
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 29/5/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 29 May


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Serbs to block Higher Education Law

HR meets Serbian President Tadic

Stability Pact Table

Earthquake inIndonesia

Mostar city council in session

1000 persons from Serbia in Iraq


World News

Indonesia earthquake update

TV news broadcast on 28 May


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

World news: Java earthquake

World news: Java earthquake

World news: Java earthquake

Terzic expresses condolences

Softic on BIH lawsuit against SCG

Terzic expresses condolences

Terzic initiates change to VAT Law

HR in Montenegro

Corridor 5-C issue

CC rejects complaints on Eronet sale

Signatures for RS referendum

HR Schwarz-Schilling in Podgorica


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Impartial execution of CC rulings

Feature on DrvarMunicipality

HR to visit Belgrade

Interview with Esma Palic

BD Govt. to help pensioners

3 men arrested in Kozarska Dubica

HR visits Belgrade

Feature on ‘Prohema’ company

Murder suspect arrested in Zvornik

RS NGO’s support their government

Delegation from Barcelona in SA

House in E. Sarajevo burns



BiH Prosecution started investigation against smugglers

Dnevni Avaz

We will soon propose principles for the new constitution [Sejfudin Tokic]

Dnevni List

All protagonists of violence released (on fight in front of a cafe in Mostar last Friday)

Vecernji List

Covic : I will not put forward my candidacy at elections (Interview with HDZ President Dragan Covic)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headline

Nezavisne Novine

Cooperation between BiH and Montenegro with the Hague Tribunal is necessary

Glas Srpske

The crown of democracy


BiH cannot be a mother to one, and mother-in-law to another (Dodik’s statement to “Oslobodjenje” Saturday)

Vecernje novosti

Half of population celebrates, half does not recognize! (Montenegro)



HR meets Serbian president today in Belgrade

BH Radio 1 – The High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schillingmet Serbian President Boris Tadic today in Belgrade. No public statements were given. Schwarz-Schilling is also expected to meet Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica, Serbia-Montenegro Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Draskovic, and to attend the Regional Round Table of Stability Pact for South East Europe. RTRS and RHB also carry the HR is in Belgrade .

Mostar City Council in session discussing budget


BH Radio 1 by Halil Setka – The Mostar City Council is in session today discussing the budget, which was rejected on May 24. The OHR urged leadership of Mostar to speed up the pace of integration in the city, outlining three key issues that require urgent attention prior to the next meeting of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board at the end of June. Mostar authorities must adopt the city budget for 2006, complete the establishment of the City Administration and establish the single utility company in Mostar.

Serbia to face harder situation than it is over Mladic case

RTRS – The Head of the Serbian Government delegation for SAA talks, Tanja Miscevic, has stated to BBC that owing to Ratko Mladic case, the European Commission may reject to adopt altered mandate for talks with Serbia , over which reason Belgrade would face much harder situation than it currently is.


Political developments

HR Schwarz-Schilling in two-day visit to Belgrade : there is no connection btw RS and Kosovo 












RHB – The High Representative Christian Schwarz-Shilling on Monday starts with the two-day visit to Belgrade. He would meet with the President of Serbia Boris Tadic, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica, Serbia-Montenegro Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Draskovic and Head of the Serbian Orthodox church Patriarch Pavle, and discuss regional trade issues and Serbia’s cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. They would also talk about activities to promote economical development in the western Balkans.Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘There is no connection between Kosovo and RS’ – The HR will also address the issue of BiH’s progress in the SAA process, stressing, among other things, that this process will grind to a halt if police reform is not satisfactorily implemented. Attending the annual session of the Regional Table of Stability Pact for SEE, the HR will highlight BiH’s leading role in the Stability Pact (the organisation’s first summit was held in Sarajevo in 1999) and will argue that Southeast Europe as a whole can learn a great deal from BiH’s successful efforts to change its international image in a positive way. He will also stress that Sarajevo must be viewed as a strong contender to host the secretariat of the reformed Stability Pact. RTRS – RTRS carries that HR will use this visit to also reiterate the ‘clear stance of International Community that there is no connection between Kosovo status and status of RS’. The HR several times underlined that the RS is only a part BiH, confirmed under the Dayton Peace Agreement. PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘There is no connections between Kosovo and RS status’ by Onasa, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Cooperation with BiH and Montenegro with Hague Tribunal is necessary’ by T. Burzanovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Stability Pact for Southeast Europe to start gathering’ by agencies, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘There is no connection between Kosovo and RS’ by A.B., Vecernji List pg 2 ‘’There is no connection between Kosovo and RS’ status’ by E. Medunjanin  – also reported.  

HR Schwarz-Schilling meets Montenegrin PM Djukanovic: coop. with BiH and ICTY is necessary


RTRS – HR Christian Schwarz Schilling is in official visit to Montenegro. He met with Montenegrin PM Milo Djukanovic. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘There is no connections between Kosovo and RS status’ by Onasa Inset ‘Talks with Djukanovic’ – Following his Sunday’s meeting with Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic, the HR stated: “We discussed processes of stabilizations in whole the region, as well as a future cooperation between BiH and Montenegro… We discussed common aims of BiH and Montenegro, efforts on EU integrations above all. Both countries have to help each other on that way and make full freedom and democracy in their states.” Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Cooperation with BiH and Montenegro with Hague Tribunal is necessary’ by T. Burzanovic – HR also stated they discussed continuation of cooperation of BiH and Montenegro with Hague Tribunal and he noted that a good cooperation of BiH and Montenegro with ICTY is necessary for stabilization and reconciliation. According to the HR, they also talked about a possibility of further cooperation and improvement of relations between BiH and Montenegro and their joint goals. ‘An, of course, I congratulated to Montenegro on referendum results…’, HR stated. PINK, BHT1 also covered.

Further reactions on RS PM’s statement on referendum: F BiH parties oppose the stance


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘A crown of democracy’ by Z.Markovic – Daily notes that the latest statement of Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, regarding possible organisation of referendum in RS, has caused a real political quake in BiH, adding that F BiH parties criticise and dispute such a stance, while RS parties support it. Daily reminds that the sole thing RS PM did was to state that any people in BiH has a right to democratically decide about its destiny at referendum. SDS Mladen Bosic Sunday stated that through referendum in Montenegro, the EU has opened door for new states in the Balkans, adding: “The pre-amble of BiH Constitution reads that international conventions are above this document, hence claims of legal experts from F BiH (that there is no legal ground for organising referendum in BiH) are not grounded.” According to him, the topic to be discussed is whether the IC will give the same right to RS as it gave to Montenegro. SRSMilanko Mihajlica finds foundation of referendum to be in line with constitution, stressing that UN Charter, which is above all Constitutions, stipulates the right of each people to self-determination. SP’ Tihomir Gligoric told daily: “The basic problem in BiH is attempt to create the domination of one people and it naturally causes reactions in RS.” Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Independent to same extent as Sandzak’ by D.Stojakovic Sulejman Tihic, SDA President, explains that the right to self-determination is not possible in line with BiH Constitution, the same way as it is not possible to secede Sandzak or Vojvodina Hungarians. SDPNijaz Durakovic says: “RS is not a federal unit, but instead an entity of one state. Dodik has no ownership over land in RS, and he can go wherever he wants, but he cannot take BiH with him.” SzBiH’Beriz Belkic says that “Dodik’s temporary excursions” represent long-term political programmes and goals. Sead Avdic from BiH Free Democrats, is not surprised with Dodik’ statement, since he has never viewed him as social-democrat.

RS PoWs, NGO’s and SPONA support RS government’s stance on self-determination


RTRS – RS Association of Prisoners of War and SPONA support the stance of RS Government and political top of RS regarding final determination of constitutional position of RS. They asked from the international community to respect Serb people and not to use double standards. Hayat, Dnveni List pg 4 ‘Sarajevo will no be deciding on behalf of Serbs’ not signed – RS Association of the NGOs support the RS Government in its battle to preserve their constitutional positions. Commenting statements by the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik on the right of self-determination, the NGOs asked from the International Community (IC) to prevent secession of Kosovo. Otherwise, NGOs would demand from the IC to allow people of RS to democratically vote for the state they want to live in. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Serbs should be allowed to say what kind of state they want’ by Srna – Chair of the RS Association of the Prisoners of War, Slavko Jovicic Slavuj,stated that if International Community (IC) allows the secession of Kosovo, they [RS NGOs association SPONA and RS POW’s Association] would: “… demand IC to set 80% of threshold as a condition for the referendum in which RS would democratically, the only legitimate way, vote for the state they want to live in.” PINK – Members of Serb national movement “Choice is ours” will continue to gather signatures of Banja Luka citizens for referendum of RS division from BIH.  Chair of the movement Dane Cankovic stated that any statements on how RS does not have the right to referendum are unacceptable. Hayat also carried.

SDU Tokic: RS PM Dodik’s statement is attack to BiH sovereignty; BiH Institutions and OHR should take legal sanctions


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘We will soon propose principles for the new constitution’, pg 5 ‘We would propose principles for drafting of new constitution’ by Mirela Kukan– Inset ‘Direct attack against the state sovereignty’ – SDU leader Sejfudin Tokic commented on the latest statements of the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik regarding referendum in the RS, stressing that this was the direct attack to state sovereignty. “BiH public is now even more clear about political character of alliance between [SDA leader Sulejman] Tihic and [SDP leader Zlatko] Lagumdzija with RS parties which, with constitutional amendments, wanted to cement the RS as permanent category with exclusive right of only Serb people. SDU asks all authorized BiH institutions and the OHR to take legal sanctions toward all carriers of anti-stat activities…” said Tokic.

SDP’ Behmen: Dodik’s story on referendum is unrealistic and unwise


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘SDP will win with its programme’ by M.Cubro – In a half page interview to daily, Alija Behmen, SDP Vice President, says that SDP of BiH has offered a programme from Saturday Convention, with which it would win instead of offering empty promises. He assesses that deadlines for implementation of reforms will not be violated, although delay in police reform has occurred resulting from failed constitutional changes. Behmen notes that after SDP of BiH raised the discussion on constitutional changes at the level of referendum, Milorad Dodik, has placed the story about secession referendum. On this Behmen notes these stories are unrealistic and unwise. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Discussions on referendum are only distractions for economical crisis’ – carries SDPs announcement also heavily criticising Dodik’s stance noting that the BiH Constitutions doesn’t allow for the referendum to be organization without consensus of all three constituent peoples in BiH.

BiH Presidency Chair Tihic in ‘Le Figaro’: admission into the EU and NATO priority for BiH


FTV by Sanja Bagaric – On the occasion of eleventh anniversary of death of two French soldiers in Sarajevo, BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic wrote a text published in Saturday’s edition of the most popular French daily ‘Le Figaro’. Tihic stated that the action carried out by the French soldiers represented a turning point, because only after that International Community’s peacekeeping forces in BiH have become real peacekeepers. BiH Presidency Chair stressed that a great number of reforms is being carried out in BiH, many of them aimed at re-establishing multiethnic society based on the unity of differences. BHT1 – The admission into the European Union and NATO is the priority for BiH; it is the best way for lasting peace and stability to be established in the region, stated Tihic. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Issue of war crimes is of crucial importance for trust in the region’

NN op-ed: either stories on entities’ abolishment and referendum are in violation with Constitution


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘A response’ by Dragan Risojevic – Regarding latest developments in BiH in regard to referendum reference, the author notes that when one side speaks of abolishment of entities, then it is referred to as a progression of constitutional order, although they are aware of the fact there is not political will for that. However, when the other side responds to this story and makes reference to referendum, the provocateurs scream at all sides referring to violation of Constitution. The author underlines that nobody, including international community, has a right to be surprised over these development, concluding that either of the two options (entities abolishment and referendum reference) are in violation of the Constitution. The author highlights the fact that political officials should instead focus on improvement of economic situation rather than collecting pre-election bonus.

SDU’ Tokic: SDU and parties with similar stances will soon propose principles for new BiH Constitution


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘We will soon propose principles of the new constitution’, pg 5 ‘We would propose principles for drafting new constitution’ by Mirela Kukan – SDU leader Sejfudin Tokic told daily that in next few weeks BiH public would be informed about new principles that BiH Constitution could be based on. He explained that SDU is talking with the parties of similar stances regarding the future establishment of BiH. “I can say that high level of solidarity in basic stances is visible between representatives of HDZ1990, HSS, SBiH, BOSS and some other” said Tokic adding that they would also invite all parties dedicated to EU and NATO membership to draft and make necessary constitutional changes.

BiH Directorate’s Topcagic: Progress in reforms has to be made in order to continue with SAA negotiations without problems


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘We are aware of stoppage in police reform’, mentioned on cover by T.Lazovic– After the warning that came from Head of EC Delegation Michael Humphreys that reforms must be carried out, Director of BiH Directorate for European Integrations Osman Topcagic said that BiH has made a significant progress six key reforms and informed EC about that. “Something is being done at all fields, but we will offer them what was done already and they would evaluate it” said Topcagic, adding they are preparing information and documents for the next meeting of the Reform Process Monitoring. He stressed that everyone is aware of the stoppage in police reform, which is also one of six priorities. “Passing of amendments to Law on Public Broadcasting Service in FBiH, according to EC demands, is also on hold. When it comes to ICTY cooperation, which is the lasting process, Directorate expects information on that from the Justice Ministry which would be presented at the RPM meeting” said Topcagic, adding that progress in reforms and in creating of single economic space has to be achieve n order to continue with Stabilization and Association Agreement negotiations without problems.

VL interview with HDZ President Covic: ‘I will not put forward my candidacy at October elections’


Vecernji List cover pg splash and pgs 10 and 11 ‘Covic: I will not put forward my candidacy at elections’ by Z. Kresic carries an interview with HDZ President Dragan Covic. Asked whether he is concerned about the fact that even 5 Bosniak parties will put forward candidacy for a Croat member of the BiH Presidency, Covic said: ‘This was the crucial reason why I stood for the first part of constitutional changes since they protected us as a constituent people. It is clear now how some parties want to arrange BiH. Putting forward candidacy of SDA, SBiH, SDP, BOSS and SDU candidate for a Croat member of the BiH Presidency is a signal as to what might happen to Croats because they are small in a number.’ Covic added that the 1st phase of the constitutional changes was too important for Croats since it might have secured the election of the House of Peoples and a Croat member of the BiH Presidency. Covic also said that he would not put forward his candidacy at the next elections and that a chance should be given to young and educated people. He added that it is quite certain that he would not put forward his candidacy for a position of the HDZ President either at the next HDZ Convention next year.  Patriot pgs 7-9, pg 38 ‘Marginalisation of Croats would be very dangerous for BiH’ by Slobodan Vaskovic – In a lengthy interview to Patriot, Covic also underlined that the failure to enact constitutional changes provides for a realistic danger that Bosniak parties may elect Croat member to BiH Presidency.

HDZ 1990 Vice PresidentRaguz warns of unequal position of Croats in BiH Parliament


Vecernji List pg 8 ‘ Croats will not be paying price of Kosovo and Montenegro’s independence’ not signed – Talking at the public forum on the topic ‘Croat identity in European BiH’ held in Stolac Co-Chairman of the BiH House of Peoples and HDZ 1990 Vice President Martin Raguz stated: ‘For the first time one global project of the USA and its European satellites did not get support in the BiH Parliament and these days they have been meeting again in some cafes in order to get support for constitutional changes. If Croats paid the price of the Croatian independence they are not going to pay the price of the Kosovo and Montengro’s independence.’ Raguz also said: ‘When Serbs leave the session the whole system in the BiH Parliament falls apart and Bosniaks as well can bring into question each important decision. Only Croats cannot stop any law.’  Slobodna Dalmacija pg 11 ‘Bozo Ljubic: We shall be tsunami to our enemies’ by I. Raguz also reported on the public forum.

VL: ‘Serbs to block Law on Higher Education’


Vecernji List pg 2 ‘RS against accrediting of faculty at state level’, mentioned on cover ‘Serbs to block Law on Higher Education’ by D. Jazvic carries that Serb Ministers in the BiH CoM will block tomorrow (on Tuesday) adoption of a new version of the Law on Higher Education. VL learns that RS Education Minister sent to the BiH CoM a letter in which he stated clear opposition to the provision of the Law according to which accrediting of faculties in BiH would be implemented at the state level (by the Agency for development of higher education and securing of quality) and not at the entity level. VL also says that the International Community representatives have been informed about this development of situation.

FBiH President Lozancic denied accusations by FBiH Parliament MPs, adding: I do not think about resignation


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘FBiH deputies are not acting serious’ by A.Av. – Following initiative for his removal set by some FBiH Parliament deputies [led by SDP’s Slavisa Sucur], FBiH President Niko Lozancic stated: “I do not think about resignation… I said earlier the Constitution says that two thirds of deputies’ votes can change the highest FBiH law act. So, if deputies think President has too large authorities, let them change the FBiH Constitution.” Deputies to the FBiH Parliament set initiative for Lozancic’s removal, after claiming that he was not performing his duties and claiming his lack of cooperation with FBiH Government and FBiH Parliament. Lozancic was also accused for spending hundreds of thousands KM on his own will. Lozancic replied that FBiH Parliament adopted the budget, adding that submitted reports on his spending.

NN op-ed: The sole parameter in BiH is ethnic background

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘A spite and good will’ by Sead Fetahagic – The author reiterates his criticism against nationalistic parties, referring at the beginning to the failure of local authorities to adopt Mostar City Budget. He notes that political parties do not want to make any concession to another side (referring to Mostar budget, Sarajevo Commission, nationalism of Haris Silajdzic), adding the only quality and deficiency of a person is ethnic affiliation. According to him, the sole thing now possible is to see entrepreneurs of difference ethnic backgrounds cooperate, while other fields like police and education, health and culture, shares the parameters of national values.


Security issues and war crimes

House in Eastern Sarajevo put on fire, bombed




RTRS by Jelena Milosevic – Family house of a citizen, Savo Pandurevic, in Eastern Sarajevo was burnt on Saturday night. No one was hurt but the house and family car suffered significant damage. EasternSarajevoCounty Prosecutor Ranka Misic who carried out the preliminary investigation couldn’t divulge any details on the case. BHT1 – Three Molotov cocktails have been thrown on his house simultaneously, stated Pandurevic for SRNA news agency. FTV, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Showdown: 3 Molotov cocktails thrown at house’, mentioned on cover ‘Mafia showdown in Sarajevo’ by R. Soldo, Oslobodjenje pg 44 ‘Four Molotov cocktails thrown on the house and vehicle’ by R.I., Dnevni Avaz pg 26 ‘Golf of Sava Pandurevic destroyed’ not signed – also carried.

NN: East Sarajevo explosion linked with recent shooting cases in E.Sarajevo


Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Four cocktail bombs thrown on the house of Savo Pandurevic’ by A. Djozo – Regarding explosions in East Sarajevo, daily learns fromunofficial sources that Vladimir Pandurevic, the son of Savo, is a good friend of Darko Elez, linked with several recent shootings in E. Sarajevo. Furthermore, Elez claimed in media that Djordje Zdralo, taught to be linked with police leadership and former RS Police Director Dragomir Andan, connected Elez with these shootings. The wife of Savo says that police acted nonchalantly during crime scene investigation as if nothing happened.

Osl: BiH Prosecution starts investigation to shut down the drug dealing channels


Oslobodjenje cover splash ‘BiH Prosecution started investigation against smugglers’ and pgs 4-5 ‘Bijeljina distributional centre for South-East Bosnia’ by A.Avdic – Daily learns the BiH Prosecution launched an extensive investigation into the drugs smuggling which should result with the arrest of fifteen people from Tuzla Canton and the RS. Anonymous source included into the investigation, told daily the main goal is to break down the channel used for smuggling huge amounts of heroin and marihuana through Kosovo and Serbia into the BiH.  

NN learns current leadership of OSA will be re-appointed to same positions by the end of this week


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘New mandate to current leaders of OSA’ by M.Cubro – Daily learns from a collocutor from BiH Council of Ministers that Adnan Terzic, BiH CoM Chair, will appoint Almir Dzuvo, Risto Zaric and Ivan Cosis as Director, Vice Director and General Inspector respectively of the BiH OSA (Intelligence and security agency). Collocutor adds that the mandate of the director and vice director expires at the end of May, stressing it is evident the three leading officials will be appointed in one package by the end of this week. Tomislav Limov, Chair of the BiH Parliamentary Commission for supervision of OSA work confirms that Dzuvo, Zaric and Cosic are the sole candidates for the most responsible positions at the state apparatus.

Head BiH legal team Softic: Montenegrin independence would not change anything regarding BiH suit vs. SCG genocide

PINK – BiH agent in the BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide, Sakib Softic, stated that Montenegro would not be exempted from the lawsuit before the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Softic stressed that BIH will keep the lawsuit against same subjects which are now different states. He also feels that the realistic deadline for ruling in the case is end of 2006. BHT1, Hayat also covered.

Interview with Esma Palic, widow of late missing BiH Army colonel Avdo Palic

Hayat By Semsudin Skejic – In an interview to Hayat, Esma Palic, wife of a wartime BiH Army general from Zepa Avdo Palic whose whereabouts are yet unknown, reminded that under the Human Rights Chamber’s ruling, the RS must hand over all information on Palic’s whereabouts. All the deadlines for the implementation of this decision have passed, however the Government has not yet located the body remains which are most probably buried in the Han Pijesak area. Esma Palic said she also submitted her case to the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg . She pointed out that she would now contact OHR and BiH Prosecutor’s Office, and her next step will be to turn to the Peace Implementation Council in BiH.


Economic and social issues

CoM Chair Terzic initiates a change to VAT Law


RHB – The Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic announced he would initiate a change to the Law on Value Added Tax (VAT) to ensure it is more effective for the domestic companies which would not export their goods. Terzic announced the threshold of the turnover for the tax return should be reduced from 50,000 KM to the realistic 20,000 KM.  

RS Finance Minister: Coefficients would change only with corrections of wrong VAT applications


Dnevni Avaz pg8 ‘Coefficients would change only with corrections of wrong VAT applications’ by T.Lazovic– Indirect Taxation Administration Steering Board would hold a session on Tuesday and it is expected to verify coefficients for allocation of means from the single account and open negotiations on long term model. RS Finance Minister Aleksandar Dzombic told DA that there should be no problems regarding the allocation for June, adding: “Agreement of entity Prime- Ministers is clear, and if it is respected there would be no problems in allocation of means, regardless to changes of current coefficients”.  Dzombic explained that in June the means would be allocated according to how much each entity has paid of VAT, but the allocation would be without stated numerical coefficients. He explained that they would be counted by simple math, but only with enlisted mistakes of wrong VAT applications.

DA: CoM, Parliament and ITA responsible for ‘suffocating’ of investments


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Crediting of state vault’ op-ed by Adi Hadziarapovic– Commenting the most recent statement of Council of Ministers’ Chair Adnan Terzic in which he said that would start initiative to change the Law on VAT in order to accelerate VAT turnover, Hadziarapovic notices that Terzic is not the first to propose that and nothing has happened so far. Author underlines that the only reason that authorities can “brag” with hundreds of millions of surplus in the state treasury is only because BiH is the only country in the world where taxpayers don’t have right to turnover on base of over paid taxes. Stressing that all warnings of economists that this would ‘suffocate’ investments were futile, Hadziarapovic says that CoM nor the Parliament and Indirect Taxation Administration are not exempt from the responsibility. “State bureaucratic octopus has satisfied its needs over the expectation and that is most important to it”, concludes Hadziarapovic

Osl: Government has opportunity to prove that wants to be the service for economy 


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘VAT turnover’ op-ed by Borivoje Simic – Commenting the most recent statement of Council of Ministers’ Chair Adnan Terzic in which he said that would start initiative to change the Law on VAT in order to accelerate VAT turnover [i.e. change Article 72], Simic stressed that another proof that authorities have made serious mistakes in preparing of tax system reform is the absurd situation that BiH has, where businessmen’ money, which they can’t use, is pilling up in state’s cashiers. Underlining that Terzic has said that MPs are prepared to support this, Simic stressed: “Government has repeated for several times that wants to be service to the economy. This is the opportunity to show it in action”.

HoR Deputy Chair Spiric: vacancy notice for BiH auditors will be published soon


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Selection of new BiH auditors soon’ by N. Krsman – Deputy Chair of HoR of BiH Parliament Nikola Spiric confirmed a vacancy notice for selection of Chief Auditor and two deputies at the BiH Office for Audit of Financial Transactions would be published soon. He confirmed that the Parliamentary Commission in charge of publishing of vacancy notices and selection of candidates had held a meeting and reached a decision on launching the procedure for publishing of this vacancy notice.

SDA’ Ahmetovic: supports RS CoP invoking VNI on report on carrying out of property laws


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Bosniaks and Croats in RS dissatisfied with the status’- SDA representative in RS National Assembly Sadik Ahmetovic told DA that most of returnees in the RS are dissatisfied with their status, as well as with the implementation of the property laws. Ahmetovic gave his support to the RS Council of Peoples, which invoked vital national interest to the report on carrying out property laws, estimating that basic aspect of this issue is not solved yet.

President of Association of Decertified Policemen Sulic: OHR’s team to complete proposal of decertified policemen’ issue solution that should be presented to UN Security Council.


Dnevni List pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Policemen look for justice in front of UN door’ by D. Pusic President of the Association of Decertified Policemen Ramo Sulic stated that a proposal of the UN Secretariat according to which decertified policemen would be able to apply for certain positions in the police but without a possibility to work in direct application of the law is not acceptable and it leaves in force the IPTF decision on decertification of the policemen. Sulic added that, at the moment, the OHR’ s team of experts works on a proposal of the solution that should be presented to the Security Council. According to Sulic, the proposal should be completed by the end of the week and for the first time representatives of decertified policemen should be invited to the UN. Sulic also said: ‘Between July 8 and 9 the proposal should be presented to the BiH CoM, however, we have already handed over our 3 versions to the OHR.’