Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 23 June
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) |
New border crossing near Metkovic | |
UNESCO experts visit Mostar | Crans-Montana Forum in |
Changes to OHR mandate | Corporative Management- RT |
TV news broadcast on 22 June
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
| Dodik and Rycroft had meeting | Public admin. reform / |
FBiH Government in session | HR met German Minister of Defence | Rycroft, RS officials on police reform |
FBiH HoP in session | Conference on PA reform held in SA | Lagumdzija on Dodik’s statements |
Robinson as PB Commissioner | Ivanic and Kudela signed memo. | German Defence Minister in BiH |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS 19,30 hrs) |
Report on number of BiH officials | Situation in cultural institutions | |
| UNESCO delegation visits Mostar | RTRS found contract with ‘Vitol’ |
Election candidates to be checked | Owner of the quarry ends protest | HR appointed Robinson as liquidator |
UNESCO delegation in Mostar | Dispute over apartments in Gorazde | Priebe regarding police reform |
Oslobodjenje | [Peace Implementation Council] It is not time for withdrawal from BiH |
Dnevni Avaz | [SDU Durakovic] Green-Red coalition is on stage |
Dnevni List | New ‘mole’ in Covic’s HDZ? |
Vecernji List | |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Clean Neretva to Ston (ecology project for Neretva valley) |
Nezavisne Novine | Tobi Robinson liquidates PBES |
Glas Srpske | Moral comfort for survivors [POWs (1941-1945) from NDH – |
EuroBlic | Bribe annulled enrolment tests [Corruption in process of enrolment of students to Faculties in RS] |
Vecernje novosti | Features Serbian related titles |
| BH Radio 1 by Samir Huseinovic – Meeting of Peace Implementation Council’ Political Directors continues in |
CoM Chair Terzic: OHR needed in present form until
| |
| |
| FTV- The Political Directors of the Peace Implementation Council [ |
DA: Different stances among
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Solana would be authorized for transformed OHR?’ by T.Lazovic– As DA learns, late on Thursday night, the |
| PINK – |
Foreign Minister Ivanic says abolishment of
| Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘It is not the time for retrieving of International Community’ A.Omeragic– Commenting the debate over OHR transition, BiH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic deems that abolishment of Bonn Powers “is normal and good for BiH”, adding that “the time has passed when the IC was carrying out the political goals from Sarajevo”. Vecernji List pg 21 ‘Schilling gradually losing pharaoh’s powers’ by Dejan Jazvic– carries Ivanic. |
RS Pres. Cavic expressed support to
| Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Directorate is wasting time’ by Z. Markovic Inset ‘Transformation’ – RS President Dragan Cavic, during the meeting of British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft with RS officials, expressed his support to intentions and commitment of |
CEIS Director Slatina: It is not the time for retrieving of International Community
| Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘It is not the time for retrieving of International Community’ A.Omeragic – Director of Sarajevo Office of Centre for European Integration Strategies [CEIS], Senad Slatina, deems that OHR shouldn’t be abolished yet. “Idea on transformation of the Office dates from 2003, when was established that |
SDU Durakovic: It is too early to diminish authorities of HR; supporting Bonn Powers in cases of reforms important for Euro-Atlantic integrations
| Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 5 ‘Green-Red coalition is on stage’ by Admir Malagic – Commenting IC’s presence and influence in BiH, SDU Presidency member Nijaz Durakovic told in an interview to daily: “I personally think that it is too early to diminish authorities of High Representative, for we still need them, regardless to the mistakes by different regents [Carl] Bildt, [Carlos] Westendorp, [Wolfgang] Petritsch, [Paddy] Ashdown to [Christian] Schwarz-Schilling. Especially in this situation, when separatist tendencies are strengthening, police reform is blocked…” Inset ‘Too early for abolishing Bonn Powers’ – Asked to comment announced abolishment of Bonn Powers, Durakovic stated that he is supporting use of tjese in cases of reforms important for Euro-Atlantic integrations: “We cannot adopt the Law on Higher Education for four years by ourselves. This is why the full presence of IC is necessary for couple of more years.” As for the elections, Durakovic repeat condemned condemning ‘green-black-red coalition of SDA and |
Oslob op-ed: Without OHR there would not be most important reforms
| Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Destiny of OHR’ op-ed by Aldijana Omeragic – Commenting announcements on abolishment of OHR and less direct influence of International Community onto BiH political life, editorial reads that claims coming from the RS that “BiH authorities should take over responsibility for leading the country” are correct, adding though BiH would not have been able to make any significant progress without authorities of OHR. Author notes: “There would not have been the most important reforms of intelligence sector, defence, tax administration, as well as main laws on state insignia without OHR. What the lack of international pressure means is best illustrated by the police reform. If we add to it, no matter how (i)rational it could be, the pre-elections story of referendum and tremors in the region, there are additional reasons for calling OHR to stay some more time.” Recalling the stance of Woodrow Wilson Centre [WWC] Director Martin Sletzinger from |
Police and defence reforms | |
| RTRS by Biljana Knezevic – |
EC’s Priebe: EC police principles present wide frame for reaching of the agreement
| RTRS by Branka Kusmuk- Reinhard Priebe, Director of the EU General Directorate for Enlargement said to BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic, RS Prime Minister to BiH Milorad Dodik and FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic that three European principles for the police reform present wide frame for reaching the agreement on police reform. EU is very satisfied with the BiH negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement and believes that further improvements are necessary regarding the reform of broadcast public service, public administration at the BiH level, and cooperation with the ICTY, police reform and establishment of the single economic area. “EU expects from Police Reform Directorate should offer the solutions in accordance with three European principles”, said Terzic. Reporter commented that BiH politicians interpret three principles on different way, especially the principle regarding development of police regions on functional basis. “I was pleased to hear this’ three European principles for the police reform present wide frame for reaching the agreement on police reform’. This is what I am looking for, nothing more”, said Dodik. Priebe asked from Dodik to ensure that the RS representative is again present in the |
DA on Priebe and PMs meeting: Ollie Rehn instructed meeting to happen to talk about
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Signing of the agreement brought into question’, mentioned on cover ‘Positive evaluation questionable’ by T.Lazovic – Reporting on the meeting, DA says it was held by the strict order of EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn, in order to inform PMs about concerns of Brussels regarding the reforms’ processes in BiH. DA also carried that Rehn has sent a message that positive evaluation in October report on BiH couldn’t be expected if expected progress, in police reform is not achieved. As DA learns, no one of the participants of the meeting haven’t mentioned to Priebe information from Police Reform Directorate, which says that experts wouldn’t succeed to draft the model of police structure by the given deadline. Meeting was also attended by Head of EC Michael Humphreys and his Deputy Renzo Daviddi, Director of BiH Directorate for EU Integrations Osman Topcagic and BiH Chief Negotiator with the EU Igor Davidovic. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Reforms must be implemented’ – also covered. |
Schwarz-Schilling meets German defence Minister Jung; emphasis on ICTY cooperation and necessity for BiH to join PfP
| RTRS by Dejana Radovanovic- Sarenac– The HR Christian Schwarz Schilling met German Defence Minister Franz Josef Jungon Thursday in |
BiH Defence Minister Radovanovic meets Jung; Radovanovic calls on NATO to allow BiH to join PfP | BHT1 by Svjetlana Todorovic – Following the meeting with German Minister of Defence Franz Josef Jung, BiH Minister of Defence Nikola Radovanovic called on all NATO member states to allow the admission of BiH, Serbia and Montenegro into the Partnership for Peace, even if those countries fail to fully satisfy political requirement: the apprehension of ICTY fugitives Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. Although he did not want to say anything concrete on the possible date of BiH admission into the PfP, German Minister of Defence was one of the rare international officials, who – according to BHT reporter – admitted that SFOR is partially responsible for the fact that Karadzic and Mladic have not yet been apprehended. However, he reminded once again that the main condition for admission into the PfP is full cooperation with The Hague Tribunal. Radovanovic stressed that ‘it was controversial’ that only Chief ICTY prosecutor Carla Del Ponte is authorized to assess the cooperation of countries in the region with the Tribunal. “She has already said a couple of times that Karadzic and Mladic – especially Mladic – were not in BiH for a long time. Therefore, the obvious question is – under those circumstances, what BiH institutions can or have to do?” concluded Radovanovic. PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘ |
Economic and property issues | |
Draft strategy of public administration reform presented in
| FTV by Zeljko Tica – The presentation of the Draft Public Administration Reform Strategy produced by the BiH experts on Thursday in |
EC’s Priebe: there are 4 main principles in public administration reform
| Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Citizens need a better cooperation’ by N. Krsman – Reinhard Priebe, Director of the EU General Directorate for Enlargement, has stated there are four basic principles in public administration reform, adding: “There must a clear distinction between politics and administration, then professional and unbiased public administration with clear lines of responsibility and clearly defined administrative procedures. A full control over public funds needs to be achieved, as well as judicial system in implementation of these principles.” EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘There is no such administration in EU’ by D. S., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Step towards professionalism’ by Z. M. – also report on principles |
Schwarz- Schilling appoints Robinson as liquidator of PBES
| PINK– The HR, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, today appointed Toby Robinson liquidator of Privredna Banka East Sarajevo, OHR said. “I have consistently been impressed with the diligent and courageous way in which Toby Robinson has tackled complex financial crimes in this country,” the High Representative said in making the appointment. “She has had to become involved in cases where the level of intimidation has been so severe that it has prevented the appropriate domestic authorities from dealing with the issue.” Robinson has worked in |
Inter-religious council, Orthodox Church against Law on purchase of nationalized apartments, asks for HR’s intervention
| Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Federation is legalizing plundering’, by Mensud Zorlak – following the decision of the FBIH HoP to adopt the law on purchase of nationalized apartments (the law allows holders of tenancy rights to privatize nationalized apartments, however, the law makes exception in the case of apartments previously owned by “vakufs”, legacies and foundations), Mitar Tanasic of the (Orthodox) Dabrobosanska Diocese says nobody will be able to force the Orthodox Church to sell its (nationalized) property. Tanasic argues this is about legalization of plunder of the Church’s property that happened after the WWII. Oslobodjenje, pg 4 ‘Stop Law on purchase of nationalized apartments’, not signed – the Inter-religious council of BiH has sent to top state and entity institutions and IC officials a letter, expressing dissatisfaction with the adoption of the FBiH Law on return, awarding and sale of nationalized apartments. The Council asks from the High Representative to use his authorities and suspend application of the law.Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘They demand suspension of F BiH Law on apartments’ by |
OHR informs BiH Ministry about discussions about decertified police officers in UN | BHT1- Office of the High Representative officials on Thursday informed representatives of BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees on the results of a series of meetings held with the United Nations in |
BiH HoR’s Commission o discuss installing of zero VAT rate for certain categories
| Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Final time for two VAT rates’, mentioned on cover by A.Terzic– Chair of BiH House of Representatives’ Commission for Budget and Finances, Ljiljana Milicevic told daily that she would insist for the Commission to establish a joint stance on changing of the Law on VAT. Namely, the expanded Collegium has tasked the Commission to submit a joint proposal to the BiH HoR in 15 days, considering that current eight proposals for changing of the Law have to be reduced to one. As Milicevic said, the Commission would try to agree on the minimum and install 0% rate for bread, baby food, soup kitchens, and publishing. Milicevic said that she already issued a demand for urgent session of the Commission, which should be held before the next session of BiH HoR, scheduled for July 7. |
Elections and other political issues | |
| BHT1- |
SBiH: DPA is not a holly letter and can be consider as temporary solution
| RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Destruction of Dayton leads to secession’ not signed, Dnevni list pg 6 ‘SBiH condemns Cavic’s statements’ unsigned – SBiH condemned the statement of the RS President Dragan Cavic in which he said that the behaviour of SBiH Leader Haris Silajdzic could cause war. Commenting Cavic’s statement that the one-sided abolishment of the Dayton Peace Agreement would mean referendum in RS, SBiH stated that |
DL: More people to leave HDZ BiH including Barisa Colak?
| Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘New ‘mole’ in Covic’s HDZ?’, by Zvonimir Jukic – according to DL’s sources, list of senior HDZ BiH officials who are not satisfied with the work of the HDZ BiH President, Dragan Covic, is growing bigger. Allegedly, one of them is former HDZ BiH leader, Barisa Colak, whose lead role in west |
DA: PDP without candidates for top offices?
| Dnevni Avaz, pg 8 ‘PDP without candidates for top offices?’, by N. Diklic – according to ‘Avaz’s’ sources in top of SNSD and PDP, it would appear that the PDP will not be nominating candidates for offices of the RS President and Serb member of BiH Presidency. Allegedly, the 2 parties’ leaders, Milorad Dodik and Mladen Ivanic, agreed the PDP would not be running for these offices in order to make way for SNSD’s candidates for the respective offices, namely Milan Jelic (RS President) and Nebojsa Radmanovic (BiH Presidency). In return, Dodik’s MPs will support Ivanic’s bid to become the new Chairman of Bih Council of Ministers. |
Dani: SBiH leader Silajdzic and SDA “hardliner” Cengic in coalition against SDA SDAs Tihic
| Dani cover splash ‘To whom would Alija’s spirit bring victory’, pgs 18-20 ‘Alija knew it all’ by Vildana Selimbegovic – Commenting last week’s turmoil during the session of SDA Main Board in Tuzla, Dani comments there is a “silent revolution” insida the SDA launched by the SBiH. Author speculates the SDA “hardliner” Hasan Cengic is building a strong opposition within the party to support SBiH leader Haris Silajdzic for Bosniak member of BiH Presidency and thus overthrowing Sulejman Tihic from the position of SDA leader. Selimbegovic notes that SDA Vice President Adnan Terzic joined Cengic for his vanity was hurt. Article concludes with the statement of an unnamed party official: “Unfortunately, late Alija [Izetbegovic, founder of SDA] is the strongest connection within the [current party] leadership and the greatest trump on the field. Isn’t it obvious today why did he choose Tihic [for his successor]? Haris is a ‘poet’, he is not consistent., and he [Alija] knew Hasan very well.” |
| Hayat By Lejla Gutlic – Eight coalitions are going to take part at October elections. In the following month, candidates are going to pass BiH Central Election Commission’s procedure and only those who meet all the necessary terms are going to pass. “We are going to check whether all candidates meet the necessary law terms and whether there are any obstacles why they should not take part at the forthcoming elections”, said Vehid Sehic, BiH |
SD: Mostar authorities obeying HR Schwarz-Schilling
| Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 12, mentioned on front ‘Authorities obeying Schilling’, by Miroslav Landeka – reminding that the Mostar City Council had on Wednesday given consent for Rulebook on internal organization of City administration of Mostar and program for taking care of surplus workers in the administration as well as adopted the information on activities of the ‘Uborak’ public utility company, SD notes that by doing so, the Council has abided by to deadlines the HR, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, had given to the Mostar authorities (June 20) to resolve these issues. |
VL: HR Schwarz-Schilling wants changes to the agreement btw BiH and
| Vecernji List, pg 21, mentioned on front ‘Schilling asking for change of Agreement with Vatican’, by Zoran Kresic – notes that after BiH Presidency and Vatican signed the (Framework) Agreement in April this year, which among other issues foresees the return of the Catholic Church’s property, the OHR expressed concern the return of the Church’s property would be too much of an obligation for BiH to handle. VL notes that the HR, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, sent the BiH Presidency, BiH CoM Chairman and BiH Foreign Minister a confidential letter in which he called for changes to the Agreement. Allegedly, the HR expressed concern that BiH will not be financially able to return the property in the next ten years i.e. it would be too much of a burden for the budgets. |
Serb NGOs ‘Spona’ do not give up separation referendum, claim they will meet RS authorities
| Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Spona does not give up referendum on separation of RS’, by T. Calic – Serb movement of NGOs ‘Spona’ will in the next few days ask from the RSNA to organize referendum on future status of the RS within BiH. According to the Association president, Branislav Dukic, talks about the issue with the RS authorities are almost complete. “We earlier stated that we wanted to meet RS authorities, from the RS President onwards. We have to conduct one more meeting, which will be followed by a public rally”, said Dukic, who did not want to reveal who the ‘Spona’ is to meet with. |
Serbian Ambassador Spasovic: Real bonds between
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Real bonds between Belgrade and Banja Luka can strengthen overall relations between Serbia and BiH’ by Onasa – Commenting recent visit of Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica to Banja Luka, in an interview for news agency Onasa, Serbian Ambassador Grujica Spasovic stated that this visit that was planed for November 2005 but was postponed due to the weather conditions: “Hence, visit is agreed regardless to the story of Montenegrin referendum, referendum mentioned by [RS Prime Minister Milorad] Dodik and Kosovo issue. Visit of Serbian Government should not be looked at in that context, one should have the Agreement on special and parallel relations [between |
GS op-ed comparing situation in BiH and KosMet: critical of double standards of IC on these issues
| Glas Srpske op-ed pg 2 ‘Drums and drummers’ by Boro Maric – Writing about the situation in BiH and Serbia and KosMet, the author notes major forces have decided in Dayton that BiH will be consisted of two entities adding now these same forces have intended to give independence to Kosovo and Metohija. He interprets this that BiH borders cannot be changed while |
Catholic Bishop Sudar:
| Dani pgs 12-15, 76 ‘Sarajevo is the most divided town in BiH’ by Vildana Selimbegovic and Ivan Lovrenovic – Commenting current religious and political issues in a lengthy interview for weekly, Sarajevo Bishop Pero Sudar says that he was sorry that communication between Catholic Church and Islamic Community in BiH is “not the best”, adding that relations between the religious communities should be more sincere and of more quality. Referring to the recently raised issue of insulting religious feelings in a poem of a high-school student who offended Jesus Christ, Sudar slammed idea of |
War crimes, security and judicial issues | |
Palic case no yet solved; RS Commission still claims bad weather prevents them from locating body remains
| BHT1 by Marina Martinovic – The case of BiH Army Colonel Avdo Palic has not been solved yet. Two months have gone by since the expiration of the deadline RS Government has set for resolving the case; in fact, in July 2006 it would be exactly eleven years since this BiH Army officer has disappeared during the negotiations on the evacuation of civilians from the UN-protected zone Zepa. BHT brings short interview with Palic’s wife Esma Palic, who strongly believe that RS Government knows exactly what happened with her husband, and where his remains are. OHR did not extend the deadline for resolving the case of Palic, but atthe same time, OHR did not announce any kind of sanctions for RS Government. “This is the issue RS Government has to resolve. RS Government is the accused side, it has set the deadline by itself, and – basically – it has to say what should be done next”, explained OHR Spokesperson Oleg Milisic. Legal representative of the Palic family Jasmin Odobasic claims that indicted war criminals Ratko Mladic, Zdravko Tolimir and Ljubisa Beara are directly involved in this case. “Therefore, it is clear that [RS Prime Minister Milorad] Dodik and RS Government are directly helping persons indicted for war crimes”, concluded Odobasic. Representatives of RS Government explained that they were not able to obey the deadline due to a poor weather conditions. It is assumed that Palic’s remains are buried somewhere near Han-Pijesak. Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘RS Government does not respect deadlines again’ by S. G., Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘RS Government arbitrarily prolonged deadline for Palic case’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘OHR should punish those that are laughing at its decisions’ by Fena – also reported. |
Trials to ‘Covic and others’: defence witness claims FBiH Customs Admin. and ex PDHR orchestrated campaign against Covic
| Vecernji List, pg 22 ‘Hays and Rebac had a deal’, by Zoran Kresic – carries report from Thursday’s continuation of trials to ‘Covic and others conducted’ before the BiH Court (HDZ leader Dragan Covic and others are charged with tax evasions, embezzlements etc). VL carries statements by former Deputy Director of FBIH Customs Administration (FBiH CA), Fuad Kasumovic, who said his former boss, Zelimir Rebac, ‘bragged’ that he and former Principal Deputy High Representative, Donald Hays, were figuring out ways how to topple the then Croat member of BiH Presidency Covic. VL also carries statements by former investigator in the FBiH CA, Vjeko Vukovic, who said it was Rebac who ‘ordered’ destruction of companies, such as ‘Lijanovici’ meat industry. Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘Dzaferovic: Ministry’s opinion did not bind the Custom Service’ by N.J.– Damir Dzaferovic representative of Audit House ‘Dzaferovic’ testified got that orders of FBiH Finance Ministry regarding payments of special fees during the import of poultry products were not binding for the FBiH Custom Service. |
DL interview: SBS Director Dumancic says drugs route via Balkans can be severed through regional cooperation
| Dnevni List, pg 9, mentioned on front ‘We can sever the so-called the Balkans route’, by Dario Pusic – carries interview with the Director of State Border Service, Vunko Dumancic, who notes the SBS has grown into a respectable law enforcement agency. Questioned whether the SBS can sever the so-called ‘the Balkans route’, which is used for smuggling of drugs and weapons from the east to the west, Dumancic says solution to problem lies in better cooperation of the countries in the region, enactment of new laws and application of new methods on the ground. Inset ‘Lacking specialist equipment’ carries Dumancic as saying the SBS is understaffed because it currently employs 2111 instead of foreseen 2536 workers and lacking in specialist equipment such as night vision and IT equipment. |
Dani welcomes HR’s changes to the BiH Criminal Procedure Code, claiming it prevented release of Mandic and others
| Dani pg 17 ‘Christian Schwarz-Schilling’ – In its regular column ‘Bosanski Barometer’, Dani awarded the HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling with one star [ ‘good move’] for introducing changes to the BiH Criminal Procedure Code, especially in terms of detention issues, which extends detention in the BiH Court to maximum 3 years. Commenting though that this “ageing German conservative needed all alarms to be turned on in order to do something by himself,” weekly adds this was slap to BiH House of Representatives Deputy Speaker Nikola Spiric and MP Tihomir Gligoric. Article also comments that establishment of Sarajevo Commission was only the excuse for Serb representatives to obstruct the work of BiH HoR, noting that their real intention was to obstruct adopting the changes to the BiH Criminal Procedure Code in order to provide legal basis for ones charged with most severe cases [like former Privredna Banka East Sarajevo owner Momcilo Mandic] to be set on release. |
Update to Vitol affair: RTRS says ex RS PM Mikerevic was not informed of contract on time
| RTRS by Nada Arlov – In a follow-up to ‘Vitol’ affair which emerged after this UK company has addressed a request for compensation upon violation of contract with oil refinery Bosanski Brod amounting to US $ 115 million, RTRS said it disclosed disputable contract between the refinery and ‘Vitol’ signed during the mandate of Dragan Mikerevic, former RS Prime Minister. Mikerevic has denied knowing about the contract, while RS President Dragan Cavic and than Energy Minister Milan Bogicevic said he knew about and denied his claims he learned about it 40 days after it was signed [See BiH Media Round-up June 22]. However, RTRS now claims Mikerevic did not know about this contract [for which its noted would be now paid by the RS citizens]. RTRS furthermore notes Mikerevic desperately tried to obtain original contract in English language and sent the letter requesting to see the contract from Bogicevic and former director of refinery Ilija Drpa, whonow confirms Mikrevic did not get it in period of 15 days. The following day Mikerevic allegedly received an answer from the RS President Dragan Cavic asking him to “pay respect” to Vitol “since it met its obligations”. Nowadays, Cavic claims he did not participate in signing of the contract, explaining he attended the meetings with ‘Vitol’ at the request of the RS Government. Mikerevic announced issuing public statement on the issue “soon”. RS Interior Ministry suspect 25 persons for the abuses in the oil refinery ‘Brod’ and Minister Stanislav Cadjo said they would continue investigation, but didn’t want to say whether RS Prosecution would deal with some of former high ranking RS officials. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Refinery denied the debt of $115 million’ by M.Kusmuk, D.Risojevic, inset ‘Police reported 18 suspects for the damage of KM140 million’ – In latest development, the RS Interior Ministry submitted RS Prosecution with reports against 18 persons under suspicion they damaged refinery for 140 million KM. |
NN op-ed commends new appointments at | Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Finally something’ by Aleksandar Sekulic – The author commends the appointment of the new management at East Sarajevo |