CROAT RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Rajic’s extradition | Ivica Rajic’s extradition | Ivica Rajic in The Hague | Protests in Banja Luka |
Holy See praises Komarica | Social protests in RS | Customs fraud case | RS Assembly’s session |
7 Al-Quaeda’s arrested | Hans Blix vs. US and UK | Meat industry in BiH | Rajic in the Hague |
Bejing free of SARS | Bejing taken of SARS list |
| Putin in London |
Oslobodjenje | It is not legally possible to prosecute Ravna Gora Chetnik Movement |
Dnevni Avaz | Talks to begin on the construction of the highway (Vc corridor) |
Dnevni List | “G.I.P.I. at court because of customs embezzlement amounting to 12 million Marks”; Bosniak member of BiH Presidency Tihic: Incorrect reaction to the speech of Franjo Komarica”; “Zeljko Olujic, lawyer of Ivica Rajic: There is possibility to reach agreement with Prosecution” |
Vecernji List | Not published due to Croatian Statehood Day |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Not published due to Croatian Statehood Day |
Glas Srpske | Owing to large failure in wheat harvest: No bread without import! |
Nezavisne Novine | Croatia extradites HVO Commander charged with war crimes at Stupni Dol: Ivica Rajic in The Hague; Employees of “Farming” got on foot to the Republika Srpska Government building: Police tried to prevent the protest; The suspect for threats against Pope released: Almir Abdulah to defend while free; Banjaluka: Medical staff to protest at Krajina Square tomorrow |
Blic | Mysterious murder |
Pope’s visit | |
Holly See expresses gratitude to Franjo Komarica | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna – Secretariat of the Holly See expresses gratitude to Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica for great welcome during the Pope’s visit to Banja Luka. Pope thanks for well-organised visit and beautiful mass at Petricevac Monastery. He blessed Komarica and everyone involved in the organisation of the visit (Presenter reads entire letter) |
EUPM, SFOR praises RS police | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna – EUPM and SFOR congratulated RS police over Pope’s visit. They say despite their supervision, main part of job was put on the back of the Ministry of Interior and it was done professionally. |
Bosniak officials in RS defend bishop’s remarks on refugee return | BHTV 1, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘Claims of Banja Luka Bishop are correct’, Dnevni List not signed, “Bosniak officials from RS supported Bishop Komarica” – Vice president, deputy Speaker and deputy prime minister of the RS, Adil Osmanovic, Sefket Hafizovic and Omer Brankovic respectively, have described as irresponsible Monday’s statement by the RS leaders, President Dragan Cavic, RS NA Speaker Dragan Kalinic and Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic, on the speech by Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica during Pope John Paul II’s visit to Banja Luka. We thought that both Croats and Bosniaks in Banja Luka could say the truth and that it should be accepted as such. Bishop Komarica’s statement that the Croats in the Banja Luka diocese are facing extermination, and that the responsibility for the fact that only a small number of Croats has returned to Banja Luka is shared by all those who have been in power for 10 years, is, unfortunately, painful and true, a joint statement by three Bosniak officials says. Dnevni List on page 2 carries an editorial entitled “Hear the voice of the crying in the desert” by Miso Relota in which the author fully supports Bishop Komarica’s statements and engagement in the return process. “With full heart and soul we thank the tireless fighter for rights of deprived, the Banja Luka Bishop Msgr. Franjo Komarica on everything he’s done so far. Thank You, Bishop Komarica!” |
BiH Presidency member slams Serb politicians who criticized Bishop’s speech | Oslobodjenje back page ‘Attacks on Komarica unfair’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 4, Dnevni List front and page 3, by Fena, “Incorrect reaction of Serb politicians to speech of Bishop Komarica” – The visit of Pope John Paul II to BiH and his message of love, peace and reconciliation were of great significance for BiH, Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic has told FENA. However, he went on to criticize Serb politicians in the RS government who condemned the speech of Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica. “These kind of remarks by representatives of the RS government have cast a shadow on BiH’s big event. Bishop Komarica was absolutely correct when he accused those who have been in power in Banja Luka for the past 10 years of not doing enough to ensure the return of Croats and Bosniaks to that town. Their reaction to the speech of Bishop Komarica was inappropriate as he spent the whole of the war suffering in Banja Luka,” Tihic said. He pointed out that all those who support the RS have to know and accept that it has been built on the foundations of a thousand destroyed Catholic and Muslim religious buildings, over 500 concentration camps and thousands of murdered non-Serbs. |
Not legally possible to prosecute Ravna Gora Chetnik Movement | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Oslobodjenje front page, pgs. 4-5 ‘Not legally possible to prosecute Ravna Gora Chetnik Movement’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 – Although, according to Oslobodjenje sources, the FBiH police has suggested to High representative Paddy Ashdown to use his powers and request UN Security Council to put Ravna Gora Chetnik Movement on the list of world terrorist organisations, the Brcko District Public Prosecutor, Zekerijah Mujkanovic, believes this will not be possible. Mujkanoc says that, according to the current/valid criminal law it is not possible to prosecute legal entities (organisations, companies) and that this will only be possible as of July 1 when the new criminal legislation comes into force in BiH and the District. BHTV 1 – In regard to article published in the BiH print media on planned assassination of Pope by Serb extremist organization (Ravna Gora Chetnik Movement), EUPM spokesman Alun Roberts stated that there was information on possible attack, which later showed to be baseless. Roberts added that there always would be threats or speculations on threats when there were plans for visit of some high-ranked officials. Threats made prior to Pope’s visit were just rumours, said Roberts. Oslobodjenje pgs. 4-5 ‘Radomir Kojic organises Karadzic’s security’ – Grey eminency of the Ravna Gora Chetnik Movement and the owner of a Pale-bsed demining company, Radomir Kojic, is the chief organiser of the Radovan Karadzic’s security. |
Update to Abdulah case | Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 3, ‘Almir Abdulah to defend while free’ – BiH Court yesterday annuled detention against Almir Abdulah from Zenica, suspected of having made threats against Joh Paul II during his visit to Croatia. Medzida Kreso, State Prosecutor, stated that: “Abdulah will defend while free. The indictment will be brought against him for the threat against persons under international legal protection.” |
War crimes | |
Rajic extradition
| Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘Ivica Rajic extradited to The Hague’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2, Dnevni List front and page 5, by J.P., “There is possibility to reach agreement with Prosecution when Rajic case is in question” , Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 2, ‘Ivica Rajic at Scheweningen’; Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Rajic at Scheweningen’ – Former commander of Croatian Defence Council [HVO] indicted for war crimes, Ivica Rajic was extradited to the Hague Tribunal on Tuesday. Croatian police handed over Rajic to Tribunals officials this morning in Amsterdam airport, finalizing the procedure of his extradition. Rajic, who commanded HVO units in Kiseljak, was indicted for war crimes of killing at least 16 Bosniak civilians in the village Stupni dol in 1993. His lawyer, Zeljko Olujic explained that Rajic will appear before the court within 48 hours and that he would plead not guilty. Olujic added that proceeding should disclose facts unknown to Croatian public till now. Rajic was arrested by Croatian MoI special units, who did not want to disclose place where he was hiding. |
Milosevic trial | BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 9 ‘Karadzic’s goal was to divide Sarajevo’ – As witness of Prosecution, Michael Williams, spokesperson and advisor to Yasushi Akashi, former Civilian Chief of UNPROFOR, took witness stand in case against Slobodan Milosevic. Williams witnessed today that RS army leadership used electricity, water and gas shortage as weapon against Sarajevo civilians, adding that Milosevic was aware of that. He also witnessed on the attacks of RS army against enclave Gorazde in 1994, and confirmed that during several meetings between Akashi and Milosevic he also attended he got an impression that Milosevic had extensive influence over RS army leadership. Witness will take stand again tomorrow, when he will be cross-examined by Milosevic. |
War crime indictees still at large | FTV By Arijana Saracevic Helac – Prior to holidays, Hague Prosecutors’ Office wants to see in their detention center more of the indicted for war crimes. Beside Rajic, it is certain that some other indictees would arrive to the Hague Tribunal which are also on Interpol’s wanted list. Veselin Sljivancanin, recently arrested indicted for war crimes, would probably be extradited to The Hague tomorrow. Further US assistance to Serbia and Montenegro was conditioned by urgent apprehension of Sljivancanin, who is currently in Belgrade District prison. However, Serbian government publicly made statements that this had more to do with their will to cooperate. Serbian Justice Minister, Vladan Batic said this was their obligations in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions and therefore there was no place for negotiations. He added that Serbia and Monte Negro could not work in spite of the whole world, since it was an issue of Serbia’s future. However, US wants to see Ratko Mladic before the ICTY as soon as possible. Serbian authorities claim that they would not cover up for him anymore. Serbian Prime Minister said that if Mladic were in Serbia he would be disclosed by their MoI and doubtlessly sent to the Hague Tribunal. The Hague, beside Mladic and Karadzic, awaits for another 18 persons indicted for war crimes for whom they believe are most probably in Serbia or Monte Negro. This list also includes Ante Gotovina, who is hiding in Croatia. However, by the end of year until when the Tribunal is supposed to work, we found out that there would be another 30 indictments issued against approximately 100 persons for crimes committed mainly in Srebrenica. Most of these indictments would be handed over to local BiH court for further proceedings. |
William Ward on SFOR’s activities in locating of persons charged with war crimes | Dnevni List (page 5, not signed, “Ward: SFOR is carrying out activities on locating of indictees on daily basis”) carries that SFOR’s Commander in BiH General William Ward confirmed that SFOR in BiH is carrying out activities on locating and arresting of the persons charged with war crimes, including Radovan Karadzic, on a daily basis. DL says that in the statement given to the RS TV Ward stressed that the fact that the persons charged with the war crimes are freely moving over BiH is something that considerably hinders the progress of BiH and added that these persons should be brought to justice in order to determine whether they are guilty or not. (Dnevni Avaz pg. 3) |
Luka Karadzic denies any Radovan;s connections with crime in Serbia | Vecernje Novosti pg. 7 ‘Radovan does not have anything to do with crime in Serbia’; Blic pg. 3 ‘Noone has helped Radovan’ – Luka Karadzic, brother of Radovan Karadzic, denies any connections of Radovan with any kind of crime in Serbia. Radovan Karadzic has never heard about these people, nor he and anyone from his surrounding has had contacts with them. Noone from Serbia has ever helped financially or in some other way Radovan Karadzic’s protection. Radovan does not receive any help, even a letter could not be delivered to him. All others who are being mentioned as supporters are innocent, because Radovan Karadzic does not use anyone help. Even the family is not is position to help him because of the way he now lives in somewhere. |
A person linked to war crime indictees murdered in Banja Luka | Blic pg. 7 ‘Mysterious murder’ – On Tuesday early morning P. B. born in Gospic was murdered in front of Banja Luka’s restaurant Vrbas. SFOR soldiers and several civilians who speak Russian removed the body. Spokesman of Republika Srpska Ministry of Interior Zoran Glusac says that he does not have information about the murder. Banja Luka’s Public Security Centre also denies having any information on it. As Blic learns, shortly after the murder, a woman living near the restaurant called Public Security Centre and report the murder to police. Chief of the Republika Srpska Police Radomir Njegus was also informed about the murder. As Blic learns, P. B. worked in the Republika Srpska Army as a driver, but there are indications that he had been working for Russian Intelligence Service since 1999. He was also connected with Ratko Mladic and some other Hague indictees. According to some information, he was interrogated by SFOR ten days ago, but SFOR denies it. |
Amongst unwanted in the EU priests of the Serb Orthodox Church
| Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘Amongst unwanted in the EU priests of the Serb Orthodox Church’ – according to Avaz, the EU black list, expected to be announced beginning of next week, will not be complete if some of the Orthodox Church priests are not on it. The daily concludes that the institution never tried to hide their contacts with Karadzic, his followers and protectors. The daily names some of the bishops who are possible candidates for the list – Amfilohije Radovic (in Montenegro) and Bishop Filaret (Milesevo near Prijepolje – Serbia). |
Political developments/ reforms | |
Hadzipasic meets with delegation of OHR, UNDP
| Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘There will be no personnel changes in the Administration until the establishment of the agency’, Dnevni List page 4, by De. L. “Hadzipasic supports implementation of Law on Civil Service”, ONASA – The BiH Federation Government will respect the foreseen procedures and deadlines in implementation of the law on state service of the BiH Federation, BiH Federation Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic said on Tuesday during a meeting with a delegation of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and UNDP led by Senior Deputy High Representative Gerhard Enver Schroembgens, read a press release from the BiH Federation Government Information Office. After the publishing of this law in the BiH Federation Official Gazette, a competition will be announced for the director of the Agency for Civil Service and a working group will be formed that will include one representative of the OHR and one of UNDP, which will deal with the issue. The five-member working group will participate in the election of the director and appeal board of the Agency. The Government will allocate the budget funds for the work of the Agency, while UNDP will give material and technical support for which donor’s funds in the amount to 200,000 US dollars have been already approved. “It is expected that the Agency significantly contributes to the professionalization and reduction of the state administration in the BiH Federation,” the officials at the meeting concluded. |
Defence reform | BHTV 1 – Today, the Standing Committee for Military Matters of BiH should establish plan for BiH membership to the Partnership for Peace. It is not clear whether there would be agreement on this issue reached on the state level. Member of the Presidency, Sulejman Tihic belives that beside creation of joint civilian command, there is need to establish single army which is condition for membership in NATO. Decision of RS government on one civilian command, but two armies, is in accordance with conclusion of RS National Assembly. RS government concluded that it was unacceptable to take away from entities powers in regard to armies and to hand them over to state, which would be against RS and BiH Constitutions. Croatian side agrees with establishment of single army in long-term way, however also believes that presently there are no conditions for this solution. In order to achieve this, they believe it is needed to firstly satisfy conditions needed to become member of Partnership for Peace, which do not stipulate creation of single army. Advisor to Croat member of BiH presidency on military issues, Slavko Marin says political will is need at first since, adding that there are also some legal and political problems in regard to Constitution. However, he adds that entire reform process will bring changes which would make military reforms possible. On the other side, Bosniaks want single army as soon as possible. Member of BH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic says that one army is needed, as well as constitutional changes. Representatives of the international community are of opinion that positive step was made. SFOR spokesperson, Dale McEckern states that what they are looking for at this moment are actions that will lead to membership in Partnership for Peace. Tihic responds that single civilian command and two armies present rotten compromise of international community. RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘RS Army remains’, Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Army on the new path’ – President of RS Dragan Cavic visited the training centre of RS Army and commented announced reforms. He confirmed the RS government supported proposed solutions and it is up to RS Assembly to decide. He underlined representatives of RS Army and RS Ministry of Defense participated in formulating of these reforms. Reforms must be in compliance with RS and BiH Constitutions, said Cavic. Nezavisne Novine, page 4, ‘Appeal on MP’s to refuse proposal on unified command’ – Co-ordination Board of the organisations for war veterans and Republika Srpska citizens warned the Republika Srpska MP’s that when the issues on Republika Srpska Army reform, introduction of single customs administration and VAT at state level are addressed at the next Republika Srpska National Assembly session, MP’s should acknowledge that they will be placed before the life-challenge, on whose outcome the destiny of the Republika Srpska citizens depends. Namely, they called on MP’s to act in full compliance with the constitutional decrees and not to vote for the unified army command of BiH. |
Oslobodjenje editorial on ‘Thessaloniki promises’ | Oslobodjenje pg. 2 Op-ed by Amra Kebo ‘Thessaloniki promises’ – “Europe will offer assistance, but everything is the responsibility of the domestic politicians. Are they ready to face European challenges,” wonders Kebo. |
DL on political situation in HNC/statement by Smajkic | Dnevni List (page 7, by Miso Relota, “Will international community condemn statements by Mostar Mufti?”) – an article on situation in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton after formation of the cantonal government in which the author criticizes a statement by the Mostar Mufti, Seid effendi Smajkic, who stated in “DANI” magazine that people in the HNC see the new government as a government of third entity and accused the SDA in Sarajevo of being arrogant. Saying it is scandalous that a religious leader goes against a legitimate government, Relota wonders if the IC is going to condemn the statement by Smajkic. An inset (“Representative of Jewish community did not get support from Bosniak parties”) carries a representative of the Jewish community in Mostar, Erna Danon Cipra, as saying that she had talks with the Head of OSCE Mostar, Thomas Young, about the work of the Jewish community in Mostar. “I told him, among other things, that we have not had problems so far, however we expressed displeasure with formation of the HNC Government”, said Cipra. According to the article, the original proposal for the minister from the line of “others” stipulated that a representative of the Jewish community would be the one, but the Bosniak parties were against such a proposal coming from the HDZ. |
Opinion poll on work of Mostar Commission | Dnevni List (page 16, by Z. Skoko) carries an opinion poll on the issue of work of the Mostar Commission that is working on the new organizational set-up in Mostar. Five interviewees (NB: it would appear four Croats and one Bosniak) were asked “what do you expect from the commission for organizational set-up of City of Mostar”. In their responses, the interviewees are more or less unison in saying that everything will be “like they want it to be”. In general, the interviewees are not optimistic when it comes to the work of the Commission. |
Education Ministers on “two schools under one roof” | Dnevni List (page 4, by S. Kuzman, “Legally merge 52 schools in Federation of BiH”) – Ministry of Education of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) met with representatives of Education Ministries of Zenica-Doboj, Herzegovina-Neretva and Central-Bosnia Cantons at Siroki Brijeg yesterday to talk about urgent measures that should completely, both administratively and legally, merge 52 “schools under one roof” that still exist in the FBiH. The meeting was also attended by OSCE representatives. The article reports that by the end of June, all competent Ministers should publish instructions that should contain initial steps that must be implemented by September. The instructions will oblige all the schools to appoint one school principle, one multi-ethnic school board, that schools must be registered as one legal body and have one, single budget. |
Economic / social affairs | |
OHR welcomes progress in fighting economic crime
| FTV, FENA, Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Praises for Gipi case’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘Gipi Company evaded 1.1 million KM’, Dnevni List front and page 3, by Fena,Nezavisne Novine, page 5, ‘Damage resulting from custom frauds amounts to KM 12 million’ – High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Paddy Ashdown welcomed efforts made by BH authorities and CAFAO to bring before the court the case of customs fraud committed by company Gipi from Citluk. FBiH Customs Administration filed charges against responsible officials, Ilija and Pero Gagra, from meat industry before the Mostar Prosecutor Office for suspicion of committing customs fraud that, as it was estimated, damaged the state for over 650,000 KM. They are also accused of forging documents. Slavica Hrkac and Nikola Pehar from Mostar Customs Administration were also accused for suspicion of office misuse. However, OHR claims that after receiving additional documents from foreign countries, the damage could rise to 12 million KM. Paddy Ashdown believes this case showed that fight against corruption and organized crime started to function, however more must be done to enforce capacities for it. OHR spokesperson Oleg Milisic stated at a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday that these initial charges relate to loss of approximately 650.000 KM income, but with additional documents the value of fraud disclosed by Customs officials could raise to 12 million KM. Milisic explained that fraud was revealed with assistance and advises from CAFAO in receiving factual invoices and documentation from Slovenia, Austria and Croatia which were later compared to invoices submitted by Gipi company. It was established that imported goods of the first class were taxed as the goods of lowest class. High Representative stressed that it was up to local judicial officials to established whether crime was committed in this case. |
Social protests in BiH continue
| BHTV 1, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 3, ‘Police tried to prevent the protest of farmers’; Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘Pay then harvest’ – Social protests in BiH continue. On Tuesday morning, strong police forces prevented workers of “Ratarstvo Topola” company to arrive with tractors in front of building of RS government and protest. Police stated that reason for this was the fact that they were not provided with request for such workers’ protests. Therefore, workers continued with their strike in the area of their company. Special police units were near them. Their demands include 10 late salaries to be paid, as well as medical and pension insurance. They took buses to Banja Luka where they met with RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic. Zeljko Vujic, president of strike board, said that Mikerevic promised to establish working group that would investigate allegations made by strike board on robbery committed in this company. Strike will continue. BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg. 10, Dnevni Avaz pg. 13 – On Tuesday morning, between 8 and 10am, workers of Lukavac’s coal company blocked road between Tuzla and Doboj, demanding from respective Ministry and the company’s management to pay their overdue salaries. President of branch trade unions board, Mehmed Avdic said that for beginning they demand pay off at least one salary of 285 KM within one month. Tuzla Cantonal Minister for Energy, Mustafa Burgic says ministry has no possibility to fulfil this demand at the moment. BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine, page 3, ‘Medical staff on protest at Krajina Square tomorrow’; Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘Competition opened – medicine for directors’ – Strike of workers of Banja Luka Clinical Center continues. They are not allowed to hold protests in front of the building of Health Insurance Fund and RS Ministry of Health. Marin Kvaternik, RS Health Minister, said that was not realistic to expect this ministry to pay all late salaries to workers of this clinical center by the end of year, which is one of the demands. However, he said that by the end of year there would be a plan of reorganisation of Banja Luka Clinical Center in accordance with European standards. In Kvaternik’s opinion that would assist in providing long-term solution for Clinical Center. Workers will continue to strike till their demands are met. |
Vc corridor (highway) | Dnevni Avaz front page, pg. 2 ‘Talks to start on the construction of Highway’, Oslobodjenje pg. 5 ‘BiH CoM to discuss on Thursday a Bosmal offer for Vc corridor (construction’ – Branko Dokic, the BiH Minister of Transport and Communications, will at a session of CoM on Thursday propose to his colleagues to consider an offer for the construction of Vc corridor through BiH submitted by the Bosnian-Malaysian Bosmal Company. The Company is prepared to pay 300 million KM for the concession for the highway construction. Dokic is likely to suggest start of talks on the issue with Bo0smal representatives. |
DL’s editorial on work of “Bulldozer” Commission | Dnevni List (page 6, by Professor Marko Tadic, “With Bulldozer into future (easily promised speed)”) – an editorial in which the author, talking about the “Bulldozer” project in BiH, does not give much chances to the “Bulldozer” saying one should not mind the High Representative for a possible failure because “another failure in the questionable ‘state’ does not mean anything”. Furthermore, Tadic does not doubt the High Representative’s good intentions to implement the necessary reforms, but suspects that he chose the wrong methods and wrong people to carry out the reforms saying that lines in front of embassies “are the best proof of their ‘trust’ in the reforms of the High Representative and the future of this country”. Tadic sees a remedy in a “normal State”, a State without 14 constitutions, parliaments, governments, tens of ministries, three armies, a State which is, according to Tadic, untenable. According to the author, the remedy includes a new, modern Constitution, abolishment of entities, single market in BiH, introduction of VAT and giving the State the prerogatives modern States have. |
Harvest failures | Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘No bread without import!’ – Owing to catastrophic drought, Republika Srpska is compelled to import over a hundred thousand tons of wheat. |
RS Pensioners’ appeal to Ashdown | Nezavisne Novine, page 3, ‘Ashdown called on to change the pension law’ – Republika Srpska Association of Pensioners has asked from the High Representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, to alter the legal provisions applied to pension and disability fund, which currently regulates that the pensions are paid out in compliance with the amount of resources available at the PIO Fund. Rade Rakulj, President of the Republika Srpska Association of Pensioners, explained that the Association addressed a request to HiRep to either alter the law or explain us how it is possible there is a legal provision in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights. (Hearby he refers to this legal provision, according to which the pensions are paid out in compliance with the amount of resources available at the PIO Fund. |
UNDP programme | Nezavisne Novine, page 5, ‘Poverty should be eliminated until 2015’ – Some of the recommendations, which BiH, along with 188 signatory-states of the UN Millennium Declaration with global development goals, should implement are: to eliminate poverty and hunger until 2015, mortality of children should be reduced, the maternity health should be developed and AIDS and other infections should be prevented. According to UNDP programme, BiH should also provide a healthy environment, engage into global partnership for development, provide general education and improve the sex equality. Sarajevo media also covered the issue. |
Mikerevic meets with EC’s Daviddi | Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘Fight with the time’ – Yesterday in Banjaluka, Republika Srpska Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, met with Renzo Daviddi, European Commission official. The meeting discussed the reforms, whose implementation would provide a better standard to the local population and accelerate the process of BiH integration into European processes. Mikerevic announced that EC plans to invest BAM 2 million intended for protection of the consumers and public supply, and amount of BAM 3.8 million in projects for regional development. |
EC on reform of customs administration | Nezavisne Novine, page 6, ‘Reform of customs administration will make life to criminals difficult’ – Frano Maroevic, Spokesperson of the European Commission in BiH, in a short interview to NN claims that following the reforms of the customs administration in BiH, the criminals will be faced with difficulty of how to engage in smuggling and criminal activities. According to him, it is up to BiH to prove whether it is getting any closer to EYU admission and whether it is ready to face with extremely demanding reforms. |
Humanitarian issues | |
Stability Pact published action plan on solving refugee problems in the Balkans
| BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘Controlling of migrations through cooperation’, Blic pg. 6 ‘DPs and refugees seek asylum’ – Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe published action plan on solving migration, asylum and refugee problems in Balkans. When it comes to financial means needed for return and reconstruction, Stability Pact currently only makes promises. According to their data, in Balkans there is over a million of displaced persons without conditions for life in dignity. In BiH, about 450,000 people wish to return, and that would require reconstruction of approximately 50,000 residencies. Mario Nenadic from BiH Ministry for Refugees said that about 900 million KM is needed to implement reconstruction of this number of apartments and houses. Soeren Jessen-Petersen of Stability Pact said that it was not possible to promise securing of this money needed for return however added that they would assist in seeking donations. |
Ashdown with families of missing persons from Sarajevo Kasindolska street | Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘Ashdown with families of missing persons from Sarajevo Kasindolska street – Tomo Kovac knows the truth’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 3, mentioned on the front page with a photo ‘Ashdown promised his assistance’, Nezavisne Novine, page 7, ‘Award Fund for any information on 42 missing persons should be formed’ – High Representative Paddy Ashdown on Tuesday met with the families of missing persons from the Sarajevo Kasindolska street, at a request by Chairman of the FBiH Commission for Missing Persons Amor Masovic. By this visit, Ashdown wanted to support the families in their efforts to get the truth about their missing family members, according to OHR Spokesman Oleg Milisic. |
FBiH PM Hadzipasic meets ICRC’s Kaspar | Dnevni List (page 9, by D. L., “Searching for missing persons priority in BiH”) – Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, during a meeting he had with a delegation of the International Committee of Red Cross led by Werner Kaspar, stated that the FBiH Government would support and cooperate in realization of initiatives aimed at intensifying of processes of search for missing persons. Furthermore, the daily reports that in order to get the process running, one of initial steps should be collecting of data on 7.000 out of 20.000 persons that are missing in BiH. In that context, there should be signing of an official agreement at the State level on July 1. (Dnevni Avaz) |