
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 4/6/2006



TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Broadcasting signal interrupted

Meeting of BiH disabled persons

Gathering of Disabled Persons


Protest Concert was held inSarajevo

Protests in Sarajevo


Cubrilovic on Telekom privatization

Privatisation of Telekom Srpske


Regional News

Presidency members on Turkish ship


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Tihic on NeumHarbour

Montenegro to declare independence

Solana & DiCarlo on RS referendum

Solana & DiCarlo on RS referendum

Gathering of Disabled Persons

Cubrilovic on Telekom privatization

Coppola on PRD SB work

Mittal Steel workers still on strike

Dzombic on ITA single account

Cubrilovic on Telekom privatization

HVIDRA Assembly held in Zenica

Free trade issue b/w BiH, SCG & Cro



Cardinal Puljic appealed to Vatican [for being insulted by high-school student’s poem]

Dnevni Avaz

[BiH CoM Chair Terzic] Dodik blocked all the reforms

Dnevni List

Features Croatia related titles

Vecernji List

[ London daily The Times] Herceg-Bosna – state by 2020

Nezavisne Novine

[CIPS Director Macan] Personal data will be protected more strictly



RS Communications Minister Cubrilovic: Minimum €400 million for privatization of ‘Telekom Srpske’; tender in June










RTRS By Sinisa Mihajlovic –RS Traffic and Communications Minister Nedeljko Cubrilovic said on Saturday in Banja Luka that ‘Telekom Srpske’ should be privatized by the end of the year. RS Government reported that the minimum price of the 65% of the state capital of ‘Telekom Srpske’ and 5% of the RS restitution fund would be 400 million Euros. Price will be even higher since Pension and Disability Insurance Fund will offer 10% of its stocks. According to Cubrilovic, RS Government will not consider lower amounts. ‘Telekom Srpske’ had profit of 80 millions and 400.000 KM last year. Stockholders will get 70 million KM of the profit.  New potential buyer of ‘Telekom Srpske’ can expect to have 800.000 users of steady phones and 1,5 million users of mobile phones. ‘Telekom Srpske’ HQ must remain in Banja Luka. New buyer would have to respect the contract with the syndicate and invest at least 50 million Euros in the first year. Five to seven big European mobile telephone companies are interested for sale of ‘Telekom Srpske’. The underground network would be included in the privatization. RS Finance Minister Aleksandar Dzombic said that the new buyer would have to obligate by the contract to provide permanent access to the RS Government to this underground network. Stockholders will keep 20% of stocks. ‘Telekom Srpske’ believes that the first privatized telecommunications company would earn the most. ‘Telekom Srpske’ believes that competition at the market will be good for the users due to the better prices. New building of ‘Telekom Srpske’ would not be included in the privatization and will be sold to the RS Government. PINK – According to Cubrilovic, tender will be opened after the RS National Assembly session, which should be held on June 20. BHT1 – In order to conduct the privatization procedure, RSNA will have to adopt the new law on privatization, which is expected to happen in June. Hayat, FTV – also carried.

RS Finance Minister Dzombic: Session of Fiscal Council to be held in Sarajevo on Monday


RTRS – RS Minister of Finance Aleksandar Dzombic said that blockade of Indirect Taxation Administration single account does not affect RS finances, adding that the session of Fiscal Council would be held on Monday in Sarajevo. Dzombic also said that the VAT application of BiH Telecom in FBiH is disputable since shows higher expenditures adding that this affects the establishment of the allocation coefficients. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Dzombic: Extraordinary session of Fiscal Council tomorrow’ by N.Diklic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Tomorrow about allocation of VAT incomes’ by R.S., Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Blockade due to Telecom’ – also carried.

BiH CoM Chair Terzic: RS PM Dodik blocked all the reforms; stance towards him must be re-examined


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Dodik blocked all the reforms’, pg 5 ‘We have to re-examine stance towards Dodik’ by Tarik Lazovic – Commenting recent issues regarding allocation of VAT incomes [blockade of Indirect Taxation Administration single account], in an interview for daily BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic stated: “As a result of VAT collection, we have significant surplus, even more than planed 150 million KM. We have situation now that the entire surplus goes to entities and I am afraid that they are using it improperly at the moment… It should not have been used without any plan or budget rebalance.” Observing objection set by the International Monetary Fund how administration is spending too much money, Terzic noted that state institutions have little opportunity to digress from the budgetary plan, while entities and cantons are spending money without control. Talking about other reform processes, BiH CoM Chair said: “Reforms are on hold since new RS Government came into power. Government of Milorad Dodik is not only holding processes, it is taking them back. Whole this story about coefficients is aiming to show how system of taxation is not working, implying that we have to go back to the previous system. This won’t happen, but it clearly reveals Dodik’s intentions. I think that FBiH parties that supported him must not keep their eyes closed, they must take stance towards his behaviour. I am not talking about rhetoric, but about processes that are blockaded due to RS Government.”


Debate on RS referendum initiative/police reform

US highly ranked official DiCarlo on RS referendum


HayatUSDeputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo said that the referendum in RS is not expected and that the issue of BiH borders is regulated by Dayton Peace Accord, adding the RS is a part of BiH. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘DiCarlo: RS is part of BiH, Kosovo is something else’ by Fena – also covered.

Face to Face on: SPONA Chair Dukic – referendum initiative is based on human rights; BOSS leader Ajanovic – RS was created under insistence of IC


Hayat By Senad Hadzifejzovic – In the Face to Face, BOSS leader Mirnes Ajanovic and [RS NGO] SPONA Chair Branislav Dukic commented the initiative for organising the referendum on separation of RS from BIH. Dukic used the opportunity to present SPONA and explain its organisation claiming that they present 70% of the population in RS. He said that the referendum initiative is based on human rights on expressing determination, which embedded in the BIH Constitution and the International Conventions: “International Community (IC) participated in the disintegration of former Yugoslavia, declaration of Montenegro independence and Kosovo status. We deem that RS has legitimacy to express its will regarding the country it wants to live in.” Wondering how come that NGO is working together with the RS Government, Ajanovic said that to RS everyone else is guilty but their criminal ideology. Ajanovic stressed that RS is undermining the historical integrity of BIH adding: “It has been created only under the insistence of IC, OHR etc. Thank you for waking up the lethargic citizens by releasing the beast from the Karadzic’s hotbed of evil”. After this statement, Dukic accused Ajanovic of shooting at people during the war on what Ajanovic sarcastically noted: “now the victim will be accused because it was defending from the criminal”. Noting that if the constitutional changes were adopted, Ajanovic said that RS would have the legal opportunity to organise the referendum and separate from BiH. Dukic protested because Ajanovic talked about 1992 since the organised referendum on independence led to the war. “If this continues, we will organise the petition for removing [RS Prime Minister Milorad]Dodik and prohibiting the right for organising referendum,” underlined Ajanovic.

Interview with Speaker of Montenegrin National Assembly Krivokapic


Hayat Senad Hadzifejzovic – In an interview to Centralni Dnevnik, Montenegrin National Assembly Speaker Ranko Krivokapic commented the Montenegrin independence. Being asked what is guaranteeing that the situation for the citizens will be improved, Krivokapic stated it was democracy adding that Serbs only wanted obedience not partnership. He noted that some of the bitter remarks made by the Serb officials on the independence would not ruin the general feeling. Commenting the statements of RS politicians that referendum on separation should be organised in RS, Krivokapic stated: “Parallel cannot be drawn since Montenegro existed as the state in the history while that is not the case with RS. I told this to [RS Prime Minister Milorad] Dodik. Nevertheless, Montenegro refuses to interfere. We want to be good neighbours, which can help but not interfere”.

Author Vesovic: RS PM Dodik is trying to continue Karadzic’s plan


Hayat By Senad Hadzifejzovic – In an interview to Centralni Dnevnik, author Marko Vesovic commented Montenegro independence as their escape from the failed ideology since they were first to support ‘idea on Greater Serbia’. Commenting the issue over Kosovo, Vesovic stated that the late Slobodan Milosevic gambled and lost Kosovo and that “the attempt of (RS Prime Minister) Milorad Dodik to connect Kosovo with status of RS is just the second phase of Radovan Karadzic’s plan. Karadzic had ethnical cleansing in RS so that Dodik can now organise referendum and declare the separation from BIH. And they could win because only Serbs are now in RS”. Vesovic refused to believe that this was only Dodik’s pre-election campaign because “he is too radical with this issue”. Vesovic has been arguing for abolishment of RS because “if it remains than it would present the reward for the monstrous war crimes”.

Signing of petition on RS referendum continues in Trebinje

RTRS – Action on signing petition for RS referendum continues in Trebinje on Saturday. The action was organized by Serb National Movement “The Choice is ours”. Episcope Grigorije signed the petition. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Citizens were signing petition for secession’ – also covered.

DA op-ed: Police reform will have to wait next year, when RS PM Dodik becomes could be in position to sign SAA as state PM


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Baton of statehood’ by Sead Numanovic – Commenting RS stance regarding police reform, editorial reads: “Story of police is story of ‘statehood’. Without its police, RS is an entity. With it, it is much more than that. It is, as some believe ‘state’. This is why the police reform was the heaviest issue from the very beginning, it remained the issue of dispute for years. Principality of International Community is on test now.” Noting that RS politicians does not care if talks on Stabilisation and Association Agreement [SAA] are put on hold due to eventual failure of police reform, for it would only put BiH’s position closer to Serbian, author concludes: “It is obvious that this issue will have to wait the next year. [RS Prime Minister Milorad] Dodik, that has ambition to become state PM, could be in position of signing SAA which would say that RS is not a ‘state’ and that it has no [its own] police.”


London Times anticipates creation of Herceg-Bosna and RS

London daily Times published map of Europe in 2020, which anticipates creating Herceg-Bosna and RS as separate states


Vecernji List cover splash, pg 3 ‘Herceg-Bosna autonomous and independent state by 2020’ by Darko Juka – Daily carries map of Europe published by London-based daily ‘The Times’ on June 2, by which some about 20 new European state are yet to be formed by 2020, among them Herceg-Bosna and RS. Author comments that he hopes referendum will become standard for conflict management adding he hopes that “bloody independences and European blindness for crimes of dominant peoples over the weaker ones… are over with tragic experiences in Croatia and BiH.Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Britons erased BiH from map of Europe in 2020’ by Admir Malagic – also covered.

Bosniak politicians commenting Times’ map of Europe in 2020


Vecernji List cover splash, pg 3 ‘Herceg-Bosna autonomous and independent state by 2020’ by Darko Juka – Daily carries reactions of SBiH Beriz Belkic on Times’ map of Europe in 2020. Belkic said: “That issue is out of question…. I cannot believe that some disintegration is possible at the time of general integrations processes.Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Britons erased BiH from map of Europe in 2020’ by Admir Malagic – SDU Nijaz Durakovic stated that such cartography represents nothing new, adding that some of ethnic minorities issues date for more than hundred years: “Englishmen are famous by the motto ‘divide and rule’. Wherever they were settling ethnic issues, there is still blood-spilling, starting from Cashmere, Africa, Balkans…” SDA Sefik Dzaferovic said that he does not know who made such analysis or who is behind it, but when BiH is in question – it will be integral and democratic state, there is no way of breaking its territorial integrity.

Serb politicians commenting Times’ map of Europe in 2020


Vecernji List cover splash, pg 3 ‘Herceg-Bosna autonomous and independent state by 2020’ by Darko Juka – Daily carries reactions of Serb politicians on Times’ map of Europe in 2020. SNSD Krstan Simic: “In case of dominance over Serb, i.e. Croat people in BiH, it is completely understandable that those people will seek for mechanisms of their protection, and one of them is right on referendum.” SDS Mladen Bosic: “History showed that everything is possible within 20 years period of time. I am not competent to come up with any conclusions. The key issue is whether three people can live together in BiH.” SDS Bosko Siljegovic: “BiH’s faith is in hands of Europe, who took part in breaking of former Yugoslavia. Parceling the region, supported by Europe, can influence opening processes about which Britain press is writing.” Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Britons erased BiH from map of Europe in 2020’ by Admir Malagic – Simic stated for daily that London-based ‘Guardian’ published similar article, adding that the “analysis shows that disintegration process generally started.”

Croat politicians commenting Times’ map of Europe in 2020


Vecernji List cover splash, pg 3 ‘Herceg-Bosna autonomous and independent state by 2020’ by Darko Juka – Daily carries reactions of Serb politicians on Times’ map of Europe in 2020. HDZ Miso Relota: “Looking from the point that BiH is internationally recognized state in its present borders, Times’ announcements seems unrealistic. But, we have to have in mind that breaking of Yugoslavia also seemed unrealistic 20 years ago.” HDZ 1990 Bozo Ljubic: “Such unitary BiH is unsustainable and it need reconstruction. Will the change take direction of federalisation, which I perceive as only possible, or the things will take some other direction, I cannot predict.NHI Kresimir Zubak: “These are speculations, but in reality, every option is possible.HSP ‘Djapic-Jurisic’ Zvonko Jurisic: “We are not surprised, because these announcements are coming from the press close to British Government, which supports RS. In the end, it is possible, because Serb politicians have consensus regarding secession of RS from BiH.” Croat Block Mario Vasilj: “So-far experience shows us that most of the things anticipated by prominent British and American newspapers analysts is being confirmed in the end, such are writings on break-down of Yugoslavia.


Other political issues

Movement ‘Dosta!’ organized protest concert in Sarajevo




PINK – Movement “Dosta!” (Enough) and Foundation for Creative Development organized protest concert on Saturday in Sarajevo. This concert was held between BiH joint institutions and ‘Zemaljski’ museum. Darko Brkan, Coordinator of Movement ‘Dosta!’ said that politicians ignore citizens and their problems and requests. Songs were dedicated to bad situation in BiH. Movement ‘Dosta!’ believes that the biggest problems in BiH are unemployment, bad status of pensioners and difficult social situation. BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Walk, whistles and music against authorities’ by A.Becirovic, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Movement Dosta! fights for changes’ by M.Sefer – also covered.

BiH Presidency members visited Turkish military ship in Neum; BiH Pres Chair Tihic BiH should re-examine building NeumHarbour


Hayat – Presenter stated that after Centralni Dnevnik made so many reports on the importance of the construction of Neum harbour, a miracle finally happened on Saturday. Presenter stated that during the visit of the BiH Presidency members to the Turkish war ship anchored in Neum, BIH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic stated: “We are visited by the Turkish war ship, which followed the visits if French, German and American war ships. Because of these but mainly because of the economical reasons it is important for the BIH authorities to re-examine the need for the construction of the Harbour in Neum”. BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘There is more and more reasons for building harbour in Neum’ by F.Vele – also covered.

BiH Foreign Ministry: Liberalization of visa regime for 8-9 categories by end of year


Dnevni Avaz pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Perkovic: Liberalization of visa regime by end of year’ by S.Skuletic – Commenting new round of negotiation on Stabilisation and Association Agreement [SAA] and Agreement on liberalization of visa regime with EU, which started in Brussels on May 30, Assistant BiH Foreign Minister Zoran Perkovic told daily: “It is realistic to expect that liberalization of visa regime, for 8-9 categories of BiH citizens that we suggested as priorities, will happen by end of year.

Cardinal Puljic issues protest letter against poetry book


BHT1 – Cardinal Vinko Puljic issued a protest letter against a poetry book published by Electro-technicalSecondary School in Sarajevo. The book contains the poem ‘Zaljenje’ [Grief] by Arman Alautovic, which has deeply insulted all Christians, by insulting Jesus Christ, claims Puljic. Oslobodjenje cover splash ‘Cardinal Puljic appealed to Vatican’, pgs 4-5 ‘Vinko Puljic seeks satisfaction for Catholics were insulted’ by R.I. – Puljic informed High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling  and Apostle Nuncio in BiH Alessandro d’Errico about this issue and issue of another Catholic student who was allegedly being forced to declare as a Muslim. Inset ‘School director apologized’ Vecernji List pg 8 ‘Puljic seeks sanctions for Jesus was insulted’ by Z.K. – also carried.

Newly appointed CIPS Director Macan explains CIPS priorities in coming period


Nezavisne Novine cover splash, pgs 8-9 ‘Personal data will be protected more strictly’ by Natasa Krsman – Explaining his vision of CIPS functioning, in an interview for daily, newly appointed CIPS Director Sinisa Macan stated that the his priorities will be providing help for passive registration of voters for the October elections, introducing more strict protection of personal data of citizens, establishing single registry of vehicles in BiH and providing more efficient service for citizens.

Montenegro declared its independence on Saturday evening


Oslobodjenje pg 11 ‘Montenegro officially independent’ by Veseljko Koprivica – Montenegrin Assembly officially declared the independence of Montenegro at the Saturday evening’ session. Prior to declaration, the assembly members adopted the official referendum results. After the session, the process of international recognition will start. BHT1 – BHT1 announced that the process of international recognition would start after the session. FTV – After the session, Montenegrin officials will receive highest Serbian and international officials. EU will issue a statement welcoming the independence of Montenegro. RTRSMontenegro opposition will not attend the session. The officials from Serbia will also not attend this session. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SNP refused to attend declaration of independence’ by Srna, Dnevni Avaz pg 14 ‘Montenegro officially announced independence’, Vecernji List pg 9 ‘EU’s green light for bilateral recognitions’ – also covered.

Hayat poll: Which political party you would vote for?


Hayat – Hayat poll: Which political party you would vote for? 5351 persons voted for the following parties:

SzBIH          1488
SDA            1195
SDP            1081
BOSS            873
SDU              391
Other            240
SNSD              37
HDZ 1990        20
HDZ                15
SDS                11