
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 29/4/2005



Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 29 April


(12,00 hrs)

BH Radio 1

(12,00 hrs)

US welcome police talks

Fire in a Cazin factory

Citizens: No to Paravac inMoscow

World news

Fires on Croatian coast



TV news broadcast on 28 April


(18,00 hrs)


(18,00 hrs)


(19,00 hrs)

HR on police reform agreement

1st phase of Vlasic meeting ends

Vlasic meeting ended

Protests of BIH Farmers

Police officers training ends

SDP on statement of participants

FBIH Government session

Council of Europe ’s report

Conclave on Vlasic

NHI on police reform

Farmers protest in Sarajevo

Protest of farmers in Sarajevo

NTV Hayat

(19,00 hrs)


(19,30 hrs)


(19,30 hrs)

[Hayat ceased temporarily to air

Vlasic negotiations

BIH improv. relations with EU/NATO

by cable after dispute]

Ashdown and Terzic on agreement

Vlasic meeting ended


Rehn, Humphreys on agreement

RS/FBIH Contradict. in statements


Reactions from political parties

Suzic sentenced to imprisonment



BiH got state police, entities’ MoIs to stay

Dnevni Avaz

BiH robustly fight terrorism

Dnevni List

Foreigners will sell us electricity too

Vecernji List

Candidate for Covic successor is Miro Jovic

Slobodna Dalmacija

Lijanovics blocked account of Municipality of Siroki Brijeg

Nezavisne Novine

Authorities over the police to be transferred to the state level

Glas Srpske

Either everything or nothing


Cedo, I will burn your passport!

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles

Srpski Nacional

Features Serbian related titles




Djokic on Vlasic talks


RHB – President of Socialist Party of RS, Petar Djokic,stated that everything was not agreed during the Vlasic meeting. According to him, only modalities regarding the transferring of certain competence at the state level have been agreed, while the most problematic issue (the issue of maps of future police regions) has remained unresolved.


SDA on Vlasic


SRNA – The Chair of the SDA Caucus in the BiH House of Represenatives, Semsudin Mehmedovic, said today that SDA accepted the compromise during the talks at Vlasic which would allow survival of entities, but stressed they would have no police powers.

SDP youth against Paravac’s departure to Moscow


RHB – Some 20.000 BiH citizens have so far signed a petition that is being organized by the SDP Youth, the aim of which is to prevent the Chairman of BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac, from attending the Moscow celebration of 60th anniversary of victory against fascism and nazism.



Vlasic talks

Terzic, Ashdown, Martens present agreements reached at Vlasic: Single police w/out political influence


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘BiH got state police, entities’ MoIs to stay’ by Az. Kalamujic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘BiH will get one police’ by S.N. – The High Representative Paddy Ashdown and the Chair of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, said on Thursday that the talks involving 11 parliamentary parties on Vlasic reached agreement on exclusive police competence at BiH state level and on future police activities free from political control. Ashdown told journalists that the first phase of negotiations has been completed, and “following a pause for political consultations, a second and final phase will resume when a final agreement should be reached on police maps.” He specified that the agreement on a single police should be formalized, and the final word will be given by deputies in the entities’ parliaments when they ratify the document. High Rep also reiterated that the entities’ Interior Ministries could remain, but without jurisdiction over the police which will exist at state level. “On Mt Vlasic we devised elements of the police structure which would be free from political control,” Terzic confirmed, and explained that the BiH Security Minister will have the same jurisdiction over the police as all of counterparts in Europe have. An expert working group should have a proposal ready by 9 May on “the specific number of maps“, said Terzic, so that negotiations on police reforms would resume as scheduled on 11 May. PRC Chair, Wilfred Martens, stated that the agreement from Vlasic has not damaged the integrity of PRC report which was the starting point in the negotiations. RTRS – Martens confirmed that police structure will have two levels of authorities, local and state one. PINK by Zeljko Mandic – “I expect the working group to decide on a number of maps by May 9, so that talks could be continued on May 11. The same goes for the ambient. First of all we have to bear in mind that there are no winners or losers on Vlasic. All of us will win, if this process ends”, said Terzic.

RHB, FTV, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Authorities over the police to be transferred to the state level’ and pgs 2-3 ‘BiH to get authorities over the police’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Half of work has been done’ by N. Zelenovic, EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘Nobody is satisfied as yet’ announced on cover ‘Harmonization of maps latest by May 11’ by Rajna Radosavljevic and Dusanka Stanisic, Dnevni List pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Number of regions stopped negotiations on police’ by D. Polovina-Mandic, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Police under state competence’ by D. Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 16 ‘Ministries are not in charge of police’ by Z. Rerig– also covered.  

FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 “Commission to start working on 3 May’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Arrangement of local police regions’ not signed – Leaders of parties who met in Vlasic issued a joint statement which outlines the agreement as presented by Terzic and Ashdown.

Terzic: ‘More achieved in Vlasic than expected’


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Maps of police regions to be changed’, mentioned on cover ‘More achieved in Vlasic than expected’by Sead NumanovicIn an interview to daily, the Chair of the Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic expresses satisfaction with the agreement reached on Vlasic regarding the police reform: “The key result of the negotiations is that we have managed to design the solutions for operative police structure without any political influence. At the same time, this was the key condition under the Feasibility Study.” On BiH Security Minister, Terzic says: “Within his competences regarding the policies and planning, the Minister will share its parts of authorities with the Police Board… Also, regional supervisory boards were constructed and they will include citizens, which is novelty in BiH police structure.” Terzic says it is still early to say whether EC would approve the beginning of negotiations on SAA. Asked about the Commission, to be appointed by 3 May, which will discuss the police maps, Terzic says that their starting point will be PRC’s proposal of 9+1, whose changes are possible, and underlines that political criteria cannot be primary when deciding on best option.

Ashdown: One police, same salaries and single uniform


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Every map possible’ by Antonio Prlenda – In an interview to daily, HR Paddy Ashdown says that the result of the Vlasic talks is one police, one uniform and equal salaries for police officers in both entities, as well as exclusive state jurisdiction at the state level. He refused to prejudice the number of regions, noting that his proposal of nine plus one doesn’t necessarily has to be the final one.

Colak interview on Vlasic mtg./police reform


Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Police at state and local level’ by M. Relota carries an interview with BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak regarding the Vlasic meeting, who says that, finally, they have agreed important things regarding the police reform. Asked whether he expects that the final solution would serve interests of the Croat people, Colak says: ‘The things we are doing truly serve interests of our (the Croat people) and this cannot be contrary at all to the interests of the other peoples in BiH.’ Asked as to how the process of the police reform implementation would go, Colak says: ‘One should be aware that the implementation process would last longer. All countries which were in a similar situation as BiH before their joined the EU had spent even up to 5 years for implementation of the police reform.’


Oslobodjenje: Appointment of police board key problem


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘BiH got state police, entities’ MoIs to stay’ by Az. Kalamujic – Oslobodjenje reads that the key issues causing disputes at Vlasic was the establishment of the Police Board which will share some authorities with the BiH Security Minister. The Board will consist of Security Minister, three presentatives from FBiH and two from RS, out of which one is the RS Interior Minister. At the press conference, CoM Chair Adnan Terzic explained that the board would reach decisions through compromise, and if it fails in that than it needs to ensure majority. “Board has no power of veto,” added Terzic. BHT 1 also carried Terzic on Police Board.



Oslobodenje says RS parties maintained same stance: RS MoI must continue to exist’; Others comments from RS


Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘RS MoI will not be abolished’ by O. Vukovic – Daily notes that leaders of RS political parties have maintained their stance that the RS Interior Ministry must continue to exist after the implementation of the police reform. The RS President, Dragan Cavic, stated that there was a satisfactory level of compromise reached on Vlasic noting police regions are left to be discussed. SNSD leader, Milorad Dodik, said he expects that RS MoI will continue to exist. DNS Chair Marko Pavic stated for daily that all participants at Vlasic talks were committed to police reform, adding that the negotiations also demonstrated differences in stances between FBiH and RS politicians. SPRS leader, Petar Djokic, said that no transfer from entities to state level was signed as this is something that parliaments should discuss first.  

BHT 1 by Gvozden Sarac – Cavic said that police reform should be supported “in the spirit of compromise”, and that “entities should have identity as constitutional peoples”.

Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Either everything or nothing’ by N. D. – Djokic has stated the party would demand the police in BiH to be divided in only two regions – RS and F BiH. PDP President Velimir Sakan claims everything that has been agreed upon would fail if Bosniaks continue to insist on dividing the police in regions in accordance with Martens’ model. Delegate of Center Caucus Rajko Todorcevic claims RS representatives had faced a problem because HR had not respected police reform conclusions RS NA and RS Government have adopted.  Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Police remains’ not signed – also report.

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Decisions up to the Government and RS Parliament’ by V. Popovic and R. Segrt – Democratic party of RS has stated it is clear, after the talks on police reform, that RS has lost most of entity authorizations in this field. President of RS SRS Milanko Mihajlica says the only positive thing about the talks on police reform was the fact nothing had been signed and the fact RS NA would have to give the final word on everything. Milan Blagojevic from “SRS – Dr. Vojislav Seselj” says RS political representatives are nationally irresponsible and show no readiness to achieve better and happier future of RS and its citizens, including preservation of RS MoI. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Selling illusions’ by M. S. – carries statement of DS.

Dodik: Not sure whether constitutional changes needed


FTV – Commenting the agreement reached on Vlasic, the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik told FTV: “We worked on some solutions that enabled introduction of the Assistants in the operational police management, and establishment of the Police Board. It is still unclear whether this stipulates the constitutional changes or not, but I believe that this will not be necessary.” SDA President Sulejman Tihic commented on the agreement: “Single state jurisdiction over police forces [was agreed], which means police at the state level – the Cantons and Entities will have no police. But that does not assume the abolishment of the entity Interior Ministries.


Veterans Association says nothing aside the Constitution not acceptable


Glas Srpske pg 4 ‘Nothing aside the Constitution’ by S. Sekara – Pale Veterans’ Association has stated it is worried over the latest events with regard to defense and police reforms and warns no solution can be contradictory to Constitutions of RS and BiH.


RTRS claims silence of RS politicians proves RS lost MoI


RTRS by Biljana Knezevic – RTRS reporter comments the silence of RS participants of the Vlasic meeting after it ended is a confirmation that RS lost its MoI. Immediately after the end of the meeting, Leaders of SP Petar Djokic, SNSD Milorad Dodik, SDS Dragan Cavic stated only what they hadn’t agreed upon. On the other side, participants from FBIH did not hide their satisfaction with the reached agreement. “It is useful than to remind the public on promises of RS President Dragan Cavic made just few months ago, that RS will never give up of MoI, when we know that just within next few months RS MoI will lose jurisdiction over budget and with that authority over police” said the reporter. Opposition in RS claims that RS lost most of its authority and that the talks were against RS. The satisfaction of HR to BiH, Paddy Ashdown and Tihic indicates that RS lost its authority over police.


Blic: Anonymous participants at Vlasic claims promised RSNA will approve agreement


EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘Nobody is satisfied as yet’ announced on cover ‘Harmonization of maps latest by May 11’ by Rajna Radosavljevic and Dusanka Stanisic, Inset ‘Support at the parliament was promised’ carries a statement of anonymous participant of Vlasic negotiations who claims: ‘Representatives of leading political parties from RS have obliged the agreement reached on Vlasic would get a green light at the parliament as well, although no agreement on maps has been achieved’. The participant says it seems as if this issue is no longer the most important since authorizations are to be transferred onto the state level and what had been adopted is in violation of RS NA conclusions.

Halilovic: Difficult discussion with many compromises


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Same law, salaries and uniforms for all police officers’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Difficult discussion with many compromises’ by Fena, EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘Nobody is satisfied as yet’ announced on cover ‘Harmonization of maps latest by May 11’ by Rajna Radosavljevic and Dusanka Stanisic – SBiH Presidency Chair Safet Halilovic told a press conference in Sarajevo on Thursday that the talks on police reform were relatively successful. “However, there are also certain controversial issues from those debates, which were difficult and with many compromises.”, Halilovic said.

SDP rejects joint statement


BHT1, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘How will police board function?’ by S.R., Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘SDP does not accept a police committee’ by M. C., Dnevni List pg 3 ‘OHR is deceiving public, SDP did not adopt agreement’ by M.Z., Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Either everything or nothing’ by N. D – At the press conference on Thursday, SDP expressed dissatisfaction with the talks on Vlasic because an absolute compromise has not been reached as informed by the OHR. “When we told Paddy Ashdown we do not agree with parts of the decision on establishing police board,…he told us that their [joint] statement will be sent out to the public and that we should send ours if we don’t agree,” stated SDP Vice Chair Zeljko Komsic. SDP Presidency has backed the decision of its negotiating team at Vlasic to reject signing of a joint statement. SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija disputed the decision on forming the Police Board underlying: “We oppose the fight against the crime to be a matter of consensus and political supervision. The Police Board is the pillar of the entire project and there is no possibility for it to function in such way.”

NHI says principles agreed irresponsible


RHB, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Biggest problems will emerge regarding maps of regions’ by M.Z., Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Careless and irresponsible principle’, EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘Nobody is satisfied as yet’ announced on cover ‘Harmonization of maps latest by May 11’ by Rajna Radosavljevic and Dusanka Stanisic – NHI issued a statement regarding the Vlasic talks stating that the principle on police reform proposed by the International Community is irresponsible and careless. The party, which took part in negotiations, stressed that some of the participants were more focused at improving their own positions before party’s congresses, especially SDA and HDZ. NHI also expresses concern that the Commission to be appointed by Chair CoM, Adnan Terzic, will be under political influence.

EC: Turning point at Vlasic


RHB, FTV, BHT1, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Turning point at Vlasic’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Agreement from Vlasic deserves support by BiH Parliamentarians’, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Authorities over the police to be transferred to the state level’ and pgs 2-3 ‘BiH to get authorities over the police’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Half of work has been done’ by N. Zelenovic, EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘Nobody is satisfied as yet’ announced on cover ‘Harmonization of maps latest by May 11’ by Rajna Radosavljevic and Dusanka Stanisic, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Parties support police reform’, by D. Pasic, EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘Nobody is satisfied as yet’ announced on cover ‘Harmonization of maps latest by May 11’ by Rajna Radosavljevic and Dusanka Stanisic – EC Delegation to BiH welcomes agreement reached on Mt Vlasic regarding the police reform, noting it is a very encouraging step in the reform process and an important milestone in fulfilling the Feasibility Study recommendations. The Head of Delegation, Michael Humphreys said: “It is important that the same spirit of positive dialogue and cooperation continues in other important areas and in particular the BiH Members of Parliament find a solution to adopt the Public Broadcasting legislation, the only Feasibility Study point where unfortunately no progress has been made so far. I am very hopeful that all political forces in BiH will now completely focus on resolving the outstanding Feasibility Study recommendations.”

Olli Rehn: important step in fulfilling the Feasibility Study pre-requisites


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘It is encouraging to see EU principles supported’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘An important step in fulfilling the Feasibility Study pre-requisites’ by Lj. T.– The EU Enlargement Commissioner, Olli Rehn on Thursday expressed satisfaction with the agreement reached regarding the police reform. “I very much look forward to meeting the political representatives in Brussels on 10 May in order to discuss the steps they are planning to take in order to make sufficient progress on this important Feasibility Study recommendation. It is now essential that the Parliaments fully support this agreement and ensure smooth continuation of police reform. This spirit of constructive dialogue should also now be applied to resolving the remaining FS issues, most importantly Public Broadcasting legislation, which is clearly outstanding.,” reads the statement by the Commissioner.

US Embassy: Parties should focus at solving technical details’


FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Parites should focus at solving technical details’ – The Embassy of the United States to BiH welcomes the progress made by the participants of the Vlasic talks on police restructuring. The statement issued reads: “Having reached potential agreement on core principles and several of the major structural issues, the parties must now turn quickly to resolving a host of technical details, including defining the geographical limits of policing zones… Only by embracing [3 key EC] principles will Bosnia ‘s leaders construct a policing structure that will serve its citizens effectively and that will open the doors to Bosnia ‘s European future.”

Oslobodjenje op-ed: After Vlasic


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘After Vlasic’ In Focus column by Zija Dizdarevic – According to Dizdarevic, addressing journalists in Sarajevo on Thursday, HR Paddy Ashdown accompanied with CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic attempted to share his great satisfaction with Vlasic talks results with journalist, who had been actually treated as state enemies in the course of the talks. It is understandable, says Dizdarevic, since evaluation of the results of Ashdown’s engagement in BiH as well as his possible future engagements here or somewhere else in the world are largely depending on the success of the police reform. Claiming that the proposed solution seeks to establish state level police structure and leaves space for the continued entity’s influence on its work, Dizdarevic wonders how long will BiH be blackmailing by those who do not want it at all?

NN op-eds critical of Vlasic talks


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Cementing of a division’ by Slavo Kukic – the author claims the goal of Vlasic meeting was to exhaust nationalistic leaders in order to force them to accept solutions that would later be presented as reform solutions and he wonders whether the talks would result in even stronger entity boundaries or it would be a turning point towards a state that exists everywhere.

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Police’ by Natasa Krsman – Krsman is extremely critical of Vlasic talks, participants of Vlasic talks and results, and she claims what had, or had not, been agreed upon on Vlasic left space for each party leader to interpret Vlasic talks in accordance with their own preferences. She says people do not care what has been agreed upon anyway because they will still continue to trust those they have trusted for the past 15 years.

SD op-edit. criticising results of Vlasic meeting


Slobodna Dalmacija pg 16 ‘’Fruitless ‘Vlasic conclave’ ‘ by B. Kristo comments on the Vlasic meeting and the author says: ‘One more meeting has ended up with ‘the agreement’ that would not give results for a long time since nothing was agreed upon. Obviously, this is about job done for the sake of appearances.’ The author also says that ‘the important nothing’ was agreed upon without the OHR and according to the author this can be interpreted as if the OHR let domestic politicians to reach the agreement so that the OHR can justify itself in case of criticism by saying that the things agreed were not the OHR’s idea or failure of the OHR to bring the crucial reform in BiH to the end. The editorial concludes that the most important thing (maps of the police regions) was not agreed upon, however, there is an attempt to present the meeting in public as a successful one.

Vjesnik op-ed: Value of Vlasic agreement questionable

Vjesnik ‘Value of agreement on police questionable’ by A. Zornija carries a commentary on the Vlasic meeting and the author says: ‘Nevertheless, it should be noticed that the things which were agreed upon on Vlasic had already been adopted within the Police Reform commission, led by former Belgium Prime Minister Wilfred Martens and this fact casts shadow on the ‘historical success’ of the Vlasic meeting.’ The author also says that the Commission which should make a proposal of the regional police organization has been formed and the author added: ‘However, there is fear that Croats, who would lose powers in the current Cantonal Ministries of Interior in the Federation of BiH, might become victims of the agreement, and the RS MoI would practically continue to exist with slightly reduced powers.’



Economic issues

Farmers held protest/ SIPA providing security


PINK byJovanka Nina Stevanovic – About 3.500 BiH farmers have organized peaceful protest in Sarajevo on Thursday, asking for domestic production to be protected. They expected to meet the Chair of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Dragan Doko and Chairs of both BiH Parliament Assembly’s Houses. Unfortunately, they met only with Deputy Ministers. Due to the fact that no agreements have been reached, farmers announced new protests for June 2005. “We also ask for Minister Doko to be removed, as well as all responsible ones, we ask for domestic production to be protected”, said the Chair of BiH Farmers Association, Ranko Bakic. Featured participants were angry due to the fact that BiH authorities were ignoring them, and said that protests to follow were not going to be peaceful and that over 50.000 farmers were going to gather. On Friday, farmers should meet Terzic and Chairs of both BiH Parliament Assembly’s Houses.

FTV Dzenana Zolota – BiH officials who, according to FTV reporter, could not care less about the farmer’s requests, are very concerned for their own safety: farmers, three cows and few chickens forced them to ask for the State Information and Protection Agency (SIPA) help.

RHB, BHT 1, RTRS, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘SIPA providing security’ by dja, Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Protesters do not give up introduction of customs’ by E. Mackic, Oslobodjneje pg 6, mentioned on cover, ‘BiH Government neither listens nor behaves’ by Dk. Omeragic, Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover, ‘Polcie prevented lynch of minister Dragan Doko’ by A. Zeba – also covered.

FBiH Government postponed decision on selection of partner to Energopetrol


FTV Zlata Behram – FBiH Government has not discussed the sale of Energopetrol on its Wednesday session. Although the Commission in charge of selecting the strategic Energopetrol’s partner completed reviewing of the bids, the FBiH Government members decided that they need more time to make such important decision. This issue will be discussed at one of FBiH Government’s next sessions. Also covered by RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 Selection of strategic Energopetrol’s partner postponed’ by M. Kukan, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Bidders for 67 percent of capital in Energopetrol not selected’, mentioned on cover, by M.K. S., Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Decision on Energopetrol postponed’ by M.B., Slobodna Dalmacija pg 11 ‘INA and MOL on hold’ by D. Pasic. Vecernji List pg 15 ‘FBiH Government stopped INA and MOL’ by D. Jazvic carries that although the official explanation of the FBiH Government says that the Government postponed passing of the aforementioned decision since they did not want to pass such important decisions hastily, there are also opinions that the postponement is a result of lobbing by the Austrian company OMV which claims that their bid is better from the one submitted by INA and MOL. 

RS to build Buk Bijela on its own


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘RS to build Buk Bijela on its own, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘RS to construct Buk Bijela’ by D. Risojevic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Srpska constructs Buk Bijela’ by G. Dakic, Vecernje Novosti pg 3 ‘They are constructing Buk Bijela on their own’ by Srna – RS will construct “Buk Bijela” hydropower plant in territory of RS since Montenegro had withdrawn from the project. The most serious candidates for approval of the concession are EFT from London in cooperation with “Hidrogradnja” from BiH, as well as “Vijadukt” and “Montmontaza” from Slovenia and Croatia.

FERK adopts Rulebook on issuing of licences in energy sector in FBiH


Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 7 ‘Foreigners will sell us electricity too’, by NINA – The FERK (Regulatory Agency for Electricity of FBiH) adopted the Rulebook on issuing of licences for production, distribution, supply and trade of electricity in the FBiH, which will liberalize the market and enable domestic and foreign companies to apply for licences that will allow them to build distribution and production facilities.

SD: ‘Lijanovics blocked account of Municipality of Siroki Brijeg

Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 17 ‘Lijanovics blocked account of Municipality of Siroki Brijeg’, not signed – The account of Municipality of Siroki Brijeg in the ‘Zagrebacka bank’ has been blocked since Tuesday after the Municipal and Cantonal Court at Siroki Brijeg ruled in favour of the ‘Lijanovici’ company, which sued the municipality over the taxes the municipality introduced 9 years ago. Lijanovici claim one million KMs.



Security / war crimes / defence issues

US State Department says Southeast Europeactive in combating terrorism   


Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘BiH fighting terrorism decisively’, pg 2 ‘BiH is a strong partner in war against terrorism’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘USA worried because of presence of Islamic terrorists in BiH’ by R. Segrt, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘USA: Some Islamic extremists are still in BiH’, by Dejan Jazvic FENA – The countries of Southeast Europe are actively supporting the international fight against terrorism, said the Annual Report on Terrorism throughout the World issued by the US State Department. The State Department said that twelve countries – Albania , BiH, Bulgaria , Croatia , Greece , Hungary , Macedonia , Moldova , Romania , Serbia-Montenegro, Slovenia and Turkey – were cooperating within the Southeast Europe Cooperation Initiative [SECI]. The Report also stated that BiH had taken decisive action in apprehending suspects and shutting down non-governmental organizations and accounts in banks of organizations linked with terrorist organizations. In 2004, the F BiH has interrupted the activities of organizations Al-Furqan, Al-Haramain, Al-Masjed al-Aqsa and Taibah International, which the United Nations has put on the list of organizations with direct links with al-Qaida, said the Report. The Department of State also raises concerns about the foreign Islamic extremists, who had remained in BiH after the 1992-1995 war.

RS Govt instructs Taskforce to complete Srebrenica report


PINK, RTRS,Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Additions to Srebrenica report’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘RS Government extended mandate of Srebrenica Task Force’ by D. Risojevic – The RS Government on Thursday, in line with the High Representative’s request, issued a decision amending the decision on appointing the Taskforce for implementing the conclusions from the Final Report of the Srebrenica Commission. The Government assigned the Taskforce to make additions, on basis of additional information prepared by the RS MoI and Defense Ministry, to the list of persons that took part in Srebrenica events. The representative of the RS Government’s Public Relations Bureau, Zlatko Juric, told a press conference. The Taskforce should also identify the perpetrators whose names are stated in the confidential annexes of the Final Report, especially persons employed in the RS police and SIPA. The report on completed tasks is to be forwarded to the RS Government by September 30.

Ivanic meets Greogrian: BiH cannot join PfP until PIFWCs are arrested/or surrendered


RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘TO PfP only after Karadzic, Mladic are arrested’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Important steps towards NATO have been made’ by Srna, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘BiH should have small but effective military’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Progress in getting closer to NATO achieved’, not signed – BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic on Thursday met with the Deputy Chair of the BiH Defense Reform Commission, Raffi Gregorian, expressing the satisfaction over the BiH’s progress on the road to NATO and stressing that the full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal is still crucial. Ivanic and Gregorian agreed that it is not realistic to expect BiH’s admission into the Partnership for Peace without the apprehensions or voluntary surrenders of the indicted war criminals, particularly Karadzic and Mladic. It was also concluded that BiH should have a small, but efficient army, which will primarily serve in peace missions and helping the population in cases of natural disasters.

Bomb left in front of door of former trade union leader from Jajce


Dnevni List pgs 4 and 5, mentioned on cover ‘Bomb in front of door of trade union leader’ by N. Bise carries that a bomb was left in front of a flat of former president of the Jajce trade union branch office Eduard Sklenar. Luckily, the bomb did not explode. Sklenar says that the reason for such move is the fact that he ‘revealed names of robbers and criminals who destroyed company Elektrobosna’.



Political issues

CoE says BiH improved relations with NATO, EU


BHT 1 by Adisa Smailagic – BiH has improved its relations with the European Union and NATO, mainly due the fact that the RS authorities radically changed their attitude about the cooperation with the ICTY since the beginning of 2005, reads the report by the Council of Europe (CoE). According to the report, three years after joining the CoE, BiH fulfilled most of its obligations; the cooperation with the ICTY has improved, and so are the human rights in BiH. However, CoE believes that adopted laws are not fully implemented in BiH, and that further improvements are necessary in the process of the election law review. RTRS, PINK, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Progress thanks to radical change in behavior of RS authorities’ by Srna, Glas srpske pg 3 ‘A step forward’ by Srna– also reported.


Will FBiH Deputy PM Vrankic replace Doko:  HDZ decision awaited


FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Vrankic waits for HDZ decision’ – FBiH Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Dragan Vrankic on Thursday did not either confirm or deny information that he would replace State Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Minister Dragan Doko in the office. Doko allegedly intends to resign from the post for private reasons. In a statement for the daily, Vrankic said that it was up to His party (HDZ BiH) to decide who will replace Dodko if he resigns and that he would respect the party’s decision.     

Terzic: I still have not received resignations of Doko and Dokic


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Branko Dokic and Dragan Doko have not submitted resignations’ by M. C. – CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic stated Thursday he still has not received resignations of former Ministers Branko Dokic and Dragan Doko. He says he was surprised with the announcement on their resignation and he announced he would meet them to discuss reasons for the resignation, after which he would reach a decision on this matter.


VL: HDZ to nominate Ivo Miro Jovic to replace Dragan Covic


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Candidate for Covic successor is Miro Jovic’, by RI – VL notes that the HDZ Presidency will today (Friday) nominate Ivo Miro Jovic as a candidate to replace Dragan Covic in the BiH Presidency. This information has been confirmed for VL by several members of the HDZ Presidency, who stress it is unrealistic to expect that Martin Raguz, who has often been mentioned as a likely candidate, to succeed Covic. Apparently, Jovic will be supported by 15 of 21 members of the HDZ Presidency. Speaking about Jovic, VL says that in comparison with Raguz, Jovic does not enjoy sympathy of the IC, adding that the OHR would keep silent to the election of Jovic into the BiH Presidency. Finally, VL says it is not clear whether Jovic will be supported by the MPs in the Parliament.

HDZ BiH might decide on Covic’s successor today: Will Martin Raguz or Ivo Miro Jovic go to BiH Presidency?


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Will Martin Raguz or Ivo Miro Jovic go to BiH Presidency? F.Vele – The daily speculates that the HDZ BiH Presidency might decide on who will replace Dragan Covic in the office of the Croat member of the BiH Presidency at a session in Mostar today. The daily also speculates that the most serious candidates are Martin Raguz and Ivo Miro Jovic. An unnamed source told Dnevni Avaz that HDZ is most likely to nominate Jovic for the post.

Zoric (HDZ, MP) on candidate to replace Covic


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19 ‘Martin Raguz will go into Presidency’, mentioned on front ‘Only UDBA’s people and communists can make it in HDZ’, by Zoran Zekic – Carries an interview with the President of HDZ Caucus in the BiH House of Representatives, Vinko Zoric. Asked whether the Caucus would nominate a candidate to replace Dragan Covic in BiH Presidency in case the HDZ Presidency did not do so, Zoric says he i.e. the Caucus will certainly propose a candidate, suggesting that the candidate would be Martin Raguz. In this context, Zoric says that other caucuses will support the HDZ Caucus’ candidate and fears that other caucuses would not support other solutions. (NB: upon reading the interview, one can clearly see rifts within the HDZ regarding the Covic replacement, one faction supporting Ivo Miro Jovic, other Martin Raguz, and Zoric’s dissatisfaction with the current HDZ leadership).

VL: ‘Serbs and Bosniaks get TV, Croats get correspondence office!?,


Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Serbs and Bosniaks get TV, Croats get correspondence office!?, by Miroslav Vasilj – VL got a confirmation from an anonymous source in the OHR that the new Law on RTV system will not envision the establishment of a Croat channel within the state TV. Instead, the IC is offering the Croat officials a solution, according to which a TV centre would be built in Mostar, which would make programming in the Croatian language. According to Filip Andric (MP in BiH HoR, HDZ) the HDZ is not rejecting this offer, however the HDZ believes that a channel in Croatian language is the best solution for BiH and the Croat people. “Still, if the TV centre satisfies our interests, we can talk about that option too”, says Andric.