
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 4/2/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

BiH Defence Minister

Defence reforms


Paravac on BiH reforms

Issues on RTV subscription

Army restrictions

Defence reforms

BiH Defence Minister

FTA with Croatia

Economic reforms

Issues on RTV subscription

RS Police& Army cuts

Central Bank in Mostar

Issues on RTV subscription

FBiH Police’s action

PDHR in Banja Luka



Dzihanovic will not sign decision on dismissal of FBiH Government; Defence Minister should be a Serb; Formation of the armed forces according to NATO standards

Dnevni Avaz

Interview with Bogdan Bogdanovic: Serbia keeps criminals as saints; Tihic offered compromise; Jelavic to be hold responsible for local self-authority

Dnevni List

Hadzipasic: World Bank invests in energy sector in BiH; Is Mostar going under supervision?

Vecernji List

Police with fake diplomas to jail! Mostar: New premises of Central Bank

Slobodna Dalmacija

BiH Army out of three national brigades

Glas Srpske

Personnel at public administration be downsized: Dismissals from the top; Tax Administration: Forcible payment

Nezavisne Novine

Former member of BiH Presidency before ICTY Judges: Trial against Krajisnik commences; Robert Beecroft with Republika Srpska officials: Paddy Ashdown: I will react if Police Minister Djeric continues with threats; Robert Beecroft says: Even Martian could be minister of defence of BiH; Investigation into narco-affair in Republika Srpska: Vasic and Krsmanovic collaborated


Dragan Cavic: It would be useful to have a Serb as the first BiH Minister of Defense; Why is Montgomery leaving: Scandals and affairs of the wife; PDP accuses: Judiciary below any threshold


Military and police issues

Beecroft meets RS leaders, discuss position of BiH Defence Minister

















FTV, BHTV 1, Dnevni Avaz cover ‘Tihic offers compromise’, pg 2 ‘Defence Minister will be Croat or ‘other’’, Oslobodjenje cover, pg 5 ‘Defence Minister should be Serb’, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Speed up reforms’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘Give Serb the office’, Dnevni List pg 11 ‘Serb should be first BiH defense minister’, Nezavisne Novine cover, pg 6 ‘Even a Martian could be minister of defence of BiH’; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘First mandate to Serbs’, Blic cover, pg 13 ‘For BiH too would be useful to have a Serb as the first Minister of Defense’ – The Head of OSCE Mission, Ambassador Robert Beecroft, stressed in Banja Luka on Monday the need for speedy implementation of military reforms that would enable BiH to be admitted into the Partnership for Peace in July at the NATO Summit in Istanbul.  In talks with Beecroft, RS President Dragan Cavic stated that the BiH defence minister should be a Serb: “I would not get into speculations, I think that it would be useful for BiH that first MoD is Serb. It would be useful for BiH”- said by Cavic. He stressed that the RS is prepared for implementation of reforms and resolving of organizational problems in order to insure BiH’s accession to Euro-Atlantic integration. Beecroft said that it was not important whose representative Defence Minister will be, but what are his qualifications. “We’re talking about civilian control of the Army and that is one of the main issues for Partnership for Peace, to find a competent person”- said Robert Beecroft. RS President Covic suggests that all personal issues from defence structure should be solved together: “And that means: …personnel solutions about Defence Minister and his Deputies; personnel solutions regarding the Commander of the Joined Command and his Deputies and Operative Commander and his Deputies, so at all three levels”.

RTRS – Dragan Kalinic, RS National Assembly Speaker, said he shares Cavic’s opinion regarding the appointment of state defence minister.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Tomljenovic proposes Pocrnja’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Bells for alert’-, while RS Vice Presidents – who also met with Beecroft – do not. Ivan Tomljenovic, RS Vice President, suggested Stjepan Pocrnja for the position of BiH MoD, while Adil Osmanovic expressed dissatisfaction over the national structure of employees in RS ministries, administration and local self-government institutions. “We cannot decide about that in SNSD. We do not have capacity for making decision. That belongs to people in the power. I absolutely agree that MoD BiH is a civilian and not a soldier”, commented Milorad Dodik, SNSD President, who also met with OSCE Head of Mission.

Tihic: BiH Defence Minister will be appointed by the end of the week

Dnevni Avaz cover ‘Tihic offers compromise’, pg 2 ‘Defence Minister will be Croat or ‘other’’ – BH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic stated for DA that BiH will have its first Defence Minister by the end of this week, and that the deadlines that BH authorities accepted regarding the defence reforms will be met. “I talked to Dragan Kalinic and offered my compromise solution – for Defence Minister to be Croat or ‘other’. However, SDS President did not have attitude towards that proposal… I also said my opinion to UK Ambassador to BiH Ian Cliff and US Ambassador Clifford Bond, I will do the same in the talks with European Commissioners for Foreign Affaris and Security, Havier Solana,” said Tihic.  

JMC agrees on structure of future BiH Armed Forces

FTV, Oslobodjenje cover, pg 6 ‘Formation of army by NATO standards’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Joint military structure and operative Commanders’, Slobodna Dalmacija front, pg 17 ‘BiH Army made of three national brigades’ – Members of the Joint Military Commission (JMC) on Monday agreed on the draft structure of the future Armed Forces in BiH. At the meeting held in SFOR base, representatives of the entity Armed Forces presented the new structure, including the common doctrine and training standards that are necessary in order for the Armed Forces to be compatible with NATO standards. Future Armed Forces will be composed of three brigades – two from FBiH and one from RS. In addition to those three brigades, there will be logistic, air- forces and training units. SFOR Commander Virgil Packett said that he was looking forward to the political decision regarding the appointment of the BiH Defence Minister, adding he expected it any minute. As for the reduction of personnel in the armed forces, dismissal has already started. As 7500 troops would be dismissed, RS expects to deal with this in time, while FBiH may need additional time and is expected to complete the procedure by the end of March. 

RHB, Blic pg 13 ‘Three brigades in BiH’– The Secretary General of the Standing Committee for Military Matters Enes Becirbasic said that the proposed structure of the BiH Armed Forces is fully compatible with NATO standards, expressing his satisfaction.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Structure of future armed forces agreed’ – SFOR Commander said that he hoped BH Presidency would make decision regarding the formation of armed forces next week.

BHTV 1, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Reduction of soldiers in BiH by March’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘February to pour forth barracks’ – Following the meeting SFOR Commander Virgil Packett said that demobilized soldiers will not be forgotten and RS Government has already decided on amount of severance pays. “RS Government agreed that this amount for soldiers who worked according to contract is KM2000, and for Commanders and Army’s employees, depending of the years of service, it will be in amount of KM6- 8000”- said General Cvetko Savic, Chief of RS Army HQ. Commander of FBiH Army Joint Command General Atif Dudakovic has announced that by the end of February, large number of soldiers should be retired or leave the service voluntarily. BiH Presidency should, during the next few days, bring an official decision about the structure and number of troops in BiH Army.

RTRS – “At the JMC meeting, we presented our organisational structure, which is compatible with FBiH Army, as well as with NATO members. We wish to emphasise our aspiration and orientation for accomplishment of goals, goals on behalf of the BiH Armed Forces and RS Army through this organisation.”- said Savic.

Ashdown extends Defence Reform Commission’s mandate


Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Defence Reform Commission’s mandate extended’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘FBiH Government and Parliament are late with defence reform’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Reduction of soldiers in BiH by March’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘February to pour forth barracks’  – OHR issued a press release that says: “The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, has extended the mandate of the Defence Reform Commission and its chairman, James Locher. This extension will help BiH make real and timely progress in implementing defence reforms that will allow it to fulfill the membership conditions for NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) and so make it a credible candidate for PfP at the Alliance’s Istanbul Summit in June 2004.  In the Decision, the High Representative also appointed Major General (Ret.) John Drewienkiewicz as a Vice-Chairman of the Commission.”

RS MoI on redundancies of police officers


RTRS, BHTV 1, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Severance pays of BAM 6 thousand’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Severance pays to policemen’ – Representatives of the Union and RS Interior Ministry met to discuss the reduction of the employees police, agreeing that every police officers to be dismissed will receive 6000 KM of severance pays. RS Minister of Interior Zoran Djeric said that policemen from Banja Luka will not be dismissed, but offered an alternative solution to accept service in some other municipality. List of 621 policemen will be submitted by the end of March.

US ready to assist defence reforms

Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘US troops will stay in BiH’ – At the meeting with Deputy State Secretary for Europe and Euro-Asia, Cathlin Stevens, FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic informed on the progress regarding the defence reforms in BiH and together they analysed all the problems that delay them. “USA are ready to organizationally, technically and training wise assist these reforms. I was informed that US troops would stay in BiH regardless to the future organization of peacekeeping forces. I expressed big satisfaction with the information as we still believe more to US and NATO, as it is still to early to entrust all activities to European forces… without checking their efficiency ”, said Hadzipasic. 

Oslobodjenje editorial on defence reforms

Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘It might be too late to join PfP [original: ‘Kasno Marko u PfP stize’ refers to a saying with a meaning in spirit of given translation] op-ed by Antonio Prlenda – Editorial refers to the appointment of the first state defence minister, in which author says that the delays in that regarding “are the real indicator of the complexity of the new defence system. And of course, it is almost not necessary to say that this is another proof of the inefficiency of local officials… It is clear that even in some ideal country… quick fulfilment of such [Defence Ministry] personnel requirements would be hard to realize. And with us,… it is a hell of difficulty. It doesn’t even matter that in this system it is not important how is the man at top. Because, everyone will get one of the key military-political positions and will be protected from eventual misuse of army against any of the constituent people. Unfortunately, here, for a long time the first time that comes to mind is advantage from any change. Therefore, these parties’ trades are expected. However, if this way is applied in the implementation of other provisions from Law on BiH Defence and military reforms, it is not excluded that BiH will stay without membership in NATO’s Partnership for Peace this year as well.”


Economic issues

Terzic meets SCG President, discuss economy





FTV, RTRS, BHTV 1, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Marovic comes to Mostar Conference’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Improvement in relations between two countries’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Belgrade stands for improving of economic relations with BiH’  – Chairman of BiH Council of Minister Adnan Terzic and President of Serbia and Montenegro Svetozar Marovic met in Belgrade on Monday to discuss improvement of bilateral economic relations between two countries. Both pointed out the importance of regional cooperation, describing it as a way for accessing Euro-Atlantic integrations, but also attracting foreign investments. Chairman Terzic invited President Marovic to participate in the Mostar International Investment Conference to be held at the end of February. 

Doko: agreement on veterinary inspection will be signed soon


RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘We will sign agreement with Croatia by the end of February’, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Soon agreement on veterinary inspection’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Agreements on veterinary cooperation by end of February’ – BiH Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Minister Dragan Doko said that agreements on cooperation in the field of veterinary services that would allow the export of BiH agricultural products to neighboring countries would be signed by the end of the month. Doko also said that BiH authorities were engaged on implementing and respecting free trade agreements, especially in the segment in which neighboring countries should ensure their markets for BiH producer, and stressed that entity governments should react by stimulating certain areas of domestic agricultural production.

FTV – “I can inform you that it has been agreed, … by the end of February, …the signing of agreement on cooperation in veterinarian sector [will be signed]. If that is was not done in the last three years, it is not realistic to expect it now to be done in three days, but I believe that in the next ten to fifteen days we will have those agreements signed, which will then open a space for displaying BiH agricultural products”- said Minister Dragan Doko. He added that that during his recent visit to Belgrade he complained about unequal presentation of BiH products, especially in Montenegro and Kosovo also depending on the entity products they come from. Doko also announced the meeting of special commission, established by the Council of Ministers, which will deal with the issue of exporting BiH products.

Hays moderates round table on corporate governance 

RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Corporate governance is bad’, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Following successful companies’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Strongbox getting filled, envelope getting thicker’, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Better management results in increased profit and investments’, Dnevni List pg 9 ‘Through Law on Public Companies to bigger profit’, Blic pg 13 ‘Hays: Bad management’- Donald Hays, Principal Deputy High Representative is of opinion that adoption of the set of Laws, especially regarding those on the public companies and investment of public assets, would allow for the better profit in companies and lead to foreign investments and opening of new jobs. Hays moderated the round-table held in Banja Luka on Monday on the Corporate Governance, discussing the cooperative management with representatives of the RS Government and managers. Hays stated the necessity of those laws has also been proved in recent audits carried out in the public sector, which found that a wrong management was very common, reminding of Audit Reports from last year showed that loses in Telecom and Electroprivreda were higher than 200 Million KM. Talking about the draft Law on Public Companies, Hays said: “It is to improve economy, to provide jobs in BiH this year, to reduce the cost of public sector for the tax payer’s of this country”. Milan Bogicevic, RS Minister of Economy, Energy and Development: “This is one Law that strengths responsibility of the management, board of directors, then higher internal control and in any case we, in the Government, appreciate that this is crucial element for improvement of economic power.”

BHTV 1 – PDHR Hays also said that the BiH Parliament has stopped the privatisation process in five or six companies and that this must be recommenced, also stressing the necessity for the agreement to be reached between the Government and the Parliament that would enable privatisation process to continue.

Hadzipasic and Mikerevic mtgs with IMF and WB

FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘US troops will stay in BiH’, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Hadzipasic and Mikerevic in Washington’ – FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic is currently in the visit to US where he will talk with representatives of the State Department, World Bank, IMF and USAID.

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘USA planned US $ 59 million as assistance to BiH’ – RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, Hadzipasic, and World Bank Executive Director, Ed Melcarth, on Monday in Washington concluded that RS and BiH still needs significant amount of donors’ assistance, as well as financial support in regard to appropriate IDA loans. Also, the press release issued by the RS Government Bureau for Public Affairs stressed that the USA planned in the budget the amount of BAM $ 44 million as assistance to ongoing projects in BiH plus US $ 15 million as technical support to reforms in defence.

Dnevni List front splash, pg 5 ‘Hadzipasic: World Bank invests in energy sector in BiH’ by M. Relota – DL carries an interview with FBiH PM Ahmet Hadzipasic, who is paying visit to WB and IMF. Commenting on the talks he had with the World Bank representatives, Hadzipasic says: “We expressed dissatisfaction over the fact that finances for social sector were reduced by 20 million US$. We will try to return back to the amount originally planned, 50 million US$. I think we have a good chance to achieve it”. According to Hadzipasic, he insisted that the World Bank supports investments in energy sector, infrastructure, waters and water supplies. DL says that during the talks with the WB and IMF representatives, Hadzipasic demanded their support for the Mostar Investment Conference and he believes that BiH will get the financial support for this purpose.

Conference on Economic Single Space

BHTV 1 – Creation of a single economic space is condition laid down before the BiH by the European Union. Without it, BiH will not be attractive to foreign investors, as it is necessary to create laws and rules which will allow regulation of the market competition, strong customers protection and high quality of production. At the Conference on a Single Economic Space opened on Monday in Sarajevo, Chief of EC Delegation in BiH, Michael Humphreys said that none of those are fulfilled. In two months BiH should get its Competition Council, which is a first step toward Customers’ Protection Council. “When it comes to jurisdiction, we are certain that we will meet the deadline, which we have in some ways given to ourselves and that is the end of May. Working groups have been formed, which work on development of law draft”- said Dragan Doko, BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations.  

Accusations against Elektroprivreda BiH

RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Re-selling domestic electricty’, FENA – The Federation of BiH Independent Trade Unions released a statement on Monday noting that in spite of the decision by the High Representative banning the exports of electricity until home consumers have been supplied, the Elektroprivreda BiH is exporting electricity to a British-Serb corporation EFT, which then intends to sell this same electricity to the Aluminij Mostar through the Elektroprivreda HZ H-B, but at a higher price. With such a high price the Aluminij could not operate. The Union said it could not understand how the decision has not been respected wondering whether the decision on Mostar would have the same destiny.

Oslobodjenje feature on Free Trade Agreements with FRY countries

Oslobodjenje cover, pgs 4&5 ‘With SCG a loss of 250 million US dollars’ by Aldijana Omeragic – Article reads that the Free Trade Agreements signed with BiH were breached by all countries of former Yugoslavia, and that only Serbia and Montenegro’s breach cost BiH 250 million US dollars. This is estimate by the BiH Ministry for Trade, who on the other hand also says that without these agreements BiH products have no chance at the foreign market. Article further examines FTAs with each of the FRY countries, noting that in 2000 BiH had positive trade balance with SCG, but export has been decreased significantly over the years due to failure of Monte Negro and Kosovo to respect the agreements.


RTV Subscription

OHR urges signing of agreements on collecting of RTV subscription








RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Claims by BH Telecom and HPT are not correct’, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Federation can become obstacle on the way to Europe’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Government of F BiH should urgently establish TV subscription fee collection model’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Decision is on BH Telekom and HPT Mostar’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 16 ‘No Europe without TV fees’ – OHR Director of Communications, Julian Braithwaite, warned that it would be a very serious situation if the management boards of two majority Federation owned companies refused to implement the recommendation of the FBiH Government regarding the collection of the PBS subscription tax. He also stressed that the argument that collecting the RTV subscription would endanger the future of BH Telekom and HPT is not in line with the facts. 

FTV – Braithwaite also reminded that sustainable Public Broadcasting System the 16 priorities set out in the European Commission’s recent feasibility study, and its implementation will be assessed later this year before a decision is taken to move to the next step of European integration.

BHTV 1 – OHR Spokesperson, Mario Brkic said that this decision has already been implemented in RS and if FBiH Government doesn’t want to become obstacle on the BiH path to EU, it should solve this issue as soon as possible. FBiH Minister of Transport and Communications, Nedzad Brankovic will meet with Directors of two telecom operators to remind them about importance of this. 

HT Mostar and BH Telecom on collection of RTV subscription


FTV, BHTV 1 – Director of HT Mostar, Stipe Prlic admitted that the company still has not done anything on this issue. He also said that due to technical issues the agreement to collect RTV subscription through telephone bills couldn’t be implemented at once, even if the agreement was signed today. HT Mostar should appoint Supervising Board, during this week and they will recommend a solution. At the same time Director of BiH Telecom, Hamdo Katica said that they formed Supervisor Board, which will examine the consequences this agreement will have, however he also added that BiH Telecom is now a company of shareholders and that his signature on that agreement will depend on their decision about agreement’s legality.

Int with Stipe Prlic, HT Mostar

Dnevni List pg 7 ‘There will be no dismissing of workers in next 4 years’ – DL carries an interview with President of HT Mostar Steering Board Stipe Prlic. With regard to the RTV subscription issue, Prlic says: “The payment of RTV subscription through a phone bill is another strike on HT Mostar…We have received from the competent Minister a recommendation of the FBiH Government and forming of the Commission, that will make certain estimations and analyze what would be damaging consequences of application of this recommendation for HT Mostar, has been underway. “ Prlic added that due to the current situation some people have already canceled their phone connections


Political issues

Update to FBiH Govt reshuffle plans











Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 5 ‘Dzihanovic will not sign decision on dismissal of FBIH Government’ – Daily claims that following consultations with Party for BiH, Federation Vice President Sahbaz Dzihanovic refuses the SDA initiative to dismiss FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic and the rest of the Government. Article also reads that this will be officially said to Federation President Niko Lozancic and his second deputy Desnica Radivojevic today. Apparently, one of the Dzihanovic’s opinions regarding the SDA initiative was the problem of the Government itself, but the fact that parties and other ‘centres of power’ are trying to manage it. Oslobodjenje claims that most probably FBiH parliament will further decide on SDA initiative.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Leaders of Federation still wait on attitude from Party for BiH’ – brings that Lozancic, Dzihanovic and Radivojevic held meeting to discuss possible dismissal of the Government, but without any conclusions to date.  

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Doors to Europe being closed by both politicians and lobbies’ – BiH Prime Minister Adnan Terzic commented on the plans to remove FBiH Government, stressing that the restructure is necessary and that it has to be implemented quickly: “I don’t understand either behaviour by PM Hadzipasic. It is obvious that he lost the support of parliamentary majority and he should step aside.”

Comments to Ashdown’s warning on slow pace of reforms

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Doors to Europe being closed by both politicians and lobbies’ – Following statement by the High Rep Paddy Ashdown in the DA interview published on Monday, which said that slow pace of implementing reforms in BiH could close the doors to Europe for the country and brought criticism against RS, article brings several reactions. Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic: “High Representative is probably right. The situation is not alarming, but it could be if we keep like this.”  Spokesperson for PDP, Sinisa Djordjevic said “every time there are some issues problematic for FBiH, as it is now with the issue whether or not FBiH Government would fall down, the ball is being sent to RS.” SDU President Miro Lazovic said that for him words by the HR were “alarming and warning on serious delay at reforms’ road.”

RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Republika Srpska does not obstruct reforms in BiH’ – Borislav Paravac, Serb member to BiH Presidency, on Monday expressed disagreement with the assessment of the High Representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, that Republika Srpska is obstructing reforms in BiH. Paravac said that: “Republika Srpska approaches this problem seriously. The best proof for this is that Republika Srpska has raised an issue regarding the BiH Constitution, which would clearly stipulate the process of transfer of authorities from Republika Srpska onto BiH level.”

NN int with Ashdown

Nezavisne Novine cover, pg 4 ‘I will react if Police Minister Djeric continues with threats’ – In an interview to NN, the High Representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, said that: “I never talk about possible actions. However, if the Republika Srpska Interior Minister, Zoran Djeric, keeps threatening to freedom of journalism, there would be reason for me to react.”  High Rep also stressed that OHR is closely following up on the acetic acid anhydride affair. Speaking of “coup d’etat” affair, Ashdown said that the journalists should file a lawsuit before the Court, if the Parliament Commission established that they were tapped illegally. He also denied media speculation that OHR opposes to removal of Ahmet Hadzipasic, stressing that the authorities of this state decide on these issues. On accomplishment of 16 pre-requisites from Feasibility Study, he expressed belief those could be achieved or at least some progress on implementation of those should be made. He also accuses Republika Srpska authorities of obstructing the beginning of SIPA operation work. He also said that Zoran Djeric, Republika Srpska Police Minister, sent a letter to SIPA, including 50 amendments to SIPA Law, which cannot be accepted.

OHR on Jelavic case, Mostar Statute


BHTV 1, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 8 ‘Letter was written before Ashdown’, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Current Statute will be applied after the October elections too’- OHR Spokesperson Kevin Sullivan said that reports on alleged OHR interference in legal proceedings against Ante Jelavic are the result of a transparent attempt to divert attention from the criminal charges against him. Regarding some announcements of the changes to Mostar Statute, Sullivan said:“The Statute imposed on 28 February will be the Statute that will be in force in the October elections and afterwards.  Instead of talking about changing the Statute, Mostar’s politicians should focus on implementing it… There are some people who are clearly trying to turn Mr Jelavic into a martyr by suggesting that he has been arrested for his political views.  The reality is that the charges against him relate to crime and corruption, and his innocence or guilt is now a matter for the courts.”Commenting the alleged OHR interference in case of Ante Jelavic, Kevin Sullivan has pointed that some people are trying to make martyr out of Jelavic, by saying that he was arrested for his political attitudes.  “The reality is that charges against Ante Jelavic are about criminal and corruption and his guilt or innocence is the mater of Courts”- said Kevin Sullivan

Dnevni Avaz cover, pg 4 ‘Jelavic will be held responsible for Croat self-authority’, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Jelavic may threat Croat self-authority’ – Lawyer for Ante Jelavic, Josip Muselimovic, stated for DA on Monday that the case will expand. Hec claims that Prosecutor John McNeir will extended Jelavic’s indictment persecuting him for the establishment of Croat self authority in Herzegovina territory in 2001. 

Int with Wnendt on Mostar issue

Vecernji List front, pg 5 ‘I would be happy if Mostar becomes a more normal city’ by Zoran Kresic – DL carries an interview with the Senior Deputy High Representative, Werner Wnendt, and the daily reports that the SDHR, after having recent meetings on Mostar, is optimistic that the political parties will implement the Mostar Statute. “Failure to implement the decision would for majority of people mean the maintenance of the unbearable situation. Unification of the city, which was divided for years, is a difficult task, but I am optimistic that we will succeed”, says SDHR Wnendt. Questioned about the scenario according to which the political parties would first adopt the new Statute, only to reject it soon after, SDHR Wnendt says: “I do not think the political parties will accept, and then reject it. If political parties start toying with the implementation of the Statute, it would strengthen the belief among the people that they care more about their, rather then about interests of the people”. Questioned whether the electoral rules for the Mostar City Council could open an opportunity for “buying” of votes in order to achieve the two-thirds majority, SDHR Wnendt says: “If there’s competition among the parties for votes of different ethnic groups, then I will welcome it. It will not be possible to achieve a domination of one ethnic group”, says SDHR Wnendt.

IHT on Dayton Peace Agreement

Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Dayton equalized civilisation and barbarism’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Republika Srpska will have to disappear’ – Dailies carry article published by the International Herald Tribune, and written by Alexandar Ivanko, former UN spokesperson in BiH that deals with the Dayton Peace Agreement. Author argues: “Dayton tried to equate two things that couldn’t be equated: civility and barbarity. It set a precedent that still sends shivers down my spine – and not only mine – by legitimising ethnic hatred…Under [the] circumstances, even when taking into account the many positive developments over the past years in Bosnia, one has to ask whether it is not time to revisit the Dayton agreement. Let’s not forget that three signatories are either dead or in custody. The main question that should be addressed is this unbalanceable balance between civility and barbarity… Any future arrangement for Bosnia has to take into account its history, and not from B.C. It has to be morally defendable and politically feasible, not just the latter. It has to establish a viable state structure, replacing the current amorphous and unworkable one. This has to be a structure encompassing one state, without any entities getting in the way.” Of the ESI initiative for the changes to DPA, Ivanko writes: “[It] may be a good start, but only if the governing bodies at the federal level are functional, and not window dressing. RS also has to go. It can not be incorporated into any agreement as a separate entity, canton, whatever. It should be divided into several parts that report to the state… It is now time to revisit Dayton and change that.” 


War crimes

Del Ponte on cooperation with SIPA


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Inside SIPA there are people protecting Karadzic’ – Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte stated in an interview to FTV: “I never, never look at the ethnicity of my targets, but now, at the sunset of my activities, I am forced to do that.” Stressing that RS was ‘the entity for itself’ Del Ponte said she was on the other side satisfied with the cooperation with Federation and FOSS: “Despite statements of the new SIPA Deputy Director, we don’t have any problems. Of course, ensuring full cooperation with us could be a problem for the High Representative Paddy Ashdown. You known, locating fugitives such as Karadzic cannot be performed by that service. But, what it can do is to collect information. However, it is hard, very hard, as even inside SIPA there are people protecting Karadzic so you cannot at the same time collect information and avoid Karadzic being completely informed.”