
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 23/10/2005


TV news broadcast on October 22


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Bird flu not discovered in BIH

Bird flu registered inUK and Croatia

No bird flu virus in BiH

Bird flu discovered in Croatia

No bird flu in BiH

Bird flue in Croatia

Terzic on SAA

SCG controls crossings with Croatia

Bird flue in Great Britain

Primorac visits MostarUniversity

Break of poultry raising in Macedonia

Bagaric on bird flu virus

NTV Hayat  (19,00 hrs)

FTV  (19,30 hrs)

RTRS(19,30 hrs)

Bird flu registered in Croatia

No bird flu virus in BiH

Suicide in Banja Luka

Dodik chief BiH negotiator on SAA?

Bird flue in Croatia

Bird flu in Croatia

World news

Bird flue in the world

Bird flu prevention in BIH

Energopetrol’s privatisation

BiH Fiscal Council session

Bird flu prevention in SCG


BiH banned imports of poultry from Croatia

Dnevni Avaz

BiH introduces measures against bird flu

Dnevni List

Panic: occurrence of bird flu is a matter of hours

Vecernji List

Fatal virus H5N1 was found in Croatia

Nezavisne Novine

10 measures for prevention of bird flu


Bird flu measures

Great Britain and Croatia confirmed bird flu cases


RHB, BHT1, RTRS, TV Pink, TV Hayat, FTV Great Britain and Croatia confirmed bird flu cases. Officials claim there is no reason for panic. Slovenia and SiCG have undertaken special caution measures at the borders-crossings with Croatia , after bird flu has been registered in that country.

No cases of bird flu in BiH;

Authorities order special precaution measures


RHB, RTRS, TV Pink, BHT1, FTV – After first cases of bird flue have been discovered in Croatia , BiH Crisis Headquarters for Bird Flu has held a session and discussed possible prevention and protection measures. Transport and imports of poultry meat and eggs from Croatia was banned. BiH Veterinarian Office ordered disinfections of all vehicles crossing Croatia – BiH border.

FTV – Area around Sava river is high-risk area for bird flue epidemics. The virus could be spread by wild birds.

Vecernji List cover pg splash ‘Fatal virus H5N1 was found in Croatia’, pgs 2-9 carry a number of bird flu-related articles, Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash ‘BiH introduces measures against bird flu’ pgs 2-3 carry a number of bird flu-related articles, Dnevni List cover pg splash pgs 4-5 ‘Panic: occurrence of bird flu is a matter of hours’ by A. Vrebac and M. Zorlak, Oslobodjenje cover pg splash, pgs 4-5 ‘BiH prohibited imports of poultry from Croatia’ by Sanita Rozajac, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 and pgs 11-13 ’10 measures of bird flu prevention’ – report on cases of bird flu in Croatia and prevention measures undertaken in BiH.


Negotiations on SAAtalks

Terzic says SAA negotiations will start on December 12th


RHBCouncil of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic stated for HB radio that he is grateful to EU Enlargement Commissioner Oli Rehn since EU will reduce its internal procedure and start negotiations on Stabilisation and Association Agreement with BIH on 12th of December. Terzic added that EU officials would probably arrive a few days after 12th December and officially start the negotiations. He also stated that SAA is just another contract that BIH is singing with another country and therefore it should be treated accordingly. He concluded that negotiating teams of EU and BIH might meet as early as January.

Terzic thinks that SAA negotiator should be RS delegate


BHT1, FTV, TV Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4, announced on cover‘Dodik cannot be the chief negotiator’ not signed Chair of BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic stated that main negotiator in talks on Stabilization and Association Agreement should be a representative from RS. However, Terzic doesn’t agree that the negotiator should be Milorad Dodik. According to Terzic, Dodik does not possess the ability to go beyond present political and constitutional structure.

Dnevni Avaz pg 4, announced on cover‘Dodik cannot be the chief negotiator’ not signed inset ‘I will resolve the issue of Ivanic and Dokic’ – Journalists reminded Terzic of his promise that he would resolve the issue of Branko Dokic and Mladen Ivanic after the Agreement on police reform is reached and asked him when he would do this, Terzic shortly replied: ‘I will resolve it!’.

SPRS’s Djokic: ruling coalition cannot assemble successful negotiating team

RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘We do not have a negotiating team’ by OnasaSPRS Chair Petar Djokic stated that SP does not know who could be in the negotiating team. He added that the ruling coalition couldn’t assemble a successful team.

SDS’s Bosic: EU never said RS was obstacle to European integrations


RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘EU has never said RS was an obstacle’ by SrnaSDS Vice President Mladen Bosic stated that SAA negotiations will not endanger current position of RS and that current constitutional structure in BIH should not create a problem for the process of joining the EU. ‘EU has never stated RS was an obstacle to European integrations and, as far as I know, many European commission have verified that current Constitution of BiH’, Bosic said.

Dodik confirms he was offered to be a chief BiH negotiator on SAA;

RTRS – Cavic made the offer


TV Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘The role of chief negotiator is a great honour’ by V. P., Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘SNSD leader still considering offer’ by SrnaSNSD President Milorad Dodik confirmed that he had been offered to be a chief BiH negotiator in EU Stabilisation and Association ( SAA ) negotiations, adding that he has not made a decision yet on whether he would accept the offer or not. He did not wish to say who made the proposal.

RTRS – SNSD Chair Milorad Dodik confirmed for RTRS that the offer came from RS President Dragan Cavic.

Oslobodjenje op-ed criticises Terzic for announcing chief negotiator should be a Serb


Oslobodjenje op-ed pg 9 ‘Negotiator’ by Senka Kurtovic – The author notes the participants of Geneva Conference had no intention to resolve problems of BiH citizens and refers to the statement of HR Paddy Ashdown who said ‘this is a historical day for BiH’ and she says every day in this country can be treated as a historical day. ‘For instance, ask pensioners. They call every day they survive a historical day’, the author says. She also criticises the announcement of CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic that the chief negotiator should be a Serb by saying that it seems as if it is only important for Terzic that the negotiator is a Serb, confirming the thesis: ‘We do not need capable people, we need suitable people’.

DA op-ed criticises idea of having Dodik as the chief negotiator


Dnevni Avaz op-ed pg 3 ‘Dodik’s false social-democracy’ by Sead Turcalo – the author criticises the idea of having SNSD leader Milorad Dodik as the chief negotiator and says people obviously do not understand Dodik interprets social-democracy as destruction of his own country and pleading for separation instead of coexistence.

Ambassador Rycroft: BiH cannot enter EU with current Constitution


Nezavisne Novine pgs 8-9, announced on cover ‘BiH cannot enter EU with the existing Constitution’ by Mirza Cubro – Ambassador of Great Britain to BiH Mathew Rycroft has stated that BiH is ready for the start of negotiations on SAA talks and he says the start of negotiations was an accomplishment of domestic authorities. He noted he cannot imagine BiH as EU member with the existing Constitution and he added it was not possible for a country that has a high representative with Bonn powers to become an EU member. He also noted that the constitutional changes that are often mentioned are positive and make sense, because, for instance, the idea on having one president, strong position of PM and strong parliament would help BiH on its path to EU.

Busek: a strong state Government needs to be created through constitutional changes


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘A strong state Government needs to be created through changes of BiH Constitution’ by S. Trucalo, announced on cover ‘A strong state Government needs to be created’ – The Coordinator of SE Europe Stability Pact, Erhard Busek, has stated that there is an interest of EU countries to bring negotiations on SAA talks with BiH to an end as soon as possible. He also noted that it is necessary that BiH and SiCG join the EU at the same time, since any other solution would be less acceptable. He sees the 10th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement as an opportunity to start working on reform of the existing BiH Constitution and noted changes that would create a strong state Government and foresee the institution of a single President are needed.

Tanovic: BiH is unprepared for negotiations;

Topcagic optimistic, Radovanovic claims parliament has no data on implementation of adopted laws


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘We are facing negotiations unprepared, obstructions yet to follow’ by Mirza Cubro – University professor and former high official of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Lamija Tanovic claims BiH is unprepared for the start of negotiations on SAA talks and problems such as obstructions in establishment of state institutions needed for integration in EU are yet to follow. She noted there is a lack of young, educated people with knowledge of foreign languages in public institutions and there is also a lack of experts who are familiar with standards and rules of negotiations. On the other hand, the Head of the Directorate for European integrations, Osman Topcagic, claims the implementation of laws is ongoing in accordance with planned dynamics and expresses his optimism with regard to negotiations. Deputy Chairman of Parliamentary Commission for European Integrations Vinko Radovanovic says the state parliament does not have any data on the implementation of so-called European laws. ‘We had focused on the adoption of these laws and, honestly, we had not analysed how many of these have been implemented’, Radovanovic stated.

Hadzikapetanovic: Czech Govt supports efforts of BiH to join EU


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Czech government supports admission of BiH to EU’ by E. S. – On the occasion of opening of BiH Embassy to Czech Republic, Secretary General of BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adnan Hadzikapetanovic says Czech Government supports, both in political and technical way, the efforts of BiH to join EU.


 Other political developments

CoM met World Bank representatives on Jahorina, discussed payments of loans;

BiH Fiscal Council session was cancelled


FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 3 ’50 million KM of loans by the end of the year’ by Mensud Zorlak, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘BiH will get a part of promised loans by the end of this year’ by R. Cengic, Oslobodjenje pg 3, announced on cover ‘Pero Bukejlovic postponed session of Fiscal Council?’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘World Bank will approve payment of half of loans by the end of the year’ by Fena – CoM met with the delegation of World Bank in Jahorina on Saturday to discuss the obstacles for realisation of three already approved loans. Payment of loans has been postponed due to slow reform process. As Chair of BiH CoM Adnan Terzic explained, World Bank representatives agreed to start with payments of loans without prior full implementation of all planned reforms. The loans will be used for improvement of health care, education and social care. World Bank Director Orsalia Kalantzopopulus stated that the full amount of approved loans would be paid if BiH shows further progress in implementation of planned reforms. On Saturday afternoon, BiH Fiscal Council should have held a meeting to discuss the state and entity budgets for year 2006, but the meeting was not held because RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic didn’t show up at the session. He excused his absence with a letter, stating that he couldn’t come because of private obligations. FBiH Minister of Finance Dragan Vrankic expressed his regrets for cancelling of discussion on budget. He emphasized that the 2006 budgets must be agreed and sent to parliament procedure immediately. He urged Terzic to convene the next BiH Fiscal Council Session as soon as Sunday or Monday.

BHT1, Dnevni List pg 3 ’50 million KM of loans by the end of the year’ by Mensud Zorlak inset ‘RS delegation was absent’, Oslobodjenje pg 3, announced on cover ‘Pero Bukejlovic postponed session of Fiscal Council?’ by Fena reports RS delegation with RS PM at the head failed to attend BiH Fiscal Council session.

Struck criticised BiH politicians


BHT1, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Withdrawal of German troops from BiH was announced’ by Hina and De. L., Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Withdrawal of 300 EUFOR soldiers’ by Reuters, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Germany to withdraw 300 soldiers from BiH’ by SrnaGerman Minister of Defence Peter Struck criticised BiH political leaders, stating that they let the Western countries to do everything instead of them, when it’s high time for BiH politicians to deal with problems by themselves.  He announced withdrawal of 300 German solders from EUFOR.

Interview with Gavrilo Grahovac, FBiH Vice-President


TV Hayat – FBiH Government at the session in Mostar a couple of days ago decided to sell “Energopetrol”, state owned oil company, to company from Croatia, “Ina”. Only one Government member was against that decision and that is FBiH Vice-President, Gavrilo Grahovac, who was the guest in TV Hayat studio. Grahovac says one of his basic reasons for such position is that selling of the only oil company in FBiH is wrong move and that this shouldn’t happen at all. Even in the case of selling it, explains Grahovac, now it isn’t a good moment. “Energopetrol is being ruined for 8 years now,” adding that he believes this was with intention. He also says that 10 million that would go to the FBiH in this privatisation case is way under the market price of this company. FBiH Government decided in 2004 that “Energopetrol” must be rehabilitated. “Since than, until the latest decision, everything was done in the Government to show that rehabilitations isn’t possible,” said Grahovac.  Company’s debts were multiplied, it was badly managed. And at the end, it was in such a bad shape that it was decided it must be sold. Grahovac announces opening of this issue in the FBiH Parliament. “I am convinced that Parliament will instruct FBiH Government to stop privatisation process, annul the tender and start with “Energopetrol’s” rehabilitation,” he said. Grahovac also confirmed that “Ina” representatives attempted to get his support for their privatisation of “Energopertol”, what he refused.

TV Hayat editor’s comment on BiH CoM’s decision to allocate 1,15 million KM to PBS


TV Hayat by Senad Hadzifejzovic – BiH Council of Ministers decided to direct accumulated income surplus of Communication Regulatory Agency (CRA) to Public Broadcasting Service. The sum is worth KM 1.156.000. Hadzifejzovic announces this as the subject for the next CD, having in mind that those funds were aimed to market regulation, creation of fair relations and improvement of monitoring system. As Hadzifejzovic says, commercial electronic media and cable TV operators financed PBS satellite broadcast. He also comments that creator of this decision is BiH Minister of Transport and Communications, Branko Dokic, recently sentenced to six months on probation and 25.000 KM of fine for misconduct in managing with State funds. Hadzifejzovic says that Dokic is constantly lobbying for Bijeljina TV station BN, requesting from the CRA wider covering of BiH territory, especially in Sarajevo area. Hadzifejzovic also said that conflict between Dokic and CRA last for some time now.

CRA Director Huseinovic: Dokic illegally transferred money to BH Radio and BH TV


Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Dokic illegally transferred money’ by R. CengicCRA Director Kemal Huesinovic says the decision of CoM to transfer more than one million KM to BH Radio and BH TV is unsustainable and he claims manipulation of Minister of Transport and Communications Branko Dokic was behind this illegal transfer of funds. CRA thinks this transfer of funds was a kind of a revenge for the recent CRA ’s penalty for BN TV. CRA announced it would file a denunciation against Dokic.

BH politicians’ comments on idea of having single BiH President: Novakovic, Lagumdzija, Dzaferovic, Tokic, Raguz


Oslobodjenje pg 6, announced on cover ‘Is single president unrealistic option for BiH?’ by Sanita RozajacSDS’s Momcilo Novakovic finds HR Paddy Ashdown’s statement on a single BiH President to be unrealistic because, as he explains, a decision on elections must be reached at least six months prior to elections, while the Constitution would have to be changed, as well as the Election Law, in order to have a single president, which is impossible to do in such a short period of time. SDP’s Zlatko Lagumdzija says leading parliamentary parties are discussing Constitutional changes for more than a half of year now and he says, should it be agreed that BiH should have a single BiH President, equality of peoples would be achieved through mechanisms of protection of vital national interests, as well as through distribution of state president, Government and parliament from among different constitutive peoples. SDA’s Sefik Dzaferovic supported the statement of HR, while SDU’s Sejfudin Tokic thinks one could hardly expect from the current political parties to change BiH Constitution. Hence, he expects from the American administration to undertake an initiative that would be crucial for all future changes in BiH. Deputy Chairman of HoR Martin Raguz says changes with regard to election of BiH state president are needed, but not sufficient. ‘It is important to strengthen BiH CoM, give it both constitutional and legislative strength and implement a thorough decentralisation in this country’, Raguz says. Inset ‘Ashdown unwanted in the process of BiH negotiations with EU’ – Lagumdzija stated he is afraid involvement of HR in the process of negotiations on SAA might have a negative influence and he said he would ‘recommend him to step aside’.

Zubak asks from OHR to organise discussion on renaming of streets and squares

Dnevni List pg 2 ‘A letter to OHR on renaming’ by NinaNHI Chairman Kresimir Zubak has sent a letter to OHR, in which it proposes to OHR to organise a round table discussion at which the issue of renaming of streets and town squares would be discussed.