
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 2/10/2005



Andan on list of war criminals?

Dnevni Avaz

OHR rejected RS Government’s proposal

Dnevni List

Handball European League

Vecernji List

Armies of Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks being abolished

Nezavisne Novine

EC asks for new proposal

NOTE: No Electronic Media Monitoring Report due to technical problems

Political Developments/Reforms

EC, OHR rejects new RS Government’s police reform proposal









Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘RS Government does not want European principles’, Dnevni List pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘New proposal represent only buying of time’, Nezavisne Novine cover page, pg 3 – European Commission and the OHR on Saturday rejected the latest proposal on police reform offered a day earlier by RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic. Head of EC Delegation to BiH Michael Humphreys noted that the TRS authorities were working on the police reform issue but that they should make a proposal in accordance with EU principles as soon as possible. The Office of the High Representative [OHR] said on Saturday that the new RS Government’s police reform proposal was not in line with the principles set out by the European Commission. The OHR said it regretted this fact and urged the RS authorities to “immediately present a new proposal which will be in line with the European Commission principles”, OHR Spokesman Mario Brkic said.

FBiH Police Director Mevludin Halilovic says that the new RS offer did not even look like an European model of police organisation. SNSD Executive Board Chairman Nebojsa Radmanovic reiterated that his party had not participated in making the new RS police reform proposal since they considered it senseless. SP RS leader Petar Djokic believes that it would have been better if RS Government just said it was accepting the three European principles without going into further details.

Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 2 also covered the issue. In addition, the daily quotes BiH CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic as saying that he has not received the full text of the new RS proposal but that the good thing is the talks on the issue have not been stopped.

RS PM Bukejlovic: Government will take the position on OHR rejection of police reform proposal on Monday

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Bukejlovic: IT is about position of RS political leaders’,SRNA – RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic said that the proposal relating to police reform “reflects the attitudes of the leading politicians in RS that have been presented recently”. “Now the RS political parties should take their stand on the OHR statement/rejection of the latest RS police reform proposal and the Government will do the same thing on Monday”, Bukejlovic told SRNA.

SDA’s leader Tihic says there is still possibility to agree on police reform by Dayton Anniversary


Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Agreement on police reform by Dayton anniversary’, SRNA– President of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) Sulejman Tihic said that there must be single police force in Bosnia, similar to joint military structure, and there was possibility to reach agreement on police reform solutions by the Dayton Agreement 10th Anniversary.

Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘BiH without entities by the end of the year’  – After the session of the SDA Main Borad in Bihac on Saturday, SDA leader and BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic said he was expecting that a consensus on principles of constitutional changes strengthening the BiH state institutions would be reached by the Dayton Anniversary. 

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Survival of RS cannot be condition for constitutional changes’ also reports on SDA main Board session.

HDZ’s Covic, Jovic on crisis in BiH institutions


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Early elections are nonsense’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Crisis in CoM obvious’, SRNA – President of the HDZ BiH Dragan Covic said in Banja Luka on Saturday it was obvious that BiH legislative and executive authorities were in deep crisis. In the next 10 days we will try to assemble representatives of parliamentary parties and discuss the need for BiH to properly function until the next elections.

Chairman of the BiH presidency Ivo Miro Jovic said in Banja Luka on Saturday that he saw no reason for the crisis in the work of the BiH Council of Ministers, but it was obvious it has been there for a year.

NN interview with Terzic: Let the BiH Presidency remove me


Nezavisne Novine pgs 8-9, mentioned on cover ‘Let the BiH Presidency remove me’ – In an interview with the daily, BiH CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic said he had no intention to resign from office since, according to him, there were good relations inside CoM, which in general functions properly. However, Terzic said “it would suit to him personally if the BiH Presidency withdraws its support to him.”  Terzic also emphasized that he believed in success of police reform and that he was encouraged by announcements of additional US Administration assistance to BiH.


War Crimes

Oslobodjenje: Andan on list of war criminals?


Oslobodjenje cover page, pg3 ‘Andan on list of war criminals?’ – RS Police Director Dragomir Andana is not on the list of persons involved in/connected with Srebrenica crime, according to RS Ministry of Interior. The daily says that since there are certain members of Srebrenica Task Force who disagree with this fact believing Andan should be on the list, the Task Force prolonged signing of the final report until Tuesday.