
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 7 January 1999


RS Designate Brane Miljus visited Sarajevo and met with representatives of the RS Assembly parties. Although there is no official information, it is supposed that Miljus asked for support for establishment of the new Government. The SDP BiH announced that SDP President Lagumdzija and RS Designate Miljus held a meeting with leaders of RS Assembly parties. At the meeting, Miljus informed Lagumdzija on political concept by which he, as the designate, asks for support from all political forces of the RS Assembly.

CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic organised a meeting with the main issue the naval borders of BiH. The Central Committee for identification and marking the state borderline of BiH is supposed to finish determination of borders in this year. It is necessary to say that non-Bosniak members of the Commission did not attend the meeting, although they were invited.

Presidency member Izetbegovic met with SFOR Commander General Meigs. Izetbegovic emphasised that possible financial support out of BiH can be conducted only by the joint budget and not by direct aid to any single army component. Izetbegovic also informed Meigs that the planned celebration of the Day of Republic of Srpska in Brcko is unacceptable.

Federation President Andric-Luzanski held a meeting with Tuzla/Podrinje Canton representatives, discussing among other issues, the matters of privatisation in this canton. One of the issues on the agenda was also the upcoming decision on Brcko. Luzanski said that Brcko should be in the Federation after all, and that justice must win in Brcko.

The SDA sees the planned celebration in Brcko as illegal, for it takes place in an area, which is a subject of international arbitration. The Society of Endangered Nations appealed to Brcko Supervisor Farrand to prevent the holding of announced celebration planned for January 9 in Brcko. The Society finds the celebration a new stroke for 70% refugees, former citizens of this town and another way to prevent them to return.

The Helsinki Human Rights Committee for BiH President, Dizdarevic addressed a letter to HR Westendorp in which he appeals for liberating three Srebrenica prisoners.

The ICTY officially informed Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Bihac about approval for starting the criminal procedure against Fikret Abdic. After the documents and evidence of inhumane treatment of civilians and prisoners of war have been examined, it was determined that regulations of the Geneva Convention on treatment of prisoners of war have been violated, which enables the continuance of the process.

About 200 Serbs from three villages near Pristina blocked the regional road towards Prizren, demanding presidents of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Milosevic and Milutinovic to visit them.

RTV BiH brought footage on celebrations of the Orthodox Christmas from Sarajevo, Zenica, Mostar and Tuzla.

A house of Serb returnees in the Mostar-North municipality was the target of automatic weapon fire and hand-grenades in the night of January 7. Mostar MUP head deputy Dziho said that the attack was probably meant to be intimidating, for it was from the rear side of the house, and with no casualties.