
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 20/10/2005

Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 20 October


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

No avian flu in RS

Conference onDayton in Geneva

No danger for bird blue

ICTY on sentence to Bralo

Avian flu

“Autoprevoz” workers on strike in BL

EU on Croatian legislation

World news

Geneva conference

TV news broadcast on 19 October


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

FBiH HoP on education

Events marking DPA anniversary

Jelavic’s case, update

Zepce schools boycott to an end

Cavic – Rycroft meeting

Terzic meets Borrell and Rehn

Scientists on constitutional issues

Terzic visited EU Parliament

BiH HoP to adopt PBS Law?

Radomir Lukic’s professorship to end

Cavic on future status of Kosovo

Cavic meets Rycroft


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Izetbegovic’s death anniversary

Terzic meets Rehn

OHR follow up on Lukic’s removal

EC to recommend start of SAA neg.

FBiH HoP in session

Rehn proposes negotiations with BiH

Earthquakes in Pakistan and India

CoE’s Monitoring Team meets Pasic

Rycroft & RS leaders on constitution

Update on bird flue epidemics

Izetbegovic’s death anniversary

Cavic: Kosovo & RS not connected



Liberation Square to Alija Izetbegovic

Dnevni Avaz

Marking of A. Izebtegovic’s death: A symbol of your existence and human upraise

Dnevni List

BiH Court remains without indictees

Vecernji List

Mladen Bajic on Jelavic case : I have nothing to talk about with strangers

Slobodna Dalmacija

Fear from epidemics scared away poachers

Nezavisne Novine

No reason for fear [report on bird flu]

Glas Srpske

Painful life [feature story on refugees and DPs in Kotor Varos]


Parents suspect in doctors’ negligence [feature story on a baby that died in Prijedor]

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles


Liberation Square to Alija Izetbegovic



Conference on Dayton started in Geneva







BH Radio 1 by Elvir Bucalo – A two-day international conference dedicated to the tenth anniversary of Dayton Agreement signing opened in Geneva today. The participants will also address the issue of the future development of BiH in political, economic, security and cultural fields. The ambitiously designed conference is expected to answer the question is it better for BiH to go on with or without the Dayton Agreement and its provisions. The first participant in the debate, Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey openly called for change to Dayton in order for BiH to be able to meet demands of the integration processes. EU Enlargement Commissioner Ollie Rehn was even more concrete saying that ten years after Dayton and building the peace the time has come for building the state. Rehn announced that BiH would soon start talks with Brussels on SAA, which was a foundation of all further BiH steps towards EU. Rehn wondered if there was anywhere in the world a state with so many officials, presidents, ministers. Such the construction, according to Rehn, cannot properly respond to Europen integrations’ requirements.

RSNA rejects draft law on conflict of interests


RTRS, BH Radio 1 by Radmila Grubisa – RS National Assembly today rejected the draft law on conflict of interests in the RS government and its bodies. SNSD deputies had a number of objections to the provisions related to need for more precise definition of relation between financial interest and public office powers. They requested for the draft to be additionally worked out and they also initiated the same state law to be amended. The draft law lacked one vote to be passed.

HR Ashdown int/ with Der Standard


RTRS – The HR to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, has stated that a launch of the SAA talks with the EU will lead BiH into a new phase – Brussels phase. In an interview to Vienna daily “Der Standard”, HR said: “All that matters are results. My goal was to create a normal state of BiH and to bring it to the course of EU and NATO.” Responding to press question whether Dragan Cavic, RS President, is a reformist or nationalist, he responded it does not matter what he is but rather what he is doing.


Political issues

2nd anniversary of Izetbegovic’ death marked, Liberation Square renamed after Izetbegovic; Serb Orth. Church protests










BHT1 by Damir Simic – Second anniversary of the first BiH President Alija Izetbegovic’s death was marked on Wednesday. A commemoration was held in the National Theatre in Sarajevo. “Today, we have marked the anniversary in dignified way and showed that no opinions or decisions of the International Community could diminish significance of Izetbegovic’s actions”, said BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic. The Liberation Square in Sarajevo was re-named to Liberation Square of Alija Izetbegovic on the occasion. Sarajevo airport should have also been renamed after Izetbegovic, but the High Representative suspended the decision. PINK, Hayat, FTV – also report.  RTRS by Dragana Knezevic – RTRS reporter commented that the HR Paddy Ashdown visited Kovaci cemetery where Izetbegovic has been buried. At the same time, the Serb Orthodox Church protested against he renaming of the square stating that they respect the importance of Izetbegovic to Bosniak people, but see no reason for imposing identity to other religious groups in Sarajevo. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘The decision on renaming is unacceptable’ by N. N., EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Unacceptable renaming’ by D. S., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘He would not have done this’ by S. Mi. – also carries the reaction of the Church.  Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash ‘Symbol of our existence and human straightening up’, pg 2-3 ‘Thousands of citizens paid respect to first president of BiH’ by A.Malagic, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5  ‘Liberation Square to Alija Izetbegovic’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Name of Alija Izetbegovic officially given to Square of Liberation’ not signed,Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Liberation – Alija Izetbegovic Square named in Sarajevo’, by Z. Rerig, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Izetbegovic gets square and memorial’, by dja, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Sarajevo got the Square of Alija Izetbegovic’ by R. Cengic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Alija’s name on plate’ by Fena – also covered.

Commemoration in Banja Luka cancelled only few hours before it was commenced  


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Commemoration to Alija Izetbegovic cancelled’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘USA military orchestra ‘cast out’ Izetbegovic’ by A. Macanovic – RS Vice President Adil Osmanovic said that it was highly improper to cancel the commemoration for Alija Izetbegovic in Banski dvori, Banja Luka, only several hours before it was commenced. He added that is a consequence of the HR’s decision [without explaining any further]. On the other side, B. Dvori management says that the commemoration was cancelled because of the security demands for the concert held by the US air fleet orchestra in the same premises. US Embassy answered it had scheduled the concert long time ago, denying it ever asked for special security measures or that it knew the event collided with any other.

Cavic meets Rycroft: There will be no talks on const. changes which would terminate RS; Chief SAA negotiation to be an expert from RS; directorate for police reform to be established by 31 Oct


RTRS by Sinisa Mihailovic – The new BiH Constitution would be adopted by consensus of all three people and would guarantee better and less complicated BiH functioning on its way to EU, stated UK Ambassador to BiH, Matthew Rycroft after the meeting with RS President Dragan Cavic and RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic. Cavic underlined “it is impossible to discuss constitutional changes in BiH which should result in the termination of the RS.”  Cavic also confirmed the RS will delegate the chief BiH negotiator with EU, adding he will demand that the duty is performed not by the politician but a representative of all RS citizens. ”Basically, the SAA… [consists of] 90% economic and only 10 % of political issues. So, now that we are heading the negotiations process, it’s very important for us to concentrate on who will be the leading negotiator and what the [negotiating] team would look like,” said Cavic. Bukejlovic told Rycroft the issues of certain changes inside BiH should be resolved by amending the constitution rather than individual reforms, adding the reforms are stripping RS of authorities and making BiH centralised. BHT 1 – Prior to opening SAA talks, BL authorities said that they were to do all in their power for Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Stojan Zupljanin to be arrested. Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Police Reform Directorate to be formed by 31 December’ by N.D. – Dragan Cavic and Matthew Rycroft also discussed the police reform during their meeting in Banja Luka, and the RS President informed that the Directorate for implementation of the police reform should be established by the end of this year. “It is up to entity governments to decide how and on which principles [Directorate] will work. Currently all options regarding the most problematic issue, crossing of the IEBL, are possible,” said Cavic. PINK, FTV, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘There is no constitutional changes without RS’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘EU is working hard in order to commence negotiations with BiH’ by A. Sekulic inset ‘Cavic: there can be no talks on BiH Constitution without RS’, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘A step closer to Europe’ by M. S. – Srna, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘A new page was turned over’ by D. Vrhovac – Mihajlovic – also reported. 

FBiH HoP concludes special session on education: no changes in education without changes in constitution


PINK, Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘To ensure education on mother tongue’ by A.Dedajic, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘There are no changes in education without change to the Constitution’ A. Terzic, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Necessity of passing new Constitution’ by dja, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 19 ‘Violence of majority over minority’ by B. Kristo– Following the two-day session on education, the FBiH House of Peoples urged all BiH institutions with authority over education to ensure to all the right to education is based on a curriculum and language of their own choosing. HoP at the same time condemned all obstruction of this right as undemocratic and discriminating. The House also stressed the need for a new BiH Constitution, which would adequately define the education system to the satisfaction of all constitutive peoples and national minorities. The House again called for the establishment and efficient work of education agencies at the state level – the agency for standards and grading and the agency for curricula.RHBby Zana RebaRHB comments that out of numerous conclusions adopted, the only concrete one is the obligation of the members of Parliamentary Board for Education, Culture, Science, Sport and Youth Issues to visit all the cantons within 60 days in order to assess problems in education. It adds that by outvoting eight Croat representatives, FBiH HoP adopted proposals of Nermin Pecanac and Miro Lazovic by which the CoM is obliged to enforce temporary measurements on legal and administrative unification of ‘two schools under the same roof’.

SDHR Ney met Minister Pecelj: Lukic must leave


RHB, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Ney demanded evidence about suspension of payments to Lukic’ by NINA, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Lukic must be removed’ by Srna, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Lukic must leave’ not signed – The Senior Deputy High Representative Martin Ney had requested RS Minister of Education Milovan Pecelj to provide written evidence that all salary payments to Radomir Lukic have been terminated; East Sarajevo University to declare that Lukic is no longer legally teaching at the University and that, any exams marked by him are null and void. Failure by the RS Government and Minister Pecelj to take action will be viewed as a defiance of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which cannot be tolerated and would have consequences, Ambassador Ney stated.

RS President Cavic: Independence of Kosovo would lead to radicalization in the region


PINK, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Independence of Kosovo would lead to radicalization in the region’, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Independence of Kosovo would de-stabilise the region’ by V. P., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘No negotiations with KosMet’ by G. Dakic – RS President Dragan Cavic and SCG parliamentary delegation expressed confidence in Banja Luka on Wednesday that the solution on the final Kosovo status will be made with consensus of parties involved in that process, adding that if Kosovo is given full independence that certainly radicalize the political situation in Europe. “If the principle of indisputability of state borders is abandoned that could then have a direct impact on the radicalisation of the political scene everywhere, especially in the region because of numerous unresolved issues and the consequences of conflict and that could be a cause of long term instability in the region”, Cavic said. Howeved, he added that he does not think that a link should be drawn between the status of Kosovo and the RS in BiH. Head of the SCG Parliamentary Group for Kosovo Veljko Obradovic stressed that the Albanian community is requesting independence, but he believes that this request will not get serious support anywhere. “Any unilateral or violent solution to that problem would only open numerous others and destabilize the entire region”, Obradovic said and expressed hope that everyone understands this.

Ashdown attends Geneva conference; VL: Covic to attend conf. on Dayton in Geneva/Covic and HDZ leadership are not in isolation


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Ashdown will talk on progress in last 10 years’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘BiH has passed the most difficult part of the road’, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Positive assessment ten years after Dayton’, by Z. Zekic – The HR, Paddy Ashdown, is taking part in two-day conference marking the tenth anniversary of Dayton which is being told in Geneva. The conference participants will look at what has been achieved in BiH in the last decade and what still has to be done. The OHR spokeswoman, Sanela Tunovic, stated that the HR will draw attention to the opportunities that have been opened up after reaching a police reform agreement in line with the EC’s three principles, and will emphasise that the governing structures set in place to create “a light-level state governing a highly decentralized country” must be made to work. The conference has gathered a large number of the domestic and international officials. PINK also announced on the conference. Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Conference on Dayton in Geneva’ by vi says that HDZ President Dragan Covic would also participate at the conference on DPA that takes place in Geneva and VL says that this is a clear sign that that Covic and the HDZ leadership are in a sort of isolation as it has been presented lately.

1st session of Org. Board for marking DPA anniversary


PINK, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘November and December on Dayton’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Plenary session of the BiH Parliament on 21 December in Sarajevo’, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘There is no expansion of EU without western Balkans’, not signed – The Organizing Board appointed by the BiH Presidency adopted on Wednesday the Framework Program for marking the 10th anniversary since the signing of the Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement. November 21, the date of the signing of the Agreement, will be marked in Sarajevo and the exact program will be agreed by the Organising Board. With a program titled “BiH Youth Wish to Thank for Growing up in Peace” young people will represent the culture and tradition of BiH in the NATO Camp at Butmir on December 20. The BiH Parliamentary Assembly will hold a plenary session on December 21. An exhibition of photographs titled “My BiH” by journalist and photojournalist Dusan Kecman from Banja Luka will be put on display in the lobby of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly.

Danas: Marking of 10th Dayton anniversary by USA depends on implementation of conditions set by US Administration 


Danas pgs 14 – 17 ‘USA will not insist on abolishment of RS’ by Z. Jukic – Danas sources learned that the US Administration is intending to mark this anniversary at the highest level if BiH authorities meet the US conditions. Danas says that marking of the anniversary would not just have a character of a ceremony but it will also mean a turning point for BiH since in that case the door for Euro-Atlantic integration would be opened and there would be also the US financial assistance. Danas says that a letter of the BiH Ambassador to the USA Bisera Turkovic sent to the BiH Presidency recently confirms this information. In this letter Turkovic says that she met with the US Assistant to the State Secretary for European and Asian Issues, Daniel Fried, who said that the level at which the DPA anniversary would be marked depends on implementation of the US conditions that BiH has to meet. According to Danas, these conditions are arrest of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, support to the proposed police reform model, to regulate a status of Brcko within BiH and to announce a reform of the BiH Constitution that would not endanger existence of the RS.

M. Raguz on const. changes/Laws on RTV


Danas pgs 22-25 ‘BiH has no future without new Constitution’ by E. Karamatic, Tonic Sarac carries an interview with Co-Chairman of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly House of Representatives Martin Raguz. Talking about constitutional changes Raguz says: ‘Without a new Constitution based on European principles, I am afraid that the division of the BiH society, in which territorial and institutional exclusiveness and domination would be preserved, would continue and this would cause permanent political tensions.’  Asked about the RTV laws, Raguz says: ‘Laws on public RTV system and service are two laws that make a whole and, perhaps, they illustrate the best complexity of the political situation in the country.’ He added that this is a reform law that had to meet conditions of the country as BiH is and Raguz believes that this law has not done it in a consistent manner. Asked to comment on the journalist’s conclusion that HDZ still has a possibility to block this law, Raguz says: ‘HDZ will not boycott House of Peoples sessions since this would be truly irresponsible…Our stand on the law has not changed and it is certain that Croat representatives in the HoP will stick to their stands until possible internationalization of the whole case.’

Avaz interview: Ambassador von Kittlitz on constitutional changes


Dnevni Avaz, pg 5 ‘One should not allow that third entity is made out of part of Federation of BiH’, by Sead Turcalo – Carries an interview with the German Ambassador to BiH, Arne Freiherr von Kittlitz, in which he mostly talks about constitutional changes in BiH and the country’s European aspirations. Regarding the former, the Ambassador welcomes the readiness of politicians to improve the country’s future, however he notices that representatives of any one ethnic group want to exclusively improve position of their people. Moreover, he says that one should not allow that a third entity is made out of a part of FBiH. Inset ‘High Representative from Germany ’ carries the Ambassador as commenting on possibility that Germany nominates its candidate for the new High Representative. Von Kittlitz says he is not in position to say much about the issue, because Germany is currently occupied with formation of a new government.

NHI: HDZ leaders should express their stands on const. changes to pol. parties’ leaders


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Covic’s and Jovic’s speculations on new constitution’, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Covic and Jovic must make their stance clear’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘To express stand on constitutional changes’ by NINA – The NHI press release says that HDZ leaders Dragan Covic and Chairman of the BiH Presidency Ivo Miro Jovic should finally express their political stands on constitutional changes before political parties’ leaders, ‘instead of throwing dust into eyes of manipulated people over media’. The press release also says that ‘by trying to curry favor with the US Administration, EU and OHR Covic has expressed at least 3 options for change of the BiH Constitution so far’.

HDZ’s Ljubic expects elections at HDZ would be repeated


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Elections in HDZ will be repeated’ by J. Blazevic – in a short interview to NN, Bozo Ljubic, who was an opponent to Dragan Covic at the latest elections at HDZ, is convinced inter-party elections will be repeated. He said it was wrong to use a party only to gain position and mandate, instead of using position and mandate to do something useful for people.

DL: OHR intervention has been expected since Commission for renaming of Mostar streets, squares etc. cannot reach consensus


Dnevni List pg 15, mentioned on cover ‘OHR’s intervention has been expected again’ by V. Soldo carries that the Commission in charge of renaming of Mostar streets, squares etc. cannot reach a consensus and for this reason it will not be able to come up with concrete proposals for renaming of the streets, squares etc. at the Mostar City Council session that takes place on Thursday (today). DL that for this reason it has been expected that Mostar Mayor Ljubo Beslic will come up with the proposal for renaming of 3 Mostar streets at today’s session. DL also says that it has been expected that the OHR will have to put an end to this issue since members of the aforementioned commission cannot reach an agreement.

Oslobodjenje op-ed on policy on national parties in BiH


Oslobodjenje, pg 9 ‘Patriots are dividing the treasure’, by Gojko Beric – Reminding that 4 former member of the BiH Presidency, namely Mirko Sarovic, Momcilo Krajisnik, Ante Jelavic and Dragan Covic, have all made it to the ‘defendant’s bench’, Beric says the aforementioned quartet is the evidence about the very nature of policy of national parties, the policy that has promoted its most prominent members into thieves of state property, donations, sponsors of war criminals and war criminals. Beric argues that the ruling national parties’ rhetoric has come down to one and only issue: inequality and endangered status of respective peoples.

NN op-ed on Dodik’s trial: “The end of dirty story”

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘The end of dirty story’ by Pero Simic – Writing about the trial against Milorad Dodik, the author stresses acquittal has proved this was a political process, blaming leading officials of SDS, PDP and also some IC officials of having framed this process against “politically unsuitable” Dodik at that time.


Terzic in Brussels / Opening SAA talks

Terzic meets Rehn: BiH talks with EU start on 12 December














Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘BiH talks with EU start on 12 December’, announced on cover ‘Everything in Brussels is in the sign of positive energy for BiH’ by Sead Numanovic Adnan Terzic, BiH COM Chair, confirmed in a statement to daily that the aimed date for launchment of BiH’ SAA talks with EU is 12 December, stressing: “We were convinced that EC will do all it can to accelerate procedures necessary for getting an assent for commencement of talks. BiH COM is also to provide an assent, while aimed date is 12 December.” Terzic also announced during next two days of Geneva Conference, he will again meet with Olli Rehn, stressing: “The most important thing is the change that EC no longer speaks of Feasibility Study, but instead about the launch of the SAA talks. However, duty remains that PBS Law is passed at BiH HoP before launch of talks. Such a move of State Parliament would give enough space to EC to speed-up process of launch of SAA talks.” According to inset ‘A joint goal of EC and NATO’, Terzic stressed the overall atmosphere within EC and NATO has dramatically changed following adoption of Agreement on police reform, noting: “Everything is brimming with positive energy and it is obvious that EC, but also NATO, have a joint goal to see BiH continue on the path of integration ASAP.” Hayat -Rehn announced that the EC is going to give it’s recommendation for start of negotiations on SAA with BiH. FTVZinaida Hamidovic – Rehn said that it is possible now after the adoption of the police reform, whose implementation will be surprised by the EC. BiH’s failure to make progress and meet all the obligations could lead towards postponement in negotiations, Rehn added. Rehn also find adoption of public broadcasting system law positive, pointing out that it was an extremely relevant step in terms of SAA negotiations. PINK, BHT1, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Recommendation for talks (to start)’, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Negotiations on accession by end of year?’, by D. P., Nezavisne Novine pgs2-3 ‘EU cuts deadlines short, negotiations on December 12’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘A green light for negotiations’ by Beta – also reported on the meeting.

Terzic with Fontelles: European Parliament will put a maximum to support BiH’s path to EU


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Last obstructions have been rmeoved’, announced on cover ‘We have been brought in stalemate position’ by S.N. Adnan Terzic Wednesday also met with Joseph Borell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament, who stated: “European Parliament (EP) welcomes readiness of the EU to undertake larger responsibility in regard to BiH and its process of stabilisation and association. We expect this process will commence soon.” Fontelles, who said that EP will maximally support BiH on its path to Europe, also welcomed the adoption of the Agreement on police reform and PBS Law, stressing that last obstructions on the commencement of BiH course towards EU have been removed. Terzic expressed satisfaction over talks with the EP’s Parliament, noting: “BiH has no alternative to stabilisation and association path to EU. European institutions, European states and European citizens need a stabile region of western Balkans. We appeal on EP to view SAA process as a winning option for both western Balkans and EU. PINK, BHT1 – Borrell stated that the enlargement process of the EU won’t be finished until all West Balkans countries become EU members. RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘EU enlargement not to be completed without western Balkans countries’ – also reported.

BiH HoP expected to adopt PBS law on 31 Oct


BHT 1 – The BiH Public Broadcasting System Law should be adopted at next session of the BiH House of Peoples, scheduled for October 31. Croat Caucus, which opposes the adoption of the law, admits that it is an extremely important term for European integrations. “I am dissatisfied with the proposed solutions, which, I am afraid, are going to be adopted”, said the Chair of BiH HoP Velimir Jukic.

Avaz op-ed: Parties favor per diems to European integration

Dnevni Avaz, pg 3 ‘Per diem or integration’, by Sead Numanovic – The author is arguing that European institutions have speeded up the process pertaining to start of SAA talks to the maximum, however it would appear that the BiH authorities cannot keep up the pace. Namely, Numanovic underlines that the BiH Parliament has postponed the voting on the PBS law because of procedural reasons since some MPs are attending a seminar in Brussels. This triggers the author to say it would appear that an MP’s per diem was more important than the country’s European path. As a remedy and in order to catch up with its neighbors, Numanovic stresses that the decision-making process must be shortened and revamped, whilst the parties’ leadership have to roll up their sleeves.


Judicial issues

Regional cooperation in war crime processing: Different legal systems braking progress









Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘BiH Court remains without indictees’ by S. Bjelica – In cooperation with the BiH Court, the OSCE Mission in BiH together with its missions in Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro has organized a two-day meeting of experts on the regional cooperation in processing of war crimes, which started in Mostar on Wednesday. Talking at the meeting President of the BiH Court Medzida Kreso stated that certain progress among the states has been achieved, however, differences among legal systems of the these countries still present a shortcoming. Asked whether there is a possibility that without the regional cooperation the BiH Court remains without the indictees, Kreso said that it already happens. She also explained that there is a legal possibility to cede some cases to neighbouring states, however, there is also a legal obstacle for the crimes for which sentences are over 10 years in prison and it is impossible to cede such cases to a neighbouring country.  Vecernji List pg 10 ‘Croat(ian)s and Serb(ian)s would not be extradited to BiH’ by Z. Kresic also reports on this meeting and says that people in the BiH Prosecution and BiH Court believe that the war crimes should be processed in the countries in which they were committed. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘BiH Court might lose defendants’, announced on cover ‘We have been brought in stalemate position’ by F.Vele, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Different legal systems braking progress’, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 18 ‘Different systems slowing down catching of war criminals’, by Z. Zekic, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘They are seeking for a solution to obstacles to processing of war crimes’ by J. Blazevic – Also reported by

Bajic: I can talk about Jelavic case with M. Jurcevic/ VL on alleged scenario for Jelavic’s arrest at BiH border


Vecernji List cover pg splash ‘Bajic: I have nothing to talk about with strangers’ and pg 3 ‘Bajic: I will not talk with international judges’ by Z. Kresic says that Croatian State Attorney Mladen Bajic indirectly denied media reports that he talked about the Ante Jelavic case with Prosecutor John McNair by saying: ‘If there is a person that I should talk about the Jelavic case with then it is BiH Prosecutor Marinko Jurcevic.’ VL also says that people from the BiH Prosecution’s Special Department for Organized Crime and Corruption also denied that the meeting between Bajic and McNair took place and they added that McNiar is in Canada at the moment. VL also says that according to unofficial information McNair is trying to arrange a possibility that Jelavic becomes accessible to the BiH authorities. According to this scenario, Jelavic would accidentally appear at the border crossing between BiH and Croatia where he would be arrested by the BiH bodies.

Globus sources from BiH judiciary believe Jelavic received information about his sentence from circles closely coop. with OHR’s anti corruption team


Globus pgs 30-33, mentioned on cover ‘Jelavic asks for Mesic’s assistance’ by G. Malic carries says that Ante Jelavic had ran away to Croatia 2 days before the verdict against him was read. Globus also says that their sources from the BiH judiciary believe that Ante Jelavic received the information about his verdict  (10 years imprisonment) from the circle of people who closely cooperate with the OHR’s anti-corruption team and Globus says that this is a scandalous oversight of the OHR. According to BiH secret agencies, retired HVO Generals made possible Jelavic’s runaway from BiH through the channel that had been already used for hiding of war crime indictees. Globus also says that they are aware of the correspondence between Croatian security agencies and international organizations from which one can see that the crucial organizer of the rote for hiding and escape of the ICTY indictees is retired HVO General Stanko Sopta Baja. According to Globus, Croatian businessman Stipe Gabric Jambo visited Croatian president Stjepan Mesic on October 18 and he conveyed to Mesic messages from Jelavic, however, during this conversation Mesic insisted on respecting of court verdicts.

DA: Jurcevic and Bajic will talk about Jelavic today


Dnevni Avaz, pg 13 ‘Jurcevic and Bajic will talk about Jelavic today’, by F. V. – According to Avaz’s unofficial sources, the Chief Croatian Prosecutor, Mladen Bajic, will be meeting the Chief BiH Prosecutor, Marinko Jurcevic, at Mostar on Thursday. Allegedly, the main topic of the meeting will be the ‘Jelavic’ case, and Bajic will allegedly get the documentation from the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ trials. BHT 1 – also carries announcement of this meeting.

Update on new investigation on Leutar case


Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Witnesses of murder are not in BiH’, mentioned on cover ‘Witnesses of Leutar’s murder are hiding abroad’ by Z. Jurilj – In a new investigation on the assassination of late FBiH Deputy Minister of Interior Jozo Leutar, launched by the Cantonal Prosecution in Sarajevo, it has been waited for questioning of an unknown number of witnesses who have hidden abroad. Spokesperson of the aforementioned Prosecution Oleg Cavka said that a certain progress has been achieved in the investigation. VL also says that the Prosecution has been thinking about transferring of this case to a higher level (to the FBiH Prosecution or the BiH Prosecution) since there are no legal possibilities for processing of the crime from the area of terrorism at the Cantonal level. 


Economic issues

SDP accuses SDA/HDZ of adopting changes to FBiH Privatisation Law in favour of their personal/parties interests





Hayat by Elma Kazagic – At the press conference held on Wednesday, the SDP criticized the amendments to FBiH Privatisation Law accusing SDA and HDZ of adopting them to move the privatisation process away from the institutions and enable individuals to decide on privatisation process in favour of their personal or party’s interests. According to SDP, privatisation of “Aluminij Mostar” is an example of an attempt to legalise certain illegal practices in privatisation progress. SDP Presidency member Hasan Becirovic stated that the new law would open the privatisation process for improvisations. Becirovic deems that in case of “Aluminij”, the value of capital was decreased illegally. He believes that the privatisation of “Aluminij” should have been decided on through arbitrage process. SDA didn’t comment SDP’s accusations. HDZ Spokesman Miso Relota described SDP’s accusations as “pointless stories used for everyday political purposes,” adding that they are not going to improve the prosperity of BiH. Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Property in hands of informal group’, Dnevni List pg 6 ‘FBiH Government legalizes privatization mistakes’ by M. Zorlak – also covered.

RS Finance Minister, RS PM met with World Bank representatives: RS fulfilled pre-requisites for loans


EuroBlic pg RS3, announced on cover ‘RS fulfilled pre-requisites for loans’ by S. V., Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘RS fulfilled pre-requisites for loans’ by P. K., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Srpska is fulfilling obligations’ by Lj. C. – RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic and RS Minister of Finance Svetlana Cenic on Wednesday held talks with Director of the World Bank for BiH and Regional Coordinator for Southeast Europe Orsalia Kalantzopoulos and Head of WB Office for BiH Dirk Reinermann. Talks focused on the WB projects and fulfilling the conditions for realization of World Bank’s loans. It was said that the RS has fulfilled the conditions for using these loans. Kalantzopoulos said that the situation in RS is evidently much better than in FBiH, noting that the use of credits is linked with fulfilling the conditions in the entire BiH.

On mtg Bukejlovic/ Rycroft/ Lawson on economic issues


Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Investors from Great Britain will invest in RS’ by NINA – RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic received on Wednesday British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft and Head of the British Embassy Office in Banja Luka Matthew Lawson. They talked about the current economic and political issues. Bukejlovic informed Rycroft about the privatisation process in the RS and efforts that the RS exerts in order to find strategic partners for some companies. It was concluded that there is a need and possibility for greater presence of the British investors in the RS and the RS Government and that the British Embassy will cooperate more intensively in the area.  

RS Finance Minister Cenic: contract on Sase mine needs to be changed

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘The Contract with Russians must be changed’ announced on cover ‘Cenic: the Contract with Russians needs to be changed’ by D. Risojevic – RS Minister of Finances Svetlana Cenic on Wednesday stated that the contract with Russian firm “Juzuralzoloto”, which was given the management over “Sase” mine, needs to be changed since it contains several unfavorable provisions. For example, the Contract enables the Russian Company not to pay contributions on salaries of employees, which, as Cenic said, represents a violation of laws.