RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Kosovo crisis update | Kosovo crisis update | SFOR soldiers in Kosovo | BiH officials on Kosovo |
Hays on Kosovo crisis | Security measures in BiH | Protests in Serbia | SFOR actions |
Cavic on Kosovo | RS officials on Kosovo | Macedonian reactions | Rose-Roth seminar |
CoM in session | SFOR troops in Kosovo | Packett on SFOR | RS MoF press- conference |
Oslobodjenje | Conflict between Albanians and Serbs spread to entire Serbia; OHR doesn’t want to comment before indictments: War crimes suspects stay on positions; Parallelism in FMO carried out by SDA; NHI: Some wanted to remove Zubak |
Dnevni Avaz | War in Kosovo?! |
Dnevni List | War: Kosovo: 22 dead and 600 injured persons; BiH Defence Minister: 7500 persons will be dismissed by end of June |
Vecernji List | SFOR is rushing to Kosovo; Fear of bloodshed in RS |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Head of Prison Kula, Jelavic’s jailer also on The Hague list; Murderer from Banja Luka found in Neum |
Glas Srpske | Serbs leaving Kosovo again: Alive with bundle; Synod of Serb Orthodox Church: To stop extermination |
Nezavisne Novine | Clashes of Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo: Executions at doorstep; Sarajevo: BiH prosecutors are not ready to process war crimes; The Hague Tribunal: Admiral Jokic sentenced to seven years imprisonment; Prosecutor’s Office investigation: Bogdan Vasic was advisor to Mirko Sarovic |
Slobodna Bosna | Why The Hague conducted investigation related to Alija Izetbegovic (late Honorary SDA President and wartime Republic of BiH/Bosniak leader)? |
Dani | Body of controversial (wartime BiH Army/police) commander to be buried in Sarajevo soon – Juka Prazina will be buried in the place of Halida Izetbegovic (late Alija Izetbegovic’s wife); High Representative making new democratic alliance |
BiH reactions to Kosovo crisis | |
BiH politicians react to Kosovo violence
| RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘He called citizens to calm down’, ‘Stronger security measures’, ‘Mosques in Belgrade and Nis burned down’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Cavic called on citizens not to cause incidents in RS’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 4 ‘Banja Luka: RS condemned new wave of terror’, Vecernji List front pg ‘Fear of bloodshed in RS’, pgs 4&5 ‘Blood from Kosovo also set RS on fire’, Dnevni List pg 11 ‘It would be naïve to believe that this is spontaneous development of events’- RS President Dragan Cavic commented on the events in Kosovo saying that they are dangerous not only for Serbia and Montenegro, but entire region, and urged all relevant authorities to make an additional effort toward resolving the crisis in Kosovo. At the press conference held in Banja Luka on Thursday, Cavic said that in his mind events in Kosovo can be described as way to start an adequate preparation of Albanians in Kosovo this year to finally resolve the status of Kosovo in a way that best suits them and to fulfil the wish for Kosovo as an independent state. He said that the worst response to the “Albanian extremism and terrorism is a response by Serb extremist” and urged all RS citizens to restrain from any form of incidents. BHTV 1 – Dragan Cavic also condemned arsons of mosques in Belgrade and Nis, and in this regard called on citizens to control their emotions so crisis would not escalate and spread out to BiH. Any similar attempt would have serious consequences for RS, warned Cavic. ”MoI took certain measures, starting tonight, to prevent possible dishonoring of property and religious objects”, said Dragan Cavic. RS National Assembly Speaker Dragan Kalinic also condemned the violence, but didn’t exclude possibility of peaceful protests in cities of RS. FTV – “That events in Kosovo were to be qualified… like anywhere in the world in these kind of situations, as attacks on civilians, as terrorism and national extremism, as persecutions, burnings and ethnical cleansing. They were sadly different, because of the situation that has occurred during the night in Serbia,” said Dragan Cavic. “I invite RS citizens to understand and comprehend this situation in Kosovo, but also to understand that any kind of attempt, similar to those in Belgrade and Nis, would have very harsh consequences for RS,” said Dragan Cavic. RSNA Speaker, Dragan Kalinic said that Serbs in Kosovo are endangered people. “We all accept this with strong emotions and lot of negative charge. It is hard to prevent our people to express their emotions. From this spot of RSNA Speaker and President of strongest political party in RS, I can only appeal that if that is being done, that it should be done in a civilized way,” said Dragan Kalinic. RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic also condemned the violence in Kosovo, saying it could affect the stability of the whole region. “When it comes to BiH,… I believe that this will not affect us, even though there is a certain amount of concern,” said Sulejman Tihic, Chairman of BiH Presidency. “I think that someone gave a sign to separatists, even terrorists, in Kosovo to go on the offensive to ensure the separation of Kosovo from Serbia, which is a violation of the UN Resolution”, said Nikola Spiric, speaker of the BiH House of Representatives. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘This will never happen again to people of BiH if they respect their own institutions and tolerate each other’ – BiH Foreign Minister, Mladen Ivanic, stated for DA that his message to BiH citizens in the light of Kosovo violence outbreak is that they should continue to respect their institutions and each other, which “is the best way to ensure similar things never to happen here again.” Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Unforeseeable consequences for the situation in the region’ carries that the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release strongly condemning the conflicts in Kosovo, that might have unforeseeable consequences for the situation and complete position of the region. Both Dnevni Avaz and Oslobodjenje carried this statement. BHTV1, FTV, RHB, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover splash ‘Conflict between Albanians and Serbs spread to entire Serbia’, pgs 4&5 ’22 killed and 600 injured in conflict’ [daily brings dozens of articles on Kosovo situation], Dnevni Avaz page splash ‘War in Kosovo?’, pgs 2&3 entirely dedicated to Kosovo, Glas Srpske cover pg story ‘Alive with bundle’, Nezavisne Novine cover, pgs 2&3 ‘Executions at doorstep’ – all largely covered escalated violence in Kosovo and Serbia. |
Ashdown, Hays on Kosovo violence outburst | Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Nothing can be achieved through violence’, ONASA – The High Representative Paddy Ashdown stated commenting the latest outburst of violence in Kosovo that nothing can be achieved through violence. RHB – “Last night’s torching of mosques in Belgrade and Nis show how inflammable the situation in the region can be when we are not present in full capacity”, Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays said commenting on latest events in Serbia and Montenegro. Hays said in Sarajevo on Thursday that the reaction by NATO and the EU was very quick and that the latest information show that the situation is calming down. “The progress that has been achieved in BiH is a result of tolerance present here”, Hays said. “I think that things cannot happen just like that here”, he added. |
Colak on security situation in BiH | BHTV 1, FENA – BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak is of the opinion that the latest developments in Serbia and Kosovo will not have a negative impact on the security situation in the country and its surroundings if the unrest is immediately halted. “Unfortunately, if the unrest escalates and is not halted very quickly, it is certain that it can have negative consequences for the whole region,” Minister Colak has told journalist. He said that the latest developments in Serbia and Kosovo are proof that European levels of civilization have still not been achieved in the region. Media also reported that both FBIH and RS Interior Ministries strengthened security measures, while State Border Service also reinforced its controls on the BiH border crossings. |
SFOR sends troops to Kosovo | BHTV 1, RHB, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘SFOR’s actions in RS, moving of forces from BiH to Kosovo’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘US and Italian soldiers from BiH sent to Kosovo’ – SFOR spokesperson Dave Sullivan confirmed that NATO sent 100 US soldiers from Tuzla to Kosovo in support of KFOR operations. He said that a further deployment is being reviewed, but was unable to talks about deatails for operational reasons. Sullivan refused to speculate on a possible expansion of the conflict in Kosovo to BiH, but said that the deployment of SFOR soldiers to Kosovo would not undermines SFOR’s ability to carry out peacekeeping and stability operations in BiH. He explained that SFOR carries out planning of support operations for KFOR at the request of NATO forces, as well as that it is a part of NATO’s ability to deploy soldiers in situations on threat. UK will send addition 750 troops to KFOR. |
Defence and security issues | |
Rose-Roth seminar commences in Sarajevo
| FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Next three months of vital importance for BiH’ Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘BiH meets conditions for PfP’, Dnevni list pg 7 ‘To be cautious when passing decision on replacement of SFOR forces’ – Three day Rose-Roth seminar on Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by the BiH Parliament and NATO Parliamentary Assembly, started on Thursday in Sarajevo. The Rose-Roth program, named after its initiators Congressman Charlie Rose and Senator Bill Roth, defines the forms of cooperation between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. The seminar will last three days, and during that period participants will deal with issues of regional security policy and process of integration of BiH into Euro-Atlantic structures. The first BiH Defence Minister, Nikola Radovanovic addressed the participants stressing that reforms regarding the establishment of Defence Ministry is one of the key issues for BiH to solve. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Next weeks key to PfP memebrship’ – In his introductory speech, BiH HoR Speaker Nikola Spiric said the defence was probably the most painful reform in BiH, adding that “full engagement and responsibility at all authority levels” are requested. PDHR Donald Hays stated that in next few weeks BiH is to show whether it is ready to join PfP: “The steps you carried out regarding the defence reforms ensured more security for entire country. BiH now moves slowey, behind its neighbors, but if this country can fulfill its obligations,… the doors will open.” BHTV 1, Vecernji list pg 4 ‘To arrest Karadzic before NATO’s departure’– Chairman of the BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic Tihic stressed it is necessary that the state and entity security structures be fully engaged independently and together with SFOR on the arrest of war criminals. He added that it was expected to have top war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic arrested before the replacement of SFOR forces with the EU forces. RTRS, Dnevni List front, pg 2 ‘7.500 people will be discharged by end of June’ – the BiH Defence Minister, Nikola Radovanovic, speaking at the “Rose-Roth” seminar that is being held in Sarajevo, stated that principals of the BiH MoD would soon propose appointment of the Chief of Joint HQ of BiH armed forces and two of his deputies, as well as the Chief of the Operative HQ and two of his deputies. Furthermore, Minister Radovanovic notes: “By end of May, there is a plan to hire 65% of staff in the Ministry of Defence, in the Joint HQ and in the Operative HQ. It is estimated that the level of 65% of the total personnel would be treated as fulfilling of one of important conditions”, adding that there is plan to reduce staff in both the entity MoDs by 25%. Saying that the plan is to downsize the structure by 7.500 people by end of June, Minister Radovanovic expressed conviction that BiH would join the Partnership for Peace programme in June this year. DL also carries the Head of Department for cooperation on defence issues with the NATO’s Defence Policy and Planning Department, George Katsirdakis, who said that one could not say with certainty that BiH would become a member of the PfP in June. “We will wait and see what happens”, said Katsirdakis. |
SFOR carries out search in Ozren area | FTV, BHTV 1, RHB, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘SFOR is looking for illegal arms caches’, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘SFOR’s actions in RS, moving of forces from BiH to Kosovo’, Dnevni List pg 11 ‘Action aimed at revealing of illegal arms caches’, Vjesnik pg 10 ‘SFOR in search after Karadzic on Ozren mountain’ – SFOR troops carried out another operation of searching for illegal weaponry in the region of Ozren mountain. Regarding today’s action SFOR spokesman gave statement. All access roads towards nearby orthodox monastery St Nikola were blocked. RTRS – The operation was carried out in the cooperation with local police. The search was also carried out in the Gracanica municipality in Federation of BiH. Reporters were not allowed to pass the SFOR barricade. Citizens living in that municipality were detained for several hours. Only after several hours SFOR has informed of conducting search for illegal weapons in Petrovo and Gracanica. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘They looked for Karadzic, or illegal weapons?’ – Avaz speculates that as Monastery was blocked and oversaw by SFOR using helicopter, there were rumours that this operation was aimed at the arrest of Ratko Mladic or Radovan Karadzic, but this was denied by SFOR later in the day. Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘They looked for Karadzic, but detained journalists’ – Daily brings that according to interview Petrovo dwellers, the aim of the operation was to arrest Karadzic. |
Terzic, Radovanovic meet NATO and EU officials | BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘EU troops will have same authorities’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘NATO forces stay in BiH’ – BiH officials and representatives of the EU and NATO met in Sarajevo on Thursday, where it was said that NATO will remain in BiH even after SFOR hands over its mandate to EU armed forces. The meeting was attended by BiH Prime Minister Adnan Terzic, Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic and his deputies Enes Becirbasic and Marina Pendes, and Peter Faith and Robert Serry on behalf of the EU High Representative for Foreign Politics and Security and NATO Secretary General. Serry said that this visit is aimed at preparations for the transfer of SFOR’s mandate to EUFOR. “The EU armed forces will have the same authority in BiH as NATO’s forces, but with certain differences,” Faith said, explaining that these forces will cooperate with the EU Police Mission to BiH, Minister Radovanovic and NATO. FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Decision on military mission in consultation with BiH authorities’ – Terzic added that transfer of mandates would not take place without involvement of the BiH politicians. |
Nikolic accuses SDA for parallelism in FBiH Defence Ministry | Oslobodjenje cover, pg 8 ‘Parallelism in FBiH Defence Ministry carried out by SDA’ – Following a number of media reports and statements accusing him of supporting parallelism within the FBiH Defence Ministry, Minister Miroslav Nikolic stated for Oslobodjenje that his every document has to be signed by his assistant for legal issues, Lutvo Mehonic, on behalf of Bosniak side. This, claims Nikolic, represents interference with minister’s work and is a parallelism carried out by SDA. “As the first man of Defence Ministry, I would be satisfied the most if there were no parallelism and for this to be a system without any behind-the-curtain games,” says Nikolic adding he is looking forward to establishment of the team, consisting of both Croat and Bosniak representatives, and the members of the international community, which would investigate the situation in the Ministry related to parallelism. |
Packett on SFOR reductions | BHTV 1 – SFOR Commander in BiH, admiral Virgil Packett said that security situation in BiH was satisfactory: “This surrounding is safe and we believe it is time to reduce a number of SFOR troops here. At the moment we have around 12 000 soldiers and by June this number will reduced to less than 7000 soldiers. During summer we will control security situation and judge. Regarding US soldiers, whether there is one or 20000 US soldiers, US supports you and you can count on our help”. |
Political developments | |
CoM fails to adopt Higher Education Law | RHB, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Law on education was not adopted’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘No quorum no law’, Slobodna Dalmacija back pg ‘Law on higher education removed from agenda’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Law on higher education sent to extraordinary session’ – At the session on Thursday, the BiH Council of Ministers again failed to discuss the Draft Framework Law on Higher Education. BiH Minister of Human Rights and Refugees Ivica Marinovic on Thursday told the press that the draft was not considered due to the new circumstances. “This law was on the daily agenda of the 44th session of the CoM, when it was working in composition of nine members, and now we have ten members. The session held on Thursday will be followed by resumption of the 44 session for the purpose of considering the Higher Education Law. It is also necessary to state that Ministers Mladen Ivanic and Branko Dokic, who had participated in the latest session, were not here on Thursday, and thus, it was not possible to consider the Higher Education Law”, said Marinovic. Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Show by Deputy Minister Marinovic’ – Daily writes that after journalists asked Marinovic why the Law was not discussed if Chairman CoM Adnan Terzic was the one who previously included it in the agenda, he answered: “I don’t know what you got in those materials, and probably that was technical mistake. The agenda did not include the discussion on [this] Law.” Oslobodjenje writes that after journalists insisted that he responds, Marinovic admitted the Chairman establishes the draft agenda, but that means that some item can be taken off.” BHTV 1 – Deadline for adoption of the Law by 31 March is a condition for World Bank credit in amount of 42 million US dollars. OSCE, OHR, World Bank and Council of Europe expressed their concern. FTV – CoM didn’t also discuss the Law on State Holidays, as the Ministers couldn’t agree on 25 November, as a day of victory against fascism. Agreement about transfer of responsibility of institutions from Entity to State level and formation of High Judiciary and Prosecutors Council of BiH. Decision about payment of 100 KM to women employed in State institutions was accepted. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Ministry of Civil Affairs calls on Ivanic and Dokic because of Education law’ – Following the CoM session, BiH Civil Affairs Ministry issued a press statement which said that “various obstructions in the Council of Ministers, procedural manoeuvres and deliberate absences by certain ministers, as was the case today, are deliberately postponing the process of propose this law.” Asked by journalists whether CoM will take responsibility in case BiH fails to meet deadline of 31 March, Marinovic said: “It will be known who brought to … law being or not adopted.” In separate article ‘Ivanic: Press Statement by Minister Halilovic is just political gossip’ DA brings that Dokic was attending the broadcasting conference in Belgrade, while Ivanic stated that the only reason he did not attend the session was the fact that he was on the official trip. |
Colak on education reforms | Dnevni List pg 9 ‘Right to language labeled as segregation’ – The President of HDZ BiH, Barisa Colak stated: “We have clearly and loudly said that we were for all forms of reforms in BiH, including the education reform. On the other hand, that reform must abide by certain constitutional principles and standards which exist in multi-national European communities. Croats simply must have a right to language, own tradition and culture, curriculum and education institute. One should not forget that the Croats are the smallest people in BiH (…) There used to be a change of thesis, and the right to education in own language was confronted by a thesis that it’s about segregation, which makes no sense. If that were segregation, than I ask, what’s with the right of national minorities in other countries to have education in their own language”. |
SNSD invites people to join protests on 23 March | Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Protests is a test of maturity of citizens and authority’ – In a brief interview to NN, Krstan Simic, SNSD Vice President, has called on RS citizens to take part at the protest on 23 March and openly present their views regarding the current authority. SNSD is of the view that the coming protests represents a test of maturity of citizens and authority. He expects this would be the biggest protest so far held at Krajina Square. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘They will not quarrel us’ – The RS Parliament Speaker, Dragan Kalinic, denied accusations that the authority is getting prepared to prevent the protests scheduled for 23 March in Banjaluka. He also said that those well intended people, who following the alleged study by some Ljubljana Institute of IFIMES, want to quarrel SDS and Banjaluka. But they will fail in this attempt. Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘If there are extraordinary elections, it is uncertain he would win’ – In a statement for DA, SNSD Leader says that protests to be held in Banja Luka on 23 March that will call for early elections are “normal reaction to the authorities which aliened themselves from the people.” He adds that the protests are a part of long-term opposition’s actions and ignorance of the authorities towards the problems. Dodik said if early elections are to be held, it is uncertain who would win. |
Korac: early elections would not solve anything | Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Early elections would not solve anything’ – Deputy Director of the BiH Election Commission, Lidija Korac, stated for daily that often calls on early elections are not justified, adding that politicians oriented towards these initiatives are not aware of the fact that extraordinary elections would not achieve anything: “To hold early elections, first of all, we need to ensure money, which is difficult and since gathering of money for local elections goes slowly. The BiH Election Commission can declare early elections… but one should keep in mind that new authorities would be composed only in 2005.” Additionally, Korac adds that such new authorities would rule only to 2006, when new general elections would take place. |
VL int with Grahovac on FBiH Govt crisis | Vecernji List pg 7 ‘I will not stop until Paddy Ashdown punishes Vrankic’ by Z. Mihaljevic – VL carries a short interview with FBiH Deputy Prime Minister Gavrilo Grahovac regarding the current crises of the FBiH Government. Grahovac says that he could not stay dumb to the statements given by FBiH Prime Minister Dragan Vrankic and Grahovac added: “Certainly I demand that High Representative Paddy Ashdown sanctions Vrankic. I am expecting it to happen with good reason and I will not stop until he (the HR) declares himself on this issue.” Grahovac also claims that the things that HDZ states as a problem are not a problem indeed and that it would be stupid and irresponsible towards the people who voted for these politicians if it turned out that SDA and HDZ could not agree about some personnel solutions. |
Halilovic on FBiH Government | Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘SBiH will not interfere’ – Leader of Party for BiH, Safet Halilovic, stated that SBiH will not interfere with the matters of SDA and HDZ, but that it will participate in the talks regarding the work of FBiH Government. Halilovic adds that his party is interested in general issues: “FBiH Government to date achieved significant successes, especially when it comes to the regulation of electro-energetic sector. It gave bigger significance to the issues related to culture, art, but they are also weak spots in its work. It ignored the standards of citizens, pensioners and students.” |
VL on Party for BiH | Vecernji list pg 6 ‘Silajdzic’s people would create coalition wit SDU’ – VL carries that Party for BiH increasingly flirt with the opposition parties thus creating a manoeuvring area on the eve of the upcoming local elections. VL add that the announcement of a stronger cooperation between SBiH and SDU is obviously continuation of quibbling but very successful police of this part, which ahs been in power since its establishment. According to the article, such behaviour irritates SDA leaders who accuse SBiH of political inconsistence and even of obstructions of reforms processes in the state Parliament. |
Dani: HR making new democratic alliance?! | Dani pgs. 18-19, mentioned on the front page ‘HR making new democratic alliance?!’ by Vildana Selimbegovic – Although Sulejman Tihic, Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency and SDA President, and Barisa Colak, BiH Security Minister and HDZ BiH leader, have been attempting to leave impression that the new agreement between the Federation partners is just about to be reached, as always, the truth is completely different. There is no (HDZ-SDA) collation any more either at cantonal, or federal or state level, according to Selimbegovic. “The time they bare trying to get is actually just a panic searching for a space caused by the most recent signals coming from OHR, and which are not diplomatic at all,” wrote Selimbegovic. Paddy Ashdown, according to the Dani editor, has lost patience for his local associates he has been politely describing as reformed nationalists for year and a half now. He therefore made it clear to them he was prepared for extremely radical actions: early elections or return of the alliance (of democratic forces). Well-informed Dani sources close to the international community claim that the second option is more realistic/visible simply because BiH has been running out of time for any early/extraordinary elections, Selimbegovic concluded. |
Oslobodjenje on issues inside NHI | Oslobodjenje cover, pg 7 ‘They wanted to bring Zubak down and take control over NHI’ – Daily wrties that Nikola Grabovac, Mijo Anic, Stanko Sliskovic and Zeljka Ticinovic, all members of the NHI [New Croat Initiative] Presidency, tried to carry out coup in the party and bring president Kresimir Zubak down together with his trusted associates. Apparently, several days before the NHI Congress, met in Sarajevo to discuss the details of the plan to “get rid of” Zubak, planning to put Mijo Anic to his position. Zubak confirmed that such plan did exist, but were discovered at the session of NHI Presidency on Wednesday. Oslobodjenje brings that following the session, Zubak was seen of having a meeting with HR Paddy Ashdown in one of Sarajevo cafés, but daily did not bring details of that meeting. |
Slobodna Bosna on Mostar | Slobodna Bosna pgs. 23-25 ‘After SDA and HDZ lost war for divided Mostar they are continuing battle for seats in the unified town’ By Danka Savic – Early this week, the new Mostar Statute imposed late in January by High Representative Paddy Ashdown officially came into effect. According to the author, at the day of the Mostar six municipalities abolishment (March 15), Ashdown was smiling in front of the cameras in Mostar and later he told journalists it was about a historic event marking the beginning of the genuine town’s unification. However, nothing new could have been felt in Mostar since the first day of this week and closer to the truth would be to say there is a general confusion in the town on how the HR’s decision/Statute will be implemented. Savic claims that, formally, the pre-conditions for the unification of Mostar have been created. The leading political structures in the town working only for the purpose of their narrow personal/political interests, however, represent a huge obstacle to the continuation pf the process, according to SB reporter. “OHR has obviously wanted to satisfy just form and show the implementation of its decision has been going in accordance to the plan. At the same time, for any further developments the ball is now in the Mostar leaders’ court. That is why Mostar Mayor Hamdija Jahic is in a particularly unpleasant situation since he found himself in gap between the personal and party’s (SDA) interests,” concluded Savic. |
War crimes | |
Todorovic on processing war crimes cases in BiH
| Nezavisne Novine cover, pg 4 ‘BiH prosecutors are not ready to process war crimes’ – President of the RS Helsinki Board for Human Rights, Branko Todorovic, claims that some prosecutors in BiH are not ready to investigate into war crimes committed in BiH during the war. Marinko Jurcevic, BiH Chief Prosecutor, disagrees adding: “There just is not material and formal presumption that Prosecutor’s Office should investigate into war crimes cases.” Refik Hodzic, Spokesperson of ICTY Outreach Programme to BiH, said that there are certain problems, noting that some prosecutors would just like to see those cases disappear. Jan Erik Oja, President of HJPC, is convinced there is no reason for any concern that local prosecutor’s would not be able to process war crimes cases. |
Oslobodjenje on claims that war crimes suspect have senior positions in judiciary and police | Oslobodjenje cover, pg 6 ‘War crimes suspects stay on notable positions’ by Az. Kalamujic – Article follow the story that appeared in daily yesterday on more than 20 persons with possible war crimes charges working as senior officials in RS police and judiciary. Also, the article claimed that OHR and IC were familiar with details of reports on these people. Today, it brings OHR reactions that evidences on connection of police with war crimes should be reported to Prosecutor and EUPM, and the evidences against those in judiciary to be filed with HJPC. OHR Spokesperson Oleg Milisic did not want to confirm whether OHR was informed on the individuals listed in the article yesterday. “Judging from this, it is obvious that the stronger international organization in BiH has no intent to suspend persons [with] dossiers with evidences on the war crimes, based on which ICTY found that there was enough ground for indictments, from their functions,” concludes the article. |
Srebrenica Commission will complete report by end of July
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Report by the end of July’ – The Chairman of the Srebrenica Commission, Marko Arsovic, stated for Oslobodjenje that the Commission sent the letter to RS Government demanding from authorities to ensure that the Commission has adequate premises, technical capacities and better finances. The commission on Wednesday held the meeting with the RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerervic, presenting him with these demands. Arsovic adds that despite all the problems in the work of the Commission, it will produce the report by the end of July, meeting the deadline given by the RS Government. |
On alleged new bills of indictment against BiH Croats | Dnevni List pg 4 ‘No information about new bills of indictment’ – Croatian Minister of Justice Vesna Skare-Ozbolt stated that she does not know anything about the information published by Sarajevo based media, which say that new bills of indictment against 6 Croats are to arrive to Zagreb. DL says that the OHR also denied the information that High Representative Paddy Ashdown will receive the new bills of indictment first. DL says that according to their information, if the bills of indictment arrive they will be forwarded to BiH authorities and not to the OHR. |
Economic issues | |
RS Govt removes Director of RS PIO
| Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Government again removed director’, Nezavisne Novine pg 11 ‘Ilic removed again’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Ilic removed again’ – RS Government on Thursday again removed Dragutin Ilic from the position of the Director of Health Insurance Fund. Government has launched procedure for the election of the new director. Government also decided that Svetozar Radulovic should remain on position as Acting Director of PIO Fund in the period of 60 days, until the open competition is announced and new Director elected. |
Editorial on OHR and Foreign Ministry’s tourism initiative
| Nezavisne Novine pg 7 ‘Tourism’ by Josip Blazevic – The High Representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, and BiH Deputy Foreign Minister, Lidija Topic, will announce today a joint initiative regarding the change of image of BiH, with special attention to increase of number of tourists in 2005. According to the OHR Spokesperson, Kevin Sullivan, this initiative includes improvement of tourist infrastructure during 2004 and a large European campaign, which will be launched in May this year. The author commends this initiative, noting that tourism sector has not been regulated and defined, since there is no strategy, roof institution and tourist association at BiH level. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘OHR and Foreign Ministry to spearhead re-branding of BiH’ – brings announcement of the presentation. |
OHR urges FBiH Parliament to adopt amendments to Bankruptcy Law
| Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘To adopt amendments to the Bankruptcy Law’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘To adopt amendments to Law on Bankruptcy as soon as possible’ – OHR spokesperson Kevin Sullivan stated that the OHR calls on the Federation of BiH Parliament to adopt amendments to Law on Bankruptcy as soon as possible and thus place the interests of BiH workers on the first place. Sullivan added that the amendments envisage recovery of companies and preservation of places of work. |
Terzic on BiH economic development | Dnevni Avaz pg 17 ‘We want to reduce unemployment for 30% by 2007’ by M.D.A. – In an interview for DA, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, says that regarding the economic development, BiH is the country that got on the list of transitional countries only last year, but that it already achieved progress. This refers to reduction of trade deficit from 48% of GDP to 40%; change of the imported goods trend from raw wood materials to final products; growth of industrial production in both entities, and positive developments of the banking sector. Terzic also expressed satisfaction with the adoption of the mid-term BiH Development Strategy, which was supported by different political groups and also NGO sector. As the main goals of the strategy, Terzic outline reduction of the unemployment for 30% by 2007, and reduction of the poverty for 20%. |