
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 9/12/2004


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 9 December


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Paravac in Tirana

NATO summit commences

NATO summit commences

BiH CoM in session

Japan extends Iraq mission

US official on BiH troops toIraq

FBiH Govt in session

Sudan situation update

RS NGOs letter to Ashdown

TV news broadcast on 8 December


BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Tadic meets Lozancic

US “Green Card” lottery

Brcko Assembly in session

Helsinki Com. on RS Govt

BIH Presidency in session

NATO summit

HDZ-SDA on Mostar

Cavic-Dodik meeting

Brcko Assembly in session

Mladic visited RS in 2004

Knezevic sentenced

Karadzic wont surrender

Honoring Stadler

Cavic – Dodik meeting

Krsmanovic sentenced

Krsmanovic sentenced



Total number of victims in BiH is less than 150.000!; Jelavic only signed the decision on opening back account; Vasilj illegally hacked into archive of visas

Dnevni Avaz

Silajdzic: This is hard attack on BiH Economy!; Kathleen Stephens: For us it is important that BiH participates the fight against global terrorism; Tadic: We will never jeopardize someone again!; Branko Todorovic: It is scandalous to give money from budget to criminals 

Dnevni List

Trials: Toby Robinson has no evidence against Jelavic

Vecernji List

Q-fever in eastern Bosnia

Slobodna Dalmacija

Croat to become President of Republika Srpska?

Nezavisne Novine

Trial against former finance minister: Ivanic: Vilendicic made decisions by himself; International community holds confidential information on hide-outs of Hague fugitive: Mladic was in Han Pijesak in June and July; Meeting Cavic-Dodik: Penalties for all those protecting Hague fugitives; Boris Tadic in Mostar: No political progress without economic cooperation

Glas Srpske

The Union of Associations of families of the missing persons in BiH: Wrong image of war; Sarajevo : Salaries to make you dizzy


The Hague ultimatum to Srpska: Deadline expires today, new removals threatening; Cavic and Dodik: Agreement fails; Ashdown’s salary amounts to BAM 50 thousand

Vecernje novosti

Boris Tadic returned from visit to BiH: I will speak with Haridinaj as well; Serbian President with RS businessmen: Tadic “verified” signature


Features Serbian related topics



Paravac in Tirana


RHB, RS Radio at 12.00 – Chairman of BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac,leads BiH delegation at the Regional Summit “Development of interethnic and inter-religious dialogue – significant factor of stability and progress in South-east Europe”, taking place December 9 and 10 in Tirana, Albania.

BiH CoM in session


RHB, RS Radio at 12.00 – BiH Council of Ministers is in session today discussing, among other issues, the information of distribution of the monetary gold among former Yugoslav republics. The BiH CoM is also expected to consider information about the debt of the former Yugoslavia to the United Nations.

FBiH Govt in session


RHB at 12.00 – FBiH Government is in session today, which will be, among other issues, discussing the Report on execution of the FBiH budget for 2004 for the period between January and October.

RS Govt on budget re-balance


RS Radio at 12.00 – RS Government has set the proposal on RS budget re-balance for this year, stated Branko Ksrmanovic, RS Finance Minister, at today’s oppress conference in Banja Luka . He said that the new proposal on budget of BAM 1.35 billion was set.

BiH Lawsuit vs. SCG

RHB at 12.00 – The International Court of Justice (IJC) at The Hague will start proceedings in the case of charges that BiH had pressed against Serbia and Montenegro in February 2006, says the ICJ.


Political issues

Dodik, Cavic discuss cooperation with ICTY, Constitutional changes













FTV, BHT 1 by Adela Malkoc RS President Dragan Cavic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik agreed on Wednesday that the RS authorities should determine the responsibility for the lack of cooperation of the RS with the ICTY. At the meeting held on Wednesday, they further concluded that the RS must prove to the international community that RS is ready to punish all those opposing the cooperation with ICTY. Dragan Cavic commented: “We must prove them that we are working on this efficiently and without any prejudice. All individuals representing an obstacle for this will be recognized and punished by us, and not by the international community.”  Milorad Dodik stated: “We must stress that the new Steering Board of RS MoI is actively working on meeting international obligations. However, the policy of the Government has lead RS into a situation where RS is only watching all this, creating the impression that thing must be this way.” While RS officials are trying to determine the responsibility for non-cooperation with ICTY, the IC and BIH public are waiting for concrete actions. BHT comments that HR Paddy Ashdown has clearly stated that RS must cooperate with ICTY, otherwise RS will face sanctions, and we will not have to wait long for reactions.

RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Any aggressive change of Constitution will cause new political conflicts’ by Onasa, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘We will punish for lack of cooperation with The Hague’, by bs – Both Dodik and Cavic also agreed that any pushing for constitutional changes without census of Serb people and their political representatives in BiH will lead to further political conflicts, and this must be understood by both FBiH and IC.

Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 4 ‘Punishments for everyone protecting Hague fugitives’ by V. Popovic; EuroBlic cover ‘Agreement fails and RSpg 3 ‘Negotiations without agreement’ by Rajna Radosavljevic; Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘We will not allow blackmails’ by N. DIklic – Dodik has said SNSD does not support BiH CoM and he invited other parties to reconsider their stance towards this institution because it does not reflect the interest of everyone in BiH, while Chairman Adnan Terzic is implementing SDA policy.  Articles read Cavic and Dodikhave announced they would continue with talks.

BiH Presidency in session


RHB, BHT 1, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Agreement on borders with SCG must be signed without conditioning’ by A.M., Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Agreement on borders between BiH and SCG put on hold’, by D. P. M., Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Agreement will not be signed on December 14’, by Dejan Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 18 ‘BiH and SiCG: Without swapping of territories’, by D. P. – At the session held on Wednesday, BIH Presidency confirmed that session of Council for International Cooperation between BIH and SCG was going to be held on 14th of December in Sarajevo. During that session, agreement on state border, due to different policy attitudes, will not be signed. SCG wants to sign an agreement on exchange of territories, but BIH officials do not agree with it. BIH Presidency and BIH CoM believe that agreement on border crossings, as well as agreement on free transport of people and goods should be signed first.  Member of BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, notes: “SCG officials believe that agreements on border line and territory exchange must be signed at the same time. We believe that the agreement on border line needs to be signed first.” In that context, Tihic explained that SCG is demanding corrections to the border in the section around the Belgrade-Bar railway line and around the Drina river lake near the Bajina Basta hydroelectric power station. BIH and SCG will sign several technical agreements on border crossings and cross-border traffic. Agreement on mutual legal assistance is also being considered.

Boris Tadic completes visit to BiH in Mostar: “ Serbia will not threat someone again”


RHB, BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Serbs should go back to Neretva valley’, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 5 ‘No political progress without economic cooperation’ by V. Coric; Vecernje Novosit cover and pg 5 ‘I will speak with Haridinaj as well’ by D. Radeka-M.Labus; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Serbian does not jeopardise anybody’, Dnevni List, pgs 14-15, mentioned on front ‘Tadic promises help to Orthodox Church’, by Sanja Bjelica, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘It’s impossible to lead policy of one people only’, mentioned on front ‘Dive of the bridge for Tadic’, by Zoran Kresic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 17, mentioned on front ‘One cannot take care of one nation only’, by Miroslav Landeka – The Serbian President, Boris Tadic, completed his 3-day visit to BiH by visiting Mostar on Wednesday, when he met with the FBiH President, Niko Lozancic, and representatives of the cantonal and city authorities. Questioned to comment on negative reactions in the BiH and Serbian public on his recent apology, Tadic stated that he said what he thought, noting that the negative reactions were signs that he was right in his apology. “In order to form a 21 century state we have to forgive each other for all that happened between us in the entire last century”, said Tadic. Following the meeting between Tadic and Lozancic, the two of them told the press that the main item on the agenda was the economic cooperation. They also talked about possible constitutional changes in BiH, and both sides agreed that each solution must be sought in agreement of legitimate representatives of all constituent peoples in BiH.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Serbia will not threat anybody anymore’, mentioned on cover ‘Tadic: We will never jeopardize anybody again’, by F. Vele – “Serbia doesn’t threat to anybody, and it never will, it will contribute to stabile politics in the region,” said Tadic.

SD: Tadic wants BiH made up of three parts


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 17 ‘Tadic wants BiH made up of three pieces’, by Blazica Kristo – Commenting on the President Boris Tadic’s visit to BiH, the author writes: “His tour of BiH according to the ethnic principle, Sarajevo on Monday, Banja Luka on Tuesday, Mostar on Wednesday, Tadic is trying to present it as if Serbia treated all constituent peoples in BiH equally. According to that, it would appear that the only revision (of Dayton Peace Accord) that would divide BiH into three pieces, and that the RS remains intact within current borders, is acceptable to Tadic”.

Brcko Assembly appoints Mayor, Speaker

BH TV1, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Mirsad Djapo is a Mayor, Milan Tomic is a Assembly Speaker’ by E. Razanica, Dnevni List, pg. 9 ‘SDP’s Mirsad Djapo is the new Mayor of Brcko District’ by T. Bijelic, Vecernje Novosti, pg. 18 ‘Votes for the dean’ by M. Draganic– The delegates of the Brcko Director Assembly elected Mirsad Djapo from SDP as new Brcko Mayor. The new Speaker, Milan Tomic, a member of the SNSD, won 20 out of a total of 28 votes. Ivan Krndelj, a member of the HSS, was elected Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, winning 19 votes. Brcko Supervisor Susan Johnson welcomed the elections in the Assembly, adding that she expects from the new government to work for a benefit of all citizens.

Oslobodjenje, pg. 5 ‘Mirsad Djapo new Mayor’ by V. Jahic, Nezavisne novine, pg. 6 ‘Mayor’s seat to SDP’ by N. T., Glas Srpske, pg. 5 ‘Djapo is the Mayor’ by M. Dj. – SDS delegates said they were against Djapo for Mayor because ‘some citizens’ associations from Brcko have filed to the Hague tribunal charges against those who committed war crimes over Serb people in Bukvik region while Djapo is mentioned as partaker’.

Update to Njegus’ appointment to CoM


EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Mektic: No obstructions to appointment of Njegus’ by N. Breberina Dragan Mektic, BiH Deputy Security Minister, has told EuroBlic that there are no legal restrictions to the appointment of Radomir Njegus to position of Advisor at BiH Security Minister, adding that even the international organisations, that give assessment regarding the cooperation with the ICTY have no objection to this appointment. Mektic further clams that “tensions are caused needlessly in cases when the appointment of personnel from RS is in question”. He adds: “If there were remarks on the work of Njegus as RS police director, it did not mean that he no longer can assume position at any other institution. Well, many officials of BiH are advisor, and the Hague classified them in “B” files for crimes, meaning indictment has been upheld but further investigation is necessary.”

RTRS – also reported on Mektic statement.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 “Mektic: OHR approved the appointment of Radomir Njegus’ by F. Cardzic – Mektic claims that OHR also approved Njegus appointment. In a statement to DA, Chairman of the CoM Adnan Terzic says that he never interfered with the ministerial decisions, including the appointment of the advisors.  He added that he was surprised with Njegus appointment, and said that he will discuss this with authorized Minister, his Deputy and some representatives of the IC. OHR Spokesperson Vedran Persic said that OHR never comments vetting procedures for the candidates.

FTV on appointment of Mostar mayor


FTV by Ivan Pavkovic HDZ and SDA officials met in Sarajevo on Wednesday to discuss the election of Mayor of Mostar. FTV comments that they obviously reached the agreement on appointing Ljubo Beslic as new Mayor. However, there are still a number of issues unsolved. OHR Spokesperson Sanela Tunovic invited the Council to work for the benefit of citizens, and journalists notes that HDZ and SDA obviously trade with the positions in Mostar administration. SDA further insists on an inter-party agreement on solution for problems of Aluminij company and Bijeli Brijeg stadium. HDZ on the other side doesn’t accept these conditions and raises the issue of Kuwaiti loan that allegedly created debts for some municipalities.

Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘HDZ and SDA electing Mayor’, by Ivan Pavkovic – also reports on HDZ’s refusal to accept SDA’s conditions.

DL and SD on appointment of Mostar mayor


Dnevni List, pg 12, mentioned on front ‘Crisis in City Council continues’, by N. Bise – Daily reports it is uncertain whether the continuation of the session of Mostar City Council (MCC) adjourned last week will take place today (Thursday) at all. According to DL’s information, the Bosniak Caucus in the MCC, which is to meet prior to the session of the MCC, will not reach an agreement on vote of confidence to candidates for President of MCC and Mostar Mayor. DL further explains that the issue whether to support Ljubo Beslic as the new Mayor of Mostar has divided the SDA of Mostar, which puts the SDA councillors into an awkward position. In that context, DL reminds that an SDA Vice President, Bakir Izetbegovic, was in Mostar three days ago when he indirectly conveyed a message from the SDA leadership that Beslic’s candidacy had to be supported in exchange for Bosniaks getting appropriate positions in the City administration of Mostar. According to DL, now the SDA councillors have two options – whether to defy Izetbegovic or to support Beslic, plus the third option – to fail to reach an agreement in the Bosniak Caucus, after which the MCC could not hold the session.

Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 7 ‘Ljubo Beslic new Mayor of Mostar’, by E. Karamatic – According to SD’s information, the party pinnacles of SDA and HDZ last night finished negotiations regarding the election of Mostar Mayor. Apparently, a general agreement has been reached that Ljubo Beslic be elected the Mayor of Mostar.

Mayor NN op-ed on Ivanic

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Ivanic like Zuka Dzumhur’ by Almedin Sisic – The author is critical of Mladen Ivanic and his frequent “travels”, and also of the latest interview he gave to Vecernje Novosti, Serbian daily. The author notes that BiH Foreign Minister, in tearful manner unusual for him, complained to the Serbian public he is exerted to numerous pressures in Sarajevo in the fight for the Serb interests. The author notes Ivanic did not try to balance his statement with purpose, since he decided to look for help at the other side of Drina river. The author further stresses that Ivanic has never had a better life than now with all these travels, adding that he does not give accounting to anybody, although he should.

NN op-ed on PIC communiqué

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 8 ‘End of lies’ by Dragomir Babic – The author is assertive of the latest PIC communiqué, warning individuals to move from the way of BiH integration into Europe. He notes it is high time the High Representative Paddy Ashdown acknowledged who he is dealing with in RS and to remove them from power. According to him, the group of individuals from RS has been lying on the people and HR as well for years now.


Admission to Partnership for Peace

BHT 1 on BiH’s admission to PfP






BHT 1 by Elvir Bucalo – BIH most probably will not be invited to join the Partnership for Peace at the NATO summit in Brussels on 9/10 December. Reason for this is lack of  cooperation with ICTY. NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, stated recently that the cooperation with ICTY is one of most important conditions for joining PFP, in addition to defense reforms. Robert Serry, Chair of NATO Balkans Task Forces, comments:”Partnership for Peace is your first ticket to Euro-Atlantic structures. If you look at your neighbours, you will see that they are also moving towards the Partnership. As long as this is [not the case with BiH], you will remain in a sort of isolation.” According to agenda, NATO will discuss the issue of West Balkans today [Thursday]. However, it has been emphasized that NATO and EU will take the ICTY Prosecution’s report into consideration.

Tihic seeks sanctions against RS


FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Possible collective sanctions for RS’ by M.K.S. – The BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic said that it can be assumed that BIH will not be invited to the meeting of NATO’s Euro-Atlantic Council, because nothing has changed since last NATO summit in Istanbul with the regard to the cooperation with the ICTY. According to Tihic, RS failed to meet the obligation of arresting war crime indictees at large. Tihic expects NATO to adopt resolutions insisting on cooperation with ICTY, and he also suggest certain sanctions.

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Tihic: I expect penalties for RS from the NATO Summit’; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Penalties awaiting for Srpska’ – Tihic adds: “The so far sanctions against individuals did not bear any fruit, so it is logical for more sanctions would follow.”

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Agreement on borders with SCG must be signed without conditioning’ by A.M.  – Tihic said that since nothing has been changed, the issue of the existence of the RS Interior Ministry has been disputed.

Ivanic: If I am to be held responsible for non-accession to PfP I will resign


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘If I am to be held responsible for non-accession to PfP I will resign’ by S.N. – In BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic’s opinion another rejection of the BiH’s application for joining Partnership for Peace is nothing new. “Since the (NATO) Summit in Istanbul there has been no apprehensions of war crime indictees what has been a pre-condition for positive response (to the application),” said Ivanic adding that the latest response from the Brussels was therefore not a surprise. Ivanic said that he did not believe that any of the Serb representatives in the BiH state institutions should be held responsible for the latest rejection of the BiH application by Brussels but that he was prepared to resign if such the move of his would resolve the problem.     

Radovanovic on NATO Summit


EuroBlic cover and RSpg 1 ‘Deadline expires today, new removals threatening’ by M. Jandric – Nikola Radovanovic, BiH Defence Minister, commenting on upcoming NATO Summit and the fact BiH has not been invited to attend. He notes that “one should not be too wise to conclude where we stand now, since we have not been invited to attend. I believe the reason is because no progress has been achieved in the cooperation with the ICTY.”

DL reactions to BiH filaure to join PfP


Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Stop to invitation to NATO meeting’, by Arijana Beus – DL carries the reactions to BiH failure to be admitted to PfP. Svetozar Pudaric from SDP says:“In a way it confirms that BiH goes backwards and that now we are in position we were at in the year 2000”, says Pudaric. Seada Palavric (SDA Vice President) says it is the RS authorities that are responsible for lack of cooperation with the ICTY. “Because of the lack of cooperation, I believe in sanctions against RS authorities”, says Palavric. Anto Spajic (HDZ Vice President) is not familiar that BiH did not get the invitation, however he believes if that’s the case, it is tragic for both the state and BiH citizens.

DA op-ed on PFP

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Response from Brussels’ Commentary of the Day by Edina Sarac – Sarac says that today a news will arrive from Brussels to BiH that BiH has again failed to meet conditions for Partnership for Peace. She emphasized that if this time there will be no decisive actions against those obstructing the process, nobody knows how many NATO Summits will be held until BiH is admitted into PfP.


War crimes

RS Helsinki Board slams RS Govt decision on material assistance to PIFWCs



BHT 1, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘The biggest benefits for fugitives from RS’ by A. Omeragic – War crime indictees from RS wanted by the ICTY might become the best paid Hague fugitives if they accept the latest offer by the RS Government and voluntarily turn themselves in to the Tribunal by the end of this year. In that they will receive 50,000 KM plus monthly payment while they are in the Hague prison. Their families will also be financially supported.

Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘It is scandalous to award criminals by money from the budget’ – President of the RS Helsinki Committee Branko Todorovic describes the RS Government decision to financially support war crime indictees and their families as scandalous, arrogant and cynical.

Blic on assistance to PIFWCs


EuroBlic cover and RSpg 1 ‘Deadline expires today, new removals threatening’ by M. Jandric – The author brings the information from the RS Government, noting that RS Government deadline for voluntary surrender with material assistance expires today. Article also notes that the RS Government has failed to give the information as to whether anybody has contacted them so far, with one remark that “public will be informed if anybody indeed surrenders”.

NN op-ed on the RS Govt decision re assistance to PIFWCs


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Traumatised youth’ by Pero Simic – The op-ed comments on the RS Government decisions to pay out material assistance to families of PIWC’s. Ironically toned, the author guesses that this call has touched Hague fugitives to that an extend, they have just turned their heads in opposite direction and “continued with their winter sleep, provided to them by these prattlers.” He concludes by saying that this call has actually calmed the conscious of both, the fugitives and the authority before the public eye.

NN says Mladic was in Han Pijesak in summer 2004


BHT 1 – According to Nazavisne novine, ICTY indictee Ratko Mladic visited Han Pijesak in RS in June and July of this year. Apparently, Mladic was accommodated in military facility in Han Pijesak, and enjoyed the protection of RS Army.

Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 2 ‘Mladic was in Han Pijesak in June and July’ by M. Cubro – According to NN source, “Mladic has been transferred to location in Han Pijesak, because it was feared that on the eve of the coming presidential elections in Serbia in June and the NATO Summit and owing to international pressure, Mladic might have been arrested and extradited to The Hague.”

US official on arrest of war crimes indictees at large


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘For Washington, it is important that BiH participates in global fight against terrorism’, mentioned on cover ‘For us it is important that BiH participates the fight against global terrorism’, by S. Numanovic, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Washington expects changes of the Dayton’ by A. Prlenda, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘RS authorities must arrest war crimes indictees’ by M. C.Cathleen Stephen, the Deputy Associate of US State Secretary for Europe and Euro-Asia, has stated that the integration of BiH to PfP, NATO and EU is blocked due to non-cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, therefore we expect to see their results with regard to arresting Hague fugitives, we do not want their promises only. She has added that the pressure, which is applied on RS to arrest war crimes indictees, would continue because the main priority of USA is stabilization of BiH and its admission to Euro-Atlantic integrations.

Tokaca: Total number of victims in BiH 150.000


Oslobodjenje cover page, pgs 4-5 ‘Total number of victims in BiH lesser than 150,000’ by Edina Kamenica – A total number of victims of the aggression against BiH is surely bigger than 100,000 but lesser than 150,000, claims Mirsad Tokaca, the President of the Investigating-DocumentationCenter.

GS on minimizing the number of victims


Glas Srpske cover page story ‘Wrong image of war’ by G. K. – GS brings the story of the President of the RS Union of Associations for Missing Persons, Milijana Bojic, whose brother and a number of friends got killed in Vogosca at the beginning of the war. She claims there are attempts in the FBiH to try to reduce in every possible way the number of Serbs, especially of Serb civilians, who were killed in Sarajevo during the war. GS inset ‘Invitation to Ashdown’ – Milijana Bojic says no representative of the international community has ever made an effort to talk to families of killed Serbs. She invites High Representative Paddy Ashdown to visit the RS Union of Associations for Missing Persons.


Judicial issues /trials/ investigations

Update to acetic acid anhydride affair: Krsmanovic sentenced to 3.5 years





BHT 1, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘3 years and 6 months in prison for Krsmanovic’ by A. Durmo; Glas Srpske pg 12 ‘Prison because of acid’Dnevni List, pg 49 ‘Krsmanovic gets three and half years’, not signedOn Wednesday, the BiH Court sentenced Rajo Krsmanovic to three and a half a years of imprisonment for illegal trade of narcotics, specifically for importing anhydrite ascetic acid. The court has also concluded that he knew this substance is used to manufacture narcotics, and, as owner of RBS Company from Bijeljina he imported 19.5 tones of anhydrite ascetic acid last year, selling 11 tons to unknown persons. Judge Salem Miso stated that Krsmanovic’s sentence is adequate and in proportion with the criminal act committed by Krsmanovic. Defence announced an appeal to the sentence stating that the Prosecution hasn’t proved that their client sold any anhydrite of vinegar acid. Court also released Krsmanovic from custody until his sentence starts.

Robinson completes testimony in Jelavic trial


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘barbaric claims money from Croatia not paid to FMoD, but to so-called Herceg Bosna’ by M. Kukan, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Jelavic only signed the decision on opening back account’, mentioned on cover, by A.N., Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 5 ‘Trials: Toby Robinson has no evidence against Jelavic’, by E. Mackic – DL reports from the continuation of trials to Ante Jelavic in the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ noting that the Provisional Administrator for Hercegovacka bank, Toby Robinson, cross-examined on Wednesday, does not have evidence that Jelavic was re-routing funds that were coming from Croatia, although that’s the foundation of the indictment against Jelavic. According to DL, this was a joint conclusion by the prosecutor in the case, John McNair, and Jelavic’s lawyer, Dragan Barbaric, after cross-examining Robinson.

Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Jelavic signed one decision, a legitimate one’, by Zlatko Tulic, Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘He signed one document, by zk, –Robinson stated there was only one decision with regard to HB that Jelavic had signed, which refers to opening of the HVO’s account in the Hercegovacka bank, which was, in Robinson’s own words, done according to the law.

Update to trial of Fazlic, Kobilic


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Prosecution’s witness denied giving Fazlic money’ by A.N., Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Svabo stated suspects did not ask him for money’ by M. Kukan, Nezavisne Novine pd 6 ‘Prosecution witness denied connections with the defendants’ by A. Durmo; Glas Srpske pg 13 ‘Circular arrest warrant was not hidden’ – Armin Karahovic, prosecution witness in the trial against Asim Fazlic, the former Director of BiH Interpol, during the court session Wednesday, said that the defendants in this case, Fazlic and Sead Kobilic, had not asked him for money in return for withholding circular arrest warrants of Interpol. He added that he did not know Fazlic and that he had seen Kobilic but that the latter had never asked him for money. This trail will resume Thursday.

Sarajevo dailies on BIH Ambassador to Jordan


Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Kruno Vasilj illegally hacked into the archive of BiH visas’, mentioned on cover, by Az. Kalamujic, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Krunoslav Vasilj illegally ‘hacked’ into the BiH visa system using the password of his advisor’ by M. Drinjakovic – Daily carries that BiH Presidency at the session on Wednesday did not dismiss BiH Ambassador to Jordan, Kruno Vasilj, from his position despite the request by BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic. “Oslobodjenje learns that state leadership has decided to postpone removal of Vasilj due to insisting by Ivanic’s deputy Lidija Topic and member of BiH Presidency Dragan Covic, who in compromising dossier on his work have no found a reason for his dismissal,” reads the article. Disputing their objectivity in the case, daily says that Ivanic pointed out to a number of irregularities carried out by Vasilj, which include financial transactions to fictitious companies and issuance of BiH visas without previous check with the Ministry. Ivanic has also accused Vasilj of unauthorized usage of password for system of visa granting.

Ivanic testifies in Vilendecic trial


Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘Ivanic: Vilendecic made decisions by himself’ by N. Moraca – Wednesday’s resumption of the trial against Simeun Vilendecic, former RS finance minister, before Banja Luka Basic Court saw the testimony of Mladen Ivanic, former RS premier and BiH Foreign Minister presently, who stressed that the interest rate was of importance but not the one and only factor determining which Bank should get resources. He noted that the entire situation at that time had arisen from the fact that IMF prevented the RS Government and the state not to spend the money obtained from succession. He added: “We agreed resources must be placed as safe deposit, and Vilendecic informed me it had been done, but we did not speak about details.”

Update to Privredna Banka Eastern Sarajevo

Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Preliminary report was compiled’ by A. S. – A work group of RS Ministry of Finance, which is in charge of investigating payments from public funds of RS to Privredna Banka Eastern Sarajevo, has delivered a preliminary report to the RS Prime Minister and RS Minister of Finance. Radmila Mihic, the Spokesperson of the Finance Ministry, announced the investigation in this case would continue because the report does not include information on all budgetary users as yet, adding ‘a part of data, which need to be forwarded by Temporary Administrator of Privredna Banka Tobi Robinson, is still missing.


Other issues

SDHR Wnendt visits Srebrenica







BHT 1 – During his visit to Srebrenica, Senior Deputy High Representative Werner Wnendt stated that after RS admitted the crime in Srebrenica, OHR now expects a stronger support for the economic development in this region. SDHR Wnendt stated: “You can’t write a report in which, for the first time, you admit to all that had happened here and then do nothing for Srebrenica.” Srebrenica municipality officials believe that further development of the region is possible, but only with a special economic status of this region. Srebrenica citizens are still waiting for the major economic factors to start operating again. They believe that Srebrenica has a great potential, but it needs a lot of support.

FTV, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘We have to open road for better return’, by De. L.– After his visit to Srebrenica, SDHR Werner Wnendt stated that Srebrenica needs more help, starting with reconstruction of houses and creating conditions for sustainable return.

RS Association of former PoWs call on citizens’ disobedience


Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Inmates want Mikerevic to resign’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Former camp inmates invite to citizens’ disobedience’ by V. P. – Leadership of RS Association of Former Camp Inmates will today invite to citizens’ disobedience as a reply to frequent pressures applied by the High Representative against RS authorities, as the President of the Association, Branislav Dukic, has announced. He also announced the leadership would demand for a resignation of Dragan Mikerevic.

Q-fever in BiH spreading

Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Q-fever in eastern Bosnia’ and pg 5 ‘Q-fever in Bosnia, brucellosis in Herzegovina’, by Eldina Medunjanin, Ivana Brkic-Cubela – VL reports that the health and veterinary authorities in BiH are trying to contain spreading of Q-fever and brucellosis in BiH for months now, but to no avail.