
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 20/5/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 20 May


RTRS (12,00 hrs)

UHSP launches initiative for Croat TV

RS teachers to go on strike

Paravac at cultural forum inBulgaria

BiH farmers to demand resignations

On OSCE/ICTY cooperation

Serbs in Obrovac in fear

TV news broadcast on 19 May


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

FBIH Government session

EU Commission in visit to BiH

Del Ponte on ICTY fugitives

EUPM on police reform

HR on TV Centre in Mostar

HR on RS/FBiH police directors

HR considers Andan’s statement

BiH HoP’s Commission on PBS Law

Meeting between EU and BiH

Hrvatski Blok on RTV system law

OHR on police reform talks

Solana on police reform talks


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

EU Commission in visit to BiH

No green light for SAA negotiations

Del Ponte on ICTY indictees

Del Ponte on ICTY indictees

OHR on police reform/RSNA

EU team in Sarajevo

OSCE to monitor war crime trials

BiH on Feasibility Study conditions

CTF press conference

Feature story on Simsic’s crimes

Del Ponte on ICTY fugitives

HR’s interview for RTRS



To Europe with Ashdown hardly, even harder without him

Dnevni Avaz

We do not want to be taken in by somebody’s manipulation

Dnevni List

HR Paddy Ashdown in Mostar yesterday: Politicians against unification

Vecernji List

Organs: Thousands of people in FBiH waiting for kidneys and heart

Slobodna Dalmacija

Sex requested from widow of a defender (alleged sex scandal in Banovici involving members of local housing commission)

Glas Srpske

There is a Spanish link

Nezavisne Novine

No positive assessment


They have requested for more, but they received less

Vecernje Novosti

Features Serbia related titles

Srpski Nacional

Features Serbia related titles



SDS Vice-president Bosic says RS public against proposed police reform concept


FENA – SDS Vice President Mladen Bosic stated for the Bijeljina-based BN TV last night that the public opinion in the RS was against the proposed concept of police reform in BiH. “This is more than reforms and it represents the Dayton Peace Agreement change,” said Bosic. He believes that the international community wants a silent/quiet change to the peace agreement since they are assessing that a public/transparent change might lead to very dangerous situations.

UHSP launches initiative for establishment Croat TV

RHB – United Croat Party of Right (UHSP) BiH launches initiative for organization of the referendum on establishment Croat TV at the BiH level, whose work would be financed and subscription fees paid by Croats. The press release also says that UHSP demands support for this initiative from Croat representatives in the BiH Parliamentary Assembly.

Paravac at cultural forum in Bulgaria


RHB – Chairman of the BiH Presidency Borislav Paravac leads the BiH delegation at the regional forum called ‘Cultural corridors in Southeast Europe – joint past and inheritance key for future partnership’, which takes place in Bulgaria.

Discussion ’10 years after Dayton’ held in Washington


RHB – The discussion called ’10 years after Dayton – stability of Balkans and issue of Kosovo’ was held in Washington and on this occasion Nicholas Burns, who is an assistant to the US state secretary for political issues stated that Dayton is of great help to BiH peoples. Asked to comment on the statement given by Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla del Ponte and say whether the DPA is an obstacle or way for BiH to join the European integration, Burns stated that the USA fully support del Ponte and the things she does.

RS teachers to go on strike on 27 May


RS Radio – The RS Syndicate of Education, Science and Culture decided at today’s session in Doboj that Primary and Secondary Schools, Faculties and Institutions of culture in RS will go on strike on 27 May at 08:00 hrs. The strike will last for one day, announced  Ranka Misic, Syndicate President. She noted that RS Government had violated the collective agreement of educational staff.


Consultative Task Force Meeting/Reforms of Police, PBS

BiH fails to get green light for start of EU Stabilization and Association talks








Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘No recommendation without police reform’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘BiH will not start talks with EU’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Nothing will come of Agreement on Association’ by E. Mackic, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘First police and TV, then negotiations’ by D. Jazvic, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘No positive assessment’ by M. CubroONASA – As expected, BiH did not get a green light for starting of negotiations for signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union (EU) because it has not met two conditions – the police reform and the adoption of the law on Public Broadcasting System, it was announced in Sarajevo on Thursday. Director of the European Commission Directorate General for Enlargement Reinhard Priebe said after the sixth meeting of the Consultative Task Force on Thursday that the most important thing at the moment is to reach an agreement on these two issues. “This country needs an efficient police structure, based on unique rules on the state level. It must also be harmonized with EU principles,” Priebe said. He said that unless an agreement is reached on these two issues, the EC will not be able to give its recommendation for the start of negotiations. At the CTF meeting, the BiH officials presented the EU representatives with the ongoing reform processes in the country. Director of BiH Directorate for European Integrations Osman Topcagic confirmed that there were still two remaining issues that were police reform and law on public RTV system. EU representatives were especially interested in security and ways of fighting organised crime. BiH Deputy Security Minister Dragan Mektic stated that the EU representatives evaluated that the progress in fight against crime was made. BiH officials stated that the process of reforms implementation would be continued.

Brussels disappointed with interruption of police reform talks; ICG believes time has come to award BiH


BHT Elvir Bucalo – Official Brussels is disappointed with interruption in the process of police reform in BiH, it is confirmed for BHT from the Office of the EU High Commissioner of Foreign Affairs and Security, Javier Solana. He calls on local politicians to unconditionally resume with negotiations and start with implementation of police reform as soon as possible. On another side, independent analysts such International Crisis Group Balkans Director Nicholas Whyte is, believes that the time has come to award BiH. “I think that it is entirely fair, considering the fact that Croatia is near the SAA without handing over Gotovina, SCG has a Feasibility Study without complete cooperation with the ICTY, with numerous voluntary surrenders of Bosnian Serbs, I think that the start of negotiations is a reasonable award for BiH,” said Whyte. According to announced agenda, EU ministers won’t further discuss BiH police reform at the next meeting scheduled for Monday.

Ashdown says police reform requires change of Dayton


RTRS – A short preview of HR Paddy Ashdown’s interview for RTRS Aktuelni Razgovor current affairs program was shown in the news. HR stated that police reform means that Dayton Agreement will have to be changed and that is why key decision has to be made by local politicians and not the international community. He stressed that EU will not change its rules for BIH and added that it is about time for local politicians to take responsibility for their activities because if they don’t do that they will never reach EU. He also stated that RS is the only one that will remain the black hole on the region since all other countries are on the way towards the EU. The whole interview with HR was broadcasted after the news.

OHR on police reform: All is now in hands of RS parliamentarians


Pink, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘RSNA can correct damage made’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘The Assembly to lessen the damage’ by M. Dz.  – OHR Spokesperson, Ljiljana Radetic said in Banjaluka on Thursday that talks on police reform which failed, since RS politicians rejected solutions they had previously accepted on Vlasic, brought BiH a step backward, in terms on negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement. “BiH is not going to enter Europe until the three EU principles regarding police reform do not be met. The question is how long will BiH citizens have to wait. Failure to meet European Commission terms presents huge disappointment for BiH citizens”, said Radetic. But still, Radetic said that all chances had not been lost. She added that it was up to RS National Assembly, which, during its extraordinary session, would have to accept terms, which the International Community has set in order to reduce the damage.

Op-ed on police reform by British Ambassador Rycroft: Crossroads on the path to Europe

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Crossroads on the path to Europe’ by Matthew Rycroft (Ambassador to Great Britain to BiH) – the author notes that, unless RS NA and leaders of RS agree on police region maps that would cross inter-entity boundaries, the situation might worsen – no ASA, no new investments, no new jobs, no economic progress and no possibility of traveling without visas. He emphasized that there is no risk for RS in the process of police reform.

PDP’s Zaric: Delegates will not violate principles on police reform


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘No giving up’ by M. S. – PDP’s Mladjan Zaric has stated that the atmosphere among delegates is such that they will not violate the principles RS political parties’ representatives refused to violate during the talks on police reform. He has stated that the delegates are aware of the risk such decision brings, but most of them is willing to take the burden of their decision.

DA interview with French Ambassador De Fabiani on police reform


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Banja Luka should pass hardest decisions’, mentioned on cover ’Organized crime is ‘black hole’ ’ by L. Sinanovic – In an interview given to DA, French Ambassador to BiH Henry Zipper de Fabiani denies that he was lobbying for organization of future police maps in the regions, which would not cross existing inter-entity lines. He also says that as a member of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board and an international diplomat he has contacts with the High Representative and he supports the HR’s policy in general. According to de Fabiani, the French policy supports that BiH becomes a partner in the Stabilization and Accession Agreement. De Fabiani believes that political leaders should pass the joint decision as far as the police reform is concerned and, according to him, it is clear that hardest decisions should be passed in Banja Luka . Asked if there is a possibility that BiH remains ‘a black hole’ when the membership in the EU is in question, de Fabiani says that such black hole already exists and that is the organized crime, which can be defeated if we have efficient police. 

Competent HoP body starts discussion on PBS Law


Pink, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Next week about amendments’ by V.Z. – The Commission for Foreign and Trade Policy of the BiH HoP on Wednesday opened discussion on the proposed Law on PBS, confirmed Velimir Jukic, Commission member. He noted the phase of amendments has been opened, after which the Commission will make Report to be proposed to delegates of BiH HoP.

HR says Croats should be satisfied with proposed PBS Law solutions

Pink – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown said in Mostar on Thursday Croats should find the compromise on establishment of TV centre in Mostar acceptable, since the establishment of broadcasters, which should broadcast program in just one language would oppose the Dayton Agreement.

Croat block against RTV Law


Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Croat block of BiH unhappy with Law on RTV system’, not signed – Carries a press release of the Croat block of BiH in which the party is unhappy with the adoption of the Law on RTV system in BiH, claiming that the law again trod on the Croats’ constitutional and rights stipulated by international human rights conventions.

SD op-ed: Croats entitled to RTV channel in own language


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 16 ‘One plus one plus one equals two’, by Petar Milos – Carries an op-ed in which the author writes about the issue of PBS law in BiH. Milos writes: “In the situation when beside an RTV at the state level, there are the RTV of RS and the Federation TV, which is not Croat by either programming or language or number of staff, it is legitimate to ask for an own TV channel in own language”.


War Crimes/Terrorism

ICTY’s Del Ponte addresses OSCE Council in Vienna : Karadzic and Mladic must be in The Hague by July 11











RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Mladic is in Serbia, Karadzic somewhere between SCXG and BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘How can those who were not capable of catching Karadzic and Mladic can go to Srebrenica’, Dnevni List, pg 10 ‘We expect Gotovina in The Hague’, not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 5 ‘Del Ponte: We expect Gotovina very soon’, by H, Vecernji List, pg 11 ‘Gotovina is within Zagreb’s reach’, by Snjezana Herek, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Mladic is in Serbia, Karadzic is between SiCG and BiH, while Gotovina is between Croatia and BiH’ by Beta, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Trinity is closing the circle’ by Beta – Chief ICTY Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte said in Vienna on Thursday that she was going to boycott a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide, if Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are not extradited to the ICTY by the date. Del Ponte said she would visist Sarajevo in 15 days in an attempt to make additional pressures on the International Community to do all in its power to make Belgrade and Pale authorities cooperate with NATO and EUFOR in order for these two ICTY indictees to be arrested. Del Ponte stated that ICTY indictee Ratko Mladic was hiding in Serbian territory, Radovan Karadzic was moving along border between BiH and Serbia-Montenegro (SCG). According to Del Ponte, Ante Gotovina is hiding somewhere between BiH and Croatia . Organization for European security and cooperation and the ICTY brought decision on cooperation by which OSCE missions in Croatia , BiH and SCG are going to be in charge of monitoring the war crime cases which the ICTY have transferred to national judiciaries in Croatia , BiH and SCG. In her address to OSCE Permanent Council, Del Pontesaid that the ICTY had proposed 10 cases on 18 war crime indictees to be transferred to the national judiciary systems.

Sarajevo Prosecutor Sljivar: 200 to 250 Serbs were murdered in Sarajevo during the war


Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash ‘We do not want to be taken in by somebody’s manipulation’ and pg 5 ‘200 to 250 Serbs were murdered in Sarajevo during the war’ by Edina Sarac – In an interview to DA, Branko Sljivar, Sarajevo Canton Chief Prosecutor, calls on all those who claim several thousand Serbs were murdered in Sarajevo during the war to approach the Court and bring evidence, noting that Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office, which is the leading PO in BiH for the number of processed cases of war crimes, is ready to have a showdown with the most severest crimes regardless of ethnic backgroup of the perpetrator or victim. On this he notes: “We do not want to be taken in by political manipulation with the number of the dead. Nobody denies war crime was committed in the area of SarajevoCanton, but we deny the number of victims.” He says the real number of victims ranges from 200 to 250 Serbs murdered, noting those failing under qualification of criminal act of murder (coming under war crimes).

McElhaney: No reconciliation until all missing persons are found and identified


EuroBlic pg RS3, announced on cover ‘McElhaney: no reconciliation until all missing persons are found’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Support to projects of identification of missing persons in BiH’ by J. Sarac, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Truth for reconciliation’ by Srna – US Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney stated in Tuzla Thursday that there can be no reconciliation in BiH until all missing persons are found and identified. He added that it was an obligation of United States to aid projects of the InternationalCenter for Forensics (ICMP). BHT, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 also covered the issue.

Ashdown says he would not speculate on possible measures against high-ranking police officials in BiH


BHT – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, stated in Mostar on Thursday that he don’t want to speculate on measures against high officials of Entities’ polices. As a reminder, RS Police Director, Dragomir Andan, stated that terrorist attack on Madrid from last year was prepared in BiH, while FBiH Police Director, Zlatko Miletic, stated that ICTY indictee, Radovan Karadzic, was in Eastern BiH last month. “I will look into some reports that I am expecting and when I read them, I will see what needs to be done and I will do it” said Ashdown and added that police chief should not be stars in the media, there job is to hunt criminals.

OHR: Ashdown would look into RS Police Director Andan’s Islamic terrorism-related statements


RHB, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Ashdown to look into/consider Andan’s statements’, FENA – Spokesperson for the OHR in Banja Luka Ljiljana Radetic confirmed to FENA on Thursday that High Representative Paddy Ashdown would review statements by RS Police Director Dragomir Andan that terrorist attacks in Madrid were prepared in BiH. She was unable to specify whether Ashdown would dismiss Andan and reminded that the High Representative never speaks about his decisions in advance. Radetic said that Ashdown would receive and review the report from EUPM Commissioner Kevin Carty concerning statements by the RS Police Director. Spokesperson for the EUPM office in Banja Luka Vedrana Dimitrijevic confirmed to FENA that EUPM representatives have gathered all the necessary documentation concerning statements by RS Police Director Andan and that it would be forwarded to the High Representative to decide on further steps. Dimitrijevic was unable to specify what information EUPM has gathered so far and added that this is internal correspondence. She said that EUPM representatives met with Andan, and that they have also contacted SIPA to establish whether this agency has received specific information on Andan’s claims, and it was established that SIPA has not been informed. All media reports concerning Andan’s statements have also been collected. Dimitrijevic repeated that EUPM thinks that all intelligence concerning this issue need to be sent to relevant institutions, the State Investigations and Protection Agency in this case, so that adequate measures can be taken. Andan told a press conference on May 10 that he has information that 11 persons that carried out the terrorist attack in Madrid were prepared in BiH, i.e. that they went to Madrid from BiH.

Glusac: Matijasevic has not considered yet possibility of Andan’s removal


Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Matijasevic has not considered yet possibility of Andan’s removal’ by E. SaracZoran Glusac, a Head of the Cabinet of the RS Minister of Interior, Darko Matijasevic, stated that Matijasevic has not considered yet a possibility to propose removal of RS Police Director Dragomir Andan because of Andan’s statement about involvement of terrorists from BiH in the terrorist attack in Madrid. DA also says that according to the RS law on interior affairs, an Independent Board appoints and removes the RS Police Director, while the RSNA and RS Minister of Interior can also submit proposal for removal of the RS Police Director. DA concludes that it is interesting that, so far, none has paid attention on Andan’s wartime past because of which he should not be at his current position at all.  

Indictment for terrorist attacks mentions BiH 300 times and Zenica 19 times


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘There is a Spanish link’ by D. M. – the article carries bits and pieces of an article published in “Dani” magazine several days before Dragomir Andan published the information on links between Madrid attack and terrorists from BiH. The article reads the indictment against Islamic terrorists, brought over the attacks on New York, Washington and Madrid , mentions BiH 300 times and Zenica 19 times.

VL: Bosniak officials in OSA hindering anti-terrorist activities


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Mole reveals associates in anti-terrorist fight’, by Zoran Kresic – VL learns from an anonymous source “close to intelligence services in BiH” that several senior Bosniak officials of OSA (BiH intelligence service) prevented activities whose aim was to reveal links between the Islamic community of BiH and persons believed to be connected with terrorist acts. VL also says that cover of OSA’s associates, who are involved in the fight against terrorism, was blown after the ‘SAFF’ magazine published their files and pictures. According to VL, these sensitive information are managed/protected by one Osman Mehmedagic AKA Osmica, who used to be the chief of security of the late Alija Izetbegovic. A former employee of BiH intelligence claims the information could not leak without Mehmedagic authorizing it.


Economic/Social Issues

HR and Beslic opened fair ‘Days of cherry’ in Mostar






RHB, Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Best and healthiest products in Europe are being cultivated here’ by F. Vele, Dnevni List pg 16 ’85 exhibitors present themselves at fair’ by S. Bjelica , Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Days of cherry in Mostar’ by ra, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 14 ‘Healthiest food in Europe’ by M. Landeka and last pg ‘Herzegovinian fair ‘Days of cherry 2005’ opened’ by E. Karamatic – High Representative Paddy Ashdown and Mostar Mayor Ljubo Beslic opened in Mostar on Thursday an international fair of economy, agriculture, food and tourism ‘Days of cherry 2005’. On this occasion the HR stated that the best and healthiest products in BiH and Europe are being cultivated in this area, however, BiH’s import is much bigger than its production and the general situation when agriculture in BiH is in question is bad. According to the HR, this should change since agriculture is the biggest source of wealth in BiH and fairs show all possibilities for the development.   

BiH CoM Chair, Finance Minister visiting USA , discussing financial issues with US, WB, IMF officials


Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘USA will continue aiding BiH’ by Sead Numanovic – The US Deputy Minister of Treasury, Nancy L:ee, stated after Thursday’s meeting with Adnan Terzic, BiH COM Chair in Washington that USA Administration welcomes the establishment of a Fiscal Council and it is ready to continue cooperation with the BiH authorities. The meeting with Nancy Lee, in charge of monitoring the situation in BiH,  marked the commencement of series of talks Terzic and Ljerka Maric, BiH Finance Minister, will hold in Washington . Terzic also met with the elading officials of the IMF and WB, as well as the number of congressmen, senators and officials of the White House and Department of State. Lee commended BiH authorities for the results achieved in the field of economy over the last year.

Articles on problems related to further capitalisation/sale of Energopetrol


Oslobodjenje pg 6, announced on cover ‘INA-MOL and Vrankic do not accept Zigic’ conditions’ by A.Avdic – The Consortium INA-MOL did not accept all the conditions F BiH Government has placed before it, and on whose fulfillment is one of pre-requisites for the signing of final contract on further capitalization of Energopetrol d.d. from Sarajevo. Franjo Bozic, INA BiH Director, says “INA accepts only those duties in line with the Law. However, we are ready to negotiate.” He rejected to name Government demands that were not accepted. Izet Zigic, F BiH Minister in charge, says “I responsibility claim that Consortium has accepted all the conditions set.” Daily learns from the sources close to negotiators that INA-MOL does not accept conditions related to: returns of INA debts, and write-off of debts towards F BiH.

Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘The sale of Energopetrol to INA-MOL is genocide in economic regard’, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 17 ‘Economic genocide of INA over Bosniaks’, by D. Pasic – The F BiH Distributors of oil and oil derivatives are of the view that the sale of Energopetrol to Croatian INA and Hungarian firm MOL would truly represent a genocide in economic regard against citizens, economy and businessmen in BiH.

RS education workers to go on one-day strike to protest against reduction of their salaries


EuroBlic cover pg splash and pg RS5 ‘They have requested for more but they received less’ by Rajna Radosavljevic – The Chairman of RS Education Trade Union, Ranka Misic, has announced education workers would go on strike for a day next week in order to show the Government they do not agree with decrease in their salaries. According to Misic, salaries of education workers who work at primary schools and culture have decreased for 3% and 8% respectively. ‘The Government reduced our salaries without any warning or explanation and we simply will not let this happen. Everything seems like a bad joke – while we were asking for a raise they have reduced what was already a miserable income of an education worker’, Misic says. RS Education Ministry, on the other hand, claims the reduction of salaries of workers at primary schools was not a result of their decision, but it was a result of a general situation, which is unfavorable for all budgetary beneficiaries.

RS Government’s session on “Srpske Poste”


Pink, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘“Srpske Poste” purchased new anti-burglary system aside of a tender’ by R. Segrt – RS Government held a session Thursday at which it obliged representatives of “Srpske Poste” to establish management bodies of this firm in as shortest time possible. The RS Government did not discuss the removal of “Srpske Poste” Director Milutin Pejic. According to unofficial information, representatives of the Government and “Srpske Poste” came in a conflict during the session because Pejic has assigned the job of providing “Srpske Poste” with anti-burglary system despite to the fact that RS Ministry of Finances had annulled the tender for this job.

Glas Srpske pg 4 ‘Shareholders to assess the business management’ by M. Dzepina – also reported on RS Government session on “Srpske Poste”.

RS Government discussed the situation in Brod Refinery


Pink, FTV, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘“Brod” to change course?’ by G. Dakic – RS Government discussed situation at Bosanski Brod Oil Refinery and it concluded that the firm owes 6,4 million us dollars to “Vitoil” firm from London. ‘We have determined a number of omissions of the Refinery management. The competent Ministry and the firm’s management should undertake suitable measures in order to find the most favorable solution and repair damage’, RS Government’s Spokesman Zlatko Juric has stated.


Political Developments

HR on integration of Mostar













Oslobodjenje ‘Progress in Mostar’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Forces that act behind City Council’s back still exist in Mostar’ by F.V., Dnevni List, front pg splash ‘Politicians against unification ‘ and pg 17 ‘Ashdown: There are political forces that work against unification of Mostar’, not signed – Carries the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, who stated during his yesterday’s (Thursday) visit to Mostar that the process of unification of the city was going forward, but not at the desired pace. “I sometime fear for the whole process because the forces that would like to introduce policy that is not in the interest of the citizens could return. There are certain forces that are working behind the back of the City Council and whose interest is politics, not the interest of citizens. If they were to succeed in their intentions, that would be a tragedy for the whole process of unification of Mostar”,said HR Ashdown.

Dnevni List, pg 17 ‘Ashdown forbids political activities of Hadziomerovic!?’, mentioned on front ‘Ashdown bans activities of president of Mostar SDA’, by Nermin Bise – According to DL’s “reliable information”, HR Ashdown announced during an informal conversation (DL does not specify with whom HR Ashdown talked) that he could get involved in the inter-party conflict in the SDA City Board of Mostar after Zijo Hadziomerovic (former Head of Mostar’s Municipality Old Town) got elected as the new president of the said Board. According to DL, a decision on banning Hadziomerovic from future political activities could be taken as early as today (Friday) or early next week. In a statement for DL, Hadziomerovic says the possibility is highly likely. He also explains that everything was started by the people who lost the trust of the SDA Mostar gathered around former Mayor and president of SDA Mostar, Hamdija Jahic.

Ashdown meets with Mostar City Council Chair Coric


RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Progress in Mostar’ not signed – High Representative Paddy Ashdown and President of the Mostar City Council Murat Coric talked in Mostar on Thursday about current events in this city. Asked by the HR about implementation of reforms, Coric referred on passing the Mostar budget for 2005 and unification of Mostar institutions. The HR noticed that progress in Mostar is obvious and he promised that his personal engagement in the whole process of changes would continue.

Oslobodjenje article comments on frequent requests for diminishing HR’s powers


Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, announced on cover ‘To Europe with Ashdown hardly, even harder without him’ by Alda Omeragic – The daily writes about most often requests for diminution of HR’s powers. The author notes that nobody can make an assessment whether the time has come when OHR, with its powers, will no longer be necessary in BiH, adding that requests for diminishing of HR’s powers are more frequent lately. Without brining names of those, author says that many delegates in BiH and NGO’s officials share the view the powers should be cut. On the other hand, Omer Ibrahimagic, member of Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals, and Vlatko Dolocek, member of Circle ’99, share the view that without HR and his powers BiH will not get closer to Europe. Srdjan Dizdarevic, President of BiH Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, is of the view that Ashdown and his successor must recur to “original Dayton authorities”, which need to be diminished asap. Oleg Milisic, OPHR Spokesperson, said that OHR is satisfied with the fact discussion on powers has been opened, noting that BiH ahs not still completed reform processes. 

HR Ashdown on his future in BiH; OHR on HR’s trip to London


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 7, mentioned on front ‘Ashdown: I will come to BiH only to my weekend house’, by M. Landeka – High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, stated in Mostar on Thursday that he did intend to run for a new duty in BiH, be it as a High Representative for BiH or as an EU Special Representative in BiH. He said he was going to visit BiH only as a private person because he has a weekend house on the Jablanica lake. The article also carried an OHR spokesperson, Sanela Tunovic, as explaining what the HR will be doing in London, where he is to meet with representatives of the IC on Monday. Tunovic says HR Ashdown will be meeting with politicians from the UK, USA, Germany and France in order to discuss the future role of the OHR in BiH and transfer of authorities from the HR onto the EUSR. Dnevni List, pg 17 ‘Paddy returns to BiH only as tourist’ also covered the issue.

NN op-ed on HR: Exhibitionism at somebody else’s cost


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Exhibitionism on at somebody else’s cost’ by Slavo Kukic – The author, with sarcasm refers to HR Paddy Ashdown words that he is working with reformists, not nationalists. The author stresses that the truth is just the opposite to words British exhibitionist, as he calls him, says. “The only true thing is that we have a nationalistic authority and we cannot get to Europe with it. Anything else is cleansing of somebody conscience. And transfer of responsibility onto other for his own failures.”

Feral Tribune comments on issue of constitutional changes in BiH


Feral Tribune, pg 22 ‘Assembly’, by Ivan Lovrenovic – Carries an article dedicated to the issue of constitutional changes in BiH and the 10th anniversary of Dayton Peace Accord in which the author writes: “On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the Dayton agreement and parliamentary elections, the political life in BiH is in deep atrophy for which both the domestic politicians and the international administration led by Paddy Ashdown are responsible”. The author also talks about recent meeting of Croat political parties in BiH, which are discussing the issue of constitutional changes, with HDZ on one, and other (Croat) political parties on the other side. In that context, Lovrenovic says it will be very difficult for the parties to come up with some sort of a “Croat platform” because of evident differences in interests among them.

FBiH Government in session


RHB, Pink, BHT, FTV, Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Organs: Thousands of people in FBiH waiting for kidneys and heart’ and pg 3 ‘400 patients will soon undergo transplantations’, by Zoran Kresic, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Funds for transplantations of organs secured’, by Arijana Beus, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘FBiH Government decides on transplantation procedure’, by E. Karamatic – The FBiH Government, which was in session in Mostar on Thursday, took a decision which determines bodies, persons and medical institutions that will be in charge of issues pertaining to transplantation of organs in the FBiH. According to the FBiH Healthcare Minister, Tomo Lucic, a considerable amount of money has been allocated for the transplantations and post-op medicines.

Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Double years of service for period spent in military’, by Ivica Glibusic – The Government also took a decision which sets criteria, way and procedure pertaining to recognizing the period spent in the defence of BiH. The period will be recognized as years in service in the double amount.

RS Government: police and laws are disputable


EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Police and laws are disputable’ by M. Soja – Based upon conclusions adopted during a meeting of CTF, RS Government will monitor the implementation of measures that should provide with fulfillment of all post-accession obligations of BiH towards CoE. RS Government has reached a conclusion that BiH had fulfilled majority of obligations and a special progress was made with regard to development of human rights. The RS Government believes a progress still has to be made in implementation of Constitutional Laws in RS, police reform and adoption of state law on high education. The article reports that the Government did not discuss the police reform negotiations during the session.

PDP’s Zaric: RS Government does not have a blank support of PDP


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘RS Government does not have a blank support of PDP’ by Z. K. – Member of PDP Presidency Mladjan Zaric has stated that RS Government does not have a blank support of PDP. He has assessed that the Government of former PM Dragan Mikerevic was doing a better job than the Government of Pero Bukejlovic. ‘We have seen nothing new or more quality in the work of this Government activities of which are not pointed in direction of reform processes, such as Mikerevic’s cabinet had been implementing’, Zaric said.

DL: Conflicts within HDZ, Covic in close ties with British MI6


Dnevni List, pg 9, mentioned on front ‘Personal conflicts intensified’, by Investigative team – DL learns from “intelligence-political circles” that personal conflicts within the HDZ BiH, prior to the HDZ BiH convention scheduled for June 4, have intensified. According to DL, an information has leaked according to which former member of BiH Presidency and candidate to become new HDZ president, Dragan Covic, kept close contacts with senior agents of the British MI6. To back this claim up, DL says some BiH intelligence officers are in possession of a document which shows that Covic had several meetings with British agents in Vienna in June 2002, prior to BiH general elections, when Covic asked for help in order to defend himself from several court cases and enable him to run for the BiH Presidency. Claiming that the British intelligence is incorporated into the BiH intelligence and political system through the OHR, DL says Covic, as a return favour, promised he would make staff changes within the HDZ BiH that would help realization of UK’s aims in BiH.

SD: HDZ BiH severs connections with HDZ of Croatia


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 14, mentioned on front ‘HDZ BiH severs cooperation n with HDZ’, by Marin Erceg – The author argues that the two sister parties, HDZ BiH and HDZ of Croatia, are parting ever so much. The reason behind this, according to Erceg, is because the parties’ leaderships are running completely opposite policies. Erceg explains: Sanader (Ivo, Croatian HDZ president, Croatian PM) in Zagreb is running a policy that is in the interest of the party, people and the state, running a new, pro-European policy, whilst Dragan Covic is running a policy that serves his personal interest and the interest of those who can help him in that, even if they are Serb and Bosniak politicians or Paddy Ashdown himself. Everything else is less relevant”.