
OHR BiH Media Round-up: 22/10/2002


Print Media Headlines

Oslobodjenje: Ashdown imposes 12 laws and claims that he is “not introducing a protectorate, but just vet ministers!; Ashdown removes Alibabic

Dnevni Avaz: Paddy Ashdown removes Munir Alibabic; Haris Silajdzic – We need a government of unity

FRY Nacional: Plan: New elections fails in the first round; Carla Del Ponte came to fetch Mladic, new indictment soon

Blic: A Yugoslav firm exported military equipment from “Orao” to Iraq; New solutions for pensions; Ashdown: New laws for new authorities

Slobodna Dalmacija: Leutar case: Why General Klein keeps silent now?

Dnevni List: By decision of Paddy Ashdown, the High Representative: Munir Alibabic Head of FOSS was removed

Vecernji List: High Representative imposed package of laws: Ashdown sweeps ground for new authority

Glas Srpski: Brcko journalists seek protection: Cameraman threatened with slaughter; Petrovo: A signal for departure

Nezavisne Novine: US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond in an exclusive interview to “Nezavisne Novine”: Only moderate parties are partners of the American government; Carla Del Ponte delivered three indictments to Goran Svilanovic in Belgrade: Indictees are: Drago Nikolic; Vujadin Popovic and Ljubisa Beara; Is there an end to the sufferings of Nada Lakic-Zekovic family?

OHR Activities and reactions

The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, on Monday removed  Munir Alibabic from his position as director of the Federation Intelligence Service (FOSS), because of frequent leaks of FOSS information to the public domain. OHR explained that this Decision is part of the process of introducing standards of accountability and professionalism that are expected of intelligence services in other European democracies. “This country has suffered too much because of abuse of this service,” an unnamed OHR source told Dnevni Avaz. (First item in BHTV 1, FTV, third item in RTRS news, front page story in Dnevni Avaz, Oslobodjenje, Dnevni List front page, and Slobodna Dalmacija last page.

In a poll conducted by Dnevni Avaz, over a half of the polled citizens said they do not believe that former Yugoslav secret service officials could be named to leading post in the present intelligence service in the Federation. Only 11% said this would be acceptable, while 32% had no opinion on the matter. The telephone poll was conducted among 600 persons in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Zenica, Siroki Brijeg and Bijeljina, using a method of random sampling.

The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, on Monday imposed a set of economic decisions/laws, which were considered by the previous authorities, but never finally agreed. “These laws will significantly improve the business environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina opening the way for investors and entrepreneurs to generate wealth and create jobs,” said OHR in a press release. (Decisions: BIH Communications Law, BIH Statistics Law, Federation Law on Land Registry Book and the RS Law on Land Registry Book, Law on Registration of Legal Persons Established by the Institutions of BiH, Federation Law on Treasury, Amendments to the current Federation and RS Law on Banks, amendments to the Federation Banking Agency Law and the RS Banking Agency, Completed is the process of annulling the Federation Deposit Insurance Agencies).

The High Representative also announced that from now on the OHR will extend the process of vetting to the state-level ministers of Treasury and Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Entity-level finance ministers, education ministers at the cantonal and Entity levels and the refugee ministers at the Entity and state levels, before they take office.

Oslobodjenje and Dnevni Avaz report also that numerous journalist commented at yesterday’s press conference that “BiH is rapidly turning into a protectorate because of his impositions.” “BiH is not a protectorate according to Dayton and I will not undermine this international act. We, however, are running out of time and authorities must tackle important issues as soon as possible,” said Ashdown.

(Two decisions reported on jointly – one of the leading items in BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, BiH Radio 1, Croat Radio Herceg-Bosna, and Federation Radio prime time news; Dnevni Avaz p. 3 “Ashdown imposes 12 laws”, Oslobodjenje front page “I am not introducing a protectorate, I just vet ministers!”, Blic p. 2 “Laws for new authority”, Nezavisne novine, p.3 “High Representative imposes 12 economic laws: Clean ground for new authorities”, Glas Srpski, p3.

“High Representative imposes new laws: Ministers to be vetted”, Vecernji List front page “High Representative imposed package of laws: Ashdown sweeps ground for new authority”, and Dnevni List p. 3 “Harmonizing of work of Federation Government: Ashdown proclaimed 12 laws from area of economy”)

In an editorial in Vecernji List (p. 4 ”Liberal kiddies and conservative wolves” ) Radoslav Dodig writes that Ashdown decided to impose the set of economic laws/decision after seeing that there was not a leader who could see the reforms through. “I do not want to be a prophet of evil, but lord Ashdown with the current international cadre cannot make a big turn. They are like seven liberal lambs being eyed by three conservative wolves”.

High Representative Paddy Ashdown will on Wednesday address the UN Security Council on the role of the International Community in BiH in the past decade. In a statement for Dnevni Avaz (p. 3), OHR Chief Spokesman Julian Braithwaite said that Ashdown will commend the UN engagement in BiH, especially in terms of reform and training of police forces and reflect on the outcome of the general elections held on October 5. Braithwaite also said that the High Representative will on Thursday travel to Washington to meet with senior officials in the US Administration and discuss the elections results in BiH.

The Chief OHR Spokesperson, Julian Braithwaite, stated that in couple of days, the OHR will take a stand with regards to the veto invoked by Bosniak and Croat members of the RS NA Constitutional Commission related to the re-balance of the RS budget. “We received the letter from the RS Constitutional Commission and we are looking into it.” (Glas Srpski, p.2, Nezavisne Novine, p.7).

In an interview with Nezavisne Novine (p. 5), the editor-in-chief of Slobodna Bosna, Senad Avdic, said that it is perfectly natural that newspapers and magazines publish information originating in documents belonging to security services. “There is nothing contentious in publishing such documents so long as they are authentic,” said Avdic, adding that Paddy Ashdown’s position on media is not clear. “Ashdown would like himself, or one of his associates, to be an arbiter, while he calls some of our most eminent journalists kafana society gossipmongers. He does not treat BiH media as a part of the European media scene. And, in his own country, he was a target of the yellow press, who wrote about his love affair with a secretary, after which he had to explain things to the public, his party, and his wife. Luckily, Paddy Ashdown and similar international diplomats with colonial mentality, are not in a position to control media in BiH and to say which journalists are kafana gossipmongers and which are, according to their criteria, a true professionals.”

In an interview with Slobodna Dalmacija (front page “BiH is a classic colony of the West”.), Stjepan Kljujic, the President of BiH Republicans, said that he is alarmed by the elections results. “This is a big defeat by the west and it happened because they did not want to establish their working methods in BiH and because they did not want to take the responsibility for anything. I believe that they did what they intended, there is only one thing left and that is to sell the Elektroprivreda and Telekom and then we’d become a classic colony”.


In an interview with Dnevni Avaz (p. 5),  the founder of the Party for BIH said that BiH needs a government of unity. “This, you must admit, does not depend on one political party. Why does everyone see the S BiH as a key factor in the implementation of elections results? I believe that we are all equally responsible.” Silajdzic explained that his party will stay in the center of political spectrum, and refused to comment on his future engagement in the political life of BiH, now that le lost the race for the Bosniak member of the BIH Presidency.

In an interview with FTV, Silajdzic said that S BiH has had a very bad experience with coalitions and that it will consider staying in opposition.

In a front page interview with Vecernji List (front page),  the leader of the Presidency of Party for BiH, Safet Halilovic, said thatall options for coalition are open and that the party will take a decision in a few days time. Speaking about the issue of compensatory mandates, Halilovic says that the issue creates a big dilemma what to do because there will be a great deal of appeals by  parties. He also mentioned the possibility of S BiH staying in opposition.


In an editorial in Slobodna Dalmacija (p. 14), Dino Mikulandra harshly criticizes the way of distribution of compensatory mandates. “By unscrupulous election alchemy, International Governors of this unfortunate state imposed once again the minority, that has not been elected anywhere, for potential rulers of this country.’” Mikulandra says that, perhaps, Lidija Korac, the President of the BiH Election Commission, is not competent enough, however, experts in shadow from Headquarters of Paddy Ashdown, the High Representative in BiH, and Clifford Bond, the American Ambassador in BiH, are aware that this manipulative ‘hodge-podge’ is unknown for any model of the Western democracy. Mikulandra also says that only in ‘Bosnoslavia’ it is possible that election losers come to power. According to the editorial, “thanks to “invisible” schemes of International Governors, BiH has got a fragmented Parliament”.

Integration processes

In an exclusive interview with Nezavisne Novine (p.4, 5), the US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond, said that the best solution for BiH and its entities is that wide coalitions of moderate parties establish new authorities. According to Bond, if national parties establish new authorities, that would slow down the development of BiH and would harm BiH relations with European countries. “European institutions, who are BiH’s prime partner in joining the integration processes, will not treat nationalist parties as their partners.” He reiterated once again that the US will support and help only the Government made up of moderate parties.

Talking at the University in Basel about EU peace policy on territory of former Yugoslavia Wolfgang Petritsch, the Austrian Envoy to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, criticized “a simplified approach” in politics and media towards the situation in Southeast Europe, especially in BiH. Petritsch stated that “arrogant lack of knowledge of real situation might have negative consequence” criticizing the way that media reported on the results of the October elections, since some foreign media proposed the division of BiH according to ethnic principles. Petritsch judged that the only solution for Southeast Europe is the European integration and that any other solution would lead towards “the division in the public and society and to the continuation of conflicts”. (Dnevni List front page)

In an editorial in Dnevni List (p.2) Ivica Glibusic  argues that, having in mind numerous unresolved problems in BiH, its way to Europe will be long and hard. “One can even conclude that the countries, which have been under control of the Ottoman Empire throughout the history, were left out from the society of European peoples because of their slow adjusting to the rules of game directed by Western countries. By closing of the European Union borders in Bulgaria and Romania in east and in Cyprus and Greece in south, an unresolved Balkans triangle remains and it can be a very aggravating factor if the issue of joining of these countries to the society of democratic peoples of Europe is not raised timely.”

General Bosko Gvozden of the RS Army said that there is a genuine desire in the RS to join the PfP. “Our efforts will give results, so I believe that BiH will soon join the PfP’. Asked whether an option of demilitarisation is possible, Gvozden says that although the idea is being endorsed in the world, such pre-requisites do not exist in BiH. General Ivan Nagulov (Croat component of Federation Army): “In a defence policy of a country, an army is just a segment, I see the problem in BiH not adopting a security policy as yet, a draft of which should have been made available to parliaments a long time ago”. Brigadier Enes Becirbasic (Bosniak component of Federation Army): “It is incorrect that Brussels rejected the Decision on organisation and work of institutions of BiH defence. We have been told that it was not sufficient and that documents need to be worked on, what we are doing (now). Had the RS not rejected the proposal of documents on military organisation of BiH, we would have been in PfP already”. (Vecernji List p. 2)

War Crimes

Chief ICTY prosecutor Carla Del Ponte will arrive to Sarajevo today for a one-day visit to the BiH capital. During her brief stay, Del Ponte is scheduled to meet with the PDHR Donald Hays, as well as senior representatives of SFOR and UN, to discuss the lack of co-operation between the RS institutions and the ICTY.

The International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia unsealed the indictments against Dragan Nikolic, Vujadin Popovic and Ljubisa Beara for the crimes committed against Muslims at Srebrenica enclave during the war. On the basis of individual responsibility, the indictment charges Nikolic, Popovic and Beara for the genocide, crimes against humanity and the violation of the war customs and laws. (Vecernje Novosti p 4, Blic p 17)

RS-related Items

Basic Court in Banja Luka on Monday sentenced 14 Bosnian Serbs to between 13 months and two months in jail for participating in last year’s biggest violence, during the attempt to lay to cornerstone for reconstruction of Ferhadija mosque. In an OP-Ed in Oslobodjenje, Daniel Omeragic calls “shameful” this ruling of the Basic Court, as this violence resulted in the one death and several dozen injuries. In separate statements for Oslobodjenje, Mirhunisa Zukic, the president of the BiH Refugee Association and Safet Halilovic of the Party for BiH, also said this is a “very sad ruling for the attempt of a mass lynch.”  (also The Independent by Irena Gajic)

In a lengthy article in Oslobodjenje (p. 4-5), Antonio Prlenda writes that BiH state could be faced with severe sanctions because the RS-based aviation company “Orao” sold equipment and provided logistics to Iraq in violation of two UN resolutions. An unnamed source told Oslobodjenje that the recent SFOR/US investigation of this company revealed that the sale is continuing to this day and that RS governments investigation team has not been very detailed in its work. “There is a wide spectrum of sanctions and disciplinary measures which could be applicable to BiH, RS, or even to individual companies or officials. These measures could be imposed by the UN, US, SFOR or even the High Representative,” said the source.

The RS Defence Ministry Spokesperson, Branko Trkulja, has stated on Monday that: “The RS Defence Ministry will not make any comment on results of the SFOR inspection at the RS Aviation Centre “Orao” from Bijeljina until the RS Defence Ministry Commission investigation completes.” The RS Defence Ministry Commission is to complete the investigation (into allegations that the Aviation Centre violation the UN embargo on arms sales to Iraq) by the end of October. Trkulja said that the Ministry has been informed on inspection at the Orao, but without concrete proofs that Orao exported components for arms systems to other countries. (Vecernje Novosti p 10, Nacional p 11, Blic p 16)

Blic (p 16) reports that the recent SFOR’s search in Orao revealed that a large amount of the equipment has been exported abroad through Jugoimport (former SDPR), a Belgrade’s firm that deals with foreign trade of military equipment. A document found in purse of Goran Santrac, LC in the RS Army and director of marketing in Orao, addressed to the Iraqi Ministry of Defence, reads that Jugoimport could not deliver all equipment on 30 June 2002. A part of that equipment is in port Bar (Montenegro) waiting for a permit from Syria. The document requests Iraqis to remove all instructions in Serbo-Croatian language and to return them to Jugoimport’s experts. It also requests removal of Orao symbol/mark from all documents, catalogues and lab-equipment. In case of the UN’s inspection, Jugoimport suggests its experts to dismantle the equipment in 10 days time and Iraqis need to hide it. When the inspection is over, Jugoimport will install the equipment again in 10 days time. The document orders Iraqis to prevent the UN inspectors to see that back-up equipment was bought from Orao – they need to make a new symbol/mark similar to Orao’s, which they will put over Orao’s. The document is dated 25 September 2002, and signed by Colonel Krsto Grujovic, director of Jugoimport’s branch in Baghdad. As Blic learns, the SFOR has forwarded this document to the American government. According to reliable information, Blic learns that FRY President Vojislav Kostunica, Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, Yugoslav Minister of Foreign Affairs Zoran Svilanovic and President of Yugoslav Government Dragisa Pesic are aware of existence of these documents. Blic also learns that the international inspectors who investigate channels of weapon distribution and trade, have spoke with Serbian Minister of Interior Affairs, Dusan Mihajlovic, who is president of Jugoimport’s Steering Board, about this. As Blic learns, there are indications that money earned in this transaction was used in Vojislav Seselj’s pre-election campaign.


While filming the incident that occurred on Friday, in the yard of Orthodox church in Brcko settlement of Meraje, an RTRS cameraman Zoran Veselic, was threatened by unknown individual (Glas Srpski, cover page, Nezavisne Novine, p.8). According to Veselic, while he was doing his job, a car stopped behind him and a person in the car threaten to slaughter him. A cameraman and a journalist of the Brcko based TV HiT, Mirko Trifkovic and Srdjan Ilic faced similar threats. TV HiT filed a complaint with the Brcko police. Glas Srpski (p.5) quotes the Head of Brcko police, Tomislav Roncevic, as saying that the police is not aware of any violation of public peace and order and that it is not police job to determine to whom the land in question belongs.

Electronic Media Headlines


  • High Representative removes Munir Alibabic from the post of FOSS Director
  • Prison sentences for accused in Ferhadija case ranging from 2 to 13 months
  • High Representative imposes 12 laws
  • Carla Del Ponte delivered in Belgrade two new indictments for war crimes in Srebrenica
  • According to unofficial results, Milo Dukanovic winner of elections in Monte Negro


  • High Representative removes Munir Alibabic from the post of FOSS director
  • High Representative imposed 12 laws in the area of economy
  • 14 persons accused for violence during the layer of the foundations stone for Ferhadija sentenced
  • Dissatisfied parties are seeking justice before the BiH State Court


  • 3 indictments for crimes in Srebrenica have been unsealed.
  • Ashdown proclaimed 12 laws on economy.
  • 2 to 13 months of imprisonment for Ferhadija.
  • Once again, incidents took place in Brcko.
  • Milo Djukanovic’s Democratic List for European Montenegro won Montenegrin elections.