
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 7 Sept. 1997


7 September 97, 19:30

Sarajevo – The Second Congress of the BiH SDA Party continued its work. The delegates accepted Alija Izetbegovic, Party President’s report. The results of voting for which the only candidate was its former leader Alija Izetbegovic, will be known late tonight. He appealed to the delegates to enable the party’s opening to the young and competent people. An anti-intellectualism as well as provincialism are harmful to the Party. Alija Izetbegovic also gave instructions to the voters at the forthcoming elections – not to vote for the local power men, for those whose origin of a sudden wealth cannot be traced and those who talk too much but always know how to choose the comfortable jobs for themselves.

Ljubljana – Milan Kucan, President of Slovenia sent a cable to Alija Izetbegovic, relating to the death of Ugljesa Uzelac, BiH Ambassador to Slovenia for whom all Sarajevans mourn. BiH Presidency Chairman sent a letter to Uzelac’s family as well as the SCC did saying that Uzelac was a man who in his whole life aimed only for progress and good relations among BiH people. He was the first of the Serb people to offer resistance against distruction of Sarajevo.

Sarajevo – On the bridge Suada Dilberovic a commemorative plaque for the two French soldiers killed by disguised Serb soldiers in May 1995, was opened today. Ives Goudal, French Ambassador to Sarajevo and SFOR Deputy Commander attended the ceremony.

Glamoc – A meeting of the Permanent Military Committee comprising the Federal and RS Commanders was held on the territory controlled by the NATO multi-national division South-West. Talks focused on the implementation of the DPA, specifically on the role of the army. Relating to this, General Momir Dalic, Commander of the First Military RS Corps underlined that the status of the RS armed forces is unchanged. Such meetings are necessary for the establishing of common confidence, added General Delic. (Followed presentation of the most modern NATO countries’ weapons present on BiH South-West territory )

Sarajevo – Srdjan Dizdarevic, BiH Helsinki Human Rights Branch President said that the political non-readiness to accept refugee return, as well as the ruling parties manipulations of refugees and DPs has resulted in the return of only 120.000 refugees to their homes – 20 months after the DPA was signed. Dizdarevic said this at a meeting of the Intellectuals Association Circle 99. Except for Brcko and the zones of separation, less than 50 Bosniaks returned to RS, to Livno only one. Around 4.000 Serbs returned to the Federation, and even their returns are disputable.

Doboj – Around 25.000 displaced Doboj residents who can not return to their homes even two years after the signing of the DPA, organised a calm rally today. Due to the massive return of the DPs to their homes in the Federation they will be put on the street. They send a demand to the HR Carlos Westendorp to enable them to return at least to the zone of separation.

Sarajevo – The refugees are particularly troubled by Westendorp’s suggestions for the Law on abandoned property. Follows a detailed explanation of the problems which would be caused if these suggestions were accepted in the Law.