
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 22/7/2006



TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

BiH CoM in session

Bajric sentenced to 2 years

Bajric sentenced to 2 years of prison

Fires inHerzegovina

Nikiforov on Mladic

Human trafficking in BiH

Jostles at border crossings

Solana urges RS re: police reform

The trial for Kravica massacre

Law on higher education, update

EC recommends better visa regime

Tihic re lists of Srebrenica criminals


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

BiH CoM in session

Film director Benjamin Filipovic dies

Feature on B. Brod refinery

Law on higher education, update

Exhumations starts near Zavidovici

RS Sume dismisses director

Solana on BiH police reform

Tihic re lists of Srebrenica criminals

Orao appoints new director

No crime activities in Brod refinery

Bajric sentenced to 2 years of prison

RS Health Ministry conference



Great war for telecoms in BiH launched

Dnevni Avaz

Nobody has to control imported pharmaceuticals

Dnevni List

More than 40C in shade

Vecernji List

SIPA probes HVO officers

Nezavisne Novine

Temperature up to 43 C [heat wave in BiH]

Glas Srpske

Stop to bad quality oil



After deal with Prosecution, Court sentences Amir Bajric to 2 years








BHT1 – The Court of BiH has sentenced Amir Bajric to two years of prison, for helping persons indicted for terrorism to purchase explosives. The Council of the BiH Court has accepted the agreement Bajric has made with the BiH Prosecutors Office; he promised to testify against Mirsad Bektasevic, Abdulkadir Cesur and Bajro Ikanovic, who are all indicted for planning terrorist attack in BiH or some other European country, in order to make authorities withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. “The Council believes that the act Bajric has committed deserves a much severe punishment; however, the Council has taken into account other extenuating circumstances – the fact that indictee has pleaded guilty, and that he helped uncover perpetrators of other, even more dangerous crimes”, stated Chair of the Council of the Court of BiH Mirza Jusufovic. After the pronouncement of sentence to Bajric, a trial resumed against Bektasevic, Cesur and Ikanovic, indicted for terrorism, and Senad Hasanovic, indicted for illegal possession of arms and explosive devices. FTV, PINK, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Amir Bajric sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment’, mentioned on cover, by N.J., Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘Bakjric sentenced to two years’, mentioned on cover, Vecernji list pg 2, Dnevni list pg 3 ‘Terrorist soon to be free’ [headline refers to Bajric] also reported. 

BiH Presidency Chair Tihic accuses State Prosecutor Jurcevic of “protecting perpetrators of genocide” in Srebrenica by not publicising their names


FTV – BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic has issued another statement warning that it is necessary to publish the names of perpetrators of genocide in Srebrenica. By protecting their identity, said Tihic, Chief BiH Prosecutor Marinko Jurcevic is directly responsible for the fact that at least 892 persons who committed genocide and war crimes are still working in institutions on all levels of authority. If Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte deems that the names of war criminals have to be published, saying that it would even be useful for the ongoing investigations, than Tihic wonders ‘whom does Jurcevic work for’. “He protects the perpetrators of genocide, and in the same time he forces victims’ families to pay those who murdered their loved ones”, FTV presenter quoted Tihic’s statement. Tihic requested OHR to remove the embargo from publishing the list of perpetrators of genocide in Srebrenica and Zepa, because hiding their identity would be a direct breach of the Dayton Agreement. BHT 1 – Alco carries Tihic’s accusation against Jurcevic. Representatives of ‘Association of Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves’ announced they would request the removal of Chief BiH Prosecutor Jurcevic, if he fails to publish the names of people responsible for war crimes in Srebrenica. Prosecutor’s Office claims that the names should not be published. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Marinko Jurcevic protects perpetrators of genocide’’, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Jurcevic forces families of victims to pay for murders of their beloved’, Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘Jurcevic protects perpetrators of genocide’– also carries.  

VL: Former HVO officers applying to BiH Armed forces subject to vetting procedure

Vecernji list cover splash ‘SIPA checks HVO officers’ by Zdenko Jurilj – VL carries that the war dossiers of the HVO [Croatian Defence Council] officers now applying to the high ranking positions in the BiH Armed Forces are subject to the vetting procedure. The special interest, one such officer told VL, is paid to the involvement in taking down Mostar Old Bridge . VL carries that SIPA is checking officer’s background.  


Police reform

EU’s Solana expects from RS Govt to respect its obligation under police reform

BHT1 EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana called on RS to implement agreed plan on the police reform in BiH. When it comes to police restructuring, the position of European Union remains unchanged; the agreement adopted in October 2005, as well as the police reform in line with the 3 EU principles must be fully implemented, warned Solana. PINK, Hayat, FTV RTRS,  Oslobodjenje pg 7 ’I expect RS Government to respect its obligations’, mentioned on cover, Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘RS authorities should respect their obligations’, mentioned on cover’, Dnevni list pg 5 – also carried. 

RS PM Dodik: RS Govt respects police reform agreement; someone from EU and EC should finally read the agreement


Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘RS authorities should respect their obligations’, mentioned on cover’ by M. Cubro, V. Popovic, inset ‘We respect agreement’ – Answering the warning by Javier Solana, RS PM Milorad Dodik notes that the RS Governmetn respects the agreement on the police reform based on the three EU principles. “I promise to fully respect the agreement regarding every element as written, and at the same time I call on Mr. Solana and EU to do the same and also for someone from the EC to finally read that Agreement and bring the police reform in framework of the agreement. Police Reform Directorate should had been set by counterparts and without foreigners… decisions to be reached through consensus,” says Dodik. He concludes: “I am glad Solana had time to read faxes from Sarajevo, but it is now time for him to read the provisions of the Agreement on police reform so he treats everyone equally.”

RSNA Speaker Radojcic: compromise on police should be reached; PDP: reform after elections, if OHR thinks they know what to do, they should take over


Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘RS authorities should respect their obligations’, mentioned on cover’ by M. Cubro, V. Popovic – Reacting to the Javier Solana’s statement urging the RS authorities to respect their obligation under the police reform, RSNA Speaker Igor Radojicic says that this clearly shows the SAA would not be signed without this agreement. “Brussels has decided that it would neither go further from setting three principles nor it would go into details,” notes Radojicic adding the principles are broad-based thus the compromise should be reached. Glas Sprkse pg 5 ‘Reform after elections’ – PDP feels that new negotiations on police reform should take place after elections. :We are surprised with the OHR behaviour regarding police because we thought that lecturing RS Politicians is very much behind us. If OHR thinks it knows what it’s doing, than they should take over full responsibility,” commented Vinko Radovanovic from PDP. RTRS, Dnevni list pg 4 – carries PDP very briefly.

Daily learns all Serb reps rejected chairing PRD


Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Dumancic or Lisak to head Police Reform Directorate again’ by Az. K. – The Chair of the Police Reform Directorate, Vinko Dumancic, told daily on Friday that none of three Serbs experts would accept to take over his position next Wednesday. The RS Police Director, Uros Pena, attends the sessions only as the observers, SIPA Director Sredoje Novic has earlier said he is not ready to take over “for private reasons”, and now Brcko District Police, Milenko Milicevic, also rejected the possibility. Both Dumancic and Sead Lisak [Bosniak PRD member who was chair before Dumancic] believe this would not jeopardize PRD work, however while Lisak believes that Dumancic should continue performing this duty, the latter says it is Lisak’s turn to take over.

DA op-ed: If RS continues obstructing police reform, Europe will not give up on its stance either


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Clear message of Javier Solana’ op-ed by Sejo Numanovic – Commenting the statement of the EU official, Javier Solana, in which he urged RS to support the police reform, op-ed reads: “There is nothing unclear in Solana’s message: promises given by the Serb politicians headed by Dragan Cavic and Milorad Dodik in October last year must be kept. Europe has no understanding for fickleness of RS Prime Minister how was ready for anything last year!… We’ll see very soon… how open Serb politicians are to accepting messages from Brussels. It would not be impossible for their to continue to do as they want so that there would not be a RS representative [or Serbs] ready to take over chairing [Police Reform] Directorate at the next session.” Numanovic concludes that despite what RS representatives decide to do, EU would not give up on its stance either, as it is ready to wait for the BiH politicians to come to reason and accept the principles.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: IC is also responsible for police reform delays as it allowed RS PM to obstruct it

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Failed year’ op-ed by Azhar Kalamujic – Referring to the statements of high-ranking EU officials and some Ambassadors urging the implementation of the police reform, the author says this comes 7 months too late. “Warnings that the police reform cannot wait for the new authorities obviously has no effect. There it is useless to analyze [the statements]… What is important is that the police organization model anticipating two levels… would not be harmonized by October elections. And after elections, there will be some new [un]certainty,” says the author. He also notes that the large part of responsibility lies on IC reps such as Ambassador Matthew Rycroft and EC’s Michael Humphreys who “silently observed” RS PM Milorad Dodik obstructing the reform. “International Community ahs decided long time ago to help RS PM and close eyes before all his blockades of police reform,” concludes the op-ed. 


Political issues

CoM fails to agree on establishment of two new ministries









Hayatby Alem Karamesic – At Friday’s session, BiH Council of Ministers failed to reach agreement on establishment of two new Ministries, namely the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Ministry of Science, Technology and Protection of Environment. The session was interrupted and it is going to be continued on Monday. Namely, event though the agenda foresaw discussion on the issue, BiH CoM believes that in order to discuss it, all institutions in charge have to submit more documents. BiH CoM approved the changes to the Law on the Council of Ministers which allows for the establishment of the BiH Economic Planning Directorate, which should be in charge of preparing annual, middle and long-term macroeconomic projections and development strategies. The CoM has also decided to appoint commission which would reveal the amount of debt in case of delivered Russian gas. BiH CoM approved procedure on concession issuing, proposed by BiH Commission on concession.  RHB– BiH CoM approved procedure on concession issuing, proposed by BiH Commission on concession.  PINK – BIH Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Antun Ril stated that there were many objections from Ministers from RS regarding the establishment of two new ministries. CoM also formed a commission with a task to determine the real amount of debt for Russian gas delivered during 1992-1995 period. BHT 1, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Commission to establish gas debt appointed’, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Next week about new ministries’, Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘Establishment of new ministries postponed’, Vecernji list and Dnevni list also carried. 

BiH HoR CLAC fails to reach agreement over BiH higher education law 


Hayat By Elma Kazagic – BiH House of Representatives’ Constitution-Legal Affairs Commission (CLAC) failed to reach agreement on the BiH framework law on higher education. The voting has been postponed till August 22nd. Namely, MPs failed to agree on issues of the entity/state level of financing and the establishment of an Agency for accreditation and licensing at state level. The fact that the RS Government passed entity law on higher education made the whole issue even more complex. “I think that it, in a sense, presents an impulse to bring the law at BiH joint institutions’ level”, said BiH HoR delegate, Petar Kunic. “RS political options do not want to abandon concept on holding authorities in terms of higher education under entity control. This is no European standard, no European criteria, no Bologna process”, says BiH HoR delegate, Beriz Belkic. “Such entity’s action can be seen as a kind of obstructing the process of passing the law”, says BiH HoR delegate, Mirsad Ceman. OHR also believes that by passing entity law on higher education chaos would be caused while BiH students would be damaged. Reporter wonders who is to be blamed. “Parliamentarians are to be blamed… some more some less… I believe that the issue should have been solved long time ago and that no politics should be manifested through higher education”, says BiH HoR delegate, Tihomir Gligoric. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Step towards decentralization’ – CLAC also established that the proposal to move Central Bank seat from Sarajevo to Banja Luka has basis in the constitution. After this, the proposal [by Jelena Djurkovic] would be forwarded to the authorized commission and than in the parliamentary procedure.  RHB, Dnevni list pg 2 ‘No compromise on decision making’  – also reported on higher education. 

BiH politicians on Croatian PM’s suggestion of holding int. conference for new BiH Const.: hardly possible


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ivanic: I am surprised with Sanader’s thinking’ by A. Malagic – DA brings reactions to the statement of the Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader who said that the international conference should be held in order to set new Constitution for BiH [see OHR Morning Media Brief July 21]. SDU leader, Sejfudin Tokic, says that the “new Constitution must be brought before the OHR leaves the country”, believing that this should be done after the Stabilization and Association Agreement is singed. In this context, Tokic says he supports Sanader’s idea that that IC should assist this process. SDS Vice President, Mladen Bosic, comments “Sanader obviously talks from the point of view of BiH Croat’s complaints being in unequal position.”  He adds the issue is whether there is any possibility for drastic changes of the Dayton agreement, which he considers impossible. PDP leader, Mladen Ivanic, criticized the proposal, adding that as far as he is concerned there is no chance for such conference to take place: “I am surprised that Sanader even considers this. Frankly, it would be much more useful… if he had found time in these three years [that he is PM]… he had found time to come to BiH.” HDZ official, Ivo Miro Jovic, welcomes Croatian interests in BiH, however says holding such conference would hardly be a possibility. Inset carries SDA leader Sulejman Tihic who is strong in belief that new constitution is entirely responsibility of BiH, thus such conference is not realistic.

BHT 1 commentary on BiH relations with neighbors: Terzic should show more initiative 


BHT 1 by Vanja Furtula – To solve remaining outstanding issues between neighbours is of a great importance for BiH as well. However, according to BHT reporter, domestic politicians and institutions are lacking initiative, which is why the improvements are made only with participation of international representatives. In fact, BiH’s cooperation with neighbours is improving, but all the controversial issues – such as agreement on borders, and the exploitation of infrastructure and natural resources with Serbia, or the agreement on Free Trade, bridge between Peljesac peninsula and mainland and the status of Ploce port with Croatia – have not been solved yet. Chair of the BiH House of Representatives Martin Raguz recently visited Zagreb, and held meetings with top-ranked Croatian officials, including Croatian President Stjepan Mesic. However, in order to solve outstanding issues, BiH Presidency and Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic would have to show a little bit more initiative, commented BHT reporter, adding that Terzic did not want to talk about this issue. Public deems that domestic politicians mostly do nothing: “All those people work with a great enthusiasm in favour of their own harm… the worse, the better. They expect initiatives to come from neighbouring countries, or – like spoiled children – they expect somebody from Brussels, OSCE and so on to start an initiative”, stated Zdravko Grebo from Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies. In the same time, according to BHT reporter, entities are establishing close relations with neighbouring countries; for example, although he was appointed RS Prime Minister only several months ago, Milorad Dodik has already managed to meet Serbian officials.

GS int with professor Kecmanovic on ‘myths’ of BiH state, multiculturalism, etc: HR/US Ambassador rule the country

Glas Srpske pgs 2-3 ‘Unscrupulous cynicism’ unsigned – GS carries very long interview with the professor Nenad Kecmanovic, former head of Sarajevo University, [about, as daily notes, “Sarajevo multiculturalism and many other things”] in which he, among other things, says that it is not the RS that is breaking apart but the “multicultural state.” Kecmanovic is critical of the OHR and the measures of the High Representatives to save the BiH, arguing the state is constantly declining. Opposite of that, says Kecmanovic, RS prospers. Large part of the interview is about the beginning of the war [“civil war orchestrated by Muslims under international instructions”] and its nature [“it is hard to accept the thesis about Serbian and Croatian aggressions on BiH, as Bosnian Serbs and Herzegovina Croats were also in war against imposed state and in that they asked for help of neighbours.”] He concludes that in current situation BiH is under international protectorate, ruled by the US Ambassador and the HR.     


Privatization of telecoms, oil refinery

Hayat on privatisation of telecom market: second to be private would lose large sums of money, FBiH still trying to be first








Hayat by Nebojsa Radulovic – FBiH Government still believes that it has not lost possibility on making the first step in terms of telecom privatization. Namely, telecom operator which enters privatization process as second will loose hundreds of millions of Euros. Event though scheduled for this week, FBiH Government will hold session next week at which, among other issues, it should discuss sector politics on privatization of state capital in FBiH telecom operators. Hayat comments that the FBiH Minister of Transport and Communications, Nedzad Brankovic avoids being direct in answering question whether the RS Telecom leads in terms of privatization. “We have started planning telecom privatization in 2004, and these RS Government’s decisions have speeded up our decision but we are prepared for the process and we have our answer, since, unfortunately, there was no political will to do the process simultaneously”, says Brankovic.  Experts claim that if RS telecom gets privatized first, before BH Telecom and HT Mostar, remaining telecoms would loose a lot. RS Government’s decision on RS telecom privatization passed parliamentary procedure but an obstacle occurred in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP). Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP stated that it would abandon their requests regarding the telecom privatization, it their terms were to be met. “One of our requests is for pre-war Telecom Srpska employees’ obligations to be met; namely for those who were involved in establishment of the telecom have a right to participate in purchase of Telecom Srpske. If this requests does not be met by the joint commission, the whole issue will be sent to the RS Constitutional Court”, says RS CoP Chair, Remzija Kadric.

DA: Who is to win telecom market in BiH?; says potential buyers Deutsche Telekom, Mobilkom and Vodafone


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Great war for telecoms in BiH launched’, pg 4 ‘Who will win telecommunications market in BiH?’ by M. Kukan – DA article reads that the method and consequences of the upcoming privatization of the telecom operators in BiH are entirely uncertain, noting that the decisions of the entity’s authorities to sell ‘BiH’s most valuable resource’ come in the most inconvenient time. Stressing nothing has been done in implementation of the Annex 9 of the Dayton agreement, which foresees establishment of the single BiH telecom corporation, daily speculates of possible foreign operators to enter the market through privatization. As for Telekom Srpske, DA notes RS PM Milorad Dodik has already indicated interested are Deutsche Telekom, Austrian Mobilkom, UK ’s Vodafone an Serbian Telekom [partly owned by Greek operator OTE ]. According to the expert analysis obtained by the daily [which reminds that much would depend on the FBIH Government’s decision on privatization in Federation], it is most certain that Deutsche Telekom [who is in financial crisis] would offer to purchase BH Telecom [company is already present in BiH market through shares in HT Mostar and Eronet.] Its main competition could be Mobilkom [which already once tried to purchase share in Eronet, but was prevented by unsolved ownership relations]. Analysts also consider Vodafone a potential buyer of telecoms in FBiH.

BH Telecom Director confirms Deutsche Telekom, Mobilkom, Vodafona most interested 


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Deutsche Telekom and Mobilkom will compete for our telecoms’ by M.K. – In a statement to DA, Director of the BH Telecom, Hamdo Katica, states he believes that Deutsche Telekom is most interested in purchase of BH Telecom. He adds Mobilkom should not be disregarded either or British Vodafone.  Dnevni list pg 2 ‘Germans buying Telecom and HT Mostar’, mentioned on cover, also carries DT is interested in purchase of FBiH operators. 

PDP: RS Const. Court should deal with privatization ASAP


RTRS – PDP member Vinko Radovanovic stated that RS Constitutional Court should deal with issue regarding RS Telecom as soon as possible. SP announced that also appeals for swift continuation of privatisation of RS Telecom. Member of SRS Vojislav Seselj Mirko Blagojevic stated that privatisation of RS Telecom should occur after elections and added that 49% of the company should be offered to RS citizens whilst 51% would remain in the state ownership.

RS PM Dodik certain privatization of Telekom Srpske to be deblocked


Nezavisne novine pg 9 ‘Deblocking privatization process certain’ by V. Popovic –  NN carry RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik stating he is certain that the joint commission of the RS National Assembly and Council of Peoples would reach the compromise which would deblock privatization of the Telekom Srpske. Article also says that the majority of commission’s members believes that issue would be solved. It carries statements from Igor Radojicic [member of the Commission], RS Parliament Vice Chair Tomislav Tomljanovic, Chair of the Comission Remzija Kadric, Chair of the RS CoP Serb Club Momir Malic and Pejo Krnjic, CoP Croat Club Chair, all expressing optimism issue is to be solved.

NN op-ed: SDS would do anything to win elections and harm current RS Govt, including destroying Telekom Srpske


Nezavisne novine pg 7 ‘Desanka fighting Telekom’ op-ed by Sasa Cavrag – Editorial refers to the readiness of Bosniaks to withdraw vital national interest regarding the privatization of the Telekom Srpske and announcement of the SDS delegate in the Council of Peoples, Desanka Radjevic, that they would not accept the agreement between Bosniaks and RS PM Milorad Dodik. [Media reported that RS PM accepted to assign certain funds from privatization to improve situation of Bosniak returnees to RS and provide for former Telekom Srpske workers of Bosniaks ethnicity]. Editorial is very critical of SDS, noting this party is ready to completely financially jeopardize this company by delaying the sale just for the purpose of its elections games. SDS, says author, would also do anything to sabotage current RS authorities even “if that would lead to economic destruction of the RS citizens.” 

RS PM Dodik announces selling Brod Oil Refinery for 200 mil USD at least


Glas Srpske cover splash story ‘Stop to bad quality oil’ by D. Vrhovac-Mihajlovic – RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, announced on Friday that the RS would benefit over 200 million US dollars from upcoming sale of the Brod Oil Refinery, under condition buyer takes over the debts as well. Dodik noted there are already two offers being finalized, however he refused to disclosed which companies are in question noting that the “competition would immediately try to jeopardize” the plan. He also warned there is possibility for the vital national interests to be launched in this case too, noting this only show “BiH is country of absurd”. In this context”, reads daily, “one should be reminded of the RS Government’s stance ‘there was an effort of the authorized FBiH ministry to terminate production in Refinery and characterize it as the production which doesn’t meet basic EU standards’” RS Industry Minister, Milan Jelic, commented on the latter saying that the oil of suspicious quality enters BiH through border crossings, thus the control must be increased at the borders. Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Plan to sell Refinery for at least 200 million US Dollars’, Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘200 mil USD at least for refiner’– carried Dodik.

Prosecutor says no irregularities in Oil Refinery


Hayat – In terms of oil market in RS, prosecutor in case of ‘Bosanski Brod’ oil refinery, Izudin Berberovic, claims that there are no organized crime features. “It has been proved that there are no organized crime features and that the State Prosecution should not deal with this case, due to what Doboj District Prosecution is going to be submitted the case”, says Berberovic. RTRS – also carries.

ITA SB Chair Nichol: Compromise on allocation of revenues must be reached; NN: RS request on 31.5% of revenues to be accepted?

Nezavisne novine pg 3 Peter Nichol: Compromise must be reached’, mentioned on cover, by R. Cengic – The Chair of the ITA Steering Board Peter Nichol on Friday warned the ITA SB members that they must reach compromise regarding the allocation of revenues form the single ITA account; otherwise the blockade of the account from 1 July will continue. He added that the law is clear that the Steering Board cannot change the law but only the BiH Parliament. RS Finance Ministry officials, Radmila Mihic, says the RS would not give up on their request for 31.5% of the revenues to go to this entity. Sources close to the Council of Ministers told NN that this would be accepted most probably. “RS budgets is anticipated in such manner that it cannot have less than 31.5% of revenues,” told the source.


Elections 2006

HDZ Convention: anything below 60% of votes is a failure



BHT 1,FTV – During a Convention organized in Mostar, HDZ BiH presented the candidates for the coming October election. “Any result below 60 percent (of Croat votes) would be considered as a failure”, stated Dragan Covic. “We have our programme, our direction, people showed that they have faith in us, and I can see no reason for a change this time”, added HDZ Candidate for BiH Presidency Ivo Miro Jovic. Covic promised HDZ would conduct a fair pre-election campaign, with no insults against other political candidates. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Anything below 60% would be a failure’, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Covic certain of winning’, Nezavisne novine pg 6, Dnevni list pg 6   – also reports of the convention.

RHB int with HDZ leader Covic: coalitions possible


RHB– On Friday, BiH HDZ Presidency held session in Mostar, discussing issues pertaining to the forthcoming October elections. In interview for RHB, HDZ Chair, Dragan Covic said that HDZ’s pretensions were to win the elections and added that he believed that HDZ would manage to do that at all levels. “We present[ed] today [Friday] for the first time our economic-social strategy, namely Minister Dragan Vrankic is going to do that, in order to introduce citizens on our stances regarding future BiH’s economic-social status, while Mr Ivo Miro Jovic is going to address the session, in order to introduce the participants with our program orientation’s main principles. We believe that this is a great opportunity to send a clear message of our beliefs; namely that we are on the right way to win these elections and I believe that we will do that. We want to lead our campaign like gentlemen…”, said Covic.  Commenting the issue of coalitions, Covic said HDZ entered in coalition with HNZ (Croat Peoples’ Community) and HSP (Croat Rights Party); while in terms of post-election coalitions, Covic said that the issue remained opened for all those who see BiH’s future in similar way HDZ was. “Our aim is to establish BiH as European, modern state, founded on principles of equality of BiH citizens. Our option is to have its own economic program, keep the youth, return refugees to their pre-war homes, return old foreign currency savings…make BiH EU’s political area”, said BiH Presidency member, Ivo Miro Jovic. Commenting the pre-election campaign, Jovic said that HDZ had no intention to criticise others, but show that it was ready to establish quality life to all BiH citizens.

DL: US/German relations healed in BiH, effort to ensure new authorities take over after October elections; both helping RS PM Dodik


Dnevni list pg 5 ‘New authorities in October’ by Zvonimir Jukic – DL says it learns that the “American and German diplomacies are creating new future for BiH. The appointment of the Christian Schwarz-Schilling only proves this.” Allegedly, this is further confirmed by the obvious support SDP enjoys from the United States, thus US diplomat Howard Dean directly addressed the voters gathered at the SDP Convention urging them to vote for Socialists, while the US Ambassadors is getting together Croat opposition parties trying to unite them into a important factor. DL further claims Germans are supporting Bozo Ljubic and HDZ 1990, while Americans also finally support SDP and SNSD. Author notes that the BiH political theatre is an opportunity for two countries to improve their relations, which were endangered at some stage. “IN this context one should look at the silence of the US diplomats regarding the RS PM Milorad Dodik’s statement on referendum… Many believe that the international officials allowed Dodik this rhetoric to take over authority after October elections. After that, SNSD leader probably will significantly moderate his stances,” concludes the articles. 

Oslobodjenje op-ed on elections: Most interesting fight will be in FBiH where SDP , SBiH and SDA are competing


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Though beginning!’ op-ed by Mirko Sagolj – Editorial says that the pre-election campaign has already started in very harsh manner despite the fact it is elections time. Currently, author believes that the things would be much more interesting in the FBiH than in RS, whereas in latter from BiH’s point of view it is entirely all the same who wins. Elaborating on this, Sagolj argues that all RS parties – SNSD, SDS, PDP or any other – all share their feeling about BiH and loyalty to the RS as the entity. Same is with the FBiH areas under HDZ control, he says, “where authorities would be split between old and new HDZ and some smaller parties, but they all have same origin, thus it doesn’t really matter who wins.” On the other side, op-ed argues, the most interesting would be in areas where SDP, SDA, SbiH and Patriotic block would compete one against the other. This includes election of Bosniak member of presidency, and author believes this fight would be between Sulejman Tihic and Haris Silajdzic. He continues to say that by judging the accusations SDA and SBiH exchange, “all can be expected in this front”. It also notes how Sarajevo daily Dnevni Avaz is very supportive of Silajdzic.

DL op-ed on elections: Pre-elections campaign already started

Dnevni list pg 2 ‘Early campaign in Herzegovinaby Zvonimir Jukic – DL also says that the campaign has been launched much earlier, thus Herzegovina is already covered with billboards advocating different Croat parties. Author notes that judging from those, HDS Djapic-Jurisic has a modern approach while two HDZ’s approaches are very similar [in negative context]. Author also underlines that the fact the campaign are early only shows importance of these elections for Croats, also noting that the large number of Croat parties show pluralism in Croat political scene.


Dispute over law on pharmaceuticals

PDHR Butler urges adoption of state law on pharmaceuticals: Politicians under pressure of Bosnalijek








Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘Batler: It is no secret that Bosnalijek intimidates both politicians and public’ by S. Numanovic – At the press conference on Friday, the Principal Deputy High Representative, Larry Butler, warned there is a large quantity of medicines of suspicious origin and quality at the BiH market. Following his meeting with the House of Representatives Constitutional and Legal Affairs Commission, Butler noted that obstruction in adopting the BiH Law on Pharmaceuticals comes from a lobby that is only interested in its own benefit. “This law is not important only for the fact that its adoption is required by the European Commission and is a part of the SAA, but it is literary a matter of death and life as the quality of the medicines BiH citizens are taking exactly determines that,” stressed Butler also noting that the law provides protection for both manufacturers but also consumers by requiring the establishment of the Agency tasked with control of medicines. PDHR also said he understands that the politicians are under pressure of the pharmaceutical lobbies, noting that he “knows one or two deputies are under strong pressure of domestic companies, especially Bosnalijek, who demand protection at any cost.” Asked why he points finger at Bosnalijek, Butler comments “it is not secret that this company intimidates both politicians and public by saying that there would be a chaos if this law is adopted.Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Law on pharmaceuticals should be adopted without changes’ – also carried.

Bosnalijek responds to PDHR Butler: ‘Why he sends letters to parliamentarians of blackmailing tone?


Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘Why Butler sends letters with blackmailing tone[?]’ by Z.P. – In a statement to DA, Bosnalijek CEO, Edin Arslanagic, answers the accusations presented by the PDHR Larry Butler that this company applies pressure on politicians regarding the law on pharmaceuticals, by [cynically] saying that “if proposing amendment to.. the law through the FBiH Intercantonal Pharmaceutical Chamber means making a pressure, than yes, we make a pressure.”  He also wonders “why Mr. Butler applies such pressure on parliamentarians and sends them letters with a blackmailing note? Under whose influence and in whose interests he works?” Arslanagic notes that if Butler has experts at his disposal to their objections with amendments, the company is ready to talk.

FBiH Intercantonal Pharmaceutical Agency: state pharmaceuticals law would create chaos’

Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Nobody has to control imported pharmaceuticals’ by M. Kavaz–Sirucic – Daily carries that the proposed state law on pharmaceuticals “is scandalous” by opinion of the industry experts. Arguments are presented by the Madjira Pavlovic, head of the FBiH Intercantonal Pharmaceutical Chamber, who says that not only the Chamber learned about the proposal only from media but review of the law, from their side, conclude it is full of discrepancies which would create chaos. Among other things, Pavlovic argues it is not logical for Pharmaceuticals Agency to be located in Banja Luka, while majority of industry’s companies are seated in Sarajevo. Adnan Berberovic, member of Chamber Steering Board, points to provisions on licencing deeming they are contradictory, and to inappropriateness of provisions on drug stores. However, he notes that the most problematic is provision stipulating that the imported medicines are not under BiH’s control by allowing control to be done in the laboratories of the companies importing them.