
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 9/3/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on9 March 2005


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Update to ‘Croat self-rule’ case

Isolated Glamoc villages lack food

BiH Court detention unit opened

Inauguration of WCC

FBiH HoR session

Haradinaj departed to The Hague

BiH CoM on free trade agreements

Weather in BiH improves

Iranian president visit to BiH

TV news broadcast on 8 March 2005


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

March 8 celebration

BiH CoM session

Kosovo PM resigned

CoM session

PDP withdraws resignations

Khatami in Sarajevo

Iranian President in BIH

NATO activities in BiH

Ashdown in Banjaluka

Regional news

Ashdown visit to Banjaluka

NATO HQ statement


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Iranian President visits BiH

Snow related troubles

House of Mladic’s sister searched

Danish Parliament Chair in BiH

BiH Diplomacy crisis

HR talks with RS party reps

House of Mladic’s sister searched

ITA employees’ issues

Reactions to police reform in BIH

BiH Court War Crimes Chamber

Ashdown in Banjaluka

RS MoI employees social status



Ivanic, Tesanovic and Dokic remain in the Government; Iranian President visits BiH: We are prepared to help BiH

Dnevni Avaz

Hadzipasic addresses WB: No one needs such the shaking of the Government

Dnevni List

Destiny of Aluminij in hands of FBiH Government

Vecernji List

Religious fanatic beat up Orthodox priests

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headline

Glas Srpske

Crime without reason

Nezavisne Novine

Peoples in BiH should take their destiny in their own hands; Ivanic and Dokic withdrew resignations; He killed his friend in a car


EUFOR barged into the house of Mladic’s sister

Vecernje Novosti

Features Serbia related topics

Belgrade’s Nacional

Features Serbia related topics

Novi Reporter

Oil deposits in RS: A fortune under the feet



WCC inauguration underway in Sarajevo




RS Radio – Paddy Ashdown, HR to BiH, and Slobodan Kovac, BiH Justice Minister, today in Sarajevo , opened BiH Court Detention Unit. Kovac stated that the opening of this facility has enabled institutional and legal framework and met all legal conditions for war crimes processing. The unit is consisted of 21 premises intended for indictees. Ashdown stated that the opening of detention unit is a large step forward in a rule of law and reform of prison system in BiH. It is expected that 50 detainees would be placed at this Unit during the course of this year.

The inauguration of the War Crimes Chamber with BiH Court is currently ongoing in Sarajevo .

FBiH HoR in session


BH Radio 1 By Ljiljana Radl – The delegates of the FBiH House of Representatives, at the session started this morning, have again postponed the voting on the law on amendments to the privatization law. The HoR is also scheduled to hold the extraordinary session today in order to discuss the draft law on police officers in FBiH, which was previously rejected by the House. This law is one of the conditions under the police reform. RHB is also covering the session.

Update to ‘Croat self-rule’ case


RHB carried an interview with one of suspects in the ‘Croat self-rule’ case that is being conducted before the BiH Court, namely Petar Milic. Milic says that according to the latest news, Prosecutor John McNair, who raised the indictment, is withdrawing the indictment pertaining to article 139, which involves him (Milic), Zdravko Batinic, Ivo Luzanski and Marko Tokic. Other parts of indictments that involve Ante Jelavic, Dragan Curcic and Miroslav Prce remain in place.

Matijasevic comments on arrest of war crime suspects


RS Radio – The RS Interior Ministry and RS institutions make maximum efforts to get in touch with Radovan Karadzic and advise him to voluntarily surrender to The Hague, or to arrest him if he is potted within the territory of RS, Darko Matijasevic RS Interior Minister stated in Bijeljina last night. He confirmed the RS police is in contact with the families of persons from ICTY public lists. He announced he would meet Carla del Ponte, ICTY Chief Prosecutor, in Sarajevo today and discuss the level of RS cooperation with the ICTY.


Political developments/reforms

Ashdown discusses police reform with RS parliamentarians

























RHB, TV Pink, BHT, TV Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Changes to the Entities’ Constitutions necessary’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Constitutions of the entities should be changed’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Ashdown: Abolishment of entities is not goal of police restructuring’ by NINA, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Change Constitution or you will pay the price ’ by A. Macanovic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Change of Dayton, then reforms’ by V. Janjic, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Entity authorities to be partially transferred to BiH level’ by R. Radosavljevic – High Representative Paddy Ashdown said Tuesday that it is not possible to implement the police reform in BiH according to the present constitution. “If RS and F BiH fail to transfer some competence to the state level, we cannot succeed. We cannot respect three principles of the European Union.” Ashdown told reporters after talks with delegates’ caucuses of the RS parliament in Banja Luka that the process must be made by a consensus. Ashdown warned the process must end by the end of April, adding that in opposite BiH will pay a price which means the EU will not consider by mid-May the possibility of BiH joining the Union and signing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Ashdown noted: “It’s not about abolishment of RS. It’s not about imposition from the High Representative.” He vowed to have numerous talks in next period in RS and Federation BiH with politicians and other relevant subjects in order to try to explain the importance of police reform for BiH and its future.

BHT – Tarik Sadovic, Party for Democratic Action (SDA) member said that all the parties would come to an agreement on this subject only if they think the European way. On the other hand, SNSD member Milorad Dodik said that mutual agreement is not that important, because they, and other Serb parties would agree only if police reform does not mean any changes in the Constitution.

NTV Hayat – SDS claims that, in order for this to happen, constitutions should not be changed. “Without the RS Ministry of Interior and without Police Director… it is a minimum with which Serbs in RS and BiH are satisfied with”, said SDS representative, Stanko Pivasevic. “There is not possibility for the proposal, which is stated in the report, to be implemented. International experts, including the HR, have to bare this in mind, since we are the ones who are staying here while the others will leave, soon or later”, said Nevenka Trifkovic, PDP representative.

RTRS – brings reactions of party representatives regarding conversations carried out by HR Paddy Ashdown on police reform in BIH. Borislav Bojic Chief of SDS caucus in RS National Assembly says that police reform is necessary built not at the expense of RS MoI. His view is shared by Krstan Simic Chief of SNSD caucus in RS NA and Nevenka Trifkovic Chief of PDP caucus in RS NA. Tarik Sadovic on the other hand feels that RS MoI should be abolished.

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Ashdown complained on misunderstanding of reforms’ by D. Risojevic – Ashdown complained there is still a vast misunderstanding towards the proposed police reform model. Vedran Poljasevic, PDP official, stated that this party still does not accept a single proposal on police reform, which stipulates abolishment of RS Interior Ministry. Igor Radojicic from SNSD stated: “We supported police reform in regard to make police force more efficient, but we are still reserved towards the proposed model.”

Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Nothing to be done hastily’ – carries reactions of political parties, namely of Borislav Bojic, Vedran Poljasevic, Krstan Simic and Tarik Sadovic.

Novi Reporter interview with EC’s Humphreys: Abolishment of RS is not on agenda’


Novi Reporter pgs 14-17 ‘Abolishment of RS is not on agenda’ by Sasa Bizic – In a lengthy interview to magazine, Michael Humphreys, Head of EC delegation to BiH, says that the main topic of 10th and 11th March meeting between delegations of EC and BiH authorities would be progress achieved in implementation of 16 conditions from Feasibility Study, adding: “We will jointly assess the extent of progress achieved and mark clearly what is yet to be done.” On police reform, he adds EC stances overlap with OHR stances, expressing his support to HR’s activities. He believes that another High representative would succeed High Representative on this position, without wishing to make any further comment. On existence of RS, he says: “There is no reason make RS not exist any longer. It is a legal formation with its Government covering certain territory and with municipal bodies. The structures are very clear and understandable. Hence, we have no intention of undermining RS.”

All PDP-nominated Ministers remain in BiH CoM


TV Pink, TV Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 2 ‘Ivanic, Tesanovic and Dokic remain in the Government’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ivanic wants to remain in CoM’, Dnevni List pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘Application of zero customs rate suspended’ by D. Polovina Mandic, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Ivanic, Dokic withdrew resignations’ by dja,Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Ivanic and Dokic withdrew resignation’ by V.P., FENA – BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic told a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday that the PDP President, Mladen Ivanic, had informed him that all members of this political party would remain in the BiH Council of Ministers. Terzic added that in line with conclusions from the meeting in Neum, PDP would remain in the BiH Council of Ministers.

Iranian president visits BiH, pledges financial, economic aid for the country


RHB, BHT, TV Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 3 ‘We are prepared to help BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Iran will help BiH reach its goal’, mentioned on cover ‘Great powers have debt towards BiH’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Iran promised 2 million Dollars of assistance for refugees’ by E. Mackic, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Ceremonious welcome for Khatami’, mentioned on cover ‘Iranian President in BiH’ by eme, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Iran is factor of peace in region’ by D. Pasic, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Support to BiH admission to EU’ and announced on cover ‘Peoples in BiH should take their destiny in their own hands’ by M. Cubro – The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran headed by President Seyyed Mohammad Khatami arrived in BiH on Tuesday. After the solemn welcoming ceremony, the Iranian delegation was met by the members of the BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac, Sulejman Tihic and Dragan Covic, who conducted the official talks between the state delegations of BiH and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The BiH security minister and the political deputy of the Iranian interior minister signed in the BiH Presidency building a coordinated bilateral agreement on security which envisages the two countries’ cooperation in the struggle against organized crime, terrorism and human trafficking. After this, the foreign trade and economic relations minister of BiH and the Iranian economy and finance minister signed an agreement on customs, which is expected to promote economic relations between the two countries. Also signed were memorandums of understanding on bilateral cooperation in the areas of sport and radio-TV collaboration. “As our country was with this people during the war, so today we express our readiness to help the people of this country and BiH reach their goal, without interference in the internal affairs and relations in this country, through agreement and through cooperation with the officials of this country, as much as we can,” said Iranian President after the meeting. “We noted that the relations between our two countries were exceptionally good and friendly and in a constant upward swing,” said BiH Presidency Chair Paravac for his part. President Khatami promised financial aid for the return of refugees in BiH to the tune of two million dollars and announced economic cooperation, expressing an interest in the construction of a hydro-electric power plant in BiH.

SD interview: Cardinal Puljic says DPA has to be changed


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 12 ‘Who will decide about Pope’s departure?’, mentioned on front ‘Such nonsense like Dayton must fail’, by Silvije Tomasevic – Carries an interview with the Archbishop of Vrhbosnia, Cardinal Vinko Puljic, which was conducted in Rome. Questioned to comment on the organization of BiH that was devised in Dayton, Cardinal Puljic says the Dayton Peace Accord (DPA) legalized the right of the stronger and the organization that exists nowhere else in the world. Talking more about the DPA, Puljic says the IC has double standards in BiH, especially when it comes to the issue of return, claiming that the Croat Catholics in BiH have often been bypassed. Moreover, Puljic says the Croats do not have their own TV channel and a possibility to present the language in public. Having said all that, Puljic argues: “The Constitution and Election Law have to be changed in order to create a normal state, which means the parity in the state authorities in the Presidency, Council (of Ministers), judiciary, Police, military in order to have the identity and equality of all three peoples protected, and then put the focus on the local self-government”.

Cavic: Changes of the Dayton will cause political conflicts


EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Cavic: Changes of the Dayton will cause political conflicts’ by Srna – RS President Dragan Cavic stated Tuesday that opening of the issue of constitutional and legal composition of BiH, defined by the Dayton Agreement, would cause serious political conflicts that would be difficult to control. He said it would be unrealistic to expect that experience of Brcko District could be realised in other parts of BiH. Cavic attended the 5th anniversary of Brcko District and assessed that Brcko District has showed both its good and its bad sides in the past. Cavic added it was good that Brcko was an area that has a stabile political scene and stabile political relations. He thinks Brcko has achieved progress, especially with regard to infrastructure, but he thinks this was a result of “budgetary situation that was not logical at all”. ‘This has been resolved by the establishment of ITA and I think things are getting in order now’, Cavic emphasised.

Brcko Mayor Djapo: Priority is to establish dialogue on BiH structure

Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Dayton is a measure for everything’ by M. Djurdjevic – Mirsad Djapo, Brcko Mayor, stressed that “priority in the upcoming period is to establish dialogue with the RS, F BiH and BiH joint institutions. In the past years, District has lost many authorities, in which we did not take part.”

SNSD’s Radmanovic says BiH authorities cannot meet pre-requisites of EU


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘BiH authorities cannot meet pre-requisites of EU’ by V. Popovic – In an interview to NN, Chairman of SNSD Executive Board Nebojsa Radmanovic has stated BiH must comply with international obligations, primarily referring to cooperation with the Hague, if it wishes to join the community of developed European countries. He also emphasises BiH needs police reform, considering the fact BiH was assessed as one of black spots of crime in Europe, yet he emphasises this does not necessarily include abolishing of RS Ministry of Interior. Asked whether BiH authorities were capable of leading BiH towards European integrations, Radmanovic replied: ‘The authorities at BiH level are completely incapable of making any serious step forward that would provide citizens with better lives, and the authorities are especially incapable of fulfilling pre-requisites for the admission to EU’.


War crimes/cooperation with ICTY

HR to attend WCC ceremony on Wednesday















RHB, TV Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Del Ponte, Meron to attend the ceremony’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Inauguration at BiH Court in presence of high-ranked officials’ by NINA, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘All eyes are focused on Prosecutor Carla del Ponte’ by D. Jazvic,, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Conditions for trials in BiH provided’ by A.S.-G.G., FENA – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, will on Wednesday attend the inauguration ceremony of the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Special War Crimes Department of the BiH Prosecutors Office, OHR Spokesman Oleg Milisic said at a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday. The High Representative, together with BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac, ICTY President Theodor Meron, ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte, BiH Court President Meddzida Kreso and BiH Prosecutor Marinko Jurcevic will address guests and media present at the inaugural ceremony. “The setting up of the war crimes chamber has required a substantial and sustained logistical and financial effort. ICTY President, Judge Theodor Meron, has played a leading role in setting up the Chamber, providing invaluable technical knowledge and expert advice in establishing its legal framework and related facilities such as its detention unit. BiH Court President Medzida Kreso and BiH Chief Prosecutor Marinko Jurcevic have also made invaluable contributions,” said Milisic. The High Representative will hold separate meetings with Judge Meron and Chief ICTY Prosecutor del Ponte. “The High Representative will note that while the work of The Hague Tribunal will continue, the Tribunal’s work is necessarily finite. The inauguration of the War Crimes Chamber in the Court of BiH means that as many cases will be heard as are necessary – there will be no cut off point. The BiH Court’s War Crimes chamber is a permanent institution. It will be here long after the International Community has left BiH,” said the OHR Spokesman. There is not statute of limitations on war crimes, and the Rule of Law reforms will ensure that those who committed crimes are brought before the courts. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 also announces the WCC ceremony.

DL: ‘ICTY transfers 12 suspects to BiH Court by May’


Dnevni List pg 4 ‘ICTY transfers 12 suspects to BiH Court by May’ by M. Zorlak carries that ICTY representative in BiH Mathias Hellman stated that this court will transfer to the War Crimes Chamber with the BiH Court 12 persons charged with war crimes committed in Prijedor, Foca and Visegrad. Hellman added that names of the indictees are known, however, he did not want to give those names since the ICTY has not passed the final decision on this issue yet. According to Hellman, it has not been decided yet as to when the final decision would be passed, however, DL says that according to unofficial information, the ICTY might pass the final decision in 5 weeks.

EUFOR/NATO reject criticism re war crime indictees apprehension failures


RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘We are actively hunting war crime indictees’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘NATO, EUFOR are searching for Karadzic’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘NATO and EUFOR constantly work on locating The Hague indictees’ not signed – Representatives of NATO and EUFOR in Sarajevo on Tuesday rejected criticism regarding their allged failure to arrest Radovan Karadzic. At a press conference in Sarajevo, EUFOR Spokesman Chris Percival stated that NATO and EUFOR were constantly working on locating the ICTY indictees. He also stressed that NATO arrested 29 ICTY indictees whilst RS arrested not a single one. Moreover, the representatives of the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo support BiH efforts aimed at joining NATO, including efforts on developing joint armed forces that will be in line with NATO standards, said NATO HQ spokesman Derek Shappell.

NATO/EUFOR raids into house of Mladic’s sister


BHT, TV Pink, TV Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Collecting of information on war criminals’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘NATO, EUFOR looked for evidences in house of criminal Ratko Mladic’s sister’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘NATO searched houses in Vojkovici’ by F, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘They took away computer and family photos’ by A. Macanovic, EuroBlic cover pg splash and pg 13 ‘EUFOR barged into the house of Mladic’s sister’ by BETA, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘NATO soldiers searched the house of Ratko Mladic’s sister’ by S.K.  – NATO and EUFOR forces searched on Monday morning the family house of Milica Avram, sister of war crimes indictee general Ratko Mladic, in the village of Vojkovici near Sarajevo. NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo spokesman Derek Shappell said that the operation was carried out in order to gather information on indicted war criminals. “Support for indicted war criminals is illegal and undermines progress and the rule of law in BiH”, said Chappell.

Pandurevic in home custody!?


Novi Reporter pg 8 ‘Pandurevic in house detention’ – The source of Novi Reporter close to the Serbian intelligence agency that Vinko Pandurevic is at house detention in Serbia and appropriate timing and deal with ICTY is awaited for. The same source claims that Serbian officials do not want to disclose this to RS authorities, since Vojislav Kostunica wants to “ensure as much points as possible within IC”. According to the same source, the Serbian intelligence officers have information on few other persons from ICTY lists, some of which “are extremely attractive”. However, Serbian Government responds to each initiative from RS in a courteous manner and without true cooperation.

Serb POWs ready to testify against Delic


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Prisoners of war have evidence against Delic’, by bs – Members of Association of former POWs called ‘Vijenac, Vozuca and others’ from Doboj are ready to testify in the trials to the former commander of BiH Army, Rasim Delic, about the disappearance of the Serb soldiers and civilians from the areas of Ozren and Vozuca in September 1995. The Association President, Obrad Stanojevic, believes Delic should be accompanied in The Hague by commanders of the former Zenica and Tuzla corps of the BiH Army, Sakib Mahmuljin and Sead Delic, under whose command the captured Serbs were being tortured and liquidated.

Paris daily “Mond” on Rasim Delic: Delic was one of Izetbegovic’s executors


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Rasim Delic was one of Izetbegovic’s executors’ by N.N. – Tuesday’s edition of Paris daily “Mond” read that the war-time commander of BiH Army, Ramiz Delic, was “one of agents for execution engaged by the former BiH president, Alija Iztbegovic”. Reminding that Delic is the most senior Muslim officer before ICTY, “Mond” noted that Delic had “other ambitions” after the war as well, including the ambition to play a role within new defence structures of BiH.

VL: NATO wants mujahiddin expelled from BiH?


Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Mujahiddin from Bosnia and Herzegovina to be expelled?’, by Miso Relota – VL reports that “according to unofficial information in diplomatic circles”, the NATO HQ in BiH has made a list of 700 naturalized BiH citizens, who are originally from Islamic countries, and forwarded it to the BiH Prosecution, which should be asked to check which of the 700 persons have been given the BiH citizenship on basis of participation in the war. Allegedly, NATO will ask the Prosecution that these persons be stripped of the citizenship and get expelled from the country.

Novi Reporter on appellations of Serbs before BiH Constitutional Court

Novi Reporter pgs 26-27 ‘Cries before the wall of silence’ by Slobodan Durmanovic – The article is about appellations of Sarajevo Serbs before BiH Constitutional Court. The article starts with reference to last week’s visit to Banja Luka by High Representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, when he said that he would “encourage families of the missing Serbs during the war in Sarajevo to address BiH Constitutional Court if they find their rights have been violated”. The article brings statement of Slavko Jovicic, President of RS Association of former prison camp inmates, stresses that Ashdown should have known (since Association addressed him a letter five times so far) that first 47 appellations of Sarajevo Serbs have been filed with the Human Rights Commission at BiH Constitutional Court on 24 February 2004, and three months later, 63 individual appellations have been attached to these. The appellations demand from BiH Constitutional Court to obligate F BiH Government to announce under what circumstances their family members have gone missing/dead, and also to pay out compensation of BAM 6 million. The article further brings testimonies of some family members of Sarajevo Serbs, who have gone missing in Sarajevo from May 1992 to signing of Dayton Peace Agreement.


Economic/social issues

BiH CoM takes measures to protect domestic agricultural production











RHB, TV Pink, BHT, TV Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Zero customs rates abolished’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Terzic: We have protected domestic production’, Dnevni List pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘Application of zero customs rate suspended’ by D. Polovina Mandic, Vecernji List pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Customs on meat and milk from Croatia are being introduced’ by D. Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg Parts of Free Trade Agreement with Croatia suspended’ by H – At a session in Sarajevo on Tuesday, the BiH Council of Ministers adopted a decision to introduce custom duties for the import of dairy products and meat from Croatia and for the import of goods from Serbia for which export subsidies are granted. The objective of these measures, which will probably have an impact on relations with our neighbours is to protect our agriculture production. “The Council of Ministers has reacted to the violation of the inter-state free trade agreement which put the already-weak BiH economy in an unequal position,“ Chairman of the Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic said after the session. “We have been forced to take this decision as the granting of export incentives represents a flagrant violation of the free trade agreement and also of the WTO standards,” Terzic added.  Custom duties at the level of those that were in force in 2003 have been introduced for meat, processed meat products and milk from Croatia. The main reason for this measure is Croatia’s persistent rejection of talks on amendments to the agreement, Terzic said. “Imports from Croatia in 2004 amounted to 1.1bn KM. The imports of these four items were below 90m KM,” said Terzic. According to Terzic, these measures should finally lead to serious talks on the adoption of an annex to the free-trade agreements, which will regulate contentious issues and omissions in the agreements.

Hadzipasic seeks help from WB in Washington not to decrease veterans’ benefits


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Hadzipasic: Shaking the Government is not in anybody’s interest’ by M. Kukan – The FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic on Tuesday sent a letter to the World Bank office in Washington seeking the solution to avoid decreasing benefits for veterans, which has been requested by the WB in BiH. Hadzipasic underlines that the letter, also submitted to WB in BiH, OHR and CoM, has been aimed at getting assistance o prevent “damaging veterans’ population and we must not touch that category. There are solutions, that is some possibility to save money in other budget items thus to maintain the current level of invalid pensions.” FBiH PM says that previously the OHR and WB were satisfied with the FBiH Government’s plan to keep the total amount for invalids pensions under 300 million KM. “This is just a shake of the government which… is not in either our or international community’s interest,” said Hadzipasic. [Note: On Monday, Oslobodjenje wrote that veterans associations in FBiH will seek his removal if benefits are decreased. Please see BiH Media Round-up for March 7]

WB says such large benefits to veterans prevent equal social protections for other categories


Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Reform of the social sector is in interest of BiH citizens’ op-ed by Dirk Reinerman – The editorial by the Head of the World Bank office in BiH, Dirk Reinerman, explains the demands of the WB in the reform of the social sector in BiH, which also includes the issue around the benefits for veterans. Stressing that the reform is in everyone’s interest and aimed at creating transparent social insurance network, and balancing the funds education and health sectors, Reinerman notes that current funds for benefits of veterans reach 30% of entire FBiH budget and 12% of RS budget, which is “one of the biggest allocations to war veterans in the entire world.” This situation, notes Reinerman, prevents development of a good quality network of social support in all other aspects of social protections, including protection of children, civil war victims, etc. “To be clear, [WB] doesn’t seek decrease of funds for benefits to veterans, but their maintenance at the level from 2004,” concludes director of WB in BiH.

PDHR Hays meets with BiH Independent Trade Union representatives


TV Hayat, TV Pink, Osloboedjenje pg 6 ‘BiH on the road to Europe’, Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Hays: Authorities must implement aggressive reforms’ by M. Zorlak – The HR Principal Deputy, Donald Hays, paid a visit to BiH Independent Trade Unions Association on Tuesday. It was discussed on situation in BiH economy and on ways in which BiH workers could contribute BiH’s admittance to Euro-Atlantic integrations. Hays said that the cooperation between Trade Union representatives and BiH authorities had to be established. “The Government needs its ideas, politics and plans to present to BiH Trade Unions and to start a dialogue afterwards. If it is done in right way, politics would be improved, which means that other states would improve their support”, said Hays. “We have stressed our interest to be actively involved in discussions related with negotiations on BiH’s admittance to the EU, since BiH workers, beside authorities, have their interests and wish to participate in the process”, said the Chair of BiH Independent Trade Union, Edhem Biber. Hays and Biber agreed that the existing privatization process had to be continued, but that the revealed irregularities had to be corrected.

Hays says situation in Srpske Sume, Elektroprivredas improved, announces solution for Aluminij


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Solution for Mostar based Aluminij is upcoming’ by Sead Numanovic – In an interview to DA, the outgoing Principal Deputy HR, Donald Hays, noted some progress in the economy field in BiH, giving the example of Elektroprivredas who all were subject of Special Audits which remarked irregularities. Now, says Hays, the situation is entirely different: “We have new Elektroprivreda RS’ director, who told me that this company for the first time invest into itself… The situation is much better in both Elektroprivredas BiH and Herceg Bosne. Following the revision of Srpske Sume, about 40 investigations were launched and I expect at least 20 indictments.” Asked about Mostar based Aluminij company, Hays says that the issue of ownership over this company is to be solved very soon, which will be followed by privatization. PDHR underlines that Aluminij and FBiH Government agreed to equally treat the Government’s and workers which helped make this company successful. “Furthermore, the workers which left Aluminij during the war and did not return to it after the end of conflict will be treated the same way as company’s employees. We will open the process of employing representatives of other peoples,” says Hays.

Delegation of HDZ-CCD-HNZ Coalition visited Aluminij/Croat MPs against selective audit


Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 5 ‘Destiny of Aluminij in hands of FBiH Government’ by I. Glibusic – The delegation of HDZ-CCD-HNZ Coalition in the FBiH Parliament led by Deputy Chairman of the FBiH House of Representatives Josip Merdzo visited Aluminij on Tuesday. During this visit it was stressed that the privatisation audit is necessary but in the companies in which workers lost job or in the companies which were sold for 1 KM. DL also says that according to the last, unconfirmed information state will participate in the future ownership structure of Aluminij with 42 %, Aluminij workers with 46 %, while Croatia would have 12 % of shares in this company. DL says that in case that this option is adopted further functioning of the ruling Coalition at the FBiH level would be questionable. Commenting on the Aluminij issue, Merdzo stated in a DL inset under headline ‘MPs against audit in Aluminij’ that they expect the right solution to be found in cooperation with the FBiH Government. Also covered by Slobodna Dalmacija pg 16 ‘Authority support is necessary for construction of new electrolyses’ by Z. Zekic.


Security/legal proceedings/incidents

Orthodox priests attacked nearby Sarajevo











Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Religious fanatic beat up Orthodox priests’, by Robert Soldo – An Orthodox priest, Zoran Kalajdzic, and his aide, Milenko Vujic, got attacked at the Inter-Entity Border Line in the Sarajevo district of Dobrinja two days ago. The attacker, Edvin Jaganjac, was arrested by the Police, and the duty Prosecutor of the District Prosecution, Jasmin Sose, says Jaganjac has been placed in detention, under suspicion of provoking religious and national intolerance. Additional reason for detention is because Jaganjac is also a UK citizen, meaning there is a possibility of escape.

Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 16 ‘Eyebrow ridge of Serb priest smashed’, by D. Pasic – The BiH Helsinki Committee for Human Rights condemned the attack, noting it is one in the series of attacks on the Serbs and Croats, in other words religious officials and facilities that have happened in Sarajevo since the signing of DPA.

Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Jaganjac was given custody’ by R. Rakic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘We’ve kept silent for too long’ – Edvin Jaganjac from Sarajevo who is suspected of the attack on Orthodox priest Zoran Kalajdzic and his assistant Milenko Vujic in the Sarajevo settlement of Dobrinja, was given Tuesday a 30-day detention, Istocno Sarajevo District Prosecutor Jasmin Sose stated. Members of the Istocno Sarajevo Police Station arrested Jaganjac on Monday afternoon after he had insulted and attacked the priest and his assistant on the inter-entity boundary line.

Oslobodjenje claims ex investigators form Keraterm to be chief of OSA unit in Prijedor


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Radomir Rodic, investigator from Keraterm, serve in OSA’ by B. Kahrimanovic – Daily reads that “OSA Director Almir Dzuvo and his Deputy Risto Zaric continue to appoint unchecked individuals to the high level positions.” Apparently, Radomir Rodic, for whom daily claims was an investigator in Keraterm concentration camp during the war, was informed several days ago that he would be appointed to position of Chief of OSA unit in Prijedor. According to Oslobodjenje, Rodic is now to receive the written confirmation on this. 

Covic case


Dnevni List pg 2 ‘I hope that Dragan Covic would submit resignation’ by N. Sumanovic, E. Mackic – Regarding the bill of indictment against Croat member of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic, Spokesperson Cristina Gallach conveyed the stand of EU Commissioner for Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana who fully supports the stand of High Representative Paddy Ashdown with regard to this issue. She added that Solana also hopes that in case that the bill of indictment against Covic was confirmed that Covic would careful consider as to what will be his future moves having in mind the interest of BiH and all people he represents.

RS Helsinki Committee’s Todorovic critical of RS judiciary


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Prosecutors are afraid of Mafia bound with politicians’ by P. Klincov – Chairman of RS Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Branko Todorovic Tuesday stated the main problem in functioning of RS judiciary is a poor performance of Prosecutor’s Offices and this must be changed. He says RS Prosecutor’s Offices have done nothing since September last year, when he gave a special edition of Nezavisne Novine (“Crna Bosna”) that listed numerous affairs that have took place in BiH in past several years to RS Chief Prosecutor Amor Bukic. Todorovic noted: “It seems as if Prosecutors were afraid of their work and, regardless of significant judiciary reforms, they still display incorrect stance towards their jobs and position of the.” He further noted the Committee has observed Prosecutors do not have courage to launch investigations on affairs and abuse of authority of ‘Mafia bound with politicians’. He mentioned “Elektroprivreda RS”, “Telekom Srpske” and “Srpske Sume”, controlled by SDS and PDP, as examples.