
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 29/6/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 29 June


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

RHB employees in strike

PACE to discuss Resolution

Serbian President visiting BiH


Tadic in visits Sarajevo

PACE on BiH today


HR in Srebrenica

Humphreys on OHR closure

TV news broadcast on 28 June


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

RHB employees in strike

Rehn on SAA

High temperatures in BiH


Terzic meets Solana

FBIH HoR in session


CoE resolution

EU on SAA with BIH


Dodik and Cavic on CoE resolution

New calls on separation in RS


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Serb delegates on PACE Resolution

High temperatures in BiH

Terzic meets Solana and Rehn

Cavic on PACE Resolution

Weather forecast for July

RS Army day marked

BiH CoM Chair meets EU HR Solana

Reactions on CoE resolution

Reactions to PACE resolution

World News

Serb reactions on CoE resolution

Paravac on PACE resolution



[CoE Parliament] Resolution suggests abolishing of entities

Dnevni Avaz

[BiH CoM Chair Terzic] Solana understands all of our fears

Dnevni List

‘Elections are referendum of sorts’ (interview with HDZ BiH’s Dragan Covic)

Vecernji List

People in danger (weather)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Mostarians fainting on hot sidewalks (weather)

Nezavisne Novine

Six persons arrested [SIPA action in Trebinje and Bileca]

Glas Srpske

Masovic’s dirty games [Difficulties of families of missing Serbs from F BiH to get to their mortal remains]


Six Trebinje citizens arrested

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles



PACE to discuss Resolution on BiH






BH Radio 1 by Elvir Bucalo, Brussels– Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe [PACE] is to meet today in Strasbourg and discuss a Resolution on BiH, which was already strongly objected by the Serb members the BiH parliamentary delegation to PACE. Dissatisfied with Resolution’s demand to abolish of entity vote, Serb delegates have asked for rejection of the document. Bucalo underlines that if the Resolution passes PACE it would be the most concrete and most severe criticism of BiH constitutional system, since it stresses that because of two votes missing in the BiH Parliament MPs the state is to carry out elections on principles contradictory to recommendations of PACE, especially of its Human Rights’ Protocol. Further on Resolution reads it is worrying that constitutional changes and Montenegrin referendum are being used for the purposes of pre-election campaigns. Thus, BiH authorities are encouraged to re-launch negotiations on constitutional changes right after elections, in order to eliminate entity vote and give precise definition of vital national interest. It was stressed that politicians should pass new constitution before next elections i.e. in 2010.

Serbian President visiting BiH


RTRS – Serbian President, Boris Tadic has arrived for a day official visit to BiH. At the SarajevoAirport, the BiH delegation, led by BiH Justice Minister, Slobodan Kovac, welcomed Tadic. BH Radio 1 – Tadic has already met the members of BiH Presidency, and further in the day he is expected to meet members of the BiH Parliament’s Collegium and Council of Ministers’ Chair Adnan Terzic. Main topics of meetings should be strengthening of bilateral economic relations of two countries, intensifying ofwork of BiH-Serbian Interstate Council and more efficient cooperation with the ICTY. Special attention should be given to dedication of both countries to Euro-Atlantic Integrations, continuation of reforms and solving of current issues trough dialogue and agreement.

HR CSS visits Srebrenica

BH Radio 1 – High Representative Christian Schwarz- Schilling has paid his respect and laid a wreath in the Memorial Centre in Potocari. The HR has stated that “we have to fight people who have committed crimes, such as the massacre in Srebrenica” and expressed hope that such a thing would never happen to anyone again. After his visit to the cemetery, Schwarz-Schilling met the representatives of Association of Mothers of Srebrenica and representatives of Potocari Foundation.


Debate on PACE Resolution on BiH

Serb members of BiH delegation in PACE demands Resolution to be excluded or rejected from session, deeming it negates DPA













Hayat- The Serb members of the BiH delegation at the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly [PACE] have demanded that Report and draft Resolution of Monitoring Committee is excluded from session agenda or rejected [Resolutions should be discussed at Thursday]. The Resolution calls on constitutional changes to be negotiated immediately after the October elections, including abolishment of entity vote in the House of Representatives. [See BiH Media Round up June 28] “The Resolution is filed with false information, arbitrary constructions, it is biased and tendentious, and as such, the document is unacceptable. I think that these documents annul reached level of agreement and trust. One of the largest deficiencies of these documents is negation of the Dayton Agreement, as foundation on which BiH is grounded. I am of the view that possible adoption of document of this sort would produce crisis…I also think that the proposed agreement suits those forces which have destroyed constitutional changes in BiH and which prefer unitary and domination…Possible adoption of this Resolution would result in serious political destabilization in BiH and region…Our request is clear: we ask for report to be reassessed and the Resolution to be withdrawn from agenda”, saidGoran Milojevic, a BiH delegation member. FTV – While Serb delegates deem the Resolution is anti-Dayton, others consider it would strengthen the state. The resolution notes slight progress in BiH, condemns calls on referendum, obstructions of the work of Police Reform Directorate and BIH Parliament, redefining vital national interest and veto, and urges population census to be carries out by 2010. The resolutions also calls on completing the constitutional changes by 2010. RTRS- Member of BIH delegation Tihomir Gligoric also stated that he is against the resolution stressing it calls on abolishment of entities. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Resolution suggests abolishment of entities’ by Fena– Commenting the Resolution of PACE on BiH, Head of Serbian delegation in PACE, Milos Aligrudic said that passing of the Resolution, which would suggest abolishment of entities, would be a dangerous precedent. PINK, BHT1, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Serb delegates demanded the Resolution to be withdrawn’ by P. Klincov, EuroBlic pg RS2-RS3 ‘House of BiH will not be preserved without the foundation of Dayton’ by Nedeljka Breberina and Mirna Soja, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Resolution according to Sarajevo recipe’ by Z.Markovic – also reported.

Lozancic (MP) in CoE proposes BiH organized in regions


RTRS – Croat representatives of BiH parliamentarians submitted 2 amendments to the Resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of CoE which are related to recommendations on abolishment of Cantons and introduction of one official language. Member of the delegation Ivo Lozancic stated that he would see the course of the voting and form his stance accordingly. Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Instead of abolishment of cantons, organize BiH in regions’, mentioned on front ‘Lozancic proposed amendments’ by Zoran Kresic – notes that Lozancic (MP, HDZ 1990)proposed amendments to the Monitoring Committee of CoE’s Resolutionwhich propose BiH be organized in regions with due consideration of all three constituent peoples of BiH.

CoE draft resolution on BiH: Parties from RS and insisting on entity voting are culprits for non-adoption of amendments to BiH Constitution


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Parties from RS are culprits for non-adoption of amendments’ by Sead Numanovic, Strasbourg – Article carries that draft resolution of Council of Europe Parliament on BiH marks RS parties as culprits for non-adoption of the constitutional changes, for they were insisting on entity voting, and not those who opposed them. Resolution stressed that entity voting and its political implications are main mistake of Dayton Peace Agreement [DPA], noting that entity voting provides no mechanism for overcoming the blockades in work of state institutions. It has also been stressed that Croats are discriminated by the entity voting, for they cannot use it due to the small number of Croat representatives in BiH Parliament. Inset ‘War-time way of thinking in RS’ – Resolution stresses that the proposed amendments to the BiH Constitution was demonstration of war-time way of thinking in the RS. Inset ‘Every new phase of constitutional changes is neutralised’ – Draft carries that entity voting is powerful political instrument that neutralises every new phase of talks on constitutional changes.

RS President and PM warn PACE Resolution could cause crisis in BiH and region; BiH Presidency Chair Tihic denies Resolution has aspiration to abolish DPA


BHT1 by Lejla Redzovic-Medosevic – Following the announced draft resolution of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe [PACE], RS President Dragan Cavic stated: “the text of the Resolution is destructive, abolishing not only positive achievements in BIH in last few years, joint agreement and support to the constitutional reforms, but also Dayton Peace Agreement”. “These are the serious accusations that are out of place. CoE cannot abolish DPA nor does it aspire to do so. Resolution is aimed at upgrading DPA and helping “sides” in BIH from a neutral stand point based on EU standards” noted BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic. Reporter stressed that some BIH politicians acknowledge the neutrality of the Resolution and benefits if applied in BIH case but refuse to accept it. RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said: “it is nice to universally deal with certain principles but basically, one should be realistic and realty shows that BIH can only exits on Dayton’s principles. Abolishment of those principles represents a problem of reaching a new agreement that is less likely to happen”. “If we all say that we are EU-oriented, which includes fulfilling certain conditions, than the standard is what is determined by CoE, EU. Declaring them to be anti-Dayton is not correct,” explained Tihic. PINK-If BIH is brought down on Dayton foundations then it no longer exists”, says Cavic. He also added that resolution would cause a crisis that would not remain in the local frame. “We will have a clear response if the resolution is adopted”, says Dodik.  Nezavisne Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Resolution according to Sarajevo recipe’ inset ‘Socialist Party’ – The RS Socialist Party Wednesday also condemned the initiative at the PACE aimed at launching new methods of pressures mainly against RS in order to start new round of talks on constitutional changes. Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘With abolishment of Dayton base, BiH would no longer exist’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘We have a prepared answer’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Serb delegates demanded the Resolution to be withdrawn’ by P. Klincov, EuroBlic pg RS2-RS3 ‘House of BiH will not be preserved without the foundation of Dayton’ by Nedeljka Breberina and Mirna Soja, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Destruction of BiH foundations’ by M.Dzepina – also carried reaction, with Cavic and Dodik in focus of reports.

Presidency member Paravac: Resolution would regenerate crisis in BiH


FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘It is direct generation of crisis in BiH and puts Dayton under question’ by Srna, Oslobodjenje pg 2 inset ‘Dangerous document for BiH’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Serb delegates demanded the Resolution to be withdrawn’ by P. Klincov BIH Presidency member Borislav Paravac stated that the Report and draft Resolution of Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee is unacceptable and dangerous for BIH. He stated that this document would regenerate crisis in BIH and question the existence of Dayton Peace Agreement.

SBiH leader Silajdzic: CoE draft resolution is good, we should proceed with dialogue


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Silajdzic: This does not solve our problem’ by E.Sarac – Commenting text of CoE draft resolution on BiH, SbiH leader Haris Silajdzic stated: “It is true that this gives us right, but it does not solve our problem. This is a chance to finally open a constructive dialogue with help of International Community [IC]… Aim of the dialogue should be reaching one common interest, in order to find solution that would be good for all BiH citizens.” SDU leader Sejfudin Tokic stated that draft resolution proves justifiability of Patriotic Block activities against constitutional changes. Nezavisne novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Serb delegates asked withdrawal of Resolution’ by P.Klincov – Reacting upon draft resolution on BiH at PACE, SBiH’ Safet Halilovic believes that joint statement of RS President Dragan Cavic and RS PM Milorad Dodik shows that improvement of BiH Constitution and political situation in BiH have never been their goals.

CoE Rapporteur Cavusoglu: Resolution is for benefit of all citizens


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Cavasolu: Document for benefit of all citizens’ – One of the Council of Europe’s Rapporteurs Mevlut Cavusoglu that was working on preparation of CoE resolution on BiH denied critics of Serb politicians in BiH who condemned the resolution: “We did not do resolution for some politicians to like it, instead, we focused on what should benefit all the citizens in BiH.” He added that CoE resolution is in line with recommendations of Venice Commission, concluding it will be adopted on Thursday ‘without bigger problems’.

NN op-ed: Serb delegates surprised with PACE resolution, others might be able to recognise parts of Declaration of Congress of Bosniaks of North America in it


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘European lobbies’ by Natasa Krsman – The author refers to the draft resolution of Monitoring Committee of Council of Europe’s Parliament and she comments it became clear these days why representatives of the international community have not strongly reacted on statements of politicians who had advocated for non-adoption of the constitutional changes in BiH and added ‘we have not heard a condemnation by European Commission, OHR and diplomatic circle. After the rejection of the amendments at BiH Parliament, all of them only expressed their regret’. Krsman comments all of this would now be compensated in Strasbourg through the draft resolution on forthcoming constitutional changes in BiH. Krsman notes Serb delegates were surprised with the draft resolution and, while they are writing letters to explain why the resolution would be unacceptable for them, the other part of the BiH Delegation is not unprepared. ‘For example, delegate Sead Avdic will be able to recognise in the Draft Resolution parts of the Declaration of the Congress of Bosniaks of North America, which he and several other experts from BIH, USA and Canada wrote in September last year. Sead Avdic is one of 16 delegates who voted against the amendments to BiH Constitution and no person from the international community had even gave him a bad look because of that’, the author explains.


EU integrations, SAA talks, OHR transformation and reforms

CoM Chair Terzic meets

EU’s Solana and Rehn in Brussels; Solana insists on continuing with reforms despite pre-election campaigns






BHT1 by Elvir Bucalo, Brussels – On Wednesday, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana and EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn met with BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic. At the occasion, it was noted that all EU capacities would be directed towards helping BiH to acquire the EU member state status. But, reporter added, no EU capacity can help with police reform and constitutional changes, which are precondition for establishment of modern and democratic state. “Solana has insisted on continuing with the reforms regardless to the elections, with negotiations on Stabilisation and Association Agreement, and to sign it by the end of the year. He clearly showed that he considers this issue to be strictly political and no pre-election campaign and power-fighting should distract us from SAA” said Terzic. Reporter stated that signing SAA has been brought into question since, Terzic, prior to his visit, has received a letter from Rehn in which was stressed that EC in its October report cannot recommend signing SAA without key conditions being fulfilled. “Unfortunately, I do not notice progress in the police reform, and this message is directed at RS who has obliged itself on implementing the reforms. I will be precise, those who are obstructing the police reform are actually obstructing BIH on its path to EU” said Rehn. PINK- Terzic stated that Solana gave his support for BIH to sign the Stabilisation and Association Agreement by end of 2006. Hayat, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Agreement by the end of year?’ by SRNAalso reported.

BiH CoM Chair Terzic: IC will use its capacities to preserve BiH and bring it to full EU membership; Our aim was to receive explanation of three EU principles regarding police reform


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Solana understands all of our fears’, pg 2 ‘EU will do everything to preserve BiH’ by S.Numanovic – Following Wednesday’s meeting with EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic told daily: “Solana clearly and precisely said he realises all of our fears, but he expressed determination to convince us how European Commission and EU, as well as whole International Community [IC] will use all capacities they have to preserve BiH and to bring her to the full EU membership.” BiH CoM Chair expressed his hope that at its next meeting, in February 2007, Peace Implementation Council [PIC] be careful regarding decision on OHR closure. Terzic added that coordination of IC institutions in BiH is crucial political issue and “basic precondition for processes in BiH to go the right way”. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘BiH will be in safe hands’ by Se.Kurtovic – Terzic told Oslobodjenje: “We received promise that EU will continue in line with policy of Peace Implementation Council [PIC] and that BiH will be in safe hands.” Commenting EU stance that due to the non-adoption of the police reform, BiH will not sign Stabilisation and Association Agreement [SAA] in October, BiH CoM Chair noted: “We already knew it, but our aim was to receive explanation of three principles EU is insisting on. This explanation is precondition for the story on police reform to get another uplift.”

EU Enlargement Commissioner Rehn: Without progress in reforms, no progress on SAA in October


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘There will be no positive mark in October’ by T.Lazovic – Article carries that, in a letter addressed on BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic, EU Enlargement Commissioner Oli Rehn stated that, as far as things are going on now, in October, there will be no positive mark regarding progress of reform process, adding that there would be no recommendation for signing Stabilisation and Association Agreement [SAA]. Rehn noted: “Progress in police reform, in line with earlier agreement, is a key issue for closing the [SAA] talks. The most important thing is to see [Police Reform] Directorate working efficiently. PRD must have all necessary support and working conditions, and this is why we demand RS representatives to continue their work in this body.” He also stressed importance of public administration reform, transfer of banking system supervision to the state-level and adoption laws on obligations and medicines. Inset ‘RS is culprit’ – Rehn noted that RS representatives are culprits for standstill of the reform process in BiH. PINK-Rehn stated SAA talks between BIH and EU, from the technical aspect, could be completed by the end of the year but underlined necessary reforms must be implemented. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Implementation of reforms must be accelerated’ by M. Cubro – also reports the letter was sent.

In with EC Head Humphreys: It is time BiH politicians take over responsibility, progress in police reform is a must


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Now all politicians must look at the eyes of reality’ by Tarik Lazovic – In an interview to daily, the head of the EC Delegation to BiH, Michael Humphreys, says that the IC believes that time has become for the politicians to take over the responsibilities for the state. “The state must lead on its won, and this is possible only if institutions, politicians and civil society are ready to take over responsibility. You always have the IC in the background who could interfere, but would not take over responsibility,” says Humphreys. Commenting announcements of OHR closure, he says: “There is no ideal time for OHR abolishment. You will always have unsolved issues.” On the transition from the OHR to the EUSR, Humphreys explains that the EU Special Representative’s mandate would not be inherited from the OHR, will be newly prepared with some limitations. Asked to comment current halt in the police reform, Humphreys said it is obvious that in the past three months little progress has been made and notes: “In principle, the action plan should be completed by the end September. I doubt that is going to happen, but we must see some progress and for the [Police Reform] Director to be enabled to work and prepare the plan.” Inset ‘We do not intend to change the plan’ – carries Humphreys as saying that the talk son the Stabilization and Association Agreement go as planned, with some technical details and officials round in October left to be done. “That is the plan and we do not intend to change it,” says EC Head but underlines progress in police reform would have to be achieved. “I would not set end of September as deadline for that, but progress must occur,” concluded Humphreys.

Chief BiH negotiator with EU says SAA talks proceed well


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Talks proceed well’ by SRNAThe chief BiH negotiator in BiH’ SAA talks with EU, Igor Davidovic, in Banjaluka Tuesday stated that the talks on the content of the Agreement are unfolding very well for BiH. At a public debate on the benefits for citizens of BiH’s membership in the EU, which was organized by the Helsinki Citizens’ Parliament and the Association of Women, Davidovic said that free trade is the hardest part of the negotiations, adding the negotiating team is doing everything to protect domestic producers and products. He said that there is pressure in this phase as the talks will be halted if the police reform is not completed by September 30, noting this could serve as an ultimatum for signing the Agreement, which might happen in November. He feels that the EU will halt the accession of new members for a period of ten years, but that BiH will use this time to harmonize its legislation with that of the EU countries.

Center for police training donated by USAID opened; US Ambassador reminds police reform a key to SAA talks 


PINK by Aida Hasanbegovic –The BIH Security Minister Barisa Colak and US Ambassador to BiH, Douglas McElhaney, opened a centre for computer training for police forces in BIH built with the assistance of the US Government [USAID]. On the occasion, McElhaney reminded everyone at the opening ceremony on the importance of police reform in BiH. He stressed that criminals use the current situation in BIH in which police is not united. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘USA and BiH Government cooperate in law enforcement’ by E.Sarac – McElhany stressed that the progress in police reform is a fundamental part of establishing the rule of law and a condition to finalize the talks on the Stabilisation and Association. BHT1, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Centre for information training opened’ not signed, Dnevni list pg 6 ‘More efficient police force’ unsigned – also reported.

BiH CoM Chair Terzic: BiH could get more liberal visa regime by winter if police reform is successful


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Deadlines for liberalisation of visa regime are getting shorter’ by S.N. – European Commission Deputy President Franco Frattini stated that EU could shorten start of visa regime liberalisation by three months. BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic confirmed this for daily, saying that if all other progress achieved in fields of security is followed by the police reform “BiH could get more liberal visa regime for certain categories by winter.”

Int with HDZ BiH President Covic: Due to OHR closure, new constitution must be passed after elections


Dnevni List cover pg & pg 5 ‘Elections are referendum of sorts’ by `by Ankica Jurisic – In an exclusive interview to DL, Dragan Covic, President of HDZ BiH, brought up the issue of OHR leaving within the next 12 months which, he thinks, means that the new Constitution must be passed right after the elections. ‘This makes it very important who people are going to vote for in the upcoming elections because those elected are going to work on that Constitution’, says Covic adding ‘that is what makes these elections a kind of referendum’.

Osl: IC made too many mistakes in BiH, seems it suits it to always deal with same people


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Healing or euthanasia’ op-ed by Gojko Beric– Commenting announced closure of OHR, Beric stresses this decision has divided “sides” in BiH, which proves that International Community had no success in solving of divisions within BiH. Beric says though the High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, is aware that “protectors and maharajas” never made anyone happy and therefore decided to “abolish himself”, no one can say what could happen in a year, especially since Kosovo issues are still “an enigma” and speculations say that Serbs have already started to arm up. Hence if violence escalates in Kosovo, it is clear that the HR would have to stay. Further on, saying that even if all goes well, a question is what could be changed to better in a year, as constitutional changes and police reform are back to beginning and mistrust among peoples is even larger. Beric stresses this state is not capable to deal with such complicated situation, in which even the HR noted that “with the current Constitution not even Germany could survive. So why the IC allows all this to happen?” EU wants peace in BiH, while people only want decent life, and Beric underlines none is possible if the state is “chronically ill” and if “nationalistic lobby, lead by Milorad Dodik would rather sign on its euthanasia then recipe for its healing”.  Concluding, Beric says that pre-election campaign is not promising the establishment of state, let alone gathering of BiH society around same principles and values and stresses: “I do not see Schwarz- Schilling getting too excited about that. Anyway, the Europe has made too many mistakes here. It seems that it suits it to deal with, more or less, the same people,” concludes Beric.

SD commentary: EU making hazardous move by leaving BiH on its own


Slobodna Dalmacija pg 11 mentioned on cover ‘Letting patient treat himself‘ by Radoslav Dodig – Commenting on the PIC decision to close down OHR, Dodik reminds that the Serb politicans are ‘glad the the OHR absloutism has come to an end’, Bosniak ones fear that ‘BiH cannot function on its own’, whereas the Croats are puzzled and the only Croat party who stated a clear position was the HSP Djapic-Jurisic who said that ‘OHR leaving would mean a permanent division of BiH into Serb and Bosniak parts’. Dodik finds that the PIC decision means that EU is tired of healing BiH and, although it (EU) has not found the right cure, it has made a hazardous move by letting ‘the patient treat himself’’. The author finds that this political experiment will fail i. e. it will result in USA eventually taking charge in BiH again.


Other political issues

BiH MoD drafts proposal on size and organization of future Armed Forces; Presidency to discuss it on Thu; problem in number of Croat members





BHT1 By Zorica Medjedovic – BIH Presidency is obliged to sign the future organisation of BIH Army by June 30. Most of the issues have been determined except the part on the coefficient of national representation in the BIH Armed Forces; namely the number of Croat members still hasn’t been determined. Reporter noted that this is the issue of Vital National Protection of Croats. BIH Presidency Member Borislav Paravac stated: “the number of Croat members is minimal because of the census from 1991 which is not in accordance with present-day situation. Lack of new census causes many problems”. According to the BIH defence Law, BIH Ministry of Defence is obliged to propose the adoption of the size and organisation of BIH Armed Forces to BIH Presidency by July 1. BIH Minister of Defence Nikola Radovanovic confirmed that this ministry has prepared the proposal hoping that it will be adopted on Thursday. Radovanovic refused to reveal the details of the proposal. Reporter stated that RS Army Day was marked on Wednesday, which was attended by RS and International officials. PINK, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Defence Ministry waiting for decision of BiH Presidency’ by D. Risojevic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Job approaching to its end’ by M.Dz.also reported.

Presidents Tadic and Mesic deny writing of Sarajevo media that they discussed division of BiH


Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Serbia is standing for wholesome BiH’ by I.Catic – Reacting to Wednesday’s writings of DA, Serbian President Boris Tadic denies all claims that himself and Croatian President Stjepan Mesic did not discuss “agreement on establishing three federal units in BiH”. Tadic stated: “Information is not correct. There was no word about it. Serbia is standing for the wholesome BiH, for such BiH is Serbia’s interest. I stand against changing borders in the region and that is my policy.” Press office of the Croatian President denied these allegations as well. Dnevni Avaz Inset ‘Committed to comprehensive cooperation’, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Writing of Dnevni Avaz damages relations between two countries’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Not a word about division’– Serbian Embassy in Sarajevo also denied and condemned DA’s claims. BHT1,Jutarnji list pg 8 ‘Pantovcak (seat of Croatian President): Mesic and Tadic did not discuss division of BiH’ unsigned  From Mesic’s office, it was also denied that during the meeting of two Presidents, the issues connected with BIH have been discussed. It was added that it is ultimately wrong to report lies that could destabilize peace in former Yugoslavian countries. Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Contribution to complete stability in the region’ not signed – also reported.

HR CSS: Serbia sees referendum in RS as a tool to resolve its own problems


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Belgrade is resolving its internal issue over RS’ by Beta – High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling assessed on Tuesday evening in Brussels that the issue of Kosovo is completely separated from the developments in BiH and he noted that the solution for Kosovo must guarantee a good future of Serbia and Kosovo. He added, with regard to announcements on referendum in RS, the authorities in Belgrade perhaps view this as a tool for resolving some internal problems of Serbia. HR assessed one needs to wait and see whether RS PM Milorad Dodik would continue to insist on the profile of defender of Serb entity in the same way after October elections are held.

President Tadic to attend SNSD convention on Thursday


RTRS –SNSD convention will be held on Thursday in Banja Luka. SNSD candidates for RS President and member of BIH Presidency will be presented at the convention, which will be held in several RS towns simultaneously. SNSD announced that RS President Boris Tadic would attend the convention. Dnevni List pg 9 ‘Presence of Serbian President expected at today’s convention’ unsigned, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Candidates for list holders were nominated’ by V. P., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Secure in victory’ by S.S., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘List determined’ – also reported.

VL: HDZ BiH Presidency decides on party’s election lists


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘HDZ’s list holders in elections’, by Eldina Medunjanin – reports that the HDZ BiH Presidency determined the party’s lists for the forthcoming October elections at its session held at Kiseljak on Wednesday evening. Although it is not officially confirmed, VL notes Ivo Miro Jovic will be the candidate for the Croat member of BiH Presidency, Velimir Jukic and Ilija Filipovic will be leading the list for the BiH Parliament, whilst the current FBiH Finance Minister, Dragan Vrankic, will be leading the list for the FBiH Parliament.

Int with HDZ BiH leader Covic: divisions among Croat parties undesirable


Dnevni List cover pg & pg 5 ‘Elections are referendum of sorts’ by `by Ankica Jurisic – In an interview to DL, Dragan Covic, President of HDZ BiH, says that when it comes to the election of the Croat Presidency member, HDZ BiH’s real political opponent will be the Bosniak parties, for which reason disputes among Croat parties are undesirable. Covic would not confirm that Ivo Miro Jovic will be HDZ BiH’s candidate at the elections and said all will be revealed on 13 July at 11.00. As for the Radio Herceg-Bosna funding difficulties, Covic said he would do everything within his powers to have the H-N canton provide the necessary funds.

BiH CoM Chairman Terzic: I am not leaving SDA


Dnevni List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Adnan Terzic: Tihic will have to put up with me in party’, by R. Dautefendic – In a statement for DL, the Chairman of BiH CoM and Deputy President of SDA, Adnan Terzic, says he is not leaving the party despite the decision by the SDA leadership not to include him in party’s election lists. Asked whether it is the SDA leader, Sulejman Tihic, who is responsible for this, Terzic says: “If that’s his pleasure, let him have it. I stress one more time, we will have to put up with me in the party we both belong to”.

Avaz: SDP’s Lagumdzija humiliates Bogicevic and Skenderagic by degrading them within party

Dnevni Avaz, pg 10 ‘Bogicevic and Skenderagic giving up?’, mentioned on front ‘Lagumdzija humiliated Bogicevic and Skenderagic’, by A. Hazdiarapovic – According to Avaz’s information, veteran members of SDP Nijaz Skenderagic and Bogic Bogicevic will ask that they be removed from the party’s elections list because they have been placed on bottom of lists. Allegedly, it is personally the SDP President, Zlatko Lagumdzija, who made corrections to the election lists.

SNSD, PDP and SDS taking part in elections in FBiH


Dnevni Avaz, pg 10 ‘SNSD, PDP and SDS in election in Federation of BiH’, by E. Sarac – notes that three parties from the RS, namely the SDS (for the first time), SNSD and PDP will be taking part in elections in the FBiH with an aim to be represented in the FBiH and cantonal parliaments. SNSD will be represented in 8 cantons and will run for FBIH Parliament, PDP will run for FBiH Parliament and Sarajevo and Canton 10, whilst the SDS will run in 3 cantons (Sarajevo , Tuzla and Canton 10)

FBiH HoR passes the Law on Pardons despite OHR’s warning; FBiH HoR says they harmonized the disputable amendment


BHT1 – FBIH House of Representatives has adopted FBIH Law on Pardoning despite OHR’s earlier warnings this law in not harmonised with state one. In this way, presenter added, in theory, it is possible to issue pardon for the crimes processed before BIH Courts. FTV – OHR had to react and explain in a letter to delegates that according to the amendment 1, FBIH Government would be able to pardon criminals processed before BIH Court, which is illegal, and that delegates should change the amendment to refer only to FBIH Courts processed crimes. Delegates have changed the amendment 1, said SDA delegate at FBIH HoR Semsudin Mehmedovic, in order to refer to crimes processed by FBIH Court. It is clearly defined that FBIH government cannot pardon BIH processed criminals. FBIH House of People should adopt this law in order to come into effect. Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 inset ‘Pardoning despite OHR stance’ by A.Hadziarapovic, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Doctors vs. deputies’ by A.Terzic – also reported.

OHR: Law on Rights of Elected Officials shows that authorities are more concerned about their own needs, then of citizens’


FTV – The Law on the Rights of Elected Officials, adopted by the FBiH House of Representatives [On Tuesday], is going to additionally cost taxpayers several million convertible marks every year; said the spokeswoman of the Mostar OHR, Sanela Tunovic, at a press conference in Mostar on Wednesday.  “It is not difficult for voters to conclude that the authorities in this country are more concerned about their own needs than the needs of the citizens. This is a question for October elections. It is important that the House of Peoples should seriously consider the effects of this Law when it comes in for consideration,” said Tunovic. Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Opposed to officials’ privileges’ by D. K. – also reported.

Reactions to S. Tihic’s announcement of the possibility that BiH might join the Organization of Islamic Conference


Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Instead of EU, BiH to join OIC’ by Zdenko Jurilj – VL writes that BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic and head of Islamic Community in BiH Mustafa Ceric recently brought up a possibility of BiH joining the Organization of Islamic Conference which caused reactions from Serb and Croat officials. BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic thinks that the current observer status is enough for BiH at this time due to country’s internal situation and that the priority for BiH right now is getting closer to EU. Article reads that Croat Presidency member Ivo Miro Jovicexpressed a phobia of any kind of association with Islamic countries‘ and added that BiH joining OIC now or in the future is not doable because that would instill insecurity in other peoples same as the recent case of ‘Ilidza Municipality joining the association of Turkish speaking municipalities‘.

DA op-ed slams authorities for not exempting humanitarian organization from VAT


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Do we need VAT on donations’ op-ed by Tarik Lazovic – Slamming BiH authorities for not exempting humanitarian organization from the value added tax [VAT], thus dispelling international donor that are not willing to finance BiH state apparatus. Author stresses: “17% out of all donations of numerous humanitarian organizations in BiH is much more than those ‘skinny’ 50 million KM for social programmes. And now these 50 million is being spent ‘on lower levels of authority without control,’ as BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic recently noted. To justify collecting VAT on donations by danger from tax frauds is way to funny. If such costly administrative apparatus, Financial Police, Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA], entity polices, SIPA, OSA and other are not able to control humanitarian organizations and prevent frauds, then someone has to be held responsible.


Security, crime and war crimes

SIPA arrested six persons in Bileca and Trebinje because of organised crime




Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Six persons arrested’ and pg 3 ‘Six persons arrested over crimes’ by V. Duka – 6 persons suspected of having committed acts of organised crime were arrested in Trebinje and Bileca in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. BiH Court and Prosecutor’s Office ordered this arrest, and the arrest was carried out by SIPA. One of persons in question is Nebojsa Vukoje, an employee of “Sektor Security” and, according to some information, he was brought in connection with Zeljko Tasovac whom SIPA also arrested two years ago over committing acts of crime. BHT1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 32 ‘Arrested six persons for organized crime’, mentioned on cover ‘Gang of criminals arrested’, Vecernji List ‘SIPA arrest 6’ by F, Dnevni List pg 6 “SIPA arrests 6’, EuroBlic cover pg splash ‘Six Trebinje citizens arrested’ and pg RS2 ‘Six arrested’ by Vedran Mihojevic – also reported.

NATO HQ Cmdr in BiH Weber: People responsible for war crimes must be brought to justice


BHT1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘War criminals have to be arrested’ by S.S. Dnevni Avaz, pg 9 ‘General Weber: People who did this must be brought to justice’, mentioned on front ‘General Weber: These are evidence of horrible past’, by E. Huremovic – Commander of the NATO HQ in BiH, Brig-Gen Louis Weber, visited the site of a mass grave at Kamenica near Zvornik on Wednesday. On the occasion, Weber noted that people responsible for war crimes had to be brought before justice.

RS Office for search after missing persons critical of Amor Masovic, claiming he hardens the search after missing persons 


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Masovic’s dirty games’ by G.Klepic – Daily brings information related to exhumation of the bodies RS Office for search after missing persons is searching in the area of Kamenica near Zavidovici, who were liquidated by members of “El Mujahid” during the war. Daily adds bodies were buried in mass grave at Kucice, which was re-located in 1997 on some other sites. Daily observes that the hard search after missing persons is also linked with the first President of the F BiH Commission for search after missing persons, Amor Masovic. On this issue, daily adds F BiH Commission exhumed mass grave without informing RS Commission and ICMP. It further gives examples (referring to RS Office) of further “arrogance” as it says of F BiH Commission. Daily carries inset ‘Missing at mujahedeen camp’ listing names of 64 persons RS Commission is searching at Kamenice.

RS Association of families of missing persons criticise Masovic’ appointment at INL, saying it is in violation of Law on conflict of interest


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Families of missing persons from RS demand Masovic’ recall’ by N.Krsman – The representatives of the RS Association of the families of the missing persons are disappointed that Amor Masovic, one of Directors of the BiH Missing Persons Institute (INL) is SDA list holder for the F BiH Parliament. The Association asked from BiH CoM three months ago to recall Masovic from the position of INL Director and also demanded from BiH Central Election Commission [CEC] to give view on the conflict of interest, since staff involved in search after missing persons must not be politically engaged. BiH CoM did not respond to this request, whileBranko Petric, President of CEC, said that “Masovic himself has filed a motion asking view on whether there is a conflict of interest’. Ivica Marinovic, BiH Deputy Minister for Human Rights and Refugees, sees nothing disputable in the appointment. Inset ‘ICMP leaves decision upon local authorities’ – ICMP says that the appointment of Directors should be dealt with by local authorities. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘inset ‘Ethnic exclusion’ – carries Association demand to CEC.

FBiH Missing Persons Commission’s Chair Masovic: attacks from the RS come from the policy of those afraid of data we dispose with


Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Attacks on me from the RS come from the policy of truth-deniers’ by Sanita Rozajac – RS Organization of Imprisoned and Killed Veterans and Missing Civilians has asked BiH Central Election Commission to revoke appointment of Chair of FBiH Commission for Missing Persons, Amor Masovic in the newly established Institute and Commission for Sufferings of Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Jews and others in Sarajevo. Commenting this, Masovic told daily that he sees these “attacks” as the “fruit of truth-deniers’ policy and fear of data that FBiH Commission disposes with”.

BiH and Serbian authorities to discuss extradition of former RS PM Klickovic on Thursday


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Kovac: Talks on extradition of Klickovic today’ by N.Diklic – BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac confirmed daily that he is meeting with delegation of Serbian Justice Ministry in order to discuss details regarding extradition of former RS Prime Minister Gojko Klickovic to BiH authorities. Klickovic is indicted for abuse of position, falsifying of documents and for war crimes and after whom the Interpol has issued an arrest warrant. Kovac also confirmed that there is a indictee against Klickovic for committing war crimes, but wouldn’t comment on the details.

SD: Authorities not releasing true information on audit of BiH citizenships


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 10 ‘100 passports ‘erased’’, by Zlatko Tulic – talking about the issue of audit of awarding BiH citizenships to foreign nationals, SD reminds that BiH Security Minister, Barisa Colak, recently publicly noted that so far 38 people have been stripped on the citizenship. However, according to SD’s information, the number is significantly bigger claiming it is in fact around 100, which public has no knowledge of. In that context, Tulic says the behaviour of the State commission for audit of citizenship is odd because it is not releasing information on who got stripped of the citizenship and more importantly who issued the citizenship in an illegal manner and whether the persons in question are still in BiH.

Mostar weekly ‘Danas’ carries police & intelligence info on presence of Islamic fighters and terrorist suspects in BiH


Danas pg 12-17 ‘Osama Bin Laden’s long arms in BiH’ by F. Herceg – The weekly runs a long story which it claims is based on reports from security services and police in BiH on the presence of fighters/mujahedeen and terrorist suspects from Islamic countries in BiH since the war onwards. Magazine claims that as many as 741 persons from Arabic countries received BiH passports without difficulty.  Before the Sarajevo airport was opened, most Islamic fighters who arrived in BiH came here via Croatia. They came under the guise of humanitarian workers and, immediately upon arriving, joined Muslim combat units, among which the most famous one was El-Mujahid. Some of them were allegedly sent to BiH by the then deputy BiH Prime Minister Muhamed Cengic who was in Turkey at the time. Islamic fighters soon set up a number of training camps (follows a list of places where the camps were located). Magazine then gives a list of dozens of mujahedeen and terrorist suspects along with their personal information.  Inset: After the IC exerted pressure on BiH authorities in 1996, a lot of mujahedeen left the country but some stayed as humanitarian workers, military instructors or as spouses of BiH nationals.  Inset: Hasan Cengic and some other SDA members were in charge of ‘indoctrination’ of local Muslim population. A video recording exists of Alija Izetbegovic (late BiH & SDA president) kissing the commander of El-Mujahid unit which allegedly committed atrocities against Croat population.

BiH Prosecution opened investigation on dealings of organization “Revival of Islamic heritage society Kuwait


Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Suspected for supporting terrorism’ by M. Cubro – Daily learns that BiH Prosecution has started the investigation on alleged participation of the humanitarian organization “Revival of Islamic heritage society Kuwait” in financing terrorist activities. Daily’s source from BiH Prosecution says this organization received money in period January 1st 2002 to December 31st 2005 in amount of 12 million KM through Volksbank and 17 million KM through “Privredna bank East Sarajevo” from the main office of this organization in Kuwait . Financial inspectors’ investigation shows that this organization has not presented expenditures and annual financial reports. Daily source also reported on allegations that this organization cooperated with some humanitarian organizations, which were closed last year in BiH under suspicion of financing terrorism. BiH Prosecution did not want to comment the investigation.