
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 6/12/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 6 December


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Const. changes talks inSarajevo

Floods in Cazin, Velika Kladusa

RS NA Board

J. Solana in Sarajevo

FBiH 2005 Budget re-balance

Leakey on Karadzic/Mladic arrest

FBiH HoR session today

US’ Rice in Germany

Payment of Child Allowance

TV news broadcast on 5 December


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Hays in Sarajevo / FBiH budget

Krsmanovic and Dereta sentenced

Talks on constitutional changes

Tihic at the OIC Summit in Mecca

Nikolic’s defence on his sentence

Dereta sentenced to 13 years

Ashdown on Kosovo, BiH

Matijasevic and Andan in The Hague

Krsmanovic sentenced to 4 years

Del Ponte meets Matijasevic

Defence Reform Com. to cease work

Update on Momir Nikolic case


NTV Hayat  (19,00 hrs)

FTV  (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Krsmanovic sentenced to 4 years

Verdict for former judge Podrug

Funds from the ITA account

Dereta sentenced to 13 years

Update on Bralo case

Dereta sentenced to 13 yrs in prison

Bralo to receive a verdict

Dereta sentenced to 13 years

Krsmanovic sentenced to four years

BiH Presidency’s session postponed

Krsmanovic sentenced to 4 years

Media monitoring report



Judge Ronny Abraham concerned Belgrade

Dnevni Avaz

Government owes pensioners additional 63 million KM

Dnevni List

Government tricks pensioners: Dramatic reduction of pensions?!

Vecernji List

Tennis unites Croatians ( Croatia wins Davis cup)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Povijest in hard battle with historija and istorija (three different Croat, Bosniak and Serb history textbooks in BiH)

Nezavisne Novine

RS Government is hiding data from potential buyers

Glas Srpske

You will not see Christmas!


Two babies in one incubator (poor conditions at BL infants clinic)

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related topics



Talks on const. changes commence today; PDP: Tihic holds back agreement; Halilovic: proposal disappointing



BH Radio1, RHB– Both report that the talks on the constitutional changes are to commence in Sarajevo today. RTRS – PDP press statement released today reads party would take part in talks only at the level of presidents of parties. “By avoiding talks Sulejman Tihic is holding back possible constitutional changes and blocking the European road of BiH… Tihic clearly does not wants changes to the BiH Constitution that are acceptable to all three peoples, but only changes that will be imposed and in the interest of one party and one people,” reads the statement. FENA – President of the SBiH Presidency Safet Halilovic stated that the paper that has been offered for these talks is rather disappointing as the changes proposed were only cosmetic.

FBiH HoR in session: Agrokomerc, budget rebalance to be discussion


BH Radio 1 – In order to come into effect, the report of a joint parliamentary commission on the harmonized version of the FBiH 2005 Budget re-balance must be adopted by the FBiH HoR at its today’s session in Sarajevo. The House is also expected to discuss information on the situation related to privatisation of the Velika Kladusa-based Agrokomerc Company. Several hundreds of the company’s workers gathered in front of the parliament’s building protesting against a privatisation model proposed by the FBiH Government.  RHB– Also, BOSS President Mirnes Ajanovic has gathered over 20 necessary signatures of his colleagues representatives for the initiative according to which the FBiH HoR should hold a new extraordinary session o co-capitalization of Energopetrol.

RS NA Board on const. affairs in session


RTRS – The RS NA Board for constitutional affairs at today’s session in Banja Luka discussed draft amendments to the RS Constitution in the portion dealing with transfer of defence powers onto joint institutions of BiH. According to Dusan Stojicic, RSNA Speaker,these are in line with previous conclusions of the RSNA reached on the issue. Board also discussed Venice Commission Report regarding constitutional affairs in BiH and welcomed joint statement signed in Washington.

Leakey: Karadzic/ Mladic most likely not in BiH; Solana arrives to Sarajevo


RTRS – Outgoing EUFOR Commander, David Leakey, thinks that it is unlikely that EUFOR will arrest Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic because he does not believe that Karadzic and Mladic would risk moving through BiH. General Leakey, who will hand over command to Italian Brig Gen Marco Chiarini in the presence of EU High Representative Javier Solana in Sarajevo on Tuesday, stated that coordinated international action has made movement of Karadzic and Mladic in BiH almost impossible.RHB – reported Solana arrived.

RS Syndicate Union on VAT

RTRS – Ranka Misic, President of RS Syndicate Union, has today asked BiH CoM to free basic food products from VAT, along with printed media.


Talks on constitutional changes

Talks on the constitutional changes to resume; Tihic, Ivanic certainly not to attend











BHT1 by Vanja Filipovic – Talks on constitutional changes will continue on Tuesday in Sarajevo. The talks will be coordinated by US Institute for Peace. The Institute’s coordinator Donald Hays stated after his arrival to Sarajevo that he expects tough negotiations. Hays is expected to have a numerous meetings on the issue with the parties, parliamentary representatives and embassies. SNSD President Milorad Dodik still didn’t confirm his participation, stating that he would only come to Sarajevo if all parties are represented by their presidents. SDA President Sulejman Tihic won’t participate in the talks as he left Sarajevo on Tuesday to participate in the summit of the Organisation of Islamic Countries. Tihic stated that he is not going to appoint a representative of SDA for talks on constitutional changes explaining any other representative other than himself wouldn’t be in the same position as other negotiators as all other parties would be represented by their Presidents. RTRS by Nada ArlovSDS Vice-President Mladen Bosic, on Monday stated he knows nothing about the date when the negotiations should be continued. Dodik added he was not informed about the continuation of the talks adding: “I don’t want to take part in a meeting where the leaders of political parties are replaced with their associates, who are not authorized to make any decisions.” RTRS reminds that in addition to Tihic, BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs and PDP leader Mladen Ivanic is also not to attend the talks as he is taking part at the annual OSCE ministerial conference in Ljubljana. RHB, PINK, Hayat, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Hays arrived to Sarajevo’, not signed– Reported on Hays’ arrival. RHB adds he will visit Banja Luka and most likely Mostar by December 11.

Ceman not to attend; Relota says HDZ will appoint representative; Tihic submitted his stances in written


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘SDA will not have its representative’ – Mirsad Ceman of the SDA confirmed he would not attend the talks. SBiH is to be represented by Safet Halilovic. Miso Relota, spokesperson for HDZ, said the party will appoint its representative on Wednesday after Dragan Covic and Milenko Brkic of HNZ meet Hays for consultations. Krstan Simic of SNSD said that it appointed Zeljko Mirjanic to represent them adding that Dodik is expect to participate as well. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Tihic delivered his positions in written form’ – Tihic says he submitted his stances on the constitutional changes in written to the US Institute. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Today meeting with SDS’ – carry Ceman’s statement.

NN: Hays to commence with separate meetings on const. changes


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Meeting with SDS today’ by M.Cubro – Daily says that the representatives of the US Institute for Peace will today start with separate meetings with the representatives of the eight BiH political parties regarding the changes of BiH Constitution. The first meeting of this kind will today be held with SDS representatives. Bosko Siljegovic, SDS Vice President, stated that Dragan Cavic, SDS President, is today expected to meet with Donald Hays. Siljegovic did not want to speak about stances of this party, noting SDS Chair Board is to hold session Wednesday and takestance on constitution changes.

Blic: First talks on Commission for truth and reconciliation, than on const. changes

EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Tihic as a burden’ by Nedeljka Breberina – Daily unofficially learns that Tuesday’s meeting between representatives of political parties and international community should discuss the possibility of seeing the Commission for truth and reconciliation formed, while Wednesday or Thursday meetings should discuss constitutional changes.

SD: Hays and Solana arriving, Tihic and Terzic left!’


Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Hays and Solana arriving, Tihic and Terzic left!’, by Dinko Pasic – Commenting on the arrival of the EU Foreign Common and Security Police High Representative, Javier Solana, and Donald Hays to Sarajevo and continuation of constitutional talks, Pasic notices that it was not known until yesterday (Monday) afternoon where the talks will take place and who will be participating in the talks. Pasic also notes it is interesting that despite the two arrivals, Sulejman Tihic and Adnan Terzic, the President and Deputy President of SDA respectively, have left the country.

No changes in parties’ stances; Tihic: SDA not to accept models discussed in Brussels , Washington ; HDZ: public/IC expectations must be met; Lagumdzija sceptical of meeting deadline


BHT 1 by Vanja Filipovic – BHT 1 comments that the negotiations are going to be difficult, since none of the parties have changed their stances regarding constitutional changes. RTRS by Nada Aralov – On the eve of his departure to Mecca, SDA leader Sulejman Tihic underlined his stance on the constitutional changes have not changed: “I believe that we have made a mistake at the very beginning, mainly because we have limited topics for discussions to the Presidency, Council of Ministers, Parliament and the state authorities. We have not discussed the internal structure of BiH. Tihic added he would not accept models discussed in Brussels and Washington. Reporter comments that the complete change of the BiH Constitution would suit both SDA and HDZ, while HDZ is still worried about, as they called it, mid level. “We believe that the mid level [of authorities] should be composed of at least three federal units, entities or provinces”, stated HDZ Spokesperson Miso Relota. The talks on the constitutional changes are anticipated to complete in March. “There is no way that we will get to finish line by March”, SDP President Zlatko Lagumdzija commented sceptically. Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘American agreement disappoints Tihic’, mentioned on cover – Lagumdzija added the talks could not lead to entirely new concept of constitution, because there is no consensus btw ruling parties. He noted that it is possible to agree on one president with two deputies, however stresses that offered method of their election is not acceptable. BHT 1 Martin Raguz from HDZ stated that it is necessary for everyone to understand that the changes are necessary, and the expectations of the public and IC must be met. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Today meeting with SDS’, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Tihic as a burden by N.B. – carry comments of Miso Relota, HDZ Spokesperson, and Mile Lazic, HDZ member, both noting their party’s supports constitutional changes, but not of cosmetic nature. BHT1 – also carried Relota.

Dodik: Tihic’s initiative to burden talks; Stojicic: Deadline can be met; Nagradic: agreement possible if SDA gives up on drastic changes; Mijalica: If Tihic persists in demands, Serb reps should not take part in talks


FTV – On the constitutional changes, the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said his party would support the initiative for one President and two Vice Presidents rotating every 16 months. SNSD will keep insisting that the name “the Council of Ministers” is kept instead of applying the term “the Government”. However, SNSD approves establishing of state ministry for agriculture.  BHT 1 SDSDusan Stojicic commented that DPA could not be changed overnight, adding even the IC is aware of this fact. He emphasized that all necessary amendments to BiH Constitution can be defined by March 2006. EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Tihic as a burden’ by N.B. Slobodan Nagradic from PDP stated that it is possible to reach agreement on constitutional amendments by beginning of next year, but solely under condition that SDA gave up on its drastic changes of BiH Constitution. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘To discuss constitutional changes only if all leaders attend talks’ – It is certain that resumption of talks would further burden [Sulejman] Tihic’ initiative for the change of RS name,” Dodik commented. He assessed as inadmissible that “nobody asked RS whether it wanted to be member of Association of Islamic states” even though BiH is mainly Christian state.” RTRS – If Sulejman Tihic see constitutional changes only through the abolition of entities, than I do not know why should Serb representatives participate in such discussions”, commented SRS’s leader Milanko Mihajlica.

Lavrov with Ivanic: Const. Changes gradually without pressures


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Large changes to the Constitution cannot be productive’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Constitutional changes gradually without pressures’ by V. P., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘The authority fulfills obligations’ by Srna – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated during a meeting with BiH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic in Ljubljana that Russia would support only those constitutional changes in BiH that had been agreed by all three peoples in BiH. Ivanic said that Lavrov told him that, according to Russia, the DPA should remain as a basis of BiH’s setup for many more years to come and he added: “Lavrov said that the imposition of constitutional changes is completely out of the question.”

Bruce Hitchner in DA on constitutional changes talks: Te reach agreement without ‘arm twisting’


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘To reach agreement without arm twisting’, mentioned on cover ‘Pressure does not come from USA and EU’ by Bruce Hitchner – Talking about the constitutional changes talks, the author, among the other things, comments on the Brussels and Washington talks by saying: ‘None was forced to do anything during the talks in Brussels and Washington. Each solution or option that was offered was a result of the agreement and talks of BiH politicians. The fact that the consensus was not reached either in Brussels or in Washington shows that the whole process as well as its result is in the hands of BiH politicians who participate in the negotiations. For this reason, if there is some pressure it certainly does not come from the USA or the EU but from the fact that on its way to the EU, BiH might remain blocked because of non-functional authority.’    


Other political issues

Davidovic: List of negotiating team to be completed in next days




FTV, PINK, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘List of negotiating team members to be completed in next days’ – BiH Chief Negotiator with the EU for signing a SAA, Igor Davidovic, on Monday told Fena that the activities on selecting the names of members of the negotiating team are being finalized. He confirmed that the list of names of members of all groups in the negotiating team will be completed and announced in the next several days. All information on the negotiating team and its activities will be available at a web site that will soon be launched. Davidovic said that intensive consultations are in progress for the negotiations that will start in mid January.

BiH Foreign Minister Ivanic not withdrawing from CoM


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Mladen Ivanic waits for SDA and SDS to reach an agreement’ – BiH Foreign Minister and PDP leader Mladen Ivanic on Monday told the daily he did not indent to resign from the post at CoM. He called on SDS deputies to the BiH Parliamentary Assembly to remove him from CoM together with their SDA colleagues if they want to do so. “If SDA and SDS reach the agreement on my replacement I am prepared to withdraw from CoM,” said Ivanic. Ivanic also emphasized that regardless of any possible sort of pressures no one could force him to again give support to RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic after PDP deputies to RS National Assembly last week decided to stop supporting the Entity’s Government. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘PDP will not cause fall of RS Government’ by V.P, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘PDP is not part of parliamentary majority’, not signedGoran Milojevic, PDP Vice President, stated PDP remains in opposition adding PDP has neither capacity nor ambition to create parliament majority, adding PDP would not cause fall of the RS Govt.

Dodik would take over the government if he gets support for review of privatization’


Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘We’ll take over if he have free hands’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Dodik would take over the government if he gets support for review of privatization’, Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘SNSD will not be in position to cover up for criminals’ by V.Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Srpska is not disputable’ by Z.M., EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Dodik recommends Government should step down’ by RSpg 3 ‘Dodik recommends Government should step down’ by N.B. – SNSD leader Milorad Dodik on Monday said that SNSD would take over power in RS only if the RSNA accepts the law on auditing privatization and gains support for battle against organized crime, as well as for issuing important economic measures. “If we were to come in power we would immediately proclaim as invalid several illegal cases of privatization”, said Dodik, stressing that 11 persons from RS participated “in a racketeering manner in privatization of over 80 companies in RS”. He accused the current government of not doing anything effective to fight the crime adding that for this reason SNSD will not support legislation proposed by the Government, including the proposal of the budget. “We are aware that the Government will suggest a series of documents under the pressure from the OHR, but we have no intention to support them even if the OHR makes pressure on us.” 

RTRS “Pecat” on RS situation: Ivanic says SDS holds all CEO positions, not PDP


RTRS ‘Pecat’ current affairs programme by Biljana Knezevic – Following the allegations by the RS Prime Minister, Pero Bukejlovic, that PDP’s announced move to opposition has to do with their dissatisfaction over managerial positions, Pecat brings the comment from the PDP leader, Mladen Ivanic, who denies this. Ivanic added that PDP members do not take up positions in companies like RS Elektroprivreda, RS Zeljeznice [Railways], RS Poste [Posts] and RS Sume [Forests] adding all managerial positions in these companies belong to SDS. Bukejlovic answers by saying that “it has been forgotten that PDP intensively participates in ruling through significant positions in the Government.” Asked whether PDP will reject the budget to be proposed by the Government at the next RSNA session, Ivanic answered: “We haven’t seen the budget yet but we will study it in detail.” Bukejlovic expects that PDP to act “in accordance with RS interests”. Commenting the DNS initiative on no-confidence vote in the RS Government, Ivanic says it would make sense if the parties supporting it would be ready to form the Government.

FTV ‘60’ minutes: SDS -SDA-PDP break coalition for elections; Dodik to benefit from current situation


FTV ’60 minuta’ current affairs programme by Dragan Stanimirovic– FTV magazine comments that the coalition of SDS-SDA-PDP in RS has split which left the SDS in position of power holder. Author notes that SDA and PDP might have realized time has come to separate from SDS at least for a short time before elections. The report further goes in details about the PDP’s dissatisfaction over distribution of the CEO positions in the public companies, reminding of a comment by the RS President, Dragan Cavic, who said the PDP is a parasite. “For four years we have endured with omissions of [PDP] PMs,…with various allegations on businesses we had nothing to do with, such as privatisations of banks… If they want this kind of a game then they will have it,” said Cavic. Reporter comments that this statement proves Cavic has been well informed about “criminal affairs” of his partners, accusing him of hiding the information. Commenting Pero Bukejlovic’s statement in which he noted his pride in economic improvements due to successes of his Government, report emphasised it is absurd as 40% of the RS citizens are unemployed. Stanimirovic concludes that the biggest benefit of this situation will be for Milorad Dodik and his party trying to win new votes. He also notes that SDS now uses Radicals and other smaller parties to reveal PDP’s criminal acts, stressing that epilogue is expected at the next RSNA session until when audit reports on RS Railroads and Oil Refinery should be submitted.

Osl. op-ed on situation in entity: “RS in nightmare”


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘RS in nightmare’ by Z. Dizdarevic comments on the current political situation in the RS and the author says: ‘It is crucial for RS politicians as to how to settle differences between standing for the EU and NATO with the recent idea of the RS absolutism, that leads towards further strengthening of the BiH as a state and relativization of ‘Srpske’. None from BiH politicians has approached Serbs in the RS yet with the platform from the BiH perspective, which guarantees to the Serb people in BiH unquestionable equality, the right on whole BiH together with others and full security in every sense, but without the RS. This is the biggest political challenge in BiH which waits for a reply and it implies courage, brains and a long-term vision that can be trusted.’

Foreign Affairs Comm. of European Parliament to discuss Resolution on EU enlargement on 12 December


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Leaving of Dayton welcomed’ by SRNAThe European Parliament’s Committee for Foreign Affairs will discuss on December 12th in Strasbourg the proposed Resolution on the enlargement of the European Union. This resolution welcomes High Representative Paddy Ashdown’s recent statements that BiH is finally leaving Dayton and turning towards Europe. It also underlines the importance of the strengthening of state institutions in BiH, as well as the need that appropriate transfer of finances follows the transfer of authorities in the field of judiciary system, defence and police. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘It is encouraging BiH is finally leaving Dayton and decisively moving towards Europe

Ivanic: BiH made important move towards EU, certain BiH politicians to reach agreement on const. changes


Oslobodjneje pg 5 ‘Important BiH’s move towards European Union’ by D. Svarc – BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic is participating in the two-day session of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Ljubljana.  In his address on Monday Ivanic indicated the significant moment for BiH’s future that happened in the past two weeks, tan years after signing the Peace Agreement.  “Reforms have been implemented in the sectors of police structures, tax policy and defense. The reformatory results in 2005 have clearly set the preparedness of BiH authorities to fulfill the taken commitments”, stressed Ivanic.  He stressed that the BiH political leaders have recently talked about the possible constitutional changes adding “although there will be many challenges” in the course of these talks, he is convinced that BiH leaders will reach an agreement on certain matters. PINK, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Ivanic: BiH is now closer to EU’, by NINA, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Rupel supports abolishment of visas for BiH citizens’ by Agencies– carried Ivanic. RHB, BHT1 – also report of the conference.

Terzic to vistis Brussels; Prime Minister Blair invites BiH CoM Chair Terzic to visit London


Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Harmonizing demands for fiscal self-sustainability of BiH’, British Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Premier Terzic to leave for London tomorrow’, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Terzic at ‘Statesman of decade’ award ceremony’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Talks on fiscal stability in BiH’ by M.C. – BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic on Monday departed to Brussels to participate in tomorrow’s meeting with representatives of the World Bank and the EC aimed at harmonizing the requests for BiH’s fiscal sustainability regarding the enhancement of the state structures within the launch of negotiations for signing SAA with the EU. On Wednesday, December 7, Terzic will attend the ceremony of presenting the award “Statesmen of the Decade”, which will be presented by the East West Institute to the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

HDZ of Bijeli Brijeg (Mostar branch) wants organization of new HDZ Convention


Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘New convention of HDZ requested’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 6 ‘Open letter to HDZ Presidency’, by f, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 21 ‘Repeat convention of HDZ BiH’, by M. Karacic – The executive board of HDZ of Bijeli Brijeg (branch of HDZ Mostar) has sent the HDZ of Canton 7 and HDZ Presidency an open letter, which among other issues, requests the repeat of the HDZ convention, arguing that nobody and nothing can stand in the way of HDZ becoming a full member of the European People’s Party. Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘New Convention to be assumed’ – also reported.

Dzemail Vlahovljak to take over position of FBiH Industry Minister?


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Will Dzemail Vlahovljak accept the offer’ by E. S. – According to Party for BiH’s Safet Halilovic, the party would be the most pleased if the current Director of “Energoinvest” Dzemail Vlahovljak agreed to replace Izet Zigic at the ministerial position. Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Three candidates for minister’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic – SBiH announces soon replacement for Zigic.

BiH Civil Affairs Ministry: Dual citizenship agreement with Croatia by end of year

Dnevni List, pg 7, mentioned on front ‘Double citizenship of Croats will not be abolished’, by Ivana Rozic – According to announcements from the BiH Civil Affairs Ministry, the agreement on dual citizenship between BiH and Croatia should be signed in Sarajevo by end of year. Minister Safet Halilovic confirms that only few technical issues need to be sorted out.

GS criticizes Tihic’ initiative re. Bosnian nation / language


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Burns butt, Tihic’ business’ by D.Momic – daily criticizes initiative of Sulejman Tihic regarding the establishment of a Bosnian nation and accordingly Bosnian language, supported by the American officials, Nocholas Burns and Douglas McElchany. It also carries statement of Ranko Pejic, History professor at Banjaluka Faculty of Philosophy, saying this initiative represents a political maneuver with no grounds.

1st anniversary of EUFOR’s mission in BiH marked


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Anniversary of EUFOR mission in BiH marked’ by L. Sinanovic carries that High Representative Paddy Ashdown welcomed marking of the first anniversary of the EUFOR’s mission in BiH at a ceremony held in Sarajevo last night. On this occasion the HR also said that 10 years ago Europe did not distinguish itself since it did nothing. The HR added that the EUFOR’s engagement showed that this was past and that the current acting is the future. The HR also stressed importance of NATO’s Headquarters in BiH. DA inset ‘Struggle against crime’ carries General David Leakey as saying that EUFOR has completely fulfilled its mission of peace keeping and it underlined a new dimension of military forces’ mandate. He also underlined the struggle against the organized crime. Oslobodjenje pg 6 also reported.

SD on different history textbooks in BiH: ‘Povijest’ in hard battle with ‘historija’ and ‘istorija’

Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pgs 16-17 ‘Povijest in hard battle with historija and istorija’, by Radoslav Dodig – notes that Croat, Bosniak and Serb pupils in BiH study history from different textbooks that view on historic events from their own angles, especially when it comes events that happened in the 20th century. (NB: Povijest, historija and istorija are the 3 peoples’ term/name for history)

Osl. op-ed on messages from Grude elections: Nationalistic parties to be main favorites in 2006 elections


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Example of Grude’ by M. Sagolj carries that elections for the Head of the Grude Municipality, which were held last Sunday, are important for the general elections in 2006, since just like in Grude (HDZ has won) the national parties would be the main favorites at the 2006 elections. The author also says that only one-third voters turned out in Grude last weekend and the Head of the Municipality received 60 % of votes. The author comments on these figures by saying that this shows that the nationalistic parties do not have a support of even one-fifth of voters, however, the others have even less. According to the editorial, the elections in Grude also send a strong message to all political forces that would appear at the 2006 elections, which says that if they want to remove from the authority and the political scene the national parties they have to unite in some sort of general political movement for changes.


War crimes

Sarajevo Cantonal Court brings verdict in Hadzici war crime case: Krsmanovic sentenced to 4 yrs prison term



RTRS, FTV, BHT1, PINK, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Boro Krsmanovic sentenced to four years in prison’, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Krsmanovic gets 4 years in prison’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 8 ‘Krsmanovic gets four years’, by DJA, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Krsmanovic sentenced to four years’ by A.Durmo– The Sarajevo Canton Court has sentenced Boro Krsmanovic to four years in prison for a war crime against civilians committed in the municipality of Hadzici in 1992 and 1993. Krsmanovic was found guilty on two counts from the indictment which charged him with taking part in attacks on the villages of Kucice and Musici and the eviction, arrest and maltreatment of non-Serb population.

Nikola Dereta convicted for war crimes, to serve 13 yrs in prison


PINK, BHT1, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Nikola Dereta sentenced to 13 years in prison for war crimes’, Dnevni Avaz pg 12, Nezavisne Novine pg 9, announced on cover ’13 years prison term for murder of Bosniak’ by N.Moraca– The Banja Luka District court sentenced Nikola Dereta to 13 years in prison on Monday. Dereta was the co-accused for a war crime against the civilian population. He was found guilty of killing Dzafer Ribic of Sipovo. Dereta is still at large, and he will be until the appeals procedure is completed.

Matijasevic, Adnan meet Del Ponte: Positive assessments of RS cooperation with the tribunal


RTRS – The RS Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic stated that the Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte positively assessed an improvement of the RS cooperation with the Tribunal. Nevertheless, the assessment on the full RS cooperation with the ICTY would be possible only after all the persons indicted for war crimes are transferred to its detention unit. Asked to comment the statement of the SCG Minister for Human and Minority Rights Rasim Ljajic that SCG should extradite at least one of the indicted persons to the Hague by December 15, Matijasevic stated that “it is obvious that the same conditions apply for the RS”. Matijasevic added that”Carla Del Ponte will insist on full cooperation of all and therefore the RS, as well as Serbia-Montenegro, has an international duty to fully cooperate. One should not speak of specific dates, but we must implement cooperation fully and it is our duty.”  RHB, PINK, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Positive assessments of RS cooperation with the tribunal’, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘December 15 is the deadline for new extraditions for RS as well’, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Matijasevic with Carla del Ponte’, by NINA, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Carla del Ponte welcomed RS progress’ by Sn.K., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Sdel Ponte is measuring cooperation’ – reported on the meeting.

Osl. on BiH lawsuit against SCG: ‘Judge Ronny Abraham concerned Belgrade

Oslobodjenje cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Judge Ronny Abraham concerned Belgrade’ by N. Idrizovic carries that the hearing regarding the BiH lawsuit against Serbia and Montenegro in The Hague will start as late as in two and a half months, however the article learns that the tension in Belgrade has heightened considerably since Ronny Abraham has been elected a judge in this court. Osl. goes on to say that the Serb team is afraid of the Abraham’s vote in the BiH’s procedure against SCiG since before he was elected the judge in The Hague, Abraham had been the French agent in the SCiG lawsuit against NATO countries. Also, in the same procedure Abraham was the closest associate of Alain Pellet, who represents BiH before The Hague in the lawsuit against Yugoslavia.


Economic and social issues

FBiH Government on Energopetrol; FBiH Government adopts draft 2006 Budget





Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘To find solution for mortgage on a part of property’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Energopetrol management team ordered to resolve problems about mortgage’ – FBiH Government ordered the management of “Energopetrol” to contact banks and find a solution for mortgage on property of this company at HVB Bank. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Draft 2006 Budget adopted’, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 – FBiH Government adopted the proposal for 2006 budget. According to this proposal, total revenues in this year will be 1,135 billion KM, 9% more than 2005 rebalanced budget. The budget will include more funds for support of war veterans, farmers, education, science, industry and culture as well as 25 million KM for the social programmes related to the negative impact of the VAT introduction. The budget for war veteran pensions will be increased. The proposal of FBiH Government on 2006 budget will be sent for voting to FBiH Parliament. RHB, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Budget set at 1,1357 billion KMs’, by D. Pasic also reported.

DA op-ed on latest FBiH Government’s conclusion on Energopetrol

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Deceits without limitations’ by M. Kukan comments on the latest conclusion of the Federation of BiH Government regarding the Energopetrol issue and the author says that this conclusion might be interpreted as a capitulating one and as an attempt to shift responsibility from oneself.  

FBiH Pensioners accuse Government of owing them additional 63 million KM


Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Dramatic reduction of pensions?!’, by Mensud Zorlak – Reports that the FBIH Government prepared and sent into parliamentary procedure changes and amendments to the Law on Pension/Disability Insurance, which envision among other issues that a person can be sent into retirement although (pension) contribution are not fully paid for him/her. The chair of the FBiH Association of pensioners, Sefkija Elezovic,notes that the changes did not take into consideration the Association’s requests, although the Govt claims the opposite. Dnevni Avaz, front pg splash ‘Government owes pensioners additional 63 million KMs’ and pg 4 ‘Elezovic: We will take it to the streets if our incomes are endangered’, by A. Dedajic – According to Elezovic the Government failed in 2004 and 2005 to honour its obligations regarding the privileged pensions, adding that the Government owes the FBiH Pension Fund 63 million KMs, which is the reason why the pensions were not increased by 5%. He also notes that if the pensioners’ status is compromised in the future, the Association will consider future moves, including protests on the streets. Oslobodjenje, pg 8 ‘Government cheats pensioners’, by V. Jahic – also features. 

RS Finance Ministry to forward info to OHR on taxes collection


RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Additional information for OHR’ by Srna – RS Ministry of Finance announced that it would today forward to OHR the additional information on collected turnover taxes, which proves that RS was deprived of approximately 30 millions KM by an inadequate distribution of funds from the BiH ITA account.

FBiH Finance Minister Vrankic: VAT is way forward


Vecernji List, pg 10 ‘Zero VAT rate first for bread, then for press’, by Zoran Kresic – Carries an interview with the FBiH Finance Minister, Dragan Vrankic, in which he talks about impacts of the introduction of the VAT in BiH. His ultimate message is that the VAT will help collect more public revenues and that the VAT has more advantages than disadvantages, which has been shown in many countries, and that the VAT prevents grey economy. As for changes to the VAT law, which exempt press and publications, Vrankic notes it is not rational to introduce changes on the very eve of the introduction of VAT, and he argues that he personally would rather exempt bread, milk and other basic groceries first, and would never exempt expensive magazines.

VAT: Healthcare services’ price to go up; Inspection teams to ensure no price increase takes place


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘VAT will make medical treatments more expensive’ by E. Duvnjak and A. Sekulic – F BiH Health Care Fund on Monday confirmed healthcare institutions will not be entitled to refund of VAT because they are not obliged to pay VAT but they will be paying taxes of 17% in the process of purchase of medicaments and medical materials, which will surely lead to more expensive medical treatments. Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Unjustified increases in prices will be prevented’ by R. Cengic and P. Klincov – BiH CoM on Monday confirmed mixed inspection teams will have to be ready to start monitoring producers and salesmen in order to prevent unjustified increase in prices after the introduction of VAT.

American Consultancy Agency on Brod Oil Refinery: RS Govt. does not want to sell Refinery


Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘RS Government is hiding data from potential buyers’, pg 3 ‘Government does not want to sell Refinery because of political games’ by R.Segrt – The experts of the American Consulting Agency “Divers field resources S.A.”, which is preparing report on Bosanski Brod Refinery for Swiss Company “ACC” group, one of bidders for Brod Refinery, says in its Report that owing to political games, RS Government does not want to sell Bosanski Brod Oil Refinery, since each and every potential buyer is maximally prevented from obtaining all the information available regarding Refinery.

Kovac urges allocation of land for detention unit; State Property Commission: State prison awaits for an outcome at land registry books

Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Location is urgently needed for building of state prison’, by Erna Mackic – The BiH Justice Minister, Slobodan Kovac, urges the relevant BiH authorities, namely the BiH Commission for state property, to allocate land for construction of a BiH detention unit in the area of Ilidza i.e. Kasindol. Kovac notes it is necessary to allocate the land because the country is close to securing 15 million Euros that are necessary for the project, underlining that the BiH Court at the moment does not have enough detention units, as seen in last transfers of Mirko Sarovic, Milorad Govedarica and Milovan Bjelica to detention units elsewhere. Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘State prison awaits for an outcome at land registry books’ by Az. Kalamujic – Member of the Commission for State Property of BiH Muharem Cero has stated that the Commission agrees that 120.000 square meters of former Yugoslav Army land in Kasindol should be allocated for the needs of the construction of a state prison, but also thinks there are serious disputes on who should be a titular of the land – BiH, entities or municipalities. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘No decision on allocation of land for construction of state prison’ by R.C. – also reports.


Security and defence issues

Algerian group update: a wife of one group member on hunger strike demanding release





Hayat – Nadja Dizdarevic, wife of the ‘Algerian group’ member imprisoned in Guantanamo base, is on hunger strike demanding her husband to be released and the BiH authorities to deal with the issue. BiH Council of Ministers claims that USA authorities have been contacted and that the imprisoned ones were still a threat, after what the case has been transferred to the BiH Presidency. But Bosniak member of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic said that the BiH Council of Ministers is in charge of the issue, not the Presidency. “This issue could be solved by both, BiH Presidency and BiH CoM, since it is about diplomatic relations between the two states”, commented Dizdarevic. BHT1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Nadja Dizdarevic commenced a hunger strike’, mentioned on cover, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Dizdarevic” I will not end hunger strike even at the cost of my life’, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Nadja Dizdarevic on hunger strike’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘She demands release of her husband from Guantanamo’ by R.Cengic– also covered.

BiH Parliamentary Comm. for Defence and Security policy in session


PINK, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘SIPA has no office for Brcko, Bijeljina and Tuzla’, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘BiH citizens can sleep tightly now?!’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Information on terrorism in BiH demanded’ by M.Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Not a word about terrorism’ by Z.Domazet – The Joint Commission for Defence and Security Policy adopted on Monday the report on the participation of BiH Armed Forces in peace support operations in 2005 and forwarded it into parliamentary procedure. It also considered the Report on the state of security in BiH during the first half of 2006. Commission Chair Bosko Siljegovic stated after the session that the Commission made several remarks regarding this report, including the fact that the BiH Council of Ministers has still not established SIPA field offices in Brcko, Tuzla and Bijeljina. He added that the commission has accepted report of BiH Ministry of Security on situation in security for the first 6 months of 2005, and concluded that information on terrorist actions should be added. Siljegovic also announced that the Defence Reform Commission to BiH, established by the High Representative in order to make necessary drafts of laws on defence, will cease its work on December 16.

Trials to Karlovic and Sevo early next year


Dnevni List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Trials to Karlovic and friar Ivan Sevo to begin soon’, by Erna Mackic – Announces that trials to Ivica Karlovic and friar Ivan Sevo in the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ case will begin early next year after the BiH Court has sent the defence lawyers requests that they forward the list of defence witnesses.

McNair’s replacement, David Upcher, assumes duties


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘David Upcher assumed duties’ by S. T. – BiH Prosecutor’s Office confirmed to DA that former Head of the Office of Disciplinary Prosecutor at HJPC David Upcher assumed duties of the Head of the PO’s Special Department for Organized Crime and Corruption. Upcher replaced John McNair at this position, since McNair’s mandate expired on December 3.

GS reports on ethnic tensions btw. Serbs and Bosnaiks in Zvornik area

Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘You will not see Christmas!’ by C.C. – Daily reports on ethnic tensions in the area of Zvornik, carrying statements of Serbs from the village of Lazici saying that Bosnaiks from the neighbouring villages constantly threat and assault them.