
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 9/3/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 9 March


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

BiH HoP on rights of HVO victims

SCG: ICJ is incompetent in this case

RS NA Board for Defence on reforms

Bugojno: Croat boy assaulted

Serbian Pres. Tadic on ‘Mladic case’

Follow-up on BL police action

Recovery of oil spill to be finished

Cro. Generals objected joint trial

SiCG legal repr’s on suit before ICJ

TV news broadcast on 8 March


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Strike in HNC schools continues

8th of March history

Sentence for Nikolic reduced

HNC Govt on strike in schools

Celebrations of 8th of March

SCG presents its case before ICJ

Possible strike in WHC schools

Feature on women status

Skiljevic not hiding in Herceg Novi

BiH RTV employees’ requests

Feature on NGO Partner

Drug dealers arrested in Banja Luka


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV  (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

ICTY reduces sentence to Nikolic

Sentence for Nikolic reduced

16 arrested for drug trafficking

Reactions to Nikolic’s sentence

“Women of Srebrenica” on Nikolic

Sentence to Nikolic reduced

BiH vs. SCG lawsuit, update

Dodik meets SDHR Bas-Becker

Babic’s death still investigated

Constitutional changes talks, update

SCG presents its case before ICJ

Skiljevic not in Montenegro



SCG accepts only Tokaca’s research

Dnevni Avaz

FBiH authorities share 700.000 KM by their own will

Dnevni List

3 people dead in one night (on 3 persons who were found dead on Mostar and Konjic streets 2 days ago and who most probably died of natural causes)

Vecernji List

Saudis finance Mostar hospital (Saudis to supply credit for construction of Mostar Clinical Hospital)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Serbs and Yugoslavs from Livno become Bosniaks (on people from Livno who change their pre-war national affiliation)

Nezavisne Novine

16 dealers were arrested [Banja Luka police action]

Glas Srpske

White devils [Special report on activities of terrorist organisations in Balkans by Josef Bodanski]


16 dealers were arrested [Banja Luka Police action]

Vecernje Novosti

Features Serbian related titles



SCG legal team: ICJ is not competent in case of BiH lawsuit against SCG




BH Radio 1, RTRS – In a process of a BiH lawsuit against SCGbefore International Court of Justice [ICJ], SCG legal agents continued their argumentation challenging Court’s competency. BiH charged SCG for aggression and genocide. SCG legal agent Vladimir Djeric said that SCG (i.e. FR Yugoslavia) was not member of UN in the period of 1994-2000, basing its argument on the Court’s refusal to accept SCG lawsuit against NATO countries, saying that this Court should not have jurisdiction in this case as well. Head of SCG team Tibor Varadi said his party is not tied by Item 9, Convention on Genocide and that ICJ sentence on its jurisdiction for the lawsuit from 1996 cannot be the final one.

SDHR met RS NA Speaker: RS NA Board for defence and security to discuss defence and police reforms

RTRS, BH Radio 1 – Senior Deputy High Representative Peter Bas-Backer today in Banja Luka stated that police reform in BiH is in technical phase, stressing that any political interference at this moment would represent a reason for concern. SDHR told the press after the meeting with Igor Radojicic, RS NA Speaker, that: “We are informed of media reports related police reform and we have contacts with RS Government in order to determine exact facts with an aim to resume talks on this issue.” SDHR also announced that officials in charge of police reform issues will visit Banja Luka in order to review the current situation and determine what can be done further. Radojicic has announced that the RS NA Board for defence and security will hold discussions within shortest time frame possible in regard to the flow of police and defence reforms. Following these discussions, the RS NA is to take a stance and make conclusions.


War crimes

Main hearing before ICJ continues; SCG team claims number of victims are exaggerated










RTRS – Main hearing in BiH lawsuit against SCG continued before International Court of Justice. SCG team started its defence and SCG legal representative Radoslav Stojanovic stressed that BIH lawsuit is groundless. SCG team claims that information on number of victims submitted by BIH team is exaggerated and based on unreliable sources. SCG co-representative Sasa Obradovic stressed that 93 000 people were killed in BIH during the war and added that his information is based on results of Director of information documentation centre from Sarajevo Mirsad Tokaca. SCG team stressed that BIH team failed to prove that genocide in BIH has been committed and that SCG authorities were responsible for it. Stojanovic stressed several times that SCG is in favour of diplomatic solutions of the case. SDS Vice President Dusan Stojicic stated that this case can only be solved through diplomatic efforts. RS Prime minister Milorad Dodik stressed that ICJ cannot rule on existence of RS and added that future of RS depends on people living in it. SCG team will continue its defence on Thursday. RHB, PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV – carried similar reports. Dnevni List pg 2 ‘SCiG calls on reconciliation with BiH’ by Hina, Vecernji List pg 21 ‘Belgrade offers deal to Sarajevo’ by H , Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ’Stojanovic offers diplomatic solution’ by FenaStojanovic stands for diplomatic solution of dispute; Nezavisne Novinepg 8 ‘There was no genocide’ by Agencies; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Lawsuit full of false claims’, Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘It is all propaganda’ announced on cover ‘They are satanising us’ by E. Radosavljevic – SiCG started presenting defence; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Lawsuit full of false claims’ Inset ‘Contribution to intolerance’ [Dodikstatement], Inset ‘Diplomatic solution’ [Stojicic’ stmt]

SDS to submit declaration on legitimacy of the lawsuit to the RSNA


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘SCG accepts only Tokaca’s research’ by Nagorka IdrizovicInset ‘Lawsuit lead toward abolishment of the RS’-  SDS is going to ask the RSNA to raise the issue of “illegal and illegitimate” BiH’s lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide and  proposes passing of “declaration on necessity of diplomatic way for solving disputable relations between SCG and BiH”. SDS Vice- President Dusan Stojicic stated that it is “essential” for this declaration to be presented to the RSNA in time of the process, also confirming that, as oppositional party SDS would support the request for casting of a confidence vote to the Council of Ministers. EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘No legitimacy without consent of RS’ – SDS declaration on the suit

BiH Presidency member Paravac’s Office: ICJ confirmed it doesn’t have decision of BiH on lawsuit against Yugoslavia ; BH Pres. Chair Tihic says Paravac acts in pre-election campaign


Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘There is no lawsuit in the Hague’ by N. Z., Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Sakib Softic has no legitimacy to represent BiH’ by Nina, Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘It is all propaganda’ announced on cover ‘They are satanising us’ by E. Radosavljevic Inset ‘Stop the process’ – International Court of Justice in The Hague notified BIH Presidency member Borislav Paravac that it doesn’t have the decision of BIH from 1993 on BIH lawsuit against Yugoslavia at the time neither annex of the lawsuit from 1998. Paravac’s office asked ICJ to submit copies of BIH lawsuit from 1993 and annex from 1998. The press release of Paravac’s Office also reads BiH legal representative Sakib Softic has no legitimacy to represent BiH due to the manner in which he was selected to represent BiH and due to non-transparency of financing of the lawsuit. Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘To stop the process before the Court of Justice’ not signed – Paravac also expects that Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic would find modalities to inform the ICJ about this. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Tihic: Court doesn’t care at all for Paravac’s stances’ by A.M.– Commenting on statement of Borislav Paravac, Chair of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic stated that ICJ has already passed decision on legitimacy of the lawsuit. Tihic stated that stances from one cabinet are irrelevant for the ICJ, deeming that all this is directed to ‘daily-political purposes’ and is some form of preparations for upcoming elections.

BH legal representative in suit Softic: SCG team is going to base its defence on matter of ICJ authority


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘We used evidences that are fully verified and accurate’ mentioned on cover by A.M.– Legal Representative of BiH in lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide before the International Court of Justice, Sakib Softic stated for daily that it is clear that SCG team is going to base its defence on the claim that ICJ is not authorized for this case. Softic expressed his belief that ICJ will not declare on matter of authority during the main hearing, but its stance would be presented in the sentence.

Chair of the RS CoP Kadric: politicians in RS are more concerned with the lawsuit then those in SCG


Dnevni Avaz pg ‘It is tragicomic that RS is more concerned because of the lawsuit then the SCG is’ by E.S.– Chair of the RS Council of Peoples Remzija Kadric stated that it is tragicomic how RS politicians are struggling to prove the illegality of the BiH’s lawsuit against SCG and it seems that they are more concerned then politicians in SCG. One of RS politicians how is leading the struggle [as daily stated] is Co-Chair of RS CoP Miroslav Mikes for whom Kadric said that as experienced attorney he should know that BiH has full legality in this matter, stressing that his behavior is not surprising for people who know how he acted as representative of ‘others’ during the establishment of amendments on constitutionality of peoples. 

Oslobodjenje op-ed: Only path of reconciliation is truth


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Path of reconciliation’ op-ed by Edin Krehic – Commenting opening day of defence in BiH lawsuit against SCG before International Court of Justice [ICJ], editorial reads that the only path of reconciliation is path of truth. Author notes that if Belgrade wants to play with numbers of victims, and claim that there was no systematic killing, than they should explain removing of mass graves, which was meant to hide the truth.

ICTY Appeals Chamber reduces sentence to Nikolic to 20 years


BHT1 – ICTY Appeals Chamber Wednesday reduced the sentence to Momir Nikolic, RS army officer convicted of crimes committed in Srebrenica in 1995, from 27 to 20 years. On 7 May 2003, Nikolic, Assistant Commander for Security and Intelligence of the RS Army Bratunac Brigade, pleaded guilty to persecuting Bosniak civilians in Srebrenica in 1995. Specifically, Nikolic admitted that he was involved in coordinating and organizing the operation to kill over 7,000 Bosniak men and boys, and deport many thousands of women and children. Nikolic is one of six individuals convicted for crimes in Srebrenica in 1995. In addition to Momir Nikolic, two other Bosnian Serb army members pleaded guilty. They are among 21 individuals the Tribunal indicted for these crimes. RHB, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Sentence to Nikolic reduced by 7 years’ not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 14 ‘The Hague: Sentence to Nikolic reduced on 20 years in prison’ by H, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Nikolic’s sentence reduced for seven years’ by Agencies , Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Sentence to Momir Nikolic reducted to 20 years’ by Onasa, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Sentence to Nikolic reduced from 27 to 20 years in prison’ by Asim Beslija– carried similar reports.

‘Women of Srebrenica’: Decision of ICTY Appeals Chamber is shameful


FTV – The reduced sentence for Momir Nikolic raised sharp critics of the Association “Women of Srebrenica”. They claim that the decision of ICTY Appeals Chamber is shameful, adding that he had also participated in war crimes committed in Bratunac in 1992. Women of Srebrenica hope that the War Crime Chamber of BiH Court is going to be resolute in processing war crimes committed in Srebrenica. Hayat– also carried reaction. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Schocked Women of Srebrenica’ not signed–  Dnevni Avaz ‘Srebrenica women: That is a gift to us for Women Day’ by A.H.­ – also report

SiCG Minister for Human Rights and Rights of Minorities Ljajic called on moratorium on mentioning of Mladic in next month

Vjesnik pg 14 ‘Government calls on media not to write about Mladic’ by B. Al Pinto-Brkic – SCiG Minister for Human Rights and Rights of Minorities Rasim Ljajic asked from media and Serbian officials on Wednesday to agree with some sort of moratorium on mentioning of Ratko Mladic in next 30 days. Ljajic claims that this sort of moratorium would help state bodies to meet international obligations and reduce damage that Serbia suffered due to irresponsible speculations.  

EuroBlic source: Serbian President Tadic to demand reports on Mladic to be made public


EuroBlic pg 3 ‘Tadic demands the report on Mladic to be made public?’ by T. N. Dj. – According to EuroBlic, Serbian President Boris Tadic will demand the mark of state secret to be removed from reports of Military-Security Agency on Ratko Mladic, in case an ICTY delegation currently visiting Belgrade assesses these reports are worthless for resolving “Mladic case”. Anonymous source claims Tadic will not present this demand until the delegation finishes its work.


General political issues

SDS accuses RS PM Dodik for political pressure on SDS personnel: RS would face consequences of such behaviour









BHT1 – After dismissals of several officials of RS Government, new RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik had to face the accusations from SDS claiming Dodik is applying political pressure on SDS officials to resign. SDS Vice-President Dusan Stojicic stated at a press conference held on Wednesday that such pressure is illegal. “We call on all those people to resist this political violence of the new Government, to believe in the RS institutions and to protect their rights through these institutions”, said Stojicic. Dodik rejected all accusations of SDS, claiming that officials who resigned did so without any pressure. SDS even asked for assistance from OHR for the protection of its members. SDHR Peter Bas-Becker announced that OHR is only going to make sure that the resignations and dismissals are conducted in accordance with laws. RTRS – Stojicic stated that RS would have to face consequences of such irresponsible work of RS Government. SDS also feels that dismissals of Public Security Centres’ chiefs are also politically based. SDS member Borislav Bojic already asked for a meeting of RS National Assembly’s board for security issues. Reporter comments that SDS seems to forget that there were dismissals in RS MoI before arrival of new Government. “SDS has never brought into question political independence of state administration”, stressed Stojicic. RS Premier Dodik claims that employees are resigning without pressure. “We clearly stressed that we will make changes rather than sit in chairs”, says Dodik. Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Dodik conducts political violence’ by O.V, Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘SDS protests over removals at the Government and MoI of RS’ by V. Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Political pursuit’ by D. Momic – carries Stojicic’ and Bojic’ statements; Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘SDS protests over removals at the Government and MoI of RS’ by V. Popovic Inset ‘Dodik: Removals were in accordance with laws’ – Dodik and SDHR on dismissals

RS PM Dodik met SDHR Bas-Backer; Dodik emphasised importance of solving of ICTY issue


RTRS – RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik met with Senior Deputy to High Representative (SDHR) Peter Bas-Backer. SDHR Bass Becker stated that OHR welcomes priorities of new RS Government. RHB– Dodik said that the issue of war crime indictees should be solved as soon as possible, in order for the RS to get rid of the pressure, imposed by the International Community. RS PM underlined that the RS Government was going to intensify all activities related to apprehension of war crime indictees. FTV, PINK, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Cooperation with the Hague must be brought to an end’ by D. R., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Tribunal is priority’ by Z. Markovic, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘RS priority is cooperation with the Hague’ by M. S., Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Issue of ICTY fugitives has to be resolved as soon as possible’ not signedalso reported

FBiH PM Hadzipasic announced forming of Commission for missing persons in Sarajevo region


BHT1, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Commission on investigation of sufferings of Sarajevo Serbs soon’ by A. Su., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘The Commission is searching after missing persons’ by N. Zelenovic, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Commission by the end of March’ by Dusanka Stanisic, Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Commission for Sarajevo region’ by Nina, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Commission would investigate faith of missing from all 10 municipalities of Sarajevo region’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Commission by end of March’ not signed – After the meeting with family members of missing persons from East Sarajevo, FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic announced that the FBiH Government will establish a commission tasked to investigate the faith of missing persons from all ten Sarajevo’s municipalities. Hadzipasic stressed the truth about all missing persons must be disclosed.

Brcko District marked its 6th anniversary; Mayor Djapo: biggest challenge of the District in future is defining of its status towards entities and state;

Supervisor Johnson and former Supervisor Clarke: Brcko has beautiful future


TV Pink Report by LJubisa Davidovic, BHT1, TV Hayat, FTV, RTRS,Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘Brcko as an example of coexistence’ by N. Tanasic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Sixth birthday of the District’ by M. Dj., EuroBlic pg RS 9 ‘Celebration without entities’ by L. Stefanovic, Vecernje Novosti pg 17 ‘Fountain’ by M. D., Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘A model to which BiH strives’ by V. Jahic – Brcko District celebrated its 6th anniversary on Wednesday. In past six years, Brcko District has achieved great progress in fields of reconstruction, return process, process of return of property, education, reform of judiciary system and creation of positive environment for investments. Brcko Mayor Mirsad Djapo stressed the biggest challenge for Brcko District in the future is defining of its status towards entities and BiH as a state. Former Supervisor of Brcko District Henry Clarke and current Supervisor Susan Johnson both stated that Brcko has a beautiful future. EuroBlic pg RS 9 ‘Celebration without entities’ by L. Stefanovic – the article notes that the representatives of entities and BiH joint institutions did not attend the celebration, despite to the fact they had been ti mel y invited.

Mayor Djapo: Brcko will not easily transfer its rights onto BiH institutions without having an opportunity to present its opinion


Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Sixth birthday of the District’ by M. Dj. – Brcko Mayor Mirsad Djapo stated the rights Brcko has were given to it by the Final Award and Brcko will not easily transfer these rights onto BiH institutions without having an opportunity to present its opinion. EuroBlic pg RS 9 ‘Celebration without entities’ by L. Stefanovic – although a part of Brcko District’s jurisdictions have been transferred onto BiH joint institutions without consent of the District representatives in past several months, Mayor Djapo believes most of disputable issues would be resolved by the end of the year and also that in line with provisions of the Final Award, Brcko would have a clearer position in the new BiH Constitution.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Somogyi: We support BiH on its way towards EU


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘We should reward BiH for every step it makes’ by Lana Sinanovic – In an interview for daily, Hungary Foreign Minister Ferenc Somogyi said that although many EU countries do not support enlargement policy, Hungary is among those countries that does, adding that his country is ready to provide unconditional help to BiH in that sense. Somogyi said that Hungarian interest is in the first place financial: “First of all, we see enlargement process as an long term investment. It is a guarantee for a stabile Union, not a charity for poor countries.” He also approved BiH talks on constitutional changes, adding that every step BiH makes towards Euro-Atlantic integrations should be somehow rewarded. Cooperation with ICTY and control over BiH citizenships will logically lead to liberalization of visa regime, said Somogyi.


Constitutional changes

After Venice Commission drafted response regarding election of BiH Presidency, parties indecisive, stances still differ









BHT1 – Preliminary stance of the Venice Commission is that the best solution for election of BiH President and Vice Presidents would be the indirect election at BiH House of Peoples. Chair of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic confirmed this information. The Commission will decide on its final stance at the session scheduled for March 16 and 17. For most BiH political parties, this solution is acceptable. HDZ Spokesman Miso Relota stated that the solution proposed by the Venice Commission is very close to the solution proposed by HDZ. SDP’s Jozo Krizanovic stated that SDP prefers the same solution as Venice Commission. Krizanovic stressed that SDP can accept this solution. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik believes that the proposal of Venice Commission will result in even more confusion, instead of providing a solution. SDS member Borislav Bojic said that the Venice Commission is an authority whose opinion should be respected. However, Bojic refused to give any specific comments to the stances of Venice Commission before SDS Main Board discusses this issue. SBiH stated previously that the whole concept of constitutional changes as it is at the moment is unacceptable. Martin Raguz from the Caucus of HDZ-Demo-Christians stated that this Caucus is not going to accept any solutions that freeze the current division of BiH in two entities. Hayat – “We still believe that crucial changes which should take place in BiH, such as transformation of BiH Council of Ministers into Government, expansion of BiH’s authority, are far more important than the way in which BiH President is to be elected”, said SDP representative Damir Masic. Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Tihic expects continuation of negotiations on BiH Constitution’ by M. Cubro – Tihic, Dodik, Relota on const.changes; Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘They asked for an opinion, got the solution’ by Z. M. – Dodik on Venice Commission stances; Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘HDZ thinks that situation is much more clear now’ by A.Malagic – Relota’ and Tihic’ statements 

RS PM Dodik: stance of Venice Commission in favour of indirect election of BIH Presidency members in BH HoR does not help but brings additional confusion

RTRS – RS Premier Milorad Dodik stated after Wednesday’s meeting with SDHR Peter Bas-Backer that stance of Venice Commission by which it is in favour of indirect election of BIH Presidency members in BIH House of Representatives does not help resolve but instead brings additional confusion. He added that Venice Commission was supposed to choose from one of the 3 offered solutions rather than to modify them. Bas-Backer reminded that time is running out, emphasising the importance of reforms in BIH.

RS PM Dodik met Great Britain Ambassador Rycroft: solutions on const. changes that were agreed upon should be sent to Parliament

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Agreement on BiH Constitution in the Parliament’ by P. K., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Tribunal is priority’ by Z. Markovic – RS PM Milorad Dodik met Great Britain Ambassador Matthew Rycroft on Wednesday and stated, with regard to the constitutional changes, he preferred the solutions that have already been agreed upon and he thinks it is time for these solutions to be sent to the parliamentary procedures.

SNSD Vice President Simic: We will consider suggestions of Venice Commission


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘HDZ thinks that situation is much more clear now’ by A.Malagic – Commenting on stance of Venice Commission regarding talks on constitutional changes, SNSD Vice President Krstan Simic said that his party respects authority of Venice Commission but that there is no need for changing already agreed issues, adding that these recommendations will surely be considered. Oslobodjenje pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘Stance of Commission is that state leadership should be elected by deputies’ by A.OmeragicSDS’s Momcilo Novakovic expressing stances similar to those by Bojic (see above). Inset ‘Lagumdzija hopes for compromise’ – SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija expressed hope that parties will find compromise and pick one of two offered models.

SDA’s Tihic: Venice Commission thinks indirect election of BiH Presidency members, but only in HoR, is the best solution

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Tihic expects continuation of negotiations on BiH Constitution’ by M. Cubro – SDA President Sulejman Tihic has stated the Venice Commission believes the best solution is indirect election of BiH Presidency members ‘but only in the House of Representatives’.


HDZ President Covic: Venice Commission recommendation suits demands of Croat side/Talks to continue in a week time at latest

Vecernji List pg 21 ‘Croats would be able to elect member of BiH Presidency’ by Z. Kresic – HDZ President Dragan Covic expressed readiness to continue negotiations on constitutional changes, stressing the Venice Commission recommendation suits demands of the Croat side. Covic expects that the negotiations would continue in a week time at the latest, adding: ‘It is very important the division of BiH in two parts or mentioning of both entities, the RS and FBiH, are not stressed in any document.’

HDZ spokesperson Relota: HDZ-CD Caucus would not be sanctioned due to their opposition to agreed const. changes


Slobodna Dalmacija pg 16, announced on cover ‘This is democratic country…’ by M. Karacic – Commenting on the statement of the HDZ-CD Caucus in the BiH HoR who said that they would not support agreed constitutional changes, HDZ spokesperson Miso Relota stated that there would be no sanctions towards them and that BiH is a democratic country and people can say whatever they want. SD learns from unofficial sources that people from HDZ view the HDZ-CD Caucus stand on the aforementioned issue at the beginning of the struggle for positions at the election lists.

HDZ’s Relota: Stances of Zoric and Raguz are not stances of HDZ


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Zoric in his own way’ by Z. M. – HDZ Spokesperson Miso Relota has stated that the stances Vinko Zoric and Martin Raguz presented before BiH HoR regarding the constitutional changes two days ago were not stances of HDZ. He added Raguz is not a member of HDZ and Zoric had not attended sessions of the party’s Presidency for quite a while now.

DA op-ed: HDZ leader Covic lost control over deputies in BiH HoR and that is big problem both for HDZ and BiH


Dnevni Avaz op-ed pg 3 ‘Is Dragan Covic general without army?’ by Husein Orahovac – Commenting that all deputies in BiH House of Representatives elected from the HDZ lists claim they would not support agreement on constitutional changes in the Parliament, editorial reads that HDZ leader Dragan Covic is a general without an army. Cavic lost control over his people that should follow his command, says author, adding that it is a big problem both for HDZ and BiH. HDZ now represents unreliable partner, concludes editorial, adding that BiH would surely suffer because of that since constitutional changes cannot be adopted without HDZ.


Economic affairs

‘Energopetrol’ employees protest before the FBiH Government; demand solution for their company and resignation of new Industry Minister Heco





BHT1 – Workers of “Energopetrol” protested on Wednesday in Sarajevo in front of the FBiH Government building demanding from the Government to come up with a solution for their status and the future of their company. Unsatisfied with the behaviour of FBiH Minister of Energy, Industry and Mining Vahid Heco who didn’t come out to address the protesters, nor did he meet them on Tuesday as he had promised, they demanded his resignation. FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic met with the representatives of Trade Union. He promised to meet them again on Thursday, after the session of FBiH Government that will be held in Mostar. According to some announcements, discussion on “Energopetrol” is going to be included in the agenda of Thursday’s session of FBiH Government. FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Employees of Energopterol protest in Mostar today’ by M. Zorlak, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Protest of Energopetrol workers’ by E.M., Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Building blocked Ministers walked out the back door’ by M.K. and N.J., Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Energopetrol employees blocked the FBiH Government’, mentioned on cover by A.Omeragic,  Hayat – carried similar reports.

FBiH Government passes the draft law on public investments and expropriation


Hayat – FBiH Government held session Wednesday in Sarajevo. Government has upheld program on public investments in period of 2006-2008, in amount of KM 1.3 billion. FBiH Government has confirmed proposal of law, which regulates terms, ways, and procedures of expropriation of properties, in order to ensure construction of buildings of public interest. FTV – FBiH Government decided Wednesday to approve the new prices for natural gas for the distribution companies. This subvention price of KM 475 for 1.000 cubic metres will be applied during period from January 1 to April 30. RHB, PINK, BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Draft Law on expropriation of property established’ by M.Kukan – also reported.

IMF expert Paul Bernd Spahn: RS deprived of 21,3 million KM, Brcko District deprived of 3,2 million KM Jan-Aug 2005 due to application of fixed coefficients for distribution of ITA funds


Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘RS deprived of 21 million KM in eight months’ by R. Segrt and N. Krsman – A report of Paul Bernd Spahn, IMF expert and expert consultant of ITA Department for Macroeconomic Analysis, reads that RS was deprived of 21,3 million KM from January 2005 to August 2005 due to incorrect distribution of ITA funds, i.e. due to application of fixed coefficients for distribution of funds instead of application of coefficients that should have been calculated on monthly basis. Inset ‘Brcko District was deprived of 3,2 million’ – the report also notes Brcko District was deprived of 3,2 million KM at the same period of time. Inset ‘Dzombic: steps were undertaken’ – RS Minister of Finances Aleksandar Dzombic stated the Ministry had already undertaken certain steps to determine the exact amount of funds RS had been deprived of.  

NN op-ed: ITA Governing Board Chairman Dixon should carry the responsibility for the fact RS was deprived of millions of KM


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Deprivation’ by Dragan Risojevic – The author notes RS was deprived of million KM through complex financial fraud [he refers to the distribution of funds to entities and Brcko District from single ITA account], but nobody cares about it, except from those who had been deprived of the money. He believes Joly Dixon, as the Chairman of ITA Governing Board, should carry the largest responsibility for this scandal and he notes the issue should be a subject to an independent audit but, unfortunately, as the author says, the responsibility for this task as well lies on the ITA Governing Board.

FBiH Ministry of Finances: FBiH Financial Police lost competence


Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Financial Police does not have competence’ by Z. Kresic, Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Financial Police lost competence’ by A.B., Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Financial Police lost authorities’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Financial Police extinguishes because of reforms’ by Fena – The FBiH Ministry of Finances issued a press release on eve of the FBiH Government’s discussion (that is to take place today, Thursday) on changes to the law that proposes abolishment of the FBiH Financial Police (FBiH FP), accusing Head of the Financial Police Zufer Dervisevic of deceiving the public. The press release also says that ‘the FBiH FP has lost its competence or that its inconsiderable competence overlaps with competence of the FBiH Tax Administration and that the FBiH FP represents considerable burden to the FBiH budget’. Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘They want to abolish F BiH Financial Police’ by Srna, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘They want to abolish us at any cost’ by Fena – Upon a press statement of F BiH Ministry of Finances, i.e. the statement of Minister Dragan Vrankic, Chief inspector of F BiH Financial Police Zufer Dervisevic on Wednesday stated that the F BiH Ministry of Finances intends to abolish or marginalize the role of F BiH Financial Police as supervisory body at all costs.

BHT1 employees demand payment of late salaries


BHT1 – Trade Union of BHT1 and BH Radio employees announced they would file  denunciation against the management of this media station because of the difficult position of the workers. They demand payout of all late salaries and payment of contributions and health insurance. Trade Union believes that the management is using its propaganda to create the impression that they are working successfully, which is not the case. Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Bajtarevic: Salaries or resignations’ by Aj.Delic – Chair of BHT1 Trade Union Mirsad Bajtarevic stated for DA that management should resign if it is incapable to fulfil demands. RHB, PINK, Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Call on resignations or forced removals’ by E. Mackic, Nezavisne Novine pg 11 ‘Workers demand from management to resign’ by N. Krsman also carried.

FBiH leadership have 700.000 from the FBiH budget to spend by their own will


Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 4 ‘Lozancic, Dzihanovic and Radivojevic share 700.000 by their own will’ by A.Hadziarapovic – Providing data and specifications on allocation of public revenues that would be covered by FBiH budget, article reads that FBiH President Niko Lozancic and his deputies Sahbaz Dzihanovic and Desnica Radivojevic have 700.000 KM at disposal, to spend by their own will.

Schwarz-Schilling and BiH businessmen on Ce-BIT


Dnevni Avaz pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Trip to the future’ T.L. from Hanover – Delegation of BiH businessmen, led by High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling, who is one of founders of the fair, and BiH Communications Minister Branko Dokic visited IT fair [Center for Office and IT – Ce-BIT] in Hanover. Organizers of the fair stressed that Ce-BIT is the best possible opportunity for establishment of business relations and contacts.

NN int with French Ambassador De Fabiani: French companies had become more interested to enter BiH lately; France supports BIH constitutional reform

Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘French investors intend to enter BiH’, announced on cover ‘French investors are coming to BiH’ by D. Risojevic – In an interview to NN, French Ambassador to BiH Henry Zipper de Fabiani stated trades exchange between BIH and France is currently insufficient, but he noted that French companies had become more interested to enter BiH lately. He also stated that some French companies are interested in infrastructure and communications. With regard to constitutional changes, the Ambassador stated France supports constitutional reform but it is too late for France to engage in the talks.


Fight against crime / terrorism

Banja Luka Police arrested 16 people; all suspected for drug trafficking







RTRS – Members of Banja Luka Public Security Centre (PSC) Wednesday arrested 16 persons suspected of drug trafficking. Although police officials didn’t want to reveal the names of 16 persons, RTRS reveals that Dario Vucenovic, leader of one Banja Luka drug groups, is among them. RTRS source claims that Vucenovic’s father was arrested as well since he is also involved in drug trafficking. Reporter stressed that there were 3 women among the 16 persons who were arrested. Chief of Banjaluka PSC Crime Police Gojko Vasic stated that the action is still ongoing since certain persons were not in Banja Luka. Vasic stressed that all these persons are known to the police from before, and some of them had previous sentences for same criminal act. RTRS reminded that this action is a continuation of action from 2005 when 150 persons were arrested. PINK– Spokesperson of PSC Banja Luka Rade Mutic added that Banjaluka police is expected to arrest more persons during this action. Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ’16 dealers were arrested’ and pg 2 ’16 persons were arrested’ by S. Karic, EuroBlic cover pg splash ’16 dealers were arrested’ pg RS1 ’16 dealers were arrested, another three were tipped off’ by Tijana Veselinovic,Dnevni Avaz pg 30 ’16 persons who dealt with selling of heroin arrested’ by D.T., BHT1, FTV – also covered the action.

Source from IC: BiH Prosecutor’s Office will soon launch investigation against top of SDS, RS Police and RS Police Director


Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Top of SDS and RS Police Director under investigation’ by A. Sisic – A source from the international community told NN BiH Prosecutor’s Office would soon launch an investigation on involvement of individuals from the top of SDS and police, especially RS Police Director Dragomir Andan, in financing of hiding of Hague fugitives, organised crime and abuse of public funds. According to documents that are in possession of BiH Prosecutor’s Office, Andan was marked as one of key persons that, in coordination with the highest authority structures and RS MoI, have organised a number of secret meetings to discuss activities with regard to aiding Hague fugitives, primarily Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. The article brings an extensive list of names of people who have attended the secret meetings, as well as locations at which the meetings were held.

Head of US Congress Commission for Fight against terrorism Bodanski: Al-Q’Aida is again awakening in the Balkans


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘White devils’ by D. M. – The Head of the Commission for Fight against Terrorism of US Congress, Josef Bodanski, in a special report on activities of terrorist organisations in the Balkans noted Al-Q’Aida is again awakening in the Balkans and he warned on accelerated training of terrorists in western Macedonia and north Greece. According to Bodanski, people being trained in the camps are young Caucasians or, as he call them, “white devils”. The article reminds Bodanski had, on several occasions, warned camps for training of mujahedeens still existed in BiH.

Head of EUFOR Chiarini: We don’t exchange some information with local institutions, since we follow NATO rules


Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Sometimes we do not believe to local police’ by Antonio Prlenda – Commenting last week’s incident, when Banja Luka police found two EUFOR soldiers with a crying girl in a car, Head of EUFOR Gian Marco Chiarini. Chiarini said that investigation is ongoing, and that no criminal act is committed, as far as he knows. Speaking of fight against organized crime, Chiarini said that it is not a specific characteristic of BiH, adding that it surely exists. Commenting on cooperation with local authorities, Chiarini said: “Some services are really good, but some are not that reliable… There is an exchange of information with some services in this country. Of course, in certain area we do not rely on local institutions. Most of our information s tied for NATO rules. This is why we cannot exchange them with local bodies.Note: Chiarini never said the sentence from the title.



BH Human right min. Kebo to meet Ambassadors and OHR representatives regarding the decertified police officers


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Kebo starts new consultations’ by A.M.– As daily learns UN Security Council did not include issue of decertified police officers into its agenda for this month. Discussion on this issue and finding of a way for 157 police officers to submit appeal to prior decisions of IPTF, trough which they lost their right to work, was submitted by BiH Council of Ministers. BiH Human Right Minister Mirsad Kebo stated he will meet with some of Ambassadors and representatives of the OHR on this issue next week. Kebo stressed that after these meeting they are going to instruct BiH Ambassador to the UN Milos Prica how to continue.

25 de-miners from F BiH who participated in peace mission in Iraq to sue F BiH Government over non-paid daily allowances


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Lawsuit against F BiH Government over non-paid daily allowances’ by D. MuminovicElmin Pecan, the legal representative of 25 members of BiH Armed Forces from F BiH, de-miners who had participated in a peace mission to Iraq, confirmed the de-miners have not managed to reach an agreement with officials of F BiH Government on payment of allowances. Therefore, as Pecan announced, they will file a lawsuit against F BiH Government on Thursday or Friday since the de-miners claim they were deprived of approximately 18.000 KM each.