
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 23/8/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 23 August


BH Radio 1 (13,00 hrs)

Hutovo blato police talks

Hutovo blato police talks

OHR Tuzla to close down

Terzic on Hutovo blato

Savers announce blockades

Miner killed in accident,Tuzla

TV news broadcast on 22 August


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

EC on the police reform in BiH

Ashdown in BL on Police Reform

Indictment against Mandic soon

Bukejlovic on police reform process

New acting director of Srpske Poste

Bandic’s car burned

Interview with minister Barisa Colak

BIH Framers stopped in Mostar

Update on death of Zeljeznicar fan

Farmers started protests in Mostar

Increase of August Pensions

Talks on police reform in Mostar


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

HR in BL on Police Reform

Update on Elektrobosna Jajce

OHR prepares for transition

HR on BIH separate admission to EU

Update on death of Zeljeznicar fan

Meeting on police reform in Capljina

CoM on police reform

Violence after Zenica soccer match

Bandic’s car set on fire in Foca

RS PM’s removal from the authority?

Update on Jelavic case

Mandic will spend 30 days in custody



Only united BiH can enter EU

Dnevni Avaz

‘Lagumdzija case’ to be submitted to Prosecutor Sljivar

Dnevni List

Poor organization returns protesters (farmers’ protests in Mostar)

Vecernji List

Protest (farmers’ protests in Mostar)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Wheat and tomatoes in front of HDZ’s doors (farmers’ protests in Mostar)

Nezavisne Novine

Al-Q’Aida is training terrorists in BiH

Glas Srpske

Salaries drill holes even where drillers cannot


Half of Bosnia is crying because of weeds [story on ambrosia allergies]

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles

Srpski Nacional

Features Serbian related titles


LATEST NEWS OF TODAY: Hutovo blato meeting on police reform

Police reform meeting started



RHB, BH Radio 1 – Police reform negotiations have started at 11.30 in Karatok motel near Capljina. It is attended by the BiH CoM Chair Adnan Terzic, BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak, SIPA Director Sredoje Novic, FBiH PM Ahmet Hadzipasic, FBIH Interior Ministry Mehmed Halilovic, RS PM Pero Bukejlovic, RS Finance Minister Svetlana Cenic, RS Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic, Brcko Mayor Mirsad Djapo, EC spokesperson Frano Maroevic and OHR representatives.

Terzic: Inter-entity border line must not be an obstacle to functioning region


BH Radio 1 – BiH CoM Chair, Adnan Terzic, told journalists before the meeting that he expects concrete results from the today’s negotiations, adding that there is one condition that must be met: three EC’s principles. He underlined that budgetary competencies must be at the state level and that police must not be under political influence, which “basically means that inter-entity border line must not be a border which disables formation of functional region.” Terzic concluded that some progress has been made, but did not disclose details. 

Hadzipasic: FBiH Govt support PRC report


SRNA – FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, stated prior to the police reform meeting that it he expects the negotiations will continue in line with the report by the Police Reform Commission chaired by Wilfred Martens. He underlined FBiH authorities will stick to their stance on police reform to be based on PRC report.

Bukejlovic expects agreement on police to be reached today

SRNA – RS PM Pero Bukejlovic prior to the meeting on police reform said he expects the agreement on police reform to be reached today. He added that he has no disagreements with the RS President Dragan Cavic, expect about the ways to implement the reform.

EC repeats three principles must be respected

BH Radio 1 – EC spokesperson, Frano Maroevic, reiterated prior to the meeting that the European Commission expects the police reform to be agreed in line with three principles.

OHR: it is important that leaders show progress 


SRNA – OHR spokesperson, Oleg Milisic , stated today it was important that the leaders of the BiH and Entity Institutions in Hutovo Blato show progress regarding the police reform. She underlined the conditions for EU membership are non-negotiable, and until BiH’s politicians are prepared to make reforms which meet these conditions BiH’s path to Europe will remain blocked. 

Radmanovic on SNSD meeting with Ashdown

SRNA – The Chair of the SNSD Executive Board, Nebojsa Radmanovic, stated today that all problems BiH is facing, including police reform, have been discussed at the yesterday’s meeting between the party’s representatives and the HR Paddy Ashdown. He added also said that SNSD reps told Ashdown they believe it is good for police reform to be discussed in the institution’s of system, and expressed their hope that a step forward will be made.


Police reform

Meeting on police continues in Hutovo blato today




Hayat, RHB, RTRS – BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic will be heading the CoM delegation in continuation of talks on police reform in BiH at motel “Karaotok” in nature park Hutovo Blato. Chair’s Advisor, Bojan Zec Filipovic, told Fena on Monday that Terzic expects concrete results on yet unsolved issues and completion of the reform’s political framework in line with EU principles. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Salaries of police officers bigger problem the regions’ by Az. Kalamujic – Terzic also said he will accept any solution regardless to the determined number of police regions, adding that even those regions would suffer changes during the implementation period that could take longer than three years. Terzic also stressed that even bigger problem is to find the money to harmonize the police salaries, which differ largely in entities.  Hayat – The CoM will also be represented by BIH Minister of Security Barisa Colak and SIPA Director Sredoje Novic.

Bukejlovic denies differences in opinions with Cavic, media speculate otherwise


BHT1, RHB, PINK, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Negotiations in coming with same proposals in Hutovo Blato’, mentioned on cover, by E. Sarac, Oslobodjneje pg 6 ‘RS Government must respect RSNA’s conclusions’, mentioned on cover, by O. Vukovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘I want to believe Dragan Cavic has the same opinion as the Government’ by V. Popovic, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Too much of optimism’ announced on cover ‘With what will RS Government and Cavic go to Mostar’ by Nedeljka Breberina, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘To Capljina with optimism’ by Z. Markovic  – RS PM Pero Bukejlovic told journalists on Monday that he is heading to Mostar to participate in talks on police reform as an optimist. “We have our proposal that is on the line of what the RSNA had adopted and on line of the BiH and RS constitutional arrangements”, said Bukejlovic, adding that the RS Government does not have a right to behave differently. He reiterated that it is possible to find the solution within the EU three principles, which will satisfy the interests of all three peoples in BiH, in line with the RS proposal. Asked whether certain differences exist between him and RS President Dragan Cavic in regard to police reform, as it was speculated by media lately, Bukejlovic denied this and added that such claims have been misinterpreted in the public. “I wish to believe that Cavic has the same opinion. I believe that the misunderstanding is only in the manner and time of the implementation”, he said. Hayat by ATV – ATV found out from a high official of SDS, who attended the Jahorina meeting, that RS PM Pero Bukejlovic had walked out from the meeting after he got in a conflict with RS President Dragan Cavic. Source, furthermore, claims that Bukejlovic accused Cavic of having agreed on the possibility of crossing inter-entity boundary lines by the police with Ashdown and, in that way he had failed to respect RS NA conclusions. RTRS carries similar report like ATVs.

Ivanic meets Bukejlovic for consultations, says mo indications of progress


BHT 1, Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘I want to believe Dragan Cavic has the same opinion as the Government’ by V. Popovic  – PDP leader, Mladen Ivanic, told today that there are no indications of the progress made when it comes to the police reform. “As for the PDP, we will wait and see whether there would be some proposals and than we will take a stance,” said Ivanic adding PDP officials were not invited to meet with the HR Paddy Ashdown. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Negotiations in coming with same proposals in Hutovo Blato’, mentioned on cover, by E. Sarac, inset – Ivanic, met Pero Bukejlovic on Monday morning in order to consult on police reforms talks.

RS NGO sector announces blockades of RS institutions


Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Negotiations in coming with same proposals in Hutovo Blato’, mentioned on cover, by E. Sarac, inset, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘American congressmen informed about suffering of Serbs’, by NINA, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Former camp inmates threatened RS Government’ by V. P., EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Former camp inmates oppose single police’ by T. V., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Beware of the Constitution’ by G. D. – Coordination board of 11 RS NGOs said they will block all the RS institutions and will demand the removal of the RS Government if the entity’s representatives accept any solutions on police reforms which is not in accordance with the RS National Assembly’s conclusions on police reform. Chair of the RS Association of PoWs, Branislav Dukic, told journalists on Monday after meeting with Pero Bukejlovic and Darko Matijasevic: “There is no delegate or a representative of a single political party which could sing on the police reform, because that would be political suicide.”

RHB int with Colak: negotiations will most probably not end today


RHB – On the eve of Tuesday’s meeting on police reform process to be held in a motel near Capljina, Radio Herceg Bosna broadcasted a short interview with BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak. Commenting the meeting, Colak said that it is hard to expect that the negotiations on police reform will end on Tuesday. “Still, I am not a pessimist, I think that we must reach appropriate solution sooner or later. If we don’t find a solution it won’t be good for BiH”, said Colak. Deadline for the completion of the police reform process is September 2005; if it does not happen, BiH will not start the negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU. “That is the fact, but it is not the only consequence in case police reform process is not completed in time. There are some indications that BiH could loose very important European funds, even until year 2013, which would be really, really bad”, said Colak. BiH Minister of Security added that police restructuring will surely make the fight against organized crime a lot easier, and it will definitely improve the situation in BiH in all aspects. “These speculations that the police reform process could be implemented only in part of the country – I believe that those are very dangerous ideas which could deepen the differences in BiH, and that is not in most of the BiH citizens’ interest”, concluded Barisa Colak.

Matijasevic, Halilovic comment police reform talks


BHT1 Mirela Cosic – RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic stated that it must be possible to find a compromise that would respect BiH and RS Constitution regulations, but also the highest professional requirements. FBiH Government appointed the delegation for negotiations, which includes FBiH Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Minister of Finance. They have been approved to continue with the negotiations basing on the recommendations of BiH Police Restructuring Commission and results of Vlasic meeting. FBIH Minister of Interior Mevludin Halilovic stated that he is going to represent the stance of FBiH Government, which means territorial organisation of police in five regions and with out limiting by entity border line.

FBiH Deputy PM Vrankic pessimistic about outcomes of Karaotok talks

Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Another failed meeting!?’, by Dario Pusic – FBIH Deputy Prime Minister, Dragan Vrankic, who is taking part in the police talks, says there is a little possibility that an agreement on forming of single state police structure will be reached at Karaotok.

EC expects progress at the meeting today


RHB, BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Negotiations in coming with same proposals in Hutovo Blato’, mentioned on cover, by E. Sarac, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Another failed meeting!?’, by Dario Pusic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 13 ‘BiH in dark hole of Europe’, by D. Pasic– European Commission in BiH says it expects progress from meeting on police reform. According to the EC spokesman, Frane Maroevic, the EC principles regarding the police reform have been made clear to the participants of police talks. Maroevic added that BiH should complete the Feasibility study in September, so that European Commission could give the recommendation for beginning of negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU before the end of 2005.

DA int with Rycroft: ‘Politics should be forced out from the police’


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Politics should be forced out from the police’ announced on cover ‘We assess politicians in accordance with their actions’ by Sead Numanovic – in an interview to DA, UK Ambassador to BiH Matthew Rycroft has presented expectations of EU with regard to the police meeting in Mostar today and he emphasized SAA talks can commence only after an agreement on police reform is achieved in accordance with the three principles of EC. In case the reform fails, according to the Ambassador, the main sanctions would derive from lack of benefits BiH would get if it implements the reform – there would be no higher investments, no higher number of jobs etc.

DA says all parties to present same, old stances


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Negotiations in coming with same proposals in Hutovo Blato’, mentioned on cover, by E. Sarac – DA announces the meeting in Hutovo Blat today, commenting that the party’s stances are all known and that it seems that there is no progress. “The story on police reform starts all over, in brief,” comments the author. It also adds that all sides are going to the meeting presenting the same proposals and arguments as earlier – i.e. RS side respecting the RSNA conclusions, FBiH Government advocating for police organized in five regions and CoM delegation lobbying for 9+1 police maps.

SD pessimistic about outcome of Karaotok talks


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 17 ‘Pessimism comes from the RS’, by Ivanka Dzajic – The author is pessimistic when it comes to the final outcome of the talks at Karaotok, saying that the best indications for that come from the news that RS NGOs have announced they would block the RS institutions and request removal of the RS Government in case the RS representatives give the RSNA’s conclusions regarding the police reform

Media on HR Ashdown’s visit to Banja Luka


PINK by Dragica Tojagic – High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, met with the representatives of political parties from the RS to talk about the police reform in Banja Luka on Monday. RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic stated that he was not informed on the details of the meeting but he hopes for the positive outcome regarding the police reform and the principles connected to it. FTV, BHT 1 Zorica Lolic, Oslobodjneje pg 6 ‘RS Government must respect RSNA’s conclusions’, mentioned on cover, by O. Vukovic, inset ‘Mysterious Ashdown’ – Carry that Ashdown didn’t meet with the representatives of the RS parties in Banja Luka on Monday until the broadcast of the news [19.00]. According to unofficial sources, Ashdown has arrived to Banja Luka on Monday evening, and he is to meet with SNSD leadership. RTRS, Hayat by ATV – It also report that Ashdown is to meet SNSD.NOTE: Please note that media reports are very contradictory when it comes to the fact whether the meeting has taken the place at all.

VL: Covic, Tihic and Cavic to meet tomorrow and discuss topical issues including police reform

Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Overcoming crisis and speeding up reforms’, by Marijan Ivesa – Reports that presidents of the HDZ, SDA and SDS, Dragan Covic, Sulejman Tihic and Dragan Cavic respectively will be meeting at the HDZ HQ tomorrow (Wednesday) to discuss the topical issues such as the police reform, overcoming of the crisis in the BiH Council of Ministers, appointments in the security agencies such as SBS and SIPA and the issue of constitutional changes. When it comes to police reform, VL notes it is believed there will be progress in which the three leaders will play a big part.


Judicial and economic issues

Momcilo Mandic in detention until 16 Sept










FTV, RTRS, RHB, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Momcilo Mandic in Kula prison until 16 September’, mentioned on cover, by A.O., Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Mandic in prison until 16 Sept’, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Momcilo Mandic gets 30 day custody’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Momcilo Mandic in custody until September 16’, by ra, Slobodna Dalmcija, pg 14 ‘Mandic gets one month detention’, by B. Kristo, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Mandic in detention by September 16’ by N. N., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘He was suspected of money laundering’ by V. J.– The pre-trial procedure judge, Malcolm Simmons, has issued the decision on setting custody for Momcilo Mandic. The custody will last until September 16 unless the Court issues a different decision in the meantime. The suspect has been transferred to prison “Kula” in Eastern Sarajevo, the Court of BiH announced. Momcilo Mandic is suspected, among other things, of money laundering and organized crime regarding the operations of Privredna Bank Eastern Sarajevo. BHT1 by Boris Grubesic – In his statement for BHT1, Chief of BiH Prosecution’s Special Department for Economic Crime, Organized Crime and Corruption John McNair confirmed that the most of the evidence against Mandic has already been gathered. The Prosecution will only need to get Mandic’s testimony on accusations against him. BHT1 comments It is still not clear if BiH Prosecution is going to investigate the accusations for war crime. The reporter commented that Mandic is obviously an ICTY indictee, since he testified in trial against Momcilo Krajisnik at ICTY in presence of his attorney. ICTY is now expected to forward all details of investigation against Mandic to BiH Prosecution.

Police prevents protests of farmers in front of HDZ HQ in Mostar


RHB, PINK, BHT1, FTV, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjneje pg 8 ‘MoI banned ghatehred in front of HDZ building’, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Although they were banned to do so, they still have spilled wheat and tomato’ by F. V., Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Poor organization returns protesters’, by Marko Karacic – Some 50 farmers from Herzegovina wanted to protest in front of the HDZ HQ in Mostar on Monday but they were prevented from doing so by the police because the farmers did not have the necessary permit. According to a farmer from West-Herzegovina Canton, Miro Pejic, farmers sent the Mostar City administration (CA) a memo seven days ago that they would be protesting, however the CA never replied although they were obliged to do so within 24 hours. On the other hand, the CA’s spokesman, Miroslav Landeka, stresses that the CA never received a request but a simple memo informing the CA about the protest, therefore the CA was not obliged to reply. However, Pejic says farmers will not give up protests in front of the HDZ HQ. Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Protest’ and pg 3 ‘Police chases away protesters’, by Zoran Kresic, Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg ‘Wheat and tomatoes in front of HDZ’s doors’, by Z. Zekic – HDZ spokesman, Miso Relota, says it is the BiH CoM, not the HDZ HQ, which is the right address to protest at. Relota also notes that one cannot escape an impression that BiH farmers are being abused by import lobbies and political parties.

Jelavic trial update


RHB, BHT1, FTV, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Ante Jelavic’s defence presentation of evidences finished’, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Cosic: Croatia was sending money to HVO, not HDZ’ by S. Turcalo, Dnevni List, pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Cosic: Money from Croatia was not intended for HDZ’, by Erna Mackic, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘HVO and Croats were intended to receive money from Croatia’, mentioned on front ‘Presenting of evidence completed’, by Zoran Kresic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 3 ‘Gojko Susak was signing sending of money to Croats in BiH’, by H – Defence witnesses from Croatia in the trials to Ante Jelavic in the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ case, former Croatian Deputy Defence Minister, Kresimir Cosic and former Deputy Finance Minister, Miljenko Galic, stated on Monday that there were no lack of transparency in spending of money that Croatia was sending to BiH Croats. Cosic explained that the money from the Croatian state budget was intended for the needs of the BiH Croats, not the HDZ BiH, however Cosic noted that the money for HDZ BiH was perhaps coming from the HDZ of Croatia. Cosic also said that there were mechanisms, whose aim was to oversee the spending of the Croatian state money. Both the Prosecution and defence team have been asked to prepare the closing arguments. The date for the closing arguments is yet to be determined.

Three prosecutors and four judges resigned in last month/ DA op-ed estimates this is very concerning


RTRS, RHB, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Three prosecutors and four judges resigned in a month’ by SRNA, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Three prosecutors and four judges resigned’, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Three prosecutors and four judges resign’, by Zeda, Nezavisne novine pg 9 ‘Seven Prosecutors and judges filed resignations’ by P. K., Glas Srpske pg 4 ‘Frequent resignations’ by Srna – According to High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJCP), three prosecutors and four judges have submitted their resignations to HJCP in the past month. HJCP President Branko Peric stated that the number of resignations proves that the salaries of judges and prosecutor are not high enough to motive them to work. Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Resignations a reason for concern’ op-ed by Husein Orahovac – Op-ed says that these judicial resignations are extremely worrying regardless of the reason they happened – whether judges/prosecutors resigned due to lack of competencies or due to large pressure by crime related groups.

New Director of Poste Srpske, Milanka Rendic, registered with the Court/ Workers support her


Glas Srpske pg 3, announced on cover ‘Pejic was erased from the register’ by G. Dakic, Nezavisne novine pg 6 ‘Milanka Rendic was registered as Director at the Court’ by R. Segrt – Milutin Pejic, the former general director of company “Srpske poste” by the Decision of the Banja Luka Basic Court has been erased from the court registry as the person authorized for representing this company, confirmed RS Labor Minister Miodrag Deretic. He also specified that Milanka Rendic was registered as the person authorized for representation of this company. RTRS by Sinisa Mihailovic – RTRS reporter speculates that this could be the end of the fight for jobs in this company, which culminated on Friday when Rendic entered the office with the help from the police. Since then, private guards keep the main entrance not allowing access to the former Deputy Director Milenko Vuceta. After court’s decision, workers of “Poste Srpske” said that now everything seems to have been done in accordance with the law. Rendic urged workers to return to their jobs, promising there will be no revenge. Former Director Milan Pejic is still in Taiwan on a business trip; when he returns, he won’t be allowed to enter the “Poste Srpske” offices. PINK, BHT1, Hayat, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘In accordance with laws’ by M. Dz.Bogdan Davidovic from the Poste’s Trade Union harshly condemned the election of the new Supervision Board but they will accept Rendic as new Acting Director if it is according to the law since they abide by the law.

NN op-ed on Poste Srpske


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Government’s postman’ by Dragan Risojevic – the author refers to the most recent events in “Srpske Poste” and claims masking of the entire story with Milanka Rendic, former SNSD member, was just a swap of roles for the entire show in which the distribution of the main roles between the radicals and the Government was agreed upon a long time ago.

FTV lead story on Elektroprivreda N from Jajce


FTVNadja Ridzic – Workers of Elektrobosna-N Jajce have officially requested liquidation of the company because of debts in a amount of millions of KM. The reporter accused owner Zvonko Matijas and General Manager Vladan Istvanic of manipulating the workers in order to reach the liquidation and, in that way, avoid paying back the debts. In his statement for FTV, Matijas denied all accusations, and accused Istvanic of being responsible for the debts of the company. Istvanic refused to talk in front of cameras, but in his conversation with the reporter he admitted that he had encouraged the workers to request liquidation. Nikola Grubesic from Srednja Bosna Canton Privatisation Agency stated that the privatisation of Elektrobosna –N Jajce has been legal, adding that the Agency is in no way responsible for present situation in this company. Reporter concluded the report saying that the state must stop this huge economic crime, as only the state has the powers to do that.

McNair informs Ajanovic case of Lagumdzija and others submitted to Chief Sarajevo Prosecutor


Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash ‘Lagumdzija case to go to Prosecutor Sljivar’ and pg 2 ‘There is a great reason to open an investigation on Lagumdzija and others’ by A. Hadzic – State Prosecutor John McNair informed in writing the F BiH delegate and BOSS Chairman Mirnes Ajanovic that the case, which was opened upon a denunciation in the case of Faculty of Economics against Zlatko Lagumdzija, Sead Kreso and Boris Tihi, was forwarded to Chief Sarajevo Prosecutor Branko Sljivar for a review and possible launching of an investigation. Dnevni List, pg 7, mentioned on front ‘Nothing will happen about lawsuit against Lagumdzija’, by M. B. also reports.

GS cover story on salaries in institutions


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Salaries drill holes even where drillers cannot’ by D. V. M. – The Director of the Institute for Economy from Banja Luka, Dusko Jaksic, claims salaries of employees of joint BiH institutions are twice as higher than in RS and he sees this as one of ways to undermine RS because many qualified personnel is leaving RS institutions to get a job in joint institutions.

Hadzipasic denies Selimovic offered him to purchase Agrokomerc

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Hadzipasic: I did not receive MIMS’ offer’, mentioned on cover, by M. Kukan – FBiH PM Ahmet Hadzipasic denied the information that MIMS company, owned by Mujica Selimovic, has sent him an offer for purchase of Agrokomerc company from Velika Kladusa. DA lead story published on Monday was that in this way, Hilmo Selimovic, majority owner of Sarajevo Brewery tried to purchase Agrokomerc illegally [see BiH Media Round-up Aug 22]


Political issues

Ashdown asks Lozancic to provide more information on pardoning Prce







FTV, Hayat, RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Ashdown demands more information on Prce pardoning’ by A.O., Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ashdown asks for new information from Lozancic’ by Srna, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Copy of decision on pardoning of Prce requested’, by N. B., Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Ashdown wants documentation on pardon’, by Zeda, Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘Ashdown gave a new deadline to Lozancic’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘He wants more details’ by SrnaThe High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, has written to the FBiH President, Niko Lozancic, requiring from him to provide more information by close of business on Tuesday 23 August regarding the Presidential Pardon granted to Miroslav Prce, who was sentenced to five years imprisonment in 2004 for misuse of public funds. Lozancic wrote to the the HR on 19 August explaining the grounds on which he had granted this Pardon. OHR statement reads that this explanation, however, raised additional questions. Ashdown has asked Mr Lozancic to provide a copy of the Pardon, together with additional documentation pertinent to the decision to grant a Pardon, including medical documents. Currently, entity presidents can grand pardon secretly or in public. Every year, about 1.000 requests for pardon are submitted, but it is not clear how many are approved.

HKDU on Lozancic pardoning Prce: Criminal pays off


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 15 ‘Message: Crime pays off’, by Z. Zekic, Oslobodjenje, pg 6 ‘Pardoning Miroslav Prce is absurd’, not signed – HKDU (Croat Christian Democratic Union) criticizes the pardoning of Miroslav Prce by the FBiH President, Niko Lozancic, saying that a pardon in the circumstances as they were (in case of Prce) represents an absurd and a message that crime eventually pays off.

OHR to start planning transfer of powers to BiH authorities, EUSR, EC


RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Beginning of transfer of authorities announced’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Authorities onto BiH institutions’, by eme, EuroBlic pg RS2, announced on cover ‘OHR and Ashdown are preparing for transition’ by N. S., Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘OHR becomes the Office of the EU Special Representative’ by V. P. – OHR stated on Monday that the HR, Paddy Ashdown, would this week unveil steps to change the structure of the organization so that it is increasingly configured in anticipation of a transition to the Office of the European Union Special Representative. Ashdown stated he was pleased that OHR was in a stage where we it can start planning for the handover of powers to the BiH institutions and to the permanent IC institutions such as the EUSR and the EC. RHB – The number of OHR’s staff has already been cut by more than one third since 2002, and the budget for 2005 – just under 17 millions Euro – is significantly lower than last years’ 21 million. The proposal for the OHR budget in 2006 foresees further reducing to less than 14 millions Euro. BHT1 – According BH Radio 1, the OHR Regional Office in Tuzla will be closed on January 1,t 2006. Within next months, 140 employees of OHR will be fired.

Hayat, FTV also carry that Tuzla office will be closed down. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘As of 1 January 2006 , OHR office in Tuzla ceases operation’ – DA carries that Ashdown confirmed on Monday for Tuzla based Radio Slon that the OHR office in this city will cease operations.

HR denies he stated EU considers Cyprus model for BiH


BHT1, Oslobodjneje pg 2 ‘Changes depend on progress made by domestic authorities’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘There will be transformation to EUSR’, Vecernje Novosti pg 6 ‘I have not threatened RS’ not signed– The High Representative to BIH Paddy Ashdown denied allegations according to which he announced that EU would consider accepting BiH without RS if police reform fails. HR stated that he had never even thought of Cyprus model for BiH’s admittance to EU and that BiH will join EU as one state. RTRS by Biljana Knezevic – The speculations that so-called Cypriot model could be implemented in BiH, in other words that only Federation of BiH could join the European Union, are senseless, and I have never discussed something like that, nor have I ever thought about the Cypriot model, RTRS presenter quoted High Representative Paddy Ashdown. On the eve of the new meeting on police reform, Ashdown did not hold talks with the leaders of political parties in Banja Luka , as it was announced earlier.

EC: EU wants united BiH as its member state/ reactions


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Europe wants united BiH in its membership’ by Vedrana Zivak – EC spokesperson, France Maroevic, stated for Oslobodjenje that EU wants to see united BiH as its member state, adding there was no possibility to have FBiH accepted separately from RS. He also did not want to comment to speculations that HR Paddy Ashdown stated RS was risking being treated as isolated part of Cyprus. However, daily says that in mid May this year Ashdown did compare RS with this part of Cyprus after the failure of police reform talks in Konak. Ruza Sopta, a delegate  in BiH HoR, expressed hope BiH authorities will complete the process of police reform, adding she hopes that Ashdown only threatened to RS. SDP Secretary General, Svetozar Pudaric, commented that BiH and Cyprus can never be equally treated adding that this was irresponsible statement on part of Ashdown. Adil Osmanovic from SDA underlined that BiH is one state, adding that Ashdown seems to accept the thesis that RS is an ownership of one people.

Media heavily criticise comparing Cyprus/BiH situations 


Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Ashdown finishes what Karadzic failed to do!?’, by Mensud Zorlak – The author comments on the alleged statement by HR Paddy Ashdown that the RS could end up like the Turkish part of Cyprus (NB: which the HR denied yesterday). Zorlak notes although the HR tried to strike fear into bones of the ruling RS parties prior to the police talks, it produced a completely different result, namely his statement was interpreted as the final division of the country and recognition of the RS’s statehood. The author goes on to say that whilst Radovan Karadzic was doing it through aggression, HR Ashdown is doing the same at the end of his mandate under excuse that BiH will get closer to the EU. Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Against Cyprus model’, by Marijan Ivesa – The author comments the same alleged statement by the HR. Ivesa notes that the statement only caused fierce reactions among the Bosniak politicians from the FBIH, who believe the Cyprus model is the gravest form of undermining of the BiH’s territorial integrity. Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 13 ‘Lord powerless against the Serbs’, by Petar Milos – The author comments the same alleged statement by the HR. Milos says the vast majority of Serbs in the RS would not mind such scenario because in that case the invisible entity line would become a state border with Serb customs and police officers. Milos also wonders how come the HR is powerless when it comes to the Serbs’ request when he takes care of the Croat-related issues with such ease, citing the issue of RTV laws. Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Ashdown’s Cyprus’ op-ed by Danijel Omeragic – Daily comments that any comparison BiH/Cyprus was extremely dangerous.

SD: Ljubic wants to form new party


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 13, mentioned on front ‘Ljubic to destroy Covic with new HDZ?’, by Emil Karamatic – The author notes that Bozo Ljubic, after getting defeated in the HDZ Convention by Dragan Covic two and a half months ago, is now trying to assembly dissatisfied members of the HDZ and form a new political party, which could be called ‘New HDZ’, ‘HDZ 2005’ or even ‘HDZ 1990’. Karamatic notes that analysts say that Ljubic should have done this within five days of completion of the Convention because Covic has in the meantime restored full control over the HDZ.

DL: European People’s Party to visit HDZ


Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Separate meeting with Covic and Ljubic’, by Zvonimir Jukic – Reports that a senior delegation of the European People’s Party will be visiting the HDZ BiH at the end of August in order to see whether the party has transformed itself into a modern party and see the current state of affairs in the HDZ following the last HDZ Convention. DL says that according to current information, the delegation will be having separate meetings with both Dragan Covic, the HDZ President, and Bozo Ljubic, whom Covic defeated in inter-party elections.

VL: HDZ nominates Jozo Boro as candidate for CBC Education Minister

Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘J. Boro, new education minister’, by adr – Reports that the Cantonal Board of HDZ in Central Bosnia Canton (CBC) has nominated Jozo Boro, a high school teacher and former CBC Deputy Education Minister from Kiseljak, as the party’s candidate for office of CBC Education Minister.

DL: Politicians good at spending taxpayers’ money

Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Reforms and restaurants’, by Ivica Glibusic – The author argues that participants of the police reform are only good at selecting nice tourist destinations for continuation of talks and spending the taxpayers’ money, in the same time being pessimistic in positive outcome of the talks.


Security issues

Update to SBS officer’s murder case









Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Bandic had never taken a psycho-test’ by D. Muminovic – Motifs for the murder of Bojan Prodanovic, an SBS officer killed by his colleague Anis Bandic, are still unknown. A high official of BiH Security Ministry Monday confirmed results of internal investigation showed there were no medial records on Bandic’s health condition ever since he got the job in 2000. The Ministry confirmed an audit of employment of all policemen and officials will be conducted in forthcoming period of time. The article claims Bandic was allegedly, after the murder, hallucinating that he had killed Radovan Karadzic. Inset ‘Bandic’s Golf was set on fire in Foca’ – Car of State Border Service officer Anis Bandic, who had killed his colleague Bojan Prodanovic, has been set on fire in Foca in early hours of Monday morning. Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Because of knock on the head, Kasapovic died of heart attack!?’, by ZEDA – Expert witness Dr. Hamza Zujo says Aner Kasapovic died of heart attack. RHB, PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Police is not guilty of fan’s death’, mentioned on cover, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘The Prosecutor’s Office is still waiting for a report of the police’ by A. Dz., Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘A haematoma was found on arm of Kasapovic’ by Aj. Delic, Dnevni List, pg 48 ‘Anis Bandic’s vehicle set on fire’, by N. Dedic also report.

NN cover page story: ‘Al-Q’Aida is training terrorists in BiH’


Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Al-Q’Aida is training terrorists in BiH’ and pgs 2-3 ‘Training of terrorists in BiH’ by P. Klincov – “Cybercast News” Agency [US internet newswires agency] has published a video-tape, for which experts for terrorism claim it shows an active jihad training camp in BiH. The agency also claims terrorists whose previous goal was to attack USA are now in BiH, as well as that terrorists, who were released from prisons after serving their sentences, went to BiH where they joined such camps. Some experts for terrorism say it is possible such camps were organized in hills in BiH, while Marco Atila Hoare from Cambridge University thinks stories about camps in BiH ‘were exaggerated’. Inset ‘The tape was recorded in autumn 2004’ – The agency has stated it had got the video-tape from Gregory Kopley, the Chairman of the Association for International Strategic Studies [MMU note: Kopley often writes articles about possible terrorist activities in the area of the Balkans for Washington based paper “Defense and Foreign Affairs”, which often is carried by Serbia based media]. Kopley had stated the footage was made before autumn 2004 and was played for the first time in May 2005 during a meeting of military officials in frame of “2005 Strategy” Global Strategic Forum, which was held in Washington. Inset ‘Mektic: We did not revealed presence of terrorists in BIH so far’ – Deputy BiH Security Minister Dragan Mektic did not want to comment on findings of the agency since he was on vacation, but he said information collected in past indicated there were no terrorist cells in BiH.