
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 29/5/2003



BH TV 1 (19:00 hrs)

FED TV (19:30 hrs)

RT RS  (19:30)

Bombs found in Mostar

BiH – US Agreement

Nikic’s appointment

Laws on judiciary system

Neum fair

Changes in Criminal Code

Russian troops in SFOR

No discussion on EU letter

Earthquakes in Algeria

BiH government expensive

World news

Commission for agriculture


Rumsfeld warns Teheran

OHR at FBiH Parliament

Peru – state of emergency



The court released Iraqi ‘spy’; HNK MoI Minister Goran Bilic under an investigation; Banja Luka – false responses for Prosecutor Del Ponte; As of Sunday – to Croatia with an ID

Dnevni Avaz

Braithwaite confirmed – a list of 100 unwanted persons ready; Paravac opposite of Tihic and Covic; The pay off of delayed pensions by the end of July?

Dnevni List

BiH electricity for Olympic Games in Greece; The OHR stopped voting on a set of laws; The land with pre-war permanent right for use become private property; Herzegovina and Mostar are faced with economic collapse

Vecernji List

Sarajevo’s no to Europe; Explosion in Mostar – a hand grenade damaged four vehicles; Interview with Head of Mostar University Franjo Ljubic – nothing will be same at the University

Slobodna Dalmacija

Posusje – Tax Administration burnt down; AID liquidated BiH Army generals

Glas Srpske

Owing to unpaid costs of defence for General Momir Talic – lawyers press charges against the government

Nezavisne Novine

Companies owned by Momcilo Mandic and Spasoje Tusevljak import denatured alcohol, and sell fuel – they ‘repaint’ millions of marks with denatured alcohol; Julian Braithwaite – no one is untouchable; Sarajevo – Paravac withdraws appointment of Nikic 


Ministry of Interior Affairs investigates on who is an informer at the police; Russian soldiers of SFOR ended their mission to BiH; Paddy Ashdown: fields overgrown with weeds, yet food of poor quality is imported


Political Affairs

BiH Presidency session

















CRHB at 18:00 hrs by Zana Rebo – the BiH Presidency discussed at yesterday’s session a final report on the liquidation of the BiH Narodna Banka and an act on the internal organisation of the agency for protection of national monuments. Presidency member, Sulejman Tihic, said the Presidency’s stand on the EU letter related to the bilateral agreement with the US was that it should be signed since it’s in the best interest of the BiH citizens. Tihic said that without the US everything would be harder and more difficult during the war in BiH. “If the agreement is not signed, Americans will not stay in BiH and will not be involved in the implementation of the Dayton Agreement,” concluded Tihic. A Serb member of the BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac, rejected a proposal for the sponsorship of the Kulin Ban’s rule anniversary and the establishment of the State Agency for Missing Persons. Paravac is going to withdraw the appointment of Cvijetin Nikic from the Central Bank Steering Board. FTV at 19:30 hrs by Zeljko Tica – FTV claims that the OHR complained over Nikic’s appointment because he was the Head of the Srpsko Sarajevo Branch of the Privredna Banka, which accounts were blocked during an operation of breaking the Karadzic’s network support. Nikic is also mentioned in the ICG report from October 2001 as the ‘lord’ of Bijeljina who decided who lives and who dies and a person still connected to Radovan Karadzic. Back in 2000, the OHR prohibited Nikic from performing any public function due to obstruction of the DPA. RTRS at 19:30 hrs by Jelena Rajakovic – the BiH Presidency did not discuss the latest letter from the EU suggesting that BiH should not sign the bilateral Agreement with the US. Vecernji List pg. 1, Slobodna Dalmacija pg. 7 ‘Agreement with USA should be ratified’ and Dnevni List pg. 1 and 5 – during yesterday’s session, the BiH Presidency did not discuss the letter of the EU leaders. Vecernji List pg. 2 ‘Paravac gives up Nikic appointment’, Dnevni List pg. 4 ‘Withdrawal of Nikic from BiH Central Bank’ and Slobodna Dalmacija back page ‘The OHR rejects Cvjetin Nikic’ – reported that Paravac removed Nikic following the OHR’s request. Nezavisne Novine pg. 1 and 6, Glas Srpske pg. 2 ‘Paravac withdraws the appointment’ – the OHR refused to comment on the correspondence with Paravac. Avaz pg. 1 and 4 – reported on yesterday’s session. Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Paravac withdrawing Nikic’s appointment’ – Paravac stated he made the move in order to avoid the politicisation and manipulating of the case.

US – BiH Agreement

BHTV 1 at 19:00 by Vanja Ibrahimbegovic – on the deepening rift between the EU and BiH regarding the US – BiH Agreement. The EU strongly condemns this Agreement and has asked BiH not to ratify it, but the BiH Presidency sees no reason for the Agreement to be changed or not ratified by the Parliament. Asked whether there would be any sanctions if BiH ratified the agreement, European Commission Spokesperson, Frano Marojevic, said the following. “As far as the concrete consequences are concerned, the European Union has never blackmailed Bosnia-Herzegovina with potential sanctions or withholding the assistance. This is just a question that will be taken into consideration in the process of bringing Bosnia-Herzegovina closer to the EU – whether BiH has followed the EU priorities regarding this issue or not.”  The station also carried a statement by BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic. “We are aware that this position is not completely in line with our general position regarding the punishment of war criminals, but we also know that without the US during and after the aggression on BiH, everything would be much more difficult and worse.” Reliable sources close to the EC claim that because of this Agreement, BiH could be the only country in the region to stay outside the EU. Vecernji List pg. 19 ‘Patten warned Sarajevo to reject the US in a written form’, Jutarnji List pg. 10 ‘The EU demands that BiH does not ratify agreement with USA on ICC’, Vjesnik pg. 1 and 10 – EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Chris Patten, and Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Georgios Papandreu, signed the warning letter that the EU sent to Sarajevo two days ago. The letter says that if BiH wants to join the EU, the BiH authorities must respect the European values and goals, and this includes the support to the ICC. Avaz pg. 4 ‘The presidency in favor of ratifying the bilateral Agreement’ – the Presidency did not discuss the EU letter on the ratification of the agreement with the US.

Advin on EU’s stand on bilateral agreement

Avaz pg. 4 ‘Brussels would be disappointed if BiH could not make a European choice’ – a statement by Patten’s Spokesperson Emma Advin. She said that the letter received two days ago by BiH authorities from the EU was also sent to other countries of the West Balkan – both those who have and have not signed the agreement. She said the point of the letter was to emphasize the EU principles in case of the ICC and they hoped countries of the West Balkan would consider those principles. Added that if the government wanted to react then they should not ratify the agreement. Asked what would happen if the BiH was still to ratify the Agreement, Advin said that the act would be a great disappointed for the EU.

VL editorial

Vecernji List pg. 6 an editorial signed by Gordana Grgas Editor-in-Chief of ‘Banka’ magazine entitled ‘Steps seven miles long’ – in which she renders the issue of the accession of Balkan countries to the EU. Saying that politicians in the region fantasize when speaking about the timing of possible accession to the EU, Grgas says the only realistic prognosis is that only Croatia has a realistic chance to become an EU member by the end of the decade, whilst the other countries in the Balkans, including BiH, would have to do much more, namely take gigantic steps if they were to join the EU.

Constitutional changes

BHTV 1 at 19:00 by Mirela Cosic – BiH Presidency member, Sulejman Tihic, says that with its current Constitution Bosnia-Herzegovina cannot move further towards European integrations. He stressed that because of the Constitution the entities were states and the state was an entity. Tihic believes that the IC should support the initiative. FTV at 19:30 hrs by Arijana Saracevic-Helac – Croat member of the BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, will support the constitutional amendments demanded Tihic, but there is a lack of support from Borislav Paravac. Tihic demands changing of the Chapter 4 of the Dayton Agreement since the EU is not going to accept BiH with the current Constitution. Glas Srpske pg. 2 ‘Tihic concerned about the Constitution’ –Tihic yesterday confirmed to the Sarajevo press that he intended to initiate the changes to the BiH Constitution because ‘it was a great obstacle to further development’. Avaz pg. 2 ‘A conference on the change of Constitution in Fall’ – Covic stated that he was not informed in details of Tihic’s initative. Added that generally he was in favor of rationalising and simplifying the decision-making procedure, but bearing in mind the reality – that BiH is the country of three peoples and principles of constituency and equality have to be respected. In a separate article entitled ‘Mikerevic: such statement are inadequate and bad for BiH’ in Avaz on pg. 2 – RS PM Dragan Mikerevic yesterday stated he was against the constitutional changes adding such statement were harming current reforms in BiH.

Avaz survey

Avaz pg. 3 – a survey conducted to check the support of the public to Tihic’s initiative on the constitutional changes. 63% supported it, 20% were not sure, 10% thought it was early for such an initiative and 7% were against the changing of the current BiH Constitution.

Braithwaite on constitutional changes


Blic pg. 2 ‘OHR: politicians are to decide on changes to the Constitution’ – Julian Braithwaite, OHR Spokesperson, said that Tihic was entitled to his own opinion, yet he did not want to comment on convening of the international conference. “Only local politicians could introduce changes to the Constitution of this country and to the Dayton Peace Agreement, if they wanted. It is not excluded that there will be changes,” Braithwaite stated.    

A list of unwanted persons

BHTV 1 at 19:00 by Ratko Kovacevic – the OHR can neither confirm nor deny that the RS People’s Assembly President, Dragan Kalinic, will be one of 25 names on the list of people who will be banned from entering the EU countries. The OHR is preparing this list, but Brussels will make the official decision. “This is a big issue. To deny somebody the freedom to go to Europe is not a small matter. We have to be sure we’re doing this in the right, appropriate and serious way. To make lists of people you don’t like is not the right way, which is why we are in the process of determining the names. In theory we are limited to 25 of them, but perhaps we will have more and perhaps less of them” said HR Paddy Ashdown. FTV at 19:30 hrs – OHR Spokesperson, Sonja Pastuovic, could not confirm nor deny Nezavisne Novine claims that Kalinic was going to be prohibited from entering the EU countries. RTRS at 19:30 hrs by Milan Trbojevic – also carried Pastuovic’s statement. Kalinić is likely to resign as SDS President according to media. Vecernji List pg. 2 ‘Does D. Kalinic help R. Karadzic?’ and Dnevni List pg. 2 ‘The OHR cannot confirm whether Kalinic is on the list’ – “The OHR cannot comment on media speculations,” said Pastuovic. Nezavisne Novine pg. 1 and 2 – “The only thing we can say is that there will be no the untouchables. If established that someone is supportive of the war criminals’ network, regardless of high public function he might hold, he must be aware of the possibility to be included on the list,” said OHR Spokesperson Julian Braithwaite. His statement was ‘exclusively’ reported as the biggest front-page story in Avaz. The daily reports that according to some speculations, the list is to include Kalinic, Milenko Vracar, Ante Jelavic and Alija Delimustafic. Braithwaite said the OHR would forward their recommendations to the EU and wait for their decision, which should not take long. Oslobodjenje pg. 3 Kalinic directly connected with Karadzic’ – a statement by Pastuovic. Blic pg. 7 ‘OHR: no more untouchables at the authority’ – neither President of the RS National Assembly, Dragan Kalinic, nor any other representative of the SDS party commented on yesterday’s claims published in media that Kalinic would be banned from entering the EU countries. Blic pg. 7 ‘Paravac withdrew Nikic from the BiH Central Bank’.

Officials in RS on Kalinic

Nezavisne Novine pg. 2 ‘Kalinic should resign’ – Republika Srpska MP’s are of the view that Dragan Kalinic, Republika Srpska Parliament Speaker, should file his resignation to this position if officially confirmed that his name was on the list of 25 persons from BiH who will be banned form entering the EU states. Dzevad Osmancevic (Party for BiH), Krstan Simic (SNSD), Drago Kalabic (DNS), Slobodan Popovic (SDP of BIH) are MPs who share the view on the issue.

FBiH HoP session

BHTV 1 at 19:00 hrs by Ratko Kovacevic – MPs in the FBiH House of Peoples have postponed today the debate on the draft Criminal Law, the Law on Criminal Proceedings and the Law on Witness Protection, as the legal department of the Office of the High Representative said the submitted amendments could not be adopted.  MPs adopted without a debate the draft Law on Ministerial, Governmental and Other Appointments in the Federation, as well as the draft Law on Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Abandoned Flats. FTV at 19:30 hrs by Adisa Ruzdic-Hodzic – prior to HoP MPs voting on a group of the FBiH criminal codes, the OHR legal Department objected their adoption since amendments did not lead towards the consolidation of the Criminal Law on the state level. Deputies claim OHR’s argument is not sufficient. “I would like to express my disagreement with this practice, where five minutes prior to the adoption, MPs clubs are provided with decisions,” said MP Semiha Borovac. Parliament demands a written explanation from the government as well as from the OHR’s Legal Department. Dnevni List pg. 1 and 5 – reported on a session and also a statement by MP Borovac. Avaz pg. 8 ‘The OHR halted adoption of the Criminal Law’ – according to daily’s info, the disputable amendments are those adopted by the HoR and refer to the reduction of prosecutors’ authorities. Oslobodjenje pg. 7 ‘OHR halted the Criminal Law’ – on the FBiH HoP session.

RS NA session

RTRS at 19:30 hrs by Slavica Skoro and Daliborka Predragović – the RS People Assembly passed a set of laws on judiciary. The Law is in accordance with the state Law and therefore could be adopted. The government’s proposal for the rebalance of the RS budget was not accepted and the SNSD tried to put its proposal for a discussion, but representatives rejected it. FTV at 19:30 hrs by Indira Sehic – the Law terminates a life sentence and replaces it with a prison sentence from 25 to 45 year. BHTV 1 at 19:00 hrs by Svjetlana Topalic – the Assembly did not discuss adjustments to the budget. Glas Srpske pg. 2 ‘Life imprisonment abolished’, Nezavisne Novine pg. 5 ‘The RS Criminal Code adopted’ – the RS NA adopted the Criminal Code yesterday. Blic pg. 7 ‘Life imprisonment abolished’ Vecernje Novosti pg. 21 ‘Budget rebalance taken off the agenda’ – reported on the session.

SDU on HR’s first anniversary

Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘An increasing popularisation of Karadzic’ – an SDU press release on the HR’s first anniversary. Stated that one of HR’s priorities upon the take over of the post was the arrest of war criminals, especially Karadzic and Mladic. Yet, point out the party, the HR’s first anniversary is marked in an atmosphere of an increasing popularisation of Karadzic in the RS via illegal printing of tapes, CDs and posters, which are then sold in the smaller entity.

DL on SDA radicals

Dnevni List pg. 6 by Bakir Hadziomerovic  ‘Semso Bonaparte’ – about alleged plans of the radical SDA wing and President of the SDA caucus in the FBiH, Semso Mehmedovic, in particular. According to Hadziomerovic, Mehmedovic climbed the party ladder thanks to the SDA radicals such as Hasan Cengic and the current position Mehmedovic holds is just a first step in achieving ambitious plans to take over the party. In that context, the author says the SDA radicals are not only planning to take over the party but also to reshape the future look of the country by creating a ‘Muslim BiH’ that would have neighbors in shape of an independent RS and the Croat Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia. According to that scenario, Mehmedovic would be the new President of the SDA, Nedzad Polic would be the State Prime Minister whilst Hasan Cengic would be the Foreign Minister of the ‘Muslim BiH’. However, the author notes that the biggest obstacle to these plans is SDA Honorary President, Alija Izetbegovic, who is planning to install his son Bakir as the new SDA President because he only sees Bakir as a true heir. According to the author, there will be an extraordinary SDA convention next year.

Lagumdzija and Maroevic on early elections

Dnevni List pg. 7 ‘Early elections – the price of unsuccessful authority’ – regarding frequent requests by the opposition in BiH for early elections. The daily carries a comment by Spokesperson of EC in BiH, Frane Maroevic, who says that early elections are usually organized when the government does not have the majority or is unable to govern. “That is not the case in BiH now, so from the practical perspective it is not necessary. But, if the BiH institutions decide to do so, the IC will not prevent them,” says Maroevic. DL also carries a comment by President of the SDP BiH, Zlatko Lagumdzija, that organization of early elections would be too expensive. “The last thing the current democrats could say is ‘we will not organize elections because they are expensive’. It is only natural – elections have a price,” said Lagumdzija.


Economic Affairs

Hays on ‘Jobs and Justice’




CRHB at 18:00 hrs – Senior Deputy High Representative, Donald Hays, while announcing the second phase of the ‘Job and Justice’ project, yesterday stated that a solution for BiH is the return of people to work. He especially stressed that the ‘grey economy’ makes up 40% of the entire BiH’s economy and there wasn’t enough money for health and pension insurance, for unemployed funds and financing of schools, police and judiciary. Added that 50% people live on the edge of poverty. Dnevni List pg. 1 and 4 – PDHR Hays is of an opinion that BiH natural resources and intellectual potential could compete with anyone if BiH had the right tools.

The cost of local authorities

BHTV 1 at 19:00 hrs by Ratko Kovacevic – HR Paddy Ashdown has pointed out in his Tuesday address a serious problem – the government costs. He stressed that two thirds of revenue were spent on the politicians and bureaucracy, and only one third on the citizens. In a poll done in Sarajevo, most interviewees said they thought the most of the money was spent on the government. “The state budged from the onset has had such a concept to finance solely institutions of the state without any other development programs or plans. That was introduced by the IC and now we wonder why it is this way,” said Nikola Grabovac from the Sarajevo Faculty of Economy. 


RTRS at 19:30 hrs by Goran Trbojevic – HR Paddy Ashdown announced the establishment of the Bulldozer Commission for Agriculture Production. Ashdown visited Prijedor and talked to farmers. “There is a potential for massive agricultural production of healthy food, but business environment need to be improved,” said Ashdown. Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘Paravac withdraws the appointment’ – “The biggest problem of farmers in BIH is the extremely unfavourable ration between the import and export of agricultural products. Much goods of suspicious quality are imported, whilst not many goods produced in BiH are exported to foreign market. Owing to may reasons, the best solution would be if a special Bulldozer Commission is formed to deal solely with this issue,” said HR Ashdown. Avaz pg. 3 ‘Bulldozer action in agriculture too’ – on HR’s visit to Prnjavor and his statement related to BC for agricultural production. Blic pg. 6 ‘Bulldozer Commission for agriculture as well’ – reported on HR’s announcement related to changes in the agricultural production.

Avaz commentary

Avaz pg. 3 ‘Can BiH feed itself’ by Resad Dautefendic – following the above mentioned imitative by the HR related to agricultural production, the author points out that the OHR recognized opportunities arising from this sphere of economy. He goes on to list a number of reasons that show how neglectful the Federation government has been towards the agricultural production. For example, all neighbouring countries invest three to five per cent in agriculture, while the Fed govt has been investing 0,5 per cent. Additionally, the Agricultural Institute is on a verge of collapse since the authorities refuse to finance it. Meanwhile, the uncontrolled level of import is taking significant foreign currency means out of this country. Therefore, agricultural reforms announced by the OHR should have to goals. First, to strengthen the agriculture so local products could be used for the local market and second is to export the extra to foreign markets.

Hays on commercial chambers


Nezavisne Novine pg. 7 ‘Commercial chambers (attached to municipal courts) must start operating until the end of this year’ – PDHR Donald Hays yesterday announced that by the end of this year 15 commercial courts (attached to municipal courts) in BiH would have to be instituted at various levels, while entities must enact the Law on Civil Lawsuit Proceedings and Economic Offences. One of key elements in the implementation of the second phase of document “Jobs and Justice” stipulates this. Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘Fast, efficient, painful’ – PDHR Hays presented yesterday the package of the Bulldozer 2 reforms, the most important part being the establishment of 15 commercial chambers.

Revision of BH telecommunication companies in BiH

Avaz pg. 8 ‘The first revision results of BiH telecommunication companies business dealings by mid-June’ – PDHR Donald Hays said the revision of BiH telecommunication companies already started and the first results were expected mid-June. He said he was sure they were going to find the same situation in the telecommunication companies and water management companies as they did in three BiH elektroprivreda companies.


Police Affairs

Explosion in Mostar





CRHB at 18:00 hrs – last night, around 01:20 hours, an explosion occurred in Mostar. According to a press release from the cantonal MoI, the police has determined that an unknown person threw a hand grenade. Several cars were damaged in the explosion. No casualties. BHTV 1 at 19:00 hrs by Martina Kristo – unofficially, the BHTV 1 found out that the hand grenade was detonated outside a facility belonging to Ljubo Golemac, Mayor of the Mostar West municipality, and this is the second time he is targeted in a bomb attack (first time – six months ago). MoI however did not want to confirm if the two events were related.

Pope’s visit

CRHB at 18:00 hrs by Stanko Smoljanovic – RS President, Dragan Cavic, held a meeting with entity ministers of interior to discus the security aspects of Pope’s visit. The visit is proclaimed a top-risk level. RS President demands security institutions to undertake all necessary measures in order to ensure secure visit. Ministers stressed the active involvement of ministries in the organisation of Pope’s visit. BHTV 1 at 19:00 hrs by Adela Malkoc – “All information, doubts and everything that can be documented, that can cause any security risk will be absolutely checked and rigorous measures will be taken by all institutions taking part in this event,” said Cavic. RTRS at 19:30 hrs by Zana Vukosavljevic – “Increased security measures in Banja Luka are top priority and MUPs from both entities should collaborate,” said Čavić. Nezavisne Novine pg. 6 ‘Pope’s visit is main priority to Republika Srpska Interior Ministry’ – on the meeting regarding the forthcoming visit by the Pope. Avaz pg. 12 ‘4,000 on security during Pope’s visit’ – Cavic held a meeting yesterday with entity ministers of interior, reps from SBS, EUPM, state intelligence services and SFOR.

Commission for reforming intelligence

RTRS at 19:30 hrs – High Representative Paddy Ashdown today will appoint a Commission for Reforms of intelligence services in BiH. An international expert, Kalmen Kociz, will head the Commission. Ashdown said it was ultimate time to start improving the intelligence system in BiH. Nezavisne Novine pg. 3 ‘Ashdown announces decision on intelligence reform’ – HR to hold a press conf today and announce the establishment of the Commission. Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘The reform of Bih intelligence services’ – on today’s press conf where HR Ashdown will present plans on reforming the intelligence.


Refugee Affairs

Jahic – Kebo

CRHB at 18:00 hrs – Mostar Mayor, Hamdija Jahic, yesterday met with BiH Human Rights and Refugee Minister, Mirsad Kebo, and talked about problems related to return in Mostar.


Education Affairs

Croats against ‘Two schools under the same roof’




CRHB at 18:00 hrs – principals from schools following the Croat curriculum in the Central Bosnia Canton, yesterday rejected a proposal on the administrative union of so-called ‘Two schools under the same roof’. The reason being that is they believe the project would not have significant results. President of the Association of the aforementioned teachers, Anto Maros, says the envisaged project of the merger of schools that work in accordance with different curriculum will not achieve much in terms of rationalization. On the other hand, Croat principals propose administrative merging of schools that use the same curriculum.

Oslobodjenje commentary

Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘Trnopolje today’ by Dragan Stanojlovic – commentary on a story about a returnee girl, Arnela Foric, from Prijedor who was so badly provoked in a Prijedor school that she decided to drop out. Apparently, the school officials did nothing to stop it, so the daily ran an article about the girl and she was returned to school. The author however wants to add something that was not printed in the story about the little girl. The fact that the school principle is Slobodan Kuzurovic – better known to Bosniaks from Potkozarje as notorious Head of the Trnopolje prison camp. The author concludes that similar scenarios are taking place elsewhere in BiH. “And they will keep happening because the house of peace and reconciliation in this exhausted country are built by all sorts of missionary and ‘bulldozer men’ who are constructed it from the roof down instead of starting with the ground works.”


Property Affairs

Benes on Law on Construction Land

Dnevni List pg. 1 and 15 – “This law determines that land for which permanent right for usage was established before the war becomes automatically private property, with some exceptions. The exception is all-permanent rights of use, acquired in the period between 6 April 1992 and the Law enforcement, are under the transfer suspension (i.e. shall not become automatically private property) for the period of two years (i.e. a claim period). However, it must be clear that this process does not refer nor interferes with the restitution issue. New provisions do not mean that municipalities are free from further burden. Quite the contrary, the land allocation procedure is subject to well-defined regulation,” stated Mostar OHR Spokeswoman Avis Benes. The statement was also reported in Oslobodjenje pg. 9 ‘From permanent use to private ownership’.


Military Affairs

Oslobodjenje commentary

Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘The partnership of fear’ by Antonio Prlenda – points out that the recent agreement on the establishment of a joint army HQ was not actually that big of a deal as the media might made it seem. According to Prlenda, the joint HQ was inevitable, and nothing has really been solved. He adds the decision does not mean the end to the entity armies with separate commands. Prlenda claims the main problem of the local army commanders is they think the security of their people is better if the other two people get less. The author points out that this way of thinking will have to stop because the principles of the PfP are quite the contrary to the mentioned beliefs. Therefore, the author suggests that local army reps abandon the partnership of fear.

NN commentary

Nezavisne Novine editorial by Almir Sarenkapa ‘Soldiers are the first reformists’ – also comments on the recent decision in relation tot eh joint army forces. Points out that no changes would have occurred if there was not for the HR’s seven decision announced on April 2 this year. The decision came following the ‘Orao’ affair, the eavesdropping affair and Sarovic’s resignation. At the beginning of 2004, BiH will have a single HQ. What seems impossible at this moment, mainly because of the strong opposition from the RS, is the establishment of a single army, meaning amalgamation of armies of the RS and FBiH. Still, if the basic and most important pre-requisite for the BiH’s admission into the PfP (later on into NATO) is the establishment of the civilian and parliamentary control over the armies, it will be met in a couple of months. Whether somebody like it or not, the decision of the professional soldiers should be zealously welcomed because they will be the first ones to implement one of the key reforms for our state.

RS Veterans Association

Blic pg. 6 ‘Veterans against joint command’ – the Republika Srpska Veterans Association opposes the establishment of single armed forces in BiH and single command. President of the RS Veterans’ Association, Savo Cvjetinovic, yesterday assessed that any change to the BiH and RS Constitution provisions on armed forces would be unacceptable and it would only destabilize the region.