
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 29/8/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 29 August


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Mostar: Farmers’ protest banned

Schook on Karadzic/Mladic

RS Govt. in session

Jovic visits Mostar University today

Strike in Sana company

Int. Day of the Missing

Beslic on European Regions conf.

Katrina Hurricane near New Orleans

New attacks against Serbs in Croatia

TV news broadcast on 28 August


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

5 kilos of drug found in Ortijas

RS Govt. on defence reform in BiH

Action of HNC MoI

Komsic on Herceg Bosna

ICFTU representatives in Banja Luka

10 years since Markale

Ivo Miro Jovic in visit to Neum

Increased number of suicides in BiH

Anniversary in Sturlici

Stojicic on police, defence reforms

Bird’s flu in BiH?

ICG rep. on Metropolitan’s statement


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

ICFTU representatives in Banja Luka

10 years since Markale

Regional News

Analysis of the Collective Contract

Finally – asphalt road for Zepa

5 kilos of drug found in Ortijas

Audit of FBiH civil servants

Action of HNC MoI

RS Govt on defence reform

Anniversary of Markale massacre

RS Government meets on Monday

Stojicic on police, defence reforms



Mehmedagic: Owners of land stop highway’

Dnevni Avaz

Biber: Vrankic hinders privatization audit

Dnevni List

Mostar: Biggest seizure of synthetic drugs in BiH

Vecernji List

Features Croatia related front splash story

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related front splash story

Nezavisne Novine

5,1 kilos of drugs were seized

Glas Srpske

Jihad from Maoca Gornja


Features Serbian related titles

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles

Srpski Nacional

Features Serbian related titles



Schook on Karadzic/Mladic

BH Radio 1, RHB – The outgoing NATO Commander in BiH, general Steven Schook stated at his farewell press conference that he was optimistic Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic “chapter” will be ended soon.

Police banned farmers’ protest in Mostar


RHB – The Mostar Police Administration (MPA) banned the public gathering of farmers that was supposed to take place in front of the HDZ Headquarters today. The MPA explained that after they received the information from the BiH Association of Framers about the aforementioned protest the MPA reminded the farmers of the obligations from the Article 4 of the Law on public gathering and their obligation to get a permission from competent body (the Mostar City Administration in this case).


Defence and police reforms

RS Government today discusses defence reform/ RSNA holds session tomorrow




RHB, RTRS, PINK, Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘RS Government about defence reform today’ by Z.G.  – Today the RS Government will discuss the report on defence reform in BiH and adopt final conclusions on the issues, and the RS National Assembly will discuss the same issue tomorrow. On Thursday the RS Government discussed the report on defence reform activities so far, as well as the BiH Defence Reform Commission’s report compiled in two pieces of legislation, the Defence Law and the Law on Service in the BiH Armed Forces, but due to the complexity of the matter the Government decided to continue the discussion on Monday when it should adopt final conclusions. FTV – SDS, SNSD and Socialist Party have already announced they support in principle the defence reform. PDP Presidency has also concluded it supports the proposed defence reform in BiH, that it would not be an obstacle for the rapid accession of BiH to the Partnership for Peace and NATO.

Stojicic confident parties will ‘crystallize’ their positions on defence 


RHB, RTRS, PINK, Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Interests of RS are important’ by Srna– RSNA Speaker Dusan Stojicic said on Sunday that he is confident that political parties would “crystallize” their positions on defence reform in BiH by Tuesday. Commenting on the issue of police reform in BiH Stojicic told journalists that it is important to hold these talks within the institutions and to reach solutions that will be in the interest of the RS. He concluded that both issues should be looked from the point of view of the RS interests.

Oslobodjenje on change of

SDS stances regarding defence reform

Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘All DRC stances acceptable for SDS’ by O.Vukovic – SDS has not yet drafted amendments to the proposed defence reform as it was instructed by the Main Board in order to improve some solutions especially in defining military, ethnic and national identity of infantry, SDS Vice President Mladen Bosic told daily. He adds that there are no unacceptable DRC solutions for SDS, adding there are just things that could be improved. Daily however notes that RSNA in March this year voted against DRC reform plan. Analyst Tanja Topcagic says the change of SDS attitude was expectable as it has happened several times for authorities to change opinion under pressure from the International Community.

DL: RS finally decides to stop with obstruction in defence reform


Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Serbs finally agree to change of Constitution?!’, by Arijana Beus – The daily announces activities of the RS Government and RSNA regarding the defence reform. DL concludes that it would appear that the RS politicians have finally decided to stop with obstructions regarding the defence reform, which means that BiH will be able to join the Partnership for Peace.

NN int with Gregorian: BiH will have 10,000 soldiers


Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘BiH will have 10 thousand soldeirs’ by R.Segrt – In a half-page interview to daily, Rafi Gregorian, Co-Chairperson of DRC (Defence Reform Commission) claims that it is of great importance that entity parliaments adopt new Laws on defence and service at Armed Force by the end of September, adding: “If Laws were adopted by the end of September, a single military budget of BiH would be established. If this were not achieved within this deadline, it would mean that entities would again have to work out proposals on budget for 2006.” He expresses hope that RS NA will Tuesday adopted proposed Laws. On the number of armed forces, Gregorian notes that the estimates say that 2500 professional soldiers and civil servants would lose their jobs in the coming two years, following which there would be 10 thousand professional soldiers in BiH at the end.

Osl. op-ed on police reform

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Fourth BiH’ by I. Prohic – Talking about the police reform the author says that there is intention to eliminate Tuzla as a center of a police region since Tuzla does not fit in the concept of the BiH constitutional organization and state structure which is based on the so-called national principle. The author explains that according to this principle Sarajevo is a center of Bosniaks, Mostar of Croats and Banja Luka is a center of Serbs. According to the editorial, Tuzla is a paradigm of the fourth BiH, which is a civic, pro-European and normal state, which respects traditional values of BiH. The author also says: ‘Inarticulate behavior of High Representative Paddy Ashdown these days in Tuzla is an evidence of the intentions.’


War crimes

10th anniversary of massacre in Markale marked




FTV – On 28 August 1995, a grenade has murdered 43 and wounded over 80 citizens at the Markale market in Sarajevo downtown. As every year, citizens of Sarajevo, representatives of Cantonal Government and City of Sarajevo have visited this place and marked the anniversary. Former Commander of Sarajevo-Romanija Corps, Dragomir Milosevic has been indicted for this cry and currently waits for trial in ICTY. BHT1, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Bomb shell from Trebevic killed 43’, mentioned on cover, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Can one forget?’ op-ed by Lana Sinanovic Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Edhem, the world has a future’/ ‘Victims must not be forgotten’, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Ten years of massacre at Markale market’, by vr – also carried.

ICG rep in Serbia: ‘Karadzic spends time somewhere in Bosnia and Montenegro


BHT1, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Karadzic spends some time in BiH, some in Monte Negro’, mentioned on cover, not signed, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Karadzic is hiding in Bosnia and Montenegro’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Karadzic spends time somewhere in Bosnia and Montenegro’, by Branka Stevandic – Representative of International Crisis Group for Serbia, James Lion said on Sunday that the statement by Montenegrin Metropolitan Amfilohije, regarding the surrender of Radovan Karadzic, was partially provoked by the upcoming negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement. Speaking for Podgorica media, Lion stated that it is obvious that Karadzic is spending his time not just in BiH, but in Montenegro as well, and that he has sympathizers there. ”If Karadzic was found in Montenegrin territory, there certainly would be questions about the role of the authorities there. At the same time, that would also provoke questions on the role the Church played in keeping him at large,” concluded Lion.

BiH CoM becomes co-founder of Institute for Missing Persons on Tuesday


Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Milan Bogdanic first chairman’ by E. Kamenica says that after the BiH Council of Ministers initials the agreement on Tuesday it would officially become a co-founder of the Institute for Missing Persons, which will start with its work on January 1, 2006. Chairman of the Federation of BiH Commission for Missing Persons Amor Masovic stated that the Steering and Supervisory Boards and Collegiums of Directors would run the Institute. The Collegiums of Director would be made of Masovic, Deputy Chairman of the FBiH Commission for Missing Persons Marko Jurisic and President of the RS Office for Missing Persons Milan Bogdanic. Oslobodjenje learns that Masovic proposed Bogdanic to be the first chairman of the Institute.  

Dolic believes there will be new trials to Fikret Abdic


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Trial to Fikret Abdic will be repeated’, by bs, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Procedure against Fikret Abdic to be renewed’, not signed – The acting president of DNZ BiH, Rifet Dolic, announced that a trial to the DNZ founder, Fikret Abdic (NB: sentenced to long-term prison sentence in Croatia for war crimes committed in BiH) will be repeated. Dolic explains that an appeal is being reviewed by the Croatian Constitutional Court and that lobbying is ongoing within the US Congress, so he is optimistic there will be new trials at which Abdic could prove his innocence.


Crime and terrorism allegations

Mostar: Police seizes 5,1 kilos of ‘Speed’


RHB, FTV, BHT1, RTRS, Dnevni List, front pg splash ‘Mostar: Biggest seizure of synthetic drugs in BiH’ and pg 37 ‘More than five kilos of speed confiscated, police looking for Jasmin Buric’, by I. Popovac, Vecernji List, pg 57, mentioned on front ‘Jumped into Neretva whikst running away from police’, by Robert Soldo, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 2 ‘5,1 kilos of drugs were seized’ by V. Coric  – Criminal Investigation Department of Mostar Police Administration confiscated 5,1 kilos of ‘Speed’ synthetic drugs on Saturday night after setting an ambush at Ortijes near Mostar.

‘Corriere della Sera’ says weapons for terrorist attacks in Italy came from BiH


Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Italians fear of Islamic fundamentalists in BiH’, mentioned on front ‘Fear of Islamic terrorists in BiH’ by Danijela Kozina – DL reports that the Italian ‘Corriere della Sera’ (CDS) recently published a report according to which arms and explosives, which were to be used for terrorist attacks during the funeral of the late Pope John Paul II, were seized in Zagreb, however the arms and explosives originally came from BiH. CDS reported that the Italian secret service ‘SISMI’ revealed that the prime suspect was one Renato Prajs from Zagreb, in whose apartment the explosives were found, and that Prajs had permanent contacts with a BiH citizen, Mladen R., “a member of an Islamic terrorist organization from village of Gornja Maoca near Brcko”. Spokesman for the RS MoI, Radovan Pejic, was asked whether the RS MoI had more information about shipment of arms from BiH to terrorists, however Pejic could not give comments because of ongoing investigation in Italy. Still, Pejic noted that all intelligence is forwarded to relevant security structures in BiH, the IC and relevant institutions in the region. “According to that, we assess that those information contributed to revealing of this case”, said Pejic adding that the RS MoI expected direct contacts with Italian authorities in the future. Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘No comments on shipment of weapons for militants’ by Srna – NN also carries the report by the “Corriere della Serra”. It adds that the croatian authorities did not want to comment these claims.

GS: Islamic militants from Gornja Maoca planned to attack Vatican


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Jihad from Maoca Gornja’ by D. M.GS claims it got information from well informed western intelligence sources that apart from “Mladen R.” – the article claims this is a false name of a radical Islamic terrorist – several other BiH citizens, had planned to attack Vatican during the funeral of late Pope John Paul II. The above-mentioned persons were members of an Islamic terrorist organization from Gornja Maoca near Brcko.

Trifunovic, expert for terrorism issues, claims there are terrorist camps in BiH


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Balkans’ routes of fear’ by D.Majstorovic – In an interview to daily, Darko Trifunovic, holder of M.A. degree in international law and one of the leading experts in the field of research into modern terrorism, says that the majority of staff, including America, have obtained their promotions on the basis of civil war in BiH, i.e. by having openly supported one side – the side of war criminal and Islamic fanatic Alija Izetbegovic. He stresses that statement like the one David Leakey, EUFOR Commander, gave (saying he holds no information on existence of Al Qaida camps in BiH) does not have to mean there are no terrorists or camps in BiH, stressing that Leakey and other international officials in BiH come from the states, that were no able of protecting their citizens from terrorists, and why then they would be able of protecting RS citizens? He claims that a group of terrorists, which was recently arrested, and which intended to carry out terrorist attack in Rome during the funeral of the Pope John Paul II, comes from a village near Brcko. He names and explains the financing channels of terrorists (including BiH), noting that: The dangerous plan of Alija Izetbegovic on unitary BiH is achieved through moves Paddy Ashdown and his like-minded people make.”

DL op-ed: BiH authorities not disturbed with terrorism-related reports

Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Where are terrorists?’ op-ed by Arijana Beus – The author argues that numerous reports about presence of Al Qaeda and terrorist camps in BiH seem not to disturb the BiH authorities and BiH security agencies.

False money printing facility in Sarajevo region


Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘False money printing facility in Sarajevo region’ by A.Sisic – Sources from the BiH Prosecutor’s Office and the Federation MoI told the daily that an illicit facility used for printing false money exists and operates in the wider area of Sarajevo Canton, including Istocno Sarajevo area, but there is still no information on its exact location. Falsified 50, 100 and 200 KM notes have circulated throughout the country in the past years and the prosecution and the police at first did not know whether the money was imported into the country or there was a printing facility.


Economic issues

Stojicic meets RS Trade Union and ICFTY Mehmedagic on Vc:



RHB, PINK, BHT1, Hayat – The ceremony of marking the 100th anniversary of Trade Union in BiH continued on Sunday in Banja Luka. The Speaker of the RS National Assembly Dusan Stojicic said that his meeting with the representatives of RS Association of Trade Unions and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) represent the confirmation and acknowledgment of democratic processes in RS. ICFTU Secretary-General Guy Ryder announced that the Confederation of BiH Trade Unions could join the European Confederation in October 2005 at the session in Brussels. RTRS by Sinisa Mihailovic – RS Trade Union Ranka Misic announced beginning of negotiations with the RS Government on new collective contract. Misic called on the Government to unblock payment of 13.5 million KM of budget funds, which should be allocated to workers who lost their jobs in privatisation processes.

Inherited law on expropriation might cause problems


Oslobodjenje cover pg splash and pg 10 ‘Owners of land stop highway’ by Fena – Talking about construction of the Corridor Vc Federation of BiH Minister of Urban Planning Ramiz Mehmedagic told FENA news agency that the inherited Law on expropriation, which has not been changed yet, might be a problem. According to this law, owners of the land through which the Corridor Vc would go have a right to stop construction of the Vc and according to Mehmedagic this might cause big problems. For this reason Mehmedagic believes that a new Law on expropriation should be passed before the construction of Vc starts. Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘We need new law on expropriation’ – also carried.

E. Biber: Dragan Vrankic hinders privatization audit


Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash and pg ‘Vrankic hinders privatization audit’ by E. Placic carries President of the BiH Trade Union Edhem Biber who immediately after the central celebration of 100 years of the Trade Union’s movement, held on Sunday, gave an interview for DA. According to Biber Federation of BiH Minister of Finances Dragan Vrankic hinders passing of the law on audit of the carried out privatization in the FBiH. Biber added that allegedly Vraknic is resolving the Aluminij issue in favor of Bosniak and Serb workers, however he actually does everything in order to preserve the ethnic concept in that part of BiH.

Russian Ambassador says Gazexport wants to continue supplying gas to BiH/ nobody from authorities contacted Russians

Hayat,Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Russian gas supplier wants to continue devliering gas to BiH’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Gazexport wants to deliver gas to BiH’ – Russian “Gazeksport” is willing to continue delivering gas to BiH until October 1, said Russian Ambassador to BiH Konstantin Shuvalov. However, he added that it is not possible to tell what will happen with the gas supplies after this date. It is necessary to find a solution to a problem of BiH debt as soon as possible, said Shuvalov. “BiH Gas” last week accused that due to the lack of activity on the part of the BiH Treasury and Finance Minister to schedule a meeting on settling debts, the Russian supplier could cut off the delivery after 1 October. Shulavov said so far no representative of BiH authorities have contacted him to on this issue.


Political issues

Komsic slams Zubak’s statement on Herceg Bosna being ‘legitimate’



Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Herceg-Bosna was RS’ communicating tube’,  – Reacting to Kresimir Zubak’s statement that Herceg-Bosna was legitimate, necessary and needed, SDU Vice President Ivo Komsic said this statement is an attempt to “clean his conscious” as Zubak was a minister of justice and the successor of Mate Boban as the President of the Herceg-Bosna Presidential Council. Komsic added in a statement for DA that Herceg Bosna “was neither legitimate nor necessary, as Croats acknowledged the legitimacy of this country voting on referendum in 1992, while the establishment of Herceg-Bosna derogated the will of the people.” RHB, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Komsic: Herzeg-Bosnia was not legitimate’, not signed – also reported.

VL: Covic to meet with Sanader and Martens in separate meeting during September


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Sanader-Covic meeting in mid September’, by Zoran Kresic – VL learns from anonymous officials (of HDZ BiH presumably) that Secretary Generals of HDZ BiH and HDZ of Croatia, Nevenko Herceg and Ivan Jarnjak respectively, will be meeting this week in order to prepare a meeting between the parties’ Presidents, Dragan Covic and Ivo Sanader. The meeting should take place in mid September. VL comments that ever since Covic was elected the HDZ BiH President on June 4, he and Sanader have not had any contacts, not even on the phone. Inset entitled ‘Covic with Martens on September 3’ reports that Covic will be meeting with the President of European People’s Party, Wilfried Martens, on September 3.

Vukovic on reforms: nervousness is rising up


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Nervousness is rising up’ – Drago Vukovic, Advisor for Internal Policy to Borislav Paravac, has pointed out to the fact that as denouement of the problems related to reforms in BiH and its path towards EU is approaching, “the nervousness of part of politics, mainly run by Bosniaks, who were looking for resolvement of these problems through many lobbying and promises, is becoming more evident”, adding: “As it is not possible to fulfill all those promises and as it is definitely clear that domestic politicians must take over responsibility for the destiny of their state – mainly through agreement inside the state – the politics, that did not want such agreement since the war ended, has surfaced.”

Prce’s lawyer: OHR is running media campaign


Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Bulic: Ashdown’s office is running media campaign’, by Zoran KresicZarko Bulic, a lawyer of Miroslav Prce, who was recently pardoned by the FBiH President Niko Lozancic, labelled recent public statements by prosecutor John McNair and judge Milos Babic (both contested the pardon) as an “orchestrated media campaign” that is run by the OHR, the aim of which is to change the decision on the pardon. Bulic says that McNair has no right to interfere into the work of the parole commission, underlining that if McNair does manage to interfere into the commission’s work, he will submit an appeal and ask that the process be conducted before the European Human Rights Court at Strasbourg. Nezavisne Novine pg 7 ‘Pardoning is legal’ – also carried.

BiH HoR to vote on passive voters registration


Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Introducing the system of passive registration of voters’ – At the session on Tuesday, the BiH House of Representatives will discuss the initiative to introduce the system of passive voters registration which would be carried out in cooperation with the CIPA project. Basically, every citizen turning 18 years who is to be issued an ID would also be automatically registered as voter. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Parliament will discuss passive voters registration on Tuesday’ by L.S. – In a statement to DA, the Chair of the BiH Election Commission, Branko Peric, said that if the HoR adopts the initiative, the pilot project would be carried out in 10 BiH municipalities. 

VL: RS representatives trying to control road traffic in BiH


Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Political fight for control over road traffic’, by Eldina Medunjanin – VL comments that the Proposal of law on traffic safety, which has been dragging for long time, will most likely not be adopted soon. The daily reminds that RS representatives contest the law because of alleged flaws regarding protection of children in traffic, however VL believes it is the fact that the Proposal envisages a more centralized management of traffic at state level, which is the main reason RS representatives are blocking the adoption of the law. To show how important the issue of traffic business is, VL claims that the BiH Communications Minister, Branko Dokic, removed the Corridor Vc Coordinator, Izet Bajrambasic, in order to seize full control over the project.