
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 6/10/2003



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS  (19,30)

Holbrook on US troops

Israel issues

BiH judiciary

Murder attempt in BL

HNC primary schools

BiH judiciary

Ze-Do Canton issues

Srpske Poste

Floods in China

Electric power system

Holbrook in Kosovo

Milosevic’s fall anniversary


Ingmar Bergman

Teachers’ World Day




Alibabic request Ashdown to annul decision on his removal: SDA, Party for BiH and British agents were making public FOSS information

Dnevni Avaz

Adnan Terzic: There will be enough time for BOSMAL to fulfil all the conditions

Dnevni List

Ashdown got mansion at Jablanica lake for removing Alibabic; Beslic and Jahic new independent experts of commission

Vecernji List

Heads of Telekom and HT go; Alibabic wants to return to work

Slobodna Dalmacija

Carla del Ponte comes for Gotovina

Glas Srpske

BiH lawsuit against Serbia and Montenegro : A secret lawsuit; Croatia: Carla chasing Gotovina

Nezavisne Novine

Petar Djokic: Ivanic is behind all personnel issues at Telekom Srpske; Millions of debts to close up “Air Srpska”: “Air Srpska” to face with bankruptcy


Representatives on the radio, while pensioners starve; Telecoms: Impulses in somebody else’s pockets; Borislav Paravac at stake


International community/OHR

Ashdown touring Europe, US




Dnevni Avaz pg. 3 ‘BiH on a new road of reforms, integrations’ – BiH is now from a post-conflict phase going into a transitional phase and it should be encouraged on that road by its acceptance to the European and transatlantic institutions. This is one of the main message that will be delivered by the High Representative Paddy Ashdown during his vists to the European and US capitals in the coming days, according to Chief OHR Spokesman Julian Braithwaite. During the tour, Ashdown will visit Berlin Paris, Brussels, New York and London. The High Representative is most likely to be back in BiH on October 14.

Holbrooke: It would be a historical mistake if US troops withdraw from the Balkans


Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 4, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 – Former US President Bill Clinton Special Representative for the Balkan, Richard Holbrooke, stated in Pristina on Sunday that it would be a historical mistake if the US withdraws its military forces from the Balkan. He emphasized that any kind of withdrawal from the Kosovo and BiH would mean breaking of promises made by US President George Bush on US military engagement together with NATO partners in the regions destroyed by war conflicts.

SNSD’s Dodik on meeting with Holbrooke

Dnevni List (page 9, “No reason to ban any national party”, unsigned) – following a meeting with Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, the leader of the SNSD, Milorad Dodik, says Holbrooke supports changes in BiH and all changes that would lead to stabilization of political circumstances in BiH. Talking about the meeting which was held at the OHR in presence of the PDHR, Donald Hays, Dodik says Holbrooke was concerned with a fact that national parties are in power in BiH. “He was interested how coalition of national parties came about, parties which he never accepted. He believes the national parties in power could put back the process”, says Dodik.

Alibabic requests Ashdown to annul decision on his removal

BHTV, Oslobodjenje front page, pg. 3 ‘SDA, Party for BiH and British agents were making public FOSS information’, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3, ‘Alibabic demands from Ashdown to annul decision on removal’ – Removed Head of the Federation Intelligence-Security Service (FOS) Munir Alibabic sent a letter to High Representative Paddy Ashdown, requesting for the decision on his replacement to be annulled. The letter says that Alibabic was illegally removed from the post, and that all his rights were abused, except the right to live. The decision is interpreted as violation of Dayton Agreement and BiH Constitution, domestic regulations, even the Operational Guide (dated from June 2002) imposed by HR on removing those obstructing the peace agreement implementation. The letter was also sent to US President George Bush, French President Jacques Chirac, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Russian President Vladimir Putin. OHR did not comment on the issue on Sunday, and Spokesman Oleg Milisic told the newspaper that the HR would respond to Alibabic directly.

Dnevni List (front and page 5, “Ashdown got mansion at Jablanica lake for removing Alibabic”, by I. Glibusic) – also reports that former Head of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Intelligence Service (FOSS), Munir Alibabic, sent letter to the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, requesting the HR to annul his decision on Alibabic’s removal from October 21, 2002. The request has been also forwarded to Presidents of States, members of the Peace Implementation Council. Alibabic argues the decision to remove him was taken without arguments, proper procedure and without right to appeal, and on top of that, Alibabic’s request also mentions that HR Ashdown moved into a mansion of the Jablanica lake, which was used by “Izetbegovic’s general”, after he got removed. Furthermore, Alibabic wonders why the HR Ashdown did not sanction those involved in illegal wiretapping and goes on to say: “I am convinced that you have been convinced into something the world has known for a year, and that is who is responsible for ‘information leak’ (SDA and SBiH top, your intelligence and media), in other words that nationalists in pinnacle of authority abuse intelligence services to protect their criminals”, reads Alibabic’s letter. (Vecernji List, front page “Alibabic wants to return to work” and page 3 “Annul decision on removal”, by Ivica Pjanic, Vjesnik, page 11, “Munir Alibabic requests Ashdown to annul his removal”, by Alenko Zornija)

Carla del Ponte to visit Croatia today

Slobodna Dalmacija (front & p 3, “Carla del Ponte comes to get Gotovina”, by S.S. and p 3, “Give us the general’s address”, by Ines Sabalic), Vecernji list (p 11, “Resolution of dispute about Gotovina finally?”, by Deana Knezevic), Vjesnik (front page, “Will Racan and Mesic convince Carla del Ponte that Gotovina is not in Croatia”, by Vlado Rajic and “Granic: If Prosecutor’s Office has information on Gotovina’s whereabouts, Government will be grateful”, by Dada Zecic) and Jutarnji list (front page “Del Ponte brings to Government list of people who are hiding Gotovina” & p 3, “Carla del Ponte will give Racan the names of Gotovina’s outlaw harborers”, by Davor Butkovic), Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Carla chasing Gotovina’ report that the chief ICTY Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, is visiting Zagreb today where she will meet Croatian Prime Minister, Ivica Racan, and the Croatian President, Stjepan Mesic, respectively. The main topic of the talks will be extradition of runaway general Ante Gotovina. It is reported that del Ponte will re-iterate the general is hiding in Croatia. Sarajevo media also reported on the issue.  

Statement of Day: Chair of BiH CoM, Adnan Terzic

Dnevni List (page 2), Statement of Day: “In two years, the OHR will have a consultative role”, by the Chair of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic.

BiH Presidency with Prosper today

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2, ‘Prosper with BiH Presidency members’; Glas Srpske, pg. 3, ‘The Hague on the table’ – Today in Sarajevo, members of BiH Presidency will receive Pierre Prosper, US Ambassador for War crime affairs. Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 also reported on the issue.


Judicial reforms

Circle 99 on judiciary









Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, BHTV, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 5 ‘Internationals are challenging independent judiciary in BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 9 ‘Interference of the international community in work of judges might produce negative consequences’, Dnevni list p 2, “Prevent International Community’s interference in the work of judiciary”, by Fena, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4, ‘OHR pressures turn into a disease’ – BiH is still far from achieving independent and efficient judiciary system. Judiciary reforms are being implemented very slowly, and the problem of modification of complete legislation is quite obvious. The introductory remarks were given by Senka Nozica, a prominent Sarajevo lawyer and intellectual. Those are some of the conclusions of the session organized by the Club 99. FTV also conducted a street poll in various BiH cities; citizens were quite unanimous in their belief that the courts in BiH are inefficient and politicised. BiH judges also agree that BiH is quite fertile soil for development of corruption, as a result of difficult social situation and the existence of various legal systems in the country. It is also been pointed out that IC involvement in judiciary system increases the level of corruption.

Future of Minor Offence Courts

FTV – The FBiH Association of Minor Offence Courts Judges is requesting from the authorities the truth about possible abolishment of these Courts in FBiH/BiH. Members of the Association are not satisfied with the solutions proposed by the Independent Judicial Commission on the matter. They believe that the courts operations become questionable, and that implementation of such solutions would cause 350 judges and 750 employees to lose their jobs. The same Association from RS also pointed out at these issues. Chairman of the FBiH Association Goran Salihovic stressed it was necessary for the Status of the Minor Offence Courts to be defined, and expressed his concern regarding possible blockade of the judicial system in the future. FTV discovers that the Independent Judicial Commission will define the status of these Courts after a more detailed consideration of the issue.


Economic/social issues

BHTV on power sector restructuring in FBiH




BHTV – Federation Parliament has adopted a plan on reconstructing the electric power system in FBiH. It is expected for the reconstruction to be implemented by the end of next year. The plan is consisted of 3 phases that would prepare the electric power system for privatisation. However, the reconstruction will be very hard to implement unless the other entity decides to implement similar reconstruction. Also, it is necessary for decisions on forming the company for the electric power supply transmission on state level and State Regulatory Commission to be implemented. It is also necessary for 2 issues to be resolved: the question of future electric power system reliability and the question of price of electric power.

Terzic says BOSMA will be given enough time to fulfil all the conditions re 5c corridor construction

Dnevni Avaz front page, pg. 5 ‘There will be time for BOSMA to fulfil all the conditions’ – Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic says in an interview for the newspaper that the activities with regard to the 5c corridor construction are currently in the phase of preparations of the institutions and bodies that will realize the project. He adds that the CoM is still waiting for an expert opinion on whether BOSMAL has fulfilled all the conditions to get the concession. However, he emphasized that according to his personal opinion, BOSMAL had not met all the requirements but that the company would be given enough time to fulfil all necessary conditions.

DL says there’s new light on audit of BH Telekom and HT Mostar

Dnevni List (page 3, “Redundancy because of disagreement with report”, by De. L.) – the daily carries excerpts from an article originally published in the Sarajevo based “Jutarnje Novine” daily, which reported that two persons, which had been involved in the preparation of the audit of “BH Telekom” and “HT Mostar”, were fired because they refused to sign the audit reports. The two persons are reportedly, one Jasmina Hadzimesic, who worked for the OSCE and was on the audit team that made the report on “BH Telekom”, and a person whose first name is Imeldin, whose family name has not been revealed in order to protect the identity, who was reportedly a member of OHR’s audit team on “HT Mostar”. Regarding the second person, DL got the confirmation from a “senior official of the OHR” and the same source confirmed that the audit reports exaggerate a bit in order to enhance the culpability of the companies’ management.

VL on removals in BH Telekom and HT Mostar

Vecernji List (front “Heads of Telekom and HT go” and page 3 “New attempt to remove heads of BH and Hrvatski Telekom”, by E. Medunjanin) – says the Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina should today, in its second attempt, take a decision on removal of Steering Boards and management in two public-owned companies, namely the “BH Telekom” and “HT Mostar”. VL also reminds that the Government tried to do the same last week, but failed because all the ministers, reportedly, did not get the audit reports. DL comments the situation saying the excuse sounds pretty unconvincing because the audit reports were delivered to the journalists on time a few days ago and on top of that one can find the report on the Internet. VL speculates it is because of ministers coming from the SBiH, which participated in the “Alliance for changes” and which directly influenced the appointments to management of the two companies, the removals are being brought into question, since the SDA and HDZ are in favour of removals.

PDP on Telekom Srpske report

Dnevni list (p 9, “Report on Telekom Srpske contains errors”, not signed) carries that PDP Presidency has released that the report on Telekom Srpske “contains material errors that bring into question its well-foundedness” and the party requests the RS Government and the RSNA be acquainted with the report content. The party is of the view that, following debates on the report and in a way consistent to the Law, new Steering and Supervisory Boards, as well as the Management, should be appointed and the people from the current Management who have not acted illegally should also be eligible to the job vacancy. The RS Prosecutor’s Office is said to have been delivered the Report on September 29 and this fact gave no room for any action on the issue. Blic pg. 13 ‘Picture is not clear’, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5, ‘New leadership need to be elected’ also reported on the issue.

NN on RS Telecom affair

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5, ‘Jobs obtained at suspicious tenders’ – According to international auditors’ report on Telekom Srpske, a large percentage of losses with which Telekom faced resulted from bad tender management and practise. The auditors assessed that bad tender practise has cost Telekom BAM 38 million, which makes 45% of net profit for 2002. NN further lists some names of firms and names of its owners, with which Telekom mostly co-operated. 

DL on “Uborak” waste dump

Dnevni List (page 3, “New obstructions by Mostar SDA”, by M. Malic) – the daily learns from “sources close to the Mostar SDA” that despite the decision by the Mostar City Council on establishment of city waste dump company “Uborak”, the story is not finished there. In that context, DL says Mayor of Mostar, Hamdija Jahic, signed the proposal of the decision only after receiving threats of OHR sanctions, saying that Jahic signed the proposal after meeting with the Head of Mostar’s Municipality Stari Grad (Old Town), Zijad Hadziomerovic, with whom he agreed to obstruct the process at level of the said municipality. Having said that, DL assumes that the Municipality Stari Grad could at its next session, at Hadziomerovic’s proposal, withdraw its decision on transfer of rights regarding the waste dump from the Municipality onto the City of Mostar, the decision which was taken a few months ago. DL also speculates if the obstruction goes ahead, one could believe the OHR will ignore the obstructions, which would mean the process of establishment of city public utility company would still be obstructed.

C10 secondary schools on strike as of tomorrow?

Vecernji List (page 2, “Strike in secondary schools”, by Dma) – reports that the Independent union of employees of secondary schools in Canton 10 announced its members would go on general strike as of tomorrow after a failure to reach an agreement with Canton 10 Government regarding signing of collective and branch agreement. The union blames the Government for the failure saying it again showed no interest for the future of the children.

Air Srpska in problems

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3, ‘“Air Srpska” to face with bankruptcy’ – “Air Srpska” will undergo bankruptcy proceedings unless JAT (Yugoslav air transport) and “Republika Srpska Airport”, owners of 50% of the firm capital, give up on their demands for over a million BAM.

Srpske Poste

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5, ‘Dakic will take her seat with police assistance’ – Dragan Mikerevic, Republika Srpska Prime Minister, confirmed that the transfer of duties at Srpske Poste would take place today between the former and newly appointed directors of this institution respectively, Milutin Pejic and Milijana Dakic.

This was reported by BETA news agency.

NN accuses Ivanic of all affairs

Nezavisne Novine editorial by Dragan Jerinic, pg. 7, ‘Ivanic – appearance and deeds’ – In the article the author is extremely critical of Mladen Ivanic, current BiH Foreign Minister and former Republika Srpska Prime Minister. Jerinic accused Ivanic of almost each affair which took place in Republika Srpska, he starts with bank privatisation affairs, moves on to EU ban list (*which contains the names of Ivanic closest associates), Republika Srpska Customs Administration affairs, Telekom Srpske affair. Final conclusion is that Telekom officials, who followed and implemented PDP personnel and financial policy, were only obedient and should not be held responsible for that. Instead, Ivanic should be held responsible for all affairs according to Jerinic.

Oslobodjenje editorial on audits into telecoms


Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘On eyes’ In Focus column by Ibrahim Prohic – “In order for BiH to move out from the chaos, it is necessary to answer the three key questions: Does the so-called international community also participate in a systematic robbery in BiH; Is there a deal between OHR and domestic authorities, and; Does the BiH society posses mind and courage to oppose all of this?,” says Prohic referring to the different opinions on the recent audits into the telecom companies’ operations in BiH.

Ljiljan on audits

Ljiljan pgs 23 & 24, ‘Nest of crime and corruption’ by Mustafa Borovic – Magazine carries out the article on the report presented by the OHR special auditors which disclosed irregularities in the work of BH Telecom and HT Mostar. Ljiljan reads that audit report finally proven doubts BH public had for long time on operators’ corruption to be true, ‘report by OHR’s auditor established non-transparent and irresponsible business in BH Telecom and HT Mostar’, concluding that Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays would soon publicize findings into the misdoings of Telekom Srpske as well. In overall, concludes Borovic, telecommunications operators in the country damaged authorities and the citizens for over 95 million KM, and adds the investigation by the FBiH Prosecution will allegedly reveal the involvement of Zlatko Lagumdzija, Kresimir Zubak and other Alliance leaders in the telecoms’ crimes.

Patriot on Potocari Battery Factory, Ashdown

Patriot, pages 20 & 21, ‘Ashdown should be sued for conflict of interest’ by Mladen Stojanovic – The article is about decision of the Republika Srpska Government dated 23 March this year, when it has obligated it will confiscate the private property at Potocari factory and transfer the ownership over it to Potocari Memorial. The author blames both, OHR and the Republika Srpska Government  for the current situation at Battery Factory: the first for having inconsiderately insisted on property confiscation and implementation of HiRep’s decision within six months, and the latter for having taken the full responsibility for the implementation of decision, without wondering as to whether something like that would be possible.

It is incomprehensible for everybody, including Director of Factory and firms renting premises at the Factory facility, that Paddy Ashdown, who comes from the West where private property is ‘sacred’, now insists on confiscation of such property in BiH. The article at the end includes the statement by Gregory Kopley, Director of Washington based International Strategic Studies Institute, who said that the workers and share-holders at Factory could file a lawsuit against Paddy Ashdown, since there is obvious conflict of interest. Namely, Ashdown is the President of the Commission for construction of Memorial Centre. He said that such lawsuit could be filed against both, Paddy Ashdown and Donald Hays (for his pressures regarding Elektroprivreda affair) in Great Britain and USA respectively. According to him, such lawsuit would not represent a precedent in those states.


Political developments

SDA expects to join European National Party





Oslobdjenje pg. 7, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2, FENA – The working group for membership and enlargement of the European National Party discussed applications of parties that wish to join the European National Party at its last session in Brussels. “Applications of SDA and PDP were also discussed. The working group accepted that we are suitable for starting the accession process. The second phase now starts with a visit of a European National Party delegation which has to establish that values stated in our documents and in our presentation in Brussels are really present”, SDA Vice President Seada Palavric, who attended the working group session, told FENA. She added that this would be followed by a report to the Presidency. We expect a final decision on admission of SDA as an observer into the European National Party to be made afterwards, Palavric said.

Mostar commission

Dnevni Avaz pg. 3 ‘Winterstein appointed Jahic, Beslic his advisors’ – The newspaper learned from a source in OHR that Norbert Winterstein, the Chairman of the Commission for Mostar Statute, has ahead of a Commission’s meeting scheduled for Monday appointed Mostar Mayor Hamdija Jahic and his Deputy Ljubo Beslic as two out of a total of five advisors he can appoint in accordance to the instructions issued by the High Representative.

Dnevni List (front and page 3, “Beslic and Jahic new independent experts of commission”, by Miso Relota) – the daily also announces that the Mostar Commission will be holding its second session today when the Chairman of the Commission, Norbert Winterstein, is expected, according to DL, to present the operational plan how to hold sessions. Regarding the issue of appointment of independent experts to the Commission, DL unofficially learns that Winterstein appointed two independent experts, namely, Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mostar, Hamdija Jahic and Ljubo Beslic, who should be joining the Commission today.

DL: “Mostar – last stronghold of parallelism”

Dnevni List (Saturday, page 6, by Zvonimir Jukic) – argues that, following decisions by the High Representative on abolishment of parallelisms at the level of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) and abolishment of special regime cantons, one can conclude that the only stronghold of parallelisms in the FBiH is the City Administration of Mostar. Jukic notes the City Administration is still divided, that every head of department has its counterpart (read deputy) from the line of other nationality, that Mostar has two Mayors, two budgets and that Mostarians pay an expensive administration which has not created a single creative idea that would improve life in Mostar. Having said all that, Jukic reckons the citizens are hardly waiting to change characters in the City Administration come the elections time.

Djokic on Charter for Future

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4, ‘Ivanic is behind all personnel issues at Telekom Srpske’ – Petar Djokic, President of Republika Srpska Socialist Party, is convinced that the BiH citizens are ready to reject all political parties in BiH following national concepts and jeopardising their survival.

He is also convinced that SNSD, DNS and SPRS, that signed the Charter for Future on Thursday, are the only alternative to the current authority. He further said that: “Republika Srpska is on the side way and there is a big question mark above its survival. Responsibility for this uncertainty lays with SDS and PDP, to whom SDA assists in the process if abolishing Republika Srpska.”


Legal proceedings/cases

BiH lawsuit against Serbia and Montenegro



Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘A secret lawsuit’ – Slobodan Radulj, Legal Advisor to Serb member to BiH Presidency, told Glas Srpske that there is no decision passed by any institution, on basis of which BiH could have filed a lawsuit against Serbia and Montenegro before Criminal Court of Justice in 1993. Neither is there any decision or legal provision, on basis of which the lawsuit could have been supplemented five years later. According to him, the lawsuit was filed in secrecy and its main purpose was to result in abolishment of Republika Srpska.

Update to FOSS affair

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3, ‘Those responsible named by the end of week’ – Zdravko Knezevic, Chief Federal Public Prosecutor, stated that: “The investigation regarding FOSS affair has been ongoing. I expect it to complete by the end of this week, when it will be known whether indictments would be brought against anybody for criminal activity.”

Murder case in Gradiska

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2, ‘Killed from the back in front of his son, spouse and cousin’ – Gradiska police is searching for unidentified person, who murdered Goran Kotur Kota from Gradiska on Friday evening, in front of his ten year old son, spouse and cousin. Police investigation is ongoing.

Quarrel resulting with injuries in Banjaluka

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2, ‘Police arrested assassin, stabbed lad in shock-room’ Banjaluka police arrested Gabrijel Mitrovic (22) from Banjaluka, suspected of having stabbed Nemanja Miljkovic (18) in Banjaluka downtown parking lot on Saturday evening. Mitrovic was placed in custody for a month time. Doctors at Banjaluka Clinical Centre confirmed that the health state of the injured Miljkovic is still serious, but under control.

Police still does not know the reason of quarrel between these two young men, which resulted in criminal act.



General Dudakovic disappointed with proposed defence reform


Oslobodjenje pgs. 4-5 ‘I am disappointed with reform, FBiH bodies and SFOR’ – Interview with the FBiH Joint Headquarters Commander general Atif Dudakovic. Dudakovic expressed his dissatisfaction with the proposed defence reforms and a lack of the institutional support to the FBiH Army. According to Dudakovic, through the defence reforms “we will get a sum of armies with a complex commanding and planning structures.”