
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 2/3/2005



Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 2 March


(12,00 hrs)


(12,00 hrs)

BiH Presidency in session

Ashdown visiting B. Luka

FBiH HoP in session

Miletic, Gvero to enter plea

Miletic, Gvero to enter pleas today

Flue epidemic in 5 cities in RS


TV news broadcast on 1 March


(18,00 hrs)


(18,00 hrs)


(19,00 hrs)

BIH Independence Day

Rebellion at BL Correctional Facility

Mine accident near Maglaj

Riot in prison Tunjica

Inmates on rebellion in BL

BiH Independence Day celebration

Miletic, Gvero and Delic in ICTY

US report on human rights in BiH

Protest at Tunjice prison near BL

BIH Farmer’s protest on 4th of March

Cavic on social situation in RS MoI

SCG Ljajic on ICTY indictees at large

NTV Hayat

(19,00 hrs)


(19,30 hrs)


(19,30 hrs)

A boy killed in mine explosion

Mine accident near Maglaj

US report on human rights in BiH

Referendum in 1992

Arms steal suspects arrest in Vitez

Riot in BL prison Tunjica

BiH Independency Day

Covic indictment

Social position of RS MoI employees

Feature on 1992 Assembly hall

Independence Day celebration

Help to family Todorovic



Ambush for ‘Moslem extremists’ from Srebrenica

Dnevni Avaz

Dragomir Milosevic will stand trial inSarajevo

Dnevni List

Association of farmers: Mass protests announced for Friday!

Vecernji List

Secret city under Zagreb revealed

Slobodna Dalmacija

Covic and Lijanovici charged with tax evasion worth 24 million Euros

Nezavisne Novine

Rebellion at Tunjice Correctional facility in Banja Luka ended: management is racketeering convicts

Glas Srpske

Thank you, good people


Convicts’ rebellion over beating

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles




BiH Presidency in session


RHB at 12.00 – The BiH Presidency’s session takes place today. Among the other things, they will discuss participation at the 3rd Summit of Presidents and Prime Ministers of the countries belonging to the CoE, which will take place on May 16 and 17 in Warsaw.

FBiH HoP in session


RHB at 12.00 – Among the other things, the FBiH HoP will discuss today a proposal of the Law on return, sale and allotment of apartments for which repossession claims have not been submitted and which were used an alternative accommodation.

Jelavic trial postponed

RTRS at 12.00 – The trial against Ante Jelavic has today been re-scheduled for 14 March, owing to illness of defendant.



Political issues

Independence Day marked only in FBiH, not RS


Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘BiH returned to its peoples’ by S. Sehercehajic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Independence Day is the true foundation of BiH’, mentioned on cover, by A.M. – March 1 is marked as BIH Independence day in FBIH, mainly in its regions and municipalities with Bosniak’s majority, but not in the RS. BiH Presidency Chairman Borislav Paravac does not regard March 1st as a BiHState holiday. The same goes for RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic as well as BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic. The holiday also has not been marked in Zapadno Herecegovacki Canton. BIH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic stated that all those who are not celebrating 1 March practically violate Dayton agreement, as the law on holiday from before the war is still on force.

RTRS – RS President Dragan Cavic stated that members of Croat and Bosniak people confirmed in Washington agreement that 1st of March is a failure. Reporter comments that although 1st of March is not a holiday in RS, councillors of Srebrenica municipality were not working, and RS PM Pero Bukejlovic commented obviously those officials do not realise that they are situated in RS.

BHT 1 Igor Radojicic, member of SNSD, believes that this date, or the things that happened on this date led to the, as he said, civil war in BiH. Borislav Bojic from SDS said that all the holidays in both entities should be reconsidered.

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Terzic: BiH citizens see future in Europe’ – Adnan Terzic organized the cocktail to mark the Independence Day, attended, among others, by PDHR Donald Hays and NATO Commander, Steven Schook.

RHB, PINK, FTV, Hayat, Oslobodjenje entire pgs 4-5, Dnevni Avaz entire pg 4,Nezavisne novine pg 9, announced on cover ‘Celebration in Federation of BiH, working day in RS’ by A. Sisic, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘F BiH is celebrating, RS is angry’ by Nedeljka Breberina, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Independence Day celebrated in FBiH only’ by E. Mackic, Dnevni List pg 13 ‘Bosniaks celebrate, Croats do not work’ by S. Bjelica, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Only one third of BiH celebrated Independence Day’ by E. Medunjanin, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘State delegation made of one nation’ by Z. Tulic– also reports.

US State Department says respect of human rights in BiH weak


PINK, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Courts under influence of politics, media under pressure of authorities’ by D. R. and D. Ra., Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Legal system under the pressure of the authorities and parties’, mentioned on cover, by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘There are continuous reports on corruption at the highest level’ by M. Drinjakovic – US State Department issued an annual report where it warns that respect of human rights in BIH is still weak. Report also states that the legal system in BIH is still under influence of dominant political parties. State Department also states that non-cooperation with CITY is undermining the rule of law and isolated political, religious and ethnic violence still occurs. The report also cites the problems of lack of ethnic balance in RS police RS, overloaded prisons, corruption at the highest levels, intimidation of independent judges, political influence over judiciary; political pressure against media, etc. 

Ashdown meets RS officials


Hayat, PINK, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Ashdown in Banja Lukaby G. D. – The High Representative Paddy Ashdown is to meet RS President Dragan Cavic and RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic, on March 2, in Banjaluka. The HR is also going to meet the Chair of the Working Group in charge of implementation of the Commission for Srebrenica’s conclusions and Presidency of RS Council of Peoples.

Croatian President supports establishment of Forum of Croats in BiH

Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Mesic in favour of Cardinal Puljic’s initiative’, by mv – The Croatian President, Stipe Mesic, welcomed the initiative of Archbishop of Vrhbosnia, Cardinal Vinko Puljic, about establishing of the Forum of Croats in BiH. “It would be good to form such a body, which would make a strategy of survival of the Croats in BiH and opening of borders”, stated President Mesic. Mesic also announced launching of an initiative about the position of the Croats in the RS, stressing that it is impermissible that of the help that Croatia allocates for the Croats in BiH, only one percent is allocated to the Croats in the RS.



War crimes

Delic to plead tomorrow


RHB, PINK, FTV, RTRS, BHT 1, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Delic pleads on Thursday’ by Sense, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Rasim Delic to plead on charges tomorrow’ by Sead Numanovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Gvero and Miletic to plead on guilt today’ by Beta, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘General Rasim Delic to enter plea tomorrow’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Miletic and Gvero to enter plea today’, by vr, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Gvero, Miletic and Delic before ICTY judges on Wednesday and Thursday’, by Hina – Retired Bosnian Army General Rasim Delic will enter a plea before the Hague Tribunal on Thursday, March 3rd. The former BiH Army Commander, Rasim Delic, was indicted on the basis of commanding responsibility for crimes committed by El Mujahid unit against Serbs in the Ozren and Vozuca area.

Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17, mentioned on cover ‘Government did not give guarantees to The Hague’ by Z. Zekic  – According to Croat Ministers in the FBiH Govt, FBiH MoI Mevludin Halilovic has not gone with Delic to The Hague in order to give guarantees for his pre-trial release. The Croat Ministers say that no guarantees were given or discussed. SD says that this means that Halilovic abused his position and brought in question credibility of the Government.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘FBiH Govt will soon discuss the guarantees for Delic’ by M.K. – FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, confirms Delic’s lawyer has submitted the request for the guarantees and that the Govt will discuss it soon.

OHR welcomes Delic’s surrender, urges RS to cooperate


RTRS – OHR welcomed Rasim Delic’s decision to surrender to ICTY. OHR spokesman Vedran Perisic stated at the press conference that RS authorities are still not ready to fulfil their commitments towards ICTY.

PINK“If RS authorities do not improve the cooperation, they would be the greatest obstacle on BiH’s way to the EU and NATO”, said Persic. Persic added that voluntary surrender of Savo Todovic presented a positive step in cooperation with the ICTY, but that RS authorities had to start activities regarding arrestment of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.

Gvero, Miletic to plea on charges today


RHB, FTV, RTRS, BHT1, PINK, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Gvero and Miletic to plead today’ by Sense, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Gvero and Miletic today before the Court’s Council’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Gvero and Miletic to plead on guilt today’ by Beta, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘General Rasim Delic to enter plea tomorrow’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Miletic and Gvero to enter plea today’, by vr, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Gvero, Miletic and Delic before ICTY judges on Wednesday and Thursday’, by Hina – Former RS Army generals Milan Gvero and Radivoj Miletic will make their first appearance before the Hague Tribunal on Wednesday. They are indicted for the crimes against Bosniaks in Srebrenica and Zepa in 1995.

VL: Indictments against Ganic, Mahmuljin, Godinjak have arrived


Vecernji List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Indictments against Ganic, Mahmuljin and Godinjak have arrived’, by Zoran Kresic – VL notes that anonymous international officials in BiH have confirmed that arrest warrants with indictments against three Bosniak officials, namely Ejup Ganic, Sakib Mahmuljin and Edhem Godinjak have been sent to Sarajevo this week. Apparently, the procedure was delayed because of the Independence Day, however it is expected that that the troika will end up in Scheveningen next week, perhaps even next Monday.

DA: Dragomir Milosevic will stand trial in Sarajevo


Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash and pg 2 ‘Dragomir Milosevic will stand trial in Sarajevo’ by special DA reporter from The Hague – DA learns from sources close to the ICTY that former Commander of the Sarajevo-Romanija Corps Dragomir Milosevic will stand the trial in Sarajevo. DA goes on to say that although the Panel of Judges has not passed the decision on transfer of some cases to BiH courts yet, Milosevic, as well as Dragan Meakic and the others charged with war crimes committed in the Prijedor area and Radovan Stakovic, charged with war crimes committed in Foca, will be processed in BiH. According to the article, some of these cases will be discussed at the ICTY Status Conference, which is to take place on Thursday and Friday. President of the BiH Court Meddzida Kreso will attend the Conference on behalf of BiH. 

Osl.: Report that Miletic wrote to Karadzic on July 12, 1995 from Srebrenica


Oslobodjenje cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Ambush for ‘Moslem extremists’ from Srebrenica’ by A. Becirovic carries a report that RS Army General Radivoje Miletic charged with war crimes committed in the Srebrenica area sent to then RS President Radovan Karadzic on July 12, 1995 . Among the other things, the report says that the RS units made ambushes in order to destroy ‘Moslem extremists’ who did not surrender and who tried to break through from the Srebrenica enclave to Tuzla . Oslob. says that the ICTY is in possession of this report.

Milisic: RS Govt’s Srebrenica Working Group still has not submitted report


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Working group of RSA Government did not submit the names of those who committed Srebrenica massacre’ by E.S. – OHR Spokesperson, Oleg Milisic, stated for DA that RS Government’s Working Group, tasked to identify the officials whose names were mentioned in the report of Srebrenica Commission, still has not submitted the report to OHR. “The deadline was the end of February, and we still haven’t got it. That report will be one of the topics of today’s talk between HR Paddy Ashdown and RS officials. After that meeting we will now why the report was not submitted on time,” added Milisic.

DL interview with Terzic: Arrest of was crimes suspects is necessity


Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Arrest of The Hague fugitives is not blackmail, it is necessity’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic – Carries a whole page interview with the Chairman of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic. Asked whether the requests for arrest of war crimes suspects was indeed a justified obstacle to further progress of BiH or whether the requests were just means of blackmail, Terzic says: “I would not talk about the blackmail, it is necessity. The IC has been and will be in BiH in effort to form a stable and politically and economically self-sustainable country and we have to view their presence from the affirmative point of view. I cannot escape an impression that some parts of the IC tie the destiny of (European) integration of Serbia and Montenegro and BiH too much. The fact is that despite all the moves we have made, we have to wait for the change of mind-set of people who lead politics in Serbia and Montenegro so they start cooperating with The Hague (…) Serbia still has special relations with the RS and is not ready to transfer it onto the whole of BiH.”

FT: Serbia steps up extradition of war crime suspects


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Kostunica announced new surrenders by end of March’ by N. N. – NN carries article published by the Financial Times, in which Vojislav Kostunica, Serbia’s Prime Minister, told the FT the extraditions to the ICTY would “end with the complete list” of individuals indicted by the Tribunal. He indicated that international prosecutors could expect more extraditions before the end of March, a deadline for Serbia set by the European Commission. FT writes that for the first time since taking office 12 months ago, Kostunica also offered a public indication of willingness to extradite the most wanted war crimes suspects, including Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic.

BHT 1 – The Serbia-Montenegro’s Minister for Human and Minority Rights, Rasim Ljajic, said that he expects two or three ICTY war crimes indictees to turn themselves in voluntarily in next few days. Serbia-Montenegro authorities are willing to extradite former RS Army commander Ratko Mladic, if it appears that he is in Serbia-Montenegro territory.

VN: Perisic, Tolimir, Lukic to surrender to ICTY?


Vecernje Novosti pg 14, announced on cover ‘They are still convincing Sreten Lukic’ by J.K. – Referring to unofficial sources, Vecernje Novosti claims that Momcilo Perisic (charged with shelling of Mostar), Zdravko Tolimir (charged with persecution of Muslims from Srebrenica and Foca in 1995) and Sreten Lukic are engaged in negotiations with Serbian Government regarding their voluntary surrender to the ICTY in the coming days.

Mektic: accounts and financial transactions of Hague fugitives were blocked

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Accounts and financial transactions of Hague fugitives were blocked’ by M. Cubro – Deputy BiH Minister of Safety Dragan Mektic Tuesday stated BiH authorities have put property of Hague fugitives under a mortgage and block their accounts and financial transaction. ‘BiH CoM reached a decision on freezing of assets of Hague fugitives in November last year. Ministry of Safety is monitoring the implementation of this decision’, Mektic has stated.




Police and security issues

Inmates in Banja Luka prison riot 


PINK by Ljubisa Davidovic – Some 108 inmates at Correctional Facility Tunjice in Banja Luka have organised a rebellion Monday night, due to the current situation/irregularities in the Facility. The inmates are asking for conditions in the Facility to be improved, as well as for better medical treatment, but their main requests is for the RS general amnesty to be equal to the one in FBiH. RS Justice Minister Dzerard Selman met with the inmates, and he promised to do everything in order for the issue to be discussed by the RS National Assembly. “This issue has not been discussed for a long time of period and we have to do something”, said Selman. The inmates demand removal of Facility Management and its Director, Stojan Davidovic, due to bad situation at the prison and inhuman treatment of guards towards inmates. Selman announced that all allegations were going to be investigated. “If necessary, we are going to conduct certain measures in order to improve the conditions”, said Selman.

RHB, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 28 ‘Riot in Tunjice’, mentioned on cover, Nezavisne Novine cover splash story, pgs 4-5 ‘Rebellion at Tunjice Correctional facility in Banja Luka ended: management is racketeering convicts’ by S. Karic, EuroBlic cover pg splash, pg RS1 ‘Convicts’ rebellion over beating’ by Tijana Veselinovic, Dnevni List, pg 48 ‘Inmates complaining of mistreatment, racketeering and corruption of warden’, by N. Dedic, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Rebellion in prison near Banja Luka crushed yesterday’, by Branka Stevandic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 9 ‘Rebellion in ‘Tunjice’ prison ended’, mentioned on front

Cavic promises improve financial situation of RS MoI staff


PINK, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Urgently improvement of police standards’ by Fena, Glas srpske pg 3 ‘More money for the police’ by G. D., EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Cavic too requests for an increase of salaries of MoI employees’ by M. S., Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘RS President talked with MoI representatives’ by Bi. G., Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Improve position of police’ by FDuring the meeting with RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic and Chair of RS Interior Ministry’s Trade Union, Dusko Jandric, RS President Dragan Cavic said that he would ask the RS Government to adopt measures to improve the social and financial situation of Ministry’s employees. Jandric said that social situation of the staff was alarming and he warned that police structure functioning could be endangered.

Police arrests suspects in Vitez case of stolen weaponry   


FTV by Nadja Ridzic – Police in Travnik and Vitez arrested three persons under suspicion that they stole large amount of armament from the “Vitezit” warehouse. A month ago, arms, mines, grenades and ammunition collected during the “Harvest” operation in those municipalities were stolen from that warehouse. So far, only part of stolen armament was discovered. Searching of a two locations in Vitez is still in progress.

Gregorian meets Party for BiH officials


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Support to defence reform in BiH’ by FENA Safet Halilovic, President of Presidency of Party for BiH, stated during Tuesday’s meeting with Raffi Gregorian, Chairman of the Defence Reform Commission, that this party fully supported the ongoing defence reform in BiH. According to press release issued by Party for BiH, “Party for BiH holds no reserves in regard to defence reform in BiH, because the programme of this party is founded on all the reforms and consolidation of state institutions.” Gregorian reminded that the current defence structure stipulates clear solutions, that are in accordance with the NATO standards. He added that 1st July was final deadline by which the state law on military service must be adopted. Also covered by Sarajevo press.

EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Gregorian: To abolish defence ministries’ by D.S. – Gregorian stated that crucial issues of defence reform were abolishment of entity defence ministries and professionalisation of army.

Decertified policemen to sue HR

Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Policemen deprived of passports, they threaten with blockade of border’ by NINA – The RS and Federation of BiH Associations of decertified policemen announced that they will sue High Representative Paddy Ashdown to the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg. President of the RS Association of dismissed policemen Zoran Bjelic stated that the main reason for the lawsuit is the fact that the OHR in June 2003 demanded from domestic courts to suspend processes for judging legality of the decisions on dismissing of policemen in BiH and the courts respected this demand. Explaining the reason for the lawsuit against Ashdown Bjelic reminded that 2 years ago 200 policemen lost job since the international police deprived them of certificates without any legal ground or prior investigations.



Economic and judicial issues

BiH farmers to protest on 4 March


RHB, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Last warning to BiH Council of Minsiters’ by M. Kavaz-Sirucic, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Farmers demand removal of Minister Doko and his associates’ by E. Plecic, Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 5 ‘Mass protest on Friday’ by E. Mackic, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Framers to go on streets again’ by A. Drmac, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Farmers’ protest on Friday’ by H – BIH Farmers Association will organise mass protest on 4th of March in Sarajevo. They are asking for immediate suspension of Free Trade Agreements with Croatia and SCG. Chairman of BIH Farmers Association Ranko Bakic stated for the press that the farmers are not pleased with the work of interstate expert groups that are supervising the implementation of these contracts. Farmers are asking BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Dragan Doko to resign, as well as for domestic production to be protected.

PINK “These persons either have no idea on how to do their job or are that much lobbied that they do not to care about domestic production”, said Bakic of mentioned officials.

Hayat – All farmers associations support the idea on organizing a warning protest. It the warning protest fails, general protest, with 10 000 – 20 000 farmers from all around BiH, is going to be organized.

Trebinje Mayor welcomes law suspending war compensation pay outs


Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘The Law to resolve problem on long term is necessary’ by V.D. Dobroslav Cuk, Trebinje Mayor, has welcomed the adoption of the Law on changes and addenda to the Law on executive proceedings, which temporarily suspends implementation of court verdicts related to war reparations. He has stressed that Law should be passed, which would resolve this problem on a long term. On this he adds: “The same standards need to be applied in RS and F BiH. The Law on this issue needs to be passed at the BiH level, since RS NA has passed only a temporary decision.”

Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Dodik suggests payment in 40 years’ by A.M. – Salih Alijagic, a Trebinje businessman who won the case against Trebinje municipality and was awarded 36 million KM compensation, said he is embittered with the latest decisions of the RS authorities and the stance of the international community. The adoption of the mentioned law also stipulated the delay in payment of his compensation. In addition, SNSD Milorad Dodik, proposed for the payment to be made in a period of 40 years.  

RS Supreme Court annuls decision on allocation of Bosniak land to Serbs in Kotorsko


EuroBlic pg RS8 ‘Kotorsko was “taken away”’ by M. Dj. – According to lawyer of Bosniaks from Kotorsko Zijad Mehmedagic, RS Supreme Court has annulled decisions of RS Government and Doboj Municipality on allocation of land to Serbs in Kotorsko. Deputy RS Public Attorney Milkica Garic, who represents DobojMunicipality, refused to comment RS Supreme Court’s decision. Legal representative of Serbs from Kotorsko Sinisa Djordjevic has stated he was not in a position to see the decision of the Supreme Court and added this decision has nothing to do with people he is representing, therefore he is not worried. He thinks the decision would bring no consequences for Serbs who are constructing their houses in Kotorsko.

Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘No winter for Kotorsko’ by S. Puhalo, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Allocation of Bosniak land to Serb refugees stopped’ – also reports on the issue.

VL: Hays influences the future ownership structure in Aluminij


Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Aluminij without protection from politics’, mentioned on front ‘Mostar’s Aluminij under pressure’, by Miso Relota – VL reports that a meeting should have taken place in Sarajevo yesterday (Tuesday) at which the future ownership structure in ‘Aluminij’ was to be presented. The meeting was to be attended by the Principal Deputy High Representative, Donald Hays, FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, FBiH Deputy PM, Dragan Vrankic, Aluminij CEO, Mijo Brajkovic, Chairman of BiH CoM, Adnan Terzic, and Deputy Chairman of BiH CoM, Barisa Colak, however due to Colak not being able to show up, the meeting has been postponed. Apparently, the FBiH PM Hadzipasic met with Brajkovic two weeks ago when the two confirmed the new ownership structure in the ‘Aluminij’. Apparently the state will get 42% of stocks, the ‘Aluminij’ workers will get 46% and Croatia will get 12% of stocks. Until now, the state had 12%, the workers 64% and Croatia had 12%. VL stresses that the outcome of this agreement is the result of pressure that had been exerted by the outgoing PDHR Hays.

NN int/ with Director of Srpske Sume: New audit commenced


Nezavisne Novine pg 12 ‘Office abuse shadowed good results’ by Natasa Krsman NN carries a page-long interview with Vlastimir Topalic, General Manager of Public Company “Srpske Sume”, where he confirms that auditors have entered the premises of this company again Tuesday, 1st March to perform audit for period of 2003 and 2004 upon request of OHR. He also confirms that: “A number of measures have been undertaken in order to remove irregularities established in audit reports… We have also expanded the activities of the Internal Control Service, and launched initiative for harmonisation of Law on Forests with the Law on Public Companies.” He also announces there will be new removals at four lumber camps following audits. He disputes some audit findings related to observed deficit, adding that the comment on this issue can be found on the web site of “Srpske Sume”. 

Osl.: Although BiH inherited former JNA buildings, BiH authorities pay millions to pay rent for buildings


Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘BiH authorities will spend 14 millions KM to pay rent for buildings’ by A. Omeragic carries that according to the Agreement on Succession of former Yugoslav countries BiH is an owner of many former Yugoslav Army buildings, however, nevertheless BiH will allocate almost 14 millions KM from the budget for 2005 in order to pay rent for the buildings. Oslobodjenje explains that the BiH authorities do not have yet the list of property they have got by the aforementioned Agreement and they have not become official owners of the buildings that the entities’ authorities have been in charge of for years. The article also says that the RS has already sold a part of military facilities, while a parliamentary discussion on a new Law on sale of military facilities has been opened in the Federation of BiH these days.

prices not to be increased this week


Dnevni Avaz pg 6 ‘Old oil prices until Monday’, mentioned on cover, Oslobodjenje pg 13 ‘No increase of prices until the next week’, mentioned on cover, by M.K.S. – The President of the FBiH Oil Distributors section, Muhidin Alic, confirmed that oil prices in BiH will not be increased this week despite the fact that oil reached the price of 51 US dollars per barrel. The same situation is in RS. 

RS Chamber of Commerce demands for explanation on the respect Law


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Law beyond Constitution’ by M. Ms. – The RS Chamber of Commerce Tuesday has requested OHR to explain who really stands behind the Draft law on Chambers of Commerce, on which a public debate is to take place in Sarajevo on 3rd March. A letter addressed to Donald Hays, PDHR, and Heads of Economic Departments at OHR, expresses surprise over the information that the proponent of the Draft Law in question was OHR. The letter also notes that RS Chamber of Commerce and businessmen have been offered no opportunity to get familiarised with the idea on preparation of this sort of Law. The RS Chamber of Commerce notes the proposed Draft law is in violation with the BiH Constitution and the so far presented views of the OHR.



Charges against Dragan Covic

SD: Covic and others charged with customs frauds worth 24 million Euros


Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 5 ‘Covic and Lijanovici charged with tax evasion worth 24 million Euros’, by Zoran Sagolj – Talking about the charges that will allegedly be pressed against Dragan Covic, SD says that the indictment, which was allegedly completed by prosecutor Matts Mattson, charge Covic and others, namely the Lijanovici brothers, the President of BiH Constitutional Court, Mato Tadic, and two judges of Supreme Court (does not state which court), Danica Sain and Milan Pavlic, of, among other accusations, organized crime, obstruction of justice, abuse of office and authority, customs frauds, evasion of taxes etc. Apparently, the indictment is based on a testimony of a protected witness, who also took part in the illegalities. When it comes to the scheme itself, SD says the business operations of the ‘Lijanovici’ company were being controlled by the CAFAO, which revealed that ‘Lijanovici’ were importing meat under excuse ‘import in order to export’. However, it would appear that the imported meat was not exported and due customs duties were not paid, which damaged the FBiH budget by 24 million Euros. All this happened during the times Covic was the FBiH Finance Minister, between 1998-2000. In return, Covic was being financially rewarded by ‘Lijanovici’. Allegedly, judge Tadic received a bribe of 100.000 Euros.

DA: Covic has not yet made decision whether to resign in case of indictment


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Covic will bring decision on possible resignation after the indictment is confirmed’ by A. Malagic – DA says that the announcement of the BiH  Prosecution that the charges against persons suspected of custom frauds, including Dragan Covic, will be field by the end of this week raises the issue of position in the BiH Presidency. “Member of BiH Presidency Dragan Covic does his work and he will respond to every court’s summon. For everything else, there is a legal procedure,” said Ljerka Bojic from Presidency’s press office. However, DA learns that Covic still has not decided what to do if the charges against him are pressed, and he is to bring final decision after the indictment would be confirmed. 

VL int/ with Lozancic ‘How come foreigners know about indictments before they are written?’


Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Foreigners have indictments even before they are written’, mentioned on front ‘How come foreigners know about indictments before they are written?’, by Zoran Kresic – Carries a whole page interview with the FBiH President, Niko Lozancic, in which he, among other issues, comments on possibility of charges being pressed against Dragan Covic. Lozancic says it is at least interesting that a number of international representatives ‘inform’ Covic that the work on the indictment against him is in final stages and that it all happens during the final preparations for the Neum meeting. He goes on to say it is tragic that a big number of international officials swear on independence of judiciary, but in the same time they know about the indictments even before they are written.


VL: HR Ashdown proposed to Covic to resign or risk removal


Vecernji List, pg 25 ‘Ashdown wants Covic’s resignation’, by Zoran Kresic – An anonymous Croat official in BiH confirmed for VL that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, proposed to the Croat member of BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, to resign from the office otherwise he would be risking a removal, after foreign prosecutors raise an indictment against him this coming Friday. Apparently, the HR called upon European standards, to which Covic cited examples of Italian PM Berlusconi and French President Chirac, who did not resign during their involvement in court proceedings.

FTV – reports on DL article on Tuesday, which says OHR believes Covic should resign.


DL on possible successor to Covic in BiH Presidency

Dnevni List, pgs 8-9, mentioned on front ‘Run for Covic’s successor begins’, by Zvonimir Jukic – DL runs a story on possible successor to Dragan Covic in the office of Croat member of BiH Presidency in case Covic does resign eventually.  DL reckons the most serious candidate is Martin Raguz, however one must not forget Vinko Zoric, who enjoys a strong support in west Herzegovina. Third possible candidate, albeit with very poor chances, is Ivo Miro Jovic. An inset entitled ‘Dragan Covic leaves Presidency, but stays in HDZ!?’ – says there is also a scenario according to which Covic would leave the BiH Presidency, but stay in the leadership of the HDZ. DL goes on to say that in case Covic gets cleared of charges, he would return to the executive authority. In this context, DL notes that if the OHR accepts this offer from Covic, he would concentrate on becoming the new President of HDZ.