
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 23/4/2004




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SFOR finished check up

CoM in session

SFOR check up

RS ISA on Police’s action

FBiH Law on Defence

Law on PBS

N. Radovanovic statement

RSNA on Police’s action

FBiH Law on Veterans’

OHR statement

FBiH Government’s session

Generals’ candidates failed

Treats to RS MoI officials

SFOR check up

CoM in session

BiH and reforms



Around 3,000 death and injured (in train accident in North Korea)

Dnevni Avaz

State Defence Minister Radovanovic confirmed: 10 generals did not pass SFOR check

Dnevni List

Croats in BiH seek support and something to rely on; Single law on rights of defenders and invalids of war soon

Vecernji List

HDZ BiH and Croatian HDZ will cooperate even more; Ante Jelavic on hunger strike in jail

Slobodna Dalmacija

Jelavic begins hunger strike

Glas Srpske

Transparency International – Bribe goes in circle; Ministry of Health – Instruction for adopting; European Parliament – MPs envy cleaning ladies; Damage after “Harvest”

Nezavisne Novine

Dragan Lukac, RS Special Police Commander – RS authorities must arrest 3 PIFWCs before May 1; Serious traffic accident near Mostar – Married couple from Metkovic died; Railway accident in North Korea – 3.000 people died; Appointments for BiH Armed Forces HQ – Eight out of nineteen officers got SFOR clearance; The Planet Earth Day marked


Corruption shakes BiH; The police too is culpable of Djindjic’s death; Nikolic – Bush’s friends are running his campaign; Neighbors fought because of a road; If you advertise cigarettes, you pay penalty amounting 10,000 KM

Slobodna Bosna

SB Dossier: Who are the ladies from ‘crime pages’ in journals – young, beautiful and DEADLY!


War in Slovenia! 165.000 savings holders of Ljubljanska Bank in BiH in a crucial battle for 500 million KM challenges Slovenian accession to EU


Gavrilo Grahovac: Bankruptcy law is the most serious move by Hadzipasic’s government; War crimes: Instead of Milan Lukic, police kills his brother Novica Lukic




Defence reform

SFOR requests for new nominees for top military posts, eight out of 18 nominated so fare accepted

Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 8, mentioned on the front page ‘General’s rank approved for only 8 officers’, Dnevni Avaz front-page, pg 3 ‘10 generals did not pass SFORR vetting’, Vecernji List, SFOR wants new names of generals’, by Dejan Jazvic, Blic p 12 ‘Generals failed in vetting process’  – On Thursday SFOR confirmed that they had finished the check up on candidates for BiH future BiH armed forces’ generals, but because of insufficient number of candidates that fulfil the conditions, they had asked for a new list.According to SFOR Spokesperson Dave Sullivan a number of candidates had failed to pass the check up and names of some of them should never be on this kind of list. He said that in spite of SFOR recommendations, for some positions alternative names weren’t nominated, because of which in cases where only one candidate was proposed, and that one didn’t pass, Minister of Defence had no other options.

Radovanovic on SFOR vetting

FTV – Commenting on SFOR’s refusal to accept proposed candidates,BiH Minister of Defence Nikola Radovanovic reiterated there were 19 candidates suggested by Ministry of Defense and only 8 satisfied criteria’s of IC.  Except mentioning general Cvijetko Savic who was recently removed by High Representative, Minister Radovanovic did not want to say names of other candidates who did not pass the check. “For those persons who did not fulfil IC’s criteria’s this check will have serious consequences for their carrier and status in armed forces and that is the reason why we in Ministry of Defense decided not to present those names in the public because it is not correct persons to find out about these things trough the medias”, said Nikola Radovanovic. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz front page, pg. 3, Slobodna Dalmacija, page 8 ‘End of military careers for ten senior officers in BiH’, by H, Dnevni List, page 3 ‘Of 19 offered candidates, ten don’t, eight do pass, one loses job’, by R.R.,Nezavisne novine cover and page 3  ‘Eight out of nineteen officers got SFOR clearance’ also carried Radovanovic’s statement.

FBiH Government passed draft Law on Defence

Herceg Bosna Radio, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Regular military service of four months’, Slobodna Dalmacija p 15, “4-month military service only”, by Dinko Pasic – Reason for adopting the new Law on FBiH Defence, which was accepted on Thursday in form of proposal by FBiH Government and sent to Parliamentary procedure, is the necessity to harmonise that Law with BiH Law on Defence.With the state Law, which is in force since last year, BiH has taken over the military responsibilities of FBiH, so that FBiH sovereignty and territorial integrity, political independency and international subjectivity within BiH would be protected.  New draft Law explains that FBiH Army is a part of BiH armed forces, which acts not only on protection of the Entity but of whole State. FBiH Army is under a control and command of BiH Presidency and Entity Minister has no authority of operative commanding. In accordance to Laws of FBiH and BiH, FBiH Army can conduct tasks in extraordinary circumstances, like are elementary dangers and other accidents. It was pointed that FBiH Army has developed from BiH Army and HVO and is composed of two Divisions. The military service in FBiH Army lasts four months and six for those who call up on complaint of conscience and the circle of those who can be liberated from military service is also expanded.

Zlatko Lagumdzija on accession to PfP

Blic p 12 ‘Small chances for the Partnership’  – ‘Chances for BiH to fulfill preconditions for the admission to PfP and to sign an agreement on joining to EU are small’, the President of SDP party, Zlatko Lagumdzija, stated during a press conference yesterday. According to Lagumdzija, one of the basic preconditions BiH must fulfill to be admitted to PfP is extraditing of war crimes suspects to the Hague Tribunal, however it is unlikely this would happen in the following month and a half. He claims BiH would hardly succeed in fulfilling 16 preconditions set by EU because this foresees enacting of 48 laws and establishing of 25 institutions at the state level. ‘This country is under a mortgage and it is not directed by democratically elected representatives but by the High Representative and International Community’, Lagumdzija stated.

Dnevni List, back page ‘The Hague – obstacle to entering EU’, by A. Macanovic also carried the statement.



BiH/International Community

CoE’s Schwimmer meets with Entity’s Presidents, emphasizes importance of higher education law

Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS – In the coming period BiH must pass the Law on Higher Education and reforms in area of Local Government, if BiH wants to join EU, said General Secretary of Council of Europel Walter Schwimmer during his meeting with RS and FBiH Presidents Dragan Cavic and Niko Lozancic on Thursday. Walter Schwimmer pointed the necessity of these Laws now that BiH is a member of CoE, and he pointed that BiH peoples must take over the ownership over their country. FBiH President Niko Lozancic expressed the European orientation of all Governments within BiH. RS President Dragan Cavic has informed the General Secretary that RSNA had on Wednesday passed the Laws on Elementary and High education and he pointed that RS will contribute to passing of frame Law on Higher Education at the level of BiH. Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘Three levels of authority are too much for BiH’, Dnevni List, page 3 ‘Speed up legislation on local self-government’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic also reports on the Schwimmer’s visit to BiH and his Thursday’s meetings.

OHR urges BiH Parliament to adopt law on higher education by May 7

BHTV, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘Adopt the higher education law by May 7’, Blic p 15 ‘Millions of dollars are waiting for deadline’ – OHR again urged BiH Parliament to adopt the Law on Higher Education until 7th May in general interest of everyone. If the Law is adopted BIH will receive 42 million dollars of World Bank’s help. BIH authorities have made the firs step when signed Bologna Declaration and Lisbon Convention. We expect Parliament to take first step and work in a way which will improve future of following generations, stated OHR. OHR spokesman Kevin Sullivan stated 42 million dollar’s credit from WB will be given to BIH if the Law is adopted until 7th may.

British Minister MacShane discuss reforms with top BiH CoM officials

Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘Great Britain supports BiH’, SRNA – The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Adnan Terzic, and the British Minister for Europe, Dennis MacShane, assessed on Thursday that the successful implementation of the reforms in BiH would enable the influx of foreign investment, which British investors are also interested in. MacShane, who is on a tour of the countries of the region, said that Great Britain would continue extending support for BiH’s efforts to gain membership in the European Union, and that it was interested in seeing BiH as a stable and prosperous country. Speaking about the measures taken by the BiH authorities towards joining the European Union, Terzic acquainted the British minister with the reforms implemented in the areas of defence, security, and tax and customs administration, the Council of Ministers of BiH said. These reforms have achieved considerable progress in strengthening state institutions and raising economic competences onto the state level. Terzic thanked MacShane for the support and aid extended by Great Britain to BiH, the statement said.

BHTV also reports on the meeting. It also reports on MacShane’s meetings with BiH Foreign Minister, his Deputy and the BiH Defence Minister.

Dnevni List, page 3 ‘BiH deserves to enter EU’, by Renata Radic – carries the British Minister for Europe, Denis MacShane, who was visiting BiH yesterday, as saying: ‘BiH has deserved to be in the EU, the club which will be having 25 member countries with some 450 million people as of May 1, who will be able to trade without barriers, where one can travel without passport’. Following a meeting with the BiH Defence Minister, Nikola Radovanovic, Minister MacShane stated that BiH had achieved progress in building of strong state institutions. ‘BiH is on the road towards Euro-Atlantic integration and the British Government will support the efforts. I am more optimistic than I was during the last visit. I see that Sarajevo has a new face, and one can feel there’s future here’, said Minister MacShane.

Dnevni Avaz pg. 5 ‘Karadzic as Eichmann and Mengele’, mentioned on the front page ‘Europe is not thorough without BiH in it’ – Interview with Britis Minister MacShane. “The future of Europe is not encircled without BiH as a part of the European family of states,” said MacShane.

DL says it almost impossible to expect that BiH will follow example of Croatia

Dnevni List, page 2 ‘BiH rushing slowly’, by Nermin Bise – reflecting on the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown’s, statement, in which the HR suggested that BiH should be following the example of Croatia when it comes to joining Euro-Atlantic integration, the author notes it is too bold and almost impossible to expect that BiH will follow in Croatia’s footsteps. Bise explains that Croatia has consistency, noting that the current Croatian PM Sanader continued where the former PM Racan had left off. In that context, Bise says such political wisdom, that would bring benefits to BiH, is hard to achieve with the current powers-that-be in BiH.

DL’s Statement of Day: HR Ashdown

Dnevni List, page 2, carries in its ‘Statement of Day’, the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, as saying: ‘If there are obstacles to future of BiH, the RS is put in danger’.

VL: “Fassier warned the RS”

Vecernji list (p 2, by bs) carries that the Senior Deputy High Representative Bernard Fassier, who attended the session of the Srebrenica Commission held in Banja Luka on Wednesday, re-iterated the warning to the RS leaders that Dragan Cavic, the RS President, and Dragan Mikerevic, the entity Prime Minister, must make sure that all the legal requests from the BiH Human Right Chamber’s Decision on establishing the truth on events in Srebrenica must be met by 7 July.



Economic/social issues

FBiH Government adopts draft law on veteran’s rights

Herceg Bosna Radio, FTV, Oslobodjenje pgs. 4-5 ‘HVO members still allow to receive assistance from Croatia’ – The draft Law on Veterans’ Rights and rights of their families was accepted by FBiH Government on Thursday and it was sent to Parliamentary procedure. This Law was developed in accordance with FBiH Government’s reforms’ determinations in area of social policy and it was made on the basis of realistic financial means at the Federation disposal. The Law provides the essential financial protection for this population.

Dnevni List, front and page 5 ‘Single law on rights of defenders and invalids of war soon’, by Miso Relota – reads that a Proposal of law on rights of defenders and members of their families, which was determined yesterday by the FBiH Government and forwarded to the FBiH Parliament for adoption in an urgent procedure, has been completed pursuant to reform dedication of the FBiH Government when it comes to social policy and realistic capabilities. According to the FBiH Deputy PM and Finance Minister, Dragan Vrankic, a progress has been achieved in terms of balancing several issues, noting that not everybody will be happy. ‘My position is that everyone in the FBiH, on basis of this law, has rights’, explains Vrankic, noting that his only reservation is the limit set by the World Bank, which says the maximum amount that can be allocated for the purpose is 300 million KMs. Vecernji List, page 3 ‘Three hundred million for defenders’, by D. Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija, page 15 ‘Invalids with highest degree of disability to get 734 KMs a month’, by Dinko Pasic – notes that the basis for calculation of pensions is set at 734 KMs, and that each pension varies depending on the degree of disability.

Dnevni List, page 5 ‘Law adopted without consent of HVIDRA’, by Ivica Glibusic – according to President of HVIDRA, Andjelko Barun, and Zdravko Barisic, who participated in harmonization of the Proposal of law on rights of defenders, the FBiH Minister for Defenders’ Issues, Ibrahim Nadarevic, presented the FBiH Government the Proposal of law which is not entirely harmonized. According to Beslic, ‘we did not harmonize everything, at least not when I was within the working group. After that, there were meetings at higher levels’. Beslic notes he does not know whether something was agreed upon at higher levels.

Oslobodjenje pgs. 4-5, mentioned on the front page ‘Bosniaks satisfied, Croats wait for explanations’ also carries first reactions by the representatives of the veteran’s associations to the adopted draft law on veteran’s rights. The daily speculates that if the disputed word shehid (Muslim fighter) remained in the draft, if the issue of 7,000 defenders who are exercising their rights in Croatia has not been resolved and if the issue of revision (of lists of beneficiaries) has not been resolved as well, the Croat veterans cannot be satisfied.

CoM adopted draft law on public procurements

Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz ‘Draft Law on Public Procurements in urgent parliamentary procedure’, Dnevni list, p 4, “Trend of reduction of public expenditure and corruption”, by E. Mackic – Council of Ministers on Thursday adopted draft Law on Public Procurements, which will be sent to Parliamentary procedure. It was pointed that this Law will provide the control in this area at all levels of government. The Public Procurement will be controlled by Agency, whose headquarters will be in Sarajevo and which will have its offices in Mostar and Banja Luka.

Dokic on PBS

BHTV, RTRS – BIH Minister of Transport and Communications Branko Dokic said he was not able to participate at the session of the Economic Board and pointed he had received support of the Chairman and a promise to held a session of the Board next week. At the session Law on PBS should be first point of agenda. “Unfortunately this morning was impossible to organize this session, many members have not been present here, and I was very dissatisfied with this fact”, said Branko Dokic. With possible obstructions and conflict with European Commission about the way of collecting means for PBS’ financing, Minister Dokic believes adoption of the Law is not endangered. Dokic denied speculations he works against establishing BIH Public Broadcasting Service. “I am for PBS BIH which will have its own frequency, its own program broadcasted on entire territory of BIH”, said Minister Dokic. Two years after being established Public Broadcasting Service of BIH still broadcasts only 27 minutes of program daily.

SD on CoM failure to debate PBS Law

Slobodna Dalmacija, p 17, “Council of Ministers bypassed Law on PBS”, by Z. Rerig, reads that the BiH Council of Ministers once again failed to discuss the PBS BiH Draft Law, although the deadline for passing the Law expired long ago. The paper says that no official wanted to give any explanation of or to comment on the reasons for the failure to discuss the Law.


World Bank Director in Banja Luka

Nezavisne novine page 3  ‘BiH second on the corruption list in Europe’, Blic front page and p 15 ‘Corruption shakes BiH’, Nacional Begrade daily p 29 ‘Corruption is rising’ – In Europe and Central Asia the most corrupted country is Macedonia. Bosnia and Herzegovina is second, warned Dirk Reinermann, World Bank Country Director. “Situation is worse that I expected due to increase of corruption level”, said Reinermann. USD 97 million of World Bank support to BiH can be lost if RS does not adopt new War veterans Law, support state level Law on Higher Education and Procurement Law, said the World Bank Country Director.

Dnevni List, page 7 ‘May 7 is D-day for BiH’, by Renata Radic – according to the Director of World Bank in BiH, Dirk Reinermann, May 7 is the date by which several laws must be adopted, in order not to bring World Bank funds for BiH into question. Reinermann says: ‘I called it the D-day because the political leaders will have time until that day to lead BiH towards economic development and integration to Europe or back to ethnic tensions we had earlier’. DL were told at the World Bank that state Law on higher education, Law on public procurement and Law on rights of defenders must be adopted by May 7.



Judicial/security issues/investigations/war crimes

Jelavic on hunger strike

Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 7, mentioned on the front page ‘ Jelavic rejects to cooperate’ – Former member of BiH Presidency, Ante Jelavic on Thursday went on hunger strike in prison Kula, where he is in detention for three months now. He is striking because the decision of BiH Constitutional Court on temporally ceasing of criminal investigation against him is not being respected.  Lawyer of Ante Jelavic, Josip Muselimovic said that this decision applies also to investigation against Miroslav Prce, former FBiH Minister of Defence. Both of them are being prosecuted because of so called Herzegovina Bank’s case. He explained that they are held in custody illegally, because the decision of BiH CC was to be implemented immediately, meaning on April 19th.

Slobodna Dalmacija, front page splash and page 3 ‘Jelavic begins hunger strike’, by Z. Tulic also covered the issue. SD notes that Prosecutor John McNair said that the BiH Constitutional Court’s decision was not binding the BiH Court. According to him, part of charges that deal with establishment of the Croat self-rule and Hercegovacka bank case are not brought into question. Similar article in Dnevni List, front and page 2 ‘Judiciary and justice in hands of Constitutional Court or Prosecutor McNair?’, by N. Dedic.

Vecernji List, front page and page 2 ‘Ante Jelavic on hunger strike in jail’, by Zoran Kresic – reads that the Criminal department of the BiH Court will today take a decision whether to ‘adopt or reject’ what’s suppose to be an obligatory decision by the BiH Constitutional Court, which ordered the suspension of proceeding s against Jelavic and Prce. VL got a confirmation from the President of Criminal department of the BiH Court, Branko Peric, that the said department would be taking a decision in the Jelavic case today. VL also reports that Jelavic’s wife Iva does not rule out possibility to start a protest in front of the BiH Prosecution in Sarajevo. Nezavisne novine  page 8  ‘Decision on releasing Jelavic, Prce and Rupcic today’ also reported on the issue.

Interview – RS Special Police Commander, Dragan Lukac


Nezavisne novine  cover and pages 4 and 5  ‘Paddy Ashdown set a dead line for RS authorities to arrest three PIFWCs before May 1’; RS Special Police Commander Dragan Lukac stated, “No one didn’t set a dead line for me. Dead line is set for politicians and high ranked people to prove co-operation with ICTY. Three names were given. They must be arrested before May 1, if they want to keep positions and BiH to join Partnership for Peace. Ashdown made it clear who will be responsible. Everybody knows what will happen. Unfortunately, when it comes to arresting PIFWCs, authorities give verbal support only to RS Ministry of Interior./ All of them are advertising themselves on TV. They sign agreements but when come back all of them say – we are doing this because of International Community. We are not ready to arrest our people./ There are no information coming from RS Intelligence or any other institution because they do not want to get involved. We have asked for information on more than one occasion, both verbally and in written. If we had had top quality information we would have known who is in the house./ We had order from Srpsko Sarajevo District Court to search the house of Mile Lukic, father of Milan Lukic, and to arrest Milan and Sredoje Lukic if find them. Different ways of doing it are written in Court order. One of them is this one. All information we had on Milan Lukic showed that we needed to surprise them in order to have successful action. He is armed and dangerous person who will put resistance”. Lukic said that two cameras recorded the action. One was taken away. The other tape was given to media. He added that It was obvious that cameraman was professional and that someone has told him about the action.

RS Intelligence was not informed on Visegrad

Nezavisne novine  page 6  ‘RS Intelligence didn’t know about Visegrad action’; RS Intelligence didn’t know about RS Special Police action in Visegrad, therefore, it could not participate in execution as well, said RS Intelligence Deputy Director, Trifko Buha. He didn’t want to comment allegation of RS Police Director, Radomir Njegus, who said that RS MoI does not get information from RS Intelligence.

Dani examines police action in Visegrad

Dani pgs 22-24 ‘Funeral of the wrong man’ by Rajko Zivkovic – Article refers to the RS police action carried out last week in Visegrad, in which Novica Lukic, a brother of the ICTY suspect Milan Lukic, was killed. Author reads that there were several illogical things to point out to regarding the action. Firstly, says author, there is a question why – as the action had an aim to locate war crimes suspect – the indictee was not found, but an innocent man killed. Secondly, author wonders why “Novica Lukic was killed by RS Interior Ministry SWAT officers from Banja Luka, and not someone from Visegrad?” [article argues that Visegrad police officers knew how both Novica and his brother looked like, while “SWAT team members are ‘programmed’ to shoot at the first person that opens the door.”] Criticising that the fact that suspects are being looked for in their own houses, instead of being searched for widely, author concludes that it was one thing have SFOR “injure priest and his son, but it is entirely different when local uniformed people strike at local non-uniformed unarmed people.”

Ljiljan claims RS police did not want to arrest, but kill Milan Lukic

Ljiljan cover ‘War crimes: Instead of Milan Lukic, police kills his brother Novica Lukic’, pgs 28&29 ‘Instead of Milan Lukic, SWAT killed his brother Novica’ by investigative team – Referring to the police action in Visegrad, and the murder of Novica Lukic, brother of ICTY suspect Milan Lukic, Ljiljan magazine carries that “the aim of RS police was not to arrest but to eliminate [liquidate] Milan Lukic… Lukic was to be silenced forever and document with which he threats to police and political RS authorities, but also some international representatives involved with the crime in BiH, was to be destroyed.” Outlining Milan Lukic’s biography, Ljiljan carries that he was heavily involved with the drug smuggling operation of narcotic cartel of Montenegrian brothers Radulovic and its circles “that undoubtedly includes top of RS MoR”, which is one of the reasons his death is allegedly wanted. Secondly, Ljiljan says that “according to reliable information, Milan Lukic has connections with ICTY investigators, but he conditioned his surrender with giving the Court ‘fat file’ he possesses which gives names of those who ordered crimes in East Bosnia, than on involvement of domestic [SDS leadership] and international officials in smuggling of cigarettes, drugs and other high tariff goods, and well documented contacts of certain, highly ranked, foreigners with war crimes suspects, including Radovan Karadzic.”

SB says Djeric ordered action in Visegrad in a trial to save his position

Slobodna Bosna pgs 5-7 ‘Police should kill Milan Lukic – his brother Novica was mistakenly killed instead’ by Suzana Andjelic and Senad Avdic – In a light of consequences of police action in Visegrad, in which Novica Lukic was killed, article reminds of RS Interior Minister Zoran Djeric’s statement given following the SFOR action in Pale [in which a priest and his son were injured] saying that the incident would never happen if RS MoI was involved. Noting this ironic development of situation, SB says that it is only now clear how much planning went into successful SFOR actions to arrest ICTY suspects. Magazine also disputes Djeric’s statement that he was not involved in the action, claiming it learned from reliable sources inside RS MoI that Djeric is the most responsible person for Visegrad action, as he was trying to save his position. “Day before the action in Visegrad, in a fear for his minister’s position, Djeric bagged [Paddy] Ashdown in OHR not to dismiss him promising that he would, in turn, arrest somebody form the Hague list of suspects within seven days,” reads the article, also noting that police went totally unprepared in Visegrad without not only confirmed information that Milan Lukic was therefore, but also without knowing at the time how he looked. Finally, SB says according to their RS MoI sources, the incident is used by both police and political authorities to get rid of Commander of the SWAT team, Dragan Lukac, who was allegedly never forgiven for sidelining with Biljana Plavsic in straggle with crime. As for Milan Lukic, SB says that according to the ICTY sources, he lives in Monte Negro dealing drugs and has been in contact with the ICTY offering them information on Radovan Karadzic and crime activities of both local and international officials.

Hajducke Vode case

Nezavisne novine  page 6  ‘Doboj Police says nothing on Hajducke vode case’ Doboj Public Security Centre didn’t want to give information on disciplinary procedure taken against 14 policemen involved in Hajducke vode case. “There will be no public information until disciplinary inquiry is finished”, Nezavisne novine was told in Doboj PSC. Commander Mladen Micic has ordered it. Predrag Bijelic was killed in RS Police Hajducke vode action on August 19, 2003. Doboj District Prosecutor’s office still has not finished investigation of this case. It should be finished in a couple of days.

OHR checking on Dzuvo, Zaric, Alapeza

Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘OHR checking on Dzuvo, Zaric, Alapeza’ – Almir Dzuvo, Risto Zaric and Mladen Alapeza have been nominated for the top posts in the BiH Intelligence-Security Agency, according to the daily. The Chairman of CoP has sent the names of the three candidates to OHR for vetting.

RS Government on media campaign against new Srebrenica Commission chair

Blic p 12 ‘Bogdanic stays’  – ‘Milan Bogdanic, against whom a media campaign has been launched in the Federation of BiH, has been a member of the Srebrenica Commission for four months and has passed a vetting process of the international community. Therefore, I don’t see a reason why his name is being mentioned in a negative context’, the Spokesperson of the Prime Minister, Goran Radivojac, stated. He pointed out that the RS Government had no intention to withdraw Bogdanic from Srebrenica Commission and he will remain at the position of the Commission President.

Dani on Ashdown’s move following Srebrenica Commission report

Dani pg 16 ‘Bosnian Barometer’ column – Dani magazine awarded the High Representative Paddy Ashdown with ‘one star’ [mark for good move] for removing Secretary of the RS Government Secretariat for relations with ICTY, Dejan Miletic, and general Cvjetko Savic, Chief of RS Army HQ, and demands for removal of Marko Arsovic from position of the Srebrenica Commission Chairman. The action followed the preliminary report of the Commission appointed to investigate events in Srebrenica in July 1995, which outlined that the work of the Commission has been obstructed in its work.

SB claims Cavic’s advisor Jovan Cizmovic obstructs Srebrenica Commission

Slobodna Bosna pgs 23-25 ‘Cavic’s advisor Cizmovic toured Ashdown around Krajina concentration camps during the war!’ by Suzana Andjelic – Noting moves by HR Paddy Ashdown following preliminary Srebrenica Commission report were “pointless”, article reads that the “most absurd thing is that Ashdown demands [RS President Dragan] Cavic’s advisor Jovan Cizmovic to supervise drafting of the [final] report, who is the most responsible that Commission did not achieve any results to date.” Articles says that at the meeting held last year in Jablan [not naming attendees] politicians “agreed that the real chief ‘from shadow’ of the Commission is… Jovan Cizmovic” and tasked him to obstruct the Commission. Outlining Cizmovic biography, SB sees this lawyer from Banja Luka to be one of the most powerful politicians in RS since early ‘90s. Accused of being a close associate of Radovan Karadzic, Slobodan Milosevic, etc in the part, article points to his presence nowadays and says that after “a tip from informer that OHR could soon ban SDS… Cizmovic has agreed with SDS leader Dragan Kalinic on new strategy… establishing new party called Democratic Party of Srpska to be promoted in RS soon.” Finally, SB says it learned form well informed sources in SDS that there is a plan to appoint Cizmovic as new RS Prime Minister, while removal of Dragan Mikerevic is to take place in May. “Our sources claim that Paddy Ashdown already promised Kalinic to support Cizmovic’s appointment.. as Ashdown is very close to him since 1992 when Cizmovic was his host in Krajina where he toured Serb concentration camps and prisons upon Karadzic’s invitation.”


Feral Tribune on the RS attitude to war crimes

In light of recent developments in the RS regarding the war crimes-related issues (Srebrenica Commission, SFOR raids, RS Police operation in Visegrad) as well as the ICTY trials to Serb(ian) officials, Feral Tribune, p 32-33, “From autism to genocide”, by Ivan Lovrenovic, comments that it is impossible to be certain of what RS activities on the issue mean: spectacular turn and final beginning of the Serb cooperation with the Hague or an opportunity for all sorts of internal showdowns under cover of profitable obedience to the International Community. As for the Srebrenica Commission issue, Lovrenovic says one cannot help the impression that the High Representative Paddy Ashdown himself got involved into a very risky adventure of political backroom dealing with Srebrenica, unaware of the possibility that this becomes a very unpleasant spot in his career. The article concludes by saying that experience teaches us that one should not exaggerate with perspectives of the frequent and ever bigger bills the RS is to collect: one should not hope for their spectacular political effects, especially with such a vague IC administration. Lovrenovic says that the issue of a choice is being dramatized: should one accept changes that are key to the “health of the nation” or to become even more autistic?



Other political developments

Cardinal Puljic meets Croatian PM Sanader

Dnevni List, front page splash and page 7 ‘Croats in BiH seek support and something to rely on’, by KTA, Slobodna Dalmacija, page 8 ‘Croats in BiH need  support in Croatia’, by KTA – the Archbishop of Vrhbosnia, Cardinal Vinko Puljic, met on Wednesday with the Croatian Prime Minister, Ivo Sanader, informing him about current problems, especially related to equality of the Croats in BiH, and about problems pertaining to the return of Croats and problems relating to economic, cultural, religious and national issues. PM Sanader stressed that Croatia should not interfere into political affairs in BiH, noting that Croatia should be consulted about the strategy of the Croat component in BiH. Cardinal Puljic concluded that the Croats in BiH ask from Croatians a support and something to rely on.

VL: “HDZ BiH and Croatian HDZ will cooperate even more”

Vecernji list,front splash & p 3 ‘HDZ BiH and Croatian HDZ will cooperate even more’, not signed carries that, in the shadow of the SEECP Summit held in Sarajevo, the delegation of the Republic of Croatia met with the Croat representatives of the state and FBiH authorities. During the meting, both delegations emphasized that neither of them wanted to interfere in other country’s internal affairs but that they did want to help solve problems through a constructive dialogue. Apart from economic cooperation, the issue of education was discussed particularly in light of the fact that Croatian prime Minister Ivo Sanader had met with the High Representative Paddy Ashdown on the matter some days before. Dragan Covic, member of the BiH Presidency, says for VL that the two delegations share the view that neither survival of Mostar Sveuciliste (Croat University) nor primary and secondary education in Croat(ian) language must be brought into question. HDZ BiH leadership was invited to attend the Congress of Croatian HDZ. In a meeting of Croatian Prime Minister Sander with Cardinal Vinko Puljic, there were talks about some initiatives aimed at prevention of weakening of the position of the Croat people in BiH bodies of authority, particularly on the entity level.

SDA-SDS relations

Nezavisne novine page 9 ‘SDA stipulate coalition in RS and BiH, Kalinic promised retraction’; SDA stipulate sharing of power with SDS in RS and BiH by aborting request for removal of RSNA Deputy Speaker, Sefket Hafizovic. After SDA threat on breaking of coalition with SDS, RSNA Speaker, Dragan Kalinic, postponed discussion for the next session. As reciprocal favor, Kalinic asked for SDA support of conclusions on RS Police action in Visegrad. 46 MPs has signed initiative for Sefket Hafizovic’s. Lot of them are SDS representatives. Hafizovic supported Fata Orlovic from Konjevic Polje. She came  in Orthodox church and attacked a priest.

Tihic says local administrations too big and inefficient

Dnevni List, page 6 ‘Inefficient administration makes BiH road towards Europe harder’, by Vedran Vujovic, Vecernji List, page 2 ‘Local authorities should be made cheaper’, by E. Medunjanin – Chairman of BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, speaking at a conference of mayors and heads of municipalities held in Sarajevo yesterday, stated that a reform to administration in BiH was necessary because the current system is inefficient, huge and expensive. According to Tihic, development of the local self-government is one of post-accession obligations towards the Council of Europe on which further progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration largely depends. Sarajevo media also reported on the issue.

DL on Mostar Statute implementation

Dnevni list, p 11, “No political will for new Statute implementation”, by N. Bise, carries that the implementation of the new Statute of Mostar, imposed by the High Representative Paddy Ashdown, has not even started. Moreover, the City Council of Mostar has met only once since the HR’s Decision came into force and it seems that everyone is running away from the responsibility and commitments with regard to the Statute implementation. The daily learns that the International Community (IC) does not even want to put the Statute before the City Council for its deliberation as the IC is of the view that there is not enough political will to adopt it. Except for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mostar who are responsible for the implementation, dilemma remains on what the role of the City Council would be. “I have pointed several times that we might be facing a time limit and told the things we must do. What causes a certain burden is that that we are aware of the mechanisms of the IC, i.e. financial sanctions and the ones in the form of removals “, Ivan Musa, the Chairman of the City Council says.