
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 5/6/2005


TV news broadcast onJune 4, 2005


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

HDZ Assembly

Two persons identified on the video

ICTY update

HNC education workers on strike

The videotape rented in Sid

Regional News

INA & MOL gave up on Energoinvest

“5th October” on Srebrenica genocide

US Congressman on Srebrenica

HR on Dokic’s resignation

“Skorpioni” were blessed

Regional News


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Videotape on Milorad Ulemek Legija

HDZ Convention in Mostar

Ivanic on police reform

Videotape on execution of Bosniaks

Voting for new HDZ Chairman ended

Banja Luka Police arrests 19 persons

Interview with Natasa Kandic

Croat opposition parties on HDZ

HDZ Assembly

Two persons identified on the video

SCG needs help for indictees arrests

SP RS marks 12 years



Covic and Colak’s plans slammed

Dnevni Avaz

RS is waiting for Paddy Ashdown to go (interview with Adnan Terzic)

Dnevni List

Drago Vuksic’s miraculous medicine  cures hepatitis

Vecernji List

Covic is new president (HDZ Convention)

Nezavisne Novine

19 members of criminal groups arrested


War Crimes

Update to video showing killing of 6 Bosniaks from Srebrenica, various statements






































Pink – Movement called “5th October” requests from the Serbian Parliament to adopt Declaration on Srebrenica and punish those who were involved in genocide in Srebrenica. Members of the movement held public debate entitled “July is coming back”. During the debate it was pointed out that all those who established “Skorpioni” unit and who armed them had to be punished. Members of the movement welcomed Serbian authorities’ decision and action by which they arrested former “Skorpioni” members, but they pointed out that the most responsible ones were those who formed the unit.

RTRS – Speaker of Serbian Parliament, Predrag Markovic, expects that a declaration that condemns the crimes in Srebrenica will be discussed in Serbian Parliament soon.

BHTSerbia and Montenegro (SCG) Parliament refused to discuss the declaration on execution of Bosniaks in Srebrenica committed by members of “Skorpioni”, Arkan’s and “Fikret Abdic” units. Speaker of SCG Parliament said that official Serbia was not behind the massacres and that the Parliament had no authority to discuss this issue. The declaration was proposed by SCG NGOs. Natasa Kandic, Director of SCG Humanitarian Rights Fund stated that she has received calls from former members of “Skorpioni” unit and added “the Serbian Government said to these members that they were the unit of official army of SCG and that they were fighting for Serbia, that’s why they easily ordered and executed those people”.  BHT 1 polled citizens in Belgrade that expressed shock concerning the executions.

Hayat – – NTV Hayat carries an interview with Natasa Kandic. She was the one who announced that there was a videotape on execution of 6 Bosniaks from Srebrenica, several days ago. She said that Serbia should be the first one to see the videotape. Asked whether she expected such reaction of Serbian authorities, she said that first of all she expected the video to upset political leaders, the Government and civilians, so much in order for this event never to be forgotten and for Serbia to finally realize what it had done. She said that due to the fact that the videotape clearly showed the responsible ones, who were wearing uniforms with the Serbian Police insignia, it was clear that Serbia, as a state, was involved in the crime and that Serbia sent those people. She says that the full truth, regardless of how horrifying and shocking it might be, should be presented. In terms of Serbian President, Boris Tadic’s, wish to attend the marking of Srebrenica genocide anniversary, Kandic said that he should first take the responsibility for the crime Serbia had committed and undertake certain measures against the responsible. Kandic said that there were no other videotapes on executions on Bosniaks, and that this was the only one. Kandic welcomes Carla del Ponte’s statement in which she said that Serbian delegations should not attend the marking of the anniversary unless Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic were not to be arrested. Kandic added that this was the right time for BiH citizens to ask from Serbia to admit the responsibility and to deliver the two most wanted war indictees. On being asked why the videotape appeared at this particular time, whether it happened due to the fact that the ICTY needed that much time for preparations or whether it happened due to the fact that 10th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide was approaching, Kandic said that she got the videotape in December 2004, but that certain precautions measures had to be undertaken, but she pointed out that Serbian Prosecution was informed on the “Skorpioni” unit and their actions in Srebrenica during a trial to a “Skorpioni” member, who was being charged with murdering Albanians in Kosovo. At the end of this interview, Kandic said that after the videotape was played, Serbian Police had no other choice but to react immediately and arrest those persons, so to make del Ponte aware that their reaction was immediate.

Pink – Until former “Skorpioni” members have not been arrested, inhabitants of Sid in SCG) thought of their neighbours as decent persons, unable to commit any crime. According to some Belgrade media, videotape on execution of 6 Bosniaks from Srebrenica could be found in “Laser” video rental in Sid.

Pink – Two persons identified their son and brother on the videotape of execution of 6 men from Srebrenica. Chief ICTY Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, said that there were more videotapes on executions in Srebrenica, which are to be made public after being presented in the ICTY.

BHT – BHT 1 brings feature on reactions of Safeta Muhic and Nura Alispahic that have recognized their brother and son respectively on the video.

Hayat – Report brings a feature on Safeta Fejzic, sister of the killed Safet Fejzic and Nura Alispahic, mother of killed Admir Alispahic, who recognized their beloved ones on the video.

Pink – Father Gavrilo, from Sid is the priest who blessed members of “Skorpioni” unit, before unit leaving for BiH.

BHT, Oslobodjenje, pg 2 ‘Even more distressful pictures of Srebrenica crimes to follow’, not signedSadik Selimovic from the FBIH Commission on Missing Persons stated for BHT 1 that ICTY was planning to broadcast new videos on war crimes in Srebrenica when Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Vinko Pandurevic are put behind bars. He added that ICTY had been in possession of these videos for over two years but they were not going to be broadcast due to protection of investigation.

Avaz: Person connected to ‘Skorpioni’ released from custody


Dnevni Avaz, pg 3 ‘Suspect B. V. released from prison’, by L. S. – Following reports that SIPA and Sarajevo police arrested a person (initials B. V., see OHR Media Round-up, June 4, 2005) who is connected to the killing of Bosniaks from Srebrenica by the ‘Skorpioni’ unit, today’s Avaz reports that B. V. was released from custody because of lack of evidence against him. Apparently, he refused to give a statement to the prosecutor in charge.

Hayat opinion poll on Srebrenica crimes


Hayat – Features a public opinion poll.

First question: Is videotape on execution of Bosniaks from Srebrenica going to make RS and Serbia realize and accept the truth?

Yes     23 %

No      77 %

Second question: Give your comments on execution of Bosniak from Srebrenica. It seems that all BiH citizens condemn events which took place in Srebrenica, and they are shocked with the videotape on execution. They said that RS was founded on the blood of innocent persons and that it should be abolished immediately.

SCG says it lack resources to track Mladic and Karadzic down


FTV, Hayat, Oslobodjenje, pg 3 ‘Satellites required in search for Karadzic and Mladic’, not signed  – Serbia and Montenegro (SCG) has not got enough resources for finding of war crime indictees Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic, claims Jovan Simic, SCG Adviser for the ICTY issues. Simic stated for Novi Sad daily “”Gradjanski list” that the whole story on arrest of Karadzic and Mladic will be feasible if regional cooperation between FBiH, RS and SCG is to be established. He added that all possible resources of International Community have to be involved in the action of arresting Karadzic and Mladic. Simic stresses that he does not believe in positive results in any other situation nor it is possible that any of them is in The Hague before the 10th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide.

ICTY to issue joint indictment on Srebrenica

BHT, RTRS – ICTY will issue one joint indictment against Jovica Stanisic, Franko Simatovic – Frenki, Vojislav Seselj and Milan Martic for mass execution of Bosniaks from Srebrenica in 1995, reported Belgrade ’s B92.

RS MoI to announce results of investigation on ICTY indictees next week


BHT, Dnevni Avaz, pg 2 ‘RS MoI’s team working on investigation on ‘Skorpioni’, by L. S. – RS Ministry of Interior announced that results of the investigation on ICTY indictees would be published during the next week. Gojko Vasic, the Head of Banja Luka Public Security Centre (PSC) stated that RS MoI investigated the entire situation and their work was under the close monitoring of ICTY. He did not want to comment the alleged connection of RS MoI with “Skorpion” unit.

Commander EUFOR on Karadzic/Mladic arrest


BHT – Features an exclusive interview with EUFOR Commander David Leakey. Leakey expressed hopes that Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic would be arrested by the commemorational ceremony in Srebrenica. Asked what the role of EUFOR at BIH borders was, Leakey said that EUFOR supported the State Information and Protection Agency (SIPA), State Border Service (SBS) and Police in protecting the borders and performing their duty

Burial of Bosniaks from Zvornik


FTV – The 13th anniversary of sufferings of Bosniaks from Zvornik municipality was marked on Saturday in Memici. 30 identified body remains, exhumed from mass grave on Crni Vrh and Kazan Basca, were buried on Saturday. More than 300 exhumed Zvornik victims have been buried in the Memici cemetery until now. FTV brings feature on this anniversary and victims who have been buried on Saturday. (also reported by BHT, Oslobodjenje, pg 3, mentioned on front ’23 victims from Zvornik graves buried’, by Sakib Smajlovic, Dnevni Avaz, pg 3 ‘Prayer for thirty killed Bosniaks of Zvornik’, mentioned on front ‘Rifet looked for body of his son for 13 years’, by E. Huremovic)


Political Developments

Dragan Covic elected HDZ president, reports suggest rift, discontent, lobbying within party





























Vecernji List, front pg splash and pgs 2-3 ‘Covic is new president’, by Miso Relota – Reports that Dragan Covic was elected the HDZ president at the 9th HDZ Convention held in Mostar on Saturday. Of 584 registered delegates, 544 attended the Convention.

Dnevni Avaz, pg 4 ‘Dragan Covic is new HDZ president’, mentioned on front ‘Covic defeats Ljubic’, by F. Vele, Dnevni List, pgs 2-3, mentioned on front ‘Dragan Covic is new HDZ president’, by Ivica Glibusic – Covic was supported by 283 delegates, Ljubic received 25 votes less.

RHB – Election of HDZ BIH president caused many reactions after which it was decided that the president would be elected by votes of over 50% present HDZ delegates. (NB: HDZ Presidency decided one day earlier that the president would be elected in a single round of elections, by means of relative majority) 544 HDZ members are present at the Assembly whilst representatives of all Croat associations are there as guests as well as members of Church, international embassies and political parties. Current HDZ BIH President Barisa Colak spoke on the work of the party between last 2 conventions and difficulties it encountered especially when seeking for the same rights for Croats in BIH as other 2 constituent people have. Colak feels that all problems in BIH are caused by the BIH Constitution that stops it from entering the EU. Colak also stated that the fight for equal position of Croats in BIH is one of their main tasks for the future. He stated that HDZ must be strengthened after this Convention. Participants of the Convention adopted a new statute of the party. One of new items is introduction of Deputy President whilst positions of 3 Vice Presidents will be kept as well. A new item is introduction of National Council that will take stances and issue suggestions and guidelines for solving the most important issues in BIH. Colak, who was the candidate for HDZ Chairman, gave up on his candidacy. Other candidate Bozo Ljubic stated that he expects his victory. Member of HDZ Presidency Martin Raguz stated that HDZ supports the resolution of European Parliament that asks for a radical change of Dayton Agreement. Croat member of BIH Presidency and HDZ member Ivo Miro Jovic stated that Croats should fight for equality and added that Croats should be united in democracy and recognition of strategic interests. Jovic stated that HDZ cooperation with international community should be public and with principles.

FTV – HDZ president, Barisa Colak and Ivan Madunic withdrew their candidacies. HDZ members, who attended the Convention, criticized Covic’s work in the past period. Covic stated that he feels responsible only for his work as a BiH Presidency member as well as the former FBiH Minister of Finances. “I am very proud of the periods of both of my mandates”, stated Covic. Candidate of HDZ in Sarajevo, Bozo Ljubic has also criticized the party. He describes situation in HDZ as chaotic and he stressed that the decision on Croat interests, instead of HDZ’s, makes SDA its coalition partner. About 600 representatives of the HDZ Assembly have clearly expressed their positions that HDZ BiH urgently needs a real leader. I believe it is not any more about who is going to be elected, but which program is going to be proposed. It is clear that behind every program should stand a credibility of persons who proposes it”, said HDZ Presidency member, Martin Raguz.

Dnevni List, pgs 4-5 ‘Some were threatened, some were offered ministerial posts’, by Ivica Glibusic, Marko Karacic – The article notes that the HDZ Presidency was heavily criticized by several delegates HDZ’s failures and lobbying for the position of the HDZ president. When it comes to the latter, Jozo Maric (from West-Herzegovina Canton) stated some were offered ministerial posts, whilst some were threatened.

(reports from HDZ Convention also featured by Pink, BHT, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje, front pg splash and pgs 4-5 ‘Covic and Colak’s plans slammed’, by Vedrana Zivak – delegates reject HDZ presidency’s decision on way of election of new HDZ president, Nezavisne Novine, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Colak and Madunic give up candidacies’, by V. Coric)

Croat opposition on situation in HDZ


FTV – Croat opposition political parties follow events in HDZ BiH and the election of the new HDZ leadership. “Cooperation with the other Croat political parties will depend on the newly elected HDZ Chairman and its leadership. I can say that the former Chairman was being very cooperative”, stated Kresimir Zubak, NHI Chairman. “Realistically, HDZ was a movement until now. We want HDZ to be a normal and democratic party. We will see what is going to happen at the HDZ Assembly”, stated Marko Tadic, HSS BiH Chairman. Many members of Croat opposition political parties are aware that HDZ has been strengthened and they have a concrete expectations, especially regarding constitutional changes. “Until now, HDZ was a party which did not allow others to participate in creation of consensus. I believe that is one of the HDZ’s mistakes”, said Luka Markesic, HNV Chairman.

Avaz interview with Terzic: RS waiting for Ashdown to leave BiH


Dnevni Avaz, front pg splash and pg 5 ‘RS is waiting for Paddy Ashdown to go’, by Lana Sinanovic – Carries an interview with the Chair of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, in which he notes that the fact that a new SIPA Director has not been appointed for thirty days is a classic example that rules of democracy are not being applied in BiH. Terzic stresses that the BiH Presidency and political parties reached an agreement about the appointment, however there are efforts to change all that. “If something has been agreed, why not honour it? And now I have to ask from the High Representative to make the appointment”, says Terzic and continues: “It is obvious that the RS is waiting for Ashdown to leave BiH. Recent events are evidence that this state still needs a High Representative and that the IC must not think about taking away his authorities”.

Terzic, Lagumdzija, Spiric on early elections


PinkAdriana Domazet – The Chair of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic,proposed extraordinary elections to be held in BiH. In interview for INFOTOP, Terzic said that early elections was not the only solution for BiH to overcome the crisis caused by reform process, however it was the best solution, due to the fact that RS National Assembly prevents Feasibility Study terms from being met. SDP Chairman, Zlatko Lagumdzija,said that it was impossible to hold early elections since Law on Elections could not be changed, and added that Terzic’s proposal confirmed in public the leading structure’s failure. “Not only that it presents the level of the chaos in the BiH CoM, but it is a public admittance that the three past years have failed”, said Lagumdzija. “I think that BiH has no time, and why should be wait till November when we can have the elections before, if political parties are to agree with the proposal”, said Terzic. SNSD representative, Nikola Spiric,said that early elections were the solution if the authorities were not able to operate, but added that in that case Law on Elections had to be changed. “If Terzic has realized that that the BiH CoM has no working atmosphere necessary for accelerating BiH’s way to Euro-Atlantic integration, then I think that his proposal on early elections is justified”, said Spiric. Political parties’ representatives agree that the early elections are not possible, but that BiH has no time, and that its way to Europe has to be accelerated.

Face to Face: Terzic and Tokic


HayatSenad Hadzifejzovic – Guests of the ‘Face to Face’ were the Chair of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, and Social Democratic Union (SDU) Chair, Sejfudin Tokic. Terzic recently said that there should be early elections in BiH. Terzic said that according to the Law on Council of Ministers, the Chair was the one who coordinated all BiH institutions on BiH’s way to Europe, and that he realized that RS was overwhelmed with reforms, and that BiH should not waste time but hold early elections. Tokic said that this was the first time for the Prime Minister to give the real estimation on BiH situation. Tokic points out that BiH is facing serious problems, and that his party, namely SDU, welcomes such proposal on early elections. Tokic says that in order to overcome the crisis, political scene has to be reorganized. Terzic admits that BiH is facing crisis, but he denies that the situation is that bad as Tokic claims. Terzic pointed out that BiH had achieved a lot, since he came to the position of the Chair of BiH CoM. Tokic emphasises that BiH politicians have to admit that situation in BiH is more than serious. Tokic says that Terzic has given numerous statements in which he claimed that BiH was heading towards Europe and that it would start negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement even before it was expected. On being asked what the solution was for BiH, Terzic said that the solution lied in the European path and joint position and opposition parties’ activities in terms of European integrations. Tokic said that first of all, competent and serious authorities had to be established. Terzic accuses opposition parties of not supporting the current authorities, while Tokic says that there is nothing to be supported. Tokic points out that Terzic and other politicians should stop lying BiH citizens on BiH situation being excellent. In terms of their prognosis on results of early elections, Terzic said that he hopes that in the RS, SDS would be removed and replaced by SNSD, while in FBiH situation would not change a lot. Tokic said BiH’s integrity and future was seriously endangered, if current authorities were to stay.

Oslobodjenje op-ed on Terzic’s call for early elections


Oslobodjenje, pg 9 ‘Measure for measure’, by Senka Kurtovic – Commenting on the recent events in BiH, Kurtovic argues that the High Representative has managed to convince Adnan Terzic to think like him i.e. that BiH has hit the bottom, after which Terzic calls for early elections. The author continues: “Because the state Prime Minister is telling us diligently that the early elections are the only way out of the crisis in which the reforms are. Terzic’s cry is also a call to the HR to appoint the SIPA leadership”

SP RS marks 12th anniversary


RTRS – SP RS marked 12 years of its foundation by holding an assembly in Banja Luka. It will ask RS authorities to announce extraordinary elections by the end of the year. SP RS Chairman Petar Djokic stated that European integration and economic development were the only solution for BIH. Djokic commented the decisions of EUFOR and NATO to dismiss the recruits from Manjaca and Bileca and stated that these actions were a result of a failure of current authorities to make earlier decisions to avoid humiliations. Djokic also stated that they would start an initiative for holding a population census in BIH.

Ivanic about police reform


RTRS, Dnevni Avaz, pg 4 ‘Talk to EU directly about police reform, without OHR’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine, g 3 ‘Talks with EU without envoys necessary’, by agencies  – BIH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic stated at the Forum Southeast Europe on the way to EU that a time has come for BIH Politicians to come out with an initiative on how they see possible police reform and carry out direct negotiations with the EU without middlemen. Ivanic also expressed belief that BIH will start negotiations on Stabilisation and Association Agreement by the end of the year.

SBiH wants Andan’s resignation


BHT, Oslobodjenje, pg 3 ‘SBiH requests urgent resignation from Dragomir Andan’, not signed, Dnevni Avaz, pg 8 ‘High Representative and International Community must remove Andan’, mentioned on front ‘International Community must remove Andan’, by H. Handzic, Nezavisne Novine, pg 3 ‘Request for Andan’s resignation’, by M. K. – SBiH asked for resignation of Director of RS Police, Dragomir Andan, after his insinuations that BIH was involved in terrorist acts in Madrid. SBiH stated that Andan had speculated on this matter in order to obstruct the police reform in BIH.

HR Ashdown welcomes Minister Dokic’s resignation


RHB, Oslobodjenje, pg 4 ‘OHR commends Dokic’, not signed, Dnevni Avaz, pg 2 ‘Ashdown welcomes Dokic’s decision to resign’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine, pg 3 ‘Ashdown commends Dokic’s resignation’, by agencies – High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, commended the decision of BIH Minister of Transport and Communications Branko Dokic to resign. HR stated that Dokic’s decision was an acknowledgment of responsibility and reputation of institution that Dokic represents.



Zigic on sale co-capitalization of ‘Energopetrol’



FTV – FBiH Government should make a final decision on “Energopetrol” privatisation at its extraordinary session, which is going to be held next week. FBiH Minister of Energy, Industry and Mining, Izet Zigic, said for “Oslobodjenje” daily that all options were possible. Consortium Ina-Mol cancelled the first agreement.

RHB – Zigic stated that ownership over Energopetrol could not given to INA until it settles all debts towards FBIH.

EFT starts works in ‘Stanari’ mine


Pink – A British company “Energy Financing Team” has started its work in “Stanari” lignite mine, after having agreement with the RS Government on concession on 30 years long exploitation of coal signed. The company should invest 23 million KM in the first two years, as well as additional 5 million KM in next 5 years. All 270 employees will stay in the mine, while 130 more are to be employed.



Banja Luka Police fights drugs smugglers





Pink, BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje, pg 41 ‘They smuggled drugs and stole cars’, by D. P., Dnevni Avaz, pg 23, mentioned on front ’19 members of two organized groups of criminals arrested’, by J. Stojanovic, Vecernji List, pg 4 ’19 criminals arrested for drugs smuggling’, by Robert Soldo, Nezavisne Novine, front pg splash and pg 2 ‘19 members of criminal groups arrested’, by M. Kremenovic  – Members of Banja Luka Public Security Centre have destroyed two criminal groups, charged with drug trade and robberies. 19 persons have been arrested, and the operation is still ongoing. During interrogation, great number of other criminal acts has also been revealed. Police informed that all arrested ones were known to the police, as well as that more persons were to be arrested in next several days. 160 grams of heroin, 60 grams of cocaine, some marihuana and two stolen vehicles were seized during the operation.

SBS arrests 6 Iraqis trying to get across BiH border illegally

Dnevni List, pg 13, mentioned on front ‘Potential terrorists from Iraq entered BiH!?!’, by Nermin Bise – DL learns from police sources close to the State Border Service that members of the SBS arrested a group of 6 Iraqi nationals, who were trying to illegally get across the BiH border at Klobuk near Trebinje on Saturday.