
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 30/4/2006



TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

No transmission

Terzic and Tadic meeting

Terzic and Tadic meeting


Draskovic hopes to arrest Mladic

Draskovic hopes to arrest Mladic


EU warned Serbia over Mladic

Indictment against Delic


World News

Trial to Prlic and others


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Terzic and Tadic meeting

US Report on terrorism

US Report on terrorism

EU raises sanctions against BIH

Terzic and Tadic meeting

Report on possible sanctions to BiH

Indictment against Delic

Feature on Travnik factories

Terzic and Tadic meeting

Prlic and others trial

Protests in Sarajevo

Meeting of RS Prisoners of War



[BiH CoM Chair] Adnan Terzic finds entity more important than the state

Dnevni Avaz

[BiH Trade Union President Biber] Politicians do not listen voice of employees

Dnevni List

[With regard to May 1] Employees in Mostar were never more endangered

Vecernji List

Croat cultural centre in Banja Luka closed

Nezavisne Novine

[Employees to mark May 1] There will be money for celebration

Euro Blic

[Serbian Minister Ljajic] Network counting 130 Mladic’s aid unveiled


Political and economic issues

BiH Chair Terzic and Serbian President Tadic: not to change borders on Balkan







PINK – During their Saturday’s meeting in Belgrade, BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic and Serbian President Boris Tadic expressed support to policy on unchangeable borders in Western Balkans. Hayat – Presenter ironically stated that Terzic in that way also meant that he is against changing Kosovo borders. BHT1 – Terzic and Tadic also agreed to support SCG and BIH companies in the markets of third countries. They spoke on ICTY cooperation. Terzic stated over the telephone that ICTY cooperation is the most important issue for both countries. FTV – They also agreed that is good that Belgrade and RS have good relations but stressed that better economic and political relations must be established with entire BIH. Terzic and Tadic also spoke on economic cooperation and implementation of free trade contract. RTRS – RTRS reported that this meeting was not announced in media. Two officials believe that it is good that Serbia and RS have special connections. Rasim Ljajic, SCG Minister for human and minorities’ rights was also present at the meeting. Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Tadic and Terzic for policy on unchangeable borders’ by Beta, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Policy on unchangeable borders accepted’ by Nina,  also covered.

BiH Chair Terzic:I proposed Serbian President Tadic to use more often capacities of regional cooperation


Dnevni Avaz pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘To improve economic relations between BiH and Serbia’ by S.Numanovic – Following the meeting with Serbian President Boris Tadic in Belgrade on Saturday, BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic told DA that regional and economical issues were discussed. Terzic stated: “We were discussing stronger cooperation between two countries when European integrations are in question… I proposed Tadic to use more often capacities of regional cooperation within Western Balkans so we could show Brussels that we can be good neighbours, and good EU members in the future.” Terzic announced that another possible bilateral meeting could be held in Sarajevo. Inset ‘Relations with FBiH’ – Terzic said that he proposed Tadic, with regard to his clear stance that united BiH is Serbian interest, to widen special relations that Serbia has with RS onto FBiH as well: “That would not minimize relationship that Serbia has with RS, it would only confirm rhetoric that is coming from Belgrade recently.Oslobodjenje cover splash ‘Adnan Terzic finds entity more important than the state’, pg 7 ‘Serbia is conscious that Mladic has to be extradited’ by S.Rozajac Inset ‘Terzic in favour of divided BiH’ by Fena – Article carries that “two statesmen agreed that it is good for Belgrade has special relations with RS, stressing at the same time that best possible political and economic relations should be intensified and developed at the same time with BiH.

Face to Face – FBiH HoR SDP MP Niksic: FBiH Govt was voted no confidence; FBiH HoR SBiH MP Briga: Drift in HDZ will block future work of Government


Hayat By Senad Hadzifejzovic – FBIH House of Representatives SDP MP Nermin Niksic and FBiH HoR SBIH MP Ismet Briga discussed the issue of relations between FBIH Parliament and FBIH Government. Regarding the last session of FBIH Parliament when the FBIH Government’s report on their work and agenda for 2006 were not adopted, Niksic stated that this means that the Government was voted no confidence and that it is now in their technical mandate. Briga agreed that Government was inefficient justifying that with the general political scene in BIH. “Often, PM and his deputy do not agree over certain issues. Bad solutions have been offered which are not supported by SBIH,” stressed Briga. Niksic stressed that all ministers are considered to be ministers of the parties that have appointed them and not of the citizens that they do represent. Regarding issue of Federal Electricity Regulation Commission [FERK], Niksic said that in 2005 Government ordered FERK to harmonize its regulations with EU standards, but than they have condemned FERK’s actions, when they brought decision on increasing prices of electricity. Briga suggested that Parliament should once more discuss this issue, and Niksic stated that FBIH Parliament has twice unanimously ordered FBIH Government to exempt the citizens without FTV signal of paying the subscription, which was ignored by Government “so you really believe that discussing something will have any effect on the Government”. Briga stressed that SBIH did not support the budget denying Niksic’s accusations that it was only because SBIH party did not have a minister in FBIH Government, but immediately after their minister was appointed they adopted the proposal on budget. “Government cannot be dismissed over trivial things it has to be something major. And it is impossible because there is a political cooperation between parties; HDZ and SDA have three-thirds of the Ministers. It is the issue of timing” stated Briga. Niksic claimed that the problem is that MPs coordinate with Government in the way that “they scold Government a little bit for its inefficiency but than support its plans and proposals”. Briga deems that the drift in HDZ will block the future work of the Government. It was concluded that citizens are the only one who can vote no confidence to the FBIH Government at the elections in October.

PDHR Butler op-ed in NN: We expect RS PM Dodik to ensure PRD to reach consensus


Nezavisne Novine pg 12 ‘Politics mean achieving results’ op-ed by PDHR Larry Butler – Commenting refusal of RS authorities to respect three European Commission principles regarding police reform [1. All legislative and budgetary competencies must be vested at the state level. 2. No political interference with operational policing. 3. Functional local police areas must be determined by technical policing criteria, where operational command is exercised at the local level], editorial reads: “It is clear that now, after failure of constitutional reform, it is not time for politicians to risk the so far achieved progress of BiH towards better European future.” Author notes that International Community is united in its demand for the RS Government to respect the agreement, based on three EC principles, ratified by RS National Assembly in October 2005. Editorial concludes: “We expect RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik to ensure [Police Reform] Directorate reach the consensus and make proposals that are in line with three principles that would allow further progress in this process.”

BiH Trade Union President Biber: Negative effects of VAT prevailed


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Politicians do not listen voice of employees’, pg 5 ‘Negative effects of VAT prevailed on start’ by Senad Muslic – Commenting heavy economic situation in BiH, in an interview for DA BiH Trade Union President Edhem Biber said: “VAT is a good measure in fight against grey economy, but negative VAT effects prevailed in the first quarter. Prices of basic goods are raising, large amount of employees was dismissed. State did not make good social programmes to alleviate VAT introduction effects.” Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Middle class is disappearing’ by Danka Polovina-Mandic – also carried interview with Biber.


Constitutional changes

USA disappointed with non-adoption of constitutional amendments


BHT1USA expressed its disappointment with the fact that BIH House of Representatives failed to adopt the constitutional amendments. US State Department stressed that these amendments were crucial for the future of BIH. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Reforms has key role for BiH entering EU’ – US State Department stated that US will continue to encourage BiH to implement the necessary reforms what would enable entering Euro-Atlantic integrations.

EC spokesperson Maroevic: EC did not exclude applying sanctions against BiH following ‘Albanian model’


RTRS By Vesna Stakic – RTRS commented that EC neither confirmed nor denied writing of Nezavisne Novine, that EU will raise sanctions against BiH for not adopting amendments to the BiH Constitution. Article [see BiH Media Round-up April 28] alleges that ‘Albanian model’ will be practiced on BiH, which means that all EU institutions will keep on regular meeting with BiH authorities, but there will be no significant step forward towards EU. EC spokesperson Frano Maroevic said that BiH system is not efficient and that basic human rights are not respected. Maroevic did not exclude the possibility of applying ‘Albanian model’. Maroevic also added that there is difference between BiH and Albania since reforms are questionable in Albania. Maroevic said that is important that BiH continues with reforms due to new round of talks on Stabilization and Association Agreement, on May 12. BiH diplomacy does not expect reactions from Brussels regarding failure of constitutional reform, since that was not the condition for SAA. BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic said: ”Some technical problems might happen, negotiations might last longer, visa mitigation might not happen. BiH House of Representatives Deputy Speaker Nikola Spiric said that citizens would decide on the October elections whether they want continuation of the European integrations: “Political adventurers played with this country and interests of regular people and that has to be punished on the elections.” Although RTRS did not get contact with BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic, they reported Terzic’s earlier statement in which Terzic said that SAA might not be ratified and signed without the adoption of the constitutional amendments.

SBiH leader Halilovic: Raising sanctions against BiH would deny principles of parliamentary democracy


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Raising sanctions against BiH would deny principles of parliamentary democracy’ by H.Orahovac – Commenting possibility that International Community raise sanctions against BiH for not adopting amendments to the BiH Constitution, SBiH leader Safet Halilovic said “it is hard to believe that would happen”. He stressed that by doing so “basic principles of parliamentary democracy would be denied. And these are, as it is well known, right to different opinion and right to determine one’s own destiny. Specially when it comes to Constitution.” Halilovic concluded that the responsibility lies on those were in favour of constitutional reform: “They presumed that BiH Constitution could be changed trough unbearable pressures, logical deceives and crime threats.”

RS PM Dodik: Const changes were not adopted ‘thanks to’ persons who are away from reality


Nezavisne Novine pgs 8-9 ‘Talks on constitutional changes’ by Dragan Jerinic – Commenting failure of constitutional changes, in an interview for NN, RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said: “Constitutional changes are not adopted thank to group of persons who think that they can produce BiH Constitution somewhere in space, getting away from reality, burdened by certain cosmopolitan constitutional concept… I think it would be far simple if we had concluded issue of constitutional change as one phase, and than continued.” He did not want to comment announcement that US will raise sanction against BiH, adding that it would be politically incorrect if sanctions would hit those who have done everything for the amendments to be adopted. Dodik underlined tha talks on constitutional changes will not be continued before October elections. RS PM also repeated his stances regarding Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA] and police reform.

PDP leader Ivanic on const changes: Position of RS and its representatives strengthened


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Position of RS and its representatives strengthened’ by Srna – Commenting constitutional changes failure, PDP leader Mladen Ivanic stated that huge majority of political elements in RS showed political maturity by voting in favour of constitutional reform, adding that it boosted position of RS and its representatives. “I think it would have been good if the reform had been adopted and I think that it is extremely important that political parties from RS expressed firm commitment to make moves that would help BiH,” said Ivanic, adding that it was clear that FBiH political parties stopped the constitutional reform revealing their ‘big story about BiH’ to be rather false.

Face to face – BiH HoR independent MP Avdic: I advocated for consensus, not for take-it-or-leave-it principle; BiH HoR SDA MP Ceman denied speculations that SDA instructed PM Zilic to vote against const. changes


Hayat Senad Hadzifejzovic – Independent MP at BIH House of Representatives Sead Avdic and SDA MP at BIH HoR Mirsad Ceman discussed the issue of constitutional changes after BIH HoR failed to adopt the amendments to the BiH Constitution. Ceman stated that he did neither envisage this outcome, nor that Avdic would vote against the proposed amendments. Avdic noted that he had no doubts regarding his voting, adding that he had advocated for the consensus and not for the take-it-or-leave-it principle: “[SDP leader Zlatko] Lagumdzija and [SDA leader Sulejman] Tihic tried to have these amendments adopted by putting deputies under pressure.” He deems that the time will show that it was in the end a good decision, reiterating that if amendments were adopted it would mean the possibility to obstruct work of BIH Presidency and Council of Ministers. “I proposed to postpone the elections and voting on the amendments until the consensus is reached” said Avdic. Ceman replied: “According to the law the elections cannot be postponed. But even so, I believe that in month or two, we would not be in position to reach the agreement”. Avdic claimed that certain politicians cared more about their position instead about the Constitution. Ceman denied that this was Tihic’s interest. “Than why he did not include the amendment that the President of the state cannot be the President of a political party at the same time” asked Avdic. Ceman replied that this was not important to be included in the constitution because it was more the issue of political morality. Ceman denied speculations that SDA was secretly against the proposed amendments and therefore it asked BIH HoR MP Mehmed Zilic to vote against them, but in order to hide the scam they expelled him. As a conclusion, Avdic expressed regrets that the amendments were completely rejected since several amendments had been proposed in order to reach the consensus, adding that if the amendments had been adopted than political scene in BIH would have had turbulences.

Interview with BIH HoR MP Mehmed Zilic: I do not agree that it was better to make trivial reforms to the Constitution


Hayat By Senad Hadzifejzovic – Commenting his expulsion from SDA for voting against the constitutional changes, in an interview for Centralni Dnevnik, BiH House of Representatives deputy Mehmed Zilic stressed that he expressed his stance last year, while being Assistant to BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic. He explained that last year he had a conversation with various experts and it was stressed that t would be better to change only entity symbols, flags and coat of arms and to focus on the BIH Lawsuit against SiCG because it was not the time for constitutional changes. “I would have included the various experts in the discussion on the amendments to the constitution. I do not agree that it was better to make trivial reforms to the Constitution,” said Zilic. Zilic said that it is better to do army and police reforms and to implement the ITA, which is not efficient because of the borders haven’t been closed. Zilic commented: “US Ambassador [Douglas McElhaney], as a way of putting pressure on me, said that US was BIH’s friend, which was correct but I had some doubts after Srebrenica and embargo on weaponry. So, I said to the Ambassador that he should say the same to RS politicians in order for them to make concession.”  Regarding the media accusations, Zilic denied that he had plotted the assassination of late FBIH Deputy Minister of Interior Jozo Leutar adding that he stands for the reopening of the case. Zilic denied that he has been “paid” to vote against the proposal as well as that this was his revenge to Tihic: “Tihic stated that party will not punish anyone who expresses his stances openly, but now I read from newspapers that I had been expelled although I haven’t been officially notified by the party.” He apologized for his outrageous statement issued at the session of BIH HoR that “even Serb can be elected as the President of the BIH,” explaining that he meant regardless to the nationality “but with all that pressure and restless nights I made a terrible mistake”.

BiH HoR MP Zilic denied that SDA radical wing instructed him to vote against const. changes in order to diminish influence of SDA leader Tihic


Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Tihic does not deserve leadership!’ by A.Av. – Daily carries that HoR MP Mehmed Zilic announced he would make an appeal to decision of SDA Presidency that expelled him from the party after he opposed party stances and voted against the amendments to the BiH Constitution. He said: “It is odd, for everyone in BiH, as well as SDA leaders, knew two months ago how would everyone would vote on issue of constitutional changes.” Zilic denied that leaders of ‘party radical wing’ Elmir Jahic and Izet Hadzic instructed him to oppose SDA official stance, in order to diminish influence of SDA leader Sulejman Tihic, and he would be replaced from his position in the party. Zilic claims these are non-sense, adding: “It is a fact that [SDA founder] Alija Izetbegovic no one deserve to gain two mandates for the party President.” Tihic did not want to give any comment.

BiH HoR MP Zilic: I will launch procedure for opening all files of all former Yugoslav intelligence services


Dnevni Avaz pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Zilic demands opening all UDBA files’ by E.Huremovic – Commenting media allegations that he has been working as a [former Yugoslav Army intelligence service] KOS agent, BiH House of Representatives Mehmed Zilic said that he will launch the procedure for opening all the files of all former Yugoslav intelligence agencies. Zilic stated for DA: “I will launch the procedure for opening all the files, UDBA [former YugoslavState Security Administration] files, for BiH is one of rare former communist countries that did not do it. Than it will be clear who was working for whom.” He added that his former party colleagues are standing behind these allegations. Zilic was expelled from SDA after refusing to vote in favour of amendments to the BiH Constitution in the BiH House of Representatives.

Hayat comment on const. changes: Would blocks of allies change into coalitions? October election will be crucial for the recently formed blocks


Hayat By Vlastimir Mijovic – Commenting failure of constitutional changes, Mijovic stressed that after the amendments have been rejected, those who proposed them are angry because they have invested their enormous political capital, while those who opposed the amendments glorify the situation. According to Mijovic, citizens should be indifferent because the amendments wouldn’t have changed the situation in BiH. He wondered if the blocks of allies would change into coalitions, adding that the October election will be crucial for the recently formed blocks. “Self-proclaimed patriots that focused their entire political activities on criticizing the proposal of “others” will also be defeated because, now, they have to issue their own proposal,” said Mijovic, stressing that the issue of constitutional changes will be used in future as the method of attacking opponents.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: EU has no one in BiH to talk to


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘It is failed!’ by Senka Kurtovic – Commenting failure of constitutional changes, editorial reads that only optimists and naïve politicians can forecast when the continuation of talks on constitutional reform will take place, if at all. Criticizing opponents of the reform, and with regard to EU integration process, author concludes: “Even if Europe would be willing, there is none to talk with. Council of Ministers Chair, that we call Prime Minister, does not have authorities nor he can negotiate at this moment. Important issues are in hands of entities, and they could have been transferred to the state level, soe Europe would know whom to talk to.


Security and war crimes

US State Department annual report on world terrorism: Cooperation with BiH is good within frame of current capabilities




FTV – US State Department issued a yearly report on world terrorism in 2005, stressing that the number of terrorist victims was significantly increased. Report reads that cooperation between USA and BIH was good within the frame of current institutional capabilities, underlining that BIH might be attractive for terrorists since it is a weak state with several semi-autonomous power centres. Dnevni Avaz pg 8, mentioned on cover ‘BiH is still weak state and surroundings attractive for terrorists’ by Fena – Report states that BiH deprived citizenship to naturalized citizens that has no firm ties with BiH and to those that came into possession of citizenship trough irregular procedure. Inset ‘Aims of Active Islamic Youth’ – Report notes that NGO Active Islamic Youth is a radical organization with radical stances that has offices all over BiH. Hayat, RTRS, BHT1, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘BiH weak state with multiple power centres’, Dnevni List pg 3 by Hina, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Islamic Youth worries America’ by Valentina Rupcic, also covered.

SCG Foreign Affairs Minister Draskovic hopes that Mladic could be arrested by May 3


PINKSCG Foreign Affairs Minister Vuk Draskovic said that there is a hope that Serbia would arrest Ratko Mladic by May 3, deadline given by EU. Depending on arrest of Mladic, EU would, bring decision on continuation or break of negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement with Serbia. According to Draskovic, if Mladic were not arrested by May 3, Serbian Prime Minister Vojslav Kostunica would show up in public and give explanation to citizens and EU officials. BHT1, RTRS, Euro Blic pg 2 ‘PM to address the nation?’ also covered.

Head of the Serbian National Council for Co-operation with ICTY Ljajic: Network counting 130 Mladic’s aid unveiled, most of them in RS


Euro Blic cover splash ‘Network counting 130 Mladic’s aid unveiled’, pgs 2-3 ‘Kostunica is honestly intending to arrest Ratko Mladic’ by Nenad Calukovic – In an interview for Blic, the Head of the Serbian National Council for Co-operation with the ICTY Rasim Ljajic said that the network counting 130 Ratko Mladic’s aid has been unveiled, adding most of them are located in RS. He did not want to provide more detail of these intelligence, noting only that this should led to Mladic’s hideout. Ljajic also stressed that Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica has honest intentions to extradite Mladic and that all the allegations he has been protecting him are false.