
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 31/5/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30 hrs)

Explosion in Sarajevo

Mortgage on oil refinery

SFOR arrested Jovo Simkic

Carla del Ponte to visit BiH

Privatisation process

Explosion in Sarajevo



Adnan Terzic’s statement

Construction of road 5-C

Explosion in Sarajevo

Carla Del Ponte to visit BiH



Directors of public enterprises were bribing auditors

Dnevni Avaz

Americans discovered two oil field in BiH

Dnevni List

McNair-Covic, Bender, Ljubic and Misura key witnesses

Vecernji List

Even teachers with mental disturbances in classrooms

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headlines

Glas Srpske

No Glas Srpske today owing to Pentecost

Nezavisne Novine

Donald Hays PDHR: Public companies “lost” BAM 360 million in 2001; Serb Brod Oil Refinery: Posavina laying on over 50 million tons of oil; Dragan Mikerevic: RS authority is determined to perform arrest; Sarajevo: 18 persons injured in explosion; Adnan Terzic: I have no arguments to remove Risto Zaric


RS Government ready to arrest suspects


Economic/social affairs

PDHR Hays on irregularities in BiH public companies’ operations





















BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 13 ‘Directors of public enterprises were bribing auditors’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Eight ministers responsible for poor situation in public companies’, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 2 ‘Public companies “lost” BAM 360 million in 2001’, ONASA – Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays said on Sunday that correction of irregularities in (cleaning up of) business operation of public enterprises in BiH concerned every citizen in BiH, hence it was necessary to systematically eliminate those irregularities by passing several laws. “Public funds that are being lost daily due to bad management at public enterprises belong to the BiH citizens,” Hays told a press conference in Sarajevo. He stressed that, according to assessments of lost revenues, the BiH Federation had lost 156 million KM in 2001, while the Republika Srpska had lost 204 million KM. Hays pointed out that the Office of the High Representative exerted, in cooperation with BiH businessmen, pressure on politicians and officials to introduce up-to-date public enterprise management principles. The Principal Deputy High Representative heralded that today’s issue of five BiH dailies will include a total of 100,000 booklets created by the OHR, so as to inform the BiH citizens on laws BiH politicians and ministers pledged to pass within set time frames. “The laws in question are the BiH Public Procurement Law, state law on registration of enterprises, entity laws on investments of public funds, entity laws on public enterprises, and BiH framework law on audit and accountancy,” said Hays. According to Dnevni Avaz, BiH Treasury Minister Ljerka Maric, BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac, Entities’ Finance Ministers, Dragan Vrankic and Branko Krsmanovic, Entities’ Industry Ministers, Izet Zigic and Milan Bogicevic and Entities’ Transport Ministers Nedzad Brankovic and Dragan Solaja should be held responsible for failure to pass the mentioned laws. The booklet cited that once these laws be passed, directors of public enterprises will find it hard to raise their wages before they are sacked as well as to spend hundreds of thousands KM without any supervision, and dismissed CEOs will also find it hard to find new job. Hays also presented results of a public survey conducted by the OHR so as to gain insight into the opinion of citizens regarding the current management in public enterprises. “The poll has shown that 92 percent of polled citizens deems that corrupted executives of public enterprises should be sacked,” stressed Hays. Hays said that the same poll indicated that 85 percent of BiH citizens did not believe that public enterprises were managed in a good way, “which brings us to a conclusion that BiH citizens really desire something better.”

Vecernji list, pg 4, ‘Incapability makes 360 million disappear’, by Dejan Jazvic, and Dnevni list, pg 5, ‘Poor management costs citizens 360 million KM’, by Erna Mackic, carry that, representing a research on functioning of public companies in BiH, Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays assessed that poor management, huge influence of politics and poor work control characterized public companies in BiH.

Oil fields in BiH?

Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 8 ‘Americans discovered two oil field in BiH’ – The daily learns that the RS oil industry representatives have requested the Amoco Corporation to give them, a study on oil fields in BiH. They have been told that the research had been ordered and paid by the Energoinvest Company and that they could therefore only ask the representatives of the company to give them results. But, according to Dnevni Avaz, the Energoinvenst Management Team does not want to show the study to anyone considering it crucial for the entire country. 

Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 2 ‘Posavina laying on over 50 million tons of oil’ – The newly established RS Government Commission for Concession is expected to soon act upon request of the “Oil Refinery” from Serb Brod and decide whether to allocate it a ten-years concession on exploitation of oil and gas. This work should be completed in the near future, after which the oil-workers could start identifying investors. According to estimate performed in 1991, at least 50 million tons of oil is resting on the depth of over 2 km from the surface. The first boring would be located near Samac.

Minor personnel changes at Telekom Srpske

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Cosmetic changes within leadership of “Telekom” – At its session in Banja Luka on Saturday, the Share-holders Assembly of Telekom Srpske elected the new Steering and Supervisory Boards of this company. Actually, the shareholders replaced only two out of seven members of the former Steering Board of Telekom (Nebojsa Milovcevic elected as new President of Steering Board and Zeljko Tadic as new member) and one out of five members of the former Supervisory Board (Nebojsa Glamocak as the new member of the Supervisory Board).

Zeljko Jungic, General Manager of Telekom Srpske, stated after the session that: “Those were some cosmetic changes.”

Minister Dragan Solaja, representative of the state capital, stated that the Assembly decided to keep the former members of Boards on positions owing to the upcoming privatisation of the company and expected adoption of the Law on public companies.

NN retrospective on Telekom

Nezavisne Novine op-ed by Mirjana Kusmuk pg 7 ‘We are just watching you’ –The author brings retrospectively dates (29 dates) and information related to Telekom Srpske, starting with the publishment of International Audit Report on Telekom Srpske (31 September 2003) and ending with Saturday’s session of the Share-holders assembly and election of new members of the Board (29 May).

No specific comment is given.


PfP/Cooperation with ICTY

BiH delegation at Bratislava NATO meeting lobbies for PfP membership







Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Slovakian hosts expressed will for BiH’s admission’, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Cooperation with The Hague is pre-requisite for PfP’, SRNA – The member of the permanent delegation of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly to NATO, Momcilo Novakovic, told SRNA on Sunday that the situation in BiH was not mentioned at the spring meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Bratislava, but added that the BiH delegation used this opportunity to lobby regarding the question of BiH’s membership in the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme. “At today’s debate, the host, the Slovak delegation which will take part at the NATO summit in Istanbul, raised the issue of the importance of regional stability, and within that context it is important that BiH and Serbia-Montenegro join the PfP,” Novakovic said, and added that the BiH delegation received the support of the representatives of the former Yugoslav republics, primarily Macedonia and Croatia. Novakovic reiterated that BiH has general support for membership in the PfP, but during talks with foreign delegations in Bratislava, the issue of cooperation with the Hague tribunal was always set as a precondition for admission to this programme, which is also a condition set by NATO’s political committee.

SEECP Coordinator on BiH’s accession to PfP

Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Social relations should be changed’, FENA – National coordinator of the South-East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) Milovan Blagojevic is of the opinion that the question whether BiH will be invited to join the Partnership for Peace is a matter of making a political decision by the heads of NATO member-countries. “I think that it is more important to focus on creating the conditions inside BiH that will allow the country to fully participate in the PfP programme, as well as integrate economically into Europe,” Blagojevic told FENA. He reiterated that BiH neighbours, participants in the SEECP had strongly supported through the Sarajevo Declaration adopted on April 21 at SEECP Summit, the initiative, the need, the possibility and the wish that BiH finally receives the invitation for joining the Partnership for Peace.

Ivanic: BiH deserves PfP membership


Dnevni Avaz pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘BiH deserves to be admitted in PfP’ – In an interview with the daily, BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic said that BiH deserved to be admitted into PfP as a reward for the implemented reforms. The ‘red light’ in Istanbul might negatively influence positive atmosphere created in BiH in the process of implementation of reforms and ruin existing enthusiasm, according to Ivanic. If however BiH is not admitted into PfP at the NATO Summit in June, Ivanic believes that both BiH authorities and international community should be held responsible for the failure. Regarding the apprehension of war criminals, Ivanic said that not only Djeric and Njegus as the top RS police officials bear responsibility for such a complex issue. “I believe that the Intelligence-Security Agency, whole RS Interior Ministry, Justice Ministry, media and the international community are also responsible for this,” said Ivanic. 

Terzic accuses circles of IC of obstructing BiH path to PfP


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Brussels is impressed over reforms in BiH’, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Terzic heavily accuses the international community’ mentioned on front, by Rusmir Karat – reports that the Chairman of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, was very critical of IC at a public forum held in Bihac on Saturday, which discussed the course of reforms in BiH. Terzic is quoted as saying: “I must say that Brussels is impressed with the job done. Therefore, the picture that some media and some representatives of IC are trying to present does not correspond to what’s been actually done, since a lot more has been done then the public is presented with (…) So far, all pre-requisites for our country joining the Partnership for Peace have been met. And now, the IC imposes the arrest of war criminals. It is well known that the State of BiH is not the one that obstructs the arrests. Some international circles imposed it in order that BiH does not join the Partnership (for Peace) before Serbia and Montenegro”

DL on BiH (not) joining PfP

Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Pillory’, by Nermin Bise – notes that pre-requisites set to BiH by the NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, regarding joining the PfP, are only extending the agony in BiH because one cannot expect that Karadzic and Mladic will be arrested in 35 days, since years have passed and they are still at large. Bise argues that the NATO SG’s message should not be treated as a serious threat, noting that Scheffer’s pre-requisite was planned in advance in order to expose the current political system in BiH on pillory, where it, according to Bise, belongs. In that context, the author says the current authorities only care about themselves, stressing it is funny and sad to send troops and police after Karadzic, which on their armbands carry the name of a republic Karadzic christened and established. Bise does not spare the IC either saying that the IC again confirmed that it did not care about destiny of BiH.

Blic on the admission of BiH to PfP

Blic, pgs. RS2-RS3 ‘Knees are trembling on the path to Istanbul’ by Marija Jandric – reads that it is not clear as yet what kind of chances BiH has to join PfP, saying that the main obstacle to the admission is lack of cooperation of BiH and RS with the Hague Tribunal. The two-page article also carries an overview of statements in relation to the possibility for BiH to join PfP at the NATO Summit in Istanbul. HR Paddy Ashdown is quoted as saying that the answer to the question whether BiH would be admitted to the PfP in Istanbul was neither in Brussels nor in Sarajevo but was in Banja Luka only. BiH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic thinks NATO has many reasons to invite BiH in Istanbul to join PfP, since all technical preconditions for signing of a bilateral agreement were met. RS President Dragan Cavic has stated that a manipulative space for non-cooperation with the Hague Tribunal or non-arresting of war criminals did not exist anymore. He has stated that this was the year in which peoples in the region must accept the fact that war crimes have been committed here during the war and those responsible for the crimes must stand trials. Military-political analyst Ostoja Barasin has assessed that BiH has commenced its journey towards Istanbul in a clumsy and stumbling manner, as well as that ‘it is clear to everyone that it is impossible to have BiH as a full member of this NATO program’. He believes that conditioning of BiH with cooperation with the Hague was only a reason for the international community to say loud and clear after the NATO Summit that the existence of entities in BiH was not necessary. Military analyst Gostimir Popovic has stated that BiH would gain nothing special if it joined PfP in June, therefore it would lose nothing if it didn’t join PfP.

Carla Del Ponte to visit Banja Luka today

BHTV, RTRS – Carla Del Ponte, the Chief ICTY Prosecutor will start her visit to BiH in Banja Luka on Monday. With the RS leaders, she will discuss the cooperation of this entity with the ICTY. Carla Del Ponte will meet the RS president, the RS prime minister and the RS minister of interior. “I expect the government to deliver a clear message that all fugitives will be arrested and transferred to Hague”, said Carla Del Ponte. “The MUP has that assignment and it is working on that. I have the information from the Ministry that they have organized to realize their obligations”, said Dragan Cavic, the president of RS. The government invited the war crime indictees to surrender voluntarily, which achieved no results. Also the police actions of arresting the indictees failed to produce any concrete result. “In our opinion an individual, who ever he is, is not worth as the whole nation and RS”, stated Dragan Mikerevic, the RS prime minister. In the eyes of the American administration that individual is Radovan Karadzic. “A key condition for full integration into Europe accession to Partnership for Peace is arrest of Radovan Karadzic and his transfer to The Hague”, stated Pierre Richard Posper, the US ambassador for war crime issues. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘We cannot arrest the one, who is not in RS’ mentioned on cover ‘RS authority determined to perform arrest’ also announced Del Ponte’s visit and carried statements by the top RS leaders. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Separate meetings with RS leaders’ carried FENA reports announcing Del Ponte’s visit to BiH.

VL on arrest of Karadzic and Mladic


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Has Karadzic stopped breathing?’, by Ilko Barbaric – argues that it is incredible how much noise Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic make from time to time, especially lately when the two have been labelled as the ones who keep BiH a hostage. In a ironic commentary, the author reminds of a recent statement by COMSFOR Packett, who said that SFOR were getting close to Karadzic ‘they could feel his breathing’, saying all Karadzic needs to do is to stop breathing for a while, and after Carla del Ponte has finished her forthcoming visit to BiH, the criticism against the RS will recede.

Vecernje Novosti: Five weeks to arrest Karadzic and Mladic

Vecernje novosti, pg. 4 ‘Fugitives are hindering the Partnership’ by Sl. Pesevic – reads: “As of two days ago, a deadline for military-police forces of RS to arrest Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic is no more no less – five weeks. This is what has been decided by NATO representatives, who have managed to do nothing in this arrest “mission” in the past eight years although it has activated approximately 10,000 soldiers and the most powerful intelligence services in the world for this purpose”. The article also carries a statement of Chairman of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic who has stated that BiH cannot enter the PfP as long as war crimes indictees Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are at large.

RS Government, Interior Ministry on arrest of war criminals

Blic, pg. RS1 ‘Police needs help?’ by Tijana Veselinovic mentioned on cover ‘RS Government ready to arrest suspects’ – quotes the Spokesperson of RS Prime Minister, Goran Radivojac, as saying: ‘Should we receive a correct intelligence information on whereabouts of persons indicted for war crimes, we will react immediately’. He also stated that the RS Government was ready to arrest war crimes indictees, however it needs efforts and help of all relevant institutions such as Intelligence-Safety Service, SIPA and State Border Service. RS Minister of Interior Zoran Djeric has stated that the RS Ministry of Interior is aware of its obligation to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal.


Political developments/education

DL says Covic wants liberty to carry out purges in Mostar City administration







Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Covic requests from OHR liberty to remove all cadres in City administration’, mentioned on front, by Zvonimir Jukic – talking about the recent meeting between the Croat member of BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, and Senior Deputy High Representative, Werner Wnendt, when it was officially released that the two talked about harmonization of cantonal to state education law, DL notes that according to its sources close to international organizations in Mostar, Covic and Wnendt also talked about the implementation of the Mostar Statute. DL’s source says Covic promised full cooperation of the HDZ when it comes to the implementation and flexibility in relations with the SDA in Mostar. According to DL, its source did not know or did not want to say what the OHR and Wnendt promised to Covic as award for cooperativeness. However, DL learns from sources in the Mostar HDZ that Covic asked from OHR a full liberty to remove all the cadres in the City administration of Mostar and the right to choose who gets to stay in the administration. DL notes Covic needs this ‘deal’ to finalize his plan of domination in the party, in which Mostar represents a very important link. DL concludes the article by wondering whether legal provisions regarding hiring and appointing of people will be tricked, and whether Mostar will again have a suitable, not efficient administration.

VL says HDZ does not give up on Croatian language and identity


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘HDZ does not give up on Croatian language’, by Zoran Kresic – notes that a result of a five-hour long meeting between the President of HDZ BiH, Barisa Colak, Presidents of cantonal boards of HDZ BiH and five cantonal Education Ministers, which was held on Saturday, is that the HDZ BiH will ask from the IC another opportunity to try and explain ‘disputable’ provisions that are included in the cantonal education laws. VL goes on to say that the financial situation in the HDZ is very difficult, which is a result of freezing of party’s funds, and that additional sanctions could seriously jeopardize the pre-election campaign. VL learns from an anonymous party official that the HDZ will not accept legal provisions that would allow the abolishment of the Croat linguistic and cultural identity. Apparently, the party insists that all lectures in schools are carried out in a language that the pupils’ parents choose.

Initiative meeting of Movement for changes in BiH

Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Main task – pressure the current authorities’, by N. B. – reports that an initiative gathering of a newly former ‘Movement for changes in BiH’ was held at Vogosca on Saturday, which saw participation of some 50 prominent persons from political and public life of BiH. DL notes that the main aim of the Movement is to incorporate everyone into the Movement’s programme, irrespective of affiliation, which should result in activities for BiH as a common state and society. Noting that one of aims is also to apply pressure on the current political structures in order to force them carry out reforms, DL says the available information say that the Movement gathers, among others, Borisa Starovic, the Chancellor of University in Serb Sarajevo,, academic Bozidar Matic, FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, professor Slavo Kukic and others.



Terzic on Zaric appointment








Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 2 ‘I have no arguments to remove Risto Zaric’ – Adnan Terzic, Chairperson of BiH Council of Ministers, yesterday stated that he has no arguments to remove Risto Zaric, OSA Deputy Director.

Clifford Bond, US Ambassador to BiH, in a weekend interview to NN said that he holds Zaric personally responsible for the RS non-cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.

Terzic also said that: “I think the High Representative has mechanism to ask from me to remove certain persons if BiH failed to enter PfP. I do not have any argument to remove Risto Zaric from the position of OSA Deputy Director, because he has passed the vetting procedure of the international community…American, or any other Ambassador in BiH, can come to me and present arguments for somebody’s removal. I cannot remove somebody from the position on the basis of a press statement.”

Suzana Pejcic, OHR Spokesperson, told NN that OHR never comments on the vetting process.

SFOR detains persons over contravening GFPA

Vecernji list, pg 3, ‘2 persons detained for security reasons’, by bs, and Dnevni list, pg, ‘SFOR took two persons in”, by Zeda, Dnevni list, pg 5, ‘SFOR apprehended one person during “Harvest”’, by Nina, Blic, pg. RS8 ‘SFOR apprehended two persons’ by SRNA, Vecernje novosti, pg. 14 ‘They took him without trace’ by Vid Blagojevic carry that, within the framework of “Harvest” operation, SFOR on Saturday apprehended 2 males over suspicion of being involved in activities that contravene GFPA. One of them, apprehended in Gornji Skugrici near Modrica, is detained as “specific weapons” were found in his house. The suspect, whose identity has not been made public, is kept “in a safe place” for further investigation.

Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘SFOR arrested Jovo Simikic’, Vecernje novosti, pg. 14 ‘They took him without trace’ by Vid Blagojevic – SFOR soldiers on Saturday morning arrested Jovo Simikic (45) from Gornji Skugric near Modrica, on grounded suspicion he had been acting in violation of the Framework Peace Agreement.

The wife of the arrestee Bozica Simikic confirmed that SFOR arrested her husband, stressing that she still does not know his whereabouts.

NN unofficially learnt that Simikic was arrested after SFOR, within “Harvest” operation in Modrica, found an arrow rocket carrier.

Bozica Simikic says that SFOR soldiers were in search of weapons in the area of Modrica on Friday. She adds: “They were also in our house. They found some weapons and went. A day later, five to six SFOR vehicles came in front of our house. The soldiers went to the mechanic shop my husband owns and arrested him there. One SFOR soldier told me they are taking him to their base near Doboj.”

The Spokesperson of SFOR MND North Jon Thurlow yesterday did not want to confirm or deny the name of the person arrested.

Zoran Glusac, RS MOI Spokesperson, confirmed SFOR arrested one person in the settlement of Gornji Skurgic, because they found some “specific weapons” in his house. He could not confirm what sort of weapons it was.

According to NN inset, SFOR soldiers on Saturday also arrested another male, whose identity is not known as yet. This detainee has been suspected of “representing a threat to safe environment”.

Unofficially, NN leant this male was arrested in the area of F BiH.

BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8, Oslobodjenje pg 4 also covered the issue.

Dragan Covic to testify in Hercegovacka Bank case

Dnevni List, front and pg 7 ‘McNair-Covic, Bender, Ljubic and Misura key witnesses’, by N. Dedic – according to DL, a Prosecutor of BiH Prosecution’s Department for Organized and Economic Crime, John McNair, proposed hearing of several new witnesses in the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ case. The alleged key witnesses are: Ivan Bender, Dragan Covic, Frano Ljubic, Stipe Maric and Bozo Misura.

DL on BiH unit that is to go to Iraq

Dnevni list, pg 7, ‘Peace forces for Iraq divided BiH public’, by De. L. carries that BiH Presidency’s decision to send BiH soldiers to a humanitarian mission to Iraq has caused harsh reactions of BiH public due to latest security situation in Iraq. Antonio Prlenda, military analyst, is quoted as reminding that BiH has no experience in sending its soldiers to peace mission and fears that BiH administration might not be able to provide for those soldiers’ families. Bearing in mind that the situation in Iraq has changed since the BiH Presidency made the decision, BiH Minister of Security Barisa Colak is of the view that the situation should be considered once more.

Threats to Patriot Editor-in-Chief and his family

Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Vaskovic threatened he would be blown up’ – Around 20:40 hrs Saturday evening, an unidentified male called Slobodan Vaskovic, Editor-in-Chief of “Patriot” magazine from Banja Luka, on his cell phone and threatened to him saying that Vaskovic should leave RS with his family within 24 hours or he and his family would be “blown up”. Vaskovic said: “The male told me the count-down has started and decision has been made.”

Vaskovic further says that the male did not mention any specific name or the reason why the call was made. He suspects that “one criminal group” is responsible for this, without wanting to give specific information.

He expressed his belief that those people have encouraged following the murder of Dusko Jovanovic, Director and Editor-in-Chief of Podgorica daily “Dan”.

Police confirmed that Vaskovic reported this case to police and the investigation has been launched.