RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Jurkic’s letter to HR | OHR on HR’s work | Shooting in |
Sabeta meets Del Ponte | Humphreys in visit to Banjaluka | Humphreys in visit to Banjaluka |
RS PM on ICTY cooperation | Ivanic in visit to | Rehn’s letter to Terzic |
Humphreys met Cavic | HJPC appoints new judges | 3 years of HR’s mandate |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
13th Markale massacre anniversary | Shooting in | OHR on authority transfer |
Feature story on a Serbian NGO | New mass grave in Prijedor | Car accident |
Hayat comments 4th SDA Congress | General Steven Shook in | RS schools on strike |
Hayat comments HR’s work | Rehn sent letter to Terzic | Humphreys meets RS officilas |
Oslobodjenje | HR Ashdown: RS has veto on future of BiH |
Dnevni Avaz | SDA leader Tihic: I did not expect such a strong lobbying against me |
Dnevni List | There will be no abolishment of pensions (to Croat veterans in BiH paid by |
Vecernji List | FBiH made a deal with Aluminium |
Nezavisne Novine | Strike of teachers in RS: To get higher salaries through strike |
Glas Srpske | Make poor than rule! |
Political Developments/Reforms | |
OHR on the occasion of third anniversary of HR Paddy Ashdown’s mandate: Progress towards EU will depend on BiH politicians’ readiness to adopt necessary reforms
| Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ashdown announces transfer of certain powers to BiH authorities’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘OHR: Transfer of powers to BiH authorities’, FENA – This week marks three years since Paddy Ashdown took on the mandate of the High Representative. On his first day as High Representative Paddy Ashdown identified his primary aim as putting BiH irreversibly on the path to statehood and on the road to |
HR Ashdown: RS has veto on future of BiH
| Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 5 ‘RS has veto on future of BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘RS hold veto on future of BiH’ – In an interview with ONASA news agency, HR Paddy Ashdown said that the RS had veto on future of BiH. Ashdown emphasized he could not influence on that. The HR also announced he would tell the public next Tuesday what he was intending to do by the end of his mandate. Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Either Sanader-like reforms or disappearance form the political scene’ – Ashdown said that national political parties in BiH had to reform like the HDZ in Croatia had done or they would disappear from the political scene. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘BiH needs strong opposition’ also carried the interview. |
HDZ, SDP, SDA, Party for BiH on Ashdown’s announcement to transfer powers to BiH institutions.
| Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘There are no reforms without HR’ S. Sehercehajic – Commenting on HR’s announcement to transfer a part of his powers to BiH state institutions, HDZ BiH’s official Josip Merdzo said it looked like the HR was removing himself by his own. SDP’s Jozo Krizanovic said the HR deserved tributes because all the reforms had been launched so far thanks to his pressures. Head of SDA caucus in the BiH Parliamentary Assembly Seada Palavric believes that the HR has not a moral right to speak about the transfer of his authorities until the ongoing reforms of police, defence, PBS and education are not implemented. Party for BiH’s Beriz Belkic says he is concerned about the HR’s announcement since, according to his opinion, the current BiH authorities have no capacity to take over the HR’s powers. |
Politicians, journalists comments on three years of Paddy Ashdown’s mandate
| BHT Marina Boskovic – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, emphasizes that the main results of his work since he has taken over the mandate are: establishment of State Court and Prosecution, joint control over armed forces and forming of united (single) security agencies. “During the first year of my work, we were using authorities to impose laws and we have imposed 76 laws, 23 in the second year while in this last year I used my authorities only two times and I believe that is the way we should follow”, stated Ashdown. “Jobs and justice with which the HR enters into this story is not realized and political situation isn’t improved at all”, said Nebojsa Radmanovic, SNSD member. He added that results of the HR’s work in the last three years are negative. In the first months of his work, the HR was announcing that BiH is going to enter EU in 2009, after making fast changes, but today we are still waiting to start negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement, comments BHT reporter. “He came with naive belief that the nationalists who rule can reform this country, but we all know that didn’t happen”, said Senad Pecanin, magazine “Dani” director. Pecanin added that he believes BiH is going to pay for HR’s failures for a long time. The ruling parties believe that BiH still needs HR’s help. “I do not believe there are sufficient number of politicians in BiH who are ready to take over the responsibilities and authorities from the HR”, said BiH Council of Ministers Chair, Adnan Terzic. Ashdown announced that he is going to transfer some of the OHR authorities onto the domestic BiH institutions in order to increase responsibilities of domestic politicians. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Negative mark to Ashdown’ – The daily also carried SNSD’s Radmanovic statement. SDA’s Sefket Hafizovic said that neither his party was completely satisfied with Ashdown’s work, but that a significant progress had been made in the course of his three years in the office. SDS’ Stanko Pivasevic believes that a majority of Ashdown’s promises from the beginning of his mandate has not been fulfilled. According to SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija, Ashdown’s work in the past three years can be assessed negatively. SPRS President Petar Djokic says that Ashdown has succeeded in the past three years to open perspectives of BiH to join EU. Poor results were however achieved in the sector of economy, according to Djokic. |
EU’s Rehn sends letter to BiH CoM Chair Terzic: No green light for SAA talks without police, PBS reforms
| BHT, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘There will no negotiation without results in police reform’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘No accession to EU without police, PBS reforms’ – EU Enlargement Commissioner, Olli Rehn sent letter to the BiH Council of Ministers Chair, Adnan Terzic, stating that the sufficient progress had not been made in the reform of police and BiH Public Broadcasting System. Rehn repeated three European Commission principles for police reform and stressed out that without concrete results in that field the Commission will not be able to give a green light for beginning of negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA). At the end of this letter, Rehn expressed his hope that BiH is going to start the negotiations on SAA before the 10th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement. |
EC Humhries meets with RS leaders to point out once again the importance of police reform
| RHB, Pink, BHT, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Inter-entity line will have to be crossed’, Vecerni List pg 3 ‘RS should make a mature decision’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Wait and not impose’, Nezavsine Novine pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Police reform will be accepted in the Parliament’ – The Chief of the European Commission Delegation to BiH, Michael Humphreys visited Banjaluka, on Friday, in order to warn RS politicians on the importance of adoption of police reform, in line with three EU principles. Humphreys met with RS President, Dragan Cavic, RS National Assembly Speaker, Dusan Stojicic and with Chiefs of political parties’ parliamentary caucuses. Humphreys pointed out that until three EU principles were not to be met, negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement would not start. “I believe that the RS NA representatives are serious and responsible and that they are able to see the needs of people, what is necessary to make progress… I hope that the outcome would be positive”, said Humphreys. Stojicic said that it was possible to reach an agreement on police reform, which would respect BiH and RS Constitution. RS NA is to hold the special assembly on Monday, May 30. |
SDS’ Pivasevic says RS political leaders will try to agree on police reform on Saturday
| RHB, Pink, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Discussion/Agreement on police reform’, Nezavsine Novine pg 3 ‘Meeting on Kozara’ – Representative of SDS in RS National Assembly Stanko Pivasevic announced that representatives of RS political parties would try to agree on police reform at a meeting on Saturday on the mountain of Kozara. He stressed that it was concluded that conversations with FBIH representatives should be continued to find a solution for police reform. |
BiH Presidency Chair Paravac says RSNA to provide guidelines to solution of police reform issue
| Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Parliament’, RS Radio, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Keep police authorities in RS’ – “I expect the police reform talks to continue,” Borislav Paravac, Chairman of the BiH Presidency, said on Friday in Doboj after the electoral meeting of the Serb Democratic Party municipal committee. “I expect the talks to be continued. It is possible that the complete and final decision will not be made at that session (of the RSNA on 30 May) but I believe that the National Assembly will provide the guidelines as to the solution of this problem. There are certain political problems; there is the problem of constitutional changes. Consequently, this issue worries the entire political public in the RS. This is not just a problem of the SDS. As you could see, almost all parties share the same view and this is a very important issue for the RS. This is why the National Assembly is involved to the full extent and controls that process. I believe that is good and that the National Assembly is the only real place where decisions should be made,” said Paravac. |
RS PM Bukejlovic: Found sensible solution to continue talks on police | Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Negotiations’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Keep police authorities in RS’ – RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic believes that a reasonable/sensible solution will be found so that talks on police reform in BiH may be continued. |
SNSD, SPRS, SRS on upcoming RSNA session on police reform
| RTRS – Nebojsa Radmanovic from SNSD says that 3 European principles in police reform are not questionable when it comes to SNSD. Petar Djokic from SP feels that RS Government should have a clear position in front of RS NA when it comes to police reform and adds that no one has the right to manipulate with people. SRS feels that everything that is leaving RS Constitution is not acceptable. SRS Vojislav Seselj feels that all decisions regarding police reform should be made by a referendum. |
Initiator of Croat TV channel establishment Jurkic sends a letter to HR
| RHB – Launcher of an initiative for Croat TV Channel in BIH Stjepan Jurkic sent an open letter to HR Paddy Ashdown due to his statement that TV channel that would broadcast its program in one language would be violating Dayton Agreement. Jurkic is asking HR to tell him where the Dayton Agreement says that. He reminds HR that RTRS broadcasts its program in Serb language whilst FBIH program is unofficially broadcasted in Bosnian language only. Jurkic expresses hope that HR will acknowledge all objections made in good will in the open letter. |
HDZ BiH Presidency discusses preparation for party convention
| RHB, FTV, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Decision on President to be made on Thursday’ – HDZ BIH Presidency held a session on Friday in Mostar. HDZ Chairman Barisa Colak stated that preparations for 9th HDZ BIH Assembly/Convention were discussed at the session. He added that HDZ BIH Presidency adopted the new party statute and program for the coming period as well as coordinated over 95 % of items to be on the assembly’s agenda. He also stated that the new session will be held on Thursday when all technical details regarding the assembly will be discussed/finalised. BHT also reported on the session. According to the report, candidates for the new HDZ President are: Dragan Covic, Barisa Colak, current HDZ President and Dr. Bozo Ljubic. Dnevni List pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Decision on candidates for President to be made on Thursday’ says that the HDZ Presidency did not make the final list of candidates for the HDZ President and that it would do it next Thursday. |
Dragan Covic: I will be HDZ President again
| Vecernji List pg 5 ‘I will surely win at the HDZ BiH Convention’, mentioned on cover ‘Dragan Covic: I will be HDZ President again’ – In an interview with the daily, Dragan Covic, said he had accepted nomination for the HDZ BiH President and that he would surely defeat his counter-candidates at the upcoming party Convention scheduled for June 4. Covic denied as totally senseles media speculations he had decided on his candidacy together with HR Paddy Ashdown. |
Oslobodjenje: Influence of Izetbegovic, Terzic increases within SDA
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Influence of Izetbegovic, Terzic increases’ Azhar Kalamujic – According to the author, secret and public lobbying by founders and former SDA officials, Islamic community leadership and opposition inside the party to defeat now re-elected SDA leader Sulejman Tihic failed at the latest party congress. The author also claims that the increase of Bakir Izetbegovic and Adnan Terzic’s popularity is important for better understanding of future SDA political actions and relations inside the party. |
SDA leader Tihic says he did not expect such a strong lobbying against him
| Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 5 ‘I did not expect such a strong lobbying against me’ – In an interview with the daily, the re-elected SDA President, Sulejman Tihic, said he had not expected such a strong lobbying against him at the latest SDA Congress in Sarajevo. Tihic reiterated that the most important thing is a fact SDA has remained united on its Bosnian and European road. |
War Crimes | |
NATO Commander Schook visited identification centre Podrinje in | RHB, BHT, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘Preparation for transport of body remains!?’, Nezavisne Novine pg 10 – NATO Commander in Sarajevo general Steven Schook visited identification centre Podrinje in Tuzla on Friday and a centre in Lukavac. Schook stated that he came to express his recognition to the people working in those centres. |
OHR: We are not involved in exhumations
| Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘OHR: We are not involved in exhumations’ – Reacting to the claims from an Oslobodjenje article of Friday, OHR said that they were not involved in the process of exhumation as well as application of the Law on Territorial Jurisdiction. However, Chief OHR Spokesperson |
Economic/Social Issues | |
BiH Croat veterans representative Barun: There will be no abolishment of pensions | Dnevni List cover page, pg 2 ‘There will be no abolishment of pensions’ – President of the HVIDRA BiH Croat veterans association Andjelko Barun said there were no reasons for the HVO members (BiH Croat veterans) to be concerned about possible abolishment of pensions they have been receiving from Republic of Croatia. |
VL: FBiH made a deal with Aluminij
| Vecernji List cover page, pg 2 ‘FBiH made a deal with Aluminij’ Zoran Kresic – Next week the FBiH Government will approve a deal with the Mostar-based Aluminium on disputed ownership structure of the company. According to the deal, the state and the shareholders will have an equal shares in Aluminium as the Sibenik-based Metal Factory’s share will remain unchanged. The deal will ensure further development of the company, which has been interrupted due to political games around the Aluminium ownership structure. |
GS: RS Budget cannot bear financial burden re funding reforms, joint BiH institutions | Glas Srpske cover page ‘Make poor than rule!’ LJ.C. – The author claims that the RS Budget is becoming poorer and poorer due to increase of financial obligations towards the reforms and joint BiH institutions, the number of which is being increased constantly. |
PDHR Butler article in Glas Srpske.
| Glas Srpske pg 6 ‘New jobs means further general development’ – “No prospective foreign investor is going to risk putting money into companies in the RS and creating jobs there if they are not convinced that the RS authorities are committed to enacting and implementing the reforms that are necessary in order to enter the EU,” said PDHR Lawrence Butler in an article for the daily. |