
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 4/6/2003



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS  (19,30)

HN Canton Government

Bank robbery in BL

Bank robbery in BL

Bank robbery in BL

Strike in Austria

Negotiations with EU

Session of the Fed. Parlia.

Meeting on reconciliation

Snow in Moscow

Bush on Palestinian state

Exhumations in Javor

Lawsuit vs. Elektroprivreda


Tax administration’s action

Strikes in Austria

EU sanctions



Suspicious candidates requested veteran’s loan

Dnevni Avaz

Decision on loans for veterans postponed: Lists on additional revision

Dnevni List

Robbers take around 1,2 million KMs in Banja Luka; Miroslav Coric: Government in technical mandate works on illegal basis

Vecernji List

Banja Luka: Bank robbery in middle of town; Prior to Pope’s arrival: May all people of good will come

Slobodna Dalmacija

Fake passport costs 1600 KMs

Glas Srpske

Yesterday in Banjaluka centre: Million marks robbed

Nezavisne Novine

The vehicle owned by Nova Banjalucka Banka robbed: KM 1.2 million robbed; Zelimir Rebac: Criminal reports against 50 humanitarian organisations soon; Boris Gaspar: Investigation into import of non-distilled alcohol; Branko Krsmanovic: I have launched investigation at Republika Srpska Tax Administration


1,2 million KM robbed at noon at the center of Banja Luka


Political developments

Establishment of HNC Government















Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Dnevni List (front and page 15, by A. P., “Miroslav Coric: Government in technical mandate works on illegal basis”) – a press conference by the Prime Minister designate of the Herzegovina-Neretva canton Government, Miroslav Coric. According to Coric, lack of political agreement is the biggest reasons the Cantonal Government is not formed yet. “Provoked by the attitude of SDA and SBiH, like I said, on May 8 I proposed a composition of the Government that would completely reflect the last census from 1991, representation of all peoples in our canton and elections results from eight months ago”, said Coric. In this context, Coric said the IC and OHR should make the first step towards solving the problem. Coric also noted that the current technical Government twice failed to discuss the issue of HNC Constitution and that there was no developments in that perspective despite a formation of a Commission for proposing of draft Cantonal Constitution. “It is obviously clear that we who are working in this Government in the technical mandate are working on illegal basis”, said Coric explaining that offices of Governor, Deputy Governor, Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Ministers in the HNC are still intact. “That was enabled by the status of this canton, which now works outside what the High Representative ordered and outside the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitution”, said Coric adding that inability to implement Constitution in HNC is one of the obstacles to forming the HNC Government. (Slobodna Dalmacija, page 5, by Zoran Zekic, “No sign of new government”, Vecernji List, page 2, by ZK, “Coric seeks help from international community”)

Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘HNC Government to be established’ – “SDA and HDZ have agreed on the distribution of power in the Hercegovina-Nerteva Canton. The Prime Minister and yet three ministers will be of the Croat nationality. Four ministerial posts will belong to Bosniaks as the two parties (SDA, HDZ) will later on agree on a Serb ministeraila candidate,” SDA President Sulejman Tihic told the newspaper. With this agreement, the process of the HNC Government establishment has been de-blocked.

Second round of talks between BiH-EU representatives

BHTV 1 By Senad Pandzic – BiH representatives will hold today the second round of negotiations with EU representatives. Making the feasibility study is just a first step in the stabilisation and association process and it is expected to be completed by the end of this year, journalists were told at a press conference of the BiH Directorate for the European Integration. As new European map is changing right now, west Balkans countries are scared that will remain on the margin of the United Europe. 

F BiH House of Representatives session

FTV, BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg. 8 ‘Obligation imposed to FTV to broadcast parliamentary sessions’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘Civil Service Law adopted’ – Federation of BiH Parliament’s House of Representatives adopted harmonized Law on Civil Service. House also adopted Federation Government’s plan of action for this year and amendments to the Law on FTV ordering full and live broadcasting of the Federation Parliament’s sessions. SDA deputy Ismet Omanovic: “Significant economy, social and political issues deserve to be discussed by this parliament and seen by the public”. Deputies adopted conclusion to hold a special session dedicated to FTV.

Vecernji List (page 3, by Eldina Medunjanin, “MPs go into conflict with OHR over broadcast”) also reports that the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina yesterday adopted changes to the Law on RTV FBiH which obliges the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina TV (FTV) to broadcast live sessions of the Parliament. Moreover, the MPs adopted a motion to organize a special session of the chamber to discuss the work of the FTV. VL’s comment reads that the MPs are obsessed with the work of FTV and other media outlets so one could often hear the MPs suggesting journalists how to do their job. VL also notes the OHR opposed the changes to the Law saying it would compromise the outlet’s independence. (Slobodna Dalmacija, back page, by D. Pasic, “TV must broadcast live sessions of Parliament”)

Dnevni List (page 3, front and page 3, by Miso Relota, “Proposal of Law on State Service in FBiH”) – a statement by the Speaker of the House of Representative, Muhamed Ibrahimovic, who says the chamber yesterday adopted a Proposal of Law on State Service of FBiH, a proposal prepared by delegations from both chambers of the FBIH Parliament. “Now we expect the MPs in the House of Peoples in the Federation Parliament to adopt it in the same text. In that case we get the Law on State Service of FBiH”, says Ibrahimovic.

OHR on FTV Law

FTV – OHR advised Federal Parliament not to adopt amendments to the Law on FTV since it represents interference into editorial policy. OHR Spokesperson Vedran Persic: “OHR stand was known even before this session.” OHR says this is not a sustainable decision, decision that gives this obligation to the public broadcasters in addition to other obligations they have towards public. The House of Peoples will soon discuss this decision and that is going to be the last political parties’ opportunity to decide whether they will confirm this mistake or follow the international standards in the TV world. There are many worries related to FTV’s sustainability and this issue must be considered in much wider spectrum. Oslobodjenje pg. 8 quotes a statement on the issue by OHR Spokesman Oleg Milisic. 

OHR on adoption of FBiH Civil Service Law

Adoption of the Law on State Civil Service in Federation BiH is a major development, and a major step forward in the process of establishing a professional, depoliticised, civil service that serves the citizens rather than the politicians, Chief OHR Spokesman Julian Braithwaite told Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘A major step towards the professional service’. The Federation Civil Service will now be regulated by a law that is in line with European standards, added Braithwaite. “It is extremely important that this legislation is now implemented effectively and quickly throughout the Federation”, stressed the spokesperson of OHR. He however said that the adoption of the FTV Law was being considered a bad move.

High Representative to address Permanent OSCE Council today

Vecernji List (page 2, by D. Ja., “Report to Permanent OSCE Council will be presented today”) and Dnevni List (page 6, by Fena, “Ashdown in Vienna on education reform in BiH”), Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘Only reforms lead BiH towards NATO’ carry that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, will address the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna today. The HR will inform the Council about progress achieved in the first year of his mandate in the area of priority issues such as rule of law, economic reform, efficiency of BiH institutions and the process of the EU admission. OHR Spokesperson Vedran Persic stated that the HR would stress 4 specific areas in which OHR works closely cooperating with the OSCE.

Bush’s Executive Decree

Vecernji List (page 5, by Zdenko Jurilj, “Bank accounts of ‘unwanted’ can be blocked within 24 hours”) – reports that the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Banking Agency can within 24 hours block bank accounts of people included in the US Executive Decree if there’s a warrant from the competent institutions. VL also carries a spokesperson of the BiH Council of Ministers, Mirjana Micevska, who says the CoM is yet to analyze the Decree which is most likely to happen in two days when the CoM is scheduled to hold a session. Saying that the CoM is yet to receive a text of the Decree from the BiH Foreign Ministry, Micevska thinks a part of responsibility for implementation of the Decree will have to fall onto the entity authorities because the State of BiH, according to Micevska, does not have enough number of ministries to initiate the process.

VL: Interview with FBiH Minister of Justice Borjana Kristo

Vecernji List (front page, “25 Courts to be abolished” and page 5, “25 Courts will be abolished in Federation of BiH”, conducted by Milan Sutalo) – an interview with Minister of Justice of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) Borjana Kristo. Kristo announced that a meeting of the FBiH Minister of Justice and FBiH Minister of Finances with competent Cantonal Ministers will take place in Siroki Brijeg in mid of this month in order to discuss the issue of financing of courts in BiH. Asked whether there is lack of money for the judiciary reform, Kristo says: “Yes, the truth is that there is lack of money for the judiciary reform because the reform to judiciary obviously shares destiny of the economy in BiH.” Kristo also said that the number of the Municipal Courts in BiH will be reduced from 53 to 28 Courts and added that this also demands a reduction of number of Judges and personnel of the court administration.

Cavic meets Ian Cliff

Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘Reversing injustice’ – The Republika Srpska President, Dragan Cavic, and Vice Presidents, Adil Osmanovic and Ivan Tomljenovic, yesterday received the British Ambassador to BiH, Ian Cliff, Director of the Non-governmental organisation “Soul of Europe”, Donald Reeves, Head of Islamic Community to BiH, reis-ul-ulema Mustafa Ceric, and Banjaluka Mufti, Edhem Camdzic. The meeting discussed the reconstruction of the Ferhadija mosque.

Cavic said that the reconstruction of Christ the Saviour Temple in Banjaluka (destroyed during World War II) and Ferhat Pasha Mosque (destroyed during the past war in BiH) represents a manner, in which historic injustice may be reversed.

Meeting of Dragan Covic with Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica


Vecernji List (front page, “May all people of good will come” and page 7, “Repossession of religious facilities is also important”, by Fena), Dnevni List (page 3, not signed, “All activities related for Pope’s coming go according to the plan”) and Slobodna Dalmacija (page 5, by B. Magas, “Pope’s coming inspires cooperation of all peoples in BiH”) carry that Croat member of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic received Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica. During their meeting they talked about preparations for the Pope’s coming to Banja Luka on June 22. Bishop Komarica stressed that the repossession of property, that is, to give one facility to each religious community in BiH would be a symbolical gift to Pope and at the same time it would mean that peoples in BiH are ready for dialogue, co-existence and tolerance. The dailies say that Covic supported this initiative. BiH electronic media and Sarajevo dailies also covered the issue.


Social/economic affairs

Decision not made on housing loans for veterans


Oslobodjenje front page ‘Suspicious candidates applied for veteran’s loan’, Dnevni Avaz front page, pg. 11 ‘Lists to be additionally reviewed’ – The Steering Board of the Foundation for Provision of Houseing Loans for Veterans on Tuesday failed to adopt the final list of the veterans who will get housing loans. The session was interrupted and it will be continued on June 9.

Bulldozer 2 launch

Oslobodjenje pg. 5 ‘Domestic authorities want to drive Bulldozer 2’ – The Bulldozer Committee will today host a ceremony at the National Museum to mark the formal conclusion of the first phase of the Bulldozer Process and the formal launch of Bulldozer Phase II. The High Representative will join the three prime ministers, the speakers of the three parliaments, the Mayor of Brcko, and businesspeople representing the six regional Bulldozer Committees and the Agricultural Bulldozer Committee at the ceremony. The BiH participants at this event will sign the “Protocols for Prosperity,” a document that places economic progress at the centre of BiH’s recovery and integration in Europe. The Protocols highlight the crucial importance of the dialogue that has been developed, through the Bulldozer process, between businesspeople and politicians. This dialogue has been made possible by – and has contributed to — the strengthening of civic society in BiH. In the next phase of the Bulldozer Process the dialogue will be expanded so as to include the trades union and other social sector representatives. The Protocols include a commitment from the politicians and the businesspeople to “unlock domestic resources through reforms at the local level, which will benefit every citizen in every municipality in BiH,” through Bulldozer Phase II. With regard to the announcement of new economic measures, Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic has requested OHR to let BiH authorities having a leading role in the Bulldozer 2 implementation. 

Igman, Bjelasnica reconstruction

BHTV 1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Development of tourism is a long-term goal’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 3 ‘Ashdown: Foreign investments will play the key role’  – High Representative Paddy Ashdown together with task group for reconstruction of Igman and Bjelasnica mountains facilities visited sites. Task Group plans to complete reconstruction in three phases: reconstruction of infrastructure, reconstruction of hotel capacities and final organisation of Igman and Bjelasnica as national park. High Representative Paddy Ashdown: “ Our goal is a further long-term development of this area and use of all tourist facilities in Igman and Bjelasnica during both summer and winter seasons”.

Dnevni List (page 6, by FENA, “Relocation of military facilities from Igman and Bjelasnica announced”)  also report on the issue. The daily quotes Ashdown as saying that the aim of the Commission is not to neglect the authorities of the BiH authorities but to co-ordinate activities that would enable development of the Igman-Bjelasnica area to the benefit of future generations in BiH. DL also carries the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Minister of Urban Planning, Ramiz Mehmedagic, who announced that the FBiH Government would form an expert team to tackle the issue and announced a relocation of military facilities from the area.

EFT on BiH power sector

FTV By Sanjin Beciragic, BHTV 1 By Ratko Kovacevic RTRS By Stjepan Zlikovac, Blic, p 5, ‘Vuk Hamovic bothered with useless investments’ – EFT Company claims ignorance and incompetence of the OHR auditor, who presented reports on work of elektroprivreda companies, brought into question ultimate development projects worth 50 million euros. Construction of the Fatnicko Polje tunnel, Bilecko Lake and Hydropower plant Buk Bijela are those projects and EFT plans to press charges against RS Elektroprivreda for lost investments. Chairman of the EFT Steering Board Vuk Hamovic: “We were very surprised by stoppage of works at the tunnel”. OHR Spokesperson Kevin Sullivan: “There were no proper controls of those companies and as soon as adequate conditions for transparent performance of those companies are established, other companies are going to be allowed to make deals with elektroprivredas.”

Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Million EURO’s loss’ – At yesterday’s press conference in Sarajevo, Vuk Hamovic, member of the Steering Board of the London firm EFT, stated that the report of special auditor into business dealings of the elektroprivredas of Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is done poorly, incompetently and superficially. He stresses that somebody is trying to suspend all further works. He stresses that the loss the EFT faced, owing to the suspension of works at Fatnik Polje tunnel, amounts to EURO 400 thousand. According to him, EFT strictly followed the term promoted by HiRep a year ago ‘ jobs and justice.

DL on debts to Elektroprivreda of Herceg Bosna

Dnevni List (front and page 4, by Fena, “Consumers owe 63 million KMs to Elektroprivreda HZ HB”) carries that Elektroprivreda of Croat Community of Herceg Bosna (EP HZ HB) issued a press release saying that consumers of electricity in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton owe over 63 million KMs to EP HZ HB. The press release also says that the analyses showed that 62% of the total debt was incurred by households and about 10% was incurred by the consumers that are being financed from the (HNC) budget. Since these debts make business operations of EP HZ HB difficult, this company will use all legal means to improve payment of debts.

Misuse of non-distilled alcohol

Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 2, ‘Investigation into import of non-distilled alcohol’ – NN received a confirmation at the Republika Srpska Tax Administration yesterday that the Republika Srpska Tax Administration has launched an investigation at the Bijeljina firm “Aleks petrol” on the grounded suspicion that this firm, engaged in trade in non-distilled alcohol, oil and other sorts of fuel evaded the tax payment.

Boris Gaspar, Republika Srpska Minister of Trade and Tourism, confirmed to NN that two months ago, the Ministry forwarded a file with all documents on “Aleks Petrol” to Republika Srpska Tax Administration. According to Gaspar, the Ministry only forwards information on black market to Republika Srpska Tax Administration and police, which are then to do their part of the work.

Krsmanovic on economic situation in RS

Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 6, ‘I have launched an investigation at Republika Srpska Tax Administration’ – Branko Krsmanovic, Republika Srpska Minister of Finance, says that the date of his arrival to duty, was not the most fortunate one. Namely, on that day of 13 May, many urgent problems of his predecessors awaited for him. Such are: budget rebalance, catastrophic financial consequences of the drought, strike of medical staff, VAT introduction. In spite of all, he says: “I am not frightened with them.”

On Republika Srpska Tax Administration and its dispute with Veljko Djukic, former tax inspector, Krsmanovic says he ordered Acting Director of Republika Srpska TA to conduct an internal investigation into the case.

Rebac on criminal reports

Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 5, ‘Criminal reports against 50 humanitarian organisations soon’ – Zelimir Rebac, Director of the Customs Administration of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has become a central media figure of the BiH public. He says that police security is still provided to him, stressing that he has never sought for any, but such was an assessment of bodies in charge. He denies any knowledge in the investigation flow, adding that it has not been established as yet who threatened him. He also announces that Customs Administration will file criminal reports against 50 humanitarian organisations owing to their use of frauds.

He further claims that there are still 400 illegal border crossing points into BiH, for which State Border Service of BiH is responsible.

He also claims that many criminal reports would not contain information on big frauds, if there were no link between political and economic lobbies with the customs administration.

Investigation into tax frauds

Nezavisne Novine, page 6, ‘Prosecutor’s Office is investigating tax frauds’ – Banjaluka District Prosecutor’s Office has demanded from the Republika Srpska Interior Ministry to act and investigate upon criminal report filed by Republika Srpska Tax Administration against Eldar Malinic, owner of “Grand Export Import” firm, which caused the Republika Srpska budget loss of KM 1.2 million.

Blic on Power III project

Blic, p 5, ‘Donald Hays praises the Prime ministers’ – Prime ministers of the RS and the Federation of BiH, Dragan Mikerevic and Ahmet Hadzipasic, have submitted a report on Monday to Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays about the measures taken to address the problem of substantial losses in three power-industry companies, as well as about other actions with the goal of reorganizing the BiH power-industry systems. Hays announced that all work with regard to the implementation of the Power III project, which refers to a unified system of distribution and operators of electric power in BiH, would be completed by June 30. According to Hays, this will help strengthen the confidence of the international community in the process of investing in BiH.

FBiH Tax Administration media campaign called “ take receipt/bill – ask for receipt/bill” started

Dnevni List (page 9, by Fena) carries that the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Tax Administration started 40-day media campaign called “Take bill – ask for bill” yesterday. The purpose of the campaign is to educate citizens how important it is to receive a receipt from taxpayers. President of the FBiH Tax Administration Midhat Arifovic stated that every year the FBiH and Cantonal budgets are deprived of 108 million Marks because of tax evasion, that is, because smaller turnover is being presented. Sarajevo dailies also reported on the issue.    

SD on strike of education workers in HNC


Saying that the Croat education workers in the Herzegovina-Neretva canton are not giving up  their ideas of going on strike as easy, Slobodna Dalmacija (front and page 13, by Zoran Zekic, “We will give final grades once Government honors obligations) carries one of the leaders of the Union of Croat teachers, Slavko Laus, as saying that the Union has “left a possibility for pupils from first to seventh grade and that is that we will not do the administrative part of the work. Let the children finish the school year and go to summer break but the administration will wait until the day the Government does what we agreed upon”, says Laus. Prime Minister designate and the current Deputy Prime Minister of the HNC Government, Miroslav Coric, says he learned about the aforementioned Union’s measures from the media adding it would not serve the benefit of the children.


Defence reform

First meeting of the Defence Reform Commission to be held today











Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘First meeting of the Defence Reform Commission to be held today’, Nezavisne Novine, page 3, ‘First meeting of Commission for defence reform’ – The Defence Reform Commission (DRC), which is chaired by James Locher, will hold its first full meeting today in Sarajevo, announced at a press conference on Tuesday the spokesperson of OHR, Vedran Persic. The Commission, which was formed by the High Representative after affair “Orao” and the spying affair in the RS, will work on correcting of systematic lacks in civil and state control and in commanding over the armed forces in BiH. Senior Deputy High Representative Gerhard Enver Schroembgens will also attend the meeting, said Persic.

Vecernji List (page 2, by E. Medunjanin) also reports on the issue. VL says Locher announced he was expecting a hard work, however, he believed in the ultimate success. The article says that this would mean the establishment of the military-defense structure that will make possible entering of BiH in the NATO’s program ‘Partnership for Peace’. VL says that in order to achieve this goal Locher will have to get considerable political support at the entity and State level and that Locher discussed this issue yesterday with Chairman of the BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac, and President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Niko Lozancic. 

Nezavisne Novine, page 4, ‘Defence reforms need to be completed’ and Dnevni List page 7, “BiH defense structures a step closer to NATO” also report on Locher’s meeting with Lozancic.

RS National Assembly to make its stand on Defence Reform Commission

Blic, p 7, ‘Consent or consequences’ The representatives at the RS National Assembly will tomorrow have a chance to take a standpoint on the proposal of RS President Dragan Cavic on whether they would accept the decision of High Representative Paddy Ashdown on the Joint Commission for Defense Reform. RS Minister of Defense Milovan Stankovic hopes that the Assembly will have an understanding for the negotiations between the RS and the Federation of BiH, held for some time now under the supervision of SFOR, and he hopes that the final standpoint of the RS would be consent with the work of the Commission for Defense Reform. Military-political commentator Ostoja Barasin claims that the High Representative, regardless from the decision brought by the Assembly on Thursday, would impose the decision, contents of which is already known. “I think that the RS Assembly reacts with delay and it only has a chance to get familiar with the already known concept, and that is a joint army”, Barasin said.

NATO’s Ministerial meeting in Madrid

Dnevni List (page 2, by Onasa, “New NATO’s strategy for stabilization of Balkans”) carries that during the Summit in Madrid, NATO’s Ministers expressed their satisfaction over the progress achieved in the area of the defense structures strengthening in BiH. They also stressed: “We hope that BiH and Serbia and Montenegro will take part in the NATO’s program ‘Partnership for Peace’ and Council for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation after they achieve a necessary progress, including the full cooperation with The Hague.” DL also says that BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic had an unofficial meeting with the NATO’s Ministers about the situation in BiH and the region.  


Crime, legal proceedings, security issues

Bank robbery in Banja Luka




BHTV 1, RTRS, Blic, p 18, ‘Robbers took 1.2 million KM’, Vecernje Novosti, p 15, ‘Thieves took 600,000 €’ – Bank robbery in Banja Luka. Nova Banjalucka Banka has been robbed on Tuesday by three persons who took 1,2 million KM. Investigation is underway. Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Million marks robbed’; Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 3, ‘KM 1.2 million robbed’ report that the robbers, at 12:30 hrs, “took away the vehicle of “Seat Ibica” type, which was used for transportation of money to the vault.”

DL says Miletic submitted documentation on criminal in FBiH

Dnevni List (front and page 3, by D. L., “Miletic submitted ‘book or criminal’”) – allegedly a senior official of EUPM confirmed for Dnevni List that the Director of Police of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), Zlatko Miletic, has forwarded the FBiH Minister of Interior, Mevludin Halilovic, documentation on crime within the authority in the FBiH. The documentation is to be forwarded to the FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic. The same source says that the EU list of unwanted persons, following the publishing of the US President Bush’s Executive Decree, will be published late this week or at the beginning of next week the latest.

Police security plan for Pope’s visit

Nezavisne Novine, page 4, ‘Checks of criminals ongoing, owing to Pope’s visit’ – Radomir Njegus, Republika Srpska Police Director, stated that the security plan for the upcoming visit of Pope to Banjaluka was finalised, adding that police is currently engaged in checking on the criminals, who may be isolated during the visit. He noted that over 4 thousand policemen will be engaged to implement the security plan. He  also expressed thanks to SFOR for good co-operation. According to the plan, the traffic will be suspended at the road Mahovljani-Petricevac-Banjaluka bishop’s office. The security plan also includes that all manhole will be welded.

Association of ex-inmates to press charges for war crimes against Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘We will sue Izetbegovic’, Blic, p 6, ‘The Government offers lawyers’, Vecernje Novosti, p 7, ‘To the Hague for justice’ – Branislav Dukic, President of Republika Srpska Association of former inmates, announced that ex-inmates will press charges against the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia for the genocide and war crimes committed against Serbs during the war. Following yesterday’s meeting with the Republika Srpska Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, Dukic said that the Republika Srpska Government was asked to provide an attorney and cover his expenses during the trial. He also said that ex-inmates will press charges against individuals, starting with Alija Izetbegovic, who was personally in control of the Sarajevo military barracks “Viktor Bubanj”.

Prime Minister Mikerevic states that the ex-inmates have not had a chance so far to tell the truth, which should be done for the sake of the history and sufferings of them personally and their families as well. Dnevni List page 4, by ONASA, “Association of inmates will file lawsuit against Federation of BiH and Croatia”, Jutarnji List, page 4, by sp, “Republika Srpska announced charges of genocide against Croatia” also reported on the issue.

DL: “25 persons from BiH are among 100 unwanted persons”

Dnevni List (last page, not signed) carries that the international organizations working in BiH officially confirmed yesterday that the EU is going to complete the list of the persons from former Yugoslavia, who will be banned to enter the EU countries because they were obstructing the peace process. They also said that this list is not related to the list that American President George W. Bush published last week, however, some persons will be on both lists. OHR Spokesperson Vedran Persic confirmed that out of 100 persons, who will be on the list, 25 of them are from BiH. Spokesperson of the EC delegation in BiH Frane Maroevic explained that the list of these persons will not be published completely but in parts.  

FBiH MoI press release on tapes of Munir Alibabic’s talks

Dnevni List (page 5, not signed, “FBiH MoI in possession of tape on Alibabic’s talks”) carries that on May 29 this year the Police Administration of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Interior received from the FBiH Security-Intelligence Service the tape and material related to newspapers’ writings saying as to how Munir Alibabic was selling state secrets. The press release issued by the FBiH MoI says that this case will be investigated and the public will be informed about the results of the investigation.

SFOR troops searching vehicles in Posusje area

Dnevni List (front and page 5, by De. L., “Carabinierri cutting chain of drugs smugglers?”) – following reports about the Italian and Spanish SFOR doing vehicle checks at Siroki Brijeg on Sunday, today’s DL says the Italian Carabinierri did the vehicle checks in the Posusje area yesterday whilst SFOR helicopters disturbed the local citizenry. As reported earlier, some locals think SFOR is looking for an ICTY renegade, Croatian General Ante Gotovina, whilst other believe it’s about cutting down the drugs trafficking in the area. Local authorities in Canton 8, namely the Police Commissioner and Ministry of Interior of Canton 8, express “regret and bitterness” because they have been neglected during the process and because of “inappropriate use of force” by the international police forces.