
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 04 Jan. 1998

04 January 98, 19:30

Sarajevo – Alija Izetbegovic, BiH Presidency Chairman gave an interview to the Podgorica (Monte Negro) independent newspaper Vijesti. The questions focused on the implementation of the DPA. Talking about the functioning of the BiH state, he said that BiH has two nationalisms working against itself – Serb and Croatian. Technically they can be recognised in the obstruction of the common state institutions. But it seems that the world has decided to press Serbia and Croatia to give up their appetites towards BiH. As soon as these two countries become aware of this, their nationalism will fizzle out. I think that this process in ongoing, Izetbegovic said. He then gave five reasons, which he usually stresses as those reasons for why Bosnia will survive as united country: majority of BiH citizens want it; majority of the world relevant powers support it, including Japan and China – of course each of them for their reasons; it has been written in one important international document called Dayton Peace Accord; furthermore, there will be changes in the thinking of BiH’s neighbours – i.e. Croatia will not want to undermine Bosnia and Serbia will not be able to; finally, a gradual acceptance of Bosnia in the European bodies is expected by the Council of Europe, Partnership for Peace, etc. Time is working in favour of BiH, Izetbegovic concluded.

Brcko – Yesterday’s celebration in Brcko, organised on the occasion of the inaugural presentation of the established multi-ethnic police powers, as well as a donation of equipment worth 250.000 dollars, confirmed once more the decisiveness of the International Community to help all those powers in BiH, which are for the consistent implementation of the Brcko decisions. Follows footage of some Serb policemen serving in the multi-ethnic units, who said that they are there to work professionally and in accordance with the laws of RS. In his speech Supervisor Robert Farrand pointed out that behind these police powers stands the reconstructed multi-ethnic court system. The judges from three nationalities were presented at the reception in the OHR in Brcko.

Brcko – For the first time in five years, Cardinal Vinko Puljic lead a solemn mass in the parish church of Brcko, as well as in the church in Poljaci in Ravne Brcko. In his sermon Cardinal Puljic called on the neighbours to help each other in achieving their rights and human dignity. He also called on believers to return back to their homes and not to trust those who invite them to leave their homeland.

Una-Sana Canton – Sanski Most will be remembered last year for various things, but among the most important was the acceptance of returnees as well as the declaration of this town as an “open city”. Meanwhile, five offices of the various municipalities from RS have been opened here. Parallel with the return of the Bosniaks to their towns, possibilities will be made for the Serb residents who are already coming back and visiting their homes. The process to proclaim Banja Luka, Bosanski Novi, Prijedor and Bosanska Dubica as “open cities” has also begun.