CROAT RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Croat position in BiH | Deronjic testifies | Detention for Milakovic | Islamic terrorist threat |
| Babic did not plea | Babic before ICTY | No referendum on Defence |
| Cease-fire in Kashmir | Colak endorses changes |
| Day of fallen soldiers | 2nd day of Eid |
Oslobodjenje | Bosmal is out of the race for the corridor; Robertson: War criminals at large slow down development in BiH; BiH Armed Forces: Decision on redeployment in Iraq not final |
Dnevni Avaz | Exclusive: NATO Secretary-General writes for Avaz: Robertson’s message for BiH |
Dnevni List | Raguz: By adoption of Law on Defense BiH enters Partnership for Peace SDP Vice President: OHR acts on principle of carrot and stick |
Vecernji List | NATO and Europe need BiH as member; Turkish bomber was in war in BiH; I did not insult Ashdown, I only told him the truth |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Turnaround in Jajce: We accused the innocent, because police beat us up; Cheap food from Croatia will flood BiH |
Glas Srpske | Tax collector seized four trucks with trailers loaded with sugar: 2000 tones of sugar smuggled in two month; Babic trial: Milan Babic denied to enter plea; Milosevic trial: Deronjic says: Karadzic told me that everybody in Srebrenica should be murdered; George Robertson: BiH is on the path for admission to EU and NATO |
Nezavisne Novine | Inspection into payment of benefits for PIO and Health Insurance: Two million in three days |
Blic | Sreten Telebak: Railroads in RS are safe for trains; Chairs on test; Standard: Miners in RS need 200 KM more to fill the consumer’s basket; Mujaheddins from BiH are leaders of terrorists |
Security and defence issues | |
George Robertson in visit to BiH
| CRHB, – NATO Secretary-General, Lord George Robertson, visits BiH on Thursday and on the occasion hold talks with members of BiH Presidency. According to NATO, Spokeswoman Arianne Quentier, talks will primarily focus on the process of defence reform, considering that NATO expects the BiH Parliamentary Assembly to ratify the Defence Law by December 15, as envisaged by the deadline arranged with OHR. The mandate of Lord Robertson expires on December 31 and the visit to BiH is one of his several farewell visits, which include the countries in which NATO participating in the peacekeeping missions. Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Robertson’s message for BiH’, pg 5 ‘No country can afford this kind of defence schizophrenia’, Oslobodjenje cover pg, pg 6 ‘War criminals at large slow down progress in BiH’, Vecernji List front ‘NATO and Europe need BiH as member’, pg 5 ‘NATO and Europe want BiH as partner and soon as member’, Nezavisne Novine cover, pg 8 ‘BiH is on the path for admission to EU and NATO’ – ‘On Thursday, I will visit BiH capital for the last time in a function of NATO Secretary-Genera. Now, more than even in past four years spend in NATO, I feel hope, even optimism regarding the future of this country ’ – wrote Robertson in the letter to BH citizens sent to media prior to his visit to Sarajevo on Thursday. ‘I believe that BiH is in from of opening of the new and very positive chapter in its history’ – said Robertson stressing however that memories of war events must not fade out either. ‘The improvement achieved in past several years is remarkable’ – said NATO Secretary-General, ‘however, there is still a lot to do before being able to call BiH a truly ‘normal state’. BiH must stand on its feet without the supervision by the international community.’ Robertson listed the series of actions that BiH authorities must change ranging from public administration to judiciary. However, he specifically stressed the importance of defence reforms: ‘Since Dayton, defence forces have been divided into two, actually three armies. No county can support such defence schizophrenia. That is politically destructive, economically exhausting and military-wise it is unnecessary.’ |
Robertson on future peacekeeping mission to BiH | BHTV 1 – NATO is expected to make final decision on the transfer of peacekeeping mission and its mandate in BiH. During his farewell visit to Serbia and Montenegro NATO Secretary-General George Robertson said: ‘NATO will decide on transfer of the SFOR mission to EU forces. Field troops need to be reduced from 12 to 7 thousands. There has to be some harmonisation of EU regulations with NATO rules to make this transfer possible.’ |
Security threats in BiH | CRHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘SFOR not threatened directly’, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Security not seriously threatened’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘EUPM received information on terrorist threats’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 20 ‘Intensified security measures in RS’, Blic pg 6 ‘Islamic volunteers from BiH are leading terrorists’ – EUPM has received certain information about possible threats from Islamic terrorists in BiH, EUPM spokesperson Alun Roberts told journalists in Banja Luka today. ‘We need to pay more attention to security,’ he said. SFOR spokesman, Major Ron Carson has said that the multinational military forces had not received any directs threats. ‘SFOR has not received direct threats, but there is a certain amount of concern and caution,’ he told a news conference. Roberts and Carson refused to give more details about possible terrorist threats in BiH. Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Neither SFOR nor EUPM received threats’ by B. Stevandic – VL carries that representatives of international organizations in BiH denied yesterday the information that a certain number of their employees was sent home from their places of work on Monday due to latest terrorist attacks in Istanbul. Among others, VL carries that OHR Banja Luka spokesperson Sonja Pastuovic said that this issue was an internal matter of these organizations. She stressed that all OHR workers work normally and in full number. |
RTRS on security measures in RS
| RTRS by Vanja Filipovic – RS Interior Ministry has raise security alert to the highest level due to possible terrorist attacks in RS and rest of BH. Those measures have already been employed in all RS institutions, diplomatic and consular offices and international organisations. This has been done due to recent terrorist attacks in Istanbul and the unofficial information that the first man of Al Quaida for Balkans, Omar Al Wadi is in BH. Measures taken by the MoI RS were also are justified by the statement of EUPM spokesperson Allun Roberts. He stated that they have certain findings on possible threats of Islamic terrorists in BH. While for the past few days increased number of police officers in Sarajevo could have been seen on the streets, but also providing security to many international organisations and diplomatic buildings, there is no official statement on the issue. OHR Spokesperson Vedran Persic did not want to comment security measures. Unofficially, RTRS found out that the representatives of the intelligence agencies from the both entities, as well as representatives of SIPA and BH Ministry of Security have met today in Sarajevo. Dragan Mektic, Deputy BiH Security Minister, stated that there was realistic danger of the terrorist activities. RS Police has intensified co-operation with other police forces in neighbouring states. A reason more for strengthening of the measures is proclaimed goal of the meeting of Islamic Council for North America, according to which biggest enemies of Islam are Jews and Christians. Session of this Council was held just before the attacks in Istanbul. [NOTE: all views and comments contained are those of reporter.] |
Update on FOSS and coup d’état
| Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘FOSS Director Zdravko Jukic heard’, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Acting FOSS Director Zdravko Jukic interrogated’ – The committee of the BiH House of Representatives in charge of the investigation into the coup d’état case held its first working meeting on Wednesday, and repeatedly asked FBiH Parliament to declare whether there was an act of abuse of law committed in the case. ‘Our invitation was answered by Zdravko Jukic, the Acting FOSS Director. He answered the questions which mainly were to establish whether all things have been done in accordance with the law, whether human rights were breached, etc.’ – stated chairman of the Committee Tihomir Gliogoric. Gligoric also said that the Chairman of the FBiH HoR Working Group which supervises FOSS, Sead Delic, had failed to respond to the invitation to take part in the meeting. Whoever, Avaz carries that Delic stated he never received invitation. According to Gligoric, the committee should hold its next session in 10 to 15 days, when it will draw up conclusions which it will forward to the BiH House of Representatives. |
Update on FBiH Special Police Forces | Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Minister Halilovic will not approve Dragan Vikic’ – According to daily, FBiH Interior Minister Mevludin Halilovic most probably will not approve the appointment of Dragan Vikic as the head of special police forces. Avaz also claims that the reason for this decision is entirely of ‘professional reasons’, since Vikic is currently the advisor in the ministry. The position has been vacant for several months now, as former Chief of the forces Zoran Cegar was suspended from this duty following the incident in the parliament building. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Special Police force at the level of their tasks’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Internal control of Special Police’ – FBiH Interior Ministry issued the press release reading that for a few days already some print media have carried articles about ‘a complete chaos in the FBiH Special Police unit’, ‘about the division in interested spheres’, ‘harsh conflict regarding the new Commander of the Special Police unit’ etc. The press release says that the Police Administration of the FBiH Ministry of Interior denies these claims and sees them as malicious and tendentious. Also, they announce that the internal control unit will carry out an investigation on all claims published in the articles and the public will be informed about the results of the investigation on time. |
RS Association of families of killed soldiers and PoWs, SPRS oppose defence reforms | RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘SPRS demands President should be in command of Republika Srpska Army’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Srpska is target’ – RS Association of families of killed soldiers, PoWs and missing civilians said that they do not disagree with the defence reform and proposed draft changes to RS Constitution. Association also asked for referendum to decide on this issue. RS Minister of Defence, Milovan Stankovic, thinks that at this moment, referendum is not an option and that present authority should take responsibility for this reform. But, in the case there a decision-making process start on the BiH level regarding decision to join NATO, referendum, according to him, was something worth thinking about. Association further announced that, in the case amendments are adopted, they will demand from Serb representatives in RS Parliament to initiate process on protection of vital national interests. In the case they fail, they will organise collection of citizens’ signatures not only to stop defence reform, but for separation of RS from BH. Law is also opposed by SPRS, and the Vice President Miroslav Mikes announced the party would not support adoption of the changes at the upcoming discussion in RS National Assembly. |
BiH HoR to discuss defence law | Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Law on Defense before HoR today’, Dnevni List front pg, pg 5 ‘By adoption of Law on Defense BiH enters Partnership for Peace’ – At the session the BiH House of Representatives will discuss proposal of Law on Defense in the second reading. Asked whether BiH fast entering the Partnership for Peace will be questionable if this proposal of law was not adopted today, Deputy Speaker of the BiH HoR, Martin Raguz says that this law is a basic pre-requisite for joining the Partnership for Peace and that today’s visit of NATO’s Secretary General George Robertson to BiH institutions proves it. According to Raguz, NATO is willing to speed up a final part of negotiations on the membership in the Partnership for Peace if those prerequisites are met. Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Defenders in FBiH Constitution’ by Z. Kresic – VL carries that SDA still hinders the defense reform in BiH and SDA officials are definitely divided regarding the changes of Law on Defense at the state level and the Federation of BiH Constitution. VL reminds that planned changes were not adopted at the session of the FBiH Parliament held on November 13 and the continuation of this session was not announced. VL also says that during one session of the FBiH Government Minister for Defenders and Disabled Persons Issues Ibrahim Nadarevic pushed the amendment to place a part of the Article that proclaims defenders and their families a constitutional category in the FBiH Constitution. VL says that this is probably the only proposal in the world whose goal is to single out one social category in the Constitution. |
Political issues | |
Colak: ‘HDZ demands negotiation on Croats position in BiH’
| CRHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘HDZ demands negotiations on Croats’ statute’, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘In December the negotiations on position of Croats in BiH’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Negotiations for improving position of Croats in BiH announced’, Jutarnji List pg 4 ‘Colak is announcing negotiations in order to improve position of Croats in BiH’ – The President of HDZ BH, Barisa Colak, announced that this party was to commence talks with their partners as well as with opposition parties on the improvement of the position of Croats in BH. According to him, Croats are not equal with other two peoples in BH, while it was necessary to make certain changes to the constitution in this regard. He added that he does not expect great help from the international community in this, but that instead domestic political forces should carry out this task. |
Petritsch, Buseck: ‘Time for independent development in BiH’ | Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Time for independent development in BiH’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Foreigners completed their work’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Broader powers to BiH authorities’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Broader powers to authorities’, Dnevni Avaz – Austrian Ambassador at international organisations in Geneva, Wolfgang Petritsch, and Special Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for SE Europe, Erhardt Buseck, pledge for independent development of BiH. Both officials stated for Austrian news agency APA that the international community in BiH should be given new role and to speed up the process of transfer of responsibility to BiH authorities. Both officials are members of the BiH Association 2005, who will gather its members in 2005 to examine the failures and successes achieved following the Dayton Peace Agreement. |
On restructuring of RS government | Blic pg 13 ‘Shaky Departments’ – All parliamentary parties agree that the work of the Government should be reconsidered, even the reconstruction of the Prime Minister’s Office should be proposed, yet nobody from the Assembly majority wants to talk about personnel changes at the executive authority. On the other hand, the opposition representatives think that any kind of cosmetic changes at the Government would not bring any benefits for the RS citizens. The Deputy President of the PDP party, Goran Milojevic, has stated that Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic should decide on whether the Government reconstruction would be needed. The Head of the SDA caucus, Tarik Sadikovic, has welcomed the idea of the parliamentary parties on analyzing and assessing the work of the Government, and he has added that the SDA members would also want to be included to the negotiations. Igor Radojicic, SNSD party, has stated that early parliamentary elections would be the only solution since ‘no cosmetic changes could contribute to improving the situation’. Miroslav Mikes, SPRS, also thinks that the early elections would be the only solution. |
VL interview with Zlatko Lagumdzija | Vecernji List front ‘I did not insult Ashdown, I only told him the truth’, pg 6 ‘State does not need new Douglas Hurd’ by Zeljka Mihaljevic – VL answering to a journalist’s question to comment on him allegedly offending the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, during the recent meeting between the HR and representatives of BiH political parties, the President of SDP, Zlatko Lagumdzija, says he was only telling the truth to the HR “and I would not call it offending, simply because the truth cannot offend anyone, unless it is somebody who wants to live in a lie”. Lagumdzija notes that he had told the HR that he could not ask the opposition parties in BiH to assume responsibility if the ruling parties fail to implement reforms in BiH. In that context, Lagumdzija recalls what he told the HR: “I did not go in front of people in the autumn last year and promised them that I would be a participant of something I did not believe in”. Lagumdzija continues: “I told him that I did not want to allow that a new Hurd (Douglas Hurd, former British Foreign Secretary) happened to the country I loved and in which I wanted to stay, unlike the international officials who come here for the career and money. If what I said was an insult to someone, then I think that someone should stop working the job in which he gets offended.” |
Behmen: ‘BiH will not endure much longer this situation’ | Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘New elections as soon as possible’, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘BiH will not endure this situation for long’ – The SDP Vice President Alija Behmen stated at the press conference on Wednesday that the four political parties in BiH that signed the Platform for programme co-operation – SDP, SNSD, RS Socialist and NHI – obligated to, without mediation of the international community, proceed with previously launched reforms and adopt new ones. He said that the four mentioned parties share a single analysis of the present situation in BiH, as well as the equality of goals and visions for improving the situation. ‘BiH will not be able to endure for much longer this difficult economic and social status, and this is why we regard was necessary to launch the initiative for premature elections’, said Behmen. He emphasised that in the case of four parties, the Platform signatories, this is the first political arrangement at state level that is not, as Behmen stressed, burdened with national, entity or local interests. Dnevni List front, pg 3 ‘OHR is behaving according to principle of stick and carrot’ – Behmen also said that the OHR behaves according to the principle of carrot and stick and that it keeps setting conditions to BiH. |
Comments on Croatian elections | FTV by Blazica Kristo – Following the Parliamentary elections in Croatia won by HDZ, reactions in BiH were different. Alija Behmen from SDP said: ‘Coalition between HDZ and HSP would not be wise at the moment, but partnership with HSS would lead to more centric government.’ PDP said population in Croatia expects changes in living standard and faster integration of Croatia into the EU. Leader of NHI Kresimir Zubak commented: ‘It is very likely that changes in Croatia will have its reflection in BiH and lead to changes of balance in power and redefinition of policy… pre-election campaign has shown communication between local HDZ board with HQ is not very disciplined and disputes may continue.’ Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘HDZ reformists are only about to prove themselves’ – Party for BiH President Safet Halilovic: ‘When Racan won at the time, everybody expected democratisation in Croatia, and the solution to the issue of foreign affairs. However, his politic was of opportunistic character. It never made decisive step way from the Tudjman’s concept of foreign affairs, at least when it comes to BiH.’ SDA Vice President Seada Palavric: ‘I expect neither the best nor the worst. However, I was glad that Bosnian Croats with the right to vote abstain from participating the elections for Croatian Parliament, which was an extremely positive signal for patriotic BiH.’ President of SDU Miro Lazovic believes that Ivo Sanader managed to transform HDZ, and added he expects moderate political attitude towards BiH. |
DA editorial on SNSD, SDP, SPRS and NHI ‘union’ | Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Alliance for corruption’ editorial by Fadil Mandal – Following the ‘creation of political union’ between SDP, SNSD, RS Socialists [SPRS] and NHI, author writes that ‘rumour has it’ that ruling politicians and parties ‘died laughing’ upon this news, while author says ‘they really have no reason to worry. There is no authorities who would not wish to have Dodik, Djokic, Zubak and Ladumzija to attack it and to criticise it. That, in a way, ‘alliance for corruption’ contains more names for a prison or political pension rather than for the elections’ list… Their union presents mocking up democracy and BiH as legal state’. |
Oslobodjenje editorial on nationalism in Croatia, SCG and BiH | Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘In the bad neighbourhood’ editorial by Gojko Beric – Author refers to the victory of HDZ at the parliamentary elections in Croatia and triumph of ultra-nationalists in Serbian Presidential elections which failed due to low turnout. ‘Croatia, by will of the voters, has once again been served on the plate to leading nationalists party, with which BiH has very bad experience, therefore it could not be expected from Sarajevo to be satisfied with such result. Truth is that HDZ is not anymore the snake from Tudjman’s time, but it is not well-meaning lizard either.’ – writes author adding that the situation on the East [Serbia] is even more ‘depressive: ‘Unsuccessful, but symptomatic, presidential elections in Serbia warn of the dangerous which would result from restoration of former regime and the return of ‘red-black coalition, but this time black could be dominant’. Author further says that despite defeats Serbia faced in past, it is still very much interested in RS, while ‘RS become the main joker used by nationalistic Belgrade to blackmail West, who is not too firm in tis shy intention to recognize Kosovo’s independence. That is why almost all Paddy Ashdown’s reforms are obstructed from RS… The international community unfortunately doesn’t succeeded in finding the receipt to remove this combined destruction of BiH, this nationalistic diversion from outside and inside, which found its disciples among Serbs from both sides of Drina.’ Editorial concludes: ‘Rightists on the eastern borders, rightists on the west. Bad neighbourhood for even much more stabile countries than BiH.’ |
DL editorial on Mostar | Dnevni List pg 6 ‘On Mostar’ editorial by Ivo Andjelic – The author suggests to all Mostarians to open their eyes and see what is happening in other cities in the world, noting that Mostar is losing millions because of trades (between the local players) the citizens cannot even touch or feel. “It is completely clear that Mostar cannot be an exception from the other cities in Europe, that it will be in the same or similar organizational set-up, but with a lot of lost time and many opportunities to develop and get involved in the world missed. Mostarians, the decision on future is down on you”, says the author. |
War crimes | |
Deronjic testifies before ICTY on Srebrenica
| BHTV 1, FTV, Nezavisne Novine cover, pg 2 ‘Deronjic says: Karadzic told me that everybody in Srebrenica should be murdered’ – At the trial against Slobodan Milosevic, the witness of the prosecution, Miroslav Deronjic, confirmed that in summer 1995, there was an order issued by the Republika Srpska top leadership to murder all imprisoned Muslims from Srebrenica. During the war in BiH, Deronjic was the SDS President in Bratunac. Before ICTY, he admitted having committed crimes against Muslims in the Bratunac village of Glogovi in spring 1992. The written statement, which prosecution included into evidence, Deronjic said that on 8 or 9 July 1995, Radovan Karadzic told him in Pale that all Muslim men should be murdered. |
Babic refused to plea on indictment | BHTV1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Milan Babic arrived to the Hague’, Nezavisne Novine cover, pg 2 ‘Milan Babic denied to enter plea’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Plea to come later on’ – Milan Babic, former President of RS Krajina, yesterday did not want to enter his plea. His defence attorney, Robert Fogelnest, requested the Court to re-schedule the trial and delay it for a month, since Court rule allow such possibility. Since Presiding Judge Mohamed El-Mahdi approved this request and accordingly, Babic is to enter his plea on 15 January 20204. |
Prosecution demands life sentence for Krstic | Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Prosecution seeks life imprisonment for Radislav Krstic’, Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘The punishment not appropriate for the crime’/ ‘Life sentence demanded for Krstic’ – Onasa news agency reported that the Prosecution asked for life imprisonment verdict in the appeal process before the ICTY in the case of General Radislav Krstic, who was found guilty for war crimes of participating in the massacre committed in Srebrenica in 1995. Krstic is the first person ruled as guilty by the Tribunal for the charge of genocide. |
Economic and social issues | |
Bosmal did not fulfil CoM demands
| Oslobodjenje cover splash. Pgs 4&5 ‘Bosmal out of the race for corridor?’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Dokic: Bosmal did not fulfil conditions laid down’ – On 23 November, the deadline given by the Council of Minister to Bosmal company to fulfil all demands regarding the first stage of Vc corridor building, ran out without the company of doing so. ‘As I know, the conditions given to Bosmal were not fulfilled by 23 November. That means that when it comes to the building of corridor, we will proceed as we have announced. So, we will issue the invitation for all those interested for concession, and once situation allows it, we will issue a tender to chose whom the concession will be awarded’. – stated BiH Transport and Communications Minister Branko Dokic. On the other hand, spokesperson for Bosmal Amra Kebo said that company believes that it did fulfil all conditions, explaining that the Council of Ministers never asked for banking guarantee, but only the statement of the financial capability. Nijaz and Edin Sabanovic – brothers owning Bosmal – travelled to USA recently and met with the representatives of Export-Import Bank of US discussing the possibilities for investments. |
VL on ITA Director appointment | Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Terzic nominated Causevic all by himself’ by Dejan Jazvic – VLreports that contrary to earlier announcements, the BiH Council of Ministers will not be appointing a Director of Indirect Tax Administration (ITA) by end of November. Saying that the appointment was not made during the last session of the BiH CoM because the Croat Ministers did not support Kemal Causevic, a candidate that was nominated by the Chair of BiH, Adnan Terzic, VL carries the BiH Deputy Minister for Human Rights and Refugees, Ivica Marinovic, as saying that there were no preparations for the appointment, which was the main reason why the Croat Ministers did not support the candidate. “We were given the name on ‘take it or leave it’ principle, which is in any case an unacceptable way of working in this Council of Ministers”, says Marinovic. Marinovic adds that Terzic nominated Causevic only, whilst the other two candidates proposed by the Indirect Tax Commission, Dragan Prusina and Ilinka Gligoric, were not nominated. |
FBIH HoR to discuss Law on Restitution | FTV – FBiH House of Representatives will soon discuss the Law on Restitution of properties nationalized after 1945. The key issue is to find solution to the problem between current users and previous owners of the apartments. Solution needs to be based on fair compensation for current users and give these properties back to legal owners. OHR spokesman Oleg Milisic: ‘It is very important to find just solution, because wrong model may lead to catastrophic consequences.’ State and entities should determine fair compensation for current users and it would be very important for success of legislation. |
Volas writes to Ashdown and Doyle | Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Troubles make people go on streets’ – Cedo Volas, President of the Republika Srpska Syndicate Union, yesterday addressed an open letter to the High Representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, and Director of IMF, Peter Doyle. In the letter, Volas warned of possible social riots because the international community is blocking the implementation of the Agreement between Syndicate and Government on pension and salary increase. |
DA on revision of the privatisation | Dnevni Avaz cover ‘Government’s proposal legalizes stealing-like privatisation’, pg 4 ‘Ajanovic: FBIH Government’s proposal additionally legalize stealing-like privatisation’ – Discussions on the Government’s proposal for the control of privatisation carried out continues with obvious disagreement between different parties. President of the BH Syndicates Edhem Biber claim that this will not lead to any improvements as the draft proposal of the Law envisages only revision of the contracts, and it also doesn’t considers the so called Markovic’s privatisation. President of the BOSS party Mirnes Ajanovic: ‘Government obviously desires to obstruct the Law proposed by the Syndicate and therefore it tries to put it its own, which is not even close to what workers demand.’ However, FBiH Industry Minister Izet Zigic claims that government’s proposal ‘doesn’t at all prevent control of the privatisation conducted according to Markovic’s model.’ FBiH Parliament is expected to discuss the proposal for the Law on revision of the privatisation prepared by Ajanovic and the Syndicate next week. |