
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 28/6/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 28 June


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

Jovic new BiH Presidency Chairman

USHoR adopts Srebrenica Resolution

USHoR adopts Srebrenica Resolution

Ivo Miro Jovic chairs BiH Presidency

Support to ‘Lijanovici’ workers

Iraqi parliament delegate killed

TV news broadcast on 27 June


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Lijanovici premises searched

BiH citizen killed in Iraq

BiH citizen killed in Iraq

Negotiations on CoM crisis

Lijanovic company raided

Lijanovici company offices raided

FBIH HoP session

Meeting on CoM crisis continues

Igman Initiative session in Belgrade

Law on public RTV system

CRO,BiH,SiCG Presidents’ agreement

US HoR on Srebrenica Declaration


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Meeting on CoM crisis continues

Sitting volleyball team back home

BIH citizen killed in Iraq

BiH sitting volley-ball rep. arrives

Floods in Travnik area

Bojic and Purisic released

Lijanovic company raided

Lijanovici company offices raided

Negotiations on CoM crisis

Hasan Cengic to be sentenced

Closing arguments in Cengic’s case

Igman initiative session



Police raided Lijanovici

Dnevni Avaz

Search in company ‘Lijanovici

Dnevni List

Lijanovics’ employees detained

Vecernji List

Drama at Siroki Brijeg

Slobodna Dalmacija

Special forces ‘occupy’ Lijanovici

Nezavisne Novine

BiH, Croatia and SiCG want to normalize relations

Glas Srpske

Hague has no time


Horror on highway [car accident]

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles

Srpski Nacional

Features Serbian related titles



Jovic assumes post of BiH Presidency Chairman





RHB, BH Radio 1 by Senka Jasarspahic – The member of the BiH Presidency, Ivo Miro Jovic, has taken over chairing duty from Borislav Paravac. At the officials hand over ceremony held in Sarajevo, Jovic stressed that the focus of the Presidency in next few months will be fulfillment of the international obligations, completion of defence reform and police reorganization. Jovic also pointed out to the necessity to strengthen the economic development and decrease deficit in foreign trade: “We have significant natural resources and they have to be used, especially since we have large number of young and competent professionals who can speed up process of exiting the crisis.” Borislav Paravac expressed satisfaction with the work of the BiH Presidency in past eight months, while Tihic had different opinion noting that removal of Dragan Covic and crisis in the Council of Ministers delayed resolving some of the important issues in relations between BiH with SCG and Croatia .

US House of Reps adopts Srebrenica Resolution


RHB, BH Radio 1 – The US House of Representatives adopted the resolution on Srebrenica which demands perpetrators to be brought before the justice. The Resolution, similar to the one adopted last week by the US Senate, also urges for the politics of aggression and ethnic cleansing carried out by Serb forces in BIH, supported by former Yugoslavia, is defined as genocide, reports Voice of America.

Mostar trade unions support Lijanovici workers

RHB – The Association of Independent Trade Unions Mostar supports employees of the ‘Lijanovici’ company and condemns the way in which this company was raided yesterday.

BiH Prosecution examines documents in case of plane crash of Macedonian president

BH Radio 1 – BiH Prosecution examines validity of the SFOR document which states that its troops have found a wreckage of the plane, which crashed killing Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski and eight-member delegation, on the same day accident took place near Mostar and not 24 hours later. Vesna Marinkovic, BiH Prosecutor involved in the case, told that she received the demand from Macedonian Prosecutor to check these documents, report Macedonian media.

Farmers not giving up on protests


BH Radio 1 – BiH Association of Farmers issued press release today stating that representatives of the Association protesting in front of the Joint Institutions building in Sarajevo will not give up on protests before their demands are met. This is the fourth day of protests. 


Judicial issues: investigations and trials

Police/EUFOR raid Lijanovici company/ Head of Legal, Chief Auditor detained














Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash ‘Search in company ‘Lijanovici’ ‘ and pg 3 ‘Premises of ‘Lijanovici’ management searched’ by F. Vele – The FBiH police, supported by the EUFOR, on Monday morning searched the main offices of the Lijanovic meat industry in Siroki Brijeg, confiscating about ten boxes of documentation. The action has been carried out upon request of the Prosecutor in the Special Department for economic crime, Johnatan Ratel. In addition, police has also raided the flat of the head of the company’s legal affairs department in Mostar, Zdenka Simunovic and her husband, Ljubo Simunovic, company’s chief auditor. They were both detained due to illegal possession of weapons and transferred to Sarajevo. Article reads that discs, tapes, computer and documentation confiscated from their apartment were connected to ‘Lijanovici case’. Simunovics will be interrogated by Ratel today. Inset ‘New arrests possible’ carries that according to the source close to the BiH prosecution, the action will not be completed with search of documents but it is possible that several other persons closed to Lijanovici company are arrested in next several days. Inset ‘Not all documentation taken’ carries one of Lijanovici brothers, Jerko Lijanovic, stating that police has not seized all documents form the company.

RHB, PINK, BHT1, FTV, Hayat, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Documentation on financial transactions was confiscated’ by V. Coric and R. Cengic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘They searched and apprehended’ by Srna, EuroBlic Search in Lijanovici’ by Srna, Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash ‘Special forces ‘occupy’ Lijanovici’ and pg 2 ‘Strong MoI and EUFOR forces surround ‘Lijanovici’ company’s management building’, by Danijel Ivankovic, Oslobodjenje cover pg splash ‘Police raided Lijanovici’ and pgs 4 and 5 ‘Police raided ‘Lijanovici’, Director arrested’ by D. Pavlovic – also reported. Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Drama at Siroki Brijeg’ and pgs 2-3 ‘Herzegovina under siege’, by Robert Soldo, Zoran Kresic, pg 4 ‘Attack on BiH Croats’, by Robert Soldo – Also carries report on raid, adding its report on pgs 2-3 says the Croats see the operation as a new demonstration of force and as an attempt targeted against the Croats’ economy. It is also worth mentioning the title VL uses on pg 4 although it only features factual reporting from the event.

EUFOR: Operation was successful


Oslobodjenje cover pg splash ‘Police raided Lijanovici’ and pgs 4 and 5 ‘Police raided ‘Lijanovici’, Director arrested’ by D. Pavlovic – Daily also reports on the search with comment from Jerko Lijanovic, adding that EUFOR troops have not entered the premises but only assisted in providing security at the scene.

BHT 1 – “EUFOR was asked by FBiH Ministry of Interior to provide help in case of any kind of incidents, and we did that by forming checkpoints. The operation was completed successfully, without any incidents”, stated EUFOR Spokesperson Bridget Rose.

Jerko Lijanovic comments the raid: This is pressure against those support BiH production


Dnevni List, front pg splash ‘Lijanovics’ employees detained’ and pgs 2-3 ‘Lijanovic’s lawyer and auditor detained’, by N. Dedic – Carries one of co-owners of the company, Jerko Ivankovic Lijanovic, as commenting on the raid into the company. He says there are plenty of reasons behind the raid, all of which are inappropriate. He says the reasons are: firstly, because the company supports the protests of farmers, secondly, the BiH Prosecution has no evidence to prove its indictment against the ‘Lijanovici’ and is now trying to get new evidence and finally, among other reasons, it is because of influence of import lobbies and their interests.

PINK by Danijel Vujanovic –  “Lijanovic company has been blocked, obviously in order to frighten and warn others who support BiH production on possible problems they could also face… One of the possible motives may be court process led against Lijanovic brothers, but which obviously lacks evidences and facts, due to what BiH Prosecution continued investigation after having the lawsuit raised”, said Jerko Lijanovic. RHB, FTV, Hayat – also reports.

VL op-ed on Lijanovici raid: ‘Hooded state persecutes Croats’


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Hooded state persecutes Croats’, by Jozo Pavkovic – Commenting on the raid of the ‘Lijanovici’ company, the author argues there is a long list of operations in which foreign military and FBiH police officers wearing masks were sent on the Croats, such as the Hercegovacka bank, Jelavic arrest, arrest of late Leutar’s driver etc. The author argues that the systematic striking of fear has one message, namely that the Croats are linked with genocide and crime, because of which the IC is applying double standards against the Croats. In the same context, the author says the IC is ruthless against the Croats, whilst in the same time it is endlessly giving in to the Serbs and Bosniaks. Finally, the author argues that constitutional changes are starting in this sort of environment.

Purisic, Bojic found not guilty of murdering Novica Lukic [Visegrad action, 2004]


PINK, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 12, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Bojic and Purisic were acquitted of charges’ by A. D., EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Special policemen were acquitted of charges’ by D. S.– East Sarajevo District Court acquitted RS special police members Drazen Bojic and Vedran Purisic, of the charges for murder of Novica Lukic. Novica Lukic, a brothers of ICTY suspects Milan Lukic, was killed during the police action aimed at apprehension of Milan in Visegrad, on 18 April 18 2004.

BHT 1 Boris Grubesic – The Court has ruled that Bojic and Purisic were misled, so they cannot be guilty of murder. Lukic’s family, who left the courtroom in the middle of reading the verdict, announced they will file lawsuit for compensation.

Hayat Nenad Trbic – In line with RS Ministry if Interior Darko Matijasevic’s decision, Bojic and Purisic are not allowed to give any statements, nor are they allowed to return to their jobs.

Verdict on Hasan Cengic case on 29 June

BHT 1, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Verdict tomorrow’ by L.S., Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Closing arguments completed’ by Aj.Delic, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Verdict to be presented tomorrow’ by D. Muminovic, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Verdict to Hasan Cengic tomorrow’, by Erna Mackic – The closing arguments in the trial of Hasan Cengic have started before the BiH Court. Cengic, former Deputy FBiH Defence Minister and current delegate in the BiH Parliament, has been indicted for misuse of power and authority. He allegedly gave permission to the BIO company to produce weapons. The verdict in the case will be announced on Wednesday, June 29. 

FTV – Cengic still claims that this is politically motivated process, and that he will be acquitted on the charges. “Prosecutor’s closing argument – and he was talking about the form, not the essence – clearly shows that he is aware of the fact that he did not manage to prove my guilt” stated Cengic.

Trail of Alispahic, others for attempting murder of Fikret Abdic launched [Pogorelica case]


BHT 1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Alispahic and others called indictments lie’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Indictment was read to Alispahic and others’ by A. Durmo, Dnevni List, pg 48 ‘Alispahic denies guilt calling everything lies’, by HINA – Bakir Alispahic, a former head of AID, Bosniak secret service and four of his associates [Irfan Ljevakovic, Enver Mujezinovic, Edhem Veladzic and Ejup Ikic], charged with conspiracy to assassinate Fikret Abdic, started at the Sarajevo Cantonal Court on Monday. Under the indictment, Alispahic and his associates in late 1995 and early 1996 carried out preparations to assassinate the former Bosniak politician who at the time lived in Rijeka. Allegedly, they hired several Bosniaks from Bihac who were to kill Abdic on the road between Crikvenica and Rijeka which he travelled daily on his way to work. The Croatian police discovered plans to assassinate Abdic on time, seized the weapons and arrested the potential assassins, explained Prosecutor Vlado Miskovic. At the beginning of the trial, indictees pleaded not guilty on all counts of the indictment. [The trial of Alispahic and his associates is the result of a broader investigation into an alleged terrorist training camp Pogorelica in central BiH. It is speculated that AID members were trained on Mount Pogorelica to attack and kill the opponents of the SDA.]

Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘This is beginning of end of orchestrated process’ by H. Orahovac – carries the inset which says that while it is unusual for higher prosecutorial stance to represent the indictment before the lower stance court, FBiH Prosecutor Vlado Miskovic explained Sarajevo Cantonal Court was given a jurisdiction in the case following the instruction from the High Representative as the “murder is in the original jurisdiction of cantonal courts.”

Trebinje Prosecutor launches new process in Alijagic case


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Investigation against Vucurevic and Spaic was launched’ by V. D. – Trebinje Regional Prosecutor’s Office Monday officially launched an investigation against Bozidar Vucurevic and Jovan Spaic, who were suspected of abuse of office in “Alijagic” case and, should there be needed elements, an indictment will be brought against these two persons, as the Prosecutor’s Office confirmed.

FTV ’60 minutes’ interview with Prosecutor John McNair


FTV current affairs program ’60 minutes’ by Bakir Hadziomerovic – In an interview with the ’60 minutes, the Head of BiH Prosecution’s Special Department for Organized and Economic Crime and Corruption, John McNair talked about recent cases prosecuted at BiH Court and work of BiH Court and BiH Prosecution. Asked to comment the verdicts in two most recent cases prosecuted at BiH Court [tax evasion case related to SIDOIL company in which owner Sedinet Sido Karic was sentenced to suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay fine of BAM 1,5 million; and second case of former Interpol Deputy Director Asim Fazlic acquitted by the Court], McNair announced that BiH Prosecution is going to review all verdicts and consider possible appeals. Asked if the “too mild verdicts” are going to ruin the credibility of the Prosecution, McNair answered that he is not worried about that issue explaining the Office is prosecuting several very complex and long cases, adding there will be more of those in the future.


CoM crisis

Parties: CoM must continue working; reshuffle of CoM possible; talks on Feasibility Study conditions next week









Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Restructuring of the CoM possible’, mentioned on cover, by A. Malagic – The first out of three conclusions adopted at the meeting between BiH presidency members, leaders of ruling political parties and CoM Chair, is that in this week the Council of Minister has to continue working. Secondly, participation of the meeting agreed that the next week talks on possible reshuffle inside in CoM are to being. Thirdly, parties agreed it is necessary to continue talks in order to ensure meeting conditions from the Feasibility Study. This means that all issues unsolved and set by the FS, including police reform, but be subject to the discussions next week. Following the meeting, Ivo Miro Jovic, address the journalists stated that it is unacceptable for these issues to be further delayed. As for proposal by Adnan Terzic to fill in the vacant posts in CoM with experts from RS, Jovic said this was not discussed at the moment. “We hope the same parliamentary majority will stay,” says Jovic. HDZ leader, Dragan Covic, confirmed to journalists that CoM, including Mladen Ivanic, continues to work. Asked after the meeting about Ivanic’s position, Terzic stated: “OHR said that Ivanic must stay during the technical mandate. Therefore, I expect from the BiH Presidency next week to start the iusse of reshuffling CoM.” Leader of the SBiH, Safet Halilovic, denied the party considers withdrawing from the authorities as reported by media on Monday. Halilovic sees no problems in Ivanic’s work during the technical mandate.

RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Ivanic stays working in technical mandate’ by V.Z.. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Terzic expects support’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Still no agreement’ by N. Zelenovic – also reported.  RHB, Hayat, PINK – at the time of news broadcast the meeting was not concluded.

Ivanic, Terzic comments before the meeting; Cavic rejects plan to appoint experts


BHT 1 Gvozden Sarac – Before the meeting has started, Mladen Ivanic stated: “There is only one option if [Adnan] Terzic wants to implement his own decision – he must finally nominate somebody, that expert he has been talking about for some time, so I can quit my job. Or, if he does not receive the necessary support for that act, and he should resign.” Terzic also told journalists before the meeting that he will not give up an idea for experts from the RS to fill two vacant positions in the CoM. SDS president Dragan Cavic said such proposal is not acceptable, and also added SDS will not fill PDP’s posts. “If he does not want to participate in the Government, and in the same time he complains that there are no ministers from SDS, if he does not want experts, than the real question is – what does he want?”, said Adnan Terzic of Cavic. FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Ivanic: We are turning state into circus’, by N. Bise  – also carry Terzic’s statement on Cavic.

Solana: ‘Autumn brings a solution?


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Solution to BiH police reform in September’ by Beta – EU High Representative Havier Solana Monday stated elimination of obstacles to police reform in Bih is expected to take place in September. He has stated there was a delay in police reform but CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic has recently told him ‘he has a plan and he thinks he will be able to find a path for police reform by September’. He emphasized, if this is achieved, EC will then be in the position to consider Feasibility Study and SAA. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘I hope PM Terzic will continue with reforms’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Autumn brings a solution?’ by Beta also carry Solana’s statement.

Anton Ril to take over Deputy Foreign Minister post


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Anton Ril new Deputy Foreign Minister’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Terzic expects support’ by M. Cubro, inset ‘Rill was appointed Deputy BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs’ – BiH CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic Monday appointed Anton Rill Deputy BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs. BiH HoR should approve this appointment in order for it to become valid.

Dodik: New elections only way out


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Elections are the only solution’ by V. P. – The crisis in the BiH Council of Ministers can only be resolved by organizing new elections, and the relations in this State body indicate the failure of a structure that has been in power for the past four years, SNSD President Milorad Dodik said on Monday after talks with the Ambassador of Netherlands to BiH, Robert Bosscher.

DL op-ed on CoM crisis

Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Crisis’, by Danijela Kozina – The author comments on the crisis in the BiH CoM and meetings aimed at solving it. Kozina says the politicians are only “filling the old and opening new potholes”, that they are not really keen to solve the crisis, since it is obvious that nobody is ready to give in.


Other political issues

Presidents of SCG, Croatia, BiH sign joint statement at Igman initiative mtg in Belgrade










RHB, RTRS, BHT 1, FTV, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Future is in truth about past’ by B. Boskov, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Visa-free regime among BiH, Croatia and SCiG should be introduced’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘BiH, Croatia and SiCG want to normalize relations’ by Beta, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Region of peace and cooperation’ by Srna, Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Peoples are not guilty, however…’ by T. Markovic, Dnevni List, pg 22 ‘Tripartite view on present and future’, mentioned on front ‘Mesic, Marovic and Paravac sign joint declaration’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 14 ‘Only Mesic received applause at meeting of Igman initiative’, by Dusko Mandic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 4 ‘Mesic: It is not people’ fault’, by H – Croatian President Stjepan Mesic, SCG President Svetozar Marovic and BiH Presidency Chair Borislav Paravac signed the joint statement stressing the necessity of the full cooperation with the ICTY. Meeting at the 10th session of the ‘Igman Initiative’ which gathers about 140 NGOs held in Belgrade, presidents noted the significant progress in relations between the countries, also adding that more needs to be done. Marovic condemned the crimes committed in Srebrenica, and added those perpetrators did not represent SCG. He added that by resolving the issue of Ratko Mladic, SCG will be in a position to join the Partnership for Peace and not only start, but also complete talks on Stabilisation and Association with the EU by the end of the year. Mesic added that Serbian citizens should condemn the crimes in Srebrenica. Three presidents also pointed out it is necessary to solve the issues related to borders, and noted importance of introducing visa-free regime between those three countries.

Presidents on war crimes and cooperation with ICTY


PINK Drago Jovanovic – “Ratko Mladic has to be extradited to the ICTY; this is the term by which SiCG should get rid of the burden of pressure… War crime indictees have to be tried and war crime indictees cannot be heroes. Any justification of crimes is also a crime”, said Savetozar Marovic. “We are not responsible for crimes and evils of the past, but we have to be ready to accept responsibility for preventing such crimes and evils from happening again”, said Stipe Mesic. “We have to be open and sincere with young generations on truth on events from the past; we have to connect what has been broken, and establish new relations and cooperation, since we are responsible for future of our states and nations”, said Borislav Paravac. BHT 1, FTV, Hayat – also carry statements on war crimes.

Croat MPs leave session of FBiH HoP unhappy with new amendments re right to laureates of war decorations


Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Bosniaks discriminate Croat defenders’, by Ivica Glibusic – Members of Croat Caucus in FBiH House of Peoples left the yesterday’s (Monday) session after the amendment on law on rights of war medal laureates made by Vahid Heco got adopted. Namely, according to this amendment, the decorations given by other country – including the decorations Croatia had awarded to the members of the Croat Defence Council (HVO) – will not be accepted. Croat MPs left the session saying they will not take part in its continuation until there is an agreement about the issue at senior levels. A representative of HVO members, Zdravko Beslic, says Heco’s amendment is discriminating members of the HVO because it would deprive the Croat of their rights. RHB, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pgs 4 and 5 ‘Croat delegates left session’, mentioned on cover ‘Croats left session’ by S. Sehercehajic, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Voting on war heroes postponed’ by A.B. – also carry.

Commission for Foreign and Trade Policy of BiH HoP to discuss PBS law today?


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Discussion on PBS legislation cancelled’ – The session of the Commission for Foreign and Trade Policy within the BiH House of Peoples, which was scheduled for Monday, did not take place due to lack of quorum, because the Bosniak members of the Commission failed to show up. The Commission was supposed to dis discuss the Law on Public Broadcasting System.

FTV, RHB – Member of the Commission, Velimir Jukic, stated for RHB Radio that the law on PBS would be discussed at the session scheduled for Tuesday. He added that Croat members will insist on establishment of the Croat TV channel at the state level or organisation of additional TV stations in RS and FBIH.

OHR condemns Draskovic’s statement


RHB, RTRS, BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Kosovo issue is not related with BiH in any way’ by L.S., Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Damaging and unacceptable statement’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Harmful Draskovic’s statement’ by N. Z., Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘Harmful statement’ by D. St., EuroBlic pg 3 ‘Harmful statement’ by M. S. , Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘OHR: There can be no meddling with Bosnia and Herzegovina’s borders’, by NINA, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 6 ‘Office of High Representative: Without dilemma – unacceptable!’, by E. FericThe weekend’s statement by SCG Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic, suggesting a linkage between a settlement of the status of Kosovo and BiH are damaging, destabilizing and completely unacceptable, was announced by the OHR. The Kosovo question is a matter solely for the international community and SCG Government, and has no connection with BiH, was announced.

Reactions to Draskovic’s statement


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Kosovo is internal issue of Serbia, while RS is internal issue of BiH’ by S. Rozajac – Commenting on the statement given by SCiG Fo stat reign Minister Vuk Draskovic, Head of the SDP Caucus in the RSNA Zekerijah Osmic ed that the BiH state and political top should finally react against such statements. Head of the SDS Caucus in the BiH HoR Momcilo Novakovic believes that politicians and people who live in the RS should decide on the destiny of the RS. RS Vice President Adil Osmanovic stated that, unfortunately, this is not the first time that Draskovic gives such statements. Osmanovic believes that Kosovo is an internal issue of SCiG and it cannot be related with BiH. Oslob. inset under headline ‘Draskovic from past times’ carries NHI President Kresimir Zubak as saying that Draskovic lives in the past times and he is not worthy his current position. 

Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Halilovic: Leopard never changes its spots’ by L. Sinanovic – Leader of SBiH, Safet Halilovic condemned Draskovic’s statement. DA inset under headline ‘Dodik: RS as bargaining tool’ carries SNSD President Milorad Dodik as saying that the RS should build its road towards the EU through BiH. Dodik rejected the possibility of abolishment of the RS as a functional part of BiH.

Vjesnik, pg 13 ‘Draskovic’s statement about Kosovo and BiH condemned’, by Alenko Zornija – Dodik also said that Draskovic’s words are “too strong, which does not contribute to stabilization in BiH and the region”.

Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 6 ‘HDZ still without comment’, by E. F. – HDZ without comment on Draskovic statement.

DA op-ed on Draskovic’s statement


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Draskovic’s threats to BiH’ by E. Sarac carries an editorial criticizing Draskovic’s statement and the author says that such statements show that the sprit of ‘Greater Serbia’ has not been buried forever. She believes that in this way he just joined those who are trying to amortize the issue of involvement of the neighboring state in the Srebrenica massacre.

Croat parties discuss constitutional changes 


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘’If necessary, new conference on BiH’ Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘New constitution for better future of citizens’ by R. Ra. And S. L., Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Three directions of parties’ activities agreed upon’, by Ivica Glibusic – Carries a report from yesterday’s (Monday) meeting of Croat parties which discussed issues pertaining to constitutional changes in BiH. According to the host of the meeting, the President of HDU, Miro Grabovac Titan, there are three ways to influence the forthcoming constitutional changes: by submitting amendments to the current BiH Constitution, by opening round tables on the issue and by lobbying with institutions and individuals in countries involved in peace implementation process. Grabovac also believes that Croatia, as a signatory of the Dayton agreement, should be more involved in the process. (NB: the report did not state which parties took part in the meeting)

Bukejlovic: police/PBS solutions until end of November


RHB, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Solution on police reform by end of November’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Solution for police reform and RTV system by November’ by Srna, EuroBlic pg RS 2 ‘On police by November’ by R. R., Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Solution to police reform in November’, not signed – RS Prime Minister, Pero Bukejlovic, stated in Banja Luka on Monday that he expects solutions regarding the police reform and PBS to be found by the end of November. He also expects RS not to be declared as the obstructionist in police reform, adding RS Government works towards unblocking the process. Bukejlovic concluded he hopes “the other side will soften” and the solution agreeable to all parties will be found soon.

Ivo Miro Jovic takes over chairing duty today


RHB, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Ivo Miro Jovic Chairman’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz ‘Ivo Miro Jovic Chairman as of today’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Ivo Miro Jovic is Chairman as of today’ by Srna, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Jovic instead of Paravac’ by N. B., Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Solemn session of BiH Presidency’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Ivo Miro Jovic the chairman’, by D. Ja., Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19 ‘Ivo Miro Jovic leads BiH Presidency’, by D. Pasic– The Croat member of BiH Presidency, Ivo Miro Jovic, takes over the chairing duty as of today [28 June]. Jovic is to take over from the current BiH Presidency Chair, Borislav Paravac.

DA: FBiH MoD’s debt could cause collapse of FBiH budget?

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Due to 50 million KM of debt, possible collapse of FBiH budget’ by E. Sarac – The Chair of the Commission for Defence and Security of FBiH Parliametn, Sead Delic, states that due to the alarming financial situation in the FBiH Ministry of Defence, the Commission is to hold the meeting with the MoD Miroslav Nikolic. Delic added that the debt of the Ministry, speculated to be between 30 and 50 million KM, could cause the collapse of FBiH budget. The meeting was to be held on Monday but was postponed due to Nikolic’s inability to attend.


Security / War crimes / Zenica inmate update

BiH citizens killed by suicide bomber in Iraq




RTRS, Hayat, BHT1, PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Ljubisa Aleksic from Zenica got killed’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ljubisa Aleksic from Zenica killed in Iraq’, mentioned on cover, by L. Sinanovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Fatal Iraqi mission’ by N. Z., Dnevni List, back pg ‘Attack: Man from Zenica died in Iraq’, not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19BiH citizens dies in Iraq’, by D. Pasic –   – According to information by the BiH Embassy in Kuwait, Ljubisa Aleksic, from Zenica, was killed in a bomb attack south of Baghdad on 15 June. Aleksic was working for the US firm Lloyd-Owen International as security accompanying convoys transporting oil and other goods.

RS MoI confirms 11 persons arrested


RTRS, PINK, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘The arrested persons are not at the list of Srebrenica Task Force’ by S. K., EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘RS MoI confirmed arrests’ by R. R., Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘MoI arrested 11 persons at order of Prosecution’, by Hina – RS MoI arrested 11 persons recently and transferred them to BIH Prosecution. RS MoI denies that these persons are in the list made by Srebrenica working group.

1700 police officers to secure Srebrenica commemoration


Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘1700 policemen would be securing anniversary’ by S. Smajlovic – All state security agencies will cooperate with entity police forces on securing the commemoration on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica. EUFOR, EUPM and OSCE representatives will also monitor the burial of the new group of identified citizens of Srebrenica. “We believe that approximately 50.000 people could attend the commemoration in Potocari on July 11. We will engage about 1.700 policemen to secure this manifestation”, said Canton Tuzla Police Commissioner Ivica Divkovic. Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘1500 policemen from RS will be securing the gathering’ by J. S., FTV – also reported.

GS: Hague has no time to process denunciation against Bosniaks


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Hague has no time’ by D. M. – The article claims RS Secretariat for Relations with the Hague Tribunal filed a denunciation against 49 Bosniaks, suspected of committing war crimes in Srebrenica in 1992 and 1993, to ICTY in March last year, however this still had not been considered. Some of names included in the denunciation are: current Srebrenica Mayor Abdurahman Malkic, Zulfo Tursunovic and Hakija Meholjic. The article describes duties and activities of Malkic during the war and puts him side by side to Naser Oric. As a conclusion, the article reads: ‘Hague Tribunal, however, had not time to deal with th4ese crimes. Or perhaps it feared it would disturb “standards” set in the Hague in case of Srebrenica’.

NN: CoE has not adopted Srebrenica declaration


Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘Declaration on Srebrenica was not adopted’ by Srna – An official source from CoE has confirmed CoE had neither adopted nor discussed Srebrenica declaration but had only announced this declaration was available for signing. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Neither adopted nor discussed’ by Srna – also reported.

Zenica inmates continue hunger strike


PINK, Hayat. FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Under medical supervision’, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Protesters will not give up’, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Convicts are in difficult physical and psychical condition’ by S. Karic inset ‘The Court in Strasbourg is considering the Zenica case’, Glas srpske pg 3 ‘Terror behind bars’ by O. Matavulj, Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Strike until transfer’, by Branka Stevandic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19 ‘Zenica prisoners a ‘hot’ issue for Council of Ministers’, by A. MacanovicFour prisoners in Zenica penitentiary, who are on a hunger strike for more than twenty days, are in difficult health condition, but they will continue with their protest, stated members of their families. They will continue with hunger strike until they are transferred to some other prison in BiH.


Economic issues

Farmers continue with protests








RHB, PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘There is no withdrawing and buying of time’ by M.K.S., Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Bakic: We shall not give up until we get state Ministry for Agriculture’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Farmers were digging in front of BiH CoM building’ by N. Krsman, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘To EU with shovel’ by Dusanka Stanisic, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Bakic: We are staying in tents until requests have been met’, by Mensud Zorlak, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19, mentioned on front ‘Peasant’s mutiny against Government’, by Zdenko Rerig – Farmers who on Saturday began protesting in front of the building of joint institutions in Sarajevo have said they will continue picketing the building until their demands are met. Some 30 representatives of different farmer associations have put up tents and displayed banners with their demands. Chairman of BIH Farmers Association Ranko Bakic stated that farmers ask for better protection of domestic production with higher subsidies, imposing tariff duties on agricultural imports from neighbouring countries and establishment of the state Ministry of Agriculture.

Vecernji List, pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Fruit and vegetables on borders’, by Frano Matic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19 ‘Doljani blocked’, by E. Karamatic – Group of farmers blocked Doljani border crossing on Monday.

Third International gathering of businessmen of BiH, EU and SEE starts in Sarajevo


PINK Adriana Domazet – Third International Gathering of businessmen from BiH, Southeast Europe and the EU is being held in Sarajevo. The aim of the meeting is to improve conditions for economic cooperation at the European level in sense of communications and trade. “BiH is interested in regional cooperation due to the fact that BiH has no perspective future without stabile political and economic situation in the whole region”, said the Chair of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic. Asll participants confirmed at a plenary session on Monday their commitment to improving regional cooperation and creating an environment for the development of market economy and regional integration. Dnevni Avaz pg 14 ‘Terzic: Governments must be a services to the businessmen’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 13 ‘Europe wants strong region’ by H. Arifagic – also covered in their economy dedicated pages.

Merdzo: No need for FBiH HoR to discuss agreement on Aluminij


Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘House of Representatives should not be discussing agreement on Aluminij’, by Nermin Bise – Deputy Speaker of BiH House of Representatives, Josip Merdzo, sees no reason why the FBiH HoR should be discussing the deal the FBiH Government and ‘Aluminij’ Management had reached earlier. “In that case, similar issues should be raised (in the Parliament) when it comes to the BH Steel, Agrokomerc and in general about contracts and failures in privatization processes and about care for workers”, said Merdzo.