
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 29/1/2005



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Laws on national symbols

Drivers stuck in snow

Issue of revision reports

Snow problems in RS

Tihic on fascist orgs

Snow storm inEurope

Problems in “Gumitehnika”

Laws on national symbols

Tihic met Auschwitz surv.

Lazarevic to surrender

Laws on national symbols

Bijeljina kidnapping threat

HR on police reform

US intelligence in BiH

FBiH Supreme Court

BL doctor reported



Paddy Ashdown: Map with most regions rejected; SDA will be in opposition in RS; BiH Constitutional Court : Assistance of BiH public, Venice Commission and OSCE needed; Klas: With VAT, bread will be 70 pfenings

Dnevni Avaz

Gregorian: BiH can enter NATO in five years; Tihic: Bukejlovic doesn’t have our support; BiH Constitution Court : Investigation against two justices because of receiving bribe; Zigic: We will end difficult agony in Energopetrol

Dnevni List

Meningitis in Mostar?

Vecernji List

Interview : Wolfgang Petritsch : Dayton is straightjacket

Slobodna Dalmacija

Mostar: Education Unions: Salaries by Wednesday or big strike

Nezavisne Novine

BiH needs a single police divided in five or ten regions; The Court did not get an indictment for “Pogorelica” terrorist camp; General Vladimir Lazarevic departures to the Hague Tribunal; PDP indicated its return to CoM

Glas Srpske

They have written off Serbs; Publicly on symbols


Prime Minister convinced Lazarevic to surrender, Pavkovic awaits for Kostunica’s invitation; Adnan Terzic: Executive authority is not in crisis

Vecernje novosti

Honourable general departures


President, I have decided to serve my homeland to the end


RS Government

SRS will support Bukejlovic if SDA doesn’t participate at new RS Government







RTRS – PM-designate Pero Bukejlovic met with SRS representativesFriday. SRS promised to give Bukejlovic their support if SDA doesn’t participate in the new RS Government. “Mr. Bukejlovic stated that he doesn’t want the support of SDA and that he doesn’t want SDA Ministers in his Government”, says SRS Chairman Radislav Kanjeric.

RTRS by Nada Arlov – RTRS comments that since Bukejlovic doesn’t answer journalist question it remains to be seen what those open options that he mentioned yesterday are.

FTV – Kanjeric reminded RS Prime Minister designate Pero Bukejlovic on the agreement, signed between 6 RS political parties, and which referred to perseverance of RS institutions.

Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Radicals will support the Government without SDA’ by J.S., Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 “Everybody can participate in the Government” by O. Vukovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Kanjeric opposes the Government that includes SDA’ by V. P. –also reported on Kanjeric’s statement.

Stojicic: there would be no SDA Ministers at new RS Government


BHT1, FTV, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Only in accordance with Agreement’ not signedSDS Presidency member Dusan Stojicic said that there would be no ministers from the SDA in the new Pero Bulejlovic’s Government, adding that new RS Government will be formed by mid February. Stojicic said that there are a number of options for unblocking the work of the BiH Council of Ministers.

RTRS – Stojicic also said that every party including SDA has the right to support the Government.     

Tihic: SDA will not participate RS Govt, nor will it give its support


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘SDA will not participate in RS Government, nor will it give its support’, mentioned on cover, by A.M. – The SDA leader, Sulejman Tihic, confirmed for DA that this party will not support or participate in the RS Government established by PM-designate Pero Bukejlovic. “That is clear and definite stance. That was also said by the RS Vice President, Adil Osmanovic, after the meeting with Bukejlovic. Perhaps he was not clear enough, which left possibility for that statement to be interpreted in entirely different way,” said Tihic. Commenting to the meeting with Bukejlovic, Tihic said it was only a ‘courteous’ discussion, concluding that Bukejlovic, as SDS candidate, cannot implement needed reforms.  

Osmanovic: SDA will be opposition party in RS if Bukejlovic sticks to Agreement


Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘SDA will be opposition party in RS’, mentioned on cover, by S. Rozajac – the RS Vice President, Adil Osmanovic, stated for daily that SDA be opposition party in RS unless RS Prime Minister-designate, Pero Bukejlovic, gives up the Agreement on harmonized political action signed by the leaders of Serb political parties in RS. Daily comments that even though Osmanovic stated on Thursday that “all options regarding SDA participation in RS Government are open”, he now says that Bukejlovic abandoned their agreement making the situation entirely different. “Bukejlovic told us on Thursday that he did not signed that Agreement which was also put in question due to everything that happened lately,” said Osmanovic explaining that while this was positive, Bukejlovic stated later in the day that there is no place for SDA in the Government.

PM designate Bukejlovic: economic and social matters as priorities of new Government


RHB, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘First place for the republic’ by N. DiklicPM-designate Pero Bukejlovic spoke with representatives of several NGO’s Friday. Bukejlovic stated that priorities of new RS Government will be economic and social matters that will improve general standard. He stressed that one of his priorities will be the implementation of principles from the agreement on coordinated political acting.

RTRS – Branislav Dukic Chairman of RS POW Association stated that they informed the future PM that they will seek the responsibility of the former Government. RS Association of family members of killed, missing persons and war victims expects from Bukejlovic to accept them as reality and not a burden.


Other political issues

BiH Constitutional Court : public debate on national anthems, flags and holidays must be held




FTV, RHB, BHT1, RTRS, Glas Srpske cover ‘Publicly on symbols’ by G. D., Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Public discussion on Tihic’s demand’ by N. N., Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Assistance of BiH public, Venice Commission and OSCE needed’, mentioned on cover, by Az. Kalamujic, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘To carry out public consultations on FBiH and RS’ by Fena, EuroBlic RSpg2 ‘Tihic’s proposal must be sent to a debate’ by T. V.BiH Constitutional Court held a preliminary discussion upon the issue raised by BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic. The Court decided that public debate should be held regarding laws on national anthems, flags and holidays in RS and FBIH.The Court has also decided to ask from Venice Commission and OSCE to suggest individuals that would give their expert opinions to the Court regarding these laws.

Politicians’ reactions on the issue of symbols and holidays


RHB, RTRS – BIH Constitutional RS National Assembly Speaker Dusan Stojicic feels that RS arguments regarding its right to have its symbols are so strong the initiative to change them will not be adopted. Stojicic stated that RS NA wasn’t notified on the discussion in BIH Constitutional Court so RS representative wasn’t present at it.

RTRS – RS representatives agree that there is nothing in RS symbols that endangers other people. Krstan Simic from SNSD feels that this matter negates the right of Serb people to have their historic symbols. Desanka Radjevic member of RS Council of Peoples stated that RS symbols do not endanger any national interests.

BHT1 – “There were several attempts of adoption of the State Law on holidays, two official ones, as far as I remember. Due to lack of political will, that Law is still not adopted,” stated BiH Minister of Civil Affairs, Safet Halilovic. Constitutional Court will adopt decision on those two issues in the coming two months.

EC Delegation welcomed scheduling of CoM session for Feb 1


BHT1 – Delegation of the European Commission (EC) in BiH welcomed scheduling of the BiH Council of Ministers (CoM) session on February 1.There are several important laws and decisions are on the agenda, relevant to fulfilling of conditions form Feasibility Study. EC underlined importance of the adoption of the Law on Public Broadcasting System and of the realisation plan of European partnership.

PDP to reach decision on PDP Ministers at CoM on Sunday


RHB, RTRSPDP stated that it never wanted to block the work of BIH institutions. PDP Presidency will make final decision regarding PDP Ministers in CoM at a session scheduled for Sunday.

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘PDP indicated its return to CoM’ mentioned on cover by V. Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘The key is in someone else’s hands’ by J. N. – also report that PDP has conditioned its participation at CoM with strong guarantees from International Community on cease of anti-Dayton activities.

RS politicians criticise PDP’s announcement re possible comeback to CoM


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘PDP indicated its return to CoM’ mentioned on cover by V. Popovic – SDS Main Board member Slavko Pivasevic says such a development of events regarding PDP’s return to CoM was expected since this is the party that has participated at executive authority since it was established. He also thinks PDP was in favoured position due to pressures of International Community against SDS. SNSD Secretary Igor Radojicic thinks the return of PDP Ministers to CoM, after they have already resigned, would mean a complete failure of the Agreement on Harmonized Political Activities. Drago Kalabic (DNS) says PDP return to CoM would be the top of hypocrisy of Mladen Ivanic. SRS President Milanko Mihajlica thinks the only solution is election of new CoM, not the return of Ministers. Slobodan Popovic (SDS) thinks withdrawal of PDP’s resignations would represent a political manipulation.

HR Ashdown: events did not stop reform processes


Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘BiH needs a single police divided in five or ten regions’ by M. Cubro, inset ‘Reforms were not stopped’ – Interview on police reform with HR Paddy Ashdown also carries a statement of HR with regard to crisis of the authority in BiH: ‘What has been happening has not influenced the reform processes and I would not call this a crisis. It would be completely different situation if this continued’. HR Ashdown did not want to comment statement of PDP President Mladen Ivanic on possible comeback of PDP Ministers to CoM.

DA reactions to Terzic’s proposal to establish two new ministries in CoM


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Two new ministries will reach national balance’ by F. Cardzic – DA brings reactions to the statement by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, that the restructuring of the CoM demands establishing two additional ministries –for Agriculture and Energy, and Ministry for Social and Health policies, and Employment. The Head of SDS Caucus in the BiH House of Representative, Momcilo Novakovic, says that while restructuring can be carried out without this, establishment of the Defence Ministry breached the even national distribution of ministers positions which could be fixed either by abolishment or establishment of two ministries. The BiH HoR Speaker, Sefik Dzaferovic, and leader of SBiH, Safet Halilovic, says that they supports Terzic’s proposal, which is also an opinion of the Deputy Speaker of BiH HoR, Martin Raguz, who added that Terzic’s proposal is along HDZ’s demands for restructuring. SNSD delegate in BiH parliament, Milorad Zivkovic, comments that this proposal is just a political game.

PDHR Hays introduced his successor to Hadzipasic

RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Hays to be replaced by Larry Butler’, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Larry Butler succeeds Hays’Principal Deputy to HR Donald Hays introduced his replacement Lawrence Butler to FBIH Prime minister Ahmet Hadzipasic. Butler will take over from Hays in mid March.  

Roberts Owen visited Brcko District


RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Arbitration Commission can meet again’ by E.R, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Arbitration decision not being implemented’ by FenaChairman judge of Brcko tribunal Roberts Owen visited Brcko Friday upon invitation from Supervisor Susan Johnson. He met the highest officials of the District and they discussed the issue of protection of Brcko District’s position in ongoing reforms in BiH.

Wolfgang Petritsch: “DA is straightjacket”


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg ‘Dayton is straightjacket’, by Ruzica Cigler – Carries an interview with former High Representative for BiH, Wolfgang Petritsch, who, when asked to assess the current political processes and future of BiH, says: “Dayton was back in 1995 a ‘life-saving belt’ for BiH, however it turned into a straightjacket a long time ago. The jacket should be first of all ‘undone’, and then the Dayton-BiH should turn into a multi-ethnic and democratic state that functions normally. Only that kind of BiH has the future. Both politicians and citizens have to work hard on that with support of Europe. We are ready for it, but I am not sure all the people in BiH want it too”.

Lord David Oven: Dayton Agreement exists to remain


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Dayton was written in order to remain’ by NIN GS re-reports on the interview Lord David Oven gave to the Serbian magazine “NIN”, where he says that the issue of Dayton Agreement should not be re-opened, adding “whether we like it or not, DA exists to remain. I do not claim that some corrections of DA should be completely excluded, but just that it must result from the agreement of the opposed sides. If the international community makes corrections by itself, it will not succeed.” He expresses his personal view that one of the biggest mistakes IC has made, especially EU, happened in 1991, when it firmly rejected the principle of change of borders. On possible voluntary surrender of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, Oven expresses his view that Mladic would never surrender, while Karadzic is a completely type of person – a gambler.

Mirko Sarovic: HR eliminated certain persons to bring PIWFCs to justice


Glas Srpske inset PLUS pg 2 ‘High Representative is the gravedigger of the rule of law’ by Boro Maric-Goran Mihajlovic – In a lengthy interview to GS, Mirko Sarovic, the former RS president and the member of BiH Presidency, reluctantly speaks of events two years ago, which he finds to have been extremely unpleasant. He notes that if the RS authorities had more firmly defended the position of RS president Nikola Poplasen six years ago, the position of the RS at the present time would have been different. On HR Paddy Ashdown, he says that “HR, as the real power centre in BiH, in collaboration with those proving that power to him, decided to eliminate certain number of people – or should we say pass the verdict without trial on the basis of suspicion those people are assisting war crimes suspects, and all in order to weaken the network of assistance and bring PIWFC’s to justice”.  He notes that the goal of some reforms, including police reform, is to strengthen the centralised position of the state.


Police / defence reforms

HR Ashdown: police model with most regions rejected; decision on accepted model next week








Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 3 ‘The map with most regions rejected’ by A. Prlenda – In a statement for daily, the HR Paddy Ashdown stated that following discussions with all interested parties, a proposal for the police restructuring according to which there would be 10+1 police regions in BiH was rejected. Ashdown added that other two options – of five, and 9+1 regions – can meet demands for effective police reforms. He added that public will be presented with the proposal of the future police organization in the beginning of next week: “The chair of the [Police Reform Commission], Wilfred Martens, asked me to take over further discussions with both experts in the police field and political leaders, and to chose one map on base of those talks. At the beginning of the week I will publicise results of the discussions attended by EUPM Commissioner Kevin Carty and me.” Asked whether chosen map will stir negative reactions, Ashdown reminds that RS is not willing to accept anything that would destroy entity jurisdiction over police. “There is no dilemma that some will find chosen map difficult to accept. But, we cannot go to Europe unless police is in accordance with European standards,” concludes Ashdown.

Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘BiH needs a single police divided in five or ten regions’ by M. Cubro – also carries the interview with HR Ashdown on police reform.

RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ashdown to decide on police reform next week’ – also carries announcement that HR will present chosen model next week. 

Gregorian: DRC aim is BiH’s admittance to PfP this year; BiH can enter NATO in 5 yrs


Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 5 ‘BiH can enter NATO in given years’ by Sead Numanovic – “My aim is to have BiH admitted to the [NATO’s] Partnership for Peace [programme] by the end of this year,” states Raffi Gregorian, the Chair of the Defence Reform Commission, in an interview to DA. He adds that BiH could also become the member state of NATO in five years. Asked what are other DRC’s goals for this year, Gregorian answers: “I hope that entities [defence] ministries will merge into one at the state level, that there will be decrease of people in military structures in BiH, and that BiH Armed Forces will be filled out adequately. Finally, that appropriate measures will be carried out after [BiH] Defence Ministry publicizes report [on army cooperation with ICTY] on 14 February. I hope DRC will be handed over to BiH authorities this year. And of course, precondition for PfP members is to see Karadzic and Mladic in the Hague.” Asked about abolishment of the entities defence ministries, Gregorian explains that majority of employees will continue with their jobs, and that the only change will be establishment of the single administrative chain of command in BiH. “I don’t think that Serb politicians strictly oppose thatthey also lobby for profesionalisation of the army,” says Gregorian adding DRC will see to this issue. He concludes that as for entities Armies, they will most probably continue to exist this year.

DRC to hold meeting on Monday

Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘DRC meeting scheduled’ by Fena – Defence Reform Commission will hold an inaugural session on January 31 (Monday) in Sarajevo , in frame of its new mandate for 2005, as NATO HQ Sarajevo announced.


War crimes

SiCG retired General Lazarevic surrendered





RHB, BHT 1, FTV, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Lazarevic goes to the Hague’ by Beta, Nacional cover ‘President, I have decided to serve my homeland to the end’ and pg 4 ‘Lazarevic goes to the Hague honourably’ by U. Mrdic, EuroBlic cover and pgs 4-5 ‘Prime Minister convinced Lazarevic to surrender, Pavkovic awaits for Kostunica’s invitation’, Vecernje Novosti cover pg splash and pgs 2-3 ‘Honourable general departures’ – SiCG retired General Vladimir Lazarevic, indicted for war crimes in Kosovo in 1999, decided to voluntarily surrender to ICTY next week, after talks with Serbian Prime Minister, Vojislav Kostunica.

FTV – Lazarevic said that by doing so, he wanted to help his country, Serbians and Kosovo. Kostunica said that the Government and the state were going to support his defence.

US State Department: the Balkans was not forgotten over Iraq and Afghanistan


BHT 1 – State Department has issued a message saying that US didn’t forget Balkan because of Iraq and Afghanistan when it comes to danger from terrorists’ and criminal networks. Media close to USadministration claim members of the secret US military unit are working for some time on arrests of the ICTY indictees in BiH, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. According to intelligence agents, BiH is intelligence crisis area. State Information and Protection Agency (SIPA) and BiH Defence Ministry have no comments on this, reports BHT. NATO HQ in BIH confirms three reasons why US forces stayed in BIH. “Besides defence reform, our tasks are arresting of war crimes indices and fight against terrorism. When it comes to intelligence operations, we shouldn’t interfere with Washington’s things,” said NATO HQ spokesperson, Dwight Mood.



Supreme Court Chair says the Court still has not received indictment re Pogorelica case

BHT1, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘State prosecutors launched investigation against two judges of FBiH Supreme Court because of bribe’ by H. Orahovac, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Doubts on bribe insufficient to suspend two justices’ by A. Omeragic, Dnevni List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Judges working despite being under investigation’, by Erna Mackic, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Two judges suspected of taking bribe in Lijanovici case’, by Dejan Jazvic, Ana Drmac, Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘Judges suspected of accepting bribe were not suspended’ mentioned on cover ‘The Court did not get an indictment for “Pogorelica” terrorist camp’ by R. CengicChair of FBiH Supreme Court Amir Jaganjac held a press conference on Friday. He confirmed that two judges, who are under an investigation for possible corruption with regard to customs frauds in Lijanovici case, were still working. The Court still has not received the indictment regarding Pogorelica case.



Social and health issues

Returnees claim F BiH is not helping the return


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘They have written off Serbs’ by J. N. – GS claims the Federation of BiH authorities are not helping the return process of Serbs to F BiH, and quotes Chairman of Drvar Assembly Velimir Kunic as saying that Serb returnees to Drvar, Grahovo and Glamoc were written off. The article lists difficulties returnees to F BiH must face.

Meningitis in Mostar?


Dnevni List, front pg splash ‘Meningitis in Mostar?’ and pg 13 ‘Children and staff under therapy because of meningitis’, by Sanja Bjelica, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Boy carrying bacteria in kindergarten in Mostar’, by Ivana Brkic Cubela – A boy who attends private kindergarten ‘Prijatelj’ in Mostar has been diagnosed with bacteria naisseria meningitis. According to relevant health authorities in Mostar, the boy is not ill, however as a pre-caution, all the children and staff of the kindergarten have received injections against the disease.

HNC education Unions announce protests


RHB, Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 17 ‘Mostar: Education Unions: Salaries by Wednesday or big strike’, by Zoran Zekic, Dnevni List, pg 14, mentioned on front ‘Big protest in beginning of February’, by Mile MaslacHNC Unions of elementary and high school education held a press conference in Mostar Friday. They stressed that they will organise protests unless Mostar authorities issue written guarantees for payment of December and January salaries.



Zigic announces solving Energopetrol issues by end of March



Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Solution for Energopetrol by the end of March’, mentioned on cover, by M. Kukan – FBiH Minister of Industry, Mining and Energy, Izet Zigic, has been appointed as the chair of the FBiH Government’s commission tasked to chose new partner for restructuring of ‘Energopetrol’ company. In an interview to DA, Zigic says that the Commission will meet on Monday and discuss offers, establish criteria and prepare recommendations for further action. He says that the strategic partner needed to solve the problems of this company should be found by the end of March.

Bread price to increase after VAT introduction


FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 17, mentioned on cover, ‘With VAT, bread will be 70 pfenings’, Dnevni Avaz pg 15 ‘Klas’ bread will be 10 pfenings more expensive after introduction of VAT’“Klas” company from Sarajevo announced that prices of bread were going to be increased by KM 10 pf, due to law on VAT. After VAT starts being implemented, monthly expenses are going to be increased by KM 1.1 per person. Klas Director said that he hoped that those who were sitting in the Parliament and who represented BiH citizens were aware of the decisions they had brought regarding VAT. He especially stressed the possibility for the grey market to develop.