
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 5 November 1998


HR Westendorp did not meet face to face with journalists for quite a long time. At the press conference held today, Westendorp informed the press that he offered a 10-day deadline to RS President Poplasen to propose a candidate for the post of the RS Premier, emphasising that the OHR supports Milorad Dodik. BiH TV brought very detailed report from the conference, including all the issues, but with very few of Westendorp’s quotes for it was voiceover mainly.

BiH CoM held a session today. Prior to the meeting, a contract was signed with the French Government on a donation to BiH worth 20 Million French Franks. Among other things, the CoM also discussed the issuance of passports, and CAFAO report on embezzlement, as well as the meeting with the Paris Club of Creditors.

Yugoslav authorities refused to issue visas for the Hague Tribunal President Kirk-Mac Donald and ICTY Prosecutor Arbour for investigation of war crimes in Kosovo. FRY authorities allowed only one visit to Belgrade in duration of seven days, for participation at the conference on war crimes. Both Kirk-Mac Donald and Arbour refused to travel to FRY.

Obstructions of return to Brcko and upcoming session of the Arbitration Tribunal, according to Bosniak and Croat representatives in the joint Brcko administration, are the reason why Supervisor Farrand wishes to speed up the return process by his recent decisions.

SDA Co-president Edhem Bicakcic said at the press conference that the SDA Cantonal Board will propose the new candidate for the Sarajevo Canton Governor, while the Party for BiH will propose the Premier. Bicakcic also said SDA will support RS Premier Dodik for the new candidacy.

Four students of the Belgrade University were arrested last nigh in Belgrade. The students are the member of Students Resistance Organisation (Studentski Otpor), and were caught writing their logo at a wall nearby the Philosophy Faculty.

A Bosnian woman, a Bosniak woman has to and must be educated, for herself and for success of this state. BiH TV new brought a story on schoolgirls from the villages surrounding Novi Travnik municipality. Namely, the schoolgirls are banned by their parents to go to school after they complete the fourth grade. The interviewed professors and a school director said that the main problems are their parents who are illiterate themselves, and who ban them go to school, stating that they are needed at home for raising younger children in the family and for house works. The interviewed parents said their children (female only) are needed at house, or some of them did not even say why they would not let them educate. One of the interviewed parents said: “My sons are going to school, but I wouldn’t let her, I simply wouldn’t.”

Students of the High Electro-techniques School in Sarajevo learn from textbooks of their parents. The school does not have needed 40.000 DEM to print the new, updated textbooks from the areas of computing and electronics.