CROAT RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18:00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19:00 hrs) | FED TV (19:30 hrs) | RT RS (19:30) |
Garner in Baghdad | Radic arrested | Traffic accidents in BiH | RS intelligence centre |
Hussein still in Baghdad | Pandurevic released | Ninkovic – crime suspect | RS police on CIP letter |
Russia – Iraq oil deals | RS MoI – Legija’s passport | Pandurevic released | Pandurevic not guilty |
| Hussein still in Iraq | Radic surrenders | RS Tax Administration |
Oslobodjenje | Fuel cheaper up to 20 pfeninge; Karadzic in Novi Sad; A mother and a younger daughter swam out, Azelma Karalic drowned; FBiH Army – a defence plan was not stolen; Zarko Pandurevic released of charges |
Dnevni Avaz | Criminals from Serbia will run to BiH; A tragic day on the roads; Hadzipasic – the cigarette price increase still to be discussed; |
Dnevni List | HT Mostar does not have right to the third GSM license operator; Mikerevic – we will consider Federation defense plan according to which the RS and Serbia are enemies |
Vecernji List | FBiH defense plan stolen and sold |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Easter – meaning and substance of religion; Miroslav Radic, JNA Captain charged in The Hague with crimes in Vukovar, surrendered |
Glas Srpski | Following allegations of Dnevni Avaz – defence plan stolen; Faculty enrolment plan in RS – freshmen as last year; Investigation into murder of Zoran Djindjic – Vlada Budala drove murderers |
Nezavisne Novine | Criminal charges of the Fed. Customs Administration – Fed. budget damaged for 20 million KM; Cantonal Court in Sarajevo – Zarko Pandurevic acquitted; Severe car accident in Bihac – a couple Cavarusic from Tomislavgrad killed |
Vecernje Novosti | Radic surrenders; Zoran Zivkovic – I will propose lifting of the state of emergency |
Blic | Dragan Kalinic – opposition wants a chaos in Srpska; Fuel in BiH might be cheaper for 20 pfeninge; Federation’s plan of defence considers Serbia and RS as enemies; Radomir Njegus – some politicians want to destabilise the RS police |
Political Affairs | |
SNSD vs. Djeric
| Avaz pg. 2 ‘Requests for Djeric’s removal not justified’ – yesterday’s announcement from the RS government Bureau concluding that the RS MoI has been making significant efforts to perform their tasks as professional as possible. The RS government supported actions of RS Minister of Interior, Zoran Djeric, and thought requests for his removal (by the SNSD) were unjustified. Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘Obvious progress in the work of the MoI’ – also reported on the announcement, which offers full support to the RS MoI and its Minister Djeric. Nezavisne Novine pg. 3 ‘The RS govt. would not remove Djeric’ – the RS government finds requests for his removal to be completely ungrounded. Vecernje Novosti pg. 6 ‘Support to Interior Minister’; Blic pg. 7 ‘The government supports Djeric’ – an announcement by the RS government Bureau. |
Njegus | Avaz pg. 3 ‘Milorad Dodik already has police protection’ – RS Police Director, Radomir Njegos, commented on a request by the SNSD for his and Djeric’s removal by saying that that this was the case of political battles and calculations for achieving certain interests. “As far as I’m concerned, I think I do my job professionally and their requests are of political nature,” said Njegus. Also said that Dodik never informed them that there was a threat to his security and never asked the MoI for the increased police protection. An insert ‘A passport not issued to Legija in Laktasi’ – Milorad Jelisavac, Head of the Crime Police at the RS MoI, said that they checked with the Laktasi police station and no passport was issued there to Milorad ‘Legija’ Lukovic. He said they would conduct checks in other police stations and public security centres. Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘The RS MoI guarding Dodik’ – Njegus assessed the security situation in the RS in the past three months has been satisfactory. Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Police blames journalists’ – Radomir Njegus, RS Police Director, stated that some ‘some political, financial and media centres of power’ are exerting pressure against the RS Interior Ministry in order to destabilise the Ministry. At yesterday’s press conference in Banja Luka yesterday he also said that some political parties were pressuring the RS MoI, but did not name any. According to an NN inset no. 1, Julian Braithwaite, OHR Chief Spokesperson, the OHR would not tolerate any pressure by the RS authority against media. “Now, when the fight against organised crime is on in Serbia, the best option for the RS authorities would be to do the same thing instead of pointing the finger at the media.” According to NN inset 2, four members of the RS MOI CID Banja Luka were suspended, owing to reasonable suspicion of having being responsible for delivery of the letter to the media. NN source close to the RS MoI claims that the four suspended policemen would press charges against the RS MoI. Blic pg. 7 ‘Some leaders want to destabilise Interior Ministry’, Vecernje Novosti pg. 21 – Njegus said certain political leaders were campaigning for de-stabilizing the situation at the RS MoI. |
SDS vs. SNSD | Glas Srpski pg. 2 ‘Security measures should be increased’, Nezavisne Novine pg. 4 ‘The SDS ready to present its information to RS MOI’ – Dragan Kalinic, SDS President, yesterday in Banja Luka assessed that the opposition in the RS is attempting to create a chaos and the situation of state of emergency in order to get back in power. SDS President stressed that the session of the SDS Chair Board concluded that there was no split within the party or in the coalition with the PDP. According to Kalinic, if summoned by the RS MOI, the SDS would respond to it and presented the information it was aware of to the police. The information mainly accuses the SNSD and its leader, Milorad Dodik, of preparing a coupe d’etat. Dragan Cavic, SDS Vice President, announced the reconstruction of party soon. In terms of the SDS relations with the international community, he said the party would have to become a political subject in order to prevent any possible intervention in the future. Vecernje Novosti pg. 6 ‘Dodik plans coup d’etat’, Blic pg. 7 ‘Opposition wants to create chaos’ – Kalinic said that the opposition had the right to ask for the dissolution of the Parliament and early elections, but such requests had to be supported by the parliamentary majority. Commenting the accusations of Serbian Justice Minister, Vladan Batic, that the RS authority is incapable of fighting organised crime and that the RS officials ‘are followers of Karadzic and Mladic’, SDS President said that the RS leadership wanted Serbia to abolish the state of emergency as soon as possible and enter democratic political life. “Our authority has helped as mush as possible after Zoran Djindjic’s assassination, and the RS Interior Ministry is able to fight organised crime,” Kalinic said. |
Serbian criminals | Avaz pg. 3 ‘Criminals from Serbia who are trying to hide in BiH will be arrested’ – Barisa Colak, Security Minister, and Nijaz Spahic, SBS Director, assessed as justified fears expressed by US Ambassador in BiH, Clifford Bond, that many criminals from Serbia, once the state of urgency ended, might take refuge in BiH. Bond told NN that the state of urgency in Serbia was to end by the end of this month and those currently detained would find themselves free. He said he was afraid that once they were free they might seek a refugee in BiH. Bond is concerned that BiH institutions that should fight the crime were weakening and many people involved in their work were corrupted. Spahic and Colak however believe that necessary measures have been taken and any criminal attempting to cross over to BiH would be prevented. |
Trifunovic’s passport | Avaz pg. 5 ‘The RS re-installed Trifunovic’s citizenship’ – the daily tackles again the issue of Darko Trifunovic and his re-installed BiH citizenship. He was stripped off of it last years when suspended from the BiH Mission at the UN in New York and after establishing he obtained it with falsified documents. Miodrag Pandurevic, Assistant Civil affairs Minister for travel documents and citizenship, stated that Trifunovic appealed to the District Brcko Appeal Commission and they forwarded the case to the RS Ministry. The Ministry then confirmed Trifunovic’s citizenship. Still unclear though on basis of what Trifunovic actually was re-registered for the BiH citizenship and why no state institutions reacted to this. |
Commentary in Oslobodjenje I | Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘Disputable port’ by Mirko Sagolj – the author thinks that the current, just like the past Croatian leadership, has no political will to solve the issue of the Ploce port with BiH. Sagolj reminds that election time is getting closer in Croatia and he thinks that many political options will use the Ploce port issue for the pre-election campaign. “The fact that the port was largely built by BiH economy is no longer mentioned. Ploce and Neum remain together as a great challenge for the future relations between BiH and Croatia and permanent danger for their destines.” |
Cavic | Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘The MoI should increase police protection for Dodik’ – RS President, Dragan Cavic, on Monday stated that the RS MoI should check threats Dodik had received, but until then increase his police security. “It’s in SDS’s best interest that criminal procedures in the RS be completed because criminal actions in the RS are always put in connection with the SDS.” Dragan Kalinic, RS NA Speaker, said the fact that Dodik said nothing to security and defence bodies on the possible connection between criminal groups from the RS and Serbia was shocking. Vecernje Novosti pg. 6, Blic pg. 7 – “The Interior Ministry must react on time, even on indications and even if it does not have any proof because that is a warning signal for the Ministry. The fact is that in the RS there has been political tension between the authority and opposition, which a third side might use and provoke an incident with severe effects,” Cavic said, without stating who that third side might be. |
SDA | Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘Fill out RS police with Bosniaks’ – SDA Regional Board Central Podrinje – Zvornik strongly condemned the most recent terrorist attack on a house of the returnee Safeta Dautovic in the Trsic local community (Zvornik). The Board informed that on Sunday night a group of Serb citizens broke into Dautovic’s back yard and caused serious material damage. The Board also requested that leading positions in the RS police be filed out with Bosniaks. |
Commentary in Oslobodjenje II | Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘Dodik’s challenge to the RS’ by Zija Dizdarevic – starts off with listing the latest requests by the SNSD – to disband the RS NA, hold new elections and remove Djeric and Njegus – which is something that author thinks should be support by all those swearing to their democratic orientations. Dizdarevic however points out that the SDP offered really weak support to the SNSD while the SDA kept compromising themselves by accusing the SDS of not arresting Mandic as if the SDA was not a part of the new government in coalition with the PDP and SDS. Dizdarevic further criticizes HR Ashdown. Recalls that HR said the IC was ready to help the RS in fighting crime, but instead the author thinks the Ic should have exerted pressure on the ruling SDS and PDP. “The peace mission is offered chances for ridding the Milosevic and Karadzic practices in the RS and BiH. The affairs with illegal trade with Iraq and eavesdropping were not used for the purpose. Is it really true that Sarovic’s resignation is the end of sanctions against the obvious anti-Dayton actions of the RS, which was directly aimed at destroying BiH, and was targeting the OHR and SFOR in the process? Ashdown keeps praising the Serbian government yet does nothing concretely in that respect in BiH.” |
Interview with Raguz | Vecernji List pg. 1 and 3 – an interview with the Deputy Speaker of the BiH House of Representatives, Martin Raguz. He says that, judging from the position he is executing and from his contacts with the Council of Europe and Brussels, BiH, the way it is organized now, cannot join the EU, meaning the country has to go through structural reforms and reforms of its constitutional-legal set up. The end result should be, according to Raguz, BiH functioning as a complex, multinational state community in which individual and national rights are equally applied in every part of the country. Talking about the rapport with the US, in light of the US request for exemption of its citizens from the International Criminal Court, Raguz says the US role in the region is decisive adding that BiH priorities are linked to the EU. “During the talks we stated it was not good for us to be put in a position where we would have to choose between one or the other option. Our interest is to maintain good relations with the US and EU. It seems a bit too ambitious, but it has to be our goal,” says Raguz. Questioned whether the agreement on exemption of the US citizens would be signed with the US, Raguz said the agreement would be signed if it was not detrimental to the BiH position towards the EU. |
Covic affair | Nezavisne Novine pg. 1 and 4 – on April 11 this year, the BiH Federation Customs Administration has filed criminal report against Dragan Covic, member of the BiH Presidency, and eight more persons – Ivica Galic, Branko Markic, Filip Andric, Zdenka Martinovic, Matioja Lucic, Zoran Baban, Zdravko Batinic and Safet Ganic. They have been accused of ‘abusing their authorities’. The publication of the criminal file removes all uncertainties and doubts related to this report. NN got hold of documents signed by Zelimir Rebac, Director of the BiH Federation Customs Administration. |
Karadzic posters | Glas Srpski pg. 3 ‘Posters with picture of Radovan Karadzic’, Nezavisne Novine pg. 5 ‘Posters with picture of Radovan Karadzic put up in Banja Luka centre’ – posters of Radovan Karadzic, former RS President, were put up all around Banja Luka yesterday. ‘Is it a crime to defend the own people?’ reads the poster. Milorad Jacimovic, Head of the Banja Luka PSC, stated that police had no information who did the posters. The news was also reported shortly in federation media – Avaz pg. 10 ‘Posters with Karadzic’s face’ and Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘ Posters in Banja Luka. On pg. 1 and 3 Oslobodjenje also reported that the ‘Glas Srpski’ stand at the Novi Sad book fair was ‘decorated’ with a poster of Radovan Karadzic and they also had two of his books on sale. Vecernje Novosti pg. 6, Blic pg. 7 – on posters in Banja Luka. |
SDP | Dnevni List pg. 6 ‘Bringing in of Dodik – support to organized crime!?’ – the SDP BiH issued a press release on the attitude of the RS authorities towards organized crime. The press release says that the attitude of the RS authorities towards Milorad Dodik illustrates the best their readiness to cope with organized crime. The press release also says that at the same time SDS leaders are competing who will disqualify Dodik more instead to take over a part of obligations that belong to them according to the Constitution and Law. |
Cardinal Puljic | Dnevni List pg. 1 and 5 – during the traditional Eastern reception, Cardinal Vinko Puljic stated that it would be difficult for people in BiH to build future if they did not realize that cooperation was not being built without responsibility. He added that it was difficult to build a normal, social and political structures in BiH when it was not defined who was responsible for what in this country. “There can be no authority without responsibility. This refers to all structures.” |
Overspending by state institutions | Vecernji List pg. 5 ’The state institutions spend 200% too much’ – the state Parliament should, at its forthcoming session late this month, discuss a comprehensive audit of BiH institutions that was prepared by the State Audit Office. According to some announcements coming from the Audit Office, the survey show that most institutions have exceeded their budgets some of them by 200%. Furthermore, majority of institutions did not even prepare necessary book of rules and other statutory documents, which resulted in damages to the state budget. |
SDP vs. Vidacak | Dnevni List pg. 11 ‘Necessary to ensure multinational and multi-partisan commission’ – the SDP of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton is extremely happy because it ‘provoked a swift reaction’ by President of the Mostar City Council (MCC), Ante Vidacak (HDZ), to the party’s decision not to participate in the work of the Commission for devising of the Statute for City of Mostar. The SDP of HNK calls on Mr. Vidacak to publish all the names of candidates for the composition of the Commission so the public can see what candidates went through. The party stressed it has assumed its part of responsibility when it prepared the Document on possible organization of the City of Mostar, which will be presented to the Mostar citizenry these days and in that context is looking forward to confront their document to a document that is to be prepared by the Commission. The HNK SDP is also calling on Mr. Vidacak ‘to use his influence and ensure a multinational and multi-partisan Commission by enabling representatives of all constituent peoples to represent the SDP in the work of the Commission if he is really interested in SDP participating in the work of the Commission’. |
DL editorial | Dnevni List pg. 6 by Slavo Kukic – an editorial dealing with ethics and honesty of BiH politicians. The author singles out Croat member of the BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, and criticizes the fact that Covic lodged an appeal against a decision on the abolishment of his immunity. The author says that instead of doing that Covic should have decided to appear before a court and prove his innocence before the BiH citizens. Kukic also says that a Serb member of the BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac, ran away from journalists last week afraid that they might pose him questions about Kotorsko, robberies, persecutions, murderers etc. |
Military / Police Affairs | |
| Avaz pg. 10 ‘The command had no information on the theft of FBiH defence plan’ – General Major, Ramiz Drekovic, Deputy Head at the FBiH Army HQ stated that they have no official information and no theft was reported. “I know this command is fully dedicated to the implementation of the DPA, and especially to those parts and all agreements that concern military segment. Inspections by SFOR are regular and we have had no complaints so far.” Oslobodjenje pg. 1, 4 and 5 – Drekovic denied information of defence documents being stolen. “I responsible claim that no documents concerning the FBiH defence plan or anything similar to that disappeared.” Vecernji List pg. 1 and 3 – excerpts from yesterday’s article published in Dnevni Avaz according to which parts of the Federation defence plans have been stolen. The daily carries the President of SDA Caucus in the Federation HoR, Semsudin Mehmedinovic, as saying that the information must not be ignored and asking how it was possible that such documents have gone missing without anyone noticing it and staying silent to the whole deal. Mehmedinovic warns that the theft could not have been done by an ordinary person, but by person(s) who had access to the Federation Army premises. “Maybe it was done because of the money too. But, we fear one cannot rule out it was done for some political forces from the IC in order to create a counterpart affair to the affair we recently had in the RS,” suspects Mehmedinovic. Blic pg. 4 ‘A part of plans for the Federation defence stolen’, Vecernje Novosti pg. 6 ‘The world to know’ – Mikerevic’s statement they would discuss the plan that labelles Serbia and RS as enemies. |
Mikerevic | Oslobodjenje pg. 5 ‘Program Train and equip was harmful for BiH’ – Dragan Mikerevic, RS PM, on Monday stated the RS government would seriously consider claims about an FBIH defence plan that treats Serbia and RS as enemies. Commenting to writing in Avaz that Americans devised the defence plan for the FBiH, Mikerevic stated that he objected the implementation of the ‘Train and equip’ program in the FBiH as it caused asymmetric of armed BiH forces. Avaz pg. 10 ‘Mikerevic: we will seriously consider claims that the RS is FBiH’s enemy’ – stated the RS government will take a clear position on the issue and inform the IC. Dnevni List pg. 1 and 3 – a reaction by the RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, that the RS government will discuss the Federation defense plan which treats the RS and Serbia as enemies and take a position in the matter. Glas Srpski cover page story – Mikerevic yesterday in Doboj expressed his astonishment over the fact that the Federation had a defence plan inc case of possible attacks by the RS and Serbia, which was worked out by American experts. |
RS Army | Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘The intelligence centre reformed’ – Head of the RS HQ, General Major Cvetko Savic, on Monday informed that that the RS Army 410 intelligence centre has been disbanded following orders of the RS president and a report on shortcomings in the work of the 410 centre. Savic also said that necessary measures have been taken to transform and organize intelligence forces according to international standards. According to an NN inset (pg. 2 ‘The reform of intelligence agencies necessary’) Cvejtko Savic, Head of the RS Army General Staff, yesterday announced that following order of the RS President, Dragan Cavic, the disbandment of the 410th Intelligence Centre of the RS Army completed yesterday. |
BiH intelligence | Nezavisne Novine pg. 2 ‘The reform of intelligence agencies necessary’ – an NN source close to international organisations in BiH claims that the international community supports an initiative on the establishment of the intelligence agency at the BiH level. Otherwise, the existing agencies would continue to represent a threat to the entire state. The international circles fully support the initiative presented by Adnan Terzic Chairperson of the BiH COM. |
Economic Affairs | |
| Avaz pg. 2 ‘We will create single BiH economy space’ – a statement by Ahmet Hadzipasic, FBiH PM, on the recent meeting the RS PM Dragan Mikerevic. “A good will was showed to solve all legal obstructions in creating a single economic space n BiH, as well to forward all initiatives to the BiH CoM.” |
Third GSM operator
| With regard to the HT Mostar request to get a license for the third GSM operator, Dnevni List pg. 1 and 3 carries that according to sources close to the BiH Council of Ministers, the CRA respond to this demand says that the HT Mostar does not have right to get the license since the policy says that operators that are completely or partially state owned have a right to get the license, while the operators that are completely privately owned can get the license only through an open and transparent tender decided by the BiH CoM. The letter also says that currently the CRA deals with a request of an operator that is partially state owned. In addition, the article carries President of HT Mostar Supervisory Board, Slavo Kukic, who says that through this letter the CRA Head David Betts wanted to delude the HT Mostar and public and that things that Betts stated in the aforementioned respond do not exist anywhere in the telecommunications policy. Kukic also said that in case that the BiH CoM did not oppose this decision then they would also stand behind the destruction of the HT Mostar and HP Mostar. |
Bulldozer Commission | Blic pg. 2 ‘Both entity parliaments should make a move now’ – “Recommendations of the Bulldozer Committee that the OHR promoted under a motto ’50 reforms in 150 days’ have been confirmed in practice within the deadline and this week they enter a new phase,” OHR Spokesman, Kevin Sullivan, told Blic. “The governments at all levels in BiH have respected 39-day deadline that expired today and in accordance with the recommendations they had made proposals for changing 50 laws and sub-acts that in the first version obstructed faster economic development and the creation of new jobs. They were sent for the parliament procedures,” Sullivan said. According to Sullivan, the OHR is very satisfied with the way in which the authority bodies in BiH, entities and Brcko District, reacted to the Bulldozer Committee’s recommendations that should make life and economic ambient in BiH simpler. Sullivan says that the parliaments should adopt these reforms this week. |
VL editorial | Vecernji List pg. 7 by Radoslav Dodig ‘Bulldozer and Hoe’ – an editorial dealing with the Bulldozer Committee issue. The editorial says that, at first, people at all authority levels in BiH got scared and then they took a defensive attitude, which turned the Bulldozer action into empty shouting. “Any kind of a fast action does not succeed with the people who got used to an easy and slow rhythm. The rule is: first hoe and then bulldozer!” |
Mikerevic in Doboj | Glas Srpski pg. 3 ‘Urgent privatisation’ – during separate meetings, Dragan Mikerevic, RS Prime Minister, yesterday in Doboj met with heads of municipalities and businessmen of the Doboj region. The meetings discussed the political and economic situation in the RS. During the meetings PM informed them that the RS government would propose a set of laws to the RS National Assembly, which was to regulate the field of privatisation of state owned property. Blic pg. 2 ‘Stop to grey economy’ – RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, promised during Monday’s meeting with businessmen from the Doboj region that the RS government will undertake all necessary measures in order to prevention grey economy and disloyal and illegal competition. |
Interview with Lasic | Dnevni List pg. 1 and 7 – an interview with West-Herzegovina Canton (WHK) Prime Minister, Viktor Lasic, where he mainly talks about the economic situation in the Canton. Lasic says one of the intentions of the WHK government is to have a different attitude towards the IC whilst insisting on a better attitude of the IC towards the WHK government. Stressing that the main problem in the WHK is bad infrastructure, for which the government is preparing project documentation in order to find funds next year, Lasic says the aim of his government is to intensify the privatization process. |
Media Affairs | |
NUN critical of the RS MoI
| Nezavisne Novine pg. 3 ‘The RS MoI exerts pressure on media’ – the RS Independent Association of Journalists (NUN) is astonished by a statement of RS Police Director, Radomir Njegus, who accused the media of exerting pressure on the RS MoI. “The NUN would like to remind all officials of the RS MOI that BiH was not a totalitarian state neither was it a police state. Accordingly, the work of the police is always in public eye and the police is subject to public criticism as any other institution of the system.” The NUN further expresses astonishment over the fact that RS Police Director criticised the media using the same wording as the SDS, which augments the fear that the RS MoI has turned into a striking force of the SDS. NUN further called on international organisations in BIH to urgently undertake necessary measures in order to protect the media and citizens of BiH from the RS MoI pressures. |
Financial Police in Avaz again? | Avaz pg. 9 ‘Persistent attempts to stop the writing of Dnevni Avaz’ – following information that eh Sarajevo cantonal Court ordered the Financial Police to raid for the second time the Avaz daily premises, the daily Editorial Collegial held an extraordinary session. They concluded that all companies should undergo thorough raids, just like those conducted in Avaz on several occasions in the past years. They however think that the decision to raid the daily’s premises again made by Deputy cantonal Prosecutor in Sarajevo, Relja Peljes, was in a direct connection with Avaz’s writing about criminal actions of a mafia clan headed by Hilmo Selimovic. “The daily Editorial Collegial appeals to the OHR, but also to gentlemen Jonathan Rattel, Special State Prosecutor in fight against organized crime and corruption, Jan Erik Oja, President of the HJPC and Rakel Surlien, Director of the IJC, as well as prosecutors Marinko Jurcevic and Zdravko Knezevic to act in accordance with their authorities.” |
Judicial Affairs | |
Balijagic’s letter to HR Ashdown | Dnevni List pg. 4 ‘Balijagic singles out and accuses in his letter’ – lawyer Faruk Balijagic sent an open letter to High Representative Paddy Ashdown with regard to the irregularities in the work of President of the Brcko District Municipal Court, Jadranko Grcevic Cane, and members of the Brcko District Judicial Commission against whom Balijagic wants to file criminal charges. |