
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 23/2/2006


atest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 23 February


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Jovic: BiH organization is important

FBiH HoR’s extraordinary session

SDP-SNSD coalition in RS breaks up

BiH CoM session today

Agreement on citizenship Croatia

Stankovic removed from courtroom

UHSP on HNC strike, const. changes

‘Komrad’ employees strike

21 persons dead in Moscow

TV news broadcast on 22 February


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Serbian Govt on Mladic’s arrest

Del Ponte on Mladic

Mladic not arrested

Carla Del Ponte on Mladic

New speculations n Mladic’s arrestm.

EUFOR denies Mladic’s arrest

Ivanic on Mladic’s arrest

EUFOR on media speculations

Andan departs for Belgrade

Press speculations on Mladic’s arrest

No avian flue in Derventa area

Serbian Government denies arrest


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Carla Del Ponte on Mladic

Mladic not arrested

New speculations n Mladic’s arrestm.

EUFOR on Mladic’s arrest

Breza miners end strike

Update on Lukic case

Press speculations on Mladic’s arrest

VAT strikes Glamoc citizens

ICTY on Gotovina case

Public opinion poll on Mladic’s arrest

Graphic and media workers on VAT

“Scorpions” trial continues



[Del Ponte] Ratko Mladic can and must be arrested at once!

Dnevni Avaz

[Del Ponte] EU has a key role in Mladic’s arrest

Dnevni List

He is neither arrested nor negotiations on his surrender have been underway (Chief ICTY Prosecutor Del Ponte on possible arrest of Mladic)

Vecernji List

President of Croatian Parliament Seks: Croats in BiH to lose double citizenship

Slobodna Dalmacija

Chief FBiH epidemiologist Puvacic: There is no fear for Jajce any longer (on avian flue)

Nezavisne Novine

Mladic still not apprehended (journalist visited Mladic’ village of birth near Kalinovik)

Glas Srpske

Playing with somebody else’s misery


Ticket for The Hague waiting for Mladic

Vecernje novosti

Neither arrest or surrender



FBiH HoR approves establishment of new ministry




BH Radio 1 by Ljiljana Radl – FBiH House of Representatives commenced the extraordinary session in Sarajevo to discuss the amendments to the Law on FBiH Ministries which foresee establishment of new Ministry of Tourism and Environment, instead of abolished Ministry of Defence. The new Ministry is expected to resolve the crisis caused by MoD abolishment, which caused ethnic misbalance [position was occupied by Croats] and crisis within FBiH Government. FBiH HoR approved the establishment of the Ministry. FBiH House of People are expected to hold extraordinary session today at 14hrs to discuss the same issue.  RHB – also reports.

Olli Rehn: SAA talks with SICG to be inevitably halted

RTRS – EU Enlargement Commission, Olli Rehn, has stated in today’s address to the delegates of the European Parliament it is inevitable to halt talks with SiCG on SAA, unless Belgrade fully cooperates with the ICTY Prosecutor’s Office.


Media speculate on possibility for Mladic’s arrest

ICTY Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte: Mladic not arrested, he is hiding in Serbia since 1998











Hayat – The ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte at the extraordinary press conference held in the Hague officially denied the speculations on Ratko Mladic being arrested on Tuesday and transferred to the Tribunal. The news, which caused great confusion especially among local media and public, were in brief spread around the world. “False rumour on arrest of Ratko Mladic has been initiated. The rumour is completely unfounded. There are no indications whatsoever which would prove that negotiations on Mladic’s surrender are underway. I contacted Belgrade authorities on Tuesday evening and they assured me that this was not true; Mladic is still at large”, said del Ponte. PINK -According to Del Ponte, Mladic has been hiding in Serbia since 1998, and is still there. She stressed that the negotiations on Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and SCG could be suspended, and may even never conclude if SCG fails to fully cooperate with the ICTY. In this light, Del Ponte called on the EU to increase its support to the Tribunal and to clearly state to SCG what is the deadline for Mladic’s arrest and which sanctions it would face in case of failure. BHT1, RHB, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Ratko Mladic can and must be arrested at once!’ by Onasa, Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘EU has a key role in Mladic’s arrest’ not signed, EUroBlic cover pg splash, pgs 6-7 ‘Ticket for The Hague waiting for Mladic’ by Tanja Nikolic-Djakovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Ratko Mladic is still not arrested’ by Agencies, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Rumours from Belgrade’, Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 6 ‘He is neither arrested nor negotiations on his surrender have been underway’ by A. Beus, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Del Ponte: Mladic is still in Serbia’ by gj, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 2 ‘He is at large, accessible to Serbian authorities’ by H – also carried.

Serbian Government denied al information on Mladic arrest; analysts believe that Government placed info itself


BHT1 by Vesna Simic [Belgrade] – The Serbian Government denied all information on arrest of Ratko Mladic. Advisor to Serbian Prime minister, Vladeta Jankovic, stressed the Government regrets the media confusion that occurred on Tuesday night but she wouldn’t answer any related questions asked by journalists. FTV – Head of Serbian Government press office, Srdjan Djuric, stated the motives behind allegations on Mladic’s arrest are unknown. Hayat – Hayat features military analyst Aleksandar Radic who claims the information has been released by the Serbian Government in an effort to prepare its citizens for the “real” arrest. “Obviously, the Serbian Government needs to create an image for media as if Mladic is to be arrested against his will, since in that way long-lasting hesitation in attempt to solve the issue will be justified”, said Radic. He says there are clear signs that an action is being carried out in Belgrade. RHB, PINK, RTRS, EUroBlic cover pg splash, pgs 6-7 ‘Ticket for The Hague waiting for Mladic’  by Tanja Nikolic-Djakovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Kostunica is trying to perform Mladic’ arrest in RS’ by M.Kusmuk/S.Karic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Leg go of nonsense’, Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘Fabrications are detrimental for the state’ by P. B., Jutarnji List pg 2 ‘Serbian Government claims that there were no special activities regarding Mladic’ by M. Kuskunovic– also reported of the Serbian Govt’s denials. 

Head of Serbian Institute for Security Dragas: Mladic was arrested in Romania by British forces


RTRS – Head of the International Institution for Security of Serbia Orhan Dragas stated for RTRS that Ratko Mladic in the past refused to surrender, and therefore he has been arrested by British SAS forces in Romania on Tuesday morning. British Embassy in Sarajevo refused to comment Dragas’ claims and announced an official statement on Wednesday evening. According to Dragas, Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica is allegedly waiting for visit of ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte and her guarantees that once Mladic is apprehended, ICTY wouldn’t demand arrestment of Radovan Karadzic by Serbian authorities. ICTY Spokeswoman Florence Hartmann refused to comment this statement. FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 inset ‘Dragas: Fugitive arrested in Romania’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘ Romania ’ – also carried Dragas.

EUFOR denies Mladic was or would be transferred to base in Tuzla ; Hayat speculates news on Mladic surrender to come out on Sat


Hayat by Senka Hadzovic – Following the speculations that Ratko Mladic was arrested in Serbian and later transferred to the Eagle base in Tuzla, Hayat reports that on Wednesday reporters were still waiting in front of the EUFOR base from where Mladic should allegedly be transferred to the ICTY. Reporter further examines the speculations, stating that information among journalists is that Maldic’s arrest would most probably be published on Saturday, in order to avoid protests scheduled for Friday by supporters of the ICTY indictee Vojislav Seselj to take place in Belgrade as   Serbian authorities believe that such news could turn peaceful demonstrations into something more serious. EUFOR denies there were any special activities in the HQ on Tuesday and Wednesday, and adds that all activities were just ordinary tasks carried out by the EUFOR troops. EUFOR adds that it has nothing to do with the alleged Mladic’s arrest. “We have received the news, but nothing is official yet and we cannot comment speculations. EUFOR is carrying out its activities, as planned. There are no changes. These are nothing but ordinary operations”, said the EUFOR Spokesperson Georg Heartinger. PINK, BHT1, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 inset ‘There was no additional operations in Eagle Base’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Kostunica is trying to perform Mladic’ arrest in RS’ by M.Kusmuk/S.Karic – carried EUFOR denial.

Media: RS MoI Matijasevic and Police Director Andan in Belgrade negotiating Mladic surrender?


RTRS – According to unofficial information, RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic and RS Chief of Police Dragomir Andnan are in Belgrade, negotiating with Ratko Mladic on his surrender. RS MoI Spokesman Radovan Pejic stated on Wednesday that Matijasevic and Andnan are on business trip, but refused to comment their destination. Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Andan is negotiating with Mladic in Belgrade?!’ by A.Avdic –Pejic neither confirmed nor denied the information on the negotiations. However, daily learns from well informed sources that Andan did arrive in Belgrade on Wednesday, adding that there is no such information does he participates the talks on Mladic’s surrender. PINK, BHT1, FTV, EUroBlic cover pg splash, pgs 6-7 ‘Ticket for The Hague waiting for Mladic’ by Tanja Nikolic-Djakovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Kostunica is trying to perform Mladic’ arrest in RS’ by M.Kusmuk/S.Karic, Vecernji List pgs 2 and 3 ‘Mladic’s last hours at large’, mentioned on cover ‘Mladic located, police in bunker’ by ri   – also carried Andan is in Serbia for surrender talks.

DA, NN: Outcome of ongoing developments would be fatal for Mladic


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Mladic is not going to The Hague alive’ – Daily reports referring to an anonymous male voice, who called in NN from protected number and said: “Mladic is still near Cer mountain … He will not go The Hague alive. Everything started Tuesday afternoon and this thing with Mladic now needs to end. Outcome will be fatal for him.” Dnevni Avaz pg 2 inset ‘General announces suicide’ – carries similar information.

BiH Foreign Minister Ivanic: Ministry without official information on Mladic


BHT1– BIH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic stated that he has not information on the alleged arrest of Ratko Mladic and added that it is in BIH interest for all ICTY indictees to end up in The Hague. RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 inset ‘BiH Foreign Affair Ministry has no official information’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Ivanic: Foreign Ministry has no information on arrest’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Urgent arrest of ICTY indictees’  –- reported.

BiH Presidency chair Paravac: no info on Mladic arrest

Hayat– The Chair of the BiH Presidency Borislav Paravac said that he received no information on Ratko Mladic’s arrest. FTV –Paravac stated in Prijedor that arrest of Ratko Mladic is an ICTY obligation of another state and that there are no alternatives to his arrest.

International press on speculations regarding Mladic arrest: surrender is on the way, net around Mladic closes


Hayat by Asim Beslija – Speculation on Ratko Mladic’s arrest has been published in great number of international newspapers despite official denials on Wednesday. UK dailies Independent and Guardian claim negotiations on his surrender were underway. Serbian dailies ‘Glas Javnosti’ and Kurir reported Mladic arrested. ‘Blic’ said Mladic was in house arrest, and negotiations on voluntary surrender were launched. Belgrade based ‘Vecernje Novosti’ quoted official of the SCG Council for cooperation with the ICTY saying preparations for the arrest were completed. He added that if Mladic were not to surrender, Serbian Ministry of Interior would arrest him. FTV – Mladic was on front pages of almost all world newspapers. They all agree Mladic’s arrest will occur soon. RTRS Dejan Anastasijevic, editor-in-chief of “Vreme” magazine says some rumours say Mladic was secretly transferred to Macedonia, where he is to be arrested in the next few cdays. RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2  ‘Criminal Mladic – one step to the Hagueby E.Sarac – also covered.

Oslobodjenje overview of Serbian press on Mladic’s arrest: Unconvincing denial by Serbian Govt


Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Unconvincing denial’ by B. Boskov – Commenting reactions of Serbian press on alleged arrest of Ratko Mladic, article reads that denial of Serbian Government spokesperson Srdja Djuric to these news was unconvincing, adding that it was rather incomplete than incorrect. Author concludes quoting Glas Javnosti: “There are some hard talks ongoing on the way he [Mladic] would be transferred to the Hague. Serbian authorities have interest, for sake of peace in the house, that Mladic appears before the cameras as a volunteer. This is why it has been assumed that ‘operation’ will last two or three days and that he would be transferred to the Hague after that.”

NN: Kostunica does not want to lose political points by arresting Mladic in territory of Serbia

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Kostunica is trying to perform Mladic’ arrest in RS’ by M.Kusmuk/S.Karic – Sources close to Serbian Government claim Mladic refuses to go voluntarily to The Hague and the only possibility is seeing him get arrested, which Serbian Premier Vojislav Kostunica does not want to perform in the territory of Serbia for the sake of political points.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: Media speculations suggest that Mladic’s transfer to the Hague is now a matter of day


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Until hill becomes green’ op-ed by Gojko Beric – Commenting all the media pomp on alleged arrest of Ratko Mladic, editorial reads that although it is suspicious “this media rumble is maybe not without a ground”. Author says that SCG Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica now has a real problem to explain how is it possible for Mladic to be located, when it was previously claimed that he was not in Serbia. Article reads that if Mladic is found in Serbia, than the Government should be removed for deceiving domestic and international public. Commenting allegations on possible Mladic’s hand-over, authors says that if he had really wanted, he would do it long time ago. Editorial concludes: “The newest relationship between official Serbia and general Mladic, besides the fact that it confirms the country is in chaos, also suggests that his transfer to the Hague is now counting in days. (…) If this prognosis does not fulfil, keep reading the newspapers. Chase for Mladic continues, by tonight, by tomorrow, who knows by when… And soon the hill will become green.”

DL op-ed: Mladic to be arrested soon/News about his arrest are just preparing of Serbian public for that moment

Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Days of Mladic’s hiding counted off’ by S. Bjelica carries that denials about the Mladic’s arrest coming from the Serbian Government, del Ponte etc. are far from truth and it is just a matter of the moment when his arrest would be officially confirmed. The author believes that negotiations on his surrender have been underway and the information about his arrest that appeared during the last days are just preparing of the Serbian public for that moment. DL also says that it has been speculated that Serbian PM Vojislav Kostunica tries to agree with del Ponte that she does not raise the issue of Radovan Karadzic in return for Mladic’s arrest.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: Mladic’s punishment should lead to change of mentality

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Ratko Mladic’ op-ed by Edin Krehic – Commenting allegations on arrest of Ratko Mladic, editorial says Mladic’s punishment for his deeds before the ICTY, should lead to change of sense by those who still think the general is a hero. “If this does not happen, Mladic will stay among us forever,” concludes author.

NN op-ed: Serbian authorities are not negotiating with Mladic, but instead Military and Security Agency is


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Cer battle’ by Pero SImic – In regard to recent media speculation on possible apprehension of Ratko Mladic, the author raises many issues such as: was there any sort of “battle” with Mladic, where was it, did members of Military Security Agency rig the entire chase to satisfy inpatient authority, and so on. The author shares the view of “Politika” columnist and former senior officer of Yugoslav Army saying that the story about Mladic will soon be completed, and the most possible truth is that Serbian authorities are not negotiating with Mladic, but instead members of Military Security Agency who have known for years now where Mladic was hiding, but never provided those information to Serbian state officials.

Int press on Mladic arrest speculations: numerous rumours emerged in past years, but never this intensely; support for Mladic in decline, Serbs more concerned with Kosovo talks; Bildt: Mladic may never reach ICTY alive; AP: BIA leads operation


Today [Thursday], the international media – including Suddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgeimeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau – report that rumours on Ratko Mladic arrest have continue to “sweep through the region” despite officials denials by Serbian authorities and Carla Del Ponte. Media note that the EU pressure on SCG has very much increased, and Telegraph notes that if Mladic is handed over to the justice “there will be little doubt that pressure from the EU played a decisive role”. International Herald Tribune stresses that “the speculation Tuesday was the most intense in years,” while Financial Timesnotes “there has been nothing to match the flurry of reports echoed around the world this week.” FT, and well as Telegraph, concludes “today support [for Mladic] is declining as Serbs realise he is blocking political and economic progress. Far greater passions are generated by the possible loss of Kosovo. Wall Street Journal, Washington Post andIHTcarried AP report: “Serb security officials insisted Wednesday talks were under way for the surrender of Mladic, despite denials… Serbian authorities have made contact with Mladic, a senior security official, close to the operation to capture the general, told The Associated Press. The official said “a direct line of communication” has been established… “If he does not surrender, we’ll do everything possible to hand him over” to ICTY, the unnamed official said.” Another IHT’s article reads “while there was no proof to substantiate the media claims, senior western diplomats and local analysts said there were indications that the Serbian government was closer than ever to finding the general.” IHT quotes “a diplomat close to police and legal officials assigned to help find the general” that “everybody who is involved in this process is on standby,” adding the operation was being led by members of the Serbian intelligence service. Telegraph also published blog by the former HR to BiH Carl Bildt who wrote that Mladic may never reach The Hague alive. Bildt writes: “Speculations in Belgrade point at three possibilities in play: the first and most serious one is that Mladic should commit suicide in the crucial moment. “The second is that he should be liquidated during the arrest, and the third, and least probable, is that he should be arrested. And I essentially agree with this.” Both Times andBBCpublish articles by Nick Hawton from Kalinovik, Mladic’s birthplace reporting that “in his own mountains, Mladic is still a hero”. It also notes the possible relation with Kosovo negotiations: “This week also saw the opening… of talks on the “final status” of Kosovo…The Serbs’ hand will hardly be strengthened if they are seen to be protecting General Mladic.”

BBC analyses:“What’s fuelling rumours of Mladic arrest?”


BBC’s Nick Hawton reporting from Sarajevo wonders “What’s fuelling rumours of Mladic arrest?” Analysing reasons behind rumours on Mladic arrest, Hawton says: The bushfire of speculation and claims has reached a new intensity and has led many to believe that something is finally afoot. So what is actually happening? As the saying goes “there is no smoke without fire”…. So why have all these rumours arisen at this time and so spectacularly? There are a number of possible reasons. Firstly, the Serbian government is desperate to be seen to be acting on the issue. Foreign aid, membership of the EU, even Serbia‘s international image are, in large part, dependent on its co-operation over the Mladic case… Secondly, and perhaps more intriguingly, is it possible that the current rumours have been started in order to test public opinion for a future Mladic arrest? The reports and speculation over the past few days could be a useful way of testing the water for any future reaction. Thirdly, it is possible that negotiations and an operation are really under way and that, somehow, details have leaked.”

Independent, Telegraph: If Mladic surrenders, it would be for money; RS Police Director Andan negotiates scenario similar to Gotovina case

Independent analyses a possibility of Ratko Mladic’s surrender: “possible negotiations… are likely to be tough for several reasons. [Mladic] is allegedly in a highly nervous and changeable state… and keeps changing his mind on whether to surrender or not”. RS Police Director Dragomir Andan, reportedly arrived to Belgrade on Tuesday afternoon to negotiate a scenario similar to the arrest of…Ante Gotovina. Negotiations, analysts say, are not only about saving face, though, and money can be the deciding factor.” Telegraph’s last article begins stating “There must be many smiling faces in Bosnia. Ratko Mladic may be finally on his way to the courtroom.” It further analyses: “Of course Mladic will not be surrendering because he has developed a conscience. After 11 years as a fugitive he has run out of road. His surrender would crown a process which the Serbian government has been encouraging since… Vojislav Kostunica took office two years ago.” It adds that if surrender is to take place, than the reason will be the money, as “an appearance at the Hague would mean total humiliation” and notes Mladic “does not seem ready to follow the tradition of suicide that runs in his family and fall on his sword.”


Political issues

SDS calls on all Ministers to withdraw from CoM; Justice Minister Kovac says this would damage SAA process











RTRS – After RS President and SDS leader Dragan Cavic urged all SDS-supported  ministers and deputies to withdraw from the BiH Council of Ministers, BiH Minister of Justice Slobodan Kovac commented that none of them should resign because of launched negotiations on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU. Kovac explained that all Ministers at BiH CoM have been appointed in accordance with laws, which also regulate the way Ministers can be dismissed. He stressed that, in accordance with these laws, Ministers are obliged to finish the started projects even if they are dismissed. BiH Presidency member Borislav Paravac stated that the call for resignation doesn’t refer to him. He explained that he is successor of former Presidency member Mirko Sarovic, directly elected by Serb people. “Therefore, I have all the electoral rights that Sarovic had had when he was appointed”, said Paravac. BiH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade Slobodan Ecimovic and Deputy Security Minister Dragan Mektic didn’t comment SDS request for their resignations. In the press release issued by SDS, this party demands resignation of Radovanovic because of “latest stances of PDP on defence and accusations that RS President has lost the RS Army while he was attempting to preserve his own position”. Therefore, SDS suggests that PDP appoints the new Defence Minister and demonstrated its new concept of defence. RS Association of Inmates and Association of Serb NGO’s sharply condemned such behaviour and disputes, stating that Serbs can’t be hostages of anybody’s personal ambitions. BHT1 SDS called upon BIH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic to start an initiative for abolishment of BIH defence law if he feels that the defence reform is endangering Serb national interest. HayatSDS asks BiH Minister of Defence Nikola Radovanovic to resign in order to be replaced by a PDP member. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Ivanic is selling his pro-West being’ not signed, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘False patriots’ by D.Mo.

BiH Justice Minister Kovac: I would not resign upon SDS request


Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Kovac is not resigning’ by N.D.– BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac stated for DA that he would not resign, according to SDS’s order, if that is not in accordance with the Law on Council of Ministers. Kovac stressed that SDS has appointed him, but that he was elected by BiH Parliament where was supported by other parties as well. “I think that eight months before election it is not wise to withdraw people from CoM and everyone who see there a chance to take over the authority should do so when they get elected by people” stated Kovac. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Slobodan Kovac will not resign’ by M. C. – also carries Kovac will not resing.

PDP President Ivanic denies accusations SDS President addressed to PDP over RS Army abolishment

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SDS: PDP is responsible for disappearance of RS Army; Ivanic: SDS should deal with itself’ by D.Risojevic – Mladen Ivanic, PDP President, Wednesday rejected accusations SDS President, Dragan Cavic, made against PDP, noting it was a bunch of accusations in lack of arguments resulting from internal discontent within SDS . Ivanic viewed SDS ’ assessment as showing visible fear for going into opposition.

BH CoM Chair Terzic: SDS will show its stances at Thursday session of CoM


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Slobodan Kovac will not resign’ by M. C. – BH CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic announced CoM would hold a session on Thursday dedicated to the program of realization of priorities from European partnership at which SDS Ministers would have a chance to present their stances. Terzic noted it is in the interest of no person to create a crisis at the state Government because BiH is on the way of signing SAA.

Establishing RS Govt – SDP’s Stanimirovic: SDP would not give up on principle of multi-ethnicity; SNSD’s Radmanovic: We will not give up on SDP as a partner


Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘SDP set to heavy conditions for establishment of RS Government’ by N.D.SDP Presidency member Dragi Stanimirovic told DA that newly formed SNSD-SDP coalition in the RS is under question, since SNSD leader Milorad Dodik did not like conditions set by SDP. Stanimirovic repeated that SDP would not support Dodik if he does not accept SDP condition to candidate one Serb and one Bosniak for the ministers in new Government, adding that SDP would not give up on their principle of multi-ethnicity. Dodik demands SDP to candidate two Bosniaks, so he could fulfil national balance demanded by RS Constitution. SNSD Executive Board President Nebojsa Radmanovic said although SNSD already have the majority to form the Government without SDP, they would give up on SDP as a partner.

SDP leader Lagumdzija on const. changes: Agreed solution on const. changes are not perfect but it is better than to wait for 2010


FTV SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija feels that negotiations on constitutional changes in BIH should contribute to moving of sovereignty from entities towards the state, adding that participants of negotiations decided to accept SDP’s proposal from September 2004, which was supported by Washington and Brussels. He stated that BIH would soon have one President, Prime Minister and BIH Parliament Speaker. “It was more important for us for BIH to have sovereignty on all its territory and for BIH Parliament to make all the laws than duration of BIH President’s mandate”, stressed Lagumdzija. He underlined negotiations haven’t ended and added that significant progress was made in comparison with the last 10 years. RHB– Lagumdzija said that agreed solutions are not perfect, but reminded that they are incomplete and that negotiations would continue. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Constitutional principles would be discussed in the Parliament and not in front of it’ – Lagumdzija added he hopes that the agreement on the issue would be reached soon and forwarded to the parliamentary procedure, “to the people elected to the Parliament and not to those who weren’t” [refers to SBiH, SDU and BOSS]. RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘All citizens can be candidates for BiH President’ by A.Omeragi, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Signing of agreement on BiH Constitution on Sunday’ by M. Cubro, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Entities ceding sovereignty to the state’ by Nedeljka, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Dayton dying out’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Changes are necessary now and not in 2010’ by R. Dautefendic – also covered.

PDP’s leaders Ivanic: There is no agreement on const. changes without all parties, SBiH acted inappropriately


RHB– PDP leader Mladen Ivanic said at a press conference, held on Wednesday in Sarajevo, that SBiH acted inappropriately in terms of constitutional changes talks. Ivanic reiterated that only unofficial talks between several political parties, which took part at constitutional changes talks, were held and that such meeting were held several times. Agreement can be reached only at a joint meeting of all political parties and it could be valid only if all political parties support it, said Ivanic. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Agreement without representatives of all three peoples is not possible’ by E. Sarac – Ivanic added all three peoples have to stand together behind joint solutions. Asked what if SBiH or some other party would deny support to the agreement, Ivanic said: “That would be a new situation in which everyone would have to see what should be done. It depends what party is in question”. Dnevni Avaz inset ‘SBiH doesn’t behave appropriately’ Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Constitution can be changes only by relevant representatives’ by Az. K, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Neither pressures nor blackmails’ by N. Z., Dnevni List pg 2 ‘There is no agreement without all parties’ by D. P. Mandic, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Ivanic on Constitution’ by ra – Ivanic critical of SBiH.

DA: Possible coalition of SDU, SBiH and BOSS?


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Tokic: Intensivly, we are establishing block of patriotic forces’ by A. Maagic– SDU leader Sejfudin Tokic stated that SDA and SDP relation toward most important issue in BiH is imposing the necessity of establishing of patriotic block, which would prevent unprincipled coalition of these parties with SDS and SNSD. Tokic said that there is a possibility that SDU, SBiH and BOSS are going continue their cooperation in pre-election and election period. Inset ‘Belkic: It is early to talk about that’- In a statement for DA, member of SBiH Presidency Beriz Belkic stated that it is too early to talk about establishment of joint political block.

US Ambassador McElhaney: we want to decrease authority level and not to create more of them


RTRSUS Ambassador Douglas McElhaney stated that establishment of the third entity is not possible, adding this issue has never been discussed during the negotiations on the constitutional changes. “We want to have the least possible number of authority levels, and not to create more entities”, said McElhaney. British Ambassador Mathew Rycroft said that the leaders of major political parties could reach an agreement on constitutional changes within next few days. DNS President Marko Pavlic believes that the discussions on constitutional changes should be conducted within RS institutions, and that the citizens should decide on this issue through a referendum. DSSPredrag Kovacevic stated that the future BiH should be a federation, with RS as one federal unit, and the rest of BiH should also become one or two federal units. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Against third entity’ not signed, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Entities ceding sovereignty to the state’ by Nedeljka – also carried McElhney. EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Entities ceding sovereignty to the state’ by Nedeljka Breberina inset ‘Rycroft is spurring on’ – statement by Rycroft. 

Agreement on const. changes to be signed Sunday: Party for BiH not to sign it


Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Signing of agreement on BH Constitution on Sunday’ by M.Cubro – One of participants of talks on changes to BiH Constitution confirmed to daily that the leaders of the seven biggest political parties in BiH without Party for BiH will on Sunday sign the agreement on constitutional changes, which stipulates seeing BiH get authority over defence, security, issues referring to EU and NATO. Agreement would also stipulate BiH would have president, premier and parliament speaker. Haris Silajdzic, Party for BiH founder, Wednesday confirmed his party will not support the agreement, since it makes no essential change.

FBiH Minister of Urban Planning and Environment Mehmedagic resign “because his Ministry is to divide into 2”


FTV – FBIH Minister for Urban Planning and Environment, Ramiz Mehmedagic, resigned on Wednesday, and his resignation has been accepted by the FBIH President Niko Lozancic. In a phone statement to FTV, Mehmedagic explained he resigned following a decision [reached by SDA and HDZ] under which his Ministry would be divided in two – a Ministry for Urban Planning and a Ministry for environment and tourism. He also stated that no one consulted him when the decision was made. FBIH Prime minister Ahmet Hadzipasic told FTV Mehmedagic informed him about his decision on Tuesday. He added that every resignation is deepening the crisis in FBIH Government. Reporter concludes that end of February should offer solution to all unresolved issues related to FBIH Government, Parliament and budget which is crucial for FBIH. RHB, BHT1, Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Resignation of Ramiz Mehmedagic was accepted’ by R. Cengic, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Resignation accepted’, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Mehmedagic’s resignation’ by ra – also carried.

Dailies say Mehmedagic resigned to take over a CEO position


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Ministry chair to be replaced with director one’ by S.Se – Oslobodjenje alleges that Ramiz Mehmedagic resigned to his position, so he could take over a position of Executive Director in a state company, adding that he himself did not confirm nor denied this information. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Ramiz Mehmedagic submitted irrevocable resignation’ by M. Kukan– As DA learns, Mehmedagic announced his resignation month ago to his party SBiH, taking the position of the ‘Elektroprenos BiH’ CEO. Deputy FBiH Prime Minister Gavrilo Grahovac stated for DA that this would not complicate additionally the situation in FBiH Government, stressing that SBiH would soon be able to appoint new Minister instead of Mehmedagic if appointment of new Ministers is resolved on Thursday.

DL source: Mehmedagic’s resignation is result of HDZ and SBiH games/New Ministry would not be formed, HDZ to get Ministry of Urban planning and Environment


Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Resignation because of political parties’ games’ by M. Zorlak carries an anonymous DL source, who says that HDZ blackmails and pressures exerted against the FBiH Government as well as strange game of SBiH stand behind the resignation of Minister Ramiz Mehmedagic. The source believes that this resignation will not cause deeper crisis in the FBiH Government but on the contrary. The source believes that SBiH decided to make a concession to HDZ Ministers and give them the Ministry of Urban Planning and Environment. This means that the FBiH Government would give up forming the new Ministry (the Ministry of Environment and Tourism) and that HDZ would get the Mehmedagic’s Ministry. FBiH Vice President Sahbaz Dzihanovic believes that such development of the situation is quite realistic.

FBiH Vice President Dzihanovic: Mehmedagic’s resignation is not good for future work of FBiH Government


Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Resignation because of political parties’ games’ by M. Zorlak carries FBiH Vice President Sahbaz Dzihanovic as saying that he is not aware of the reasons for the Minister Ramiz Mehmedagic’s resignation and he believes that this is a bad sign for the future work of the FBiH Government since difficult political climate has already been created because the FBiH Government have not filled up all ministerial positions which appeared due to earlier resignations. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 inset ‘No excuses for not working’- also carries.

FBiH HoR and HoP hold extraordinary sessions to establish another Ministry


Hayat– FBiH House of Representatives and House of Peoples are to hold extraordinary sessions on Thursday to discuss proposal on establishment of the new, additional, Ministry. Hayat says that a crisis in the FBiH Government, which lasts for months, could be over if FBiH HoP and HoR representatives vote in favour of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment. Former FBiH Minister of Defence Miroslav Nikolic should be appointed as the Minister, as this Croat position was lost following the abolishment of the FBiH Defence Ministry. “At the session, HDZ will accept abolition of recently established Ministry without portfolio and support proposal on establishment of a new Ministry”, said HDZ representative in FBiH House of Representatives Ivan Madunic. RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘De-blocking of FBiH Government expected’ by A. Hadziarapovic, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Changes on FBiH Government and ministries’- also announced session.

FBiH Prime Minister Hadzipasic and his Deputies Grahovac and Vrankic harmonized proposal of Law on Distribution of Incomes


Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Money from budget arrives on Monday’ by zk – FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic and his Deputies Gavrilo Grahovac and Dragan Vrankic harmonized on Wednesday a proposal of the Law on Distribution of Incomes, shifting responsibility regarding de-blockade of payments from the budget on representatives. Vrankic stated: ‘If the document from the Ministry of Finances was adopted or amended money from the budget would be at disposal of all beneficiaries on Monday.’ VL reminds that session of both Houses of the FBiH Parliament have sessions today (Thursday).

Danas on reason why HDZ put veto to Law on Distribution of Public Revenues: ‘HDZ wants to win elections by municipal money’


Danas pgs 18-21 ‘HDZ wants to win elections by municipal money’ by A. Zoric-Marjanovic carries that HDZ representatives put veto on the Law on Distribution of Public Revenues in the FBiH HoP although it secures much more stabile way of financing with much bigger amounts to Municipalities. The weekly says that they did it when they saw that Cantonal Governments would not have any influence on distribution of money in Municipalities. According to Danas, HDZ wants to accumulate big amounts of money that a small group of people in the Cantonal Governments would have at their disposal and in this way during the election year HDZ would continue to control income of money in order to stay in power. Danas says that by this veto HDZ also serves their coalition partners from SDA in the areas with the Bosniak majority in which SDA is in power. 

President of Croatian Parliament Seks: Croats in BiH will not have the right on double citizenships soon; Globus: Croatian PM Sanader arranged details of double citizenship deal with CoM Chair anticipating the problem


Vecernji List cover pg splash and pg 15 ‘Croats in BiH to lose double citizenship’ by V. Moskaljov, Jutarnji List cover pg splash and pg 5 ‘Croats who live in BiH would not be getting citizenship any longer’ by N. Bozic, N. Jelic – President of the Croatian Parliament Vladimir Seks stated that in near future Croats in BiH will not have the right on double citizenships, but they will only have the citizenship of the country they live in. According to Seks, this issue would be arranged by the agreement between the two countries and this agreement will not influence losing of already acquired rights. Globus pgs 16-19 ‘Pact on double citizenships’ by S. Lukic carries that the Croatian Parliament received in February the European Convention on Citizenship, however the discussion has been postponed. Convention would oblige Croatia to change its Law on Citizenship from 1991 and which in practice also means that production of Croatian citizens from BiH would finally cease. Globus says that Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader wants to anticipate Convention’s application on BiH, that Sander especially cares for because of all future parliamentary and presidential elections in Croatia, and for this reason last week he arranged details of the Agreement on Double Citizenship with BiH CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic

Danas: ‘Croat opposition is getting united?’

Danas cover pg splash and pgs 14 -17 ‘Croat opposition is getting united?’ by Z. Jukic carries that their sources reveal that a new Croat opposition coalition might be formed soon and it would be made of HSP Djapic-Jurisic, HSS, HDU, NHI and the party that Bozo Ljubic should form soon. Danas says that new elections rule, which would increase the election threshold to 4 % as well as the results of the local elections in Grude last year, which showed that unified opposition only could defeat HDZ led by Dragan Covic at the October elections, create a need for the joint presentation of the Croat opposition. Danas also says that analysts believe that in case that the Croat opposition coalition was formed it would have support of Cardinal Vinko Puljic, US Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney, HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling etc.


Avian flue

BiH HQ for monitoring of avian influenza prepared plan for conducting of preventive measures; Dead birds in Derventa not infected







PINK– First meeting of BiH Headquarter for Monitoring and Fight against Avian Flue was held in Sarajevo on Wednesday. BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Dragan Doko stated that the Headquarter has prepared a plan of activities of prevention of avian flue and plan for creation of a unified strategy in case of epidemics. FBiH Minister of Agriculture Marinko Bozic stated that all poultry form the region where the disease was detected has been put down, adding that the area of infection is going to be carefully monitored for next 21 days. FBiH Minister of Health Vjekoslav Mandic said that sufficient amounts of medication “Tamiflue” and vaccines have been prepared. After the meeting, ministers had chicken meat for lunch in order to show that the meet doesn’t represent any danger of health. RHB, BHT1, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg4 ‘Measures conducted fast and efficient, no danger for human health’ by Z. Persic, Oslobodjenje ‘Poultry in radius of 3, 5kilometers destroyed’, mentioned on cover by S.Rozajac, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Virus on leash’ by N.Zelenovic, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Jajce remains under control for 21 days’ by D. P. Mandic, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Doctor’s control for all persons who touched infected birds’ by E. Medunjanin – reported. PINK– Results of fast analysis have show that the dead herons found near Derventa were not infected by avian flue.RHB, BHT1, RTRS– reported.

Chief FBiH epidemiologist Puvacic: There is no fear for Jajce any longer

Slobodna Dalmacija cover pg splash and pg 19 ‘Chief FBiH epidemiologist Puvaciic: There is no fear for Jajce any longer’ by M., Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Persons who were in touch with infected swans registered’ by Z.P.– Zlatovic carries that Chief FBiH epidemiologist Zlatko Puvacic visited Jajce and stated that there is no reason for panic and fear in Jajce due to bird flu.


War crimes

Trial to ‘Scorpions’ continues; commander Medic denies he ordered executions




PINK– In continuation of the trial against “Scorpions” members before the Belgrade War Crime Chamber on Wednesday, indictee Pero Petrasevic once again repeated he did participate in executions of Bosniaks from Srebrenica in village Trnovo in 1995 following the order by Scorpions commanding officer Slobodan Medic. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘If I had done it it would be done differently’- Medic confronted Petrasevic stressing that best proof of his innocence is the ‘sloppy’ manner in which the executions were conducted. “If I had done it, it would be done differently,” stated Medic. BHT1, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Medic: If I knew he was tapping, I would have killed cameraman as a rabbit’- also reported. 

GS notes F BiH Govt. and its Comm. fail to comply with BiH Const. Court decision and provide information to families of missing persons

Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Playing with somebody else’s misery’ by N.Z. – Daily reports oin a failure of the F BiH Government and F BiH Commission for Missing Persons to provide information to the families of the missing persons of Serb nationality related to their suffering and disappearance, although BiH Constitutional Court on 27 May 2005 ruled F BiH Government and its Commission are obligated to provide information to the families of the missing persons. Daily features a story about one Serb from Tuzla , who has gone missing during the war.

European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg sent to BiH 28 individual appellations, demanding BH view


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Strasbourg is waiting for an answer’ by Z. Domazet – European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg sent to BiH 28 individual appellations of persons that have been removed as in accordance with the June 20 decision of former HR Paddy Ashdown. The 28 persons submitted these appellations over violation of human rights. BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs says BiH Public Attorney Office is currently representing BiH before the Court and it explains the Court demanded for these 28 cases from BiH to present its stance and forward a statement in writing on permissibility and merit of the case.