
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 3/5/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 3 May


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS(12,00 hrs)

Cardinal Puljic in US on BiH Croats

Plane crash killed 113

PRD in session

SB PRD session on police structure

Rehn on ceasing of SAA with SCG

Armenian plane crash

World news

Summit in Solun starts today

UNSC – no agreement on Iran

TV news broadcast on 2 May


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Broadcasting signal interrupted

Bas-Becker on cons. amendments

2nd May – working day in the RS


EU-BIH parliament meeting

3 killed in a car accident


Pack meets RS officials

A month detention for Krnicic


Police Reform Directorate session

RS politicians on police reform in BiH

NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Car accident near Vitez

Serious car accident near Vitez

Russia on int. authorities in BIH

Krnetic in one-month custody

Car accidents rate in increase in SC

EU-BIH parliament meeting

Mtg of EU and BiH Parliaments reps

Report on returnees in Orahovica

Pack meets RS officials

Pack meets RS officials in BL

BiH vs. SCG lawsuit, update

Regional news


Terzic claims that Dodik and Cavic are preforming the pressure over the Directorate

Dnevni Avaz

Deciding day for police reform

Dnevni List

Negotiations with EU will not be suspended (Statement by President of European Parliament’s Commisison for Southeast Europe Doris Pack at mtg ‘European Parliament – BiH’ taking place in Banja Luka)

Vecernji List

Dog bit boy all over his body

Slobodna Dalmacija

State stole 3 billions KM from us (Interview with President of Association of Old Foreign Currency Savings Depositors from Herzegovina Miro Kozul)

Nezavisne Novine

Three women killed (serious car accident in Vitez)

Glas Srpske

Police in line with system (European parliamentarians visited RS)


Trailer truck pushed bus into lake (accident near ZvornikLake)

Vecernje novosti

Europe penalising Serbia (deadlines to extradite Mladic expired)




EU calls off SAA talks with SCG


BBC latest news – The European Union has called off talks on closer ties with Serbia because of its failure to arrest war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic. The EU enlargement commissioner, Olli Rehn, made the announcement after consulting the UN tribunal’s chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte. The deadline set by the EU for Mr Mladic’s arrest expired on Sunday. Tanjug news agency said Rehn stated in Brussels that the EC has decided to “postpone negotiations on SAA with Serbia and Montenegro because Belgrade still had not achieved a full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.” He added that the Commission is ready to resume talks as soon as SCG meets the obligations under the full cooperation with the ICTY. SRNAnews agency carried a denial by the Macedonian Interior Ministry of the speculations that Mladic was arrested in Macedonia. Macedonian MoI Spokespersons, Borce Pesevski, stressed “general Mladic was not arrested, neither is he in Macedonia.” BH Radio 1, RTRS has announced.

Two-day summit of SEE countries commences in Thessalonica

BH Radio 1 – Two-day summit of members states of the Cooperation Process in South-East Europe started today in Thessalonica, Greece, with the meeting of Foreign Ministers. The Chiefs of states would meet tomorrow [Thursday]. BiH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic attends today’s session, while Chair of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic would address the participants on Thursday.

Cardinal Puljic: US must not ignore disappearance of BiH Croats


RHB– Cardinal Vinko Puljic, who is visiting the US , stated that the US must not ignore the disappearance of the Croats/Catholics from BiH. He also noted that during his visit to Washington , he would be advocating for such constitutional arrangements that would guarantee equality to the Croats. Cardinal Puljic is expected to meet members of the US Congress, US State Department and National Security Council to talk about the status of BiH Croats and recently failed constitutional reforms.

Terrorism suspects plead not guilty


RTRS Mirsad Bektasevic, Abdulkadir Cessur and Bajro Ikanovic have today pleaded not guilty before BH Court for indictment charging them with preparation of terrorist attacks in BiH and some other European states.  Senad Hasanovic charged with illegal arms possession also pleaded not guilty, while Amir Bajric charged with some crime act as Hasanovic failed to appear before the Court.

BiH Deputy Civil Affairs Minister: It would not be good to bring decision on police by outvoting

SRNA – Zoran Tesanovic, BH Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs, has warned today that it would not be good for the decision on future model of police structure in BiH results from outvoting of the members of the Police Reform Directorate’s Steering Board. The Board is in session today [which was announced by all three broadcasters, i.e. RHB, BH Radio1 and RTRS].



Political issues

EU and BiH Parliamentarians meet in Banja Luka; Doris Pack: Failure of const. reform a  step backwards for BiH, but will not endanger SAA talks; Chief Negotiator Davidovic: path to EU may be more difficult but not halted


PINK – EU and BiH parliamentarian delegations are holding eighth meeting, this time in Banja Luka, to discuss a wide range of topics including talks on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, tackling corruption, the cooperation with the ICTY and constitutional reforms. Deputy Chair of the BiH Parliament’s Commission for European integrations, Vinko Radovanovic, and Chief of the EU Parliament’s Commission for the Southeast Europe, Doris Pack, chaired the meeting. BHT1 – BHT1 says the main topic was failure to pass the constitutional changes, whereas the stance of the EU Parliament is that BiH made a step backward and lost a momentum in the process of the European integrations. Pack noted that the failure of the constitutional reform was not an obstacle in terms of further stages of the SAA talks, however said it was not a positive sign. The parliamentarians, said Pack, should bear full responsibility “because I think that BiH needs more functional institutions at all levels. This was the first step to have it achieved but unfortunately it did not happen”. BiH MP Halid Genjac agreed with Pack: “It is sure that by failing to pass the constitutional changes, BiH’ path towards the EU has been slowed down.Hayat – BiH Chief negotiator Igor Davidovic said the EU would not impose sanctions on BIH: “It’s difficult to say how this would impact the SAA, it might prolong the negotiations, make them more difficult, but definitely the SAA negotiations will not be halted. Technically the negotiations can be finished by the end of this year. We all aspire to sign SAA this year but there is a chance for the signing to take place at the beginning of the next year”. Davidovic believes that BiH could sign the SAA by the end of 2006. Hayat By ATV, Banja Luka –Pack noted that the non-adoption of the amendments to the BiH Constitution is not a tragedy as those changes were rejected democratically. RTRS – Pack hopes that institutional reforms would take place after elections in BiH. In terms of issue of war crimes at large, Pack said that Serbia should extradite Ratko Mladic while BiH was in charge of Radovan Karadzic. “If [NATO’s] SFOR failed to find him, I cannot blame domestic politicians in failing to do that”, said Pack. Dnevni List cover pf splash pg 2 ‘Negotiations with EU sill not be suspended’ by T. Calic also carries Pack as saying that non-adoption of constitutional amendments is not an obstacle to further negotiations on SAA but it would be an obstacle to other things and conditions that BiH must meet on way to the EU. FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Momentum in EU integrations is being lost’ Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Mladic is obligation of SCG and Karadzic of BiH authorities’ by N.Diklic, Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Police in line with system’ by G.Dakic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Accession without obstacles’ by Z.M. – also covered.

EU Parliament MP Pack meets RS President Cavic discusses const. changes


FTV – BiH needs change in the Constitution, but domestic authorities should agree on it instead of having foreign solutions imposed, as pointed by members of the European Parliament Delegation for the South East Europe, led by the Chief of EU Parliamentary Commission for the South East Europe Doris Pack pointed out during meeting with the RS President Dragan Cavic. Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Police in line with system’ by G.Dakic – Press statement issued from the Cabinet of RS President following the meeting with Pack reads that the parliamentarians were also interested in police reform, education reform and possible influence of final settlement of Kosovo issue onto BiH.

SDHR Bas-Becker: BIH citizens to decide how did BIH politicians act towards constitutional amendments


PINK – At the meeting of the EU and BiH Parliamentarians, the Senior Deputy HR Peter Bas-Becker stated it is up to BiH citizens to decide at the upcoming elections in October how was the conduct of politicians and political parties during the constitutional reform. He added that the domestic authorities have full responsibility in the course of this process of changing the Dayton Peace Agreement. He concluded the international community will no longer act as alternative authority. FTV by Nada Arlov – SDHR added the International Community was ready to support BiH in another round of constitutional changes talks. RTRS also covered.

EU Parliament MP Pack met high RS officials discussing higher education


Hayat By ATV, Banja Luka – The Chief of EU Parliamentary Commission for the South East Europe, Doris Pack, met the high-ranking RS officials in Banja Luka on Tuesday discussing failure of the constitutional changes and the issue of framework Law on higher education in BiH. The RS National Assembly Speaker Igor Radojicic noted the RS could not wait anymore for the passage of the law at the state level, and announced that unless the BiH parliament adopts it by the summer break, RSNA would do so by the beginning of the new school year. Radojicic added the RS is not ready to loose another school year so “we are going to adopt the entity higher education law based on the Bologna declaration i.e. EU standards”. EU Parliamentarians stressed that this was not the right way for RS noting that higher education law must first be adopted at the state level. Hayat notes that Pack and the RS officials have not discussed the cooperation with the ICTY almost not all “due to more urgent questions”. RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said they “immediately got caught on the police”. Pack also urged Dodik to devise the plan for return to Posavina. BHT1, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Momentum in EU integrations is being lost’ Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Mladic is obligation of SCG and Karadzic of BiH authorities’ by N.Diklic,also carried.Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Police in line with system’ inset ‘A call’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘To reach solution on police reform asap’ by D.Risojevic, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘RS for a compromise’ by Rajna Radosavljevic  – also carried. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘RS will adopt its own high education law’ by D. R. – carries Radojicic. Dnevni List cover pf splash pg 2 ‘Negotiations with EU sill not be suspended’ by T. Calic, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Law’ not siged – reports on the meeting.

SDP puts up posters against opponents to const. changes, SBIH protests 

BHT 1 by Mirela Cosic – Sarajevo, Mostar, Zenica and Tuzla have been covered up by posters, printed by SDP, carrying photographs of members of the BiH House of Representatives who voted against the proposed constitutional amendments. Posters read those are ‘Gravediggers of European BiH’. “I think that this way of communication with political opponents should be of concern for entire BiH and international representatives as well”, said SBiH representative Azra Hadziahmetovic. SDP claims that it is not a pre-election campaign. “We wanted to show BiH citizens those who voted against the proposed amendments”, said SDP representative Svetozar Pudaric.

SBiH public statement: SDA and SDP accepted all Dodik’s proposals under condition IC supported their assuming of power after October elections


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘SDA internal bureaucracy should reveal why Tihic changed the stance’, mentioned on cover not signed,Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Tihic and Lagumdzija received guaranties for October elections’ not signed,Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Support of international community’, not signed – SBiH issued a public statement criticizing the “internal SDA bureaucracy” which misled representatives of International Community “that it is possible to legalize unacceptable constitutional amendments in the Parliament”.  Reacting to SDA public statement (where they criticized SBiH for leaving negotiations) SBiH reminds that SDA leader Sulejman Tihic was once against preservation of entity vote, but in the meantime he “saw the epiphany” and changed the stance, of which “inert SDA bureaucracy wasn’t informed on time”. SBiH stressed that information from “informal talks” could be of help, where SDA and SDP leaders accepted everything that RS PM Milorad Dodik offered, under condition that international factors provide them with exclusive support in assuming power after October elections.  

NHI President Zubak demands bigger role of Council of Europe and HR when constitutional changes issue is in question


Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘We are not bad guys’ by A.O., Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘It is better for BiH that such amendments haven’t passed’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘With HR to new changes’ by E. Mackic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Zubak: It is better that amendments did not pass’ by F.– Talking about the constitutional changes issue at the press conference held on Tuesday NHI President Kresimir Zubak stated: ‘Now we are being considered bad guys since we did not adopt changes that are damaging for Croats, while the others are not bad since they oppose abolishment of the entity way of voting… NHI demands to deal with the constitutional changes issue, but also to pass the Constitution in a democratic procedure.’ He added that a bigger role of the Council of Europe and the High Representative is necessary for the changes of the Constitution since they were marginalized when this issue is in question. 

Cardinal Puljic before Institute for Peace in Washington on reasons why constitutional changes are bad for Croats

Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Cardinal Puljic spoke before Peace Institute in Washington’ by zk – Cardinal Vinko Piljic held a lecture on Tuesday at the US Institute for Peace in Washington where he also talked about the reasons because of which BiH Bishops believe that proposed constitutional changes are bad for Croats. During this 3-day visit Cardinal Puljic is also supposed to meet with US administration officials. 

Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry representative Kaminin: Russia is devoted to full implementation of DPA provisions


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Devoted to Dayton’ not signed – In an interview to Russian agency “Novosti”, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mihail Kaminin, has stated Russia is strongly devoted to full implementation of provisions of Dayton Peace Agreement, strengthening of BiH as a multi-national state, composed out of two entities, and ensuring there is an equality among all three peoples of BiH. Kaminin announced the official Russia would confirm this devotion during the official visit of BiH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic to Russia on May 4 and 5. He also added Russia , as a member of the Committee of the Peace Implementation Council, would continue to support strivings of BiH leadership to achieve an overall normalization in the country and build a democratic society in which there would be no nationalism and religious extremism.

VL: Some of agreed changes could be discussed in BiH Parliament prior to October elections


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Part of constitutional changes before Parliament after all’, by Zoran Kresic – VL notes that although the constitutional changes ended up the way they did before the BiH Parliament, some of the agreed solutions related to the work of the BiH CoM and individual human rights and which are to be regulated by laws, not the Constitution, could be on the agenda of the BH Parliament before the October elections. VL underlines that such solutions do not require a two-third majority backing of the MPs.

GS op-ed: non-adoption of const. changes showed – it is not RS, it is BiH that is in crisis


Glas Srpske op-ed pg 2 ‘(Un)fair (un)truth’ by Tomo Maric – Referring to the non-adoption of constitutional amendments, the author notes this event confirmed the thesis it is not RS but it is the state of BiH that is in crisis. He also believes that it is not RS as an entity that is disputable, but it is the unity of multi-national state, which is powerless to endure even the smallest test, that is disputable. The author says: ‘regarding the same issue, those who dare, those who are without prejudices and without any complexes, would ask the international community and High Representative: how stabile and prosperous RS as an entity would have been if it had even a tenth part of the support the state of BiH has’.

Election to be scheduled on May 4


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Official scheduling of general elections 2006 tomorrow’ by A.H.– Member of BiH Central Election Commission Vehid Sehic told DA that scheduling of general elections 2006 would be conducted on May 4. “Considering that constitutional amendments didn’t pass…procedure of this year’s elections remains the same for all power levels” said Sehic.

HSP Djapic-Jurisic: We shall not form coalition either with HDZ BiH or HDZ 1990


Slobodna Dalmacija pg 19 ‘Stop to Coalition with every variety of HDZ’ by M. Karacic, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Coalition with Covic’s HDZ is out of the question’ by H.Orahovac – At the session of the HSP Djapic-Jurisic Presidency held on Tuesday it was decided that this party will not form a coalition with any kind of HDZ (either with HDZ BiH or HDZ 1990) at the October elections, since HSP Djapic-Jurisic believes that they are directly responsible for the current, disastrous position of Croats. SD says that on the ground of this decision the end was put on the stories about creating of a big coalition of Croat parties led by HDZ 1990. Also reported by Dnevni List pg 19 ‘Rightists accuse International Community and HDZ’ carries that HSP Djapic-Jurisic believe that apart from HDZ BiH and HDZ 1990, the International Community is also responsible for the difficult position of Croats.



Police reform and other police issues

EU MP for SEE Pack: Obstacles in police reform are not as large as it seems; RSNA Speaker Radojicic: decisions made without consensus mean nothing


PINK by LJubisa Davidovic – The Chief of EU Parliamentary Commission for the South East Europe, Doris Pack, met the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik discussing the police reform in BIH. Pack stressed this was one of main conditions to conclude the talks on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU. “I feel the obstacles (in the police reform) are not as large as they seem to be”, stated Pack. Dodik repeated the RS has nothing against the reform, adding issues are police budget and internal organisation. Dodik also stated that if issues of the budget and salaries are not agreed upon at the PRD meeting than the talks on police reform would be interrupted. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘To reach solution on police reform asap’ by D.Risojevic – Dodik said that BL has accepted that budget framework for police is reached at state level, but it should be financed through entities and should be accompanied with extensions of powers of the state security ministry, adoption of state law on police and unobstructed work of police from one entity on the territory of another. BHT1 – Dodik stressed: “Some have certain idealistic ideas; namely they want to abolish the RS police, to have its budget abolished which we find unacceptable”. RS National Assembly Speaker Igor Radojicic commented the issue: “Any unilateral decision does not present a decision since any solution, reached without consensus would bring no dynamic but cause other problems”. Pack noted: “I am not the one in charge of this particular reform but I have to say that there is a political agreement everyone agree with but the problem is in its implementation”. Hayat by Lejla Gutlic – Dodik recently stated that RS MoI can be integrated into BIH structures with the joint coordination body at BIH Council of Ministers regarding the major issues of state importance but he would not accept the abolishment of RS MoI. Hayat also features Radojicic’s earlier statement on nothing new solved because PRD keeps proposing “failed Martens’ proposal”. FTVcarries both.  Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Police in line with system’ by G.Dakic ,EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘RS for a compromise’ by Rajna Radosavljevic – carries Dodilk. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘To reach solution on police reform asap’ by D.Risojevic, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘RS for a compromise’ by Rajna Radosavljevic, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Unilateral decision would cause problems!’, by not signed – carried Radojicic. 

RS PM Dodik: police financing can be decided on the state level, but implementation must go trough entity institutions


BHT1 current affairs program ‘Posteno Govoreci’ by Duska Jurisic– Commenting the police reform, RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik stated that RS Government accepts all principles set by the European Commission, but added that these principles could be interpreted in many different ways. Dodik stated that police work should be regulated by common law, police financing and its budget can be decided on state level, but the implementation of budget must go through RS institutions. RS Prime Minister agrees that the entity lines shouldn’t block police, but he stresses that RS Police and RS Ministry of Interior must remain a part of BiH police structure.

PRD Steering Board meets today to discuss police structure

FTV, PINK, RTRS – The Steering Board of the Police Reform Directorate is expected to vote on the future structure of the police forces in BIH at a session scheduled for Wednesday. This structure has been defined at a session previously held on 26 April, however the proposal has not received support of the RS representatives.

Sead Lisak not to attend PRD SB session, but submitted written endorsement for plan


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Day of decision for police reform’ and pg 4 ‘Lisak: This is a Day D for police reform’ inset ‘A letter to Vinko Dumancic’ – According to report, member of the PRD Steering Board Sead Lisak will not attend today’s session of the PRD SB, owing to which reason he has addressed a letter to Vinko Dumancic, PRD SB Chair, informing him he supports the agreed decision. Daily adds that last week’s session of the SB agreed that owing to absence of compromise, decision is to be reached through plain majority vote of attendees. Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Police structures must be integrated’, by Erna Mackic – Lisak calls for integration of police structures in BiH between the entity and cantonal MoIs.

PRD SB member tells NN majority of SB members agree on model defining state in charge of judiciary and finances

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘To reach solution on police reform asap’ by D.Risojevic – Daily learns from one of members of the Police Reform Directorate Steering Board that that: “Majority of members of PRD SB supports the model stipulating that the state is in charge of finances and judiciary, and to have certain competencies in security sector covered by SIPA and SBS powers. In line with this model, the operational police job would be entrusted to local police regions.”

PRD SB member Lisak not to attend SB session, sending letter to SB Chair informing him he supports agreed decision on police reform


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Crucial day for police reform’, pg 4 ‘Lisak: This is a D Day for police reform’ by E.Sarac – The Member of the Police Reform Directorate’s Steering Board, Sead Lisak, believes that PRD SB’s session on Wednesday is of vital importance for BiH. He adds he expects the Board to adopt the proposal of the police structures earlier proposed to be adopted as eight out of nine members of Directorate were in favor of it expect the member from the RS. “I am free to say that this is the D Day. By passing or rejecting the decision, the BiH would demonstrate if it is in favor of the reform processes and EU association, or in favor of maintaining the current status” Lisak told DA, adding everybody is aware that current police structure is inefficient. Lisak emphasized that this is a moment to decide whether BiH wants professional police, or police under political patronage, reminding that three EC principles are very clear. “European principles stipulate common law at the state level, single budget and prevented political interference and organization of functional police regions. Thus, the regions would refer to the operative police work and not the administration” said Lisak. He also emphasized that solution that RS officials proposed foreseeing the three levels of the police [state, medium and local] is not new and is in fact just a replica of the current status. Lisak deems the decision on single police structure also means that approx. 80% of the job is completed and it would enable PRD to finish its job by September 30, as it was foresaw by the Agreement on police restructuring. Inset ‘Politics has a chance after September 30’- Lisak deems that interference of politics in this phase is counterproductive. “They should let us professionals finish the job and politics would have chance after September 30 to declare on our proposals” said Lisak, adding that OHR, EUPM and US Embassy support their proposals.

RS PM Dodik met EC’ Humphreys and Austrian Ambassador reiterating RS Govt.’s commitment to police reform


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 inset ‘’Talk with Humphreys and Almhofer’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘To reach solution on police reform ASAP’ by D.Risojevic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Government supports reform’ by D.Mo. Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, Tuesday met with Michael Humphreys, Head of EC delegation to BiH, and Werner Almhofer, Austrian Ambassador to BiH, discussing police reform in BiH. According to press statement released from Dodik’s Cabinet, “RS Government is committed to police reform in line with European principles and professional standards.” Release reads that Premier stressed it is acceptable that legislation defining police field is single at BiH level.

CoM Chair Terzic: RS officials are not acting in line with the agreements and are performing pressure over PRD’s work


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Terzic claims Dodik and Cavic are applying pressure on the Directorate’ by Azhar Kalamujic – Daily comments that the EC wants to see fully functional police in BiH, but avoids explaining whether this means establishment of two- or three-level police forces [as it was proposed from the RS]. EC spokesperson Frane Maroevic told daily that the Commission would take the stance on the police structure model only after the Police Reform Directorate passes its decision. He added the EC has not received the RS proposal. “In last three months we haven’t seen any progress in the work of the PRD and therefore we expect things to speed up” said Maroevic, reminding of reform’s importance. PRD member and FBiH Police Director Zlatko Miletic expects the session today to be dedicated only to a proposal stipulating two-level police, emphasizing solution has to be in line with three EC principles. “Demand of the RS officials to preserve entity structure is unsustainable and in contradiction with EU principles” said Miletic, adding some of PRD members are under political pressure. Daily reminded of the “threats” by the RS National Assembly’s Security Board which last week stated the police reform would fail if the RS representatives are to be outvoted. Daily added the RS PM Milorad Dodik, RS President Dragan Cavic and RSNA Speaker Igor Radojicic have all rejected idea of abolishing the RS Interior Ministry even at the price of halting the Stabilization and Association Agreement. PDP leader Mladen Ivanic and SIPA Director Sredoje Novic are of the same stance, even though – says daily – Novic was the one who drafted the Agreement along with Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic and Security Minister Barisa Colak. Terzic claims that stances of Dodik, Cavic and Radojicic are in contradiction with the Agreement, adding: “Establishment of the PRD, which would be released of political interference, was agreed. Instead to respect agreements and deals, RS officials are performing unseen pressure over the PRD.

OHR: PRD to find solution meeting three EC conditions


PINK by Zeljko Mandic – The OHR deems that the Police Restructuring Directorate should find a solution that meets the three EC principles if the police are to be effective in fighting crime within BiH’s borders and if BiH is to be an effective partner in the international fight against crime.  The spokesperson for the OHR, Mario Brkic, told a press conference on Tuesday that the focus of the meeting [today] is on the first principle, which states that all legislative and budgetary competencies for all police matters must be vested at the State level.“Only the state will adopt the budget for all police matters, and all police bodies will be funded through this budget. This means that the entity or cantonal levels will no longer be competent to adopt budgets on police matters”, stressed Brkic, adding that the importance of this reform must not be underestimated.Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Solutions must satisfy EU principles’ by Fena Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Laws and budget must be under state authority’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘To reach solution on police reform asap’ by D.Risojevic, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Parliament is passing laws’ by D. P. M., Slobodna Dalmacija pg 19 ‘One cash-box for whole police’ by B. Kristo – also carried stated.

SDU’s Tokic: SDA and SDP leaders overlook the fact that police reform is the largest problem on BiH’s European course


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘We will not lose support of friends’, mentioned on cover “I do not take Dodik seriously’ by Admir Malagic– Commenting on statement of RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, who said that SDU leader Sejfudin Tokic “is not competent to be negotiated with on any issue”, Tokic said that it is understandable Dodik wants to talk to SDA and SDP leaders, expressing surprise with their shortsightedness. “They are overlooking the fact that largest and the only problem on the BiH’ European course is blocking of police reform…and it has to be reminded that this reform is a direct precondition for signing of Stabilization and Association Agreement” said Tokic. He stressed that Dodik and his statements on survival of RS Interior Ministry shouldn’t be taken seriously, since RS officials have been against every reform conducted so far. Commenting on failure of constitutional reform, Tokic said that he doesn’t believe that BiH would lose support of its friends, expressing his belief that full reform would be conducted after signing of SAA during preparatory phase for EU membership. 

Osl. op-ed: RS politicians take police reform as a joke


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘The Joke’ op-ed by Senka Kurtovic– Commenting on current fuss about police reform in the light of Wednesday’s session of Police Reform Directorate (PRD), difficulties the Agreement jas come across and the most recent “threats” from the RS, Kurtovic sayts that international officials can do only one thing which is to warn and moan over BiH reality, where “what is signed today, doesn’t go tomorrow”. “Therefore, today’s session should reveal the true intentions of RS politicians. At this moment it is evident that accepting the reform on single police in BiH was taken almost as a joke” concludes Kurtovic.

BiH Human Rights Minister Kebo: UN solution on decertified police officers is not acceptable, since they wouldn’t be able to participate in law enforcement


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Proposal of UN administration in not acceptable” by A.M.– Upon his return from New York, BiH refugee Minister Mirad Kebo stated that UN Administration is avoiding any political dimension in solving the issue of decertified police officers [157 police officers, who failed to obtain police certificates by International Police Task Force UN IPTF]. UN stance was presented by Assistant to General Secretary Hedi Annabi. “They proposed administrative way for issue settlement. The essence is that decertified police officers are allowed, in a frame of ongoing reform, to apply to vacancies in police, but they cannot perform duties that are directly connected to law enforcement” said Kebo, explaining that they wouldn’t be able to carry weapon and so on. Kebo stated that this is not acceptable, adding that OHR expert team is already working on new proposal. “In next few days we would know when they would present this to the UN” said Kebo.

RS Interior Minister replaced Head of Information Bureau Pejic

Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Radovan Pejic replaced’ by Onasa– According to the statement of RS Interior Ministry, Head of RS MoI Information Bureau Radovan Pejic was replaced by the decision of RS Interior Ministry Stanislav Cadjo. As it was explained Pejic was replaced “owing to service needs” and as of May 1, he was re-assigned to “certain duties” within East Sarajevo Public Security Centre.



War crimes

Media: EU to halt SAA talks with SCG due to failure to arrest/extradite Mladic


FTVby Zinaida Hamidovic – Before reaching the final decision on whether to suspend Stabilization and Association Agreement negotiations with the SCG on Wednesday, the EU Enlargement Commission Olli Rehn is going to consult the Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla del Ponte. Meanwhile, Del Ponte stated in Milan that the EU should suspend negotiations since Belgrade authorities failed to extradite Ratko Mladic by the end of April as promised. “Facts are more than obvious; Ratko Mladic is not in The Hague and as we have been informed there is no full cooperation with the ICTY, which means that there is no other option but to suspend negotiations with Serbia”, said Rehn. BHT 1 by Elvir Bucalo – “A thing the Serbian Government has promised has not been met and now we come to the issue of Serbian Government’s credibility”, said Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Miroljub Labus. BHT 1, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 14 ‘Del Ponte still waiting for news on Mladic’, by H, Dnevni List, pg 25 ‘Belgrade expecting halting of negotiations’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 22 ‘EU severs negotiations with Serbia’, by V. Ba., Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Mladic ceases talks with SCGby Branislav Boskov, Dnevni Avaz pg 22, mentioned on cover ‘Del Ponte: EU must be strict towards Serbs’ –carried Del Ponte believe SAA talks with SCG should be suspended. Vecernje Novosti cover pg splash and pgs 2-3 ‘Europe penalizing Serbia’ by S. Remic , Vecernje Novosti pg 3 ‘Continuation after extradition’ by Zeljko Pantelic, EuroBlic pg 3 ‘Mladic is blocking the path to EU’ by N. Jovanovic and I. Cvetkovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘EU is suspending negotiations with SiCG’ by Agencies – all carry Del Ponte and speculate on halt of SAA talks. Note that major international media – including the Washington Post, Telegraph, Independent, BBC, ABC, etc – have reported that EU has no other option but to halt talks due to failure to arrest Mladic. 

NN op-ed critical of failure of SiCG to extradite Mladic


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 8 ‘Search’ by Zarko Korac – Writing about expiration of deadline given to SiCG’ authorities to apprehend and extradite Ratko Maldic, the author underlines that the stoppage Serbia has fount itself in is unfortunately a logical flow of events, adding that those who have made a flag of their policy out of Mladic will share his destiny of a fugitive and European renegade. The author stresses that the history will not be interested in the fact that one entire people will have to pay the price of this, because history is merciless towards those repeating mistakes.

SCG continues with presentation of defence evidences before ICJ


FTV by Sanja Bagaric – The SCG legal team in the case of the BiH vs. SCG for aggression and genocide being processed before the International Court of Justice in the Hague has continued with the presentation of evidences on Wednesday. SCG legal agent Radoslav Stojanovic continued disputing ICJ’s jurisdiction in the issue of this lawsuit, calling on the Tribunal to exempt itself from the case. He also argued the Prosecutor failed to prove that genocide was carried out in BiH, or that the Belgrade authorities had a control over the RS Army. Hayat, PINK, BHT1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Stojanovic repeated that Serbian Government did not have any control over RS Army’ by B92, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘SCG legal team does not quit denying Court’s authorities’ by A.Hadzic, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘BiH failed to prove genocide’ by B92, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Aid was arriving to everybody’, Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘No genocide’ by E.Radosavljevicalso reported.

RS war victims association demands Comm. for suffering of Serbs in Sarajevo; protests outside of OHR

RTRS by Sandra Zrnic – Representatives of RS Association of killed and missing persons met with RS National Assembly Speaker Igor Radojicic. Association Chair Nedeljko Mitrovic stated that they will not give up on their demand for forming of a Commission that will investigate the faith of missing Serbs from Sarajevo. Mitrovic also announced protests outside of OHR building in Sarajevo so their demands could be met. Radojicic stressed that RS NA asked RS Government to urge the forming of Commission in question. Radojicic also promised the help of RS NA in solving of this problem by engaging RS representatives in BIH institutions. BHT1, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Renewal of demands and protest in front of OHR building’ by Srna, EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Protests in Sarajevo again’ by M.Soja  – also carried.


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Funeral of 303 victims on 11 July’ by R.C. Munira Subasic, President of the Association “Movement of mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa enclaves” has announced that the mortal remains of at least 303 victims from Srebrenica (who were murdered in July 1995) will be buried on 11 July at the gravesite at Potocari Memorial Centre.



Other issues

EP’s Pack pledges for refugee returns top Posavina area


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘To reach solution on police reform asap’ inset ‘Posavina as a desert’, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘RS for a compromise’ inset ‘Dodik guarantees security to refugees from Posavina’, Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Police in line with system’ inset ‘A call’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Dodik called on return in Posavina’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Milorad Dodik called on return to Posavina’ not signed, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Dodik’s call on return to Posavina’ by bs, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Dodik called on return to Posavina’ by F, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Dodik calls for return to Posavina’ by Fena–  – Doris Pack, Head of the Commission of European Parliament for Southeast Europe, has pledged that the RS Government, in cooperation with the Government of Croatia and EU works on returns of refugees in the area of Posavina, which – as she said – now looks like a desert. Following the meeting with Pack, RS Premier Miloard Dodik, has called on all refugees to return to Posavina, stressing the basic problem related to return is of economic nature.

BHT 1 ‘Posteno govoreci’: BiH CoM Chair Terzic in favour of audit, notes ITA Director and SB Chair did not deserve lawsuit; RS PM argues Dixon, Causevic directly responsible for unfair and unjust distribution


BHT1 current affairs program ‘Posteno govoreci’ by Duska Jurisic – Commenting the dispute between the members of the ITA Steering Board over distribution coefficients for the revenues collected at the single account, the Chair of the BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, suggested the best solution would be to carry out an independent audit of public the revenues distribution in 2005. He explained such audit would determine if there were any irregularities in this process, and if so whether there were only of systematic nature or the direct responsibility of the ITA officials. Terzic is convinced that ITA Director Kemal Causevic and the ITA Steering Board Chair Joly Dixon didn’t deserve the lawsuit that RS Government filed against them last week. Commenting the latter, the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik stated the RS has been demanding an audit for months, however their request was not met. Dodik is convinced that Dixon and Causevic are directly responsible for unfair and unjust distribution allegedly causing 40 million KM damage for the RS, and that they have exceeded their authorities. He stressed the Government supports the ITA and recognizes the benefits, but adds that the lawsuit has been based on facts. Dodik expressed hope Dixon would not try to skip the lawsuit calling on diplomatic immunity. According to Dodik, Dixon ’s decision to freeze the assets on ITA single account [until final decision on coefficients was not reached; this was revoked] was entirely illegal and added such decision was to be made only by ITA Steering Board.

Chair of Assoc. of Old Foreign Currency Savings Depositors Kozul: New Law on payment of old foreign currency savings is deceit of BiH citizens

Slobodna Dalmacija cover pg splash and pg 17 ‘State stole 3 billions KM from us’ by P. Milos carries an interview with President of the Association of Old Foreign Currency Savings Depositors from Herzegovina Miro Kozul who claims that a new Law on payment of old foreign currency savings is a calculated and legalized deceit of BiH citizens. Kozul also said that therefore the Association is going to call on all old depositors to vote against those who are currently in power at the October elections.

NATO Fund for supernumerary BiH Army soldiers to become operational by mid-June


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘NATO fund to start in June’ by L.S. – Chief of BiH Mission to NATO Sven Alkalaj confirmed for daily that the official promotion of NATO Fund for bestowing supernumerary staff from BiH Army would start in by June. He added that a conference is to be held in Sarajevo in June, after which the Fund would become operational. The assessment is that 2,200 soldiers are planed to lose their jobs due to army reform.

BH Prosecution investigating where forged CEMT licences at BH market came from


Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Numerous falsified CEMT licences found’ by A.Sisic – The expert graphologist, engaged by BiH Prosecution in investigation, has established that many CEMT licences (CEMT stands for Conference of European Ministers of Transport), previously found at BH market, are forgeries that are not issued at the BiH Ministry of Traffic and Communication. BH Prosecution is engaged on months-long investigation into issuance of CEMT licences to BiH transport companies. According to NN source, a number of senior officials at the BiH Ministry of Traffic and Communication has been suspected, while investigation is to determine their level of responsibility. Branko Dokic, BiH Minister of Traffic and Communication, says he has also insisted on investigation which is to determine where the falsified licences come from.

SDS Vice President asking EUPM to check out why SDS members are arrested


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Bojic asking EUPM to check out why SDS members are being arrested’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Apprehension of SDS personnel is not in accordance with laws’ by Srna – Deputy President of SDS Borislav Bojic on Tuesday announced the party will get EUPM engaged in order to make sure bringing of SDS personnel to the police was not in accordance with laws. He believes such practice signifies a pressure is being exerted on SDS personnel and he noted the pressures are especially noticeable in Prnjavor. (NOTE: Police is conducting investigation related to illegal sale of fire engine in Prnjavor.)

NN op-ed says: No reason to celebrate Labour Day; enough reasons to organise protests

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Labour Day’ by Natasa Krsman – Writing about celebration of Labour Day and numerous protests held not only in BiH, but also throughout the world, the author says there is no reason to celebrate the Labour Day since there are many reasons to protest, i.e. problems related to bad econom9c and material situation of workers.