were obstructing Blaskic’s defence’ not signed – Commenting on these claims by Nobilo, Rebic stated that Nobilo will have to prove these claims before the court.

FTV Sat, Oslobodjenje Sun pg 5 ‘Crime prepared by Kordic, ordered by Ljubicic’ – Anto Nobilo also accused Nakica Redzic, former National Security Assistant to Franjo Tudjman to be one of the most responsible persons for long-lasting obstruction of Tihomi Blaskic’s defence. He also said that those responsible for war crimes committed in Ahmici were Dario Kordic and Pasko Ljubicic.

FTV Fri – “We are surprised by this drastic reduction, [however] we support ICTY and decision it makes. If Tihomir Blaskic is not responsible for 16 accounts of indictment, then responsible persons should be found and sentenced,” commented Mirsad Kebo from SDA. “I do not think about this as reduction; I think that by this verdict injustice has been partly corrected. I am very glad that he was found innocent when it comes to crimes in Ahmici, because I knew that he was not responsible for it” said Kresimir Zuba president of NHI.

Oslobodjenje Sat pg 7 ‘Tudjman’s authorities ‘framed’ Blaskic’ by Darjan Zadravec – Article gives history of Blaskic’s case.

SFOR detains former PSC Chief in Bijeljina


BHTV 1 Sat, FTV Sat, Oslobodjenje Sun pg 3 ‘Mile Pejcic detained’ by V.Du, Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 4 ‘SFOR arrested Mile Pejcic’ by Sa.S. – On Sunday, SFOR arrested a former RS police chief Mile Pejcic recently dismissed for allegedly helping top war crimes suspects evade arrest. Pejcic was dismissed at the end of June by Paddy Ashdown, along with another sixty Bosnian Serb officials for allegedly helping fugitive war crimes suspects including Radovan Karadzic evade capture.

RTRS Sat – Mark Hope, SFOR spokesperson, confirmed that Pejcic is at safe location. “He is arrested on the suspicion on carrying out activities against the Dayton agreement, specifically for conducting activities linked to the support of persons accused for war crimes, and… related smuggling activities,” said Mark Hope. SFOR also conducted inspection of Bijeljina Public Security Centre premises.

On pre-trial release of 6 Croats charged with war crimes


Vecernji List Saturday pg 2 ‘Decision on pre-trail release of 6 Croats from BiH still on hold’, mentioned on cover, by V. Rupcic – VL says that they decided to check the information that some media carried yesterday and which says that the ICTY decided to approve pre-trail release for 5 Croats charged with war crimes, that is, Jadranko Prlic, Slobodan Praljak, Bruno Stojic, Milivoj Petkovic and Berislav Pusic, while only Valentin Coric will remain in detention. VL contacted Federation of BiH Minister of Justice Borjana Kristo who stated that they did not receive from the ICTY conformation of the aforementioned information but only indications that the ICTY Status Conference will publish the decision on the demand for pre-trail release in two weeks approximately. 

Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, pg. 2 ‘Only Valentin Coric to remain in custody’ by Onasa – According to a source close to the Hague Tribunal, all accused persons in the case of “Prlic and others”, except for Valentin Coric, will be temporarily released from custody until the beginning of the trial. The six former officials of so-called Croat Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia are charged with crimes committed during Croat-Bosniak conflict in BiH.

FTV Sat, Oslobodjenje Sat pg 3 ‘Everybody except Valentin Coric to be temporarily released’ by A.Omeragic, Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 2 ‘Coric stays in detention, Prlic, Stpjic, Pusic, Praljak and Petkovic to be released’ by Onasa – media report that all, expect Coric, will be temporarily released.

Ashdown on cooperation with ICTY


Dnevni Avaz Sat cover page ‘Ashdown: I will stay till November 2005’, pg 5 ‘I’ll stay in BiH till November 2005’ by Sead Numanovic – In an interview to daily, the High Representative Paddy Ashdown says that the big obstacle on BiH’s road to Europe is the lack of cooperation with the ICTY. “I will do everything in my powers to have that obstacle removed, and some signals from RS – such as the recently endorsed resolution in the RS National Assembly and work of Srebrenica Commission, show that things start to change,” said Ashdown. He refused to speculate on possible steps OHR may undertake, but added: “I hope that what I have done by now is a chance for RS to change the situation and I hope they will use the opportunity they have. For instance, one of the crucial things now is the election of the Interior Minister. RS authorities can send very strong signal with the appointment of the first man of Interior Ministry. But, if the situation doesn’t improve, than I will have to intervene. Everything is possible, and no option that may have occurred to you is not excluded.”

RS inmates have no trust to BiH Court


EuroBlic, Saturday, cover ‘They do not trust to the Court in Sarajevo’ and pg. RS2 ‘They do not trust to judges’ by Marija Jandric – The RS Association of Former Camp Inmates do not trust in impartiality of BiH Court that should start processing war crimes as of January 1, 2005. The Association expect from Chief Prosecutor of ICTY Carla Del Ponte to help after they inform her that Serbs do not trust to the State Court. ‘Through her mediation, we will ask from HR Paddy Ashdown, who should appoint the international judges, to simultaneously remove those with war past’, Jovicic stated.

Dodik accuses Njegus of supporting Karadzic


Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 5 ‘Radomir Njegus leads the network which assists Karadzic’ – Tanjug news agency carries that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik in an interview to BBC accused RS Police Director Radomir Njegus of leading the network which provides financial assistance for the protection of Radovan Karadzic and that high positions in police have been occupied by former close Karadzic’s allies. Dodik also stated that he can prove his arguments with evidences, but that he has no trust in Interior Ministry to show it to them.  


Police and military issues

VL: RS Secretariat for Relations with ICTY cooperates with US intelligence services




Vecernji List front pg ‘Greece concerned about terrorists from BiH’ and pg 3 ‘Greece in fear of terrorists from BiH’ not signed – VL says that members of the US Congress sent a letter (allegedly signed by Congressman Randy Cunningham) in which they thanked the RS Secretariat for Relations with ICTY for information about acting of Al-Qa’id members and other radical Islamic groups in BiH which were presented to CIA and FBI inspectors. VL says that former Head of the aforementioned Secretariat Dejan Miletic, removed by the OHR, confirmed that they have contacts with US Congressmen with regard to acting of Islamic radicals in BiH. According to the article, the Greek Intelligence Services have also started to show interest in this issue lately and they demanded from the BiH institutions dealing with security issues to take actions on revealing of potential terrorist groups because of security of Olympic Games that are to take place in Greece.

NN int with Sifet Podzic


Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, cover and pg. 6 ‘BiH soldiers will do their jobs well in Iraq’ by A. Sisic – Brigadier Sifet Podzic claims lot of things will be clearer after the visit of US State Secretary Colin Powell to BiH and precise deadlines for departure of BiH troops to Iraq will be known. In NN interview, Podzic presented his future priorities and he was also asked to assess the work done by the state officials in defence reforms. On the latter he replied: ‘It is clear to you that there is a hierarchy in the Army and I am really not authorized to comment on the work of Minister Nikola Radovanovic. Nevertheless, he expressed his opinion that everything Minister Radovanovic and his associates have done so far was providing everyone with hope in a better future.

Colak: Security situation in BiH is not alarming


Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 4 ‘Security situation in BiH is not alarming’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje Sat pg 3 ‘Security situation is not alarming’ by Fena – BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak stated that the upcoming reform of police forces in BiH and the strengthening of institutions at the state level would contribute to the improvement of the security situation in BiH. Colak said that even though there are certain criminal acts that disturb citizens the security situation on the whole is not alarming and added that many other safer countries have similar problems. “I am confident that the strengthening of institutions at the state level, especially SIPA, as well as the further strengthening of the State Border Service and the BiH Intelligence Agency, will contribute to security situation in BiH becoming better with every day”, Colak told journalists in Sarajevo on Friday.

NN: members of BiH anti-terrorism team not cooperating

Nezavisne novine Saturday, pg. 3 ‘They are fighting terrorism by hiding information’ by M. Cubro – A report on the work of BiH Coordination Body for Fight against Terrorism signed by Security Minister Barisa Colak says that members of the Team are hiding information from each other. ‘Fear from revealing confidential information of certain institutions indirectly represents lack of confidence in the work of the Coordination Body for Fight against Terrorism’. Colak wrote to the CoM that certain participants are not showing will for an adequate work and fulfilling of defined obligations, permanent members are sending their deputies, who are not acquainted with problems, to attend meetings instead of them.