
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 4 May 2000


News Headlines

  • Two killed and one injured in landmine explosion in Grmusa, near Bihac
  • Munib Jusufovic, a delegate of the CD Coalition, elected as second (deputy) RS National Assembly speaker
  • Ganic responds to SDA recommendation for him to resign – TV BiH program Zarista
  • SDA to initiate Ganic’s replacement in the BiH Federation Parliament if he does not resign as BiH Federation President
  • OSCE and UNHCR appeal on ministries in both BiH entities to approve agreement on regulating Pension and Disability Insurance Funds
  • BiH Federation Government holds session, adopts general collective labor contract
  • Deadline for purchase of apartments in BiH Federation extended until 6 September
  • RS National Assembly session ongoing
  • SDA press conference
  • Lagumdzija meets with Barry
  • Democratic Party of Pensioners holds press conference
  • UN Mission to BiH condemns burglary of house of Bosniak delegates in Srebrenica Municipal Council during 1 May holiday
  • BiH Independent Trade Union’s representatives request postponement of Brcko District Assembly’s session scheduled for 10 May
  • RTV BiH Independent Trade Union Main Board requests OHR to speed transformation of this media
  • NATO‘s Robertson and High Representative Petritsch discuss current political atmosphere in BiH
  • WW2 association of veterans SUBNOR and SDP BiH delegation pay their respects on 4 May, the day Josip Broz ‘Tito’ died
  • World news
  • Sarajevo Clinical Center and team of Vienna doctors to continue cooperation
  • There is not enough money in BiH Federation budget to provide severance pay to all workers that will be fired – OHR
  • Association of Families of Fallen Soldiers Bijeljina Branch protest over forced evictions of veterans’ families in this town
  • 300 new apartments build in downtown Brcko without proper construction permits
  • BiH Federation Government will continue supporting refugee returns and economic progress in Brcko District – Bicakcic
  • BiH Federation Army Rangers carry out military exercise ‘Rotacija 2000’ in Glamoc field
  • Ganic meets with Swedish Government Secretary for Women’s Rights
  • Italian SFOR soldiers disarm RS police patrol in Zepa
  • 160 Bosniaks return to Miljevina, near Foca
  • Brcko District Parliamentary Assembly to hold session on 16 May
  • SOS Kinderdorf humanitarian organization opens kindergarten in Gorazde
  • Tuzla Canton Government discusses 1999 budget
  • Tuzla Canton Privatization Agency suspends privatization of 13 companies
  • ‘Badel 1862’ Croatian distillery plans to open distillery in Citluk Municipality, BiH
  • IMC hosts Copyright Conference in Sarajevo

News Summary

Ganic responds to SDA recommendation for him to resign – TV BiH program Zarista

In an interview with the TV BiH program Zarista, BiH Federation President Ejup Ganic answered the question whether he would resign or not. “At this moment in time, when BiH central institutions are not functioning, when we do not have a government, when the Presidency is holding ‘formal sessions’ only, when the RS, from time to time, acts as if was a state within the state, do we need more chaos? The Bosniak people need people that will take them to the world, not the ghetto. I have decided to remain at my post.

I am the President of the citizens of the BiH Federation.”


SDA press conference

At a press conference, the SDA denied certain media speculation that party hard-liners had their way during the recent SDA Main Board session. SDA spokesperson Adnan Jahic informed that the new SDA Presidency is of a more liberal and moderate profile, and added there was a difference in the composition of the SDA Executive Board. He stated that the SDA would not vote for Tihomir Gligoric (for Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers) because Gligoric is unable to cooperate efficiently with the International Community.


Lagumdzija meets with Barry

During a meeting between OSCE Head of Mission to BiH, Ambassador Robert Barry, and SDP BiH President Zlatko Lagumdzija, officials said that the IC in BiH should accelerate the implementation of municipal election results and enable the newly-elected authority to start resolving problems at the local level.


RTV BiH Independent Trade Union Main Board requests OHR to speed transformation of this media

RTV BiH Independent Trade Union Main Board requested the OHR to speed the work on RTV BiH transformation, especially of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) BiH, where the majority of delays have occurred so far. The Main Board also requests the consistent implementation of what has been confirmed and agreed many times so far at all levels: the simultaneous start of PBS BiH and BiH Federation RTV broadcasting.


IMC hosts Copyright Conference in Sarajevo

The IMC hosted an international copyright conference in Sarajevo on Thursday that included the participation of experts from the World Organization for the Protection of Intellectual Property. The aim of the conference is to inform BiH experts in the copyright field of international expertise in this area. IMC Director General Krister Thelin stressed that the absence of legislation in the area of copyright is not the main problem, but the failure to respect and implement them. The full implementation of copyright is possible only after legislation is adopted in accordance with European standards at the BiH state level, Thelin concluded.
