
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 5/11/2004


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on5 November 2004


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

Adnan Terzic resigned

BiH Presidency on Terzic letter

Law on VAT adopted on Thursday

SFOR carries out search in Pale

SDA-SBiH relations

Arafat still in critical condition

EC still supports single VAT rate


TV news broadcast on 4 November 2004


BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Election results in BIH

Arafat in critical condition

Prostitution in BiH

Murder attempt on Dukic

Municipal elections law

BiH citizen in prison in Iraq

VAT Law passed

Pavlovic bank robbed

Matijasevic on ICTY

AIDS panic in Mostar

Statement of Stojanov

BL police arrests A.Sabic

HB Canton stabile

RS Gov. financial threats

FBiH Law on internal debt

Poisonous vegetables



Adnan Terzic resigns

Dnevni Avaz

Terzic offered resignation

Dnevni List

Mostarians in fear of AIDS

Vecernji List

Prostitute given in gift was spreading AIDS

Slobodna Dalmacija

Rights of HVO members to be defined by end of year

Glas Srpske

Three peoples, three sides

Nezavisne Novine

VAT Law was adopted; RS Government threatened to stop financing BiH institutions; Toby Robinson demands liquidation of Momcilo Mandic’s bank; Party for BiH decides on withdrawing from the authority at all levels; BiH is a test of European unity


Blockade upon blockade

Vecernje Novosti

Features Serbian related titles

Belgrade’s Nacional

Features Serbian related titles

Slobodna Bosna

Sensational testimony of Luka Karadzic, brother of war criminal: Radovan was paying a lot to Paddy


Is Ismet Bajramovic behind the assassination of Selver Lekic: The conflict in underground over Mercedes; Gotovina’s mission in Herzegovina


Amir Pasic Faco claims: Police protects murders and drug dealers, Kljemendi and Ali Gasi 



Terzic’s resignation to be on the desk of BiH Presidency members today


BH Radio 1, FENA – The chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, has tendered his resignation from the post. His resignation will be on the desk of the members of the state Presidency today. Terzic says that the Council of Ministers no longer has the support of the parliamentary majority because the parliament adopted the bill on two rates of VAT and not a single VAT rate as he had demanded.

BiH Presidency on Terzic resignation letter


BH Radio 1 News at 1200 – BiH Presidency today will not discuss the resignation offered by the Chair of Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic. Advisor in the BiH Presidency, Drago Vukovic, confirmed Presidency received the letter, adding that it is considered as the offer of resignation not as resignation itself. He adds that Presidency will discuss it on Monday afternoon, as Dragan Covic is not currently in the country.

SFOR searching homes of suspected Karadzic supporters in Pale


BH Radio 1 News at 1200, SRNA – An SFOR search in Pale is aimed at finding people who provide support for war crimes indictees, says a statement issued by SFOR today. The search of two houses in Pale, which started this morning, is meant to “investigate the possibility that people are violating the law by supporting war crimes indictees,” the statement adds.

A SRNA correspondent had reported earlier that the houses of Radomir Kojic and Ranko Cicovic were being searched. Kojic is on the list of people banned from entering the EU and Cicovic is a former member of Radovan Karadzic‘s personal security. SFOR thanked the police and local people for their cooperation and patience.

Banja Luka-Gradiska highway update

BH Radio 1 News at 1200 – BiH Ministry of Finance and Treasury confirmed that it has sent an order to BiH Central Bank to transfer 10.5 million KM needed for continuation of the construction of Banja Luka-Gradiska highway.


Economic/social issues

Adnan Terzic resigns














Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 2 ‘Adnan Terzic resigns’, Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘Terzic offered resignation’, pg 5 ‘I requested BiH Presidency to relieved me of duty’, Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Terzic offered resignation’, pg 5 ‘I asked from BiH Presidency to discharge him’ by Sead Numanovic – “I have asked from BiH Presidency to discharge him off the Prime Minister position, as I am not ready to accept the responsibility for leading further reforms process with such stance of parliamentary majority towards the Council of Ministers. I am particularly not ready to implement the Law on VAT in the form signed by the BiH HoR,” stated CoM Chair Adnan Terzic in an interview to DA. He explains that he filed resignation on Thursday after BiH HoR adopted the Law on VAT with differentiated rate, and that he has already talked with the Presidency members now waiting for their decision whether or not to accept the resignation. Terzic also criticizes BiH Parliamentarians: “[They are not] ready to support radical reforms as suggested by the CoM. Up until now there were some situation when delegates changed some very important laws drafted in accordance with the European standards. In some cases, such as Law on public RTV system, the law endorsed by CoM was rejected by parliamentary majority [SDA, SBiH, HDZ and SDS]. CoM I chare has three presidents of parties, and there is me as SDA Vice President. I simply cannot understand than why delegates from parliamentary majority in many cases revise what has been decided on through census in CoM.”

Oslobodjenje cover splash ‘Adnan Terzic filed resignation’ by V.Z. – In a statement to daily, Terzic denied that his resignation was asked by the International Community: “They have not insisted [on single VAT rate], but my Government as we have been determined that was the only way to introduce VAT.” 

BiH HoR adopts two VAT rates


BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Two VAT rates – zero and 17 percent rate’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘VAT law with basic rate of 17 percent adopted’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘VAT rates 0 and 17 %’, mentioned on front by D. Polovina-Mandic,Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Zero VAT for food’ by D. Jazvic, Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘VAT Law was adopted’ and pg. 3 ‘No taxes on bread, milk, books, computers and printed media’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Two rates for taxes’ by Srna, SRNA – The House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly on Thursday adopted a bill on VAT, which envisages two VAT rates – 17 and zero. The zero rate is envisaged for all types of bread, milk and diary products, cooking oils and margarine, books with cultural, artistic and educational contents and textbooks for primary, secondary and higher education, while all other products will be taxed at 17 per cent. The house also adopted an amendment proposed by SDP deputy Zlatko Lagumdzija that the zero rate is applied to newspapers and magazines. 

BHT – SDP representatives left the session before voting started. They believe that this Law is new strike to poor people. For example, there is tax exemption for milk but not for milk products, for medicines, but not for helping devices, etc. “Average household will spend 500 KM per year more than today. Those funds will be taken from ordinary people and it will be returned to buyers of luxury goods,” said SDP representative Zlatko Lagumdzija. International Community sees the new VAT Law as unacceptable, because they believe that introducing of more than one rate will leave a lot of space for tax evasion. “With one rate pensioners would pay 20 KM for bread more per year. But, with more VAT rates we will loose 200 millions of yearly tax income,” stated Jolly Dickson from the Indirect Taxation Administration (position not stated). The Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic warned that it would be impossible to introduce VAT it hasn’t single rate. He believes that Representatives have to consider reality and corruption in BiH.

FBiH HoP adopts Law on Internal Debt


BHT, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Law on internal debt adopted’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Law on Internal Debt passed’, Dnevni List pg 4 ’14 million KM from Hercegovacka Banka to pensioners’ by E. Mackic and Vecernji List pg 5 ’14 million KM to pensioners’ by E. Medunjanin, FENA – The FBiH House of Peoples on Thursday adopted the Law on Defining and the Manner of Settling Internal Claims (Law on Internal Debt). The Law determined the FBiH internal debts in the amount of KM 2.968 billion. A total of 29 delegates voted for the law, 11 were against as 8 abstained from voting.  This Law regulates among other matters the settling of citizens’ claims related to the old (pre-war) foreign currency savings. A nine-month deadline has been set for determining the exact amount of the debt on the basis of old foreign currency savings. A part of the old foreign currency savings will be returned in cash, and the other part in bonds. The part in cash will be returned over the period of four years. After the law’s passage, FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic said that the Parliament has realized that this was the only Government’s concept that can be implemented without jeopardizing the financial stability of the Federation. The FBiH Foreign Currency Savers’ Association is unsatisfied with this law. Association’s Vice-president Muris Srkalovic told the press that the Association would address the Constitutional Court to assess the constitutionality of the passed law.

Croatian Parliament on rights of HVO members


Slobodna Dalmacija cover pg splash and pg 6 ‘Rights of HVO members to be defined by end of year’ by S. Pavic, M. K. Sabolic and A. B. Krile, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Agreement on rights of HVO members’ by f and Dnevni List pg 10 ‘Agreement with BiH on rights of HVO members by end of year’ not signed – Vice President of the Croatian Government and Croatian Minister for Defenders Issues Jadranka Kosor stated on Thursday that by the end of the year the Croatian Government should sign the agreement with BiH which would regulate status and rights of HVO members.

HPT Mostar Trade Union reacts to Robinson’s statements


Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Suspicion in honest intentions of Toby Robinson’ by M. Batarello – Reacting to the latest statements of Hercegovacka Banka Provisional Administrator Toby Robinson regarding the decision of the Cantonal Court in Mostar to return

51 % of shares in Eronet to HT Mostar, Independent Trade Union of HPT employees published an open letter. Among the other things, the letter says that the Trade Union believes that Robinson is deliberately stating untruths in public and the best proof for it is her statement about 5 verdicts, which is not true, since there were only 4 verdicts and 3 of them were in favour of HT Mostar. The letter also says that she is not well familiar with this issue although she should have been, since she is the Hercegovacka Banka Provisional Administrator appointed by the High Representative

Mikerevic announced RS would stop financing BiH institutions


Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘RS Government threatened to stop financing BiH institutions’ and pg. 3 ‘RS Government threatens with stoppage of financing of BiH institutions’ by D. Risojevic, EuroBlic, cover and pg. RS1 ‘Blockade upon blockade’ by Tijana Veselinovic, Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Either money or blockade’ by G. Dakic< Oslobodjenje pg 7 – RS Government on Thursday threatened it would stop financing BiH joint institutions if CoM fails to approve funds for the construction of Banja Luka – Gradiska highway. ‘The Government demands that the payment is realized immediately’, RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic has stated that said that the Government might stop financing BiH institutions today (Friday) already, should CoM fail to meet their demand, and use these funds to pay obligations towards the contractor – “Integral inzinjering” firm.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Entities to get funds for highways today?’ by F. Cardzic – BiH Minister of Transport and Communications Branko Dokic on Thursday told the daily that the funds intended for the construction of highways should be transferred from the BiH CoM account to the Entities very soon.  

BHT also covered the issue.

Toby Robinson to demand for liquidation of Privredna Banka Eastern (Serb) Sarajevo


Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘Toby Robinson demands liquidation of Momcilo Mandic’s bank’ and pg. 2 ‘Robinson demands for liquidation of bank’ by A. Sisic – According to a source close to the Temporary Administration of “Privredna Banka” Serb Sarajevo, the Temporary Administrator, Toby Robinson, will today suggest a liquidation of this bank to the High Representative. The source claims the reason is a disastrous business managing of owner Momcilo Mandic and his associates. The article further brings details on what was found out during an investigation on business managing of this bank.

RS Trade Union announces protests


EuroBlic, pg. RS5 ‘Protests on November 18’ by Rajna Radosavljevic, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 13 ‘Protests on November 18’ by S. G. – RS Confederation of Trade Unions claims the Action Plan on revival of production, discusses on Wednesday at RS NA, reminds of a political program that contains no concrete information on what has been achieved in this field. According to the President of the Confederation, Obrad Belenzada, the only thing left for workers is to express their dissatisfaction during protests scheduled for November 18. He claims the Confederation had had some suggestions for revival of economy, however the Confederation representatives were not allowed to address RS NA delegates.


Political development

Party for BiH leaves government at all levels







Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘FBiH Government falls in even deeper crisis’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Party for BiH leaves government at all levels?’, FENA – At a session in Sarajevo late on Wednesday, the Party for BiH (SBiH) Presidency discussed a newly emerged situation in the FBiH Government and the members of the body unanimously supported work of SBiH Ministers in the FBiH Government. They also decided to initiate the discussion on a newly emerged crisis in the FBiH Government in all SBiH bodies in the next 10 days and to pass the decision on further party’s participation in authority at all levels. Also, during the session of the SBiH Presidency, SBiH Ministers gave their mandates at the disposal of their party. They will continue to meet their obligations in the areas that they are charge with. Howvere they will not participate at the sessions of the FBiH Government until the final decision of the SBiH Presidency on their further participation or withdrawal from the authority structures is passed. Herceg Bosna Radio, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Support to Ministers’ not signed and Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Government will be passing decisions wihtout SBiH’ by D. Pasic, Fena, Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘Party for BiH decides on withdrawing from the authority at all levels’ and pg. 4 ‘Withdrawal from the authority is possible’ by R. Cengic also covered the issue.

SBiH Ministers did not attend FBiH Government session


BHT, FTV, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘SBiH Ministers boycott Government’ by N.B. and Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Government will be passing decisions wihtout SBiH’ by D. Pasic, Fena – Party for BiH Ministers boycotted a session of the Federation of BiH Government which was held on Thursday and thus they respected the decision of the SBiH Presidency. FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic did not want to comment on this move of SBiH Ministers and added that the Governemtn can work without problems and it can pass valid decisions.

Dzihanovic left Party for BiH


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Party for BiH leaving the power on all levels?, mentioned on cover, inset ‘After leaving SBIH, Dziahonovic’s position of FBiH Vice President questionable’ by E. Sarac – Current FBiH Vice President Sahbaz Dzihanovic has filed resignation to membership and all functions in his Party for BiH several days ago. “Four months ago, Dzihanovic has been criticized by the field staff members over his statements that he got into the Movement for Changes. It was concluded than that he should be asked for explanation and for him to say whether he is still a member of the party. He decided on his own to walk out from SBiH,” stated Avaz’s source. The position of the FBiH Vice President is SBiH’s and it is not questionable whether Dzihanovic will kept it since not party’s member anymore.

Oslobodjenje cover, pg 2 ‘Sahbaz Dzihanovic left Party for BiH’ by A. Terzic – In a statement to Oslobodjenej, Dzihanovic confirms that SBiH did not approve his involvement with Movement for Change. “Since I think that the Movement… can be useful for all citizens of BiH and that it can offer solutions of good quality, I have decided to stay in the movement and to resign to all functions in SBiH,” said Dzihanovic. 

Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Sahbaz Dzihanovic left SBiH membership’ not signed and Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Government will be passing decisions wihtout SBiH’ by D. Pasic, Fena also reported on the issue.

European Parliament’s Pack: Separate TV channel in one of the languages would be a step to division of BiH


FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Special TV channel would be a step to division’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘A separate TV channel in one of the languages would be a step to division of BiH’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 14 ‘Special TV channel in one of languages step towards division’ by Z. Zekic, ONASA, FENA – Member of the European Parliament Doris Pack said on Thursday she is aware of the concern felt by many in the smallest group of constituent peoples, the Bosnian Croats, that they, by virtue of their relative numbers, can feel vulnerable but that proposals for a separate language channel would be a divisive move. “Solutions to these concerns need to be found in the context of the State of BiH, within which the rights of the Croats as a constituent people must be respected, and where their equal representation is guaranteed,” Pack said in a statement. “All constituent peoples in BiH must have equal rights, as provided for in the BiH Constitution. The state of BiH cannot be built and strengthened if all of its people do not feel respected, their rights guaranteed and their homes safe,” she said and added that some of the statements attributed to her in the BiH press this morning do not accurately reflect her position and have given rise to some confusion. “This means above all that all peoples must ensure that those responsible for war crimes are brought to justice. This is an important part of the healing process,” read the statement. According to Pack, a solution in the context of public broadcasting reform must ensure that the cultural, religious and linguistic diversity of the country is fully safeguarded. “The program of the state broadcaster should be edited and broadcast in three official languages.  The same principles should guide education reform where everyone – pupil and teacher alike – should be allowed to use the language of their choice,” Pack said in the statement.

Pack on HR’s authorities


Dnevni List pg 8 ‘HR should not be using all authorities any longer’, mentioned on front, by NINA – Head of the European Parliament delegation Doris Pack stated in Mostar on Wednesday : ‘I believe that the High Represnettaive should stay in BiH for some time, however, he should not be using all authoirities which were given to him.’ Pack especially stressed it is not right that the HR has the authority to deprive someone of the right to put forward his/her cadidacy for life and that the removed ones should have possibility to take their case to the court.

GS cover on changes to Constitutional organization of BiH


Herceg Bosna Radio, BHT, FTV, Glas srpske, cover page story ‘Three peoples, three sides’ by N. Z. – “Prizma” agency from Sarajevo has conducted a public opinion survey for BiHCenter for Security Studies. In total, 1,600 people from RS and the Federation of BiH were included in the survey. While presenting results of the survey at a press conference held on Thursady in Sarajevo, member of the Work Group of BiHCenter for Security Studies Anto Domazet has stated 40,8% of surveyed Serbs oppose to BiH without RS, Federation of BiH and Cantons. 56% of Bosniaks support the concept of BiH without entities and Cantons, while 64% of Croats think the best solution would be a federation or a confederation. The survey also included questions regarding the living standards and opinion on public administration. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Citizens support state that would be composed just of municipalities’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘There is no joint stand on state organization’ by E. Mackic, Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Serb do not want any kind of BiH, while Bosniak want unitary BiH’ by eme also covered the issue.

EU’s Priebe on police reform in BiH


Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Europe supports single police’ by ipa – A consultative-working body of the EU and BiH Parliament held its fourth meeting in Mostar. On this occassion Director of the Cheif EC Directorate for expanding of the EU Reihard Priebe stated that the EC expects from BiH to establish a single police at the state level and he added : ‘BiH is too small country for such organization of Police and so many differences.’

Herceg Bosna Radio, FTV, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Lot of efforts should be still exerted in order to join EU’ by E. Kramatic , Nezavisne Novine, pg. 6 ‘Lack of cooperation with the Hague is the main obstacle on the path to EU’ by V. Coric , Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Priebe: BiH can afford just a single police’ also covered this meeting.

SB on PRC concept for BiH police


Slobodna Bosna pgs 25-27 ‘Instead of two entities’, there will be five multiethnic police regions’ by Danka Savic, Adnan Buturovic – SB publishes the details of concept proposed by Police Reform Commission which envisages organization of police at the state level, and which was opposed by RS Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic. It also carries a comment by anonymous Commission member who claims that such unification of the police is the only possible solution to efficiently fight organized crime. The Concept also stipulates adoption of the BiH Law on unified police structure for which SB claims was submitted to OHR and that Council of Ministers is supposed to discuss it at the session early December. SB unofficial learns that Matijasevic said he would rather resign than sign such concept. PRC will hold session on 17 and 18 November in Brcko, and if Matijasevic insists on rejecting proposal, SB claims it will Paddy Ashdown will impose it.

PDHR Hays visits Tuzla on Friday


Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Ambassador Hays in Tuzla with Mayor Imamovic’ not signed and Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Hays in Tuzla today’ by f – Dailies carry the OHR’s Media Advisory which says that Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays will visit Tuzla on Friday. He will meet Mayor Jasmin Imamovic Discussion will focus on efforts to upgrade local self-governance and reform public administration in BiH. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 also announced the visit.


Cooperation with ICTY

RS MoI advocates for voluntary surrender of war crime indictees






Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘RS MoI advocates voluntary surrender’ by O. Vukovic –  RS Interior Ministry has made contacts with the families of the persons indicted for war crimes in order to introduce them to the certain privileged that RS Government would ensure in case the suspects would surrender voluntary, stated RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic at the press conference held in Banja Luka on Thursday. “ I hope that war crimes suspects will be courageous and surrender voluntary to the ICTY because of future of RS and its citizens,” said Mikerevic adding that indicted war criminals need to surrender or be arrested because RS institutions are at risk due to a lack of full cooperation with the ICTY. He added: “We do not have the right to make a mistake and this is why all available security capacities of the Entity will be used to demonstrate that we not only posses political willingness but are also committed to fully cooperate with the Hague Tribunal.”Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Mikerevic: RS determined to cooperate with The Haguenot signed also covered the issue.

RS Interior Minister says Karadzic and Mladic to be arrested by the end of the year


Herceg Bosna Radio, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Karadzic and Mladic to be arrested by the end of the year’, ONASA – RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic said that the RS would in the following few weeks fulfill its obligations towards the ICTY, adding that the most wanted war criminals would be arrested by the end of the year. Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are two persons against whom we must undertake certain measures,” Matijasevic said. According to Matijasevic, the RS Ministry of Interior will “prepare the grounds for concrete results” in cooperation with other institutions in BiH and abroad, including the BiH Federation Ministry of Interior, BiH State Border Service, BiH Ministry of Security, Interpol, international community and colleagues from Serbia and Montenegro.

‘Sensational testimony of Luka Karadzic, brother of war criminal: Radovan was paying a lot to Paddy’

Slobodna Bosna cover splash ‘Sensational testimony of Luka Karadzic, brother of war criminal: Radovan was paying a lot to Paddy’, pgs 30-32 ‘Paddy, Radovan still keeps bills proving how much money he gave you for advisers and lobbying!’ by Mirha Dedic – SB publishes claims by Luka Karadzic, brother of Radovan, who accused Paddy Ashdown of being paid by Karadzic’s pay role during the war in BiH as advisor and lobbyist like he did in Serbian press last week. SB also carries denial by Ashdown.

SB says Mandic indicted for war crimes by ICTY


Slobodna Bosna pgs 28-29 ‘Mandic personally ordered liquidation of 178 captured Bosniaks in Vlasenica’ by Emir Hodzic – SB claims that RS President Dragan Cavic last weekend met with Momcilo Mandic, owner of Privredna Bank Srpsko Sarajevo accused of crime by BiH Prosecution, in Belgrade asking him to transfer his property to SDS leadership. Article reads that according to well informed source the reason for this is that ICTY submitted the indictment against Mandic for war crimes in a number of Serb concentration camps to BiH Justice Ministry. Same source claims that indictment was forwarded to SCG authorities as Mandic is residing there. However, source also says that while ICTY wants to see Mandic in the Hague, believing he knows where are Karadzic and Mladic, Serbian Government lead by Vojislav Kostunica will try to make agreement with the ICTY to process Mandic in Belgrade before the Special War Crimes Chamber.

VL:  ‘Bills of indictment against 6 Bosniaks arrive’


Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Bills of indictment against 6 Bosniaks arrive’, mentioned on front, by Z. Jurilj – VL says that names of 6 Bosniak, war-time military and political officials (Ejup Ganic, Rasim Delic, Sakib Mahmuljin, Haris Silajdzic, Atif Dudakovic and Vahid Karavelic) are on the bill of indictment that Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla del Ponte is planning to deliver to authorities in Sarajevo at the end of this month. According to President of the RS Association of Prison Camp Inmates Branislav Dukic during the meeting they had with del Ponte in November last year in The Hague and the meetings they had with del Ponte afterwards, she was mentioning the names of aforementioned  Bosniak officials.


Crime/Judiciary/Legal proceedings

HNC MoI on girl from Ukraine who died of AIDS




Herceg Bosna Radio, BHT, Dnevni List cover pg splash and pgs 32 and 33 ‘Mostarians in fear of AIDS’ by N. Dedic, Vecernji List cover pg splash ‘Prostitute given in gift was spreading AIDS’ and pgs 4 and 5 ‘Olena was in Travnik and Tuzla’ by R. Soldo and Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Girl from Ukraine had AIDS’, mentioned on front, by A. Vlaho – The Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Ministry of Interior held an extraordinary press conference in Mostar on Thursday during which they confirmed that a young girl from Ukraine Olena Popoik died of AIDS in Mostar on Monday. It was also said that Popik was working as a prostitute in Mostar since May and the investigation on some persosns suspected of being  involved in prostitution has been underway. Dnevni Avaz pg 13 also covered the issue.

Harmonization of names of towns with “Serb” prefix


BHT, RTRS, Glas Srpske, pg. 3 ‘New name, less money’ by D. Zec, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 11 ‘Disputable names to be harmonized by the end of the month’ by V. P., EuroBlic, pg. RS2 ‘There is no agreement’ by Rajna Radosavljevic – A joint commission of RS NA and RS Council of Peoples has established a work group tasked with harmonizing disputable names of 13 towns and municipalities in RS by the end of November. The work group is also tasked with harmonizing the Law on changes and addenda to the Law on Serb Sarajevo town, which will be changed after a decision on a new name of the town is brought. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Bosniaks insist on Bosnanski Brod and Kostajnica, Serbs against it’, Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Bosniaks demnd pre-war names of Brod and Kostajnica’ not signed, Oslobodjenje back page also covered the issue.

Update to Mandic trial


Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2 ‘Negotiations on sentence’ by A. Durmo, Glas Srpske, pg. 13 ‘Seven days for negotiations’ by N. Zelenovic – An appearance at court, at which Aleksandar Mandic, Drazenko Mandic and Dragoslav Popovic should have entered plea, was rescheduled for next Friday. Dnevni Avaz pg 10 also covered the issue.

Judge Tadic on accusations against him


Slobodna Bosna pgs 46-49 ‘Decisions of the BiH Constitutional Court is hard to order for money; the one to try so would have to brine at least 10 people!’ by Danka Savic – In an interview to SB, the President of the BiH Constitutional Court Mato Tadic, accused by BiH Prosecution for corruption, dismisses all allegations adding that if one wants certain decision to be passed it would not be efficient to bribe only him but a number of other people. Asked whether the Court faces pressures from leading political parties, Tadic responds: “Since June we have really worked without any pressures, either from parties or someone else… This is the only institution… which in this year and a half has functioned normally without divisions or stress.”

Ljiljan pgs 6-7 ‘Operation of BiH Constitutional Court disturbs a part of IC’ by Husein Orahovac – In statement to Ljiljan, Tadic stresses that BiH Constitutional Court is the only institution working without involvement of the international community and adds: “However it is obvious that our decisions disturbs plans of the international factor. There is an effort to discredit me with an aim to prove that BiH Constitutional Court is also not able to work without tutorship from outside.”

Dani on Croat Self-Rule case


Dani pgs 22-25 ‘AID: Ivic Pasalic and Ante Gotovina secret leaders of Croat Self-Rule?’, mentioned on cover ‘Gotovina’s Herzegovinian mission’, by Gordan Malic – Dani says they are in possession of the report by former Bosniak Intelligence Agency AID on Croat Self-Rule based on which BiH Prosecution raised charges against Ante Jelavic and 5 other persons. Report reads: “Croat Self-Rule 2001 has been envisages as the beginning of establishing third entity in BiH, and behind this plan of the local HDZ was extremist group from Croatia lead by Ivic Pasalic and Ante Gotovina.” Author says that report further discloses connection between this project and Hercegovacka Bank, and way in which companies were forced to finance the Self-Rule. It additionally claims that when HDZ lost elections in Croatia in 2000, they decided to strengthen their position in Herzegovina, enjoying also support by Catholic Church in Herzegovina lead by Bishop Ratko Peric. The aim was apparently to platform in Herzegovina for return of power in Croatia . Author concludes that the involvement of Ante Gotovina and his reasons for this were unclear from the report.  



On meeting of Catholic and Orthdodox Bishops held in Trebinje



BHT, RTRS, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Joint message to believers for Christmas’, mentioned on front, by T. Bojanic – SD reports on a regular meeting of Catholic and Orthodox Bishops from BiH which was held in Trebinje on Thursday. Cardinal Vinko Puljic, who also attended this meeting said that this is one of regular meetings that have been organized since 1997. Orthoodx Bishop Grigorije said that during this meeting they agreed to have a joint message to Orthodox and Catholic believers on the eve Christmas and that their last joint message was sent over 10 years ago.

Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘BiH is a test of European unity’ and pg. 10 ‘BiH is a test of unity of EU’ by N. Kolak, EuroBlic, cover ‘Joint pastoral letter for Christmas’ and pg. RS12 ‘Single pastoral letter’ by V. Mihojevic, Glas Srpske, pg. 3 ‘Joint pastoral letter for Christmas’ by M. Bestic, Oslobodjenje pg 8 also covered the event.