
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 3/3/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on March 3


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Oil in Grabovica Lake cancerogenic

Main hearing in ICJ continues

RS Parl. on audits

World Bank: 20 % BiH citizens poor

Azot employees on privatization

New avian flue cases in Serbia

On strike of HNC teachers


Bush in India

TV news broadcast on March 2


TV PINK  (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Water in Mostar contaminated

BiH lawsuit against SCG

A person killed in SBS’ action

2 dead ducks found near Mostar

McElhaney on election of Presidency

BiH vs. SCG lawsuit, update

CoM session

Transfer of duty in RS Government

Boyle on BiH vs. SCG lawsuit

FBIH Government session

Protest of “Energopetrol” employees

A 16 year-old girl raped in Tuzla


NTV Hayat  (19,00 hrs)

FTV  (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Protests of Energopetrol employees

Oil in Neretva contagious

Fire on BiH State Border Service

Protests of FBIH invalids

BiH vs. SCG lawsuit, update

Transfer of duty in RS Government

FBIH Government session

McElhaney on constitutional talks

Dodik brought charges

Dodik takes over PM duty

Debate on constitutional changes

Radojicic’s request to RSNA



Liberalization of visa regime for BiH citizens

Dnevni Avaz

McElhaney: We are very close to the final agreement

Dnevni List

Alert because of bird flu and brucelosis (two dead ducks found nearby Siroki Brijeg)

Vecernji List

400.000 voters without right to vote (article refers to issue of registration of voters)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Lagumdzija compared Covic to Kardelj (outdated article on constitutional changes, see OHR BiH Media Round up, March 2)

Nezavisne Novine

Against insolvency (protest of Energopetrol workers)

Glas Srpske

Pure hear and hands (feature story about xylographer)


Bullies drove jeep of international forces

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related topics



RSNA Speaker met RS Chief Auditor; establishment of Special Board for Audit





BH Radio By Brana Markovic– Newly appointed RSNA Speaker Igor Radojicic today has received a first official visit by RS Chief Auditor Bosko Ceko, with whom he spoke on improvement of cooperation between these institutions. Both supported establishment of RSNA Special Board, which would be solely in charged for reviewing of audit reports. “RSNA has to improve work on audit reports and yesterday I have asked RSNA legislative board to start with amendments to the agenda on the next session and that issue of auditing is separated from the current Board for Economy and Finances and that separate Board for the Audit is established” stated Radojicic. Ceko strongly supported the establishment of this new Board.

RTRS Radio – also reported on the meeting.

ICJ main hearing: SCG liable for conspiracy and encouraging of genocide


BH Radio – During the continuance of main hearing in BiH’s lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide, before International Court of Justice, representatives of BiH legal team argued that SCG has had decisive role in committing of genocide in BiH, all with goal of creation of ‘Great Serbia’.  BiH representatives called upon Article 3 of Convention on Genocide, arguing that SCG is liable on basis of conspiracy, participation and encouraging of genocide in BiH.

RS Association critical of Masovic’ appointment to BH Institute for Missing Persons


RTRS Radio – Slavko Jovicic, Vice President of the RS Association of former detention camp inmates, claims that the appointment of the former President of the F BiH Commission for search after missing persons Amor Masovic to the Collegium of Directors of the BiH Institute for Missing Persons is in violation of the Statute of establishment of this institution. Jovicic stated that Masovic is a senior official of SDA and SDA delegate at the F BiH, noting Statute stipulates no politically engaged person can sit in Director’s Collegium.

Dead ducks in Siroki Brijeg had been run over

BH Radio – Chief Veterinarian in Veterinarian Service Siroki Brijeg, Ivica Juric stated that dead ducks found on territory of this municipality have been run over and did not died of avian influenza. However, samples have been sent to London laboratory for additional analyses.


Constitutional changes

McElhaney: agreement on constitutional changes is near, since issue of BiH Presidency election remains the only unsolved item












HayatUS Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney told the press conference that conclusion of agreement on constitutional changes is near. He added that all political parties who participated in Wednesday talks on constitutional changes agreed on all issues, except on the method by which members of BIH Presidency would be elected.  McElhaney stressed the time is running out and added that the remaining issue should be resolved as soon as possible. The Venice Commission will urgently discuss the proposal of BIH politicians and send its opinion. Reporter comments that it remains to be seen whether HDZ and HNZ representatives will agree on this opinion. McElhaney says that decision of Venice Commission have significant weight in BIH. “I expect that the decision of Venice Commission will have the influence on opinions of parties for final results of negotiations”, says McElhaney. He concluded that SzBIH would be included in the negotiations again. PINK– McElhaney stated that opinion of Venice Commission is not obligatory for BiH, but should have certain significance since BiH is the member of the EC. RHB, BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Second phase to follow’ by Z.D., EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘According to recipe from Venice to get BiH Presidency’ by Dusanka Stanisic, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Suggestion of Venice Commission should be accepted’ by A.Omeragic, Dnevni List pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Deadlines for constitutional changes expire’ by R. Dautefendic, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘We shall reach agreement’ by E. Medunjanin, Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Discussion on constitutional structure to follow’ by M.Cubro – also reported on the press conference.

Vecernji List pg 4 ‘We shall reach agreement’ by E. Medunjanin – McElhaney: “We have started to define competence of BiH as a state and when we finish that first phase it would lead to the further talks that would deal with the organization of the state.”

Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Discussion on constitutional structure to follow’ by M.Cubro – Ambassador McElhaney stated that the representatives of the political parties in BiH are expected to resume talks on constitutional structure of the state immediately after completion of talks on organisation and authorities of the state authority level.

US Ambassador McElhaney: We are very close to the final agreement on const. Changes; authorities in BiH have to be more rational


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘McElhaney: We are very close to the final agreement’, pg 3 ‘We are very impatient and we want talks to end as soon as possible’ by A.Malagic– US Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney emphasized the fact that there is not much time, since the agreement should be signed in time to enter legislative procedure because of October elections. “This first phase is a political step forward. We firmly believe and that is also the stance of US Undersecretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns, with whom I am in contact, that this process has to continue” said McElhaney. Reiterating that parties haven’t agreed only on one issue, McElhaney stated that question should be asked to HDZ whether they would accept solutions of the Venice Commission. Inset ‘We will continue to help BiH’- sending a message to BiH citizens McElhaney stressed that USA has stood by BiH for last ten years and it would continue to do so regardless if it is about defence reform or some other issues that USA was pushing. Inset ‘Authority in this country has to be more rational’- ‘McElhaney didn’t answer whether remaining of entity vote in BiH Parliament prejudice solution of second phase, stressing that all parties have understood that BiH has to have more rational authority.

Parties remain on earlier stances; Dodik says BiH can not be complete without RS as federal unit


RTRS– RTRS carries that parties have maintained their stances on constitutional changes. “BiH can not be complete and united country if there is no RS as federal unit of BiH. If someone is not satisfied with internal structure, then they can make a proposal. And we might support that. But if it encroaches on political and territorial rights of RS, then it will not get our support”, said Milorad Dodik, SNSD leader. FBiH parties that are participating in the negotiations on constitutional changes have different stances. SBiH believes these constitutional changes will bring BiH on the brink of disaster. SDA believes that new constitutional changes do not strengthen entities and represent only the first phase while the second phase would take place after the elections.

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Nothing is being sold or lost’ by V.P., EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Dodik” Negotiators from RS are unified’ by R.R., Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘BiH could not be complete without RS’ by O.V.Milorad Dodik, SNSD President, Thursday regarded as false claims that “something is sold or lost” during talks on constitutional changes, noting the authorities between BiH and entities have been clearly defined and divided for the first time. He is of the view HDZ proposal (on BiH Presidency election through Parliament) is not efficient and represents a problem if we want efficient BiH institutions.

SDA’s Tihic: all parties except for HDZ share view direct election of BiH Presidency members is better

SDA’s Dzaferovic: HDZ’s proposal re election of BiH Presidency is not good, invites SBiH to put BiH’s interests before party’s interests


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Direct election better’ by M.K., Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Progress in talks at last’ not signed– Sulejman Tihic, SDA President, in Bihac stated that all political parties bar Party for BiH have agreed on the text of 34 pages of the agreement including at least 20 pages of amendments to the BiH Constitution. He also said that all parties bar HDZ share the view direct election of BiH Presidency members is better.

Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Negotiations will not fail’ not signed – Talking at a regular SDA press conference, SDA Vice President Sefik Dzaferovic stated that SDA believed that the HDZ’s proposal regarding election of the BiH Presidency members in the BiH Parliamentary Assembly is not good because of possible blockades in case of different stands of the two chambers. Dzaferovic believes that such solution might seriously endanger the process of establishment of authorities as far as a Prime Minister Designate as well as the BiH CoM are concerned.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Changes of the Constitution are first class of state issue’ by A.M., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Weakening of entities’ by D.Mo.– SDA Vice President Sefik Dzaferovic invited SBiH to ‘stop acting in cheep politics manner and contusing the public’, stressing that they should put BiH interests before party’s. Dzaferovic also said that SDA would accept better solutions if SBiH has them, emphasizing that SDA, as serious party, doesn’t want the reform to fail.

HDZ: Bosniaks and Serb are wrong if believe that two peoples can decide in name of the third

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Bosniak-Serb deal in name of Croats will not pass’ by F. Vele– Answering accusations of SDA and SDP that HDZ and HNZ have caused interruption of talks on constitutional changes, HDZ Spokesperson Miso Relota [in name of HDZ leader Dragan Covic] stated that “they have made a terrible mistake if they expected that representatives of two people will pass solutions in name of the third”.

VL interview: HDZ’s Covic says party will not give up its request regarding indirect election of BiH Presidency members


Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Tihic and Dodik would like to organize BiH without Croats!’, by Zoran Kresic – carries an interview with HDZ leader, Dragan Covic, in which he says the party will not give up its request that the future members BiH Presidency be elected indirectly, in the BiH House of Peoples that is. “The proposal that came from the Bosniak and Serb side practically enables that Croats are not represented in the institutions of authority and that they do not have their member of BiH Presidency. If they do not have their member (of BiH Presidency), they will not be in the BiH Council of Ministers”, says Covic. (NB: Covic did not mention SDA’s Sulejman Tihic and SNSD’s Milorad Dodik, the headline was the journalist’s interpretation of Covic’s statement)

HSS leader Tadic: We hope HDZ will remain at their stances; NHI leader Zubak: Talks were dealing with marginal issues


Slobodna Bosna pgs 20 ‘HDZ BiH and Croat opposition are united’ by Suzana Mijatovic – Commenting refusal of HDZ leader Dragan Covic and HNZ leader Milenko Brkic to sign the agreement on constitutional changes, article brings statements of Croat opposition parties’ leaders. HSS leader Marko Tadic said he hopes that HDZ will disregard international pressure and remain at their stances adding HSS does not agree with the procedure by which the talks on constitutional have been led. SD carries that NHI leader Kresimir Zubak was much more cautioned in his statement: “These are not cosmetic changes, but the question is whether they respond to the causes that set the talks in the motion. I am referring to rationalisation and efficiency of state administration and, though I respect every effort that was put in, I would say that none of these aims was fulfilled.”

SBiH, SDU and BOSS organized public debate on constitutional changes; stressed that proposed changes only confirm the division of BiH


FTV– During the public debate organized by SBiH, SDU and BOSS it was concluded that the agreement on constitutional changes, reached by seven leading parties, is a confirmation of division within BiH. More than 300 BiH citizens attended the debate, while more than 100 NGOs supported idea on having the proposed constitutional solutions rejected. The aim of ‘mysterious’ talks on constitutional changes in BiH, as the Chairperson at the debate Miro Lazovic called them, is to strengthen entities’ positions. Participants of the debate stressed that it was not about ‘cosmetic’ changes, but ratification of the Dayton Peace Agreement. “Those who want to sign the agreement on constitutional changes have to be aware of the fact that they do not have out support”, said SBiH founder Haris Silajdzic. Similar gatherings will be organized in other FBiH towns as well. BHT1, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘You do not have our mandate to sign the agreement’ by E. Sarac, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘BiH msut be in service of citizens’ by M.C., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘To prevent a treason’, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Public debate turned into a circus’ by A.T. – also reported on the debate.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: Initiative of SBiH, SDU and BOSS revives policy of confrontation, on which BiH cannot be built


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Edge of mind’ op-ed by Zija Dizdarevic – Editorial criticized SBiH, followed by BOSS and SDU, for saying that the agreement on constitutional changes “leads our country at the edge of abyss”. Author comments that EU Parliament demands future BiH Constitution to be found on sovereignty of state and citizens, not on ethnic-religious basis, adding that EU is also for evolutional, not revolution changes. Author says that such quasi-patriotic rhetoric is in favour of homogenization of RS against BiH. Editorial concludes that initiative of these three political parties is “at the edge of mindSBiH and its followers revive policy of exclusion and confrontation, on which BiH cannot be rebuilt.”

NHI: analysis of work of BiH CoM and Parliament should have been made before negotiations were opened

RHBNHI leader Kresimir Zubak stated that NHI is of the view that analysis of the Council of Ministers and BIH Parliament’s work should have been carried out before talks on constitutional changes. NHI stressed that if such analysis was made, then it would have been clear that BIH HoR is the biggest obstacle for all reforms in BIH. BHT1, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Analyze work of institutions’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Problems within authority should be determined’ by Agencies– also reported.

Feral Tribune comment on constitutional changes: Every party playing an angle

Feral Tribune, pgs 22-23 ‘Packaging of constitution’, by Ivan Lovrenovic – commenting on the process of constitutional changes, Lovrenovic argues that every party or group of parties involved in the talks has specific interests for what they do and advocate during the process. The author starts with the parties from the RS (SDS, SNSD, PDP), saying their motive is clear – they had to ‘swallow’ that certain competences will be transferred onto the state level, in return they preserved the minimum status of the RS, for time being at least. As for the SDP and SDA, Lovrenovic says they are preparing themselves for the next elections, which is a process they do not want to have the US administration in the opposite corner, that’s why they seem to be cooperative and lenient towards compromises. On HDZ’s refusal to sign the proposal of changes, Lovrenovic says the real motive behind HDZ’s proposal to elect members of BiH Presidency in the BiH Parliament is the party’s plan not to protect the Croats’ interests but to make sure that the future Croat member comes from the HDZ. Finally, Lovrenovic comments that the SBiH, which was very cooperative in the beginning and throughout the process, is now being abused by its founder Haris Silajdzic, who is using “cheap and empty” phrases to achieve the effect of the “historic NO” (to the proposal), in order to turn the Bosniak electorate against SDA’s Tihic and SDP’s Lagumdzija and become the Bosniak member of BiH Presidency.


RS Government/other political issues

Dodik takes over position of RS PM; stresses that RSNA session would discuss budget






RTRS– Newly appointed RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik and former RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic signed protocol on transfer of executive power at the meeting that was held on Thursday in Banja Luka. Dodik said that transfer of power was civilized and democratic. “Everything that presents benefit for RS will be continued”, said Dodik. “It was my pleasure to transfer duty to the man (Dodik) who knows how to benefit and work in the following period. I believe he will achieve better results than this Government”, Bukejlovic said. Dodik said the draft budget for 2006, Law on audit of privatisation and Law on Prosecutor’s Office would be discussed next week at the RS NA session. PINK, RHB, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Dodik took over position of Prime Ministers’ by O.Vukovic Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Budget and Prosecution before Representatives next week’ by N.D, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Dodik officially takes over duty of Prime Minister’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Dodik’s Government took over duty’ by V.Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘There will be no revanchism’ by G.Dakic, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘First session tomorrow’ announced on cover ‘Dodik’s Ministers sat in chairs’ – reported on handover.

BH Dani: If he manages to fulfil promises, Dodik could get to the chair of Chair of the CoM


BH Dani pg 7 ‘Person in Focus- Milorad Dodik’ by V.S.– Commenting on SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and his ‘comeback’ to the chair of RS Prime Minister and reminding to all the promises that Dodik has made in presentation of his exposé, author stresses that Dodik can count on convincing election victory if he’ takes a serious step toward realization of his promises’. By doing so, as author comments, Dodik could launch a new political recipe for success and if with all that he manages to “reconcile nationalism and reforms he would certainly find his way to the chair he finds most attractive and for which he doesn’t hide it is his goal- the first one in Council of Ministers”. In conclusion, author comments that Dodik’s main problem lies in fight against the crime, whose ‘main representatives’ are verified nationalists.

Radojicic asked legislative board to pass amendments to enable establishment of Special Audit Board


RTRS– RS National Assembly (RSNA) Speaker Igor Radojicic asked from RSNA Legislative Board to propose at the next RSNA session amendments on Operating procedure and establishment of Special Audit Board that would discuss reports of RS Public Sector Audit and give its recommendations.

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Igor Radojicic demands introduction of Audit Board’ by G.G. – also reported.

SP RS to initiate a confidence-vote in BiH COM


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘We will launch initiative for removal of BiH COM’– Petar Djokic, President of the SP RS Thursday announced that the Club of delegates of this party at the BiH Parliamentary Assembly will launch initiative for a confidence vote in BiH COM. At the press conference, Djokic stressed that socialists will demand discussion on issue of confidence in executive authority of BiH, noting it is necessary to define the status of the BiH COM. He stressed that “following establishment of new RS Government, it is necessary to create a new political environment at the BiH level.”

Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Socialists will raise vote of no confidence to BiH Council of Ministers’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘To overthrow CoM’ by D.Mo. – also reported

SDS leader Cavic to base his pre-elections campaign on compromising his opponents in SNSD and PDP

Slobodna Bosna pg 10 ‘Cavic’s strategy for overthrowing Dodik and Ivanic’ not signedSDS leader Dragan Cavicpromised” that the party would print billboards with actual statements of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and PDP leader Mladen Ivanic on each other, as the part of SDS’ pre-elections campaign in order to compromise their political opponents.

Center for European Integration Strategies in favor of liberalization of visa regime for BiH


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 6 ‘Liberalization of visa regime for BiH citizens’ by Az.Kalamujic – Center for European Integration Strategies [CEIS] announced issuing a report which confirms that BiH is ready for liberalization of visa regime on Friday. CEIS report says that the main problem for BiH is the fact that BiH authorities issued certain number of citizenships to suspicious persons from Middle East or Northern Africa. CEIS stressed that BiH made significant steps in terms of security policy, adding that BiH authorities are rather clumsy in promoting Western-oriented BiH.

Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘BiH is ready for visa liberalisation’ by T.L., Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Convince EU that we are not shelter to terrorists’ by Fena – also reported.

HR to initiate liberalization of visa regime


RHBHR Christian Schwarz Schilling met with Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Dora Bakoyannis and stressed the need of BiH citizens for better visa regime. HR also informed her about the progress BIH is making in the process of stabilisation and association. FTV– Schwarz-Schilling will initiate the issue of liberalisation of the visa regime for BiH citizens at unofficial meeting with EU foreign affairs ministers which will be held on March 10 and 11, in Salzburg.

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Schwarz-Schilling will demand ease for visa regime in Salzburg’, EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Relaxations for visas and citizens of BiH’, announced on cover ‘Schwarz Schilling lobbying in EU that BiH citizens get visas in an easier manner’ by T.V. – also reported.

VL warns: 400.000 BiH citizens are not registered voters


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘400.000 voters without right to vote’, by Zoran Kresic – the article is warning of the fact that some 400.000 citizens of BiH, who are eligible for voting and who are holders of CIPS identity card, are not registered in the voting lists. Namely, of 2,7 million holders of CIPS IDs, only 2,3 million people are registered as eligible voters. VL notes the remedy lies in direct registration of voters via the CIPS database.

VL: East Sarajevo becoming centre of security agencies in BiH; future state police to be seated in East Sarajevo?


Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘East Sarajevo a security centre’, by Dejan Jazvic – according to VL, East Sarajevo is slowly but surely becoming the centre of BiH security agencies, since the seat of SIPA will be located in Lukavica and state prison is to be built in East Sarajevo, Kasindol to be precise. Additional argument used by VL, albeit the information is learned from an unofficial source, is that East Sarajevo could be accommodating the future seat of future state police forces. Apparently, the word is that the Serb side is conditioning establishment of state police with accommodation of its seat in East Sarajevo.


BiH lawsuit against SiCG/comments

Main hearing on lawsuit against SCG continues in ICJ; evidences on intention to commit genocide presented







FTV– The main hearing in lawsuit of the BiH against SCG for aggression and genocide before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) continued on Thursday in The Hague. Part of the discussion referred to systematic rape of Bosniak women, ethnical cleansing and genocide, and BiH team stressed that there was a plan to destroy Biosniaks. “These calculated crimes cannot be seen as individual cases; it was systematic killing and torturing. It was a policy, implemented on path of creation of ‘Great Serbia’. What you decide to do now will impact the whole humankind, right and hopes people put into this case”, said Thomas Franck, member of the BiH team. Members of BiH team pointed out that genocide intention existed and they tried to prove it by presenting data on ethnical cleansing, carried out in East Bosnia towns, as well as by rape cases. Members of BiH team Brigitte Stern and Laura Duban presented evidences showing that intention for genocide existed and that sexual violence was used as an instrument of genocide. RHB, PINK, BHT1, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘World has to punish perpetrators for genocide’ by Nagorka Idrizovic Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘In 1991 Karadzic told Milosevic that ‘Muslims would disappear in a month’ by Sead Numanovic,Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Frenck is citing Karadzic’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Planned ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks’ by BETA – reported on the hearing.

Boyle: lawsuit implicates responsibility of EU countries for genocide


BHT1 prime time news carried shortened statement of Boyle along the same lines.

BHT1 current affair program Javna Tajna’ By Amir Zukic – American Law Professor Francis Boyle, author of text of BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide, said in interview for magazine that USA and EU officials are applying enormous pressure on BiH authorities to withdraw the lawsuit and settle with SCG outside the courtroom. According to him, former US State Secretary Richard Holbrook applies the pressure, along with US Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney, British Minister of Foreign Affairs Richard Straw and many other officials. Boyle stated that lawsuit brings into the question existence of the RS and it implicates responsibility of some EU countries for genocide. Therefore, believes Boyle, BiH politicians are being put under pressure to sign the agreement on constitutional changes designed by former Principal Deputy of the High Representative Donald Hays before the end of the court proceedings, in order to strengthen the position of RS and Dayton Peace Accord.

Head of BiH Team in lawsuit against SCG Softic: I am convinced we will win in the Court


Dnevni Avaz pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘I am convinced we will win in the Court’ by Sead Numanovic – In an interview for DA, Head of BiH Team in lawsuit against SCG Sakib Softic said he is very satisfied with opening the hearing. “Our goal is not revenge. The very fact that we have chosen the highest UN judiciary body to rule this argument, speaks in favour of our peacefulness and readiness to solve problems trough international law… Sentence against SCG will ensure long-term peace in the Balkans, and it would improve relations between Bosniaks and Serbs. It is the only issue remained between these two countries before we enter Euro-Atlantic integrations.” Sofitic concluded that he expects International Court of Justice [ICJ] rules against SCG on all charges, so SCG would have to pay the damage to BiH and victims of genocide, adding: “This should not be mixed with war damage. Don’t ask me about numbers, I would not talk about that.”

Serb Caucus at RS CoP calls on entity’ bodies to stop process in BH suit vs. SiCG


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Planned ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks’ by BETA – The Serb Caucus at the RS CoP Thursday called on entities institutions to do all they can to stop the process of BH suit against SiCG before ICJ.

Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Boyle’s political malice’ by D.Mo., EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Delegates against suit’ by N.B., ­ Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Half of BiH does not support the lawsuit’ by O.V. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘RS Institutions should do everything to stop BiH lawsuit against SCG’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Stop BiH’s lawsuit against SCiG’ by BS

– also report on press statement of Serb Caucus at RS COP

RS PM Dodik: BH suit against SICG has no legitimacy


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘BH suit has no legitimacy’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Planned ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks’ by BETA, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘No legitimacy’ by G.D., Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Half of BiH does not support the lawsuit’ by O.V. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘RS Institutions should do everything to stop BiH lawsuit against SCG’  – Milorad Dodik, RS PM, assessed that the BH suit against SiCG for aggression and genocide is not acceptable and holds no necessary legitimacy since half of BiH opposes to suit, adding: “I cannot believe such invalid suit could have been accepted’. He added that he would familiarise with all the procedures that have been “violated during submission of that suit” adding certain activities in regard to this will follow.

SiCG PM Kostunica: BH suit vs. SiCH has serious deficiency


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘A serious deficiency’ by SRNAVojislav Kostunica, SiCG Premier, stated from the view point of the relations in the region, the Bh suit against SiCG could contribute to non-reconciliation rather than reconciliation process in the region, noting this should be borne in mind. He assessed the suit before ICJ has “a serious procedural deficiency”.

DA op-ed: Serbian media should explain Serbian people what SCG is sued for


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Serbian Al-Qaida of Smilja Avramov’ by Elvir Huremovic – In an interview for Belgrade TV station BK, SCG International Law Professor Smilja Avramov, former legal advisor of Slobodan Milosevic, had stated that if International Court of Justice [ICJ] rules in favour of BiH in the lawsuit against SCG, there is danger of forming new “Slavic-Balkans Al-Qaida”. Commenting on this statement, the editorial reads that instead of putting attention on Milosevic’s associates, Serbian media should explain Serbian people that SCG is sued for “Serbian Al-Qaida” committed crimes in BiH.

VL comment: BiH must not drop charges against SCG, genocide must be called by its real name


Vecernji List, pg 22 ‘BiH must not give up the lawsuit’, by Alexander Orsic – the author insists that BiH must not give up the lawsuit it filed against SCG, as suggested by some circles (author stresses UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw asked for it several times) that claim that the withdrawal of the charges would benefit the reconciliation in the region. Orsic argues that the killing of 8000 people of Srebrenica and 12000 civilians of Sarajevo must be called by its real name, a genocide that is, and that possible dropping of charges would not benefit the reconciliation, instead it would serve the powers that be and their big plans for the region.


Old foreign currency savings/Economy

CoM passes three amendments to the law on verification of old foreign currency savings; entities and District obligated to provide means






FTV– BiH Council of Ministers has passed three amendments to law on verification and payment of old foreign currency savings, according to which entities and Brcko District should provide funds. According to first assessments, the savings are 1.9 billions KM worth. The deadline by which requests on verification should be sent is 6 months, starting from the date when the law becomes effective. Agencies in charge of verification process are tasked to complete their work within 9 months. BiH CoM has accepted information of BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations on single agreement on liberalization of free trades between the West Balkans states. PINK– BiH Minister of Finances Ljerka Maric said that BiH CoM accepted information that BiH is not satisfied with present position, especially with agricultural production due to high foreign trade deficit. According to Maric, this situation was caused by bilateral agreements on free trade. By new proposal, BiH will ask from countries in the Region to sign new agreement on free trade that would improve position of BiH. RHB, BHT1, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Way of payout old currency savings agreed’ by A.T. Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘State guarantees that entity will payout old currency savings’ by L.T., Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Money from domestic banks to depositors’ by D. P. Mandic, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘No reduction of deadline for payout of foreign currency savings’ by M.C., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘New amendments to the old savings’ by N.Z.  – reported on CoM session

Energopetrol employees strike asking for solving of company’s situation


BHT1- Approximately 200 ‘Energopetrol’ workers gathered in front of the FBiH Government building, stressing their disappointment with the fact that he issue of ‘Energopetrol’ had not been put on the agenda of the Government’s session. Employees decided to freeze the strike until the meeting scheduled for Tuesday. “Solution to the issue through co-capitalization should be discussed on Tuesday, at meeting organized by the FBiH Minister in charge”, said Director to Energopetrol Namik Busatlic. The Minister promised the workers that he would ask the FBiH Prime Minister to bring back the issue to the Ministry in charge. FBiH PM Ahmet Hadzipasic claims that the issue could have been solved long time ago. “The issue of Energopetrol lasts for 10 years, but we are sure that it can be solved in next 5 days”, said Hadzipasic. If the issue is not to be solved on Thursday, the workers claim that they would continue the strike. PINK, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Energopetrol employees seized protests’, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Police prevented force enter into building of FBiH Government’ by M.Kukan, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Workers of Energopetrol protested again’, by HINA, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Against insolvency’, pg 4 ‘Workers against insolvency’ by M.Rener/R.Rakic  – also reported.

IMF ceased talks with BiH on stand-by arrangement worth $50 million


Dnevni Avaz pg 8, mentioned on cover ‘Talks on $50 million ceased for us’ by T.Lazovic – International Monetary Fund [IMF] says that talks on stand-by arrangement worth $50 million, with BiH are ceased. Chief of IMF Mission to BiH John Norregard stated for DA that BiH should come up with new suggestions if they want to continue negotiations: “Our recommendations are clear, consolidated budgets at the state level must be significantly decreased and brought into the earlier agreed frame.” BiH Finance Minister Ljerka Maric said for DA that BiH did not quit this arrangement: “By now we could not go into details with them [IMF], but after adoption of budget we will demand new talks.”


Crime/security/police issues

EUFOR conducts investigation on event in Banja Luka ; allegedly EUPM pressures RS Police and EUFOR to end investigations





BHT1– EUFOR still has not stated whether its members took part in an event, reported by the RS Police. Namely, Banja Luka police reported that it found two men with masks and one crying young woman sitting in EUFOR car. Men represented themselves as EUFOR members and did not allow police to talk to young woman, after what the car left. Chief of EUFOR Press Office Russel Craig said that EUFOR was investigating the event. Craig added that the vehicle belonged to EUFOR. No other details have been disclosed. “EUFOR closely cooperates with local authorities and investigates the incident”, said Craig. As BHT 1 unofficially learns, EUPM makes pressure to both EUFOR and local Police in order to end the investigation. PINK, Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 19 ‘EUFOR is hiding truth’ by N. Dedic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Soldiers with girl in jeep’ by A. Macanovic, EuroBlic cover pg splash ‘Bullies drove jeep of international forces’, RSpg 10 ‘EUFOR: Jeep is ours’ by Z.K./SRNA– also reported. Dnevni List pg 19 ‘EUFOR is hiding truth’ by N. Dedic – carries a source close to the police who says that EUFOR is hiding the truth since EUFOR is convinced that their soldiers are involved in this case.

Man died in fire exchange on border crossing


BHT1, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Shooting at the border with Montenegro’ by V.D., Dnevni Avaz pg 30 ‘Radenko Vujovic killed in gunfight, two border guards injured’, mentioned on cover ‘Gunfight of border guards with criminals’ by E.Ha. – Ir.M. – In an action BiH State Border Service carried out on Thursday in Preraca, a border crossing point between SCG and BiH, one person was killed while two were injured. Namely, BiH SBS members tried to prevent illegal drug dealing when 6 drug dealers attacked and opened fire at the BiH SBS members, due to which one drug dealer was killed while two police members were injured. RTRS– also reported.

CoE discontent with report BiH handed regarding existence of CIA secret prisons in BiH and flyovers BiH


Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Investigation of Foreign Ministry into omissions in information submitted’ by M.Cubro Adnan Terzic, BiH COM Chair, Thursday confirmed that the BiH Foreign Ministry will conduct an internal investigation into overdue in submitting information to the BiH COM in regard to claims related to secret prisons of the US Intelligence Agency (CIA) and secret flyovers BiH. He also said that initial information submitted to the Council of Europe will be supplemented since CoE is not satisfied with the response since no reference has been made to the case of “Algerian group”. Terry Davis, CoE Secretary General, explained: “The official Sarajevo has missed a chance to mention previously known cases or simply failed to hand responses to specific questions. By doing so, they have aided consolidation of accusations that BiH had or still is in violiation of European Convention on human rights.”


Healthcare issues

Two dead ducks found nearby Siroki Brijeg, people fear bird flu



Dnevni List, front pg splash and pgs 2-3 ‘Alert because of bird flu and brucelosis’, by N. Dedic, I. Culina – According to DL, village of Knespolje nearby Siroki Brijeg was ‘under siege’ of veterinarians on Thursday after citizens reported that two dead wild ducks were seen nearby the road. Director of veterinary station from Siroki Brijeg, Davor Arapovic, suspects that the ducks were hit by a car and that they did not die from bird flu as the local population fears. DL also unofficially learns that brucelosis appeared at a small local farm at Knespolje. Owner of the farm was taken to Mostar hospital, however the hospital didn’t want to make any comments about it. Vecernji List, pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Ducks raised alarms in Siroki Brijeg’, by Darko Juka, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Two wild dead ducks found’ by Onasa – carry similar reports.